python pyautogui working together with pynput - python

The subject is next, I´m doing some siple clickers with pyautogui but it lacks of control. Basically I want to be able to start and stop different scripts based on pyautogui. My idea was to combine the Listener function from pynput, but it doesn´t work properly . It starts when I press the assigned key, but I cannot stop it, why?
Here is some simle code:
from pynput.keyboard import Key, Controller, Listener
import time
import pyautogui as pg
pg.FAILSAFE = True
kb = Controller()
def on_press(key):
if key ==
pg.position(500, 500)
x = 20
while key is not Key.enter:
pg.moveRel(x, 0, duration=0.2)
with Listener(on_press=on_press) as listener:
I also have tried this loop:
while True:
if key==Key.enter:
pg.moveRel(x, 0, duration=0.2)
but nothing works.
Maybe someone can suggest me another module with controlling features, which can be good for clicker?

It's failing to stop because you are in a infinite loop when you do this:
while key is not Key.enter:
due to the fact that your on_press can't be called again and therefore the variable key will never change.
from pynput.keyboard import Key, Controller, Listener
import time
import pyautogui as pg
import threading
pg.FAILSAFE = True
kb = Controller()
threadExitFlag = threading.Event()
threadVar = None
def mouse_move_thread(threadExitFlag):
pg.position(500, 500)
x = 20
while not threadExitFlag.is_set():
pg.moveRel(x, 0, duration=0.2)
def on_press(key):
global threadExitFlag
if key ==
threadVar = threading.Thread(target=mouse_move_thread, args=[threadExitFlag]).start()
if key == Key.enter:
#Turns this macro back on
elif key == Key.esc:
if threadExitFlag.is_set():
with Listener(on_press=on_press) as listener:
To use this, you press space to start your mouse movement, then you can stop it by pressing enter. After this, you need to press esc key to reset the event that stops it which means to do this macro twice in a row you need to press:
space (start the macro)
enter (stop/kill the macro)
esc (reset flag, if you press space after this you can start the macro again)
I've tested it and it works 100%.


How to print lines when user chooses to do so but they are printed consecutively? [duplicate]

I am making a stopwatch type program in Python and I would like to know how to detect if a key is pressed (such as p for pause and s for stop), and I would not like it to be something like raw_input, which waits for the user's input before continuing execution.
Anyone know how to do this in a while loop?
I would like to make this cross-platform but, if that is not possible, then my main development target is Linux.
Python has a keyboard module with many features. Install it, perhaps with this command:
pip3 install keyboard
Then use it in code like:
import keyboard # using module keyboard
while True: # making a loop
try: # used try so that if user pressed other than the given key error will not be shown
if keyboard.is_pressed('q'): # if key 'q' is pressed
print('You Pressed A Key!')
break # finishing the loop
break # if user pressed a key other than the given key the loop will break
For those who are on windows and were struggling to find an working answer here's mine: pynput
from pynput.keyboard import Key, Listener
def on_press(key):
print('{0} pressed'.format(
def on_release(key):
print('{0} release'.format(
if key == Key.esc:
# Stop listener
return False
# Collect events until released
with Listener(
on_release=on_release) as listener:
The function above will print whichever key you are pressing plus start an action as you release the 'esc' key. The keyboard documentation is here for a more variated usage.
Markus von Broady highlighted a potential issue that is: This answer doesn't require you being in the current window to this script be activated, a solution to windows would be:
from win32gui import GetWindowText, GetForegroundWindow
current_window = (GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()))
desired_window_name = "Stopwatch" #Whatever the name of your window should be
#Infinite loops are dangerous.
while True: #Don't rely on this line of code too much and make sure to adapt this to your project.
if current_window == desired_window_name:
with Listener(
on_release=on_release) as listener:
More things can be done with keyboard module.
You can install this module using pip install keyboard
Here are some of the methods:
Method #1:
Using the function read_key():
import keyboard
while True:
if keyboard.read_key() == "p":
print("You pressed p")
This is gonna break the loop as the key p is pressed.
Method #2:
Using function wait:
import keyboard
print("You pressed p")
It will wait for you to press p and continue the code as it is pressed.
Method #3:
Using the function on_press_key:
import keyboard
keyboard.on_press_key("p", lambda _:print("You pressed p"))
It needs a callback function. I used _ because the keyboard function returns the keyboard event to that function.
Once executed, it will run the function when the key is pressed. You can stop all hooks by running this line:
Method #4:
This method is sort of already answered by user8167727 but I disagree with the code they made. It will be using the function is_pressed but in an other way:
import keyboard
while True:
if keyboard.is_pressed("p"):
print("You pressed p")
It will break the loop as p is pressed.
Method #5:
You can use keyboard.record as well. It records all keys pressed and released until you press the escape key or the one you've defined in until arg and returns a list of keyboard.KeyboardEvent elements.
import keyboard
print("You pressed p")
keyboard will read keypresses from the whole OS.
keyboard requires root on linux
As OP mention about raw_input - that means he want cli solution.
Linux: curses is what you want (windows PDCurses). Curses, is an graphical API for cli software, you can achieve more than just detect key events.
This code will detect keys until new line is pressed.
import curses
import os
def main(win):
win.addstr("Detected key:")
while 1:
key = win.getkey()
win.addstr("Detected key:")
if key == os.linesep:
except Exception as e:
# No input
For Windows you could use msvcrt like this:
import msvcrt
while True:
if msvcrt.kbhit():
key = msvcrt.getch()
print(key) # just to show the result
Use this code for find the which key pressed
from pynput import keyboard
def on_press(key):
print('alphanumeric key {0} pressed'.format(
except AttributeError:
print('special key {0} pressed'.format(
def on_release(key):
print('{0} released'.format(
if key == keyboard.Key.esc:
# Stop listener
return False
# Collect events until released
with keyboard.Listener(
on_release=on_release) as listener:
Use PyGame to have a window and then you can get the key events.
For the letter p:
import pygame, sys
import pygame.locals
BLACK = (0,0,0)
WIDTH = 1280
HEIGHT = 1024
windowSurface = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT), 0, 32)
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.key == pygame.K_p: # replace the 'p' to whatever key you wanted to be pressed
pass #Do what you want to here
if event.type == pygame.locals.QUIT:
neoDev's comment at the question itself might be easy to miss, but it links to a solution not mentioned in any answer here.
There is no need to import keyboard with this solution.
Solution copied from this other question, all credits to #neoDev.
This worked for me on macOS Sierra and Python 2.7.10 and 3.6.3
import sys,tty,os,termios
def getkey():
old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin)
while True:
b =, 3).decode()
if len(b) == 3:
k = ord(b[2])
k = ord(b)
key_mapping = {
127: 'backspace',
10: 'return',
32: 'space',
9: 'tab',
27: 'esc',
65: 'up',
66: 'down',
67: 'right',
68: 'left'
return key_mapping.get(k, chr(k))
termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
while True:
k = getkey()
if k == 'esc':
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
os.system('stty sane')
Non-root version that works even through ssh: sshkeyboard. Install with pip install sshkeyboard,
then write script such as:
from sshkeyboard import listen_keyboard
def press(key):
print(f"'{key}' pressed")
def release(key):
print(f"'{key}' released")
And it will print:
'a' pressed
'a' released
When A key is pressed. ESC key ends the listening by default.
It requires less coding than for example curses, tkinter and getch. And it does not require root access like keyboard module.
You don't mention if this is a GUI program or not, but most GUI packages include a way to capture and handle keyboard input. For example, with tkinter (in Py3), you can bind to a certain event and then handle it in a function. For example:
import tkinter as tk
def key_handler(event=None):
if event and event.keysym in ('s', 'p'):
'do something'
r = tk.Tk()
t = tk.Text()
r.bind('<Key>', key_handler)
With the above, when you type into the Text widget, the key_handler routine gets called for each (or almost each) key you press.
I made this kind of game based on this post (using msvcr library and Python 3.7).
The following is the main function of the game, that is detecting the keys pressed:
import msvcrt
def _secret_key(self):
# Get the key pressed by the user and check if he/she wins.
bk = chr(10) + "-"*25 + chr(10)
while True:
print(bk + "Press any key(s)" + bk)
#asks the user to type any key(s)
kp = str(msvcrt.getch()).replace("b'", "").replace("'", "")
# Store key's value.
if r'\xe0' in kp:
kp += str(msvcrt.getch()).replace("b'", "").replace("'", "")
# Refactor the variable in case of multi press.
if kp == r'\xe0\x8a':
# If user pressed the secret key, the game ends.
# \x8a is CTRL+F12, that's the secret key.
print("Press any key to exit the game")
print(" You pressed:'", kp + "', that's not the secret key(s)\n")
if self.select_continue() == "n":
if self.secondary_options():
If you want the full source code of the program you can see it or download it from GitHub
The secret keypress is:
Using the keyboard package, especially on linux is not an apt solution because that package requires root privileges to run. We can easily implement this with the getkey package. This is analogous to the C language function getchar.
Install it:
pip install getkey
And use it:
from getkey import getkey
while True: #Breaks when key is pressed
key = getkey()
print(key) #Optionally prints out the key.
We can add this in a function to return the pressed key.
def Ginput(str):
Now, this function is like the native input() function. It can accept a prompt string, print it out, and when one key is pressed, it will return the key to the caller.
print(str, end='')
while True:
key = getkey()
return key
Use like this:
inp = Ginput("\n Press any key to continue: ")
print("You pressed " + inp)
import cv2
key = cv2.waitKey(1)
This is from the openCV package. The delay arg is the number of milliseconds it will wait for a keypress. In this case, 1ms. Per the docs, pollKey() can be used without waiting.
The curses module does that job.
You can test it running this example from the terminal:
import curses
screen = curses.initscr()
while True:
char = screen.getch()
if char == ord('q'):
elif char == curses.KEY_UP:
elif char == curses.KEY_DOWN:
elif char == curses.KEY_RIGHT:
elif char == curses.KEY_LEFT:
elif char == ord('s'):
curses.nocbreak(); screen.keypad(0); curses.echo()
Here is a cross-platform solution, both blocking and non-blocking, not requiring any external libraries:
import contextlib as _contextlib
import msvcrt as _msvcrt
# Length 0 sequences, length 1 sequences...
_ESCAPE_SEQUENCES = [frozenset(("\x00", "\xe0"))]
_next_input = _msvcrt.getwch
_set_terminal_raw = _contextlib.nullcontext
_input_ready = _msvcrt.kbhit
except ImportError: # Unix
import sys as _sys, tty as _tty, termios as _termios, \
select as _select, functools as _functools
# Length 0 sequences, length 1 sequences...
frozenset(("\x1b\x5b", "\x1b\x4f"))]
def _set_terminal_raw():
fd = _sys.stdin.fileno()
old_settings = _termios.tcgetattr(fd)
_termios.tcsetattr(fd, _termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
_next_input = _functools.partial(, 1)
def _input_ready():
return[_sys.stdin], [], [], 0) == ([_sys.stdin], [], [])
def _get_keystroke():
key = _next_input()
while (len(key) <= _MAX_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_LENGTH and
key in _ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[len(key)-1]):
key += _next_input()
return key
def _flush():
while _input_ready():
def key_pressed(key: str = None, *, flush: bool = True) -> bool:
"""Return True if the specified key has been pressed
key: The key to check for. If None, any key will do.
flush: If True (default), flush the input buffer after the key was found.
boolean stating whether a key was pressed.
with _set_terminal_raw():
if key is None:
if not _input_ready():
return False
if flush:
return True
while _input_ready():
keystroke = _get_keystroke()
if keystroke == key:
if flush:
return True
return False
def print_key() -> None:
"""Print the key that was pressed
Useful for debugging and figuring out keys.
with _set_terminal_raw():
print("\\x" + "\\x".join(map("{:02x}".format, map(ord, _get_keystroke()))))
def wait_key(key=None, *, pre_flush=False, post_flush=True) -> str:
"""Wait for a specific key to be pressed.
key: The key to check for. If None, any key will do.
pre_flush: If True, flush the input buffer before waiting for input.
Useful in case you wish to ignore previously pressed keys.
post_flush: If True (default), flush the input buffer after the key was
found. Useful for ignoring multiple key-presses.
The key that was pressed.
with _set_terminal_raw():
if pre_flush:
if key is None:
key = _get_keystroke()
if post_flush:
return key
while _get_keystroke() != key:
if post_flush:
return key
You can use key_pressed() inside a while loop:
while True:
if key_pressed():
You can also check for a specific key:
while True:
if key_pressed("\x00\x48"): # Up arrow key on Windows.
Find out special keys using print_key():
>>> print_key()
# Press up key
Or wait until a certain key is pressed:
>>> wait_key("a") # Stop and ignore all inputs until "a" is pressed.
You can use pygame's get_pressed():
import pygame
while True:
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if (keys[pygame.K_LEFT]):
pos_x -= 5
elif (keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]):
pos_x += 5
elif (keys[pygame.K_UP]):
pos_y -= 5
elif (keys[pygame.K_DOWN]):
pos_y += 5
I was finding how to detect different key presses subsequently until e.g. Ctrl + C break the program from listening and responding to different key presses accordingly.
Using following code,
while True:
if keyboard.is_pressed("down"):
print("Reach the bottom!")
if keyboard.is_pressed("up"):
print("Reach the top!")
if keyboard.is_pressed("ctrl+c"):
It will cause the program to keep spamming the response text, if I pressed arrow down or arrow up. I believed because it's in a while-loop, and eventhough you only press once, but it will get triggered multiple times (as written in doc, I am awared of this after I read.)
At that moment, I still haven't went to read the doc, I try adding in time.sleep()
while True:
if keyboard.is_pressed("down"):
print("Reach the bottom!")
if keyboard.is_pressed("up"):
print("Reach the top!")
if keyboard.is_pressed("ctrl+c"):
This solves the spamming issue.
But this is not a very good way as of subsequent very fast taps on the arrow key, will only trigger once instead of as many times as I pressed, because the program will sleep for 0.5 second right, meant the "keyboard event" happened at that 0.5 second will not be counted.
So, I proceed to read the doc and get the idea to do this at this part.
while True:
# Wait for the next event.
event = keyboard.read_event()
if event.event_type == keyboard.KEY_DOWN and == 'down':
# do whatever function you wanna here
if event.event_type == keyboard.KEY_DOWN and == 'up':
# do whatever function you wanna here
if keyboard.is_pressed("ctrl+c"):
Now, it's working fine and great!
TBH, I am not deep dive into the doc, used to, but I have really forgetten the content, if you know or find any better way to do the similar function, please enlighten me!
Thank you, wish you have a great day ahead!

Keyboard input (via pynput) and threads in python

I'm trying to make a kind of text-based game in Python 3. For the game I will need to listen for keyboard input, in particular measuring how long a key is held down, while printing things to the screen. I'm trying to start by making a working minimal example.
First, the following code, using pynput, appears to successfully measures the length time for which the user holds down a key:
from pynput import keyboard
import time
print("Press and hold any key to measure duration of keypress. Esc ends program")
# A dictionary of keys pressed down right now and the time each was pressed down at
keys_currently_pressed = {}
def on_press(key):
global keys_currently_pressed
# Record the key and the time it was pressed only if we don't already have it
if key not in keys_currently_pressed:
keys_currently_pressed[key] = time.time()
def on_release(key):
global keys_currently_pressed
if key in keys_currently_pressed:
animate = False
duration = time.time() - keys_currently_pressed[key]
print("The key",key," was pressed for",str(duration)[0:5],"seconds")
del keys_currently_pressed[key]
if key == keyboard.Key.esc:
# Stop the listener
return False
with keyboard.Listener(on_press = on_press, on_release=on_release, suppress=True) as listener:
Now what I'd like to do is, only while a key is pressed down by the user, print a text-based "animation" to the screen. In the following example my "animation" is simply printing "*" every half second.
So far I've tried to have the "animation" handled by a second thread but I am a total novice when it comes to multithreading. The following code will start the animation at the correct time but won't stop it.
from pynput import keyboard
import sys
import time
import threading
print("Press and hold any key to measure duration of keypress. Esc ends program")
# A dictionary of keys pressed down right now and the time each was pressed down at
keys_currently_pressed = {}
def my_animation():
# A simple "animation" that prints a new "*" every half second
limit = 60 # just in case, don't do more than this many iterations
j = 0
while j<limit:
j += 1
anim = threading.Thread(target=my_animation)
def on_press(key):
global keys_currently_pressed
# Record the key and the time it was pressed only if we don't already have it
if key not in keys_currently_pressed:
keys_currently_pressed[key] = time.time()
def on_release(key):
global keys_currently_pressed
if key in keys_currently_pressed:
animate = False
duration = time.time() - keys_currently_pressed[key]
print("The key",key," was pressed for",str(duration)[0:5],"seconds")
del keys_currently_pressed[key]
if key == keyboard.Key.esc:
# Stop the listener
return False
with keyboard.Listener(on_press = on_press, on_release=on_release, suppress=True) as listener: listener.join()
Here's an approach (following #furas's comment) where the animation is coded after the with statement, however I cannot get this to work for me:
from pynput import keyboard
import time
print("Press and hold any key to measure duration of keypress. Esc ends program")
# A dictionary of keys pressed down right now and the time each was pressed down at
keys_currently_pressed = {}
# animation flag
anim_allowed = False
def on_press(key):
global keys_currently_pressed
global anim_allowed
# Record the key and the time it was pressed only if we don't already have it
if key not in keys_currently_pressed:
keys_currently_pressed[key] = time.time()
anim_allowed = True
def on_release(key):
global keys_currently_pressed
global anim_allowed
if key in keys_currently_pressed:
animate = False
duration = time.time() - keys_currently_pressed[key]
print("The key",key," was pressed for",str(duration)[0:5],"seconds")
del keys_currently_pressed[key]
anim_allowed = False
if key == keyboard.Key.esc:
# Stop the listener
return False
with keyboard.Listener(on_press = on_press, on_release=on_release, suppress=True) as listener:
while anim_allowed:
Ultimately I want to be able to do this with more complex animations. For example
def mysquare(delay):
for i in range(8):
print("#" + " "*8 + "#")
What's the right way to approach this? Many thanks!
Listener already uses thread so there is no need to run animation in separated thread. You can run it in current tread in
with keyboard.Listener(on_press = on_press, on_release=on_release, suppress=True) as listener:
#... your code ...
or without with ... as ...
listener = keyboard.Listener(on_press = on_press, on_release=on_release, suppress=True)
#... your code ...
You can run there even long runing code - ie. endless while loop which will check if variable animate is True and write new *.
I had to add sys.stdout.flush() on my Linux to see * on screen.
My version:
It runs animation all time when you press any button but there is also code with variable counter to limit animation to 6 moves. If you press new key when it runs animation then it reset this counter and animation will longer.
This loop has to run all time to check if there is new animation - you can't finish this loop when animation is finished
from pynput import keyboard
import sys
import time
# --- functions ---
def on_press(key):
global keys_currently_pressed
global animate
#global counter
# Record the key and the time it was pressed only if we don't already have it
if key not in keys_currently_pressed and key != keyboard.Key.esc:
keys_currently_pressed[key] = time.time()
animate = True
#counter = 0 # reset counter on new key
def on_release(key):
global keys_currently_pressed
global animate
if key in keys_currently_pressed:
duration = time.time() - keys_currently_pressed[key]
print("The key", key, "was pressed for", str(duration)[0:5], "seconds")
del keys_currently_pressed[key]
if not keys_currently_pressed:
animate = False
if key == keyboard.Key.esc:
# Stop the listener
return False
# --- main ---
print("Press and hold any key to measure duration of keypress. Esc ends program")
# A dictionary of keys pressed down right now and the time each was pressed down at
keys_currently_pressed = {}
animate = False # default value at start (to use in `while` loop)
#limit = 6 # limit animation to 6 moves
#counter = 0 # count animation moves
with keyboard.Listener(on_press = on_press, on_release=on_release, suppress=True) as listener:
while listener.is_alive(): # infinite loop which runs all time
if animate:
#sys.stdout.write("\b *") # animation with removing previous `*`
sys.stdout.write("*") # normal animation
sys.stdout.flush() # send buffer on screen
#counter += 1
#if counter >= limit:
# counter = 0
# animate = False

Using Pyside2/Pyqt5 to detect keyboard input when QT application is minimised and out of focus [duplicate]

I am making a stopwatch type program in Python and I would like to know how to detect if a key is pressed (such as p for pause and s for stop), and I would not like it to be something like raw_input, which waits for the user's input before continuing execution.
Anyone know how to do this in a while loop?
I would like to make this cross-platform but, if that is not possible, then my main development target is Linux.
Python has a keyboard module with many features. Install it, perhaps with this command:
pip3 install keyboard
Then use it in code like:
import keyboard # using module keyboard
while True: # making a loop
try: # used try so that if user pressed other than the given key error will not be shown
if keyboard.is_pressed('q'): # if key 'q' is pressed
print('You Pressed A Key!')
break # finishing the loop
break # if user pressed a key other than the given key the loop will break
For those who are on windows and were struggling to find an working answer here's mine: pynput
from pynput.keyboard import Key, Listener
def on_press(key):
print('{0} pressed'.format(
def on_release(key):
print('{0} release'.format(
if key == Key.esc:
# Stop listener
return False
# Collect events until released
with Listener(
on_release=on_release) as listener:
The function above will print whichever key you are pressing plus start an action as you release the 'esc' key. The keyboard documentation is here for a more variated usage.
Markus von Broady highlighted a potential issue that is: This answer doesn't require you being in the current window to this script be activated, a solution to windows would be:
from win32gui import GetWindowText, GetForegroundWindow
current_window = (GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()))
desired_window_name = "Stopwatch" #Whatever the name of your window should be
#Infinite loops are dangerous.
while True: #Don't rely on this line of code too much and make sure to adapt this to your project.
if current_window == desired_window_name:
with Listener(
on_release=on_release) as listener:
More things can be done with keyboard module.
You can install this module using pip install keyboard
Here are some of the methods:
Method #1:
Using the function read_key():
import keyboard
while True:
if keyboard.read_key() == "p":
print("You pressed p")
This is gonna break the loop as the key p is pressed.
Method #2:
Using function wait:
import keyboard
print("You pressed p")
It will wait for you to press p and continue the code as it is pressed.
Method #3:
Using the function on_press_key:
import keyboard
keyboard.on_press_key("p", lambda _:print("You pressed p"))
It needs a callback function. I used _ because the keyboard function returns the keyboard event to that function.
Once executed, it will run the function when the key is pressed. You can stop all hooks by running this line:
Method #4:
This method is sort of already answered by user8167727 but I disagree with the code they made. It will be using the function is_pressed but in an other way:
import keyboard
while True:
if keyboard.is_pressed("p"):
print("You pressed p")
It will break the loop as p is pressed.
Method #5:
You can use keyboard.record as well. It records all keys pressed and released until you press the escape key or the one you've defined in until arg and returns a list of keyboard.KeyboardEvent elements.
import keyboard
print("You pressed p")
keyboard will read keypresses from the whole OS.
keyboard requires root on linux
As OP mention about raw_input - that means he want cli solution.
Linux: curses is what you want (windows PDCurses). Curses, is an graphical API for cli software, you can achieve more than just detect key events.
This code will detect keys until new line is pressed.
import curses
import os
def main(win):
win.addstr("Detected key:")
while 1:
key = win.getkey()
win.addstr("Detected key:")
if key == os.linesep:
except Exception as e:
# No input
For Windows you could use msvcrt like this:
import msvcrt
while True:
if msvcrt.kbhit():
key = msvcrt.getch()
print(key) # just to show the result
Use this code for find the which key pressed
from pynput import keyboard
def on_press(key):
print('alphanumeric key {0} pressed'.format(
except AttributeError:
print('special key {0} pressed'.format(
def on_release(key):
print('{0} released'.format(
if key == keyboard.Key.esc:
# Stop listener
return False
# Collect events until released
with keyboard.Listener(
on_release=on_release) as listener:
Use PyGame to have a window and then you can get the key events.
For the letter p:
import pygame, sys
import pygame.locals
BLACK = (0,0,0)
WIDTH = 1280
HEIGHT = 1024
windowSurface = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT), 0, 32)
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.key == pygame.K_p: # replace the 'p' to whatever key you wanted to be pressed
pass #Do what you want to here
if event.type == pygame.locals.QUIT:
neoDev's comment at the question itself might be easy to miss, but it links to a solution not mentioned in any answer here.
There is no need to import keyboard with this solution.
Solution copied from this other question, all credits to #neoDev.
This worked for me on macOS Sierra and Python 2.7.10 and 3.6.3
import sys,tty,os,termios
def getkey():
old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin)
while True:
b =, 3).decode()
if len(b) == 3:
k = ord(b[2])
k = ord(b)
key_mapping = {
127: 'backspace',
10: 'return',
32: 'space',
9: 'tab',
27: 'esc',
65: 'up',
66: 'down',
67: 'right',
68: 'left'
return key_mapping.get(k, chr(k))
termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
while True:
k = getkey()
if k == 'esc':
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
os.system('stty sane')
Non-root version that works even through ssh: sshkeyboard. Install with pip install sshkeyboard,
then write script such as:
from sshkeyboard import listen_keyboard
def press(key):
print(f"'{key}' pressed")
def release(key):
print(f"'{key}' released")
And it will print:
'a' pressed
'a' released
When A key is pressed. ESC key ends the listening by default.
It requires less coding than for example curses, tkinter and getch. And it does not require root access like keyboard module.
You don't mention if this is a GUI program or not, but most GUI packages include a way to capture and handle keyboard input. For example, with tkinter (in Py3), you can bind to a certain event and then handle it in a function. For example:
import tkinter as tk
def key_handler(event=None):
if event and event.keysym in ('s', 'p'):
'do something'
r = tk.Tk()
t = tk.Text()
r.bind('<Key>', key_handler)
With the above, when you type into the Text widget, the key_handler routine gets called for each (or almost each) key you press.
I made this kind of game based on this post (using msvcr library and Python 3.7).
The following is the main function of the game, that is detecting the keys pressed:
import msvcrt
def _secret_key(self):
# Get the key pressed by the user and check if he/she wins.
bk = chr(10) + "-"*25 + chr(10)
while True:
print(bk + "Press any key(s)" + bk)
#asks the user to type any key(s)
kp = str(msvcrt.getch()).replace("b'", "").replace("'", "")
# Store key's value.
if r'\xe0' in kp:
kp += str(msvcrt.getch()).replace("b'", "").replace("'", "")
# Refactor the variable in case of multi press.
if kp == r'\xe0\x8a':
# If user pressed the secret key, the game ends.
# \x8a is CTRL+F12, that's the secret key.
print("Press any key to exit the game")
print(" You pressed:'", kp + "', that's not the secret key(s)\n")
if self.select_continue() == "n":
if self.secondary_options():
If you want the full source code of the program you can see it or download it from GitHub
The secret keypress is:
Using the keyboard package, especially on linux is not an apt solution because that package requires root privileges to run. We can easily implement this with the getkey package. This is analogous to the C language function getchar.
Install it:
pip install getkey
And use it:
from getkey import getkey
while True: #Breaks when key is pressed
key = getkey()
print(key) #Optionally prints out the key.
We can add this in a function to return the pressed key.
def Ginput(str):
Now, this function is like the native input() function. It can accept a prompt string, print it out, and when one key is pressed, it will return the key to the caller.
print(str, end='')
while True:
key = getkey()
return key
Use like this:
inp = Ginput("\n Press any key to continue: ")
print("You pressed " + inp)
import cv2
key = cv2.waitKey(1)
This is from the openCV package. The delay arg is the number of milliseconds it will wait for a keypress. In this case, 1ms. Per the docs, pollKey() can be used without waiting.
The curses module does that job.
You can test it running this example from the terminal:
import curses
screen = curses.initscr()
while True:
char = screen.getch()
if char == ord('q'):
elif char == curses.KEY_UP:
elif char == curses.KEY_DOWN:
elif char == curses.KEY_RIGHT:
elif char == curses.KEY_LEFT:
elif char == ord('s'):
curses.nocbreak(); screen.keypad(0); curses.echo()
Here is a cross-platform solution, both blocking and non-blocking, not requiring any external libraries:
import contextlib as _contextlib
import msvcrt as _msvcrt
# Length 0 sequences, length 1 sequences...
_ESCAPE_SEQUENCES = [frozenset(("\x00", "\xe0"))]
_next_input = _msvcrt.getwch
_set_terminal_raw = _contextlib.nullcontext
_input_ready = _msvcrt.kbhit
except ImportError: # Unix
import sys as _sys, tty as _tty, termios as _termios, \
select as _select, functools as _functools
# Length 0 sequences, length 1 sequences...
frozenset(("\x1b\x5b", "\x1b\x4f"))]
def _set_terminal_raw():
fd = _sys.stdin.fileno()
old_settings = _termios.tcgetattr(fd)
_termios.tcsetattr(fd, _termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
_next_input = _functools.partial(, 1)
def _input_ready():
return[_sys.stdin], [], [], 0) == ([_sys.stdin], [], [])
def _get_keystroke():
key = _next_input()
while (len(key) <= _MAX_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_LENGTH and
key in _ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[len(key)-1]):
key += _next_input()
return key
def _flush():
while _input_ready():
def key_pressed(key: str = None, *, flush: bool = True) -> bool:
"""Return True if the specified key has been pressed
key: The key to check for. If None, any key will do.
flush: If True (default), flush the input buffer after the key was found.
boolean stating whether a key was pressed.
with _set_terminal_raw():
if key is None:
if not _input_ready():
return False
if flush:
return True
while _input_ready():
keystroke = _get_keystroke()
if keystroke == key:
if flush:
return True
return False
def print_key() -> None:
"""Print the key that was pressed
Useful for debugging and figuring out keys.
with _set_terminal_raw():
print("\\x" + "\\x".join(map("{:02x}".format, map(ord, _get_keystroke()))))
def wait_key(key=None, *, pre_flush=False, post_flush=True) -> str:
"""Wait for a specific key to be pressed.
key: The key to check for. If None, any key will do.
pre_flush: If True, flush the input buffer before waiting for input.
Useful in case you wish to ignore previously pressed keys.
post_flush: If True (default), flush the input buffer after the key was
found. Useful for ignoring multiple key-presses.
The key that was pressed.
with _set_terminal_raw():
if pre_flush:
if key is None:
key = _get_keystroke()
if post_flush:
return key
while _get_keystroke() != key:
if post_flush:
return key
You can use key_pressed() inside a while loop:
while True:
if key_pressed():
You can also check for a specific key:
while True:
if key_pressed("\x00\x48"): # Up arrow key on Windows.
Find out special keys using print_key():
>>> print_key()
# Press up key
Or wait until a certain key is pressed:
>>> wait_key("a") # Stop and ignore all inputs until "a" is pressed.
You can use pygame's get_pressed():
import pygame
while True:
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if (keys[pygame.K_LEFT]):
pos_x -= 5
elif (keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]):
pos_x += 5
elif (keys[pygame.K_UP]):
pos_y -= 5
elif (keys[pygame.K_DOWN]):
pos_y += 5
I was finding how to detect different key presses subsequently until e.g. Ctrl + C break the program from listening and responding to different key presses accordingly.
Using following code,
while True:
if keyboard.is_pressed("down"):
print("Reach the bottom!")
if keyboard.is_pressed("up"):
print("Reach the top!")
if keyboard.is_pressed("ctrl+c"):
It will cause the program to keep spamming the response text, if I pressed arrow down or arrow up. I believed because it's in a while-loop, and eventhough you only press once, but it will get triggered multiple times (as written in doc, I am awared of this after I read.)
At that moment, I still haven't went to read the doc, I try adding in time.sleep()
while True:
if keyboard.is_pressed("down"):
print("Reach the bottom!")
if keyboard.is_pressed("up"):
print("Reach the top!")
if keyboard.is_pressed("ctrl+c"):
This solves the spamming issue.
But this is not a very good way as of subsequent very fast taps on the arrow key, will only trigger once instead of as many times as I pressed, because the program will sleep for 0.5 second right, meant the "keyboard event" happened at that 0.5 second will not be counted.
So, I proceed to read the doc and get the idea to do this at this part.
while True:
# Wait for the next event.
event = keyboard.read_event()
if event.event_type == keyboard.KEY_DOWN and == 'down':
# do whatever function you wanna here
if event.event_type == keyboard.KEY_DOWN and == 'up':
# do whatever function you wanna here
if keyboard.is_pressed("ctrl+c"):
Now, it's working fine and great!
TBH, I am not deep dive into the doc, used to, but I have really forgetten the content, if you know or find any better way to do the similar function, please enlighten me!
Thank you, wish you have a great day ahead!

Python detecting keypress [duplicate]

I am making a stopwatch type program in Python and I would like to know how to detect if a key is pressed (such as p for pause and s for stop), and I would not like it to be something like raw_input, which waits for the user's input before continuing execution.
Anyone know how to do this in a while loop?
I would like to make this cross-platform but, if that is not possible, then my main development target is Linux.
Python has a keyboard module with many features. Install it, perhaps with this command:
pip3 install keyboard
Then use it in code like:
import keyboard # using module keyboard
while True: # making a loop
try: # used try so that if user pressed other than the given key error will not be shown
if keyboard.is_pressed('q'): # if key 'q' is pressed
print('You Pressed A Key!')
break # finishing the loop
break # if user pressed a key other than the given key the loop will break
For those who are on windows and were struggling to find an working answer here's mine: pynput
from pynput.keyboard import Key, Listener
def on_press(key):
print('{0} pressed'.format(
def on_release(key):
print('{0} release'.format(
if key == Key.esc:
# Stop listener
return False
# Collect events until released
with Listener(
on_release=on_release) as listener:
The function above will print whichever key you are pressing plus start an action as you release the 'esc' key. The keyboard documentation is here for a more variated usage.
Markus von Broady highlighted a potential issue that is: This answer doesn't require you being in the current window to this script be activated, a solution to windows would be:
from win32gui import GetWindowText, GetForegroundWindow
current_window = (GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()))
desired_window_name = "Stopwatch" #Whatever the name of your window should be
#Infinite loops are dangerous.
while True: #Don't rely on this line of code too much and make sure to adapt this to your project.
if current_window == desired_window_name:
with Listener(
on_release=on_release) as listener:
More things can be done with keyboard module.
You can install this module using pip install keyboard
Here are some of the methods:
Method #1:
Using the function read_key():
import keyboard
while True:
if keyboard.read_key() == "p":
print("You pressed p")
This is gonna break the loop as the key p is pressed.
Method #2:
Using function wait:
import keyboard
print("You pressed p")
It will wait for you to press p and continue the code as it is pressed.
Method #3:
Using the function on_press_key:
import keyboard
keyboard.on_press_key("p", lambda _:print("You pressed p"))
It needs a callback function. I used _ because the keyboard function returns the keyboard event to that function.
Once executed, it will run the function when the key is pressed. You can stop all hooks by running this line:
Method #4:
This method is sort of already answered by user8167727 but I disagree with the code they made. It will be using the function is_pressed but in an other way:
import keyboard
while True:
if keyboard.is_pressed("p"):
print("You pressed p")
It will break the loop as p is pressed.
Method #5:
You can use keyboard.record as well. It records all keys pressed and released until you press the escape key or the one you've defined in until arg and returns a list of keyboard.KeyboardEvent elements.
import keyboard
print("You pressed p")
keyboard will read keypresses from the whole OS.
keyboard requires root on linux
As OP mention about raw_input - that means he want cli solution.
Linux: curses is what you want (windows PDCurses). Curses, is an graphical API for cli software, you can achieve more than just detect key events.
This code will detect keys until new line is pressed.
import curses
import os
def main(win):
win.addstr("Detected key:")
while 1:
key = win.getkey()
win.addstr("Detected key:")
if key == os.linesep:
except Exception as e:
# No input
For Windows you could use msvcrt like this:
import msvcrt
while True:
if msvcrt.kbhit():
key = msvcrt.getch()
print(key) # just to show the result
Use this code for find the which key pressed
from pynput import keyboard
def on_press(key):
print('alphanumeric key {0} pressed'.format(
except AttributeError:
print('special key {0} pressed'.format(
def on_release(key):
print('{0} released'.format(
if key == keyboard.Key.esc:
# Stop listener
return False
# Collect events until released
with keyboard.Listener(
on_release=on_release) as listener:
Use PyGame to have a window and then you can get the key events.
For the letter p:
import pygame, sys
import pygame.locals
BLACK = (0,0,0)
WIDTH = 1280
HEIGHT = 1024
windowSurface = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT), 0, 32)
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.key == pygame.K_p: # replace the 'p' to whatever key you wanted to be pressed
pass #Do what you want to here
if event.type == pygame.locals.QUIT:
neoDev's comment at the question itself might be easy to miss, but it links to a solution not mentioned in any answer here.
There is no need to import keyboard with this solution.
Solution copied from this other question, all credits to #neoDev.
This worked for me on macOS Sierra and Python 2.7.10 and 3.6.3
import sys,tty,os,termios
def getkey():
old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin)
while True:
b =, 3).decode()
if len(b) == 3:
k = ord(b[2])
k = ord(b)
key_mapping = {
127: 'backspace',
10: 'return',
32: 'space',
9: 'tab',
27: 'esc',
65: 'up',
66: 'down',
67: 'right',
68: 'left'
return key_mapping.get(k, chr(k))
termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
while True:
k = getkey()
if k == 'esc':
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
os.system('stty sane')
Non-root version that works even through ssh: sshkeyboard. Install with pip install sshkeyboard,
then write script such as:
from sshkeyboard import listen_keyboard
def press(key):
print(f"'{key}' pressed")
def release(key):
print(f"'{key}' released")
And it will print:
'a' pressed
'a' released
When A key is pressed. ESC key ends the listening by default.
It requires less coding than for example curses, tkinter and getch. And it does not require root access like keyboard module.
You don't mention if this is a GUI program or not, but most GUI packages include a way to capture and handle keyboard input. For example, with tkinter (in Py3), you can bind to a certain event and then handle it in a function. For example:
import tkinter as tk
def key_handler(event=None):
if event and event.keysym in ('s', 'p'):
'do something'
r = tk.Tk()
t = tk.Text()
r.bind('<Key>', key_handler)
With the above, when you type into the Text widget, the key_handler routine gets called for each (or almost each) key you press.
I made this kind of game based on this post (using msvcr library and Python 3.7).
The following is the main function of the game, that is detecting the keys pressed:
import msvcrt
def _secret_key(self):
# Get the key pressed by the user and check if he/she wins.
bk = chr(10) + "-"*25 + chr(10)
while True:
print(bk + "Press any key(s)" + bk)
#asks the user to type any key(s)
kp = str(msvcrt.getch()).replace("b'", "").replace("'", "")
# Store key's value.
if r'\xe0' in kp:
kp += str(msvcrt.getch()).replace("b'", "").replace("'", "")
# Refactor the variable in case of multi press.
if kp == r'\xe0\x8a':
# If user pressed the secret key, the game ends.
# \x8a is CTRL+F12, that's the secret key.
print("Press any key to exit the game")
print(" You pressed:'", kp + "', that's not the secret key(s)\n")
if self.select_continue() == "n":
if self.secondary_options():
If you want the full source code of the program you can see it or download it from GitHub
The secret keypress is:
Using the keyboard package, especially on linux is not an apt solution because that package requires root privileges to run. We can easily implement this with the getkey package. This is analogous to the C language function getchar.
Install it:
pip install getkey
And use it:
from getkey import getkey
while True: #Breaks when key is pressed
key = getkey()
print(key) #Optionally prints out the key.
We can add this in a function to return the pressed key.
def Ginput(str):
Now, this function is like the native input() function. It can accept a prompt string, print it out, and when one key is pressed, it will return the key to the caller.
print(str, end='')
while True:
key = getkey()
return key
Use like this:
inp = Ginput("\n Press any key to continue: ")
print("You pressed " + inp)
import cv2
key = cv2.waitKey(1)
This is from the openCV package. The delay arg is the number of milliseconds it will wait for a keypress. In this case, 1ms. Per the docs, pollKey() can be used without waiting.
The curses module does that job.
You can test it running this example from the terminal:
import curses
screen = curses.initscr()
while True:
char = screen.getch()
if char == ord('q'):
elif char == curses.KEY_UP:
elif char == curses.KEY_DOWN:
elif char == curses.KEY_RIGHT:
elif char == curses.KEY_LEFT:
elif char == ord('s'):
curses.nocbreak(); screen.keypad(0); curses.echo()
Here is a cross-platform solution, both blocking and non-blocking, not requiring any external libraries:
import contextlib as _contextlib
import msvcrt as _msvcrt
# Length 0 sequences, length 1 sequences...
_ESCAPE_SEQUENCES = [frozenset(("\x00", "\xe0"))]
_next_input = _msvcrt.getwch
_set_terminal_raw = _contextlib.nullcontext
_input_ready = _msvcrt.kbhit
except ImportError: # Unix
import sys as _sys, tty as _tty, termios as _termios, \
select as _select, functools as _functools
# Length 0 sequences, length 1 sequences...
frozenset(("\x1b\x5b", "\x1b\x4f"))]
def _set_terminal_raw():
fd = _sys.stdin.fileno()
old_settings = _termios.tcgetattr(fd)
_termios.tcsetattr(fd, _termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
_next_input = _functools.partial(, 1)
def _input_ready():
return[_sys.stdin], [], [], 0) == ([_sys.stdin], [], [])
def _get_keystroke():
key = _next_input()
while (len(key) <= _MAX_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_LENGTH and
key in _ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[len(key)-1]):
key += _next_input()
return key
def _flush():
while _input_ready():
def key_pressed(key: str = None, *, flush: bool = True) -> bool:
"""Return True if the specified key has been pressed
key: The key to check for. If None, any key will do.
flush: If True (default), flush the input buffer after the key was found.
boolean stating whether a key was pressed.
with _set_terminal_raw():
if key is None:
if not _input_ready():
return False
if flush:
return True
while _input_ready():
keystroke = _get_keystroke()
if keystroke == key:
if flush:
return True
return False
def print_key() -> None:
"""Print the key that was pressed
Useful for debugging and figuring out keys.
with _set_terminal_raw():
print("\\x" + "\\x".join(map("{:02x}".format, map(ord, _get_keystroke()))))
def wait_key(key=None, *, pre_flush=False, post_flush=True) -> str:
"""Wait for a specific key to be pressed.
key: The key to check for. If None, any key will do.
pre_flush: If True, flush the input buffer before waiting for input.
Useful in case you wish to ignore previously pressed keys.
post_flush: If True (default), flush the input buffer after the key was
found. Useful for ignoring multiple key-presses.
The key that was pressed.
with _set_terminal_raw():
if pre_flush:
if key is None:
key = _get_keystroke()
if post_flush:
return key
while _get_keystroke() != key:
if post_flush:
return key
You can use key_pressed() inside a while loop:
while True:
if key_pressed():
You can also check for a specific key:
while True:
if key_pressed("\x00\x48"): # Up arrow key on Windows.
Find out special keys using print_key():
>>> print_key()
# Press up key
Or wait until a certain key is pressed:
>>> wait_key("a") # Stop and ignore all inputs until "a" is pressed.
You can use pygame's get_pressed():
import pygame
while True:
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if (keys[pygame.K_LEFT]):
pos_x -= 5
elif (keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]):
pos_x += 5
elif (keys[pygame.K_UP]):
pos_y -= 5
elif (keys[pygame.K_DOWN]):
pos_y += 5
I was finding how to detect different key presses subsequently until e.g. Ctrl + C break the program from listening and responding to different key presses accordingly.
Using following code,
while True:
if keyboard.is_pressed("down"):
print("Reach the bottom!")
if keyboard.is_pressed("up"):
print("Reach the top!")
if keyboard.is_pressed("ctrl+c"):
It will cause the program to keep spamming the response text, if I pressed arrow down or arrow up. I believed because it's in a while-loop, and eventhough you only press once, but it will get triggered multiple times (as written in doc, I am awared of this after I read.)
At that moment, I still haven't went to read the doc, I try adding in time.sleep()
while True:
if keyboard.is_pressed("down"):
print("Reach the bottom!")
if keyboard.is_pressed("up"):
print("Reach the top!")
if keyboard.is_pressed("ctrl+c"):
This solves the spamming issue.
But this is not a very good way as of subsequent very fast taps on the arrow key, will only trigger once instead of as many times as I pressed, because the program will sleep for 0.5 second right, meant the "keyboard event" happened at that 0.5 second will not be counted.
So, I proceed to read the doc and get the idea to do this at this part.
while True:
# Wait for the next event.
event = keyboard.read_event()
if event.event_type == keyboard.KEY_DOWN and == 'down':
# do whatever function you wanna here
if event.event_type == keyboard.KEY_DOWN and == 'up':
# do whatever function you wanna here
if keyboard.is_pressed("ctrl+c"):
Now, it's working fine and great!
TBH, I am not deep dive into the doc, used to, but I have really forgetten the content, if you know or find any better way to do the similar function, please enlighten me!
Thank you, wish you have a great day ahead!

Change the state of the condition variable for a while loop outside the while loop

I am currently trying to start and stop a while loop by a pressing a key (start) and stopping by releasing the key.
So something like this:
from pynput import keyboard
global condition
condition = False
def on_press(key):
global condition
if key == keyboard.Key.cmd_r:
print('pressed cmd_r'.format(key))
condition = True
print('incorrect character {0}, press cmd_r'.format(key))
def on_release(key):
global condition
print('{0} released'.format(key))
if key == keyboard.Key.cmd_r:
condition = False
#return False
with keyboard.Listener(on_press=on_press, on_release=on_release) as listener:
while condition==True:
print "Condition true"
I am not sure why this is not working?..
It should in my head?
The issue is that when you call listener.join() your code waits at this point for the thread to complete. But it never will complete because it's always listening! Instead you want to call listener.start() so that the thread runs in the background and you are free to do what you want.
Sharing variables between threads is not generally accepted, so here I make a modified listener class that associates the variable key_pressed to itself when a key is pressed, and None when it is released. You can then do what you want with this variable by checking it at any time in a separate loop by calling listener.key_pressed
from pynput import keyboard
import time
class MyListener(keyboard.Listener):
def __init__(self):
super(MyListener, self).__init__(self.on_press, self.on_release)
self.key_pressed = None
def on_press(self, key):
self.key_pressed = key
def on_release(self, key):
self.key_pressed = None
listener = MyListener()
while True:
print listener.key_pressed
Note that if you don't include a delay with time.sleep as above, you will overload the buffer and lead to delays in the output. Just put a small delay if you want it fast, but not zero.
You may need something like main loop where you can include your special while loop to achieve this.
Update 1 - How? (wrong)
while True:
# main loop
while condition:
# your special loop
# do something...
time.sleep(0.1) # sleep 0.1 seconds
The "main loop" is an infinite loop and executes included instructions every 0.1 second. Hence you provide the ability to keep checking the condition. If the condition == True your "special loop" is going to execute and it stops when the condition == False, and then the "main loop" continues its execution.
Update 2 - The implementation (correct)
Ok, I've run the code and I see that the "main loop" solution isn't right here. For now, I have quick, tested solution, based on multithreading:
import time
import threading
from pynput import keyboard
condition = False
def my_special_task():
global condition
while condition:
print("condition = %s" % condition)
def on_press(key):
global condition
if key == keyboard.Key.ctrl_r:
print('Pressed ctrl_r')
condition = True
thread = threading.Thread(target=my_special_task)
print("Incorrect KEY: %s, press ctrl_r instead" % key)
def on_release(key):
global condition
print("%s released" % key)
if key == keyboard.Key.ctrl_r:
condition = False
with keyboard.Listener(on_press=on_press, on_release=on_release) as listener:

