convert columns values into rows with pandas - python

I have a pd.DataFrame where I want to convert some columns into rows. I have the example below where I have 2 different sample with multiple target measurements. I want to break the targets ['t1', 't2', 't3'] and split them into new target row with the sample number. Is there a better way than a for-loop to convert a series of values (in columns) into rows ?
#The entry I have:
# the output I'm expecting:
I don't think that the pd.pivot_table() can do that for me.
Does anyone have an idea ?

You are looking for melt
Sample variable value
0 0 t1 2
1 1 t1 3
2 0 t2 4
3 1 t2 5
4 0 t3 6
5 1 t3 7


Selecting first n columns and last n columns with pandas

I am trying to select the first 2 columns and the last 2 column from a data frame by index with pandas and save it on the same dataframe.
is there a way to do that in one step?
You can use the iloc function to get the columns, and then pass in the indexes.
You are looking for iloc:
df = pd.DataFrame([[1,2,3,4,5], [2,3,4,5,6], [3,4,5,6,7]], columns=['a','b','c','d','e'])
df.iloc[:,:2] # Grabs all rows and first 2 columns
df.iloc[:,-2:] # Grabs all rows and last 2 columns
pd.concat([df.iloc[:,:2],df.iloc[:,-2:]],axis=1) # Puts them together row wise
df = pd.DataFrame([[1,2,3,4,5], [2,3,4,5,6], [3,4,5,6,7]], columns=['a','b','c','d','e'])
a b d e
0 1 2 4 5
1 2 3 5 6
2 3 4 6 7

Pandas total count each day

I have a large dataset (df) with lots of columns and I am trying to get the total number of each day.
1 |11-11-2020|7|col3|col4|col...
2 |10-11-2020|5|col3|col4|col...
3 |09-11-2020|5|col3|col4|col...
4 |10-11-2020|4|col3|col4|col...
5 |10-11-2020|4|col3|col4|col...
6 |07-11-2020|4|col3|col4|col...
I want my result to be something like this
6 |07-11-2020|4|col3|col4|col...| 1
3 |5|col3|col4|col...| 1
2 |10-11-2020|5|col3|col4|col...| 1
4 |4|col3|col4|col...| 2
1 |11-11-2020|7|col3|col4|col...| 1
I tried to use resample like this df = df.groupby(['id','col3', pd.Grouper(key='datetime', freq='D')]).sum().reset_index() and this is my result. I am still new to programming and Pandas but I have read up on pandas docs and am still unable to do it.
6 |07-11-2020|4|col3|1|0.0
3 |07-11-2020|5|col3|1|0.0
2 |10-11-2020|5|col3|1|0.0
4 |10-11-2020|4|col3|2|0.0
1 |11-11-2020|7|col3|1|0.0
try this:
df = df.groupby(['datetime','id','col3']).count()
If you want the count values for all columns based only on the date, then:
And you'll get a DataFrame who has the date time as the index and the column cells representing the number of entries for that given index.

Define column values to be selected / disselected as default

I would like to automate selecting of values in one column - Step_ID.
Insted of defining which Step_ID i would like to filter (shown in the code below) i would like to define, that the first Step_ID and the last Step_ID are being to excluded.
df = df.set_index(['Step_ID'])
Is there any option to exclude the first and last value in the column? In this example Step_1 and Step_25.
Or include all values expect of the first and the last value? In this example Step_2-Step_24.
The reason for this is that files have different numbers of ''Step_ID''.
Since I don't have to redefine it all the time I would like to have a solution that simplify filtering of those. It is necessary to exclude the first and last value in the column 'Step_ID', but the number of the STEP_IDs is always different.
By Step_1 - Step_X, I need to have Step_2 - Step_(X-1).
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Step_ID': ['Step_1','Step_1','Step_2','Step_2','Step_3','Step_4','Step_5',
'B': list(range(9))})
print (df)
Step_ID B
0 Step_1 0
1 Step_1 1
2 Step_2 2
3 Step_2 3
4 Step_3 4
5 Step_4 5
6 Step_5 6
7 Step_6 7
8 Step_6 8
Select all index values without first and last index values extracted by slicing df.index[[0, -1]]:
df = df.set_index(['Step_ID'])
df = df.loc[~df.index.isin(df.index[[0, -1]].tolist())]
print (df)
Step_2 2
Step_2 3
Step_3 4
Step_4 5
Step_5 6

How to keep only the top n% rows of each group of a pandas dataframe?

I have seen a variant of this question asked that keeps the top n rows of each group in a pandas dataframe and the solutions use n as an absolute number rather than a percentage here Pandas get topmost n records within each group. However, in my dataframe, each group has different numbers of rows in it and I want to keep the top n% rows of each group. How would I approach this problem?
You can construct a Boolean series of flags and filter before you groupby. First let's create an example dataframe and look at the number of row for each unique value in the first series:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 2, (10, 3)))
0 6
1 4
Name: 0, dtype: int64
Then define a fraction, e.g. 50% below, and construct a Boolean series for filtering:
n = 0.5
g = df.groupby(0)
flags = (g.cumcount() + 1) <= g[1].transform('size') * n
Then apply the condition, set the index as the first series and (if required) sort the index:
df = df.loc[flags].set_index(0).sort_index()
1 2
0 1 1
0 1 1
0 1 0
1 1 1
1 1 0
As you can see, the resultant dataframe only has 3 0 indices and 2 1 indices, in each case half the number in the original dataframe.
Here is another option which builds on some of the answers in the post you mentioned
First of all here is a quick function to either round up or round down. If we want the top 30% of rows of a dataframe 8 rows long then we would try to take 2.4 rows. So we will need to either round up or down.
My preferred option is to round up. This is because, for eaxample, if we were to take 50% of the rows, but had one group which only had one row, we would still keep that one row. I kept this separate so that you can change the rounding as you wish
def round_func(x, up=True):
'''Function to round up or round down a float'''
if up:
return int(x+1)
return int(x)
Next I make a dataframe to work with and set a parameter p to be the fraction of the rows from each group that we should keep. Everything follows and I have commented it so that hopefully you can follow.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'id':[1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,4],'value':[1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,1]})
p = 0.30 # top fraction to keep. Currently set to 80%
df_top = df.groupby('id').apply( # group by the ids
lambda x: x.reset_index()['value'].nlargest( # in each group take the top rows by column 'value'
round_func(x.count().max()*p))) # calculate how many to keep from each group
df_top = df_top.reset_index().drop('level_1', axis=1) # make the dataframe nice again
df looked like this
id value
0 1 1
1 1 2
2 1 3
3 2 1
4 2 2
5 2 3
6 2 4
7 3 1
8 4 1
df_top looks like this
id value
0 1 3
1 2 4
2 2 3
3 3 1
4 4 1

Pandas: conditional group-specific computations

Let's say I have a table with a key (e.g. customer ID) and two numeric columns C1 and C2. I would like to group rows by the key (customer) and run some aggregators like sum and mean on its columns. After computing group aggregators I would like to assign the results back to each customer row in a DataFrame (as some customer-wide features added to each row).
I can see that I can do something like
df['F1'] = df.groupby(['Key'])['C1'].transform(np.sum)
if I want to aggregate just one column and be able to add the result back to the DataFrame.
Can I make it conditional - can I add up C1 column in a group only for rows whose C2 column is equal to some number X and still be able to add results back to the DataFrame?
How can I run aggregator on a combination of rows like:
np.sum(C1 + C2)?
What would be the simplest and most elegant way to implement it? What is the most efficient way to do it? Can those aggregations be done in a one path?
Thank you in advance.
Here's some setup of some dummy data.
In [81]: df = pd.DataFrame({'Key': ['a','a','b','b','c','c'],
'C1': [1,2,3,4,5,6],
'C2': [7,8,9,10,11,12]})
In [82]: df['F1'] = df.groupby('Key')['C1'].transform(np.sum)
In [83]: df
C1 C2 Key F1
0 1 7 a 3
1 2 8 a 3
2 3 9 b 7
3 4 10 b 7
4 5 11 c 11
5 6 12 c 11
If you want to do a conditional GroupBy, you can just filter the dataframe as it's passed to .groubpy. For example, if you wanted the group sum of 'C1' if C2 is less than 8 or greater than 9.
In [87]: cond = (df['C2'] < 8) | (df['C2'] > 9)
In [88]: df['F2'] = df[cond].groupby('Key')['C1'].transform(np.sum)
In [89]: df
C1 C2 Key F1 F2
0 1 7 a 3 1
1 2 8 a 3 NaN
2 3 9 b 7 NaN
3 4 10 b 7 4
4 5 11 c 11 11
5 6 12 c 11 11
This works because the transform operation preserves the index, so it will still align with the original dataframe correctly.
If you want to sum the group totals for two columns, probably easiest to do something like this? Someone may have something more clever.
In [93]: gb = df.groupby('Key')
In [94]: df['C1+C2'] = gb['C1'].transform(np.sum) + gb['C2'].transform(np.sum)
Here's one other way to get group totals for multiple columns. The syntax isn't really any cleaner, but may be more convenient for a large number of a columns.
df['C1_C2'] = gb[['C1','C2']].apply(lambda x: pd.DataFrame(x.sum().sum(), index=x.index, columns=['']))
I found another approach that uses apply() instead of transform(), but you need to join the result table with the input DataFrame and I just haven't figured out yet how to do it. Would appreciate help to finish the table joining part or any better alternatives.
df = pd.DataFrame({'Key': ['a','a','b','b','c','c'],
'C1': [1,2,3,4,5,6],
'C2': [7,8,9,10,11,12]})
# Group g will be given as a DataFrame
def group_feature_extractor(g):
feature_1 = (g['C1'] + g['C2']).sum()
even_C1_filter = g['C1'] % 2 == 0
feature_2 = g[even_C1_filter]['C2'].sum()
return pd.Series([feature_1, feature_2], index = ['F1', 'F2'])
# Group once
group = df.groupby(['Key'])
# Extract features from each group
group_features = group.apply(group_feature_extractor)
# Join with the input data frame ...

