Grabbing per minute stock data from a large time range Python - python

So I'm trying to grab per minute stock data over a one year time gap and I know the Google Finance API doesn't work anymore so I did some digging around I found some code from a old github thread that could find the range within 5 days from yahoo finance data; however, it does not do anymore than that even when I put a keyword like '1Y' which defaults to 1 day. Here is the code below:
import requests
import pandas as pd
import arrow
import datetime
import os
def get_quote_data(symbol='AAPL', data_range='5d', data_interval='1m'):
res = requests.get('{symbol}?range={data_range}&interval={data_interval}'.format(**locals()))
data = res.json()
body = data['chart']['result'][0]
dt = datetime.datetime
dt = pd.Series(map(lambda x: arrow.get(x).datetime.replace(tzinfo=None), body['timestamp']), name='Datetime')
df = pd.DataFrame(body['indicators']['quote'][0], index=dt)
dg = pd.DataFrame(body['timestamp'])
df = df.loc[:, ('open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume')]
df.dropna(inplace=True) #removing NaN rows
df.columns = ['OPEN', 'HIGH','LOW','CLOSE','VOLUME'] #Renaming columns in pandas
return df

body['meta']['validRanges'] tells you:
['1d', '5d', '1mo', '3mo', '6mo', '1y', '2y', '5y', '10y', 'ytd', 'max']
You are requesting 1Y instead of 1y. This difference is important.
By the way you can load the timestamps much more easily like this:
pd.to_datetime(body['timestamp'], unit='s')

print('stock ticker: {0}'.format(get_quote_data(symbol='AAPL', data_range='1d', data_interval='1m')))


Alpha Vantage: Iterate through list of stocks to get technical indicators

I have a list of 5 stocks for which I would like to obtain data using Alpha Vantage's TechIndicators. Below are what I have imported and defined:
from alpha_vantage.timeseries import TimeSeries
from alpha_vantage.foreignexchange import ForeignExchange
from alpha_vantage.cryptocurrencies import CryptoCurrencies
from alpha_vantage.techindicators import TechIndicators
from alpha_vantage.sectorperformance import SectorPerformances
import datetime
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
top5 = ['CELH', 'MAXR', 'CD', 'WDC', 'IMAB']
Querying for technical indicators returns a dataframe (data) and a dictionary (meta_data)
data, meta_data = ti.get_sma(symbol=ticker, interval='weekly')
How do I run the query for my top5 list? I first thought it should look like this:
for ticker in top5:
ticker_sma[ticker], ticker_meta_sma[ticker] =
ti.get_sma(symbol=ticker, interval='weekly')
or like this:
sma = {}
for ticker in top5gainers:
gainers_sma[ticker], gainers_sma_data[ticker] =
ti.get_sma(symbol=ticker, interval='weekly')
But I have had zero luck with that approach. I get a name error...
NameError: name 'ticker_sma' is not defined
...which is odd to me because I have success getting data for an individual stock, e.g., Microsoft, below:
msft_sma, msft_meta_sma = ti.get_sma(symbol='msft', interval='weekly')
If I remove [ticker], and just run this get request...
for ticker in top5:
data_sma, meta_sma = ti.get_sma(symbol=ticker, interval='weekly')
...then according to the meta data in meta_sma, I've only obtained data for the 4th ticker out of the 5 tickers:
{'1: Symbol': 'IMAB',
'2: Indicator': 'Simple Moving Average (SMA)',
'3: Last Refreshed': '2020-12-31',
'4: Interval': 'weekly',
'5: Time Period': 20,
'6: Series Type': 'close',
'7: Time Zone': 'US/Eastern'}
Thank you for reading this question and for your answer!
You are trying to dynamically create variables, which isn't exactly straightforward. The following shows you how to do that, but you may also want to consider just reading each symbol into its own dataframe and either concatenating them together or saving individually. That really just depends on what you are doing with the data (using live or saving for later).
This will create each variable in the loop and assign text to it, just so you can what's going on.
top5 = ['CELH', 'MAXR', 'CD', 'WDC', 'IMAB']
for ticker in top5:
globals()['{}_sma'.format(ticker)] = ticker + 'sma_value'
globals()['{}_meta_sma'.format(ticker)] = ticker + 'sma_meta_value'
Then print a few for proof:
In [6]: print(CELH_sma)
...: print(WDC_sma)
...: print(IMAB_meta_sma)
I can't test but what I think will work for you is this:
for ticker in top5:
globals()['{}_sma'.format(ticker)], globals()['{}_meta_sma'.format(ticker)] =
ti.get_sma(symbol=ticker, interval='weekly')

How to start a for loop for this given DataFrame in Pandas for multiple same name rows?

I need some help, I am working on a .ipynb file to filter data and get certain things from that Dataframe.
This is DataFrame I'm working with.
From this dataframe, as you can see there are multiple rows of the same SYMBOL.
I need help to open a "for" loop which will get me the highest CHG_IN_OI for every symbol, take the row of that highest CHG_IN_OI for that row.
For example if there are 14 rows of ACC as a symbol, I need to find highest CHG_IN_OI for ACC from the CHG_IN_OI column and get that row of the highest change and Retain the remaining columns as well!.
I have made a list named, Multisymbols which has these symbols:
multisymbols = [
df = df[df['SYMBOL'].isin(multisymbols)]
These are all the shares in the NSE. Hope you can understand and help me out. I used .groupby(),it successfully gave me the highest CHG_IN_OI and .agg() to retain the remaining columns but the data was not correct. I just simply want the row for every symbols "HIGHEST" CHG_IN_OI.
Thanks in Advance!
Although different from the data presented in the question, we have answered the same financial data using equity data as an example.
import pandas as pd
import as web
import datetime
with open('./alpha_vantage_api_key.txt') as f:
api_key =
start = datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1)
end = datetime.datetime(2020, 8,1)
df_all = pd.DataFrame()
symbol = ['AAPL','TSLA']
for i in symbol:
df = web.DataReader(i, 'av-daily', start, end, api_key=api_key)
df['symbol'] = i
df_all = pd.concat([df_all, df], axis=0)
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)
Aggregating a single column
symbol volume
0 AAPL 106721200
1 TSLA 60938758
Multi-Column Aggregation
df_all.groupby('symbol')[['high','volume']].agg(high=('high','max'), volume=('volume','max'))
high volume
AAPL 425.66 106721200
TSLA 1794.99 60938758
Extract the target line
symbol_max = df_all.groupby('symbol').apply(lambda x: x.loc[x['volume'].idxmax()]).reset_index(drop=True)
open high low close volume symbol
0 257.26 278.4100 256.37 273.36 106721200 AAPL
1 882.96 968.9899 833.88 887.06 60938758 TSLA

Work with data in python and numpy/pandas

so I started learning how to work with data in python. I wanted to load multiple securities. But I have an error that I can not fix for some reason. Could someone tell me what is the problem?
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas_datareader import data as wb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
tickers = ['PG', 'MSFT', 'F', 'GE']
mydata = pd.DataFrame()
for t in tickers:
mydata[t] = wb.DataReader(t, data_source='yahoo', start = '1955-1-1')
you need 2 fixes here:
1) 1955 is too early for this data source, try 1971 or later.
2) your data from wb.DataReader(t, data_source='yahoo', start = '1971-1-1') comes as dataframe with multiple series, so you can not save it to mydata[t] as single series. Use a dictionary as in the other answer or save only closing prices:
mydata[t] =, data_source='yahoo', start = '2010-1-1')['Close']
First of all please do not share information as images unless absolutely necessary.
See: this link
Now here is a solution to your problem. You are using year '1955' but there is a possibility that data is not available for this year or there may be some other issues. But when you select the right year it will work. Another thing it returns data as dataframe so you can not assign it like a dictionary so instead of making a DataFram you should make a dictionary and store all dataframes into it.
Here is improved code choose year carefully
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas_datareader import data as wb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime as dt
tickers = ['PG', 'MSFT', 'F', 'GE']
mydata = {}
for t in tickers:
mydata[t] = wb.DataReader(t, data_source='yahoo',start=dt(2019, 1, 1),
High Low Open Close Volume Adj Close
2018-12-31 92.180000 91.150002 91.629997 91.919998 7239500.0 88.877655
2019-01-02 91.389999 89.930000 91.029999 91.279999 9843900.0 88.258835
2019-01-03 92.500000 90.379997 90.940002 90.639999 9820200.0 87.640022
2019-01-04 92.489998 90.370003 90.839996 92.489998 10565700.0 89.428787

Pandas Yahoo Stock API

I am new to Pandas (and Python) and trying to working with the Yahoo API for stock prices.
I need to get the data, loop through it and grab the dates and values.
here is the code
df = pd.get_data_yahoo( symbols = 'AAPL',
start = datetime( 2011, 1, 1 ),
end = datetime( 2012, 1, 1 ),
interval = 'm' )
results are:
Open High Low Close Volume
2011-01-03 325.640015 348.600006 324.840027 339.320007 140234700
2011-02-01 341.299988 364.899994 337.720001 353.210022 127618700
2011-03-01 355.470001 361.669983 326.259979 348.510010 125874700
I can get the dates but not the month date value because it is the index(?)
How best to loop through the data for this information? This is about processing the data and not sorting or searching it.
If you need to iterate over the rows in your dataframe, and do some processing, then pandas.DataFrame.apply() works great.
Some mock processing code...
def process_data(row):
# the index becomes the name when converted to a series (row)
print(, row.Close)
Test Code:
import datetime as dt
from pandas_datareader import data
df = data.get_data_yahoo(
start=dt.datetime(2011, 1, 1),
end=dt.datetime(2011, 5, 1),
# process each row
df.apply(process_data, axis=1)
Open High Low Close Volume \
2011-01-03 325.640015 348.600006 324.840027 339.320007 140234700
2011-02-01 341.299988 364.899994 337.720001 353.210022 127618700
2011-03-01 355.470001 361.669983 326.259979 348.510010 125874700
2011-04-01 351.110016 355.130005 320.160004 350.130005 128252100
Adj Close
2011-01-03 43.962147
2011-02-01 45.761730
2011-03-01 45.152802
2011-04-01 45.362682
1 339.320007
2 353.210022
3 348.51001
4 350.130005
here is what made my life groovy when trying to work with the data from Yahoo.
First was getting the date from the dataframe index.
df = df.assign( date = )
here are a few others I found helpful from dealing with the data.
df [ 'diff' ] = df [ 'Close' ].diff( )
df [ 'pct_chg' ] = df [ 'Close' ].pct_change()
df [ 'hl' ] = df [ 'High' ] - df [ 'Low' ]
Pandas is amazing stuff.
I believe this should work for you.
import as web
import datetime
start = datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 1)
end = datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 27)
df = web.DataReader("GOOGL", 'yahoo', start, end)
dates =[]
for x in range(len(df)):
newdate = str(df.index[x])
newdate = newdate[0:10]
df['dates'] = dates
print df.head()
print df.tail()
Also, take a look at the link below for more helpful hints of how to do these kinds of things.
from pandas_datareader import data as pdr
from datetime import date
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd
import requests
import json
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
# Tickers List
tickers_list = ['AAPL', 'GOOGL','FB', 'WB' , 'MO']
today =
# We can get data by our choice by giving days bracket
start_date= "2010-01-01"
def getData(ticker):
print (ticker)
data = pdr.get_data_yahoo(ticker, start=start_date, end=today)
dataname= ticker+'_'+str(today)
SaveData(data, dataname)
# Create an data folder to save these data file in data folder.
def SaveData(df, filename):
for tik in tickers_list:

How To: Python Pandas get current stock data

I've used:
data = DataReader("yhoo", "yahoo", datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1),
in pandas (python) to get history data of yahoo, but it cannot show today's price (the market has not yet closed) how can I resolve such problem, thanks in advance.
import pandas
import datetime
import urllib2
import csv
def get_quote_today(symbol):
response = urllib2.urlopen(YAHOO_TODAY % symbol)
reader = csv.reader(response, delimiter=",", quotechar='"')
for row in reader:
if row[0] == symbol:
return row
## main ##
symbol = "TSLA"
history =, "yahoo", start="2014/1/1")
print history.tail(2)
today =
df = pandas.DataFrame(index=pandas.DatetimeIndex(start=today, end=today, freq="D"),
columns=["Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume", "Adj Close"],
row = get_quote_today(symbol)
df.ix[0] = map(float, row[2:])
history = history.append(df)
print "today is %s" % today
print history.tail(2)
just to complete perigee's answer, it cost me quite some time to find a way to append the data.
Open High Low Close Volume Adj Close
2014-02-04 180.7 181.60 176.20 178.73 4686300 178.73
2014-02-05 178.3 180.59 169.36 174.42 7268000 174.42
today is 2014-02-06
Open High Low Close Volume Adj Close
2014-02-05 178.30 180.59 169.36 174.420 7268000 174.420
2014-02-06 176.36 180.11 176.00 178.793 5199297 178.793
Find a way to work around, just use urllib to fetch the data with:
then add it to dataframe
This code uses the pandas read_csv method to get the new quote from yahoo, and it checks if the new quote is an update from the current date or a new date in order to update the last record in history or append a new record.
If you add a while(true) loop and a sleep around the new_quote section, you can have the code refresh the quote during the day.
It also has duplicate last trade price to fill in the Close and the Adjusted Close, given that intraday close and adj close are always the same value.
import pandas as pd
import as web
def get_quote_today(symbol):
new_quote= pd.read_csv(url%symbol,
names=[u'Date',u'time',u'Open', u'High', u'Low',
u'Close', u'Volume', u'Adj Close'])
# generate timestamp:
stamp = pd.to_datetime(new_quote.Date+" "+new_quote.time)
new_quote.index= stamp
return new_quote.iloc[:, 2:]
if __name__ == "__main__":
symbol = "TSLA"
history = web.DataReader(symbol, "yahoo", start="2014/1/1")
print history.tail()
new_quote = get_quote_today(symbol)
if new_quote.index > history.index[-1]:
if new_quote.index[-1].date() == history.index[-1].date():
# if both quotes are for the first date, update history's last record.
history.iloc[-1]= new_quote.iloc[-1]
So from trying this out and looking at the dataframe, it doesn't look too possible. You tell it to go from a specific day until today, yet the dataframe stops at may 31st 2013. This tells me that yahoo probably has not made it available for you to use in the past couple days or somehow pandas is just not picking it up. It is not just missing 1 day, it is missing 3.
If I do the following:
>>> df = DataReader("yhoo", "yahoo", datetime.datetime(2013, 6, 1),
>>> len(df)
it shows me that there simply is no data to pick up in those days so far. If there is some way around this then I cannot figure it out, but it just seems that the data is not available for you yet, which is hard to believe.
The module from pandas doesn't work anymore, because the google and yahoo doens't provide support anymore. So you can create a function to take the data direct from the Google Finance using the url. Here is a part of a code to do this
import csv
import datetime
import re
import codecs
import requests
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
You can wrote a function to get data from Google Finance using the url, you have to indent the parte bellow.
#You have to indent this part
def get_google_finance_intraday(ticker, period=60, days=1, exchange='NASD'):
Retrieve intraday stock data from Google Finance.
ticker : str
Company ticker symbol.
period : int
Interval between stock values in seconds.
i = 60 corresponds to one minute tick data
i = 86400 corresponds to daily data
days : int
Number of days of data to retrieve.
exchange : str
Exchange from which the quotes should be fetched
df : pandas.DataFrame
DataFrame containing the opening price, high price, low price,
closing price, and volume. The index contains the times associated with
the retrieved price values.
# build url
url = '{days}d&f=d,o,h,l,c,v&q={ticker}&i={period}&x={exchange}'.format(ticker=ticker, period=period, days=days, exchange=exchange)
page = requests.get(url)
reader = csv.reader(codecs.iterdecode(page.content.splitlines(), "utf-8"))
columns = ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume']
rows = []
times = []
for row in reader:
if re.match('^[a\d]', row[0]):
if row[0].startswith('a'):
start = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(row[0][1:]))
rows.append(map(float, row[1:]))
if len(rows):
return pd.DataFrame(rows, index=pd.DatetimeIndex(times, name='Date'), columns=columns)
return pd.DataFrame(rows, index=pd.DatetimeIndex(times, name='Date'))
Now you can just call the function with the ticket that you want, in my case AAPL and the result is a pandas DataFrame containing the opening price, high price, low price, closing price, and volume.
ticker = 'AAPL'
period = 60
days = 1
exchange = 'NASD'
df = get_google_finance_intraday(ticker, period=period, days=days)
The simplest way to extract Indian stock price data into Python is to use the nsepy library.
In case you do not have the nsepy library do the following:
pip install nsepy
The following code allows you to extract HDFC stock price for 10 years.
from nsepy import get_history
from datetime import date
This is so far the easiest code I have found.

