I am trying to apply the kmeans2 algorithm in Scipy. The following code applies the algorithm correctly.
from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans2,vq
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv("123.csv")
km,_ = kmeans2(X,2)
idx,_ = vq(X,km)
How would I observe the cluster centers? I have tried print(centers), print(centroids) etc but nothing works.
How would I observe the cluster labels? For example, in the sklearn KMeans this is given by labels_.
I have tried print(labels) and all variations of it, which I found on the Scipy Reference Guide, but none seem to work.
Also, under the initialization methods, it states that a matrix is an available method within minit. I cannot get minit to recognise any matrices I put in.
I usually either get an error message saying "data type not understood" or "unhashable type: 'list'.
The reason I am trying to do this is because I want to run a KMeans Clustering Algorithm where I can manually select each cluster center and then categorize each point to the closest center.
Am I just not understanding how "minit" works, or am I simply just not inputting my matrix in the right form
km should contain the cluster centers. Try
As for the labels, that should be the second variable returned by kmeans2.
Here is a working example:
df = [[1.,2.,3.], [7.,8.,9.], [2.,2.,2.], [7.,8.,6.]]
centers,labels = kmeans2(df,2)
The result:
[[1.5 2. 2.5]
[7. 8. 7.5]]
[0 1 0 1]
Good evening,
I'm currently pursuing a PhD in chemistry and in this framework I'm trying to apply my few knowledge in python and stats to discriminate sample based on their IR spectrum.
After a few of weeks of data acquisition I'm finally able to build my data set and was about to see what PCA can offer (this was the easy part).
I was able to build my script and get the loadings, scores and everything else that I could possibly need or want. However I used the StandardScaler from sklearn.preprocessing to scale down my data so (correct my if i'm wrong) I should get back loadings in this "standard scaled" space.
As my data are actual IR spectra those loadings have a chemical meanings (even thought there are not real spectrum) e.g. if my PC1 loadings have a peak at XX cm-1 i know that samples with high PC1 are likely to contain compounds that absorb at this wavenumber .
So i want to reverse the StandardScaler transformation. I've tried to used StandardScaler.inverse_transform() however it appears to return me the same array that I gave him... which is very frustrating...
I'm trying to do the same thing with my samples spectrum but it gave me the same result again : here is the portion of my script where I tried this :
Wavenumbers = DFF.columns
#in fact this is a little more complicated but that's the spirit
Spectre = DFF.values.tolist()
#btw DFF is my pandas.dataframe containing spectrum with features = wavenumber
SS = StandardScaler(copy=True)
DFF = SS.fit_transform(DFF) #at this point I use SS for preprocessing before PCA
#I'm then trying to inverse SS and get back the 1rst spectrum of the dataset
D = SS.inverse_transform(DFF[0])
#However at this point DFF[0] and D are almost-exactly the same I'm sure because :
plt.plot(Wavenumbers,DFF[0]) #the curves are the sames, and :
for i,j in enumerate(D) :
if j==DFF[0][i] : pass
else : print("{}".format(j-DFF[0][i] )) #return nothing bigger than 10e-16
The problem is more than likely syntax or how i used StandardScaler, however i have no one around me to search for help with that . Can anyone tell me what i did wrong ? or give me an hint on how i could get back my loadings in the "actual real IR spectra" space ?
PS: sorry for the wacky English and i hope to be understandable
Good evening,
After putting the problem aside for a few days I finally re-coded the function I needed (as suggested by Robert Dodier).
For reminder, I wanted to have a function that could take my data from a pandas dataframe and mean-centered it in order to do PCA, but also that could reverse the preprocessing for latter uses.
Here is the code I ended up with :
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
class Scaler:
std =[]
mean = []
def fit(self,DF):
for c in DF.columns:
def transform(self,DF):
X = np.zeros(shape=DF.shape)
for i,c in enumerate(DF.columns):
for j in range(len(DF.index)):
X[j][i] = (DF[c][j] - self.mean[i]) / self.std[i]
return X
def reverse(self,X):
Y = np.zeros(shape=X.shape)
for i in range(len(X[0])):
for j in range(len(X)):
Y[j][i] = X[j][i] * self.std[i] + self.mean[i]
return Y
def fit_transform(self,DF):
X = self.transform(DF)
return X
It's pretty slow and surely very low-tech but it seems to do the job just fine. Hope it will save some time to other python beginners.
I designed it to be as close as I think sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler does it.
example :
S = Scaler() #create scaler object
S.fit(DF) #fit the scaler to the dataframe (calculate mean and std for every columns in DF /!\ DF must be a pd.dataframe)
X=S.transform(DF) # return a np.array with mean centered data
Y = S.reverse(X) # reverse the transformation to get back original data
Again sorry for the fast tipped English. And thanks to Robert for taking the time to answer.
I am having an issue with the pycopula library.
The example (provided on https://github.com/blent-ai/pycopula) imports a csv dataset and then uses it in the function. I have generated two random variable, uniformly distributed, and combined them into a pd.DataFrame() . I then tried to estimate a Clayton copula.
import pandas as pd
from pycopula.copula import ArchimedeanCopula
x1 = np.random.uniform(size=3000)
x2 = np.random.uniform(size=3000)
X = pd.DataFrame(); X[0]=x1; X[1]=x2
archimedean = ArchimedeanCopula(family="clayton", dim=2)
archimedean.fit(X, method="cmle")
I am getting a TypeError: '(0, slice(None, None, None))' is an invalid key. If anyone has used this library before and knows what input does the function take, I would be grateful. The full documentation link that it is provided on GitHub redirects me to a non-existing website (Error 404). Thanks!
I think that the method fit() takes data in numpy array type. You can't put a dataframe into it.
X : numpy array (of size n * copula dimension)
Use Dataframe.to_numpy() to change into right type. Hope it works.
I am aware that there are a few questions about a similar subject, although I couldn't find a proper answer.
I would like to fit some data with a function (called Bastenaire) and iget the parameters values. Here is the code:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy import optimize
def bastenaire(s, A,B, C,sd):
return np.exp(logNB)-B
However, the curve fit cannot identify the correct parameters and I get: OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated.
Same results when I give no input parameters values.
Is there any way to tweak something and get results? Should my dataset cover a wider range and values?
Thank you!
Fitting is tough, you need to restrain the parameter space using bounds and (often) check a bit your initial values.
To make it work, I search for an initial value where the function had the correct look, then estimated some constraints:
bounds = np.array([(1e4, 1e12), (-np.inf, np.inf), (1e-20, 1e-2), (-2000., 20000)]).T
fitmb, fitmob = optimize.curve_fit(bastenaire,S, N,p0=(1e7,-100.,1e-5,250.), bounds=bounds)
(array([ 1.00000000e+10, 1.03174824e+04, 7.53169772e-03, -7.32901325e+01]), array([[ 2.24128391e-06, 6.17858390e+00, -1.44693602e-07,
[ 6.17858390e+00, 1.70326029e+07, -3.98881486e-01,
[-1.44693602e-07, -3.98881486e-01, 1.14650323e-08,
[-5.72040842e-03, -1.57696515e+04, 4.68707940e-04,
I am currently trying to do model checking with PyMC where my model is a Bernoulli model and I have a Beta prior. I want to do both a (i) gof plot as well as (ii) calculate the posterior predictive p-value.
I have got my code running with a Binomial model, but I am quite struggling to find the right way of making a Bernoulli model working. Unfortunately, there is no example anywhere that I can work with. My code looks like the following:
import pymc as mc
import numpy as np
alpha = 2
beta = 2
n = 13
yes = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,0,0])
p = mc.Beta('p',alpha,beta)
surv = mc.Bernoulli('surv',p=p,observed=True,value=yes)
surv_sim = mc.Bernoulli('surv_sim',p=p)
mc_est = mc.MCMC({'p':p,'surv':surv,'surv_sim':surv_sim})
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
mc.Matplot.gof_plot(mc_est.surv_sim.trace(), 10/13., name='surv')
#here I have issues
D = mc.discrepancy(yes, surv_sim, p.trace())
The main problem I am having is in determining the expected values for the discrepancy function. Just using p.trace() does not work here, as these are the probabilities. Somehow, I need to incorporate the sample size here, but I am struggling to do that in a similar way as I would do it for a Binomial model. I am also not quite sure, if I am doing the gof_plot correctly.
Hope someone can help me out here! Thanks!
Per the discrepancy function doc string, the parameters are:
observed : Iterable of observed values (size=(n,))
simulated : Iterable of simulated values (size=(r,n))
expected : Iterable of expected values (size=(r,) or (r,n))
So you need to correct two things:
1) modify your simulated results to have size n (e.g., 13 in your example):
surv_sim = mc.Bernoulli('surv_sim', p=p, size=n)
2) encapsulate your p.trace() with the bernoulli_expval method:
D = mc.discrepancy(yes, surv_sim.trace(), mc.bernoulli_expval(p.trace()))
(bernoulli_expval just spits back p.)
With those two changes, I get the following:
I am trying to compute PDF estimate from KDE computed using scikit-learn module. I have seen 2 variants of scoring and I am trying both: Statement A and B below.
Statement A results in following error:
AttributeError: 'KernelDensity' object has no attribute 'tree_'
Statement B results in following error:
ValueError: query data dimension must match training data dimension
Seems like a silly error, but I cannot figure out. Please help. Code is below...
from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity
import numpy
# d is my 1-D array data
xgrid = numpy.linspace(d.min(), d.max(), 1000)
density = KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.08804).fit(d)
# statement A
density_score = KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.08804).score_samples(xgrid)
# statement B
density_score = density.score_samples(xgrid)
density_score = numpy.exp(density_score)
If it helps, I am using 0.15.2 version of scikit-learn. I've tried this successfully with scipy.stats.gaussian_kde so there is no problem with data.
With statement B, I had the same issue with this error:
ValueError: query data dimension must match training data dimension
The issue here is that you have 1-D array data, but when you feed it to fit() function, it makes an assumption that you have only 1 data point with many dimensions! So for example, if your training data size is 100000 points, the your d is 100000x1, but fit takes them as 1x100000!!
So, you should reshape your d before fitting: d.reshape(-1,1) and same for xgrid.shape(-1,1)
density = KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.08804).fit(d.reshape(-1,1))
density_score = density.score_samples(xgrid.reshape(-1,1))
Note: The issue with statement A, is that you are using score_samples on an object which is not fit yet!
You need to call the fit() function before you can sample from the distribution.