Most constraining variable and least constraining value for N-Queens - Python - python

I was trying to solve the N-Queens(Only 1 solution) problem and I succeeded but my program could only calculate up to N = 47 in a good amount of time so I tried to implement least constraining value and most constraining variable and even though it got faster, it was still slow. What can I do to be able to calculate up to N = 1000?
def solve(n, x, board, mid_rows, sd_squares):
# If we are on the last row, it means we have put all the queens:
if x >= n:
for i in sd_squares:
# If we can put a queen on the current square, do it
if isOk(board, mid_rows[x], i, n):
board[mid_rows[x]][i] = 1
# Do the same thing for the next row
solve(n, x + 1, board, mid_rows, sd_squares)
# If we are here, it means we put the queen in the wrong square so we have to remove that queen
board[mid_rows[x]][i] = 0
I can't post the whole code because it's too long but please note that isOk(board, x, y, n) is a function that tells if we put a queen on the x row and y column it threatens other queens or not.
mid_rows is an array that includes the most middle rows to the side rows so like let's say n = 5, then it's [2,3,1,4,0] or when n = 6 it's [3,2,4,1,5,0].
sd_squares is a list that contains the side squares to middle squares. Like when n = 5 it's [0,4,1,3,2] or when n = 6 it's [0,5,1,4,2,3].


Google challenge "Hey I already did that", not passing all the test cases

This is the description of the problem I am trying to solve.
Hey, I Already Did That!
Commander Lambda uses an automated algorithm to assign minions randomly to tasks, in order to keep minions on their toes. But you've noticed a flaw in the algorithm -- it eventually loops back on itself, so that instead of assigning new minions as it iterates, it gets stuck in a cycle of values so that the same minions end up doing the same tasks over and over again. You think proving this to Commander Lambda will help you make a case for your next promotion.
You have worked out that the algorithm has the following process:
Start with a random minion ID n, which is a nonnegative integer of length k in base b
Define x and y as integers of length k. x has the digits of n in descending order, and y has the digits of n in ascending order
Define z = x - y. Add leading zeros to z to maintain length k if necessary
Assign n = z to get the next minion ID, and go back to step 2
For example, given minion ID n = 1211, k = 4, b = 10, then x = 2111, y = 1112 and z = 2111 - 1112 = 0999. Then the next minion ID will be n = 0999 and the algorithm iterates again: x = 9990, y = 0999 and z = 9990 - 0999 = 8991, and so on.
Depending on the values of n, k (derived from n), and b, at some point the algorithm reaches a cycle, such as by reaching a constant value. For example, starting with n = 210022, k = 6, b = 3, the algorithm will reach the cycle of values [210111, 122221, 102212] and it will stay in this cycle no matter how many times it continues iterating. Starting with n = 1211, the routine will reach the integer 6174, and since 7641 - 1467 is 6174, it will stay as that value no matter how many times it iterates.
Given a minion ID as a string n representing a nonnegative integer of length k in base b, where 2 <= k <= 9 and 2 <= b <= 10, write a function solution(n, b) which returns the length of the ending cycle of the algorithm above starting with n. For instance, in the example above, solution(210022, 3) would return 3, since iterating on 102212 would return to 210111 when done in base 3. If the algorithm reaches a constant, such as 0, then the length is 1.
My solution isn't passing 5 of the 10 test cases for the challenge. I don't understand if there's a problem with my code, as it's performing exactly as the problem asked to solve it, or if it's inefficient.
Here's my code for the problem. I have commented it for easier understanding.
def convert_to_any_base(num, b): # returns id after converting back to the original base as string
digits = []
while(num/b != 0):
digits.append(str(num % b))
num //= b
result = ''.join(digits[::-1])
return result
def solution(n, b):
minion_id_list = [] #list storing all occurrences of the minion id's
k = len(n)
while n not in minion_id_list: # until the minion id repeats
minion_id_list.append(n) # adds the id to the list
x = ''.join(sorted(n, reverse = True)) # gives x in descending order
y = x[::-1] # gives y in ascending order
if b == 10: # if number is already a decimal
n = str(int(x) - int(y)) # just calculate the difference
n = int(x, b) - int(y, b) # else convert to decimal and, calculate difference
n = convert_to_any_base(n, b) # then convert it back to the given base
n = (k-len(n)) * '0' + n # adds the zeroes in front to maintain the id length
if int(n) == 0: # for the case that it reaches a constant, return 1
return 1
return len(minion_id_list[minion_id_list.index(n):]) # return length of the repeated id from
# first occurrence to the end of the list
I have been trying this problem for quite a while and still don't understand what's wrong with it. Any help will be appreciated.

Project Euler #641 Python 3.6 - Numpy

I'm working on solve the below problem from Project Euler, which in short deals with iterating over 'n' dice and updating their values.
A Long Row of Dice - project Euler problem #641
Consider a row of n dice all showing 1.
First turn every second die,(2,4,6,…), so that the number showing is increased by 1. Then turn every third die. The sixth die will now show a 3. Then turn every fourth die and so on until every nth die (only the last die) is turned. If the die to be turned is showing a 6 then it is changed to show a 1.
Let f(n) be the number of dice that are showing a 1 when the process finishes. You are given f(100)=2 and f(10^8)=69.
Find f(10^36).
I've written the below code in Python using numpy, but can't exactly figure out what I'm doing wrong to my function output to match the output above. Right now f(100) returns 1 (should be 2); even f(1000) returns 1.
import numpy as np
def f(n):
# establish dice and the value sets for the dice
dice = np.arange(1, n + 1)
dice_values = np.ones(len(dice))
turns = range(2, len(dice) + 1)
print("{a} dice, {b} values, {c} runs to process".format(a=len(dice), b=len(dice_values), c=len(turns)))
# iterate and update the values of each die
# in our array of dice
for turn in turns:
# if die to be processed is 6, update to 1
dice_values[(dice_values == 6) & (dice % turn == 0)] = 1
# update dice_values to if the die's index has no remainder
# from the turn we're processing.
dice_values += dice % turn == 0
# output status
print('Processed every {0} dice'.format(turn))
return "f({n}) = {x}".format(n=n, x=len(np.where(dice_values == 1)))
UPDATE 11/12/18
#Prune's guidance has been extremely helpful. My methodology is now as follows:
Find all the squares from 1 to n.
Find all squares with a number of factors which have a remainder of 1, when dividing by 6.
import numpy as np
# brute force to find number of factors for each n
def factors(n):
result = []
i = 1
# This will loop from 1 to int(sqrt(n))
while i * i <= n:
# Check if i divides x without leaving a remainder
if n % i == 0:
if n / i != i:
result.append(n / i)
i += 1
# Return the list of factors of x
return len(result)
vect_factors = np.vectorize(factors)
# avoid brute forcing all numbers
def f(n):
# create an array of 1 to n + 1
# find all perfect squares in that range
dice = np.arange(1, n + 1)[(np.mod(np.sqrt(np.arange(1, n + 1)), 1) == 0)]
# find all squares which have n-factors, which
# when divided by 6 have a remainder of 1.
dice = dice[np.mod(vect_factors(dice), 6) == 1]
return len(dice)
Worth noting - on my machine, I'm unable to run larger than 10^10. While solving this would be ideal, I feel that what I've learned (and determined how to apply) in the process is enough for me.
UPDATE 11/13/2018
I'm continuing to spend a small bit of time trying to optimize this to get it processing more quickly. Here's the updated code base. This evaluates f(10**10) in 1 min and 17 seconds.
import time
from datetime import timedelta
import numpy as np
import math
from itertools import chain, cycle, accumulate
def find_squares(n):
return np.array([n ** 2 for n in np.arange(1, highest = math.sqrt(n) + 1)])
# brute force to find number of factors for each n
def find_factors(n):
def prime_powers(n):
# c goes through 2, 3, 5, then the infinite (6n+1, 6n+5) series
for c in accumulate(chain([2, 1, 2], cycle([2, 4]))):
if c * c > n: break
if n % c: continue
d, p = (), c
while not n % c:
n, p, d = n // c, p * c, d + (p,)
yield (d)
if n > 1: yield ((n,))
r = [1]
for e in prime_powers(n):
r += [a * b for a in r for b in e]
return len(r)
vect_factors = np.vectorize(find_factors)
# avoid brute forcing all numbers
def f(n):
# create an array of 1 to n + 1
# find all perfect squares in that range
start = time.time()
dice = find_squares(n)
# find all squares which have n-factors, which
# when divided by 6 have a remainder of 1.
dice = dice[np.mod(vect_factors(dice), 6) == 1]
diff = (timedelta(seconds=int(time.time() - start))).__str__()
print("{n} has {remain} dice with a value of 1. Computed in {diff}.".format(n=n, remain=len(dice), diff=diff))
I'm raising an x/y issue. Fixing your 6 => 1 flip will correct your code, but it will not solve the presented problem in reasonable time. To find f(10^36), you're processing 10^36 dice 10^36 times each, even if it's merely a divisibility check in the filter. That's a total of 10^72 checks. I don't know what hardware you have, but even my multi-core monster doesn't loop 10^72 times soon enough for comfort.
Instead, you need to figure out the underlying problem and try to generate a count for integers that fit the description.
The dice are merely a device to count something in mod 6. We're counting divisors of a number, including 1 and the number itself. This the (in)famous divisor function.
The problem at hand doesn't ask us to find σ0(n) for all numbers; it wants us to count how many integers have σ0(n) = 1 (mod 6). These are numbers with 1, 7, 13, 19, ... divisors.
First of all, note that this is an odd number. The only integers with an odd number of divisors are perfect squares. Look at the divisor function; how can we tell whether the square of a number will have the desired quantity of factors, 1 (mod 6)?
Does that get you moving?
My code to step through 10^18 candidates is still too slow to finish in this calendar year. It did well up to about 10^7 and then bogged down in the O(N log N) checking steps.
However, there are many more restrictions I've noted in my tracing output.
The main one is in characterizing what combinations of prime powers result in a solution. If we reduce each power mod 3, we have the following:
0 values do not affect validity of the result.
1 values make the number invalid.
2 values must be paired.
Also, these conditions are both necessary and sufficient to declare a given number as a solution. Therefore, it's possible to generate the desired solutions without bothering to step through the squares of all integers <= 10^18.
Among other things, we will need only primes up to 10^9: a solution's square root will need at least 2 of any prime factor.
I hope that's enough hints for now ... you'll need to construct an algorithm to generate certain restricted composite combinations with a given upper limit for the product.
As mentioned by Thierry in the comments, you are looping back to 2 when you flip dice at a 6. I'd suggest just changing dice_values[(dice_values == 6) & (dice % turn == 0)] = 1 to equal 0.
You also have an issue with return "f({n}) = {x}".format(n=n, x=len(np.where(dice_values == 1))) that I'd fix by replacing x=len(np.where(dice_values == 1)) with x=np.count_nonzero(dice_values == 1)
Doing both these changes gave me an output of f(100)=2

Shuffling a list with maximum distance travelled [duplicate]

I have tried to ask this question before, but have never been able to word it correctly. I hope I have it right this time:
I have a list of unique elements. I want to shuffle this list to produce a new list. However, I would like to constrain the shuffle, such that each element's new position is at most d away from its original position in the list.
So for example:
L = [1,2,3,4]
d = 2
answer = magicFunction(L, d)
Now, one possible outcome could be:
>>> print(answer)
Notice that 3 has moved two indices, 1 and 2 have moved one index, and 4 has not moved at all. Thus, this is a valid shuffle, per my previous definition. The following snippet of code can be used to validate this:
old = {e:i for i,e in enumerate(L)}
new = {e:i for i,e in enumerate(answer)}
valid = all(abs(i-new[e])<=d for e,i in old.items())
Now, I could easily just generate all possible permutations of L, filter for the valid ones, and pick one at random. But that doesn't seem very elegant. Does anyone have any other ideas about how to accomplish this?
This is going to be long and dry.
I have a solution that produces a uniform distribution. It requires O(len(L) * d**d) time and space for precomputation, then performs shuffles in O(len(L)*d) time1. If a uniform distribution is not required, the precomputation is unnecessary, and the shuffle time can be reduced to O(len(L)) due to faster random choices; I have not implemented the non-uniform distribution. Both steps of this algorithm are substantially faster than brute force, but they're still not as good as I'd like them to be. Also, while the concept should work, I have not tested my implementation as thoroughly as I'd like.
Suppose we iterate over L from the front, choosing a position for each element as we come to it. Define the lag as the distance between the next element to place and the first unfilled position. Every time we place an element, the lag grows by at most one, since the index of the next element is now one higher, but the index of the first unfilled position cannot become lower.
Whenever the lag is d, we are forced to place the next element in the first unfilled position, even though there may be other empty spots within a distance of d. If we do so, the lag cannot grow beyond d, we will always have a spot to put each element, and we will generate a valid shuffle of the list. Thus, we have a general idea of how to generate shuffles; however, if we make our choices uniformly at random, the overall distribution will not be uniform. For example, with len(L) == 3 and d == 1, there are 3 possible shuffles (one for each position of the middle element), but if we choose the position of the first element uniformly, one shuffle becomes twice as likely as either of the others.
If we want a uniform distribution over valid shuffles, we need to make a weighted random choice for the position of each element, where the weight of a position is based on the number of possible shuffles if we choose that position. Done naively, this would require us to generate all possible shuffles to count them, which would take O(d**len(L)) time. However, the number of possible shuffles remaining after any step of the algorithm depends only on which spots we've filled, not what order they were filled in. For any pattern of filled or unfilled spots, the number of possible shuffles is the sum of the number of possible shuffles for each possible placement of the next element. At any step, there are at most d possible positions to place the next element, and there are O(d**d) possible patterns of unfilled spots (since any spot further than d behind the current element must be full, and any spot d or further ahead must be empty). We can use this to generate a Markov chain of size O(len(L) * d**d), taking O(len(L) * d**d) time to do so, and then use this Markov chain to perform shuffles in O(len(L)*d) time.
Example code (currently not quite O(len(L)*d) due to inefficient Markov chain representation):
import random
# states are (k, filled_spots) tuples, where k is the index of the next
# element to place, and filled_spots is a tuple of booleans
# of length 2*d, representing whether each index from k-d to
# k+d-1 has an element in it. We pretend indices outside the array are
# full, for ease of representation.
def _successors(n, d, state):
'''Yield all legal next filled_spots and the move that takes you there.
Doesn't handle k=n.'''
k, filled_spots = state
next_k = k+1
# If k+d is a valid index, this represents the empty spot there.
possible_next_spot = (False,) if k + d < n else (True,)
if not filled_spots[0]:
# Must use that position.
yield k-d, filled_spots[1:] + possible_next_spot
# Can fill any empty spot within a distance d.
shifted_filled_spots = list(filled_spots[1:] + possible_next_spot)
for i, filled in enumerate(shifted_filled_spots):
if not filled:
successor_state = shifted_filled_spots[:]
successor_state[i] = True
yield next_k-d+i, tuple(successor_state)
# next_k instead of k in that index computation, because
# i is indexing relative to shifted_filled_spots instead
# of filled_spots
def _markov_chain(n, d):
'''Precompute a table of weights for generating shuffles.
_markov_chain(n, d) produces a table that can be fed to
_distance_limited_shuffle to permute lists of length n in such a way that
no list element moves a distance of more than d from its initial spot,
and all permutations satisfying this condition are equally likely.
This is expensive.
if d >= n - 1:
# We don't need the table, and generating a table for d >= n
# complicates the indexing a bit. It's too complicated already.
return None
table = {}
termination_state = (n, (d*2 * (True,)))
table[termination_state] = 1
def possible_shuffles(state):
return table[state]
except KeyError:
k, _ = state
count = table[state] = sum(
possible_shuffles((k+1, next_filled_spots))
for (_, next_filled_spots) in _successors(n, d, state)
return count
initial_state = (0, (d*(True,) + d*(False,)))
return table
def _distance_limited_shuffle(l, d, table):
# Generate an index into the set of all permutations, then use the
# markov chain to efficiently find which permutation we picked.
n = len(l)
if d >= n - 1:
permutation = [None]*n
state = (0, (d*(True,) + d*(False,)))
permutations_to_skip = random.randrange(table[state])
for i, item in enumerate(l):
for placement_index, new_filled_spots in _successors(n, d, state):
new_state = (i+1, new_filled_spots)
if table[new_state] <= permutations_to_skip:
permutations_to_skip -= table[new_state]
state = new_state
permutation[placement_index] = item
return permutation
class Shuffler(object):
def __init__(self, n, d):
self.n = n
self.d = d
self.table = _markov_chain(n, d)
def shuffled(self, l):
if len(l) != self.n:
raise ValueError('Wrong input size')
return _distance_limited_shuffle(l, self.d, self.table)
__call__ = shuffled
1We could use a tree-based weighted random choice algorithm to improve the shuffle time to O(len(L)*log(d)), but since the table becomes so huge for even moderately large d, this doesn't seem worthwhile. Also, the factors of d**d in the bounds are overestimates, but the actual factors are still at least exponential in d.
In short, the list that should be shuffled gets ordered by the sum of index and a random number.
import random
xs = range(20) # list that should be shuffled
d = 5 # distance
[x for i,x in sorted(enumerate(xs), key= lambda (i,x): i+(d+1)*random.random())]
[1, 4, 3, 0, 2, 6, 7, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 13, 15, 19, 16, 18, 17]
Thats basically it. But this looks a little bit overwhelming, therefore...
The algorithm in more detail
To understand this better, consider this alternative implementation of an ordinary, random shuffle:
import random
sorted(range(10), key = lambda x: random.random())
[2, 6, 5, 0, 9, 1, 3, 8, 7, 4]
In order to constrain the distance, we have to implement a alternative sort key function that depends on the index of an element. The function sort_criterion is responsible for that.
import random
def exclusive_uniform(a, b):
"returns a random value in the interval [a, b)"
return a+(b-a)*random.random()
def distance_constrained_shuffle(sequence, distance,
randmoveforward = exclusive_uniform):
def sort_criterion(enumerate_tuple):
returns the index plus a random offset,
such that the result can overtake at most 'distance' elements
indx, value = enumerate_tuple
return indx + randmoveforward(0, distance+1)
# get enumerated, shuffled list
enumerated_result = sorted(enumerate(sequence), key = sort_criterion)
# remove enumeration
result = [x for i, x in enumerated_result]
return result
With the argument randmoveforward you can pass a random number generator with a different probability density function (pdf) to modify the distance distribution.
The remainder is testing and evaluation of the distance distribution.
Test function
Here is an implementation of the test function. The validatefunction is actually taken from the OP, but I removed the creation of one of the dictionaries for performance reasons.
def test(num_cases = 10, distance = 3, sequence = range(1000)):
def validate(d, lst, answer):
#old = {e:i for i,e in enumerate(lst)}
new = {e:i for i,e in enumerate(answer)}
return all(abs(i-new[e])<=d for i,e in enumerate(lst))
#return all(abs(i-new[e])<=d for e,i in old.iteritems())
for _ in range(num_cases):
result = distance_constrained_shuffle(sequence, distance)
if not validate(distance, sequence, result):
print "Constraint violated. ", result
print "No constraint violations"
No constraint violations
Distance distribution
I am not sure whether there is a way to make the distance uniform distributed, but here is a function to validate the distribution.
def distance_distribution(maxdistance = 3, sequence = range(3000)):
from collections import Counter
def count_distances(lst, answer):
new = {e:i for i,e in enumerate(answer)}
return Counter(i-new[e] for i,e in enumerate(lst))
answer = distance_constrained_shuffle(sequence, maxdistance)
counter = count_distances(sequence, answer)
sequence_length = float(len(sequence))
distances = range(-maxdistance, maxdistance+1)
return distances, [counter[d]/sequence_length for d in distances]
([-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3],
Or for a case with greater maximum distance:
distance_distribution(maxdistance=9, sequence=range(100*1000))
This is a very difficult problem, but it turns out there is a solution in the academic literature, in an influential paper by Mark Jerrum, Alistair Sinclair, and Eric Vigoda, A Polynomial-Time Approximation Algorithm for the Permanent of a Matrix with Nonnegative Entries, Journal of the ACM, Vol. 51, No. 4, July 2004, pp. 671–697.
Here is the general idea: first write down two copies of the numbers in the array that you want to permute. Say
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
Now connect a node on the left to a node on the right if mapping from the number on the left to the position on the right is allowed by the restrictions in place. So if d=1 then 1 on the left connects to 1 and 2 on the right, 2 on the left connects to 1, 2, 3 on the right, 3 on the left connects to 2, 3, 4 on the right, and 4 on the left connects to 3, 4 on the right.
1 - 1
2 - 2
3 - 3
4 - 4
The resulting graph is bipartite. A valid permutation corresponds a perfect matching in the bipartite graph. A perfect matching, if it exists, can be found in O(VE) time (or somewhat better, for more advanced algorithms).
Now the problem becomes one of generating a uniformly distributed random perfect matching. I believe that can be done, approximately anyway. Uniformity of the distribution is the really hard part.
What does this have to do with permanents? Consider a matrix representation of our bipartite graph, where a 1 means an edge and a 0 means no edge:
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1
0 0 1 1
The permanent of the matrix is like the determinant, except there are no negative signs in the definition. So we take exactly one element from each row and column, multiply them together, and add up over all choices of row and column. The terms of the permanent correspond to permutations; the term is 0 if any factor is 0, in other words if the permutation is not valid according to the matrix/bipartite graph representation; the term is 1 if all factors are 1, in other words if the permutation is valid according to the restrictions. In summary, the permanent of the matrix counts all permutations satisfying the restriction represented by the matrix/bipartite graph.
It turns out that unlike calculating determinants, which can be accomplished in O(n^3) time, calculating permanents is #P-complete so finding an exact answer is not feasible in general. However, if we can estimate the number of valid permutations, we can estimate the permanent. Jerrum et. al. approached the problem of counting valid permutations by generating valid permutations uniformly (within a certain error, which can be controlled); an estimate of the value of the permanent can be obtained by a fairly elaborate procedure (section 5 of the paper referenced) but we don't need that to answer the question at hand.
The running time of Jerrum's algorithm to calculate the permanent is O(n^11) (ignoring logarithmic factors). I can't immediately tell from the paper the running time of the part of the algorithm that uniformly generates bipartite matchings, but it appears to be over O(n^9). However, another paper reduces the running time for the permanent to O(n^7):; in that paper they claim that it is now possible to get a good estimate of a permanent of a 100x100 0-1 matrix. So it should be possible to (almost) uniformly generate restricted permutations for lists of 100 elements.
There may be further improvements, but I got tired of looking.
If you want an implementation, I would start with the O(n^11) version in Jerrum's paper, and then take a look at the improvements if the original algorithm is not fast enough.
There is pseudo-code in Jerrum's paper, but I haven't tried it so I can't say how far the pseudo-code is from an actual implementation. My feeling is it isn't too far. Maybe I'll give it a try if there's interest.
I am not sure how good it is, but maybe something like:
create a list of same length than initial list L; each element of this list should be a list of indices of allowed initial indices to be moved here; for instance [[0,1,2],[0,1,2,3],[0,1,2,3],[1,2,3]] if I understand correctly your example;
take the smallest sublist (or any of the smallest sublists if several lists share the same length);
pick a random element in it with random.choice, this element is the index of the element in the initial list to be mapped to the current location (use another list for building your new list);
remove the randomly chosen element from all sublists
For instance:
L = [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ]
i = [[0,1,2],[0,1,2,3],[0,1,2,3],[1,2,3]]
# I take [0,1,2] and pick randomly 1 inside
# I remove the value '1' from all sublists and since
# the first sublist has already been handled I set it to None
# (and my result will look as [ "B", None, None, None ]
i = [None,[0,2,3],[0,2,3],[2,3]]
# I take the last sublist and pick randomly 3 inside
# result will be ["B", None, None, "D" ]
i = [None,[0,2], [0,2], None]
I haven't tried it however. Regards.
My idea is to generate permutations by moving at most d steps by generating d random permutations which move at most 1 step and chaining them together.
We can generate permutations which move at most 1 step quickly by the following recursive procedure: consider a permutation of {1,2,3,...,n}. The last item, n, can move either 0 or 1 place. If it moves 0 places, n is fixed, and we have reduced the problem to generating a permutation of {1,2,...,n-1} in which every item moves at most one place.
On the other hand, if n moves 1 place, it must occupy position n-1. Then n-1 must occupy position n (if any smaller number occupies position n, it will have moved by more than 1 place). In other words, we must have a swap of n and n-1, and after swapping we have reduced the problem to finding such a permutation of the remainder of the array {1,...,n-2}.
Such permutations can be constructed in O(n) time, clearly.
Those two choices should be selected with weighted probabilities. Since I don't know the weights (though I have a theory, see below) maybe the choice should be 50-50 ... but see below.
A more accurate estimate of the weights might be as follows: note that the number of such permutations follows a recursion that is the same as the Fibonacci sequence: f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2). We have f(1) = 1 and f(2) = 2 ({1,2} goes to {1,2} or {2,1}), so the numbers really are the Fibonacci numbers. So my guess for the probability of choosing n fixed vs. swapping n and n-1 would be f(n-1)/f(n) vs. f(n-2)/f(n). Since the ratio of consecutive Fibonacci numbers quickly approaches the Golden Ratio, a reasonable approximation to the probabilities is to leave n fixed 61% of the time and swap n and n-1 39% of the time.
To construct permutations where items move at most d places, we just repeat the process d times. The running time is O(nd).
Here is an outline of an algorithm.
arr = {1,2,...,n};
for (i = 0; i < d; i++) {
j = n-1;
while (j > 0) {
u = random uniform in interval (0,1)
if (u < 0.61) { // related to golden ratio phi; more decimals may help
j -= 1;
} else {
swap items at positions j and j-1 of arr // 0-based indexing
j -= 2;
Since each pass moves items at most 1 place from their start, d passes will move items at most d places. The only question is the uniform distribution of the permutations. It would probably be a long proof, if it's even true, so I suggest assembling empirical evidence for various n's and d's. Probably to prove the statement, we would have to switch from using the golden ratio approximation to f(n-1)/f(n-2) in place of 0.61.
There might even be some weird reason why some permutations might be missed by this procedure, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't happen. Just in case, though, it would be helpful to have a complete inventory of such permutations for some values of n and d to check the correctness of my proposed algorithm.
I found an off-by-one error in my "pseudocode", and I corrected it. Then I implemented in Java to get a sense of the distribution. Code is below. The distribution is far from uniform, I think because there are many ways of getting restricted permutations with short max distances (move forward, move back vs. move back, move forward, for example) but few ways of getting long distances (move forward, move forward). I can't think of a way to fix the uniformity issue with this method.
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
class RestrictedPermutations {
private static Random rng = new Random();
public static void rPermute(Integer[] a, int d) {
for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) {
int j = a.length-1;
while (j > 0) {
double u = rng.nextDouble();
if (u < 0.61) { // related to golden ratio phi; more decimals may help
j -= 1;
} else {
int t = a[j];
a[j] = a[j-1];
a[j-1] = t;
j -= 2;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int numTests = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
int d = 2;
Map<String,Integer> count = new TreeMap<String,Integer>();
for (int t = 0; t < numTests; t++) {
Integer[] a = {1,2,3,4,5};
// convert a to String for storage in Map
String s = "(";
for (int i = 0; i < a.length-1; i++) {
s += a[i] + ",";
s += a[a.length-1] + ")";
int c = count.containsKey(s) ? count.get(s) : 0;
for (String k : count.keySet()) {
System.out.println(k + ": " + count.get(k));
Here are two sketches in Python; one swap-based, the other non-swap-based. In the first, the idea is to keep track of where the indexes have moved and test if the next swap would be valid. An additional variable is added for the number of swaps to make.
from random import randint
def swap(a,b,L):
L[a], L[b] = L[b], L[a]
def magicFunction(L,d,numSwaps):
n = len(L)
new = list(range(0,n))
for i in xrange(0,numSwaps):
x = randint(0,n-1)
y = randint(max(0,x - d),min(n - 1,x + d))
while abs(new[x] - y) > d or abs(new[y] - x) > d:
y = randint(max(0,x - d),min(n - 1,x + d))
return L
print(magicFunction([1,2,3,4],2,3)) # [2, 1, 4, 3]
print(magicFunction([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],2,4)) # [2, 3, 1, 5, 4, 6, 8, 7, 9]
Using print(collections.Counter(tuple(magicFunction([0, 1, 2], 1, 1)) for i in xrange(1000))) we find that the identity permutation comes up heavy with this code (the reason why is left as an exercise for the reader).
Alternatively, we can think about it as looking for a permutation matrix with interval restrictions, where abs(i - j) <= d where M(i,j) would equal 1. We can construct a one-off random path by picking a random j for each row from those still available. x's in the following example represent matrix cells that would invalidate the solution (northwest to southeast diagonal would represent the identity permutation), restrictions represent how many is are still available for each j. (Adapted from my previous version to choose both the next i and the next j randomly, inspired by user2357112's answer):
n = 5, d = 2
0 0 0 x x
0 0 0 0 x
0 0 0 0 0
x 0 0 0 0
x x 0 0 0
restrictions = [3,4,5,4,3] # how many i's are still available for each j
0 0 1 x x # random choice
0 0 0 0 x
0 0 0 0 0
x 0 0 0 0
x x 0 0 0
restrictions = [2,3,0,4,3] # update restrictions in the neighborhood of (i ± d)
0 0 1 x x
0 0 0 0 x
0 0 0 0 0
x 0 0 0 0
x x 0 1 0 # random choice
restrictions = [2,3,0,0,2] # update restrictions in the neighborhood of (i ± d)
0 0 1 x x
0 0 0 0 x
0 1 0 0 0 # random choice
x 0 0 0 0
x x 0 1 0
restrictions = [1,0,0,0,2] # update restrictions in the neighborhood of (i ± d)
only one choice for j = 0 so it must be chosen
0 0 1 x x
1 0 0 0 x # dictated choice
0 1 0 0 0
x 0 0 0 0
x x 0 1 0
restrictions = [0,0,0,0,2] # update restrictions in the neighborhood of (i ± d)
0 0 1 x x
1 0 0 0 x
0 1 0 0 0
x 0 0 0 1 # dictated choice
x x 0 1 0
Python code (adapted from my previous version to choose both the next i and the next j randomly, inspired by user2357112's answer):
from random import randint,choice
import collections
def magicFunction(L,d):
n = len(L)
restrictions = [None] * n
restrict = -1
solution = [None] * n
for i in xrange(0,n):
restrictions[i] = abs(max(0,i - d) - min(n - 1,i + d)) + 1
while True:
availableIs = filter(lambda x: solution[x] == None,[i for i in xrange(n)]) if restrict == -1 else filter(lambda x: solution[x] == None,[j for j in xrange(max(0,restrict - d),min(n,restrict + d + 1))])
if not availableIs:
L = [L[i] for i in solution]
return L
i = choice(availableIs)
availableJs = filter(lambda x: restrictions[x] <> 0,[j for j in xrange(max(0,i - d),min(n,i + d + 1))])
nextJ = restrict if restrict != -1 else choice(availableJs)
restrict = -1
solution[i] = nextJ
restrictions[ nextJ ] = 0
for j in xrange(max(0,i - d),min(n,i + d + 1)):
if j == nextJ or restrictions[j] == 0:
restrictions[j] = restrictions[j] - 1
if restrictions[j] == 1:
restrict = j
print(collections.Counter(tuple(magicFunction([0, 1, 2], 1)) for i in xrange(1000)))
Using print(collections.Counter(tuple(magicFunction([0, 1, 2], 1)) for i in xrange(1000))) we find that the identity permutation comes up light with this code (why is left as an exercise for the reader).
Here's an adaptation of #גלעד ברקן's code that takes only one pass through the list (in random order) and swaps only once (using a random choice of possible positions):
from random import choice, shuffle
def magicFunction(L, d):
n = len(L)
swapped = [0] * n # 0: position not swapped, 1: position was swapped
positions = list(xrange(0,n)) # list of positions: 0..n-1
shuffle(positions) # randomize positions
for x in positions:
if swapped[x]: # only swap an item once
# find all possible positions to swap
possible = [i for i in xrange(max(0, x - d), min(n, x + d)) if not swapped[i]]
if not possible:
y = choice(possible) # choose another possible position at random
if x != y:
L[y], L[x] = L[x], L[y] # swap with that position
swapped[x] = swapped[y] = 1 # mark both positions as swapped
return L
Here is a refinement of the above code that simply finds all possible adjacent positions and chooses one:
from random import choice
def magicFunction(L, d):
n = len(L)
positions = list(xrange(0, n)) # list of positions: 0..n-1
for x in xrange(0, n):
# find all possible positions to swap
possible = [i for i in xrange(max(0, x - d), min(n, x + d)) if abs(positions[i] - x) <= d]
if not possible:
y = choice(possible) # choose another possible position at random
if x != y:
L[y], L[x] = L[x], L[y] # swap with that position
positions[x] = y
positions[y] = x
return L

Python - Streamlining sudoku solver code

I am writing a script to efficiently solve a sudoku puzzle, but there's one part of my code that I think is extremely ugly and want to streamline.
def square(cell):
cell_row = cell[0][0]
cell_col = cell[0][1]
if cell_row in rows[0:3]:
x = 'A'
if cell_row in rows[3:6]:
x = 'B'
if cell_row in rows[6:9]:
x = 'C'
if cell_col in cols[0:3]:
y = 'a'
if cell_col in cols[3:6]:
y = 'b'
if cell_col in cols[6:9]:
y = 'c'
return (['Aa','Ab','Ac','Ba','Bb','Bc','Ca','Cb','Cc'].index(x+y))+1
Given that a sudoku board is comprised of 9 3x3 squares the purpose of this function is to take the coordinates of a cell on the board and return the number of the 3x3 square to which the cell belongs (where the square in the top left is number 1, and the bottom right is number 9). The input 'cell' is in the form ['A5', 6] where A indicates the row, 5 the column and 6 the value of the cell.
The code that I have works but there's got to be a much more efficient or presentable way of doing it. I would be grateful for any suggestions.
Personally, I don't think magic numbers like '65' and '97' make the solution more presentable! How about:
def square(cell):
rows = 'ABCDEFGHI'
cell_row = rows.index(cell[0][0])
cell_col = int(cell[0][1]) - 1
return 3 * (cell_row // 3) + cell_col // 3 + 1
I was able to make a greatly simplified version of your formula. I started by assigning both the row and column a 0-based index. Then I used integer division to only get the information about what 3-block the square is in. Since moving down a 3-block of rows increases the index by 3 while moving to the right only increases it by 1, I multiply the row index by 3 after the division. Here's the finished function:
def square(cell):
coords = (ord(cell[0][0]) - 65,int(cell[0][1]) - 1)
return 3 * (coords[0] // 3) + coords[1] // 3 + 1
Edit: Fixed offset by 1 - even though I would rather start at 0 as you'll probably want to use the returned value as an index for another (sub-)array.
And as I cannot comment on other answers yet just my 2 cents here:
cdlane's answer is slightly slower than the one presented here. If you get rid of the .lower() (I assume you don't care about fail safes at this point) and use Brien's answer you gain another slight performance boost. I don't know how often you'll evaluate square() but maybe it's worth to ditch readability for performance ;)
I think the attached snippet should do the trick.
def square(cell):
row = ord(cell[0][0].lower()) - 97
column = int(cell[0][1])-1
return 3*(row//3) + column//3 + 1

Random sampling from a set of integers

I am working with python 3.2 and I spent a lot of time trouble shooting this, and I still can't seem to wrap my brain around it.
number = random.randint ( x0 ,xn )
I'm generating a random number. It's purpose is to make my code come at me differently everytime.
For example I have 10 variables of text that I have written. I have solved the problem of not having these variables appear in the same order at each program run.
The issue I have is that they now appear randomly everytime. It picks one out of 10 everytime, instead the first time 10 and next 9. I can't seem to find out how to exclude the previous ones.
thelist = [0]
while i < x
if number in thelist:
thelist.append (number)
if ( number == x0 ):
elif ( number == x1 ):
This is what I would imagine the code would look like, everytime you loop one more number gets appended to the list, so that everytime it picks a number already in the list it repeats the loop again until it then has used all the numbers that random.randint can pull.
Here's a shuffle function:
import random
max = 15
x = list(range(max+1))
for i in range(max, 0, -1):
n = random.randint(0, i)
x[n], x[i] = x[i], x[n]
This starts with a sorted list of numbers [0, 1, ... max].
Then, it chooses a number from index 0 to index max, and swaps it with index max.
Then, it chooses a number from index 0 to index max-1, and swaps it with index max-1.
And so on, for max-2, max-3, ... 1
As yosukesabai rightly notes, this has the same effect as calling random.sample(range(max+1), max+1). This picks max + 1 unique random values from range(max+1). In other words, it just shuffles the order around. Docs:
If you wanted something more along the lines of your proposed algorithm, you could do:
import random
max = 15
x = range(max+1)
l = []
for _ in range(max+1):
n = random.randint(0,max)
while n in l:
n = random.randint(0,max)
From what I understand of your description and sample code, you want thelist to end up with every integer between x0 and xn in a random order. If so, you can achieve that very simply with random.shuffle(), which shuffles a list in place:
import random
x0 = 5
xn = 15
full_range = list(range(x0, xn))

