In my program, the entry widget no longer validates after the delete command has been used on it - the idea is that if it meets a certain requirement, the text in the box is automatically deleted but continues to validate the input.
from tkinter import *
def validate(userinput):
if userinput == TEXT_TO_MATCH:
input_box.delete(0, END)
return True
window = Tk()
window.title('Delete after validation')
reg = window.register(validate)
input_box = Entry(window, validatecommand=(reg, '%P'), validate='all')
The entry widget automatically resets the validate option to "none" when you edit the entry widget from within the validation function.
You can re-enable the validation by using after_idle to reset the validate option after control has been returned to mainloop
def validate(userinput):
if userinput == TEXT_TO_MATCH:
input_box.delete(0, END)
input_box.after_idle(lambda: input_box.configure(validate="all"))
return True
So here I have a program which first displays a information message and then you click next and it tells you to input your name before opening up the main window.
INFO ->(next) ENTER NAME ->(next)
When I enter my name in the entry box I want it to be checked that it does not contain 1.numbers and not blank. under the validate="key" option it means that once I start typing it validates. But rather I want it to only check the name once i press the NEXT button... If not it will open errorbox()
class errorbox():
def __init__(self):
windowError = Tk()
error_message = Label(windowError, font=("Bold", 10), justify="left", text="Please enter a valid name")
def clicked1():
description.configure(text="Please enter your name")
nameBox = Entry(windowSplash, width=20, textvariable=name), x=130, anchor=W)
reg = windowSplash.register(validate)
button2 = Button(text="Next", bg="white", width=5, command=lambda:[clicked2(),validate()]), x=300, anchor=E)
def validate(input):
if input.isdigit():
print("Invalid name was entered" + input)
return False
elif input is "":
print("No name entered")
return False
return True
def clicked2():
print(name.get(), "logged in...")
windowTool = Tk()
windowTool.title("Radial Measurements Calculator Tool")
name = StringVar()
Welcome to Stack Overflow Community.
I might have interpreted your question, but please make sure that next time you provide a minimal, reproducible example when you ask.
Here are a couple of things that I have observed.
The validate function takes input as a parameter, so make sure you pass that in the lambda function by lambda input = name.get(): [clicked2(),validate(input)].
By checking input.isdigit() does not guarantee that there might not be numbers after/between characters, so I suggest you to iterate through the string and check for isdigit()/type() or use re module. Also, an efficient way to check for empty string could be if not name.get():.
If you aim to open the new window only after the validation, I suggest you to call clicked2 from the validate function under a condition and not form the next button, because in this case your return form validate isn't used for anything.
Ultimately I want to make a small program with a text box where you have to type in the first 50 or so digits of Pi. What I want is for nothing to happen if the user types the correct characters, but I want something to flash red if they input the wrong character. For example, if the user types "3.1", nothing happens but the text showing up in the text box, but if they then type the wrong number, like "3.15", I want something to flash red.
from tkinter import *
def input(event):
inp = (ent.get('1.0', END))
if inp == '3':
print(('--') + (inp))
root = Tk()
root.title('pi, okay')
ent = Text(root, width = 50, height = 1)
ent.bind('<KeyRelease>', input)
What I think SHOULD happen with this is for the console to print "3" IF the user inputs a "3", and for the console to print "--(whatever else the user would have typed)" if it is not a 3. But what actually happens is that the program will print "--(input)" no matter what.
You can use something like this if you need only one line of Input:
var = StringVar()
ent = Entry(root, width=50, textvariable=var)
def check_value(var, ent, *args):
pi = "3.1415"
if not pi.startswith(var.get()):
print("wrong input")
var.trace('w', lambda *args: check_value(var, ent, *args))
Here, var.trace() will call function check_value everytime when user types anything in Entry widget. You can add you logic there to verify the input value and change UI(or print logs) based on verification result.
I have a script that continually takes in text and outputs text (its a text based game)
I would like to run it through a tkinter GUI as opposed to the console
Python : Converting CLI to GUI
This question perfectly answers how to convert "print" into a GUI insert.
The problem is that my game obviously runs through a ton of loops, and that screws up the "app.mainloop()" because it either never runs (and then the GUI never shows up) or you run it first, and it doesn't let anything else run.
I suppose I could try and and stagger these loops somehow, but that seems very hackish. I could also try to modify my entire codebase to run inside the app.mainloop(), but what I really think I need is multiple threads. Problem is, I have no idea how to make that work.
There are a few other questions, but they either don't work or don't make much sense:
Tkinter with multiple threads
Run process with realtime output to a Tkinter GUI
Edit: extremely simplified code:
def moveNorth():
print('You have moved north')
def interpreter(command):
if command == 'go north':
print('invalid command')
def listener():
playerchoice = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
return playerchoice
if __name__ == '__main__':
while playing:
I think you might be making it more complicated than it needs to be.
For Tkinter at least it is very simple change console interactions into a GUI interaction instead.
The simplest example I can give is to use an Entry field for user input and a Text widget for the output.
Here is a simple example of a console based game being moved to a GUI using Tkinter.
Console number guessing game:
import random
print("simple game")
random_num = random.randint(1, 5)
x = True
while x == True:
#Input for user guesses.
guess = input("Guess a number between 1 and 5: ")
if guess == str(random_num):
#Print answer to console.
print("You win!")
x = False
print("Try again!")
Here is the Tkinter GUI example of the same game:
import tkinter as tk
import random
root = tk.Tk()
entry_label = tk.Label(root, text = "Guess a number between 1 and 5: ")
entry_label.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
#Entry field for user guesses.
user_entry = tk.Entry(root)
user_entry.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
text_box = tk.Text(root, width = 25, height = 2)
text_box.grid(row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 2)
text_box.insert("end-1c", "simple guessing game!")
random_num = random.randint(1, 5)
def guess_number(event = None):
#Get the string of the user_entry widget
guess = user_entry.get()
if guess == str(random_num):
text_box.delete(1.0, "end-1c") # Clears the text box of data
text_box.insert("end-1c", "You win!") # adds text to text box
text_box.delete(1.0, "end-1c")
text_box.insert("end-1c", "Try again!")
user_entry.delete(0, "end")
# binds the enter widget to the guess_number function
# while the focus/cursor is on the user_entry widget
user_entry.bind("<Return>", guess_number)
As you can see there is a bit more code for the GUI but most of that is the GUI design.
The main part that you need to change is the use of entry vs input for your answers and the use of insert vs print for your response. The rest is really just design stuff.
If you want to keep the questions on a continuous nature you can update the label with a new question or you could even use tkinters askstring function for each new question. There are many options.
the main thing is getting the value of the user answer, using that answer to test with the question, then printing the results to the text box.
I'm working on a GUI Python program using Tkinter.
I have a function that is called when a button is pressed (and when the program is loaded). The program is currently unfinished and only checks data validation at this current point. As the default entry is current invalid, it throws an error.
However, after this point, the entry box is disabled and will not let me enter any data. I cannot figure out why this is happening and I was wondering if someone could tell me the reason so I can work on a solution.
import sys
import random
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter import messagebox
root = Tk()
root.title("COSC110 - Guessing Game")
hint = StringVar()
guesses = []
guess_input = ''
def loadWordList(filename): #Load the words from a file into a list given a filename.
file = open(filename, 'r')
line =
wordlist = line.split()
return wordlist
word = random.choice(loadWordList('words.txt'))
def getHint(word, guesses): #Get hint function, calculates and returns the current hint.
hint = ' '
for letter in word:
if letter not in guesses:
hint += '_ '
hint += letter
return hint
def guessButton(guess, word, guesses):
guess = str(guess_input)
guess = guess.lower()
if not guess.isalpha():
is_valid = False
elif len(guess) !=1:
is_valid = False
is_valid = True
while is_valid == False:
messagebox.showinfo("Error:","Invalid input. Please enter a letter from a-z.")
hint.set(getHint(word, guesses))
return hint
label_instruct = Label(root, text="Please enter your guess: ")
guess_input = Entry(root,textvariable=guess_input)
guess_input.grid(row=1, column=2)
guess_button = Button(root, text="Guess", width=15, command=guessButton(guess_input,word,guesses))
guess_button.grid(row=1, column=3,padx=15)
current_hint = Label(root, textvariable=hint)
label_hint = Label(root, text="Current hint:")
label_remaining = Label(root, text="Remaining guesses: ")
root.mainloop() # the window is now displayed
Any tips are appreciated.
There are two apparent problems.
Firstly, you shouldn't use
guess_button = Button(root, text="Guess", width=15, command=guessButton(guess_input,word,guesses))
because you can't call a function with arguments on the command config.
My suggestion would be to take a look here and use one of the proposed methods, I particularly like the one using functools and partial:
from functools import partial
button = Tk.Button(master=frame, text='press', command=partial(action, arg))
with action being the function you want to call and arg the parameters you want to call separated by a comma.
Secondly, you are using
guess = str(guess_input)
which doesn't return the Entry typed text, use instead
guess = guess_input.get()
PS: Albeit not directly related to your question, you should use
if var is False:
instead of
if var == False:
This is my first app ever. It is working well but I would like to separate the UI concerns like getting input and creating labels, from the translation logic. I would then like to remove the output from the previous translation, i.e., only showing one translation on the screen at a time.
How can I separate the translation logic from my Tkinter GUI?
from Tkinter import *
import tkMessageBox
def start():
inputg = input.get()
if len(inputg) >= 2 and inputg.isalpha():
new_word_out = Label(text=(inputg[1:] + (inputg[0] + "ay")).lower().title()).pack()
out_message = Label(text="Cool! Try another!").pack()
# restart()
elif len(inputg) <= 1 and inputg.isalpha():
show_error(message="Whoops! I need 2 or more characters to translate! Try again!")
elif len(inputg) >= 1 and not inputg.isalpha():
show_error(message="Whoops! No numbers or symbols please! Try again!")
elif len(inputg) == 0:
show_error(message="It seems you haven't given me anything to translate!")
def show_error(message):
tkMessageBox.showerror(title="Error", message=message)
def quit():
ask_exit = tkMessageBox.askyesno(title="Quit", message="Are you sure you want to quit?")
if ask_exit > 0:
root = Tk()
input = StringVar() # stores user input into this variable as a string.
root.title("The Pig Translator")
root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", quit)
labeltitle1 = Label(text="Hello there! This is my Pig Latin Translator!").pack()
labeltitle2 = Label(text="Please enter a word to continue!", fg='darkgreen', bg='grey').pack()
original_entry = Entry(textvariable=input, bd=5, fg='darkgreen').pack()
translate_button = Button(text="Translate", command=start).pack()
root.bind('<Return>', lambda event: start()) # essentially binds 'Return' keyboard event to translate_button
There are many ways you can separate logic from GUI. generally I would recommend using classes and callback functions. Thus, I made a class that generates the gui. However, the translation is performed by external function called do_translation.
MyFrame does not know much about how do_translation. It only knows it returns translated_str, message and takes string as argument. do_translation does not relay on any gui as well. The do_translation takes only an input string, does what it wants, and returns translated string and message. The MyFrame take this function as a callback. You can make any other translation function, and as long as the input and output are same, it will work.
I rely here on a "Cool" in a massage which indicates that translation was ok. Its poor idea to make it relay on 'Cool' word, but did not want to change your code too much. Probably better to raise some error, or use message codes, etc.
from Tkinter import *
import tkMessageBox
class MyFrame(Frame):
def __init__(self, master, input_callback=None, **kwargs):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
def create_widgets(self):
self.input = StringVar() # stores user input into this variable as a string.
self.labeltitle1 = Label(text="Hello there! This is my Pig Latin Translator!")
self.labeltitle2 = Label(text="Please enter a word to continue!", fg='darkgreen', bg='grey')
self.original_entry = Entry(textvariable=self.input, bd=5, fg='darkgreen')
self.translate_button = Button(text="Translate", command=self.start)
self.new_word_out = Label(text='')
self.out_message = Label(text='')
def set_input_callback(self, some_fun):
self.input_callback = some_fun
def show_error(self, message):
tkMessageBox.showerror(title="Error", message=message)
def start(self):
inputg = self.input.get()
if self.input_callback:
translated_str, message = self.input_callback(inputg)
if 'Cool' in message:
self.new_word_out['text'] = translated_str
self.out_message['text'] = message
def do_translation(inputg):
translated_str = message = ''
if len(inputg) >= 2 and inputg.isalpha():
translated_str = (inputg[1:] + (inputg[0] + "ay")).lower()
message = "Cool! Try another!"
elif len(inputg) <= 1 and inputg.isalpha():
message = "Whoops! I need 2 or more characters to translate! Try again!"
elif len(inputg) >= 1 and not inputg.isalpha():
message = "Whoops! No numbers or symbols please! Try again!"
elif len(inputg) == 0:
message = "It seems you haven't given me anything to translate!"
return translated_str, message
def quit():
ask_exit = tkMessageBox.askyesno(title="Quit", message="Are you sure you want to quit?")
if ask_exit > 0:
root = Tk()
root.title("The Pig Translator")
root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", quit)
mf = MyFrame(root)
root.bind('<Return>', lambda event: start()) # essentially binds 'Return' keyboard event to translate_button
Hopefully this will be useful. I know, that there is not too much explanation what is happening here, but, don't have much time to write it. Your problem is very general.