How to concatenate structs in a loop in python - python

I am trying to search for all users in an sql database whose first names are "blah" and return that data to my html through an ajax call. I have this functioning with a single user like this:
user = db.execute(
'SELECT * FROM user WHERE genres LIKE ?', (str,)
user_details = {
'first': user['first'],
'last': user['last'],
'email': user['email']
y = json.dumps(user_details)
return jsonify(y)
Now for multiple users I want the struct to look something like this:
user1_details = {
'first': user['first'],
'last': user['last'],
'email': user['email']
user2_details = {
'first': user2['first'],
'last': user2['last'],
'email': user2['email']
user3_details = {
'first': user3['first'],
'last': user3['last'],
'email': user3['email']
generating each user_details in a loop. I know I can use fetchall() to find all the users, but how do I concatenate the details?

Fetch all the rows after the query, then structure the results as you'd like.
db = mysql.connection.cursor()
# query
db.execute('SELECT * FROM user')
# returned columns
header = [x[0] for x in db.description]
# returned rows
results = db.fetchall()
#data to be returned
users_object = {}
#structure results
for result in results:
users_object[result["user_id"]] = dict(zip(header,result))
return jsonify(users_object)
As you can see in under "#structure results", you just loop through the results and insert the data for each row into the users_object with key equal to "user_id" for example.
If you want the results in an array just convert users_object into an array e.g. users_array and append the dict to the array within the loop instead

The keys in the desired users dictionary do not seem particularly useful so you could instead build a list of user dicts. It's easy to go directly from fetchall() to such a list:
result = db.execute('SELECT * FROM user WHERE genres LIKE ?', (str,))
users = [{'first': first, 'last': last, 'email': email} for first, last, email in result.fetchall()]
return jsonify(users)
To return a dict containing the user list:
return jsonify({'users': users})


How can I refactor my code to return a collection of dictionaries?

def read_data(service_client):
data = list_data(domain, realm) # This returns a data frame
building_data = []
building_names = {}
all_buildings = {}
for elem in data.iterrows():
building = elem[1]['building_name']
region_id = elem[1]['region_id']
bandwith = elem[1]['bandwith']
building_id = elem[1]['building_id']
return {
'Building': building,
'Region Id': region_id,
'Bandwith': bandwith,
'Building Id': building_id,
Basically I am able to return a single dictionary value upon a iteration here in this example. I have tried printing it as well and others.
I am trying to find a way to store multiple dictionary values on each iteration and return it, instead of just returning one.. Does anyone know any ways to achieve this?
You may replace your for-loop with the following to get all dictionaries in a list.
naming = {
'building_name': 'Building',
'region_id': 'Region Id',
'bandwith': 'Bandwith',
'building_id': 'Building Id',
return [
for idx, row in data.rename(naming, axis=1).iterrows()

How to check each key separately from a list in a loop without creating multiple loops. Which may have a KeyError etc

I wrote a code that takes 9 keys from API.
The authors, isbn_one, isbn_two, thumbinail, page_count fields may not always be retrievable, and if any of them are missing, I would like it to be None. Unfortunately, if, or even nested, doesn't work. Because that leads to a lot of loops. I also tried try and except KeyError etc. because each key has a different error and it is not known which to assign none to. Here is an example of logic when a photo is missing:
th = result['volumeInfo'].get('imageLinks')
if th is not None:
book_exists_thumbinail = {
'thumbinail': result['volumeInfo']['imageLinks']['thumbnail']
dnew = {**book_data, **book_exists_thumbinail}
book_exists_thumbinail_n = {
'thumbinail': None
dnew_none = {**book_data, **book_exists_thumbinail_n}
When I use logic, you know when one condition is met, e.g. for thumbinail, the rest is not even checked.
When I use try and except, it's similar. There's also an ISBN in the keys, but there's a list in the dictionary over there, and I need to use something like this:
isbn_zer = result['volumeInfo']['industryIdentifiers']
dic = collections.defaultdict(list)
for d in isbn_zer:
for k, v in d.items():
Output data: [{'type': 'ISBN_10', 'identifier': '8320717507'}, {'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9788320717501'}]
I don't know what to use anymore to check each key separately and in the case of its absence or lack of one ISBN (identifier) assign the value None. I have already tried many ideas.
The rest of the code:
book_import = []
if request.method == 'POST':
filter_ch = BookFilterForm(request.POST)
if filter_ch.is_valid():
cd = filter_ch.cleaned_data
filter_choice = cd['choose_v']
filter_search = cd['search']
search_url = ""
params = {
'q': '{}{}'.format(filter_choice, filter_search),
'key': settings.BOOK_DATA_API_KEY,
'maxResults': 2,
'printType': 'books'
r = requests.get(search_url, params=params)
results = r.json()['items']
for result in results:
book_data = {
'title': result['volumeInfo']['title'],
'authors': result['volumeInfo']['authors'][0],
'publish_date': result['volumeInfo']['publishedDate'],
'isbn_one': result['volumeInfo']['industryIdentifiers'][0]['identifier'],
'isbn_two': result['volumeInfo']['industryIdentifiers'][1]['identifier'],
'page_count': result['volumeInfo']['pageCount'],
'thumbnail': result['volumeInfo']['imageLinks']['thumbnail'],
'country': result['saleInfo']['country']
filter_ch = BookFilterForm()
return render(request, "BookApp/book_import.html", {'book_import': book_import,
'filter_ch': filter_ch})```

How to take from key value and take from this value another value

How can i get needed value, because i send post request to other site and cant edit answer from site.
I have this dict from responded content:
{'username': 'DeadFinder', 'subscriptions': [{'subscription': 'default', 'expiry': '1635683460'}], 'ip': 'not at this life'}
How you can see in this dict there is a key subscriptions, i'm need value expiry(this is timestamp) but how can i get this value if when i'm trying to call this value i'm not see any results (code not gives needed value), maybe any variants how to get this value? I'm not finded anything like this.
Maybe my small part of code can smally help you but i doubt.
data1 = {f"hwid":"", "type":"login", "username": {username}, "pass": {password},
"sessionid":f"{response_cut2}", "name":"test_app", "ownerid":"5OLbm5S3fS"}
url1 = "nope"
response1 =, data1)
data = response1.json()
#get = data.get('expiry')
file_write = open("test.txt", "w")
for key in data.keys():
if key == 'info':
print (data[key])
Are you trying to achieve this as result ?
data = {'username': 'DeadFinder', 'subscriptions': [{'subscription': 'default', 'expiry': '1635683460'}], 'ip': 'not at this life'}
# first get 'subscriptions' which returns an array,
# so use [0] to get this dict {'subscription': 'default', 'expiry': '1635683460'}
# then get 'expiry'
EDIT : In case subscriptions has multiple values then use for loop
subscriptions = data['subscriptions']
for subscription in subscriptions:

Looping through a function

I am struggling with figuring out the best way to loop through a function. The output of this API is a Graph Connection and I am a-little out of my element. I really need to obtain ID's from an api output and have them in a dict or some sort of form that I can pass to another API call.
**** It is important to note that the original output is a graph connection.... print(type(api_response) does show it as a list however, if I do a print(type(api_response[0])) it returns a
This is the original output from the api call:
[{'_from': None, 'to': {'id': '5c9941fcdd2eeb6a6787916e', 'type': 'user'}}, {'_from': None, 'to': {'id': '5cc9055fcc5781152ca6eeb8', 'type': 'user'}}, {'_from': None, 'to': {'id': '5d1cf102c94c052cf1bfb3cc', 'type': 'user'}}]
This is the code that I have up to this point.....
api_response = api_instance.graph_user_group_members_list(group_id, content_type, accept,limit=limit, skip=skip, x_org_id=x_org_id)
def extract_id(result):
result = str(result).split(' ')
for i, r in enumerate(result):
if 'id' in r:
id = (result[i+1].translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)))
print( id )
return id
def extract_id(result):
result = str(result).split(' ')
for i, r in enumerate(result):
if 'id' in r:
id = (result[i+8].translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)))
print( id )
return id
def extract_id(result):
result = str(result).split(' ')
for i, r in enumerate(result):
if 'id' in r:
id = (result[i+15].translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)))
print( id )
return id
I have been able to use a function to extract the ID's but I am doing so through a string. I am in need of a scalable solution that I can use to pass these ID's along to another API call.
I have tried to use a for loop but because it is 1 string and i+1 defines the id's position, it is redundant and just outputs 1 of the id's multiple times.
I am receiving the correct output using each of these functions however, it is not scalable..... and just is not a solution. Please help guide me......
So to solve the response as a string issue I would suggest using python's builtin json module. Specifically, the method .loads() can convert a string to a dict or list of dicts. From there you can iterate over the list or dict and check if the key is equal to 'id'. Here's an example based on what you said the response would look like.
import json
s = "[{'_from': None, 'to': {'id': '5c9941fcdd2eeb6a6787916e', 'type': 'user'}}, {'_from': None, 'to': {'id': '5cc9055fcc5781152ca6eeb8', 'type': 'user'}}, {'_from': None, 'to': {'id': '5d1cf102c94c052cf1bfb3cc', 'type': 'user'}}]"
# json uses double quotes and null; there is probably a better way to do this though
s = s.replace("\'", '\"').replace('None', 'null')
response = json.loads(s) # list of dicts
for d in response:
for key, value in d['to'].items():
if key == 'id':
print(value) # or whatever else you want to do
# 5c9941fcdd2eeb6a6787916e
# 5cc9055fcc5781152ca6eeb8
# 5d1cf102c94c052cf1bfb3cc

How to return field of record after update query with upsert as true in mongodb using pymongo?

I am trying to to insert record in mongodb but I dont want duplication so I am using update command with upsert=true
import pymongo
client = pymongo.MongoClient(settings.MONGO_DB_URI)
db = self.client[settings.MONGO_DB_NAME]
filter = {
'my_id': '1234',
'name': 'alok'
record = {
'my_id': '1234',
'name': 'alok',
'marks': 26
status = db['mycollection'].update(filter, {'$setOnInsert': record}, upsert=True)
print('id is ', status['my_id']) # this will not work but I want such behaviour
This code will insert record only if there is no existing record with matching filter values. So there are two case:
It will insert record
It will not insert record if already exist
In both the case I want to get my_id. How can I get my_id when update command execute?
You can search for the document and then print out its ID
print('id is ', db['mycollection'].find_one(filter)['my_id'])

