I am trying to remove common words from a text. for example the sentence
"It is not a commonplace river, but on the contrary is in all ways remarkable."
I want to turn it into just unique words. This means removing "it", "but", "a" etc. I have a text file that has all the common words and another text file that contains a paragraph. How can I delete the common words in the paragraph text file?
For example:
['It', 'is', 'not', 'a', 'commonplace', 'river', 'but', 'on', 'the', 'contrary', 'is', 'in', 'all', 'ways', 'remarkable']
How do I remove the common words from the file efficiently. I have a text file called common.txt that has all the common words listed. How do I use that list to remove identical words in the sentence above. End output I want:
['commonplace', 'river', 'contrary', 'remarkable']
Does that make sense?
you would want to use "set" objects in python.
If order and number of occurrence are not important:
str_list = ['It', 'is', 'not', 'a', 'commonplace', 'river', 'but', 'on', 'the', 'contrary', 'is', 'in', 'all', 'ways', 'remarkable']
common_words = ['It', 'is', 'not', 'a', 'but', 'on', 'the', 'in', 'all', 'ways','other_words']
set(str_list) - set(common_words)
>>> {'contrary', 'commonplace', 'river', 'remarkable'}
If both are important:
#Using "set" is so much faster
common_set = set(common_words)
[s for s in str_list if not s in common_set]
>>> ['commonplace', 'river', 'contrary', 'remarkable']
Here's an example that you can use:
l = text.replace(",","").replace(".","").split(" ")
occurs = {}
for word in l:
occurs[word] = l.count(word)
resultx = ''
for word in occurs.keys()
if occurs[word] < 3:
resultx += word + " "
resultx = resultx[:-1]
you can change 3 with what you think suited or based it on the average using :
if you want it to be Case insensitive change the 1st line with :
l = text.replace(",","").replace(".","").lower().split(" ")
Most simple method would be just to read() your common.txt and then use list comprehension and only take the words that are not in the file we read
with open('common.txt') as f:
content = f.read()
s = ['It', 'is', 'not', 'a', 'commonplace', 'river', 'but', 'on', 'the', 'contrary', 'is', 'in', 'all', 'ways', 'remarkable']
res = [i for i in s if i not in content]
# ['commonplace', 'river', 'contrary', 'remarkable']
filter also works here
res = list(filter(lambda x: x not in content, s))
I have a big txt file and I want to split it into a list where every word is a element of the list. I want to commas to be included on the elements like the example.
txt file
Hi, my name is Mick and I want to split this with commas included, like this.
list ['Hi,','my','name','is','Mick' etc. ]
Thank you very much for the help
Just use str.split() without any pattern, it'll split on space(s)
value = 'Hi, my name is Mick and I want to split this with commas included, like this.'
res = value.split()
print(res) # ['Hi,', 'my', 'name', 'is', 'Mick', 'and', 'I', 'want', 'to', 'split', 'this', 'with', 'commas', 'included,', 'like', 'this.']
res = [r for r in value.split() if ',' not in r]
print(res) # ['my', 'name', 'is', 'Mick', 'and', 'I', 'want', 'to', 'split', 'this', 'with', 'commas', 'like', 'this.']
I'm writing a program to read text from a file into a list, split it into a list of words using the split function. And for each word, I need to check it if its already in the list, if not I need to add it to the list using the append function.
The desired output is:
['Arise', 'But', 'It', 'Juliet', 'Who', 'already', 'and', 'breaks', 'east', 'envious', 'fair', 'grief', 'is', 'kill', 'light', 'moon', 'pale', 'sick', 'soft', 'sun', 'the', 'through', 'what', 'window', 'with', 'yonder']
My output is :
[['But', 'soft', 'what', 'light', 'through', 'yonder', 'window', 'breaks', 'It', 'is', 'the', 'east', 'and', 'Juliet', 'is', 'the', 'sun', 'Arise', 'fair', 'sun', 'and', 'kill', 'the', 'envious', 'moon', 'Who', 'is', 'already', 'sick', 'and', 'pale', 'with', 'grief']]
I have been trying to sort it and remove the double square brackets "[[ & ]]" in the begining and end but I'm not able to do so. And fo some reason the sort() function does not seem to work.
Please let me know where I am making a mistake.
word_list = []
word_list = [open('romeo.txt').read().split()]
for item in word_list:
if item in word_list:
print word_list
Remove brackets
word_list = open('romeo.txt').read().split()
Use two separate variables. Also, str.split() returns a list so no need to put [] around it:
word_list = []
word_list2 = open('romeo.txt').read().split()
for item in word_list2:
if item in word_list:
print word_list
At the moment you're checking if item in word_list:, which will always be true because item is from word_list. Make item iterate from another list.
If order doesn't matter, it's a one liner
uniq_words = set(open('romeo.txt').read().split())
If order matters, then
uniq_words = []
for word in open('romeo.txt').read().split():
if word not in uniq_words:
If you want to sort, then take the first approach and use sorted().
The statement open('remeo.txt).read().split() returns a list already so remove the [ ] from the [open('remeo.txt).read().split() ]
if i say
word = "Hello\nPeter"
s_word = [word.split()] # print [['Hello', wPeter']]
s_word = word.split() # print ['Hello', wPeter']
Split returns an list, so no need to put square brackets around the open...split. To remove duplicates use a set:
word_list = sorted(set(open('romeo.txt').read().split()))
print word_list
import urllib2,sys
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup,NavigableString
from string import punctuation as p
# URL for Obama's presidential acceptance speech in 2008
obama_4427_url = 'http://www.millercenter.org/president/obama/speeches/speech-4427'
# read in URL
obama_4427_html = urllib2.urlopen(obama_4427_url).read()
# BS magic
obama_4427_soup = BeautifulSoup(obama_4427_html)
# find the speech itself within the HTML
obama_4427_div = obama_4427_soup.find('div',{'id': 'transcript'},{'class': 'displaytext'})
# obama_4427_div.text.lower() removes extraneous characters (e.g. '<br/>')
# and places all letters in lowercase
obama_4427_str = obama_4427_div.text.lower()
# for further text analysis, remove punctuation
for punct in list(p):
obama_4427_str_processed = obama_4427_str.replace(p,'')
obama_4427_str_processed_2 = obama_4427_str_processed.replace(p,'')
# store individual words
words = obama_4427_str_processed.split(' ')
Long story short, I have a speech from President Obama, and am looking to remove all punctuation, so that I'm left only with the words. I've imported the punctuation module, ran a for loop which didn't remove all my punctuation. What am I doing wrong here?
str.replace() searches for the whole value of the first argument. It is not a pattern, so only if the whole `string.punctuation* value is there will this be replaced with an empty string.
Use a regular expression instead:
import re
from string import punctuation as p
punctuation = re.compile('[{}]+'.format(re.escape(p)))
obama_4427_str_processed = punctuation.sub('', obama_4427_str)
words = obama_4427_str_processed.split()
Note that you can just use str.split() without an argument to split on any arbitrary-width whitespace, including newlines.
If you want to remove the punctuation you can rstrip it off:
obama_4427_str = obama_4427_div.text.lower()
# for further text analysis, remove punctuation
from string import punctuation
print([w.rstrip(punctuation) for w in obama_4427_str.split()])
['transcript', 'to', 'chairman', 'dean', 'and', 'my', 'great',
'friend', 'dick', 'durbin', 'and', 'to', 'all', 'my', 'fellow',
'citizens', 'of', 'this', 'great', 'nation', 'with', 'profound',
'gratitude', 'and', 'great', 'humility', 'i', 'accept', 'your',
'nomination', 'for', 'the', 'presidency', 'of', 'the', 'united',
using python3 to remove from anywhere use str.translate:
from string import punctuation
tbl = str.maketrans({ord(ch):"" for ch in punctuation})
obama_4427_str = obama_4427_div.text.lower().translate(tbl)
For python2:
from string import punctuation
obama_4427_str = obama_4427_div.text.lower().encode("utf-8").translate(None,punctuation)
print( obama_4427_str.split())
['transcript', 'to', 'chairman', 'dean', 'and', 'my', 'great',
'friend', 'dick', 'durbin', 'and', 'to', 'all', 'my', 'fellow',
'citizens', 'of', 'this', 'great', 'nation', 'with', 'profound',
'gratitude', 'and', 'great', 'humility', 'i', 'accept', 'your',
'nomination', 'for', 'the', 'presidency', 'of', 'the', 'united',
On a another note, you can iterate over a string so list(p) is redundant in your own code.
I have the following python code which almost works for me (I'm SO close!). I have text file from one Shakespeare's plays that I'm opening:
Original text file:
"But soft what light through yonder window breaks
It is the east and Juliet is the sun
Arise fair sun and kill the envious moon
Who is already sick and pale with grief"
And the result of the code I worte gives me is this:
['Arise', 'But', 'It', 'Juliet', 'Who', 'already', 'and', 'and', 'and',
'breaks', 'east', 'envious', 'fair', 'grief', 'is', 'is', 'is', 'kill',
'light', 'moon', 'pale', 'sick', 'soft', 'sun', 'sun', 'the', 'the', 'the',
'through', 'what', 'window', 'with', 'yonder']
So this is almost what I want: It's already in a list sorted the way I want it, but how do I remove the duplicate words? I'm trying to create a new ResultsList and append the words to it, but it gives me the above result without getting rid of the duplicate words. If I "print ResultsList" it just dumps a ton of words out. They way I have it now is close, but I want to get rid of the extra "and's", "is's", "sun's" and "the's".... I want to keep it simple and use append(), but I'm not sure how I can get it to work. I don't want to do anything crazy with the code. What simple thing am I missing from my code inorder to remove the duplicate words?
fname = raw_input("Enter file name: ")
fhand = open(fname)
NewList = list() #create new list
ResultList = list() #create new results list I want to append words to
for line in fhand:
line.rstrip() #strip white space
words = line.split() #split lines of words and make list
NewList.extend(words) #make the list from 4 lists to 1 list
for word in line.split(): #for each word in line.split()
if words not in line.split(): #if a word isn't in line.split
NewList.sort() #sort it
ResultList.append(words) #append it, but this doesn't work.
print NewList
#print ResultList (doesn't work the way I want it to)
mylist = ['Arise', 'But', 'It', 'Juliet', 'Who', 'already', 'and', 'and', 'and', 'breaks', 'east', 'envious', 'fair', 'grief', 'is', 'is', 'is', 'kill', 'light', 'moon', 'pale', 'sick', 'soft', 'sun', 'sun', 'the', 'the', 'the', 'through', 'what', 'window', 'with', 'yonder']
newlist = sorted(set(mylist), key=lambda x:mylist.index(x))
['Arise', 'But', 'It', 'Juliet', 'Who', 'already', 'and', 'breaks', 'east', 'envious', 'fair', 'grief', 'is', 'kill', 'light', 'moon', 'pale', 'sick', 'soft', 'sun', 'the', 'through', 'what', 'window', 'with', 'yonder']
newlist contains a list of the set of unique values from mylist, sorted by each item's index in mylist.
You did have a couple logic error with your code. I fixed them, hope it helps.
fname = "stuff.txt"
fhand = open(fname)
AllWords = list() #create new list
ResultList = list() #create new results list I want to append words to
for line in fhand:
line.rstrip() #strip white space
words = line.split() #split lines of words and make list
AllWords.extend(words) #make the list from 4 lists to 1 list
AllWords.sort() #sort list
for word in AllWords: #for each word in line.split()
if word not in ResultList: #if a word isn't in line.split
ResultList.append(word) #append it.
Tested on Python 3.4, no importing.
Below function might help.
def remove_duplicate_from_list(temp_list):
if temp_list:
my_list_temp = []
for word in temp_list:
if word not in my_list_temp:
return my_list_temp
else: return []
This should work, it walks the list and adds elements to a new list if they are not the same as the last element added to the new list.
def unique(lst):
""" Assumes lst is already sorted """
unique_list = []
for el in lst:
if el != unique_list[-1]:
return unique_list
You could also use collections.groupby which works similarly
from collections import groupby
# lst must already be sorted
unique_list = [key for key, _ in groupby(lst)]
A good alternative to using a set would be to use a dictionary. The collections module contains a class called Counter which is specialized dictionary for counting the number of times each of its keys are seen. Using it you could do something like this:
from collections import Counter
wordlist = ['Arise', 'But', 'It', 'Juliet', 'Who', 'already', 'and', 'and',
'and', 'breaks', 'east', 'envious', 'fair', 'grief', 'is', 'is',
'is', 'kill', 'light', 'moon', 'pale', 'sick', 'soft', 'sun', 'sun',
'the', 'the', 'the', 'through', 'what', 'window', 'with', 'yonder']
newlist = sorted(Counter(wordlist),
key=lambda w: w.lower()) # case insensitive sort
['already', 'and', 'Arise', 'breaks', 'But', 'east', 'envious', 'fair',
'grief', 'is', 'It', 'Juliet', 'kill', 'light', 'moon', 'pale', 'sick',
'soft', 'sun', 'the', 'through', 'what', 'Who', 'window', 'with', 'yonder']
There is a problem with your code.
I think you mean:
for word in line.split(): #for each word in line.split()
if words not in ResultList: #if a word isn't in ResultList
Use plain old lists. Almost certainly not as efficient as Counter.
fname = raw_input("Enter file name: ")
Words = []
with open(fname) as fhand:
for line in fhand:
line = line.strip()
# lines probably not needed
#if line.startswith('"'):
# line = line[1:]
#if line.endswith('"'):
# line = line[:-1]
UniqueWords = []
for word in Words:
if word.lower() not in UniqueWords:
print Words
print UniqueWords
This always checks against the lowercase version of the word, to ensure the same word but in a different case configuration is not counted as 2 different words.
I added checks to remove the double quotes at the start and end of the file, but if they are not present in the actual file. These lines could be disregarded.
This should do the job:
fname = input("Enter file name: ")
fh = open(fname)
lst = list()
for line in fh:
line = line.rstrip()
words = line.split()
for word in words:
if word not in lst:
I have some tasks performed for respective "Section Header"(Stored as String), result of that task has to be saved against same respective "Existing Section Header"(Stored as String)
While mapping if respective task's "Section Header" is one of the "Existing Section Header" task results are added to it.
And if not, new Section Header will get appended to the Existing Section Header List.
Existing Section Header Looks Like This:
[ "Activity (Last 3 Days)", "Activity (Last 7 days)", "Executable
running from disk", "Actions from File"]
For below set of String the expected behaviour is as follows:
"Activity (Last 30 Days) - New Section Should be Added
"Executables running from disk" - Same existing "Executable running from disk" should be referred [considering extra "s" in Executables same as "Executable".
"Actions from a file" - Same existing "Actions from file" should be referred [Considering extra article "a"]
Is there any built-in function available python that may help incorporate same logic. Or any suggestion regarding Algorithm for this is highly appreciated.
This is a case where you may find regular expressions helpful. You can use re.sub() to find specific substrings and replace them. It will search for non-overlapping matches to a regular expression and repaces it with the specified string.
import re #this will allow you to use regular expressions
def modifyHeader(header):
#change the # of days to 30
modifiedHeader = re.sub(r"Activity (Last \d+ Days?)", "Activity (Last 30 Days)", header)
#add an s to "executable"
modifiedHeader = re.sub(r"Executable running from disk", "Executables running from disk", modifiedHeader)
#add "a"
modifiedHeader = re.sub(r"Actions from File", "Actions from a file", modifiedHeader)
return modifiedHeader
The r"" refers to raw strings which make it a bit easier to deal with the \ characters needed for regular expressions, \d matches any digit character, and + means "1 or more". Read the page I linked above for more information.
Since you want to compare only stem or "root word" of a given word, I suggest using some stemming algorithm. Stemming algorithms attempt to automatically remove suffixes (and in some cases prefixes) in order to find the "root word" or stem of a given word. This is useful in various natural language processing scenarios, such as search. Luckily there is a python package for stemming. You can download it from here.
Next you want to compare string without stop-words (a,an,the,from, etc.). So you need to filter these words before comparing strings. You can get a list of stop-words from internet or you can use nltk package to import stop-words list. You can get nltk from here
If there is any issue with nltk, here is the list of stop words:
['i', 'me', 'my', 'myself', 'we', 'our', 'ours', 'ourselves', 'you', 'your', 'yours',
'yourself', 'yourselves', 'he', 'him', 'his', 'himself', 'she', 'her', 'hers', 'herself',
'it', 'its', 'itself', 'they', 'them', 'their', 'theirs', 'themselves', 'what', 'which',
'who', 'whom', 'this', 'that', 'these', 'those', 'am', 'is', 'are', 'was', 'were', 'be',
'been', 'being', 'have', 'has', 'had', 'having', 'do', 'does', 'did', 'doing', 'a', 'an',
'the', 'and', 'but', 'if', 'or', 'because', 'as', 'until', 'while', 'of', 'at', 'by', 'for',
'with', 'about', 'against', 'between', 'into', 'through', 'during', 'before', 'after',
'above', 'below', 'to', 'from', 'up', 'down', 'in', 'out', 'on', 'off', 'over', 'under',
'again', 'further', 'then', 'once', 'here', 'there', 'when', 'where', 'why', 'how', 'all',
'any', 'both', 'each', 'few', 'more', 'most', 'other', 'some', 'such', 'no', 'nor', 'not',
'only', 'own', 'same', 'so', 'than', 'too', 'very', 's', 't', 'can', 'will', 'just', 'don',
'should', 'now']
Now use this simple code to get your desired output:
from stemming.porter2 import stem
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
stopwords_ = stopwords.words('english')
def addString(x):
flag = True
y = [stem(j).lower() for j in x.split() if j.lower() not in stopwords_]
for i in section:
i = [stem(j).lower() for j in i.split() if j.lower() not in stopwords_]
if y==i:
flag = False
if flag:
print "\tNew Section Added"
>>> from stemming.porter2 import stem
>>> from nltk.corpus import stopwords
>>> stopwords_ = stopwords.words('english')
>>> def addString(x):
... flag = True
... y = [stem(j).lower() for j in x.split() if j.lower() not in stopwords_]
... for i in section:
... i = [stem(j).lower() for j in i.split() if j.lower() not in stopwords_]
... if y==i:
... flag = False
... break
... if flag:
... section.append(x)
... print "\tNew Section Added"
>>> section = [ "Activity (Last 3 Days)", "Activity (Last 7 days)", "Executable running from disk", "Actions from File"] # initial Section list
>>> addString("Activity (Last 30 Days)")
New Section Added
>>> addString("Executables running from disk")
>>> addString("Actions from a file")
>>> section
['Activity (Last 3 Days)', 'Activity (Last 7 days)', 'Executable running from disk', 'Actions from File', 'Activity (Last 30 Days)'] # Final section list