I have data from students who took a test that has 2 sections : the 1st section tests their digital skill at level2, and the second section tests their digital skills at level3. I need to come up with 3 clusters of students depending on their scores to place them in 3 different skills levels (1,2 and 3) --> code sample below
import pandas as pd
data = [12,24,14,20,8,10,5,23]
# initialize data of lists.
data = {'Name': ['Marc','Fay', 'Emile','bastian', 'Karine','kathia', 'John','moni'],
'Scores_section1': [12,24,14,20,8,10,5,23],
'Scores_section2' : [20,4,1,0,18,9,12,10],
'Sum_all_scores': [32,28,15,20,26,19,17,33]}
# Create DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# print dataframe.
I thought about using K-means clustering, but following a tutorial online, I'd need to use x,y coordinates. Should I use scores_section1 as x, and Scores_section2 as y or vice-versa, and why?
Many thanks in advance for your help!
Try it this way.
import pandas as pd
data = [12,24,14,20,8,10,5,23]
# initialize data of lists.
data = {'Name': ['Marc','Fay', 'Emile','bastian', 'Karine','kathia', 'John','moni'],
'Scores_section1': [12,24,14,20,8,10,5,23],
'Scores_section2' : [20,4,1,0,18,9,12,10],
'Sum_all_scores': [32,28,15,20,26,19,17,33]}
# Create DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# print dataframe.
#Import required module
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
#Initialize the class object
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=3)
#predict the labels of clusters.
df = df[['Scores_section1', 'Scores_section2', 'Sum_all_scores']]
label = kmeans.fit_predict(df)
df['kmeans'] = label
# K-Means Clustering may be the most widely known clustering algorithm and involves assigning examples to
# clusters in an effort to minimize the variance within each cluster.
# The main purpose of this paper is to describe a process for partitioning an N-dimensional population into k sets
# on the basis of a sample. The process, which is called ‘k-means,’ appears to give partitions which are reasonably
# efficient in the sense of within-class variance.
# plot X & Y coordinates and color by cluster number
import plotly.express as px
fig = px.scatter(df, x="Scores_section1", y="Scores_section2", color="kmeans", size='Sum_all_scores', hover_data=['kmeans'])
Feel free to modify the code to suit your needs.
I would like to apply the best fit CDF found by Fitter to each value in a number of panda data-frame columns by hopefully passing the Fitter results to Scipy Stats (or another library?).
I can get the distribution function easily enough from Fitter with the following code:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from fitter import Fitter
from fitter import get_common_distributions
from fitter import get_distributions
dataset = pd.read_csv("econ.csv")
sns.set_context("paper", font_scale = 2)
sns.displot(data = dataset, x = "Value_1",kind = "hist", bins = 100, aspect = 1.5)
spac = dataset['Value_1'].values
f = Fitter(spac, distributions=get_distributions())
This provides me with an output for Value_1:
{'norminvgauss': {'a': 1.87,
'b': -0.65,
'loc': 0.46,
'scale': 1.24}}
Now this is where I am stuck:
Is there a way to pass this information back to Scipy Stats (or another library) so I can calculate the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the best fit for each value in each column?
The dataset columns range from Value_1 to Value_99 with about 400 rows - Once I know how to feed the fitter results back into scipy stats I should be able to write a simple for loop to apply this over each column.
An example of the result would be like:
Much appreciated in advanced for anyone who is able to help with this.
Let's say that i have two 1-D arrays with 2 different statistical distributions. Now, i want to match both distributions using one of them as "target".
In the example, i "shifted" one of the distributions using MinMaxScaler() from SciKit to match it with the other one...but i am sure i can achieve a "automatic" and "better" match with some API...or some code...
In the example i have both arrays in the same DataFrame (and both have the same length), but i'd be very pleased if somebody kwnow a way to achieve it using 2 different Dataframes and/or 2 arrays with different lengths.
Thank you!!
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
################## DATA ######################
crv = np.random.uniform(1,99,(1,100)).flatten()
crv_target = np.random.uniform(51,149,(1,100)).flatten()
# Create DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data=[crv, crv_target]).T
df = df.rename(columns={0: "crv", 1: "crv_target"})
# Scaler
scale = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(50,150))
df['crv_shifted'] = scale.fit_transform(X=df['crv'].values.reshape(-1, 1),y=df['crv_target'].values.reshape(-1, 1))
# Create distplot
data = [df['crv_shifted'],df['crv_target'],df['crv']]
labels = ['crv_shifted','crv_target','crv']
colors = ['#F8C471', '#22D2E6','#CD6155']
fig = ff.create_distplot(data, labels,show_hist=False,show_rug=False,colors=colors)
I have a csv file with 10 columns. I can use pandas to import the dataframe and use the corr() function to output a matrix heatmap. What I want to achieve next is for the code to loop through the dataframe and find high or low correlations between combinations of columns
For example, the simple correlation matrix looks at:
A:A, A:B, A:C, A:D etc
But I want the code to combine columns, in every conceivable way, such as:
AB:A, AB:B, AB:C, AB: D etc
And if there are any noticeable correlations between certain combinations, to highlight those.
Is this possible at all? Or are there proprietary applications that can do this?
I assume with "combination" you mean linear combination. You can loop over the columns (not the most elegant way) and use sklearn linear_model
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn import linear_model
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random([10,10]),columns=['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J'])
for i,col1 in enumerate(df):
if i > 0:
X = df.iloc[:,0:i]
for j,col2 in enumerate(df):
if j >= i:
y = df[[col2]]
regr = linear_model.LinearRegression()
regr.fit(X, y)
score = regr.score(X,y)
print(f'X: {X.columns} y: {y.columns} score:{score}')
I am using hierarchical clustering from seaborn.clustermap to cluster my data. This works fine to nicely visualize the clusters in a heatmap. However, now I would like to extract all row values that are assigned to the different clusters.
This is what my data looks like:
import pandas as pd
# load DataFrame
df = pd.read_csv('expression_data.txt', sep='\t', index_col=0)
log_HU1 log_HU2
EEF1A1 13.439499 13.746856
HSPA8 13.169191 12.983910
FTH1 13.861164 13.511200
PABPC1 12.142340 11.885885
TFRC 11.261368 10.433607
RPL26 13.837205 13.934710
NPM1 12.381585 11.956855
RPS4X 13.359880 12.588574
EEF2 11.076926 11.379336
RPS11 13.212654 13.915813
RPS2 12.910164 13.009184
RPL11 13.498649 13.453234
CA1 9.060244 13.152061
RPS3 11.243343 11.431791
YBX1 12.135316 12.100374
ACTB 11.592359 12.108637
RPL4 12.168588 12.184330
HSP90AA1 10.776370 10.550427
HSP90AB1 11.200892 11.457365
NCL 11.366145 11.060236
Then I perform the clustering using seaborn as follows:
fig = sns.clustermap(df)
Which produces the following clustermap:
For this example I may be able to manually interpret the values belonging to each cluster (e.g. that TFRC and HSP90AA1 cluster). However I am planning to do these clustering analysis on much bigger data sets.
So my question is: does anyone know how to get the row values belonging to each cluster?
Using scipy.cluster.hierarchy module with fcluster allows cluster retrieval:
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as sch
df = pd.read_csv('expression_data.txt', sep='\t', index_col=0)
# retrieve clusters using fcluster
d = sch.distance.pdist(df)
L = sch.linkage(d, method='complete')
# 0.2 can be modified to retrieve more stringent or relaxed clusters
clusters = sch.fcluster(L, 0.2*d.max(), 'distance')
# clusters indicices correspond to incides of original df
for i,cluster in enumerate(clusters):
print(df.index[i], cluster)
EEF1A1 2
FTH1 2
RPL26 2
NPM1 3
EEF2 4
RPS11 2
RPS2 1
RPL11 2
CA1 6
RPS3 4
YBX1 3
RPL4 3
HSP90AA1 5
HSP90AB1 4