Is there something like Matlab's procrustes function in NumPy/SciPy or related libraries?
For reference. Procrustes analysis aims to align 2 sets of points (in other words, 2 shapes) to minimize square distance between them by removing scale, translation and rotation warp components.
Example in Matlab:
X = [0 1; 2 3; 4 5; 6 7; 8 9]; % first shape
R = [1 2; 2 1]; % rotation matrix
t = [3 5]; % translation vector
Y = X * R + repmat(t, 5, 1); % warped shape, no scale and no distortion
[d Z] = procrustes(X, Y); % Z is Y aligned back to X
Z =
0.0000 1.0000
2.0000 3.0000
4.0000 5.0000
6.0000 7.0000
8.0000 9.0000
Same task in NumPy:
X = arange(10).reshape((5, 2))
R = array([[1, 2], [2, 1]])
t = array([3, 5])
Y = dot(X, R) + t
Z = ???
Note: I'm only interested in aligned shape, since square error (variable d in Matlab code) is easily computed from 2 shapes.
I'm not aware of any pre-existing implementation in Python, but it's easy to take a look at the MATLAB code using edit procrustes.m and port it to Numpy:
def procrustes(X, Y, scaling=True, reflection='best'):
A port of MATLAB's `procrustes` function to Numpy.
Procrustes analysis determines a linear transformation (translation,
reflection, orthogonal rotation and scaling) of the points in Y to best
conform them to the points in matrix X, using the sum of squared errors
as the goodness of fit criterion.
d, Z, [tform] = procrustes(X, Y)
X, Y
matrices of target and input coordinates. they must have equal
numbers of points (rows), but Y may have fewer dimensions
(columns) than X.
if False, the scaling component of the transformation is forced
to 1
if 'best' (default), the transformation solution may or may not
include a reflection component, depending on which fits the data
best. setting reflection to True or False forces a solution with
reflection or no reflection respectively.
the residual sum of squared errors, normalized according to a
measure of the scale of X, ((X - X.mean(0))**2).sum()
the matrix of transformed Y-values
a dict specifying the rotation, translation and scaling that
maps X --> Y
n,m = X.shape
ny,my = Y.shape
muX = X.mean(0)
muY = Y.mean(0)
X0 = X - muX
Y0 = Y - muY
ssX = (X0**2.).sum()
ssY = (Y0**2.).sum()
# centred Frobenius norm
normX = np.sqrt(ssX)
normY = np.sqrt(ssY)
# scale to equal (unit) norm
X0 /= normX
Y0 /= normY
if my < m:
Y0 = np.concatenate((Y0, np.zeros(n, m-my)),0)
# optimum rotation matrix of Y
A =, Y0)
U,s,Vt = np.linalg.svd(A,full_matrices=False)
V = Vt.T
T =, U.T)
if reflection != 'best':
# does the current solution use a reflection?
have_reflection = np.linalg.det(T) < 0
# if that's not what was specified, force another reflection
if reflection != have_reflection:
V[:,-1] *= -1
s[-1] *= -1
T =, U.T)
traceTA = s.sum()
if scaling:
# optimum scaling of Y
b = traceTA * normX / normY
# standarised distance between X and b*Y*T + c
d = 1 - traceTA**2
# transformed coords
Z = normX*traceTA*, T) + muX
b = 1
d = 1 + ssY/ssX - 2 * traceTA * normY / normX
Z = normY*, T) + muX
# transformation matrix
if my < m:
T = T[:my,:]
c = muX - b*, T)
#transformation values
tform = {'rotation':T, 'scale':b, 'translation':c}
return d, Z, tform
There is a Scipy function for it: scipy.spatial.procrustes
I'm just posting its example here:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.spatial import procrustes
>>> a = np.array([[1, 3], [1, 2], [1, 1], [2, 1]], 'd')
>>> b = np.array([[4, -2], [4, -4], [4, -6], [2, -6]], 'd')
>>> mtx1, mtx2, disparity = procrustes(a, b)
>>> round(disparity)
You can have both Ordinary Procrustes Analysis and Generalized Procrustes Analysis in python with something like this:
import numpy as np
def opa(a, b):
aT = a.mean(0)
bT = b.mean(0)
A = a - aT
B = b - bT
aS = np.sum(A * A)**.5
bS = np.sum(B * B)**.5
A /= aS
B /= bS
U, _, V = np.linalg.svd(, A))
aR =, V)
if np.linalg.det(aR) < 0:
V[1] *= -1
aR =, V)
aS = aS / bS
aT-= ( * aS)
aD = (np.sum((A -**2) / len(a))**.5
return aR, aS, aT, aD
def gpa(v, n=-1):
if n < 0:
p = avg(v)
p = v[n]
l = len(v)
r, s, t, d = np.ndarray((4, l), object)
for i in range(l):
r[i], s[i], t[i], d[i] = opa(p, v[i])
return r, s, t, d
def avg(v):
v_= np.copy(v)
l = len(v_)
R, S, T = [list(np.zeros(l)) for _ in range(3)]
for i, j in np.ndindex(l, l):
r, s, t, _ = opa(v_[i], v_[j])
R[j] += np.arccos(min(1, max(-1, np.trace(r[:1])))) * np.sign(r[1][0])
S[j] += s
T[j] += t
for i in range(l):
a = R[i] / l
r = [np.cos(a), -np.sin(a)], [np.sin(a), np.cos(a)]
v_[i] = v_[i].dot(r) * (S[i] / l) + (T[i] / l)
return v_.mean(0)
For testing purposes, the output of each algorithm can be visualized as follows:
import matplotlib.pyplot as p; p.rcParams['toolbar'] = 'None';
def plt(o, e, b):
p.figure(figsize=(10, 10), dpi=72, facecolor='w').add_axes([0.05, 0.05, 0.9, 0.9], aspect='equal')
p.plot(0, 0, marker='x', mew=1, ms=10, c='g', zorder=2, clip_on=False)
p.gcf().canvas.set_window_title('%f' % e)
x = np.ravel(o[0].T[0])
y = np.ravel(o[0].T[1])
p.xlim(min(x), max(x))
p.ylim(min(y), max(y))
a = []
for i, j in np.ndindex(len(o), 2):
O = p.plot(*a, marker='x', mew=1, ms=10, lw=.25, c='b', zorder=0, clip_on=False)
O[0].set(c='r', zorder=1)
if not b:
# Fly wings example (Klingenberg, 2015 |
arr1 = np.array([[588.0, 443.0], [178.0, 443.0], [56.0, 436.0], [50.0, 376.0], [129.0, 360.0], [15.0, 342.0], [92.0, 293.0], [79.0, 269.0], [276.0, 295.0], [281.0, 331.0], [785.0, 260.0], [754.0, 174.0], [405.0, 233.0], [386.0, 167.0], [466.0, 59.0]])
arr2 = np.array([[477.0, 557.0], [130.129, 374.307], [52.0, 334.0], [67.662, 306.953], [111.916, 323.0], [55.119, 275.854], [107.935, 277.723], [101.899, 259.73], [175.0, 329.0], [171.0, 345.0], [589.0, 527.0], [591.0, 468.0], [299.0, 363.0], [306.0, 317.0], [406.0, 288.0]])
def opa_out(a):
r, s, t, d = opa(a[0], a[1])
a[1] = a[1].dot(r) * s + t
return a, d, False
plt(*opa_out([arr1, arr2, np.matrix.copy(arr2)]))
def gpa_out(a):
g = gpa(a, -1)
D = [avg(a)]
for i in range(len(a)):
D.append(a[i].dot(g[0][i]) * g[1][i] + g[2][i])
return D, sum(g[3])/len(a), True
plt(*gpa_out([arr1, arr2]))
Probably you want to try this package with various flavors of different Procrustes methods,
I am trying to find the control points and handles of a Cubic Bezier curve from a series of points. My current code is below (credit to Zero Zero on the Python Discord). The Cubic Spline is creating the desired fit, but the handles (in orange) are incorrect. How may I find the handles of this curve?
Thank you!
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
def fit_curve(points):
# Fit a cubic bezier curve to the points
curve = sp.interpolate.CubicSpline(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], bc_type=((1, 0.0), (1, 0.0)))
# Get 4 control points for the curve
p = np.zeros((4, 2))
p[0, :] = points[0, :]
p[3, :] = points[-1, :]
p[1, :] = points[0, :] + 0.3 * (points[-1, :] - points[0, :])
p[2, :] = points[-1, :] - 0.3 * (points[-1, :] - points[0, :])
return p, curve
ypoints = [0.0, 0.03771681353260319, 0.20421680080883106, 0.49896111463402026, 0.7183501026981503, 0.8481517096346528, 0.9256128196832564, 0.9705404287079152, 0.9933297674379904, 1.0]
xpoints = [x for x in range(len(ypoints))]
points = np.array([xpoints, ypoints]).T
from scipy.interpolate import splprep, splev
tck, u = splprep([xpoints, ypoints], s=0)
#print(tck, u)
xnew, ynew = splev(np.linspace(0, 1, 100), tck)
# Plot the original points and the Bézier curve
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#plt.plot(xpoints, ypoints, 'x', xnew, ynew, xpoints, ypoints, 'b')
plt.axis([0, 10, -0.05, 1.05])
plt.legend(['Points', 'Bézier curve', 'True curve'])
plt.title('Bézier curve fitting')
# Get the curve
p, curve = fit_curve(points)
# Plot the points and the curve
plt.plot(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], 'o')
plt.plot(p[:, 0], p[:, 1], 'o')
plt.plot(np.linspace(0, 9, 100), curve(np.linspace(0, 9, 100)))
The answer for my case was a Bezier best fit function that accepts an input of point values, fits the points to a Cubic Spline, and outputs the Bézier handles of the curve by finding their coefficients.
Here is one such script, fitCurves, which can be used like so:
import numpy as np
from fitCurve import fitCurve
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
y = [0.0,
x = np.linspace(0, 1, len(y))
pts = np.array([x,y]).T
bezier_handles = fitCurve(points=pts , maxError=20)
x_bez = []
y_bez = []
for bez in bezier_handles:
for pt in bez:
plt.plot(pts[:,0], pts[:,1], 'bo-', label='Points')
plt.plot(x_bez[:2], y_bez[:2], 'ro--', label='Handle') # handle 1
plt.plot(x_bez[2:4], y_bez[2:4], 'ro--') # handle 2
from numpy import *
""" Python implementation of
Algorithm for Automatically Fitting Digitized Curves
by Philip J. Schneider
"Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990
# evaluates cubic bezier at t, return point
def q(ctrlPoly, t):
return (1.0-t)**3 * ctrlPoly[0] + 3*(1.0-t)**2 * t * ctrlPoly[1] + 3*(1.0-t)* t**2 * ctrlPoly[2] + t**3 * ctrlPoly[3]
# evaluates cubic bezier first derivative at t, return point
def qprime(ctrlPoly, t):
return 3*(1.0-t)**2 * (ctrlPoly[1]-ctrlPoly[0]) + 6*(1.0-t) * t * (ctrlPoly[2]-ctrlPoly[1]) + 3*t**2 * (ctrlPoly[3]-ctrlPoly[2])
# evaluates cubic bezier second derivative at t, return point
def qprimeprime(ctrlPoly, t):
return 6*(1.0-t) * (ctrlPoly[2]-2*ctrlPoly[1]+ctrlPoly[0]) + 6*(t) * (ctrlPoly[3]-2*ctrlPoly[2]+ctrlPoly[1])
# Fit one (ore more) Bezier curves to a set of points
def fitCurve(points, maxError):
leftTangent = normalize(points[1] - points[0])
rightTangent = normalize(points[-2] - points[-1])
return fitCubic(points, leftTangent, rightTangent, maxError)
def fitCubic(points, leftTangent, rightTangent, error):
# Use heuristic if region only has two points in it
if (len(points) == 2):
dist = linalg.norm(points[0] - points[1]) / 3.0
bezCurve = [points[0], points[0] + leftTangent * dist, points[1] + rightTangent * dist, points[1]]
return [bezCurve]
# Parameterize points, and attempt to fit curve
u = chordLengthParameterize(points)
bezCurve = generateBezier(points, u, leftTangent, rightTangent)
# Find max deviation of points to fitted curve
maxError, splitPoint = computeMaxError(points, bezCurve, u)
if maxError < error:
return [bezCurve]
# If error not too large, try some reparameterization and iteration
if maxError < error**2:
for i in range(20):
uPrime = reparameterize(bezCurve, points, u)
bezCurve = generateBezier(points, uPrime, leftTangent, rightTangent)
maxError, splitPoint = computeMaxError(points, bezCurve, uPrime)
if maxError < error:
return [bezCurve]
u = uPrime
# Fitting failed -- split at max error point and fit recursively
beziers = []
centerTangent = normalize(points[splitPoint-1] - points[splitPoint+1])
beziers += fitCubic(points[:splitPoint+1], leftTangent, centerTangent, error)
beziers += fitCubic(points[splitPoint:], -centerTangent, rightTangent, error)
return beziers
def generateBezier(points, parameters, leftTangent, rightTangent):
bezCurve = [points[0], None, None, points[-1]]
# compute the A's
A = zeros((len(parameters), 2, 2))
for i, u in enumerate(parameters):
A[i][0] = leftTangent * 3*(1-u)**2 * u
A[i][1] = rightTangent * 3*(1-u) * u**2
# Create the C and X matrices
C = zeros((2, 2))
X = zeros(2)
for i, (point, u) in enumerate(zip(points, parameters)):
C[0][0] += dot(A[i][0], A[i][0])
C[0][1] += dot(A[i][0], A[i][1])
C[1][0] += dot(A[i][0], A[i][1])
C[1][1] += dot(A[i][1], A[i][1])
tmp = point - q([points[0], points[0], points[-1], points[-1]], u)
X[0] += dot(A[i][0], tmp)
X[1] += dot(A[i][1], tmp)
# Compute the determinants of C and X
det_C0_C1 = C[0][0] * C[1][1] - C[1][0] * C[0][1]
det_C0_X = C[0][0] * X[1] - C[1][0] * X[0]
det_X_C1 = X[0] * C[1][1] - X[1] * C[0][1]
# Finally, derive alpha values
alpha_l = 0.0 if det_C0_C1 == 0 else det_X_C1 / det_C0_C1
alpha_r = 0.0 if det_C0_C1 == 0 else det_C0_X / det_C0_C1
# If alpha negative, use the Wu/Barsky heuristic (see text) */
# (if alpha is 0, you get coincident control points that lead to
# divide by zero in any subsequent NewtonRaphsonRootFind() call. */
segLength = linalg.norm(points[0] - points[-1])
epsilon = 1.0e-6 * segLength
if alpha_l < epsilon or alpha_r < epsilon:
# fall back on standard (probably inaccurate) formula, and subdivide further if needed.
bezCurve[1] = bezCurve[0] + leftTangent * (segLength / 3.0)
bezCurve[2] = bezCurve[3] + rightTangent * (segLength / 3.0)
# First and last control points of the Bezier curve are
# positioned exactly at the first and last data points
# Control points 1 and 2 are positioned an alpha distance out
# on the tangent vectors, left and right, respectively
bezCurve[1] = bezCurve[0] + leftTangent * alpha_l
bezCurve[2] = bezCurve[3] + rightTangent * alpha_r
return bezCurve
def reparameterize(bezier, points, parameters):
return [newtonRaphsonRootFind(bezier, point, u) for point, u in zip(points, parameters)]
def newtonRaphsonRootFind(bez, point, u):
Newton's root finding algorithm calculates f(x)=0 by reiterating
x_n+1 = x_n - f(x_n)/f'(x_n)
We are trying to find curve parameter u for some point p that minimizes
the distance from that point to the curve. Distance point to curve is d=q(u)-p.
At minimum distance the point is perpendicular to the curve.
We are solving
f = q(u)-p * q'(u) = 0
f' = q'(u) * q'(u) + q(u)-p * q''(u)
u_n+1 = u_n - |q(u_n)-p * q'(u_n)| / |q'(u_n)**2 + q(u_n)-p * q''(u_n)|
d = q(bez, u)-point
numerator = (d * qprime(bez, u)).sum()
denominator = (qprime(bez, u)**2 + d * qprimeprime(bez, u)).sum()
if denominator == 0.0:
return u
return u - numerator/denominator
def chordLengthParameterize(points):
u = [0.0]
for i in range(1, len(points)):
u.append(u[i-1] + linalg.norm(points[i] - points[i-1]))
for i, _ in enumerate(u):
u[i] = u[i] / u[-1]
return u
def computeMaxError(points, bez, parameters):
maxDist = 0.0
splitPoint = len(points)/2
for i, (point, u) in enumerate(zip(points, parameters)):
dist = linalg.norm(q(bez, u)-point)**2
if dist > maxDist:
maxDist = dist
splitPoint = i
return maxDist, splitPoint
def normalize(v):
return v / linalg.norm(v)
I have a curve as shown below:
The x coordinates and the y coordinates for this plot are:
path_x= (4.0, 5.638304088577984, 6.785456961280076, 5.638304088577984, 4.0)
path_y =(0.0, 1.147152872702092, 2.7854569612800755, 4.423761049858059, 3.2766081771559668)
And I obtained the above picture by:
x_min =min(path_x)-1
x_max =max(path_x)+1
y_min =min(path_y)-1
y_max =max(path_y)+1
num_pts = len(path_x)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
#fig = plt.figure()
plt.suptitle("Curve and the boundary")
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
Now my intention is to draw a smooth curve using cubic splines. But looks like for cubic splines you need the x coordinates to be on ascending order. whereas in this case, neither x values nor y values are in the ascending order.
Also this is not a function. That is an x value is mapped with more than one element in the range.
I also went over this post. But I couldn't figure out a proper method to solve my problem.
I really appreciate your help in this regard
As suggested in the comments, you can always parameterize any curve/surface with an arbitrary (and linear!) parameter.
For example, define t as a parameter such that you get x=x(t) and y=y(t). Since t is arbitrary, you can define it such that at t=0, you get your first path_x[0],path_y[0], and at t=1, you get your last pair of coordinates, path_x[-1],path_y[-1].
Here is a code using scipy.interpolate
import numpy
import scipy.interpolate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
path_x = numpy.asarray((4.0, 5.638304088577984, 6.785456961280076, 5.638304088577984, 4.0),dtype=float)
path_y = numpy.asarray((0.0, 1.147152872702092, 2.7854569612800755, 4.423761049858059, 3.2766081771559668),dtype=float)
# defining arbitrary parameter to parameterize the curve
path_t = numpy.linspace(0,1,path_x.size)
# this is the position vector with
# x coord (1st row) given by path_x, and
# y coord (2nd row) given by path_y
r = numpy.vstack((path_x.reshape((1,path_x.size)),path_y.reshape((1,path_y.size))))
# creating the spline object
spline = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(path_t,r,kind='cubic')
# defining values of the arbitrary parameter over which
# you want to interpolate x and y
# it MUST be within 0 and 1, since you defined
# the spline between path_t=0 and path_t=1
t = numpy.linspace(numpy.min(path_t),numpy.max(path_t),100)
# interpolating along t
# r[0,:] -> interpolated x coordinates
# r[1,:] -> interpolated y coordinates
r = spline(t)
With output
For non-ascending x splines can be easily computed if you make both x and y functions of another parameter t: x(t), y(t).
In your case you have 5 points so t should be just enumeration of these points, i.e. t = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 for 5 points.
So if x = [5, 2, 7, 3, 6] then x(t) = x(0) = 5, x(1) = 2, x(2) = 7, x(3) = 3, x(4) = 6. Same for y.
Then compute spline function for both x(t) and y(t). Afterwards compute values of splines in all many intermediate t points. Lastly just use all calculated values x(t) and y(t) as a function y(x).
Once before I implemented cubic spline computation from scratch using Numpy, so I use this code in my example below if you don't mind (it could be useful for you to learn about spline math), replace with your library functions. Also in my code you can see numba lines commented out, if you want you can use these Numba annotations to speed up computation.
You have to look at main() function at the bottom of code, it shows how to compute and use x(t) and y(t).
Try it online!
import numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Solves linear system given by Tridiagonal Matrix
# Helper for calculating cubic splines
##numba.njit(cache = True, fastmath = True, inline = 'always')
def tri_diag_solve(A, B, C, F):
n = B.size
assert A.ndim == B.ndim == C.ndim == F.ndim == 1 and (
A.size == B.size == C.size == F.size == n
) #, (A.shape, B.shape, C.shape, F.shape)
Bs, Fs = np.zeros_like(B), np.zeros_like(F)
Bs[0], Fs[0] = B[0], F[0]
for i in range(1, n):
Bs[i] = B[i] - A[i] / Bs[i - 1] * C[i - 1]
Fs[i] = F[i] - A[i] / Bs[i - 1] * Fs[i - 1]
x = np.zeros_like(B)
x[-1] = Fs[-1] / Bs[-1]
for i in range(n - 2, -1, -1):
x[i] = (Fs[i] - C[i] * x[i + 1]) / Bs[i]
return x
# Calculate cubic spline params
##numba.njit(cache = True, fastmath = True, inline = 'always')
def calc_spline_params(x, y):
a = y
h = np.diff(x)
c = np.concatenate((np.zeros((1,), dtype = y.dtype),
np.append(tri_diag_solve(h[:-1], (h[:-1] + h[1:]) * 2, h[1:],
((a[2:] - a[1:-1]) / h[1:] - (a[1:-1] - a[:-2]) / h[:-1]) * 3), 0)))
d = np.diff(c) / (3 * h)
b = (a[1:] - a[:-1]) / h + (2 * c[1:] + c[:-1]) / 3 * h
return a[1:], b, c[1:], d
# Spline value calculating function, given params and "x"
##numba.njit(cache = True, fastmath = True, inline = 'always')
def func_spline(x, ix, x0, a, b, c, d):
dx = x - x0[1:][ix]
return a[ix] + (b[ix] + (c[ix] + d[ix] * dx) * dx) * dx
# Compute piece-wise spline function for "x" out of sorted "x0" points
##numba.njit([f'f{ii}[:](f{ii}[:], f{ii}[:], f{ii}[:], f{ii}[:], f{ii}[:], f{ii}[:])' for ii in (4, 8)],
# cache = True, fastmath = True, inline = 'always')
def piece_wise_spline(x, x0, a, b, c, d):
xsh = x.shape
x = x.ravel()
ix = np.searchsorted(x0[1 : -1], x)
y = func_spline(x, ix, x0, a, b, c, d)
y = y.reshape(xsh)
return y
def main():
x0 = np.array([4.0, 5.638304088577984, 6.785456961280076, 5.638304088577984, 4.0])
y0 = np.array([0.0, 1.147152872702092, 2.7854569612800755, 4.423761049858059, 3.2766081771559668])
t0 = np.arange(len(x0)).astype(np.float64)
plt.plot(x0, y0)
vs = []
for e in (x0, y0):
a, b, c, d = calc_spline_params(t0, e)
x = np.linspace(0, t0[-1], 100)
vs.append(piece_wise_spline(x, t0, a, b, c, d))
plt.plot(vs[0], vs[1])
if __name__ == '__main__':
I try to find the rotation matrix to align two vectors.
I have a vector A = [ax, ay, az] and I would like to align it on the vector B = [1, 0, 0] (x-axis unit vector).
I found the following explanation and tried to implement it:
def align_vectors(a, b):
v = np.cross(a, b)
s = np.linalg.norm(v)
c =, b)
v1, v2, v3 = v
h = 1 / (1 + c)
Vmat = np.array([[0, -v3, v2],
[v3, 0, -v1],
[-v2, v1, 0]])
R = np.eye(3, dtype=np.float64) + Vmat + ( * h)
return R
When I apply it to find the rotation of a point, this is what I have :
x_axis = np.array([1, 0, 0], dtype=np.float64)
direction = np.array([-0.02, 1.004, -0.02], dtype=np.float64)
Ralign = align_vectors(x_axis, direction)
point = 1000 * np.array([-0.02, 1.004, -0.02], dtype=np.float64) # Point in the direction of the unit vector
result =
The resulting point is not aligned with the unit vector.
If you only want to rotate ONE vector a to align with b, not the entire coordinate contain that vector, use simple vector projection and the length of a:
a_norm = np.linalg.norm(a)
b_norm = np.linalg.norm(b)
result = b * a_norm / b_norm
The following fixes the issue in the question that input are not unit vector by vector normalization.
def align_vectors(a, b):
b = b / np.linalg.norm(b) # normalize a
a = a / np.linalg.norm(a) # normalize b
v = np.cross(a, b)
# s = np.linalg.norm(v)
c =, b)
v1, v2, v3 = v
h = 1 / (1 + c)
Vmat = np.array([[0, -v3, v2],
[v3, 0, -v1],
[-v2, v1, 0]])
R = np.eye(3, dtype=np.float64) + Vmat + ( * h)
return R
def angle(a, b):
"""Angle between vectors"""
a = a / np.linalg.norm(a)
b = b / np.linalg.norm(b)
return np.arccos(
point = np.array([-0.02, 1.004, -0.02])
direction = np.array([1., 0., 0.])
rotation = align_vectors(point, direction)
# Rotate point in align with direction. The result vector is aligned with direction
result =
print('Angle:', angle(direction, point)) # 0.0
print('Length:', np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(point), np.linalg.norm(result))) # True
# Rotate direction by the matrix, result does not align with direction but the angle between the original vector (direction) and the result2 are the same.
result2 =
print('Same Angle:', np.isclose(angle(point,result), angle(direction,result2))) # True
print('Length:', np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(direction), np.linalg.norm(result2))) # True
I'm trying to produce 2D perlin noise using numpy, but instead of something smooth I get this :
my broken perlin noise, with ugly squares everywhere
For sure, I'm mixing up my dimensions somewhere, probably when I combine the four gradients ... But I can't find it and my brain is melting right now. Anyone can help me pinpoint the problem ?
Anyway, here is the code:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def perlin(x,y,seed=0):
# permutation table
p = np.arange(256,dtype=int)
p = np.stack([p,p]).flatten()
# coordinates of the first corner
xi = x.astype(int)
yi = y.astype(int)
# internal coordinates
xf = x - xi
yf = y - yi
# fade factors
u = fade(xf)
v = fade(yf)
# noise components
n00 = gradient(p[p[xi]+yi],xf,yf)
n01 = gradient(p[p[xi]+yi+1],xf,yf-1)
n11 = gradient(p[p[xi+1]+yi+1],xf-1,yf-1)
n10 = gradient(p[p[xi+1]+yi],xf-1,yf)
# combine noises
x1 = lerp(n00,n10,u)
x2 = lerp(n10,n11,u)
return lerp(x2,x1,v)
def lerp(a,b,x):
"linear interpolation"
return a + x * (b-a)
def fade(t):
"6t^5 - 15t^4 + 10t^3"
return 6 * t**5 - 15 * t**4 + 10 * t**3
def gradient(h,x,y):
"grad converts h to the right gradient vector and return the dot product with (x,y)"
vectors = np.array([[0,1],[0,-1],[1,0],[-1,0]])
g = vectors[h%4]
return g[:,:,0] * x + g[:,:,1] * y
lin = np.linspace(0,5,100,endpoint=False)
y,x = np.meshgrid(lin,lin)
Thanks to Paul Panzer and a good night of sleep it works now ...
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def perlin(x, y, seed=0):
# permutation table
p = np.arange(256, dtype=int)
p = np.stack([p, p]).flatten()
# coordinates of the top-left
xi, yi = x.astype(int), y.astype(int)
# internal coordinates
xf, yf = x - xi, y - yi
# fade factors
u, v = fade(xf), fade(yf)
# noise components
n00 = gradient(p[p[xi] + yi], xf, yf)
n01 = gradient(p[p[xi] + yi + 1], xf, yf - 1)
n11 = gradient(p[p[xi + 1] + yi + 1], xf - 1, yf - 1)
n10 = gradient(p[p[xi + 1] + yi], xf - 1, yf)
# combine noises
x1 = lerp(n00, n10, u)
x2 = lerp(n01, n11, u) # FIX1: I was using n10 instead of n01
return lerp(x1, x2, v) # FIX2: I also had to reverse x1 and x2 here
def lerp(a, b, x):
"linear interpolation"
return a + x * (b - a)
def fade(t):
"6t^5 - 15t^4 + 10t^3"
return 6 * t**5 - 15 * t**4 + 10 * t**3
def gradient(h, x, y):
"grad converts h to the right gradient vector and return the dot product with (x,y)"
vectors = np.array([[0, 1], [0, -1], [1, 0], [-1, 0]])
g = vectors[h % 4]
return g[:, :, 0] * x + g[:, :, 1] * y
lin = np.linspace(0, 5, 100, endpoint=False)
x, y = np.meshgrid(lin, lin) # FIX3: I thought I had to invert x and y here but it was a mistake
plt.imshow(perlin(x, y, seed=2), origin='upper')
At first, thank you everybody for the amazing work on stackoverflow... you guys are amazing and have helped me out quite some times already. Regarding my problem: I have a series of vectors in the format (VectorX, VectorY, StartingpointX, StartingpointY)
data = [(-0.15304757819399128, -0.034405679205349315, -5.42877197265625, 53.412933349609375), (-0.30532995491023485, -0.21523935094046465, -63.36669921875, 91.832427978515625), (-0.15872430479453215, -0.077999419482978283, -67.805389404296875, 81.001983642578125), (-0.36415549211687903, -0.33757147194808113, -59.015228271484375, 82.976226806640625), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (-0.052973530805275004, 0.098212384392411423, 19.02667236328125, -13.72125244140625), (-0.34318724086483599, 0.17123742336019632, 80.0394287109375, 108.58499145507812), (0.19410169197834648, -0.17635303976555861, -55.603790283203125, -76.298828125), (-0.38774018337716143, -0.0824692384322816, -44.59942626953125, 68.402496337890625), (0.062202543524108478, -0.37219011831012949, -79.828826904296875, -10.764404296875), (-0.56582988168383963, 0.14872365390732512, 39.67657470703125, 97.303192138671875), (0.12496832467900276, -0.12216653754859408, 24.65948486328125, -30.92584228515625)]
When I plot the vectorfield it looks like this:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def main():
# Format Data...
numdata = len(data)
x = np.zeros(numdata)
y = np.zeros(numdata)
u = np.zeros(numdata)
v = np.zeros(numdata)
for i,el in enumerate(data):
x[i] = el[2]
y[i] = el[3]
# length of vector
z[i] = math.sqrt(el[0]**2+el[1]**2)
u[i] = el[0]
v[i] = el[1]
# Plot
plt.quiver(x,y,u,v )
# showing the length with color
plt.scatter(x, y, c=z)
I want to create a polynomial function to fit a continous vector field for the whole area. After some research I found the following functions for fitting polynoms in two dimensions. The problem is, that it only accepts one value for the value that is fitted.
def polyfit2d(x, y, z, order=3):
ncols = (order + 1)**2
G = np.zeros((x.size, ncols))
ij = itertools.product(range(order+1), range(order+1))
for k, (i,j) in enumerate(ij):
G[:,k] = x**i * y**j
m, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(G, z)
return m
def polyval2d(x, y, m):
order = int(np.sqrt(len(m))) - 1
ij = itertools.product(range(order+1), range(order+1))
z = np.zeros_like(x)
for a, (i,j) in zip(m, ij):
z += a * x**i * y**j
return z
Also when I tried to fit the one dimensional length of the vectors, the values returned from the polyval2d were completely off. Does anybody know a method to get a fitted function that will return a vector (x,y) for any point in the grid?
Thank you!
A polynomial to fit a 2-d vector field will be two bivariate polynomials - one for the x-component and one for the y-component. In other words, your final polynomial fitting will look something like:
P(x,y) = ( x + x*y, 1 + x + y )
So you will have to call polyfit2d twice. Here is an example:
import numpy as np
import itertools
def polyfit2d(x, y, z, order=3):
ncols = (order + 1)**2
G = np.zeros((x.size, ncols))
ij = itertools.product(range(order+1), range(order+1))
for k, (i,j) in enumerate(ij):
G[:,k] = x**i * y**j
m, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(G, z)
return m
def fmt1(x,i):
if i == 0:
return ""
elif i == 1:
return x
return x + '^' + str(i)
def fmt2(i,j):
if i == 0:
return fmt1('y',j)
elif j == 0:
return fmt1('x',i)
return fmt1('x',i) + fmt1('y',j)
def fmtpoly2(m, order):
for (i,j), c in zip(itertools.product(range(order+1), range(order+1)), m):
yield ("%f %s" % (c, fmt2(i,j)))
xs = np.array([ 0, 1, 2, 3] )
ys = np.array([ 0, 1, 2, 3] )
zx = np.array([ 0, 2, 6, 12])
zy = np.array([ 1, 3, 5, 7])
mx = polyfit2d(xs, ys, zx, 2)
print "x-component(x,y) = ", ' + '.join(fmtpoly2(mx,2))
my = polyfit2d(xs, ys, zy, 2)
print "y-component(x,y) = ", ' + '.join(fmtpoly2(my,2))
In this example our vector field is:
at (0,0): (0,1)
at (1,1): (2,3)
at (2,2): (6,5)
at (3,3): (12,7)
Also, I think I found a bug in polyval2d - this version gives more accurate results:
def polyval2d(x, y, m):
order = int(np.sqrt(len(m))) - 1
ij = itertools.product(range(order+1), range(order+1))
z = np.zeros_like(x)
for a, (i,j) in zip(m, ij):
z = z + a * x**i * y**j
return z