R scripting Error { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed on Dataframe - python

I have a Data Frame which looks like this
Name Surname Country Path
John Snow UK /Home/drive/John
BOB Anderson /Home/drive/BOB
Tim David UK /Home/drive/Tim
Wayne Green UK /Home/drive/Wayne
I have written a script which first checks if country =="UK", if true, changes Path from "/Home/drive/" to "/Server/files/" using gsub in R.
Replacement<- "/Server/files/"
for (i in 1:nrow(gs_catalog_Staging_123))
if( gs_catalog_Staging_123$country[i] == "UK" && !is.na(gs_catalog_Staging_123$country[i]))
gs_catalog_Staging_123$Path<- gsub(Pattern , Replacement , gs_catalog_Staging_123$Path,ignore.case=T)
The output i get :
Name Surname Country Path
John Snow UK /Server/files/John
*BOB Anderson /Server/files/BOB*
Tim David UK /Server/files/Tim
Wayne Green UK /Server/files/Wayne
The output I want
Name Surname Country Path
John Snow UK /Server/files/John
BOB Anderson /Home/drive/BOB
Tim David UK /Server/files/Tim
Wayne Green UK /Server/files/Wayne
As we can clearly see gsub fails to recognize missing values and appends that row as well.

Many R functions are vectorized, so we can avoid a loop here.
# example data
df <- data.frame(
name = c("John", "Bob", "Tim", "Wayne"),
surname = c("Snow", "Ander", "David", "Green"),
country = c("UK", "", "UK", "UK"),
path = paste0("/Home/drive/", c("John", "Bob", "Tim", "Wayne")),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# fix the path
df$newpath <- ifelse(df$country=="UK" & !is.na(df$country),
gsub("/Home/drive/", "/Server/files/", df$path),
# view result
name surname country path newpath
1 John Snow UK /Home/drive/John /Server/files/John
2 Bob Ander /Home/drive/Bob /Home/drive/Bob
3 Tim David UK /Home/drive/Tim /Server/files/Tim
4 Wayne Green UK /Home/drive/Wayne /Server/files/Wayne
In fact, this is the issue with your code. Each time through your loop, you check row i but then you do a full replacement of the whole column. A fix would be to add [i] at appropriate places of your final line of code:
gs_catalog_Staging_123$Path[i] <- gsub(Pattern , Replacement , gs_catalog_Staging_123$Path[i] ,ignore.case=T)


Create new column based on value of another column

I have a solution below to give me a new column as a universal identifier, but what if there is additional data in the NAME column, how can I tweak the below to account for a wildcard like search term?
I want to basically have so if German/german or Mexican/mexican is in that row value then to give me Euro or South American value in new col
df["Identifier"] = (df["NAME"].str.lower().replace(
to_replace = ['german', 'mexican'],
value = ['Euro', 'South American']
NAME Identifier
0 German Euro
1 german Euro
2 Mexican South American
3 mexican South American
Desired output
NAME Identifier
0 1990 German Euro
1 german 1998 Euro
2 country Mexican South American
3 mexican city 2006 South American
Based on an answer in this post:
r = '(german|mexican)'
c = dict(german='Euro', mexican='South American')
df['Identifier'] = df['NAME'].str.lower().str.extract(r, expand=False).map(c)
Another approach would be using np.where with those two conditions, but probably there is a more ellegant solution.
below code will work. i tried it using apply function but somehow can't able to get it. probably in sometime. meanwhile workable code below
js_ref=[{'german':'Euro'},{'mexican':'South American'}]
for i in range(len(df3)):
for l in js_ref:
for k,v in l.items():
if k.lower() in df3.name[i].lower():

Formatting strings in a dataframe

i have a dataframe
Joe Smith
Jane Doe
Homer Simpson
i am trying to format this to get to
Smith, Joe
Doe, Jane
Simpson, Homer
i have this code, and it works for ~ 80% of users in my list but some users are not coming through right.
invalid_users = ['Test User', 'Test User2', 'Test User3']
for index, row in df_Users.iterrows():
gap_pos = df_Users["Name"][index].find(" ")
if gap_pos > 0 and row["Name"] not in invalid_users:
row["Name"] = df_Users["Name"][index][len(df_Users["Name"][index])-gap_pos+1:].strip() +', ' + df_Users["Name"][index][:gap_pos]
the users who are not coming through correctly, usually their last name is truncated somewhere - i.e. Simpson ==> mpson
What am I doing wrong here?
Just split on space, then reverse it (that's what .str[::-1] is doing) and join on , :
>>> df['Name'].str.split(' ').str[::-1].str.join(', ')
0 Smith, Joe
1 Doe, Jane
2 Simpson, Homer
Name: Name, dtype: object
And if your data contains the name like Jr. Joe Smith, then you may do it following way:
df['Name'].str.split(' ').str[::-1].apply(lambda x:(x[0],' '.join(x[1:]))).str.join(', ')
I'm not sure what you were trying to with len there, but it's not right. You just want to start straight from gap_pos:
row["Name"] = df_Users["Name"][index][gap_pos+1:].strip() +', ' + df_Users["Name"][index][:gap_pos]
I would be tempted to use split for this.
Pandas is a library that takes profit of vectorial operations, especially for simple transformations and most of DataFrame manipulations.
Given your example, here is a code that would work:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({"name": ["Joe Smith", "Jane Doe", "Homer Simpson"]})
# df
# name
# 0 Joe Smith
# 1 Jane Doe
# 2 Homer Simpson
df["name"] = df["name"].apply(lambda x: f"{x.split(' ')[1]}, {x.split(' ')[0]}")
# df
# name
# 0 Smith, Joe
# 1 Doe, Jane
# 2 Simpson, Homer
The apply function takes every row and applies the specified function to each one of them.
Here, the specified function is a lambda function that, supposing the name pattern is "FirstName LastName", does what you want.

Import .txt to Pandas Dataframe With Multiple Delimiters

I would like to import .txt file into a Pandas Dataframe, my .txt file:
Ann Gosh 1234567892008-12-15Irvine CA45678A9Z5Steve Ryan
Yosh Dave 9876543212009-04-18St. Elf NY12345P8G0Brad Tuck
Clair Simon 3245674572008-12-29New Jersey NJ56789R9B3Dan John
The dataframe should look like this:
FirstN LastN SID Birth City States Postal TeacherFirstN TeacherLastN
Ann Gosh 123456789 2008-12-15 Irvine CA A9Z5 Steve Ryan
Yosh Dave 987654321 2009-04-18 St. Elf NY P8G0 Brad Tuck
Clair Simon 324567457 2008-12-29 New Jersey NJ R9B3 Dan John
I tried multiple ways including this:
df = pd.read_csv('student.txt', sep='\s+', engine='python', header=None, index_col=False)
to import the raw file into the dataframe, then plan to clean data for each column but it's too complicated. Could you please help me? (the Postal here is just the 4 char before TeacherFirstN)
You can start with setting names on you existing columns, and then applying regex on data while creating the new columns.
In order to fix the "single space delimiter" issue in your output, you can define "at least 2 space characters" eg [\s]{2,} as delimiter which would fix the issue for St. Elf in City names
An example :
import pandas as pd
import re
df = pd.read_csv(
sep = '[\s]{2,}',
engine = 'python',
header = None,
index_col = False,
names= [
sid_pattern = re.compile(r'(\d{9})(\d+-\d+-\d+)(.*)', re.IGNORECASE)
df['SID'] = df.apply(lambda row: sid_pattern.search(row.FULLSID).group(1), axis = 1)
df['Birth'] = df.apply(lambda row: sid_pattern.search(row.FULLSID).group(2), axis = 1)
df['City'] = df.apply(lambda row: sid_pattern.search(row.FULLSID).group(3), axis = 1)
teacherdata_pattern = re.compile(r'(.{2})([\dA-Z]+\d)(.*)', re.IGNORECASE)
df['States'] = df.apply(lambda row: teacherdata_pattern.search(row.TeacherData).group(1), axis = 1)
df['Postal'] = df.apply(lambda row: teacherdata_pattern.search(row.TeacherData).group(2)[-4:], axis = 1)
df['TeacherFirstN'] = df.apply(lambda row: teacherdata_pattern.search(row.TeacherData).group(3), axis = 1)
del df['FULLSID']
del df['TeacherData']
Output :
FirstN LastN TeacherLastN SID Birth City States Postal TeacherFirstN
0 Ann Gosh Ryan 123456789 2008-12-15 Irvine CA A9Z5 Steve
1 Yosh Dave Tuck 987654321 2009-04-18 St. Elf NY P8G0 Brad
2 Clair Simon John 324567457 2008-12-29 New Jersey NJ R9B3 Dan

Anonymize pandas name column with random 'nicknames'

Let's say I have a pandas dataframe and a column 'name'. I want to anonymize the column and hide the identities. I can do something like,
df['nickname'] = 'P ' + pd.Series(pd.factorize(df['name'])[0] + 1).astype(str)
But it gives me this:
name nickname
frank miller P 1
john cena P 2
john cena P 2
rock P 3
The above is an acceptable anonymization, but NOT what I need. Is there a way I can get the desired table below? Maybe a built-in python function or someone who has already implemented anything like this?
Desired Table (with random nicknames, but same output for the same input):
name nickname
frank miller Tiko
john cena Bozo
john cena Bozo
the rock Hana
You can use the Faker package for this which generates a dummy name for you.
# pip
pip install Faker
# anaconda
conda install -c conda-forge faker
from faker import Faker
faker = Faker()
# seed the random generator to produce the same results
dict_names = {name: faker.name() for name in df['name'].unique()}
df['nickname'] = df['name'].map(dict_names)
name nickname
0 frank miller Jason Brown
1 john cena Jacob Stein
2 john cena Jacob Stein
3 rock Cody Brown
You can also initialize Faker with names from certain countries:
faker = Faker(['it_IT', 'de_DE', 'sv_SE'])
dict_names = {name: faker.name() for name in df['name'].unique()}
df['nickname'] = df['name'].map(dict_names)
name nickname
0 frank miller Nadeschda Finke
1 john cena Marcus Warmer
2 john cena Marcus Warmer
3 rock Sophia Squarcione

How do I add a blank line between merged files

I have several CSV files that I have managed to merge. However, I need to add a blank row between each files as they merge so I know a different file starts at that point. Tried everything. Please help.
import os
import glob
import pandas
def concatenate(indir="C:\\testing", outfile="C:\\done.csv"):
colnames=["Creation Date","Author","Tweet","Language","Location","Country","Continent"]
for filename in fileList:
df=pandas.read_csv(filename, header=None)
Here is an example script. You can use the loc method with a non-existent key to enlarge the DataFrame and set the value of the new row.
The simplest solution seems to be to create a template DataFrame to use as a separator with the values set as desired. Then just insert it into the list of data frames to concatenate at appropriate positions.
Lastly, I removed the chdir, since glob can search in any path.
import glob
import pandas
def concatenate(input_dir, output_file_name):
file_list=glob.glob(input_dir + "/*.csv")
column_names=["Creation Date"
, "Author"
, "Tweet"
, "Language"
, "Location"
, "Country"
, "Continent"]
# Create a separator template
separator = pandas.DataFrame(columns=column_names)
separator.loc[0] = [""]*7
dataframes = []
for file_name in file_list:
if len(dataframes):
# The list is not empty, so we need to add a separator
concatenated = pandas.concat(dataframes, axis=0)
concatenated.to_csv(output_file_name, index=None)
concatenate("input", ".out.csv")
An alternative, even shorter, way is to build the concatenated DataFrame iteratively, using the append method.
def concatenate(input_dir, output_file_name):
file_list=glob.glob(input_dir + "/*.csv")
column_names=["Creation Date"
, "Author"
, "Tweet"
, "Language"
, "Location"
, "Country"
, "Continent"]
concatenated = pandas.DataFrame(columns=column_names)
for file_name in file_list:
if len(concatenated):
# The list is not empty, so we need to add a separator
concatenated.loc[len(concatenated)] = [""]*7
concatenated = concatenated.append(pandas.read_csv(file_name))
concatenated.to_csv(output_file_name, index=None)
I tested the script with 3 input CSV files:
Creation Date,Author,Tweet,Language,Location,Country,Continent
Creation Date,Author,Tweet,Language,Location,Country,Continent
2016-01-09,bar,Tweeeeet,EN,New York,USA,America
Creation Date,Author,Tweet,Language,Location,Country,Continent
When I ran it, the following output was written to console:
Console Output (using concat)
Creation Date Author Tweet Language Location Country Continent
0 2015-12-17 foo Hello EN London UK Europe
1 2015-12-18 bar Bye EN Manchester UK Europe
2 2015-12-28 baz Hallo DE Frankfurt Germany Europe
0 2016-01-09 bar Tweeeeet EN New York USA America
1 2016-01-09 cat Miau FI Helsinki Finland Europe
0 2018-12-12 who Hello EN Delhi India Asia
The console output of the shorter variant is slightly different (note the indices in the first column), however this has no effect on the generated CSV file.
Console Output (using append)
Creation Date Author Tweet Language Location Country Continent
0 2015-12-17 foo Hello EN London UK Europe
1 2015-12-18 bar Bye EN Manchester UK Europe
2 2015-12-28 baz Hallo DE Frankfurt Germany Europe
0 2016-01-09 bar Tweeeeet EN New York USA America
1 2016-01-09 cat Miau FI Helsinki Finland Europe
0 2018-12-12 who Hello EN Delhi India Asia
Finally, this is what the output CSV file it generated looks like:
Creation Date,Author,Tweet,Language,Location,Country,Continent
2016-01-09,bar,Tweeeeet,EN,New York,USA,America

