Searching for a CNN Time Series Prediction Tutorial - python

I'm looking for instructions on how to make a regression time series prediction using a CNN. I want to implement a multi-step prediction for a univariate time series. I have read a few instructions but found nothing suitable for my dataset: one feature and around 400 observations.
Does anyone know an easily understandable and applicable code example for such a time series?
I would be very grateful for any help,

Using CNNs for sequence data can be a bit tricky to set up. In my experience, CNNs achieve results near RNNs (GRUs and LSTMs) but CNNs are far faster to compute.
First, make sure your data is shaped the way Conv1D expects: (instances, time steps, predictors).
X_cnn = X.reshape(X.shape[0], X.shape[1] // predictors, predictors)
Then, the syntax is:
model_cnn = Sequential()
model_cnn.add(layers.Conv1D(A, B, activation = 'relu',
input_shape = (X_cnn.shape[1], X_cnn.shape[2])))
Where A is the number of neurons, and B is the number of time steps to consider. Note the Flatten() layer after the Conv1D layer. This should hopefully get you started.


Keras neural network predicts the same number for all inputs

I am trying to create a keras neural network to predict distance on roads between two points in city. I am using Google Maps to get travel distance and then train neural network to do that.
import pandas as pd
for i in range(0,100):
df=pd.DataFrame(arr,columns=['p1Lat','p1Lon','p2Lat','p2Lon', 'distnaceInMeters', 'timeInSeconds'])
Neural network architecture:
from keras.optimizers import SGD
sgd = SGD(lr=0.00000001)
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Activation
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(100, input_dim=4 , activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(100, activation='relu'))
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='sgd', metrics=['mse'])
Then i divide sets to test/train
Then i fit data into the model, but loss stays the same:
history =, Ytrain,
# We pass some validation for
# monitoring validation loss and metrics
# at the end of each epoch
validation_data=(Xtest, Ytest))
I later print the data:
prediction = model.predict(Xtest)
print (Ytest)
But result is the same for all the inputs:
[0.2617755 ]
[0.2615582 ]
[0.2614446 ]
[0.2616575 ]
[0.2615183 ]
[0.2618127 ]]
2 0.13595
6 0.27998
7 0.48849
16 0.36553
21 0.37910
22 0.40176
33 0.09173
39 0.24542
53 0.04216
55 0.38212
62 0.39972
64 0.29153
87 0.08788
I can not find the problem. What is it? I am new to machine learning.
You are doing a very elementary mistake: since you are in a regression setting, you should not use a sigmoid activation for your final layer (this is used for binary classification cases); change your last layer to
or even
since, according to the docs, if you do not specify the activation argument it defaults to linear.
Various other advice offered already in the other answer and the comments may be useful (lower LR, more layers, other optimizers e.g. Adam), and you certainly need to increase your batch size; but nothing will work with the sigmoid activation function you currently use for your last layer.
Irrelevant to the issue, but in regression settings you don't need to repeat your loss function as a metric; this
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='sgd')
will suffice.
It would be very useful if you could post the the progression of the loss and MSE (of both the training and validation/test set) as it goes throughout the training. Even better, it would be best if you can visualize it as per and post the vizualization here.
In the meantime, based on the facts:
1) You say the loss isn't decreasing (I'm assuming on the training set, during training, based on your compile args).
2) You say that the prediction "accuracy" on your test set is bad.
3) My experience/intuition (not an empirical assessment) tells me that your two layer dense model is a little too small to be able to capture the complexity inherent in your data. AKA your model is suffering from too high a Bias
The fastest and easiest thing you can try, is to try to add both more layers and more nodes to each layer.
However, I should note that there is a lot of causal information that can affect the driving distance and driving time beyond just the the distance between two coordinates, which might be the feature that your Neural network will most readily extract. For example, whether you drive on a highway or sides treets, traffic lights, whehter the roads twist and turn or go straight... to infer all of that just from that the data you will need enormous amounts of data(examples) in my opinion. If you could add input columns with e.g. disatance to nearest higway from both points, you might be able to train with less data
I would also reccomend that you souble check that you are feeding as input what you think you are feeding (and its shape), and also, you should use some standardization from function sklearn which might help the model learn faster and converge faster to a higher "accuracy".
If and when you post either more code or the training history I can help you more (and also how many training samples).
EDIT 1: Try changing batch size to a larger number preferably batch_size=32 if it fits in your memory. you can use a small batch size (such as 1) when working with an "info rich" input like an image, but when using a very "info poor" datum like 4 floats (2 coordinates), the gradient will point each batch (with batch_size=1) to a practically random (pseudo...) direction and not neccessarily get any closer to a local minimum. Only when taking the gradient on the collective loss of a larger batch (like 32, and perhaps more) will you get a gradient that points at least approximately in the direction of the local minimum and converge to a better result. Also, I suggest that you don't mess with the learning rate manually and perhaps change to an optimizer like "adam" or "RMSProp".
Edit 2: #Desertnaut made an excellent point that I totally missed, a correction without which, your code will not work properly. He deserves the credit so I will not include it here. Please refer to his answer. Also, don't forget to raise your batch size, and not "manually mess" with your learning rate, "adam" for example, will do it for you.

Keras LSTM Input Transpose

I'm training a timeseries LSTM model using Keras. I understand that the input to the model has to be in the format: [samples, timesteps, features].
However, when I reverse transpose each input element, so the input now is in the format: [samples, features, timesteps] my model accuracy improves significantly, and training time is reduced quite a bit as well. Does anyone have an explanation as to why?
For reference, here are the stats on my training data:
samples: 720
timesteps: 256
features: 4
So my input tensor should have the shape [720, 256, 4] but reshaping to [720, 4, 256] produces better results. Why?
As I said in my rather long comments, the answer is "because you are not learning the same thing". Frameworks like tensorflow and keras attempt to make training and using networks convenient, so as long as your inputs are at least approximately the right shape, the framework will try its best to feed the data into the network. But the network has no way to interpret the data you feed into it. It is up to you to make sure that what you are feeding into the network makes sense in the context of your data. No matter what data you send and what labels you use, the network will do its best to learn a mapping between the data and the labels. And it might succeed. Just because the pattern you are trying to learn makes no sense doesn't mean it cannot be learned. So to answer your question, you need to figure out what is the meaning of your input transposition and given that LSTM will treat your data as a sequence of consecutive datapoints, what sequences did you end up learning.

lstm prediction result delay phenomenon

Recently I'm using lstm to predict time series. I'm using keras 2.0 to construct my lstm model. It has a structure like this:
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(128, input_shape=(timesteps, 1), return_sequences=False, stateful=False)
I have tried to use this network to predict several time series including sin(t) and a real traffic flow dataset. I found that the prediction for sin is fine while the prediction for real dataset is just like shifting the last input value by one step. I don't know whether it's a prediction error or the network doesn't learn the pattern of the dataset at all. Does anyone get similar results? Are there any solutions to this annoying shift? Thanks a lot.
Here are some of my predictions:
3 frequencies sin prediction result
real traffic dataset prediction result
This is simply the starting point for your network and you'll have to work through it by trying various things.
To name only a few:
Try different window lengths (timesteps fed into network)
Try adding dense layers, or multiple LSTM layers, or fewer LTSM nodes
Try different optimizers, with various learning rates
Look for additional datapoints to feed into the network
How much data do you have? You may need more to get a good prediction
Try different offsets for the Y variable, how many timesteps do you need to be able to predict out for your specific problem?
The list goes on....

In Tensorflow, a loss can be a tensor of more than one dimension. What does that mean?

A scalar loss makes perfect sense to me which is in general what is fed as Loss Function in standard NN architectures. However there is a provision to make your loss not scalar, for example I had input a loss of size ([batch_size,]) and it did not throw an error.
Does it summarize the loss as sum/mean internally? It is not coming out very clear to me from the source code.
Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks. :)
Imagine you are trying to classify the MNIST data set. In this case, you have 10 output neurons. Therefore, after propagating a training sample through it, you get 10 activations. These have to be compared to the desired output via a cost function for each neuron (something like cross-entropy).
What you are trying to do here, is to minimize these costs among all the neurons. In the MNIST example you have to do something like
xent = tf.reduce_mean(
tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=y), name="xent")
You see that the cost is calculated across all neurons as mean (reduce_mean).

Multilabel classification using LSTM on variable length signal using Keras

I have recently started working on ECG signal classification in to various classes. It is basically multi label classification task (Total 4 classes). I am new to Deep Learning, LSTM and Keras that why i am confused in few things.
I am thinking about giving normalized original signal as input to the network, is this a good approach?
I also need to understand training input shape for LSTM as ECG signals are of variable length (9000 to 18000 samples) and usually classifier need fixed variable input. How can i handle such type of input in case of LSTM.
Finally what should be structure of deep LSTM network for such lengthy input and how many layers should i use.
Thanks for your time.
I am thinking about giving normalized original signal as input to the network, is this a good approach?
Yes this is a good approach. It is actually quite standard for Deep Learning algorithms to give them your input normalized or rescaled.
This usually helps your model converge faster, as now you are inside smaller range (i.e.: [-1, 1]) instead of greater un-normalized ranges from your original input (say [0, 1000]). It also helps you get better, more precise results, as it helps solve problems like the vanishing gradient as well as adapting better to modern activation and optimizer functions.
I also need to understand training input shape for LSTM as ECG signals are of variable length (9000 to 18000 samples) and usually classifier need fixed variable input. How can i handle such type of input in case of LSTM.
This part is really important. You are correct, LSTM expects to receive inputs with a fixed shape, one that you know beforehand (in fact, any Deep Learning layer expects fixed shape inputs). This is also explained in the keras docs on Recurrent Layers where they say:
Input shape
3D tensor with shape (batch_size, timesteps, input_dim).
As we can see, it expects your data to have a number of timesteps as well as a dimension on each one of those timesteps (batch size is usually 1). To exemplify, suppose your input data consists of elements like: [[1,4],[2,3],[3,2],[4,1]]. Then, using a batch_size of 1, the shape of your data would be (1,4,2). As you have 4 timesteps, each with 2 features.
So bottom line, you have to make sure that you pre-process you data so it has a fixed shape you can then pass to your LSTM layers. This one you will have to find out by yourself, as you know your data and problem better than we do.
Maybe you can fix the samples you obtain from your signal, discarding some and keeping others so every signal is of the same length (if you say your signals are between 9k and 18k choosing 9000 could be the logical choice, discarding samples from the others you get). You could even do some other conversion to your data in a way that you can map from inputs of 9000-18000 to a fixed size.
Finally what should be structure of deep LSTM network for such lengthy input and how many layers should i use.
This one is really quite broad and doesn't have a unique answer. It would depend on the nature of your problem, and determining those parameters a priori is not so straightforward.
What I recommend you do is to start with a simple model first, and then add layers and blocks (neurons) incrementally until you are satisfied with the results.
Try just one hidden layer first, train and test your model and check your performance. You can then add more blocks and see if your performance improved. You can also add more layers and check for the same until you are satisfied.
This is a good way to create Deep Learning models, as you will arrive to the results you want while keeping your Network as lean as possible, which in turn helps your execution time and complexity. Good luck with your coding, hope you find this useful.

