Add metadata to TestCase in Python's unittest - python

I'd like to add metadata to individual tests in a TestCase that I've written to use Python's unittest framework. The metadata (a string, really) needs to be carried through the testing process and output to an XML file.
Other than remaining with the test the data isn't going to be used by unittest, nor my test code. (I've got a program that will run afterwards, open the XML file, and go looking for the metadata/string).
I've previously used NUnit which allows one to use C# attribute to do this. Specifically, you can put this above a class:
[Property("SmartArrayAOD", -3)]
and then later find that in the XML output.
Is it possible to attach metadata to a test in Python's unittest?

Simple way for just dumping XML
If all you want to do is write stuff to an XML file after every unit test, just add a tearDown method to your test class (e.g. if you have , give it a).
class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
def tearDown(self):
def test_whatever(self):
General method
If you want a general way to collect and track metadata from all your tests and return it at the end, try creating an astropy table in your test class's __init__() and adding rows to it during tearDown(), then extracting a reference to your initialized instances of your test class from unittest, like this:
Step 1: set up a re-usable subclass of unittest.TestCase so we don't have to duplicate the table handling
(put all the example code in the same file or copy the imports)
Demonstration of adding and retrieving meta data from python unittest tests
import sys
import warnings
import unittest
import copy
import time
import astropy
import astropy.table
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
from StringIO import StringIO
from io import StringIO
class DemoTest(unittest.TestCase):
Demonstrates setup of an astropy table in __init__, adding data to the table in tearDown
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(DemoTest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Storing results in a list made it convenient to aggregate them later
self.results_tables = [astropy.table.Table(
names=('Name', 'Result', 'Time', 'Notes'),
dtype=('S50', 'S30', 'f8', 'S50'),
self.results_tables[0]['Time'].unit = 'ms'
self.results_tables[0]['Time'].format = '0.3e'
self.test_timing_t0 = 0
self.test_timing_t1 = 0
def setUp(self):
self.test_timing_t0 = time.time()
def tearDown(self):
test_name = '.'.join('.')[-2:])
self.test_timing_t1 = time.time()
dt = self.test_timing_t1 - self.test_timing_t0
# Check for errors/failures in order to get state & description.
if hasattr(self, '_outcome'): # Python 3.4+
result = self.defaultTestResult() # these 2 methods have no side effects
self._feedErrorsToResult(result, self._outcome.errors)
problem = result.errors or result.failures
state = not problem
if result.errors:
exc_note = result.errors[0][1].split('\n')[-2]
elif result.failures:
exc_note = result.failures[0][1].split('\n')[-2]
exc_note = ''
else: # Python 3.2 - 3.3 or 3.0 - 3.1 and 2.7
# result = getattr(self, '_outcomeForDoCleanups', self._resultForDoCleanups) # DOESN'T WORK RELIABLY
# This is probably only good for python 2.x, meaning python 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 are not supported.
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
state = exc_type is None
exc_note = '' if exc_value is None else '{}: {}'.format(exc_type.__name__, exc_value)
# Add a row to the results table
self.results_tables[0][-1]['Time'] = dt*1000 # Convert to ms
self.results_tables[0][-1]['Result'] = 'pass' if state else 'FAIL'
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=astropy.table.StringTruncateWarning)
self.results_tables[0][-1]['Name'] = test_name
self.results_tables[0][-1]['Notes'] = exc_note
Step 2: set up a test manager that extracts metadata
def manage_tests(tests):
Function for running tests and extracting meta data
:param tests: list of classes sub-classed from DemoTest
:return: (TextTestResult, Table, string)
result returned by unittest
astropy table
string: formatted version of the table
table_sorting_columns = ['Result', 'Time']
# Build test suite
suite_list = []
for test in tests:
combo_suite = unittest.TestSuite(suite_list)
# Run tests
results = [unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1, stream=StringIO(), failfast=False).run(combo_suite)]
# Catch test classes
suite_tests = []
for suite in suite_list:
suite_tests += suite._tests
# Collect results tables
results_tables = []
for suite_test in suite_tests:
if getattr(suite_test, 'results_tables', [None])[0] is not None:
results_tables += copy.copy(suite_test.results_tables)
# Process tables, if any
if len(results_tables):
a = []
while (len(a) == 0) and len(results_tables):
a = results_tables.pop(0) # Skip empty tables, if any
results_table = a
for rt in results_tables:
if len(rt):
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning)
results_table = astropy.table.join(results_table, rt, join_type='outer')
results_table = results_table.group_by(table_sorting_columns)
except Exception:
print('Error sorting test results table. Columns may not be in the preferred order.')
column_names = list(results_table.columns.keys())
alignments = ['<' if cn == 'Notes' else '>' for cn in column_names]
if len(results_table):
rtf = '\n'.join(results_table.pformat(align=alignments, max_width=-1))
exp_res = sum([result.testsRun - len(result.skipped) for result in results])
if len(results_table) != exp_res:
print('ERROR forming results table. Expected {} results, but table length is {}.'.format(
exp_res, len(results_table),
rtf = None
results_table = rtf = None
return results, results_table, rtf
Step 3: Example usage
class FunTest1(DemoTest):
def test_pass_1():
def test_fail_1():
assert False, 'Meant to fail for demo 1'
class FunTest2(DemoTest):
def test_pass_2():
def test_fail_2():
assert False, 'Meant to fail for demo 2'
res, tab, form = manage_tests([FunTest1, FunTest2])
for r in res:
for error in r.errors:
Sample results:
$ python
Name Result Time Notes
-------------------- ------ --------- ----------------------------------------
FunTest2.test_fail_2 FAIL 5.412e-02 AssertionError: Meant to fail for demo 2
FunTest1.test_fail_1 FAIL 1.118e-01 AssertionError: Meant to fail for demo 1
FunTest2.test_pass_2 pass 6.199e-03
FunTest1.test_pass_1 pass 6.914e-03
<unittest.runner.TextTestResult run=4 errors=0 failures=2>
Should work with python 2.7 or 3.7. You can add whatever columns you want to the table. You can add parameters and stuff to the table in setUp, tearDown, or even during the tests.
This solution accesses a protected attribute _tests of unittest.suite.TestSuite, which can have unexpected results. This specific implementation works as expected for me in python2.7 and python3.7, but slight variations on how the suite is built and interrogated can easily lead to strange things happening. I couldn't figure out a different way to extract references to the instances of my classes that unittest uses, though.


Python unittest to create a mock .json file

I have function that looks like this:
def file1_exists(directory):
file1_path = os.path.join(directory, 'file1.json')
return os.path.exists(file1_path)
def file2_exists(directory):
log_path = os.path.join(directory, 'file2.log')
return os.path.exists(file2_path)
def create_file1(directory):
if file1_exists(directory):
if not file2_exists(directory):
mod_time = os.stat(os.path.join(directory, 'file2.log')).st_mtime
timestamp = {
"creation_timestamp": datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(mod_time).isoformat()
with open(os.path.join(directory, "file1.json"), "w") as f:
json.dump(timestamp, f)
And I need to create a unittest that uses mock files.
The 3 Unittests that I need are:
A mock myfile.json file where I will assert that the function will return None (based on the 1st if statement, since the file exists)
A way to mock-hide the data.txt item in order to assert that the function will return None (based on the second if statement)
A mock myfile.json file where I write the required data and then assert that the return matches the expected outcome.
So far I've tried tests 1. and 2. with variations of this but I've been unsuccessful:
class TestAdminJsonCreation(unittest.TestCase):
#patch('os.path.exists', return_value=True)
def test_existing_admin_json(self):
I've also read about other solutions such as:
Python testing: using a fake file with mock & io.StringIO
But I haven't found a way to successfully do what I need...
You want to be able to provide different return values for each call to os.path.exists. Since you know the order of the calls, you can use side_effects to supply a list of values to be used in order.
class TestAdminJsonCreation(unittest.TestCase):
# No JSON file
#patch('os.path.exists', return_value=True)
def test_existing_admin_json(self):
# JSON file, log file
#patch('os.path.exists', side_effects=[True, False])
def test_existing_admin_json(self):
# JSON file, no log file
#patch('os.path.exists', side_effects=[True, True])
def test_existing_admin_json(self):
The third test requires an actual file system, or for you to mock open.
So, I ended up breaking my original function into 3 different functions for easier testing.
The tests are performed by checking what the result of the 'def create_file1' would be when we feed it different return_values from the other 2 functions and when we add valid data.
class TestFile1JsonCreation(unittest.TestCase):
#patch('', new_callable=mock_open())
#patch('file1_exists', return_value=True)
#patch('file2_exists', return_value=False)
def test_existing_file1_json(self, file2_exists, file1_existsmock, stat, mopen):
# file1.json should not have been written
#patch('', new_callable=mock_open())
#patch('file1_exists', return_value=False)
#patch('file2_exists', return_value=False)
def test_missing_file2(self, file2_exists, file1_existsmock, stat, mopen):
# file1.json should not have been written
#patch('', new_callable=mock_open())
#patch('file1_exists', return_value=False)
#patch('file2_exists', return_value=True)
def test_write_data(self, file2_exists, file1_existsmock, stat, mopen):
class FakeStat:
st_mtime = 1641992788
stat.return_value = FakeStat()
# file1.json should have been written
mopen.assert_called_once_with('./file1.json', 'w')
written_data = ''.join(
for c in mopen().__enter__().write.mock_calls
expected_data = {"creation_timestamp": "2022-01-12T13:06:28"}
written_dict_data = json.loads(written_data)
self.assertEqual(written_dict_data, expected_data)

Mock not overriding the return of a function in Python

I am implementing unit test on one of the classes of my project. The method that I want to test is queryCfsNoteVariations:
class PdfRaportDaoImpl:
def queryCfsNoteVariations(self, reportId):
sql = """
select v.* from item_value_table v
where v.table_id in
(select table_id from table_table t
where t.report_id=%s and table_name='CFS')
cfsItemList = dbFind(sql, (reportId))
sql = "select * from variations_cfs_note"
cfsNoteVariations = dbFind(sql)
if cfsNoteVariations == None or len(cfsNoteVariations) == 0:
raise Exception("cfs note variations is null!")
cfsNoteVariationList = []
for itemInfo in cfsItemList:
for cfsNoteVariation in cfsNoteVariations:
if (
== itemInfo["item_name"].lower()
if len(cfsNoteVariationList) > 0:
return cfsNoteVariationList, itemInfo["item_note"]
return None, None
Which has a path: /com/pdfgather/
In my test I am doing patch on dbFind() method which is located in /com/pdfgather/ My current test looks like this:
from com.pdfgather.PDFReportDao import PdfReportDaoImpl
def test_query_cfs_note_variations(self, mock_find):
mock_find.side_effect = iter([
[{"item_name" : "foo"}, {"item_name" : "hey"}],
[{"item_name_cfs": "foo"},
{"item_name_cfs": "foo"},
{"item_name_cfs": "hey"}]]
report_id = 3578
result = TestingDao.dao.queryCfsNoteVariations(report_id)
# Printing result
However I am not getting my desired result which is getting inside a loop and returning from inside a loop. Instead the dbFind is returning nothing (but it shouldn't as I already preassigned returning values for dbFind).
Thanks in advance!
Python refers com.pdfgather.PDFReportDao.dbFind and com.pdfgather.GlobalHelper.dbFind as two different classes. The second one is the import you want to patch. Try changing your patch to:

Multiprocessing With r2pipe

I'm having issues with using r2pipe, Radare2's API, with the multiprocessing function in python. The problem I am facing is the application hangs on pool.join().
My hope was to use multithreading via the multiprocessing.dummy class in order to evaluate functions quickly through r2pipe. I have tried passing my r2pipe object as a namespace using the Manager class. I have attempted using events as well, but none of these seem to work.
class Test:
def __init__(self, filename=None):
if filename:
self.r2 =
self.r2 =
def t_func(self, args):
f = args[0]
r2_ns = args[1]
print('afbj # {}'.format(f['name']))
bb = r2_ns.cmdj('afbj # {}'.format(f['name']))
if bb:
return bb[0]['addr']
return None
except Exception as e:
return None
def thread(self):
funcs = self.r2.cmdj('aflj')
mgr = ThreadMgr()
ns = mgr.Namespace()
ns.r2 = self.r2
pool = ThreadPool(2)
results =, product(funcs, [ns.r2]))
This is the class I am using. I make a call to the Test.thread function in my main function.
I expect the application to print out the command it is about to run in r2pipe afbj # entry0, etc. Then to print out the list of results containing the first basic block address [40000, 50000, ...].
The application does print out the command about to run, but then hangs before printing out the results.
radare2: radare2 4.2.0-git 23712 # linux-x86-64 git.4.1.1-97-g5a48a4017
commit: 5a48a401787c0eab31ecfb48bebf7cdfccb66e9b build: 2020-01-09__21:44:51
r2pipe: 1.4.2
python: Python 3.6.9 (default, Nov 7 2019, 10:44:02)
system: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
This may be due to passing the same instance of to every call of t_func in the pool. One solution is to move the following lines of code into t_func:
r2 ='filename')
This works, however its terribly slow to reanalyze for each thread/process.
Also, it is often faster to allow radare2 to do as much of the work as possible and limit the number of commands we need to send using r2pipe.
This problem is solved by using the command: afbj ##f
afbj # List basic blocks of given function and show results in json
##f # Execute the command for each function
Longer Example
import r2pipe
R2: r2pipe.open_sync ='/bin/ls')
FUNCS: list = R2.cmd('afbj ##f').split("\n")[:-1]
RESULTS: list = []
for func in FUNCS:
basic_block_info: list = eval(func)
first_block: dict = basic_block_info[0]
address_first_block: int = first_block['addr']
['0x4a56', '0x1636c', '0x3758', '0x15690', '0x15420', '0x154f0', '0x15420',
'0x154f0', '0x3780', '0x3790', '0x37a0', '0x37b0', '0x37c0', '0x37d0', '0x0',
'0x3e90', '0x6210', '0x62f0', '0x8f60', '0x99e0', '0xa860', '0xc640', '0x3e70',
'0xd200', '0xd220', '0x133a0', '0x14480', '0x144e0', '0x145e0', '0x14840', '0x15cf0']
Shorter Example
import r2pipe
R2 ='/bin/ls')
print([hex(eval(func)[0]['addr']) for func in R2.cmd('afbj ##f').split("\n")[:-1]])

How to use the Typed unmarshaller in suds?

I have existing code that processes the output from suds.client.Client(...).service.GetFoo(). Now that part of the flow has changed and we are no longer using SOAP, instead receiving the same XML through other channels. I would like to re-use the existing code by using the suds Typed unmarshaller, but so far have not been successful.
I came 90% of the way using the Basic unmarshaller:
tree = suds.umx.basic.Basic().process(xmlroot)
This gives me the nice tree of objects with attributes, so that the pre-existing code can access tree[some_index].someAttribute, but the value will of course always be a string, rather than an integer or date or whatever, so the code can still not be re-used as-is.
The original class:
class SomeService(object):
def __init__(self):
self.soap_client = Client(some_wsdl_url)
def GetStuff(self):
return self.soap_client.service.GetStuff()
The drop-in replacement that almost works:
class SomeSourceUntyped(object):
def __init__(self):
self.url = some_url
def GetStuff(self):
xmlfile = urllib2.urlopen(self.url)
xmlroot = suds.sax.parser.Parser().parse(xmlfile)
if xmlroot:
# because the parser creates a document root above the document root
tree = suds.umx.basic.Basic().process(xmlroot)[0]
tree = None
return tree
My vain effort to understand suds.umx.typed.Typed():
class SomeSourceTyped(object):
def __init__(self):
self.url = some_url
self.schema_file_name =
with open(self.schema_file_name) as f:
self.schema_node = suds.sax.parser.Parser().parse(f)
self.schema = suds.xsd.schema.Schema(self.schema_node, "", suds.options.Options())
self.schema_query = suds.xsd.query.ElementQuery(('','Stuff'))
self.xmltype = self.schema_query.execute(self.schema)
def GetStuff(self):
xmlfile = urllib2.urlopen(self.url)
xmlroot = suds.sax.parser.Parser().parse(xmlfile)
if xmlroot:
unmarshaller = suds.umx.typed.Typed(self.schema)
# I'm still running into an exception, so obviously something is missing:
# " Exception: (document, None, ), must be qref "
# Do I need to call the Parser differently?
tree = unmarshaller.process(xmlroot, self.xmltype)[0]
tree = None
return tree
This is an obscure one.
Bonus caveat: Of course I am in a legacy system that uses suds 0.3.9.
EDIT: further evolution on the code, found how to create SchemaObjects.

docutils/sphinx custom directive creating sibling section rather than child

Consider a reStructuredText document with this skeleton:
Main Title
text text text text text
text text text text text
.. my-import-from:: file1
.. my-import-from:: file2
The my-import-from directive is provided by a document-specific Sphinx extension, which is supposed to read the file provided as its argument, parse reST embedded in it, and inject the result as a section in the current input file. (Like autodoc, but for a different file format.) The code I have for that, right now, looks like this:
class MyImportFromDirective(Directive):
required_arguments = 1
def run(self):
src, srcline = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line()
doc_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(src),
doc_text = ViewList()
doc_text = extract_doc_from_file(doc_file)
except EnvironmentError as e:
raise self.error(e.filename + ": " + e.strerror) from e
doc_section = nodes.section()
doc_section.document = self.state.document
# report line numbers within the nested parse correctly
old_reporter = self.state.memo.reporter
self.state.memo.reporter = AutodocReporter(doc_text,
nested_parse_with_titles(self.state, doc_text, doc_section)
self.state.memo.reporter = old_reporter
if len(doc_section) == 1 and isinstance(doc_section[0], nodes.section):
doc_section = doc_section[0]
# If there was no title, synthesize one from the name of the file.
if len(doc_section) == 0 or not isinstance(doc_section[0], nodes.title):
doc_title = nodes.title()
doc_section.insert(0, doc_title)
return [doc_section]
This works, except that the new section is injected as a child of the current section, rather than a sibling. In other words, the example document above produces a TOC tree like this:
Main Title
instead of the desired
Main Title
How do I fix this? The Docutils documentation is ... inadequate, particularly regarding control of section depth. One obvious thing I have tried is returning doc_section.children instead of [doc_section]; that completely removes File1 and File2 from the TOC tree (but does make the section headers in the body of the document appear to be for the right nesting level).
I don't think it is possible to do this by returning the section from the directive (without doing something along the lines of what Florian suggested), as it will get appended to the 'current' section. You can, however, add the section via self.state.section as I do in the following (handling of options removed for brevity)
class FauxHeading(object):
A heading level that is not defined by a string. We need this to work with
the mechanics of
The important thing is that the length can vary, but it must be equal to
any other instance of FauxHeading.
def __init__(self, length):
self.length = length
def __len__(self):
return self.length
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, FauxHeading)
class ParmDirective(Directive):
required_arguments = 1
optional_arguments = 0
has_content = True
option_spec = {
'type': directives.unchanged,
'precision': directives.nonnegative_int,
'scale': directives.nonnegative_int,
'length': directives.nonnegative_int}
def run(self):
variableName = self.arguments[0]
lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number()
secBody = None
block_length = 0
# added for some space
lineBlock = nodes.line('', '', nodes.line_block())
# parse the body of the directive
if self.has_content and len(self.content):
secBody = nodes.container()
block_length += nested_parse_with_titles(
self.state, self.content, secBody)
# keeping track of the level seems to be required if we want to allow
# nested content. Not sure why, but fits with the pattern in
# :py:meth:`docutils.parsers.rst.states.RSTState.new_subsection`
myLevel = self.state.memo.section_level
FauxHeading(2 + len(self.options) + block_length),
[lineBlock] if secBody is None else [lineBlock, secBody])
self.state.memo.section_level = myLevel
return []
I don't know how to do it directly inside your custom directive. However, you can use a custom transform to raise the File1 and File2 nodes in the tree after parsing. For example, see the transforms in the docutils.transforms.frontmatter module.
In your Sphinx extension, use the Sphinx.add_transform method to register the custom transform.
Update: You can also directly register the transform in your directive by returning one or more instances of the docutils.nodes.pending class in your node list. Make sure to call the note_pending method of the document in that case (in your directive you can get the document via self.state_machine.document).

