Problem I am supposed to solve:
The Riddler is planning his next caper somewhere on
Pennsylvania Avenue. The address on Pennsylvania is a four-digit number with
the following properties.
All four digits are different,
The digit in the thousands place is three times the digit in the tens place,
The number is odd, and
The sum of the digits is 27.
So I made a for loop that checks each four digit integer and puts the value in a place holder (i.e. thousands, hundreds, etc.) And conditional if statements to fit the conditions. But my problem is that the IDE gives me no error when I run the code, but it does not print my statement at the end. I'm having trouble figuring out what is wrong with my code.
address = 0
thousand = 0
hundred = 0
ten = 0
one = 0
for address in range(1000,9999+1):
thousand = (address/1000)%10
hundred = (address/100)%10
ten = (address/10)%10
one = (address%10)
if (thousand != hundred) and (thousand != ten) and (thousand != one) and (hundred != ten) and (hundred != one) and (ten !=one):
if thousand == (3*ten):
if one % 2 != 0:
if thousand+hundred+ten+one == 27:
print("The address is: ",address, "Pennsylvania Ave.")
It runs but the print statement does not show up.
All four digits are different, The digit in the thousands place is three times the digit in the tens place, The number is odd, and The sum of the digits is 27.
The digit in the thousands place is three times the digit in the tens place: valid combos are 3x1x, 6x2x, 9x3x.
The sum of the digits is 27: only 9x3x is possible since 27 - (6 + 2) > 8+7, the maximum remaining digits. In fact 27 - (9 + 3) = 15. The remaining digits can be 9,6 or 8,7
All four digits are different: 9,5 is not an option. The number is either 9837 or 9738.
The number is odd: it's 9837.
Some pencil and paper works better than a for loop here.
That being said, keep in mind that / is the true division operator in Python 3, irrespective of type. So when address = 6754, for example
thousand = (address / 1000) % 10
evaluates as
thousand = 6.754 % 10
which is just 6.754, not 6 as you were probably hoping. To get 6, use the integer division operator //:
thousand = (address // 1000) % 10
Number Theory
isop = []
for a in range(1, 10, 1):
for b in range(0, 10, 1):
for c in range(0, 10, 1):
for d in range(0, 10, 1):
if a!=b and a!=c and a!=d and b!=c and b!=d and c!=d:
sum = a+b+c+d
if a==3*c and sum == 27:
num = a*1000 + b*100 + c*10 + d
if num % 2 == 1:
for i in range(len(isop)):
How is it possible to extract the n-th digit of a number in Sagemath? We have to compute the 13787th digit from pi + e in Sagemath. My approach was the following:
sage: xi = e + pi
....: var1 = xi.n(digits=13786+1)
....: var2 = xi.n(digits=13787+1)
....: var3 = ((var2-var1) * 10^13787).trunc()
....: var3
Which gave me 0 back, however it should be 9.
The digit is indeed 9. But the subsequent digits are also 9: this part of decimal expansion goes ...9999237... Rounding rolls these 9s to 0s, carrying 1 to a higher digit.
So you need some extra digits in order to avoid the digit you are interested in from being affected by rounding. How many depends on the number; we don't know in advance if there isn't a sequence of one billion of 9s starting from that position. Here I use 10 extra digits
xi = e + pi
n = 13787
offset = 1 + floor(log(xi, 10)) # the first significant figure is not always the first digit after decimal dot, so we account for that
extra = 10
digit = int(str(xi.n(digits = n + offset + extra))[-1 - extra])
This returns 9. I think extracting with str is more reliable than subtracting two nearly-equal numbers and hoping there won't be additional loss of precition there.
Of course, including a magic number like 10 isn't reliable. Here is a better version, which starts with 10 extra digits but then increases the number until we no longer have 00000000... as a result.
xi = e + pi
n = 13787
offset = 1 + floor(log(xi, 10))
extra = 10
while True:
digits = str(xi.n(digits = n + offset + extra))[-1 - extra:]
if digits == "0" * len(digits):
extra *= 2
digit = int(digits[0])
This will loop forever if the digits keep coming as 0, and rightly so: without actually knowing what the number is we can never be sure if the ...0000000... we get is not really ...999999999942... rounded up.
An upside-down number is defined as:
An upside-down number is an integer where the i'th digit from the left plus the i'th digit from the right is
always equal to 10.
For example 13579 is an upside-down number since 1+9 = 10, 3+7 = 10 and (since
5 is both the 3rd digit from the left and from the right) 5+5 = 10.
The first few upside-down numbers, in numerical order, are 5, 19, 28, 37, … , 82, 91, 159, …
Task: Write a program to determine the nth upside-down number (in numerical order).
The input will consist of a single integer n (1 < n < 2^31). You should output a single integer giving the nth upside-down number.
My code:
def upsidecheck(tocheck):
intolist=list(map(int, str(tocheck)))
while x<(len(intolist)/2):
if (intolist[x]+intolist[len(intolist)-x-1])!= 10 :
return False
return True
print("which nth upsidedownnumber do you want?")
for x in range (1,(2**31)):
if counter == True:y+=1
if y==nth:answer=x;break
print("the answeris",answer)
Performance issue:
This code is fine for numbers less than 100, however it needs to run within two seconds for numbers as large as '1234' which should yield an answer of '4995116'.
It does work but just takes too long (usually about 30 seconds). It needs to work within 2 seconds ;(
[Note: this is not for an exam/homework etc., it's just to help me prepare for an exam.]
First, we need a function to tell us which numbers are upside-down:
def is_ud(n):
digits = [int(ch) for ch in str(n)]
check = (len(digits) + 1) // 2
return all(digits[i] + digits[-1 - i] == 10 for i in range(check))
then let's generate some values and look for patterns:
ud = [i for i in range(10000000) if is_ud(i)]
for digits in range(1, 8):
lo, hi = 10 ** (digits - 1), (10 ** digits) - 1
answers = sum(lo <= n <= hi for n in ud)
print("{}: {}".format(digits, answers))
which gives
1: 1
2: 9
3: 9
4: 81
5: 81
6: 729
7: 729
so there are 81 4-digit solutions, and 729 6-digit solutions; this should make sense, because the 6-digit solutions look like "1" + (each 4-digit solution) + "9", "2" + (each 4-digit solution) + "8", ... "9" + (each 4-digit solution) + "1" - therefore, there are 9 6-digit solutions for every 4-digit solution (and if you generate them in this fashion you will be generating them in ascending order). Similarly, for each 4-digit solution, there is a corresponding 5-digit solution by sticking a 5 in the middle.
Looking at this table, you should now be able to see that if you want (for example) the 200th solution, it must have 6 digits; in fact, it must be the 19th 6-digit solution. More than this, because 19 < 81, it must look like "1" + the 19th 4-digit solution + "9"!
You now have everything you need to write a recursive solution to directly generate the Nth upside-down number. Good luck!
Since brute-forcing through all the numbers here is not an option, you need to first solve the mathematical problem:
Generate "upside-down" numbers in ascending order and,
If possible, determine how many "upside-down" numbers there are of a certain length since your index cap is pretty high to brute-force-generate even these.
For the 1st, "upside-down" numbers are:
of length 2n: a1...ana'n...a'1
of length 2n+1: a1...an5a'n...a'1
where ai is any digit except 0 and a'i is its 10-complement.
Since the numbers of the same length are compared digit by digit, guess which order will be the ascending one.
For the 2nd,
the number of "upside-down" numbers of length 2n or 2n+1 is both the number of all the possible combinations of
since the previous expression is so simple, you can even work out a formula for the sum - the number of all "upside-down" numbers up to the length N.
The rest is pretty simple, i'd only add that divmod or // may come in handy for the resulting algorithm.
This is an interesting problem. The first part, as others have said, is that you want the nth number of any number of digits, so if you can find the total number of values with fewer digits you can subtract them from the value and ignore them.
Then you have a simpler problem: find the nth value with exactly k digits. If k is odd the central digit is '5', but otherwise the first half is simply the nth base 9 number but with digits expressed in the range 1..9. The tail is simply the same base 9 value with the digits reversed and using a range of 9..1 to represent values 0..8.
This function will convert a value to base 9 but with a specific character used to represent each digit:
def base9(n, size, digits):
result = []
for i in range(size):
n //= 9
return ''.join(digits[i] for i in reversed(result))
So for example:
>>> print(base9(20, 3, "abcdefghi"))
Now to print the nth upside down number with exactly k digits we convert to base 9 and insert a '5' if required.
def ud_fixed(n, k):
"""Upside down number of exactly k digits
0 => 1..159..9
1 => 1..258..9
and so on
ln = k // 2
left = base9(n, ln, "123456789")
right = base9(n, ln, "987654321")[::-1]
if k%2:
return left + "5" + right
return left + right
Now all we need to do is count how many shorter results there are and ignore them:
def upside_down(n):
number = [1, 9]
total = [1, 10]
if n==1: return "5"
while total[-1] < n:
length = len(total)
if length >= 2:
n -= total[length-2] # Ignore all the shorter results.
return ud_fixed(n-1, length)
Print some values to check:
if __name__=='__main__':
for i in range(1, 21):
print(i, upside_down(i))
print(1234, upside_down(1234))
Output looks like:
1 5
2 19
3 28
4 37
5 46
6 55
7 64
8 73
9 82
10 91
11 159
12 258
13 357
14 456
15 555
16 654
17 753
18 852
19 951
20 1199
1234 4995116
Upside-down Numbers
Code is in a module, from which the OP can import the ud function.
% cat
# module variables
# a table with the values of n for which we have the greatest
# UD number of i digits
_t = [0, 1]
for i in range(1,11): last = _t[-1] ; d=9**i ; _t+=[last+d,last+d+d]
# a string with valid digits in our base 9 conversion
_d = '123456789'
def _b9(n,l):
# base 9 conversion using the numbers from 1 to 9
# note that we need a zero padding
s9 = []
while n : s9.append(_d[n%9]) ; n = n//9
while len(s9)<l: s9.append(_d[0]) # ZERO PADDING!
return ''.join(s9)
def _r9(s):
# reverse the first half of our UD number
return ''.join(str(10-int(c)) for c in s[::-1])
def ud(n):
# Error conditions
if n<1:raise ValueError, 'U-D numbers count starts from 1, current index is %d.'%(n,)
if n>_t[-1]:raise ValueError, 'n=%d is too large, current max is %d.'%(n,_t[-1])
# find length of the UD number searching in table _t
for i, j in enumerate(_t):
if n<=j: break
# the sequence number of n in all the OD numbers of length i
# note that to apply base9 conversion we have to count from 0,
# hence the final -1
dn = n-_t[i-1]-1
# now we compute the "shifted base 9" representation of the ordinal dn,
# taking into account the possible need for padding to a length of i//2
a = _b9(dn,i//2)
# we compute the string representing the OD number by using _r9 for
# the second part of the number and adding a '5' iff i is odd,
# we convert to int, done
return int(a+('5' if i%2 else '')+_r9(a))
Usage Example
Here it is an example of usage
% python
Python 2.7.8 (default, Oct 18 2014, 12:50:18)
[GCC 4.9.1] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from upside import ud
>>> ud(1234)
>>> ud(7845264901)
>>> ud(7845264902)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "", line 15, in ud
if n>_t[-1]:raise ValueError, 'n=%d is too large, current max is %d.'%(n,_t[-1])
ValueError: n=7845264902 is too large, current max is 7845264901.
>>> exit()
A small remark
Except for comments and error handling, ud(n) is amazingly short...
def ud(n):
for i, j in enumerate(_t):
if n<=j: break
dn = n-_t[i-1]-1
a = _b9(dn,i//2)
return int(a+('5' if i%2 else '')+_r9(a))
I have a python program that outputs a list of coordinates that correspond to points in a survey. To keep this simple, I'm trying to make any coordinate above n (36) display something like: 1.8+36, which is 37.8, however 1x1.8 (same number) could also work, or any similar permutation... the coordinates are in lists (one for x and one for y). I currently use an if statement, but that obviously only works for numbers less than 72.
The simplest way is probably to use integer division and the modulus operator (which takes the remainder), so;
blocks = n // 36
small = n % 36
format_n = str(small) + ' + ' + str(blocks) + '*36'
Should give i + k*36, where i < 36 and k is an integer.
As long as your values remain below 1296 (36*36), you can divide your number by 36 and represent it as this number into 36.
input_1 = 105
output_1 = (105 * 1.0) / 36 # 2.197
print '36*' + output_1 # 36*2.197
n = float(input())
if n > 36:
result = str(n -36) + "+36"
result = n
this outputs the remainder of n-36, and then +36, for example if n is 124.79, 88.79+36 is outputted.
I cannot seem to make sure that the python modulo function is working properly, I have tried various numbers and cannot seem to get a correct division.
ISBN Number
print """
Welcome to the ISBN checker,
To use this program you will enter a 10 digit number to be converted to an International Standard Book Number
ISBNNo = raw_input("please enter a ten digit number of choice")
counter = 11 #Set the counter to 11 as we multiply by 11 first
acc = 0 #Set the accumulator to 0
Begin the loop, multiply each digit in the string by a decrimenting counter
We need to treat the number as a string to obtain each placement
for i in ISBNNo:
print str(i) + " * " + str(counter)
acc = acc + (int(i) * counter) #cast value a integer and multiply by counter
counter -= 1 #decrement counter
print "Total = " + str(acc)
Mod by 11 (divide and take remainder
acc = acc % 11
print "Mod by 11 = " + str(acc)
take it from 11
acc = 11 - acc
print "subtract the remainder from 9 = " + str(acc)
concatenate with string
ISBNNo = ISBNNo + str(acc)
print "ISBN Number including check digit is: " + ISBNNo
Your code is mostly correct, except for some issues:
1) You're trying to compute the checksum (last digit) if the ISBN. This means that you should only take 9 digits into consideration:
ISBNNo = raw_input("please enter a ten digit number of choice")
assert len(ISBNNo) == 10, "ten digit ISBN number is expected"
# ...
for i in ISBNNo[0:9]: # iterate only over positions 0..9
# ...
2) Also there should be a special case here:
ISBNNo = ISBNNo + str(acc)
print "ISBN Number including check digit is: " + ISBNNo
You're doing modulo-11, so acc can be equal to 10. ISBN mandates that "X" should be used as the last "digit" in this case, which could be written as:
ISBNNo = ISBNNo + (str(acc) if acc < 10 else 'X')
Here's the fixed code, with example number from Wikipedia:
In response to comments
>>> 255 // 11 # Floor division (rounded down)
>>> 255 - (255//11)*11 # Remainder (manually)
>>> 255 % 11 # Remainder (operator %)
(Note: I'm using // which stands for floor division. In Python 2, you could simply use / too because you're dividing integers. In Python 3, / is always true division and // is floor division.)