Do anyone know how to extract Image coordinate from Marmot dataset? - python

Marmot is a document image dataset ( where labelling several things such as document body, image area, table area, table caption and so on. This dataset specially use for document image analysis research purpose. They mentioned all coordinates in 16 digit hexa decimal with little endian format. Is there anyone how worked with this dataset and how to convert that 16 digit XY coordinate to human understandable format?

Finally I got the clue after analysis and posting here if anyone need to investigate this dataset. However, they mentioned the unit value in which way they convert the given coordinate into pixel value but it was difficult to trace out because they did not mentioned it in their manual/guideline. They mentioned another place as an annotation.
First you have to convert their 16 character hexadecimal value using IEEE 754 little endian format. For example, a given coordinates for a label is,
BBox=['4074145c00000005', '4074dd95999999a9', '4080921e74bc6a80', '406fb9999999999a']
Convert using python,
conv_pound = struct.unpack('!d', str(t).decode('hex'))[0]) for t in BBox]
You will get value in "pound" unit which is 1/72 inch. We usually use coordinate in pixel unit and we know 1 inch is 96 pixel. So,
conv_pound = [321.2724609375003, 333.8490234375009, 530.2648710937501, 253.8]
Then, divided each value by 72 and multiply with 96 to finally get corresponding pixel value which is,
in_pixel = [428.36328, 445.13203, 707.01983, 338.40000]
They started to count pixel position from bottom-left corner of the document image. If you consider from top-left corner (usually we consider in this way), you have to subtract 2nd and 4th value from image height. If we consider image [height, width] is [1123, 793] then we can represent the above coordinates in integer value as,
label_boundary = [428, 678, 707, 785]

After staring at the xmls for an hour, I've found the last missing piece in the answer by #MMReza:
You don't need to rely on the units of measure in (step number 3). There is an attribute called "CropBox" of the root element "Page". Use that one to scale the coordinates.
I have something along the following lines (also inverse y axis here):
px0, py1, px1, py0 = list(map(hex_to_double, page.get("CropBox").split()))
pw = abs(px1 - px0)
ph = abs(py1 - py0)
for table in page.findall(".//Composite[#Label='TableBody']"):
x0p, y1m, x1p, y0m = list(map(hex_to_double, table.get("BBox").split()))
x0 = round(imgw*(x0p - px0)/pw)
x1 = round(imgw*(x1p - px0)/pw)
y0 = round(imgh*(py1 - y0m)/ph)
y1 = round(imgh*(py1 - y1m)/ph)

In case anyone is trying to do this in Python 3 like I did, you only have to change step 2 of the other answer like this :
conv_pound = [struct.unpack('!d', bytes.fromhex(t))[0] for t in BBox]

I wanted to convert the coordinates as well as wanted to verify that my conversion actually worked. So, I made this script to read label file and respective image file then extract coordinates of table body(for eg) and visualize them on the images. It can be used to extract other fields in the similar manner. Comments explain it all
import glob
import struct
import cv2
import binascii
import re
xml_files = glob.glob("path_to_labeled_files/*.xml")
for i in xml_files:
# Open the current file and read everything
cur_file = open(i,"r")
content =
# Find index of all occurrences of only needed portions (eg TableBody this case)
residxs = [l.start() for l in re.finditer('Label="TableBody"', content)]
# Read the image
img = cv2.imread("path_to_images_folder/"+i.split('/')[-1][:-3]+"jpg")
# Traverse over all occurences
for r in residxs[:-1]:
# List to store output points
coords = []
# Start index of an occurence
sidx = r
# Substring from whole file content
substr = content[sidx:sidx+400]
# Now find start index and end index of coordinates in this substring
sidx = substr.find('BBox="')
eidx = substr.find('" CLIDs')
# String containing only points
points = substr[sidx+6:eidx]
# Make the conversion (also take care of little and big endian in unpack)
bins = ''
for j in points.split(' '):
if(j == ''):
coords.append(struct.unpack('>d', binascii.unhexlify(j))[0])
if len(coords) != 4:
# As suggested by MMReza
for k in range(4):
coords[k] = (coords[k]/72)*96
coords[1] = img.shape[0] - coords[1]
coords[3] = img.shape[0] - coords[3]
# Print the extracted coordinates
# Visualize it on the image
cv2.rectangle(img, (int(coords[0]),int(coords[1])) , (int(coords[2]),int(coords[3])), (255, 0, 0), 2)


I keep getting blank images while trying to Georeference an image with GDAL

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo import osr
# Load an array with shape (197, 250, 3)
# Data with dim of 3 contain (value, longitude, latitude)
data = np.load("data.npy")
# Copy the data and coordinates
array = data[:,:,0]
lon = data[:,:,1]
lat = data[:,:,2]
nLons = array.shape[1]
nLats = array.shape[0]
# Calculate the geotransform parameters
maxLon, minLon, maxLat, minLat = [lon.max(), lon.min(), lat.max(), lat.min()]
resLon = (maxLon - minLon) / nLons
resLat = (maxLat - minLat) / nLats
# Get the transform
geotransform = (minLon, resLon, 0, maxLat, 0, -resLat)
# Create the ouptut raster
output_raster = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create('myRaster.tif', nLons, nLats, 1,
# Set the geotransform
srs = osr.SpatialReference()
# Set to world projection 4326
The code above is meant to georeference a raster using GDAL but returns blank tiff files. I have vetted the data and variables, I, however, suspect the problem could be from geotransform variables. The documentation demands the variable to be:
top-left-x, w-e-pixel-resolution, 0,
top-left-y, 0, n-s-pixel-resolution (negative value)
I have used lats and lons not sure I'm getting which one corresponds to x and which to y. It could be something else but I'm not quite sure.
Overall your approach looks correct to me, but it's hard to tell without seeing the data you're using, but here are some points to consider:
First, there's a difference between the output file being empty, and/or being in the wrong location, georeferencing relates only to the latter.
When working interactive, you should also make sure to properly close the Dataset using output_raster = None, that will also trigger flushing for you.
You could start by testing if GDAL reads the same data that you intended to write. Using something like:
ds = gdal.Open('myRaster.tif')
data_from_disk = ds.ReadAsArray()
ds = None
np.testing.assert_array_equal(data_from_disk, array)
If those are not identical, it could be an issue with the datatype. Like writing floats close to 0 as integers, causing them to clip to 0 giving the appearance of an "empty" file.
Regarding the georeferencing, the projection you use has the coordinates in degrees. If yours are in radians your output ends up close to null-island.
Your approach also assumes that the data and lat/lon arrays are on a regular grid (having a constant resolution). That might not be the case (especially if the data comes with a 2D grid of coordinates).
Often when coordinate arrays are given, they are defined as valid for the center of the pixel. Compared to GDAL's geotransform which is defined for the (outer) edge of the pixel. So you might need to account for that by subtracting half the resolution. And this also impacts your calculation of the resolution, which in the case for the center-definition should probably use / (nLons-1) & / (nLats-1). Or alternatively verify with:
# for a regular grid
resLon = lon[0,1] - lon[0,0]
resLat = lat[1,0] - lat[0,0]
When I run your snippet with some dummy data, it gives me a correct output (ignoring the center/edge issue mentioned above).
lat, lon = np.mgrid[89:-90:-2, -179:180:2]
array = np.sqrt(lon**2 + lat**2).astype(np.int32)

Creating an ASCII art world map

I'd like to render an ASCII art world map given this GeoJSON file.
My basic approach is to load the GeoJSON into Shapely, transform the points using pyproj to Mercator, and then do a hit test on the geometries for each character of my ASCII art grid.
It looks (edit: mostly) OK when centered one the prime meridian:
But centered on New York City (lon_0=-74), and it suddenly goes haywire:
I'm fairly sure I'm doing something wrong with the projections here. (And it would probably be more efficient to transform the ASCII map coordinates to lat/lon than transform the whole geometry, but I am not sure how.)
import functools
import json
import shutil
import sys
import pyproj
import shapely.geometry
import shapely.ops
# Load the map
with open('world-countries.json') as f:
countries = []
for feature in json.load(f)['features']:
# buffer(0) is a trick for fixing polygons with overlapping coordinates
country = shapely.geometry.shape(feature['geometry']).buffer(0)
mapgeom = shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon(countries)
# Apply a projection
tform = functools.partial(
pyproj.Proj(proj='longlat'), # input: WGS84
pyproj.Proj(proj='webmerc', lon_0=0), # output: Web Mercator
mapgeom = shapely.ops.transform(tform, mapgeom)
# Convert to ASCII art
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = mapgeom.bounds
srcw = maxx - minx
srch = maxy - miny
dstw, dsth = shutil.get_terminal_size((80, 20))
for y in range(dsth):
for x in range(dstw):
pt = shapely.geometry.Point(
(srcw*x/dstw) + minx,
(srch*(dsth-y-1)/dsth) + miny # flip vertically
if any(country.contains(pt) for country in mapgeom):
sys.stdout.write(' ')
I made edit at the bottom, discovering new problem (why there is no Canada and unreliability of Shapely and Pyproj)
Even though its not exactly solving the problem, I believe this attitude has more potential than using pyproc and Shapely and in future, if you will do more Ascii art, will give you more possibilites and flexibility. Firstly I will write pros and cons.
PS: Initialy I wanted to find problem in your code, but I had problems with running it, because pyproj was returning me some error.
1) I was able to extract all points (Canada is really missing) and rotate image
2) The processing is very fast and therefore you can create Animated Ascii art.
3) Printing is done all at once without need to loop
CONS (known Issues, solvable)
1) This attitude is definetly not translating geo-coordinates correctly - too plane, it should look more spherical
2) I didnt take time to try to find out solution to filling the borders, so only borders has '*'. Therefore this attitude needs to find algorithm to fill the countries. I think it shouldnt be problem since the JSON file contains countries separated
3) You need 2 extra libs beside numpy - opencv(you can use PIL instead) and Colorama, because my example is animated and I needed to 'clean' terminal by moving cursor to (0,0) instead of using os.system('cls')
4) I made it run only in python 3. In python 2 it works too but I am getting error with sys.stdout.buffer
Change font size on terminal to lowest point so the the printed chars fit in terminal. Smaller the font, better resolution
The animation should look like the map is 'rotating'
I used little bit of your code to extract the data. Steps are in the commentaries
import json
import sys
import numpy as np
import colorama
import sys
import time
import cv2
#understand terminal_size as how many letters in X axis and how many in Y axis. Sorry not good name
if len(sys.argv)>1:
terminal_size = (int(sys.argv[1]),int(sys.argv[2]))
with open('world-countries.json') as f:
countries = []
minimal = 0 # This can be dangerous. Expecting negative values
maximal = 0 # Expecting bigger values than 0
for feature in json.load(f)['features']: # getting data - I pretend here, that geo coordinates are actually indexes of my numpy array
indexes = np.int16(np.array(feature['geometry']['coordinates'][0])*2)
if indexes.min()<minimal:
minimal = indexes.min()
if indexes.max()>maximal:
maximal = indexes.max()
countries = (np.array(countries)+np.abs(minimal)) # Transform geo-coordinates to image coordinates
correction = np.abs(minimal) # because geo-coordinates has negative values, I need to move it to 0 - xaxis
def move_cursor(x,y):
print ("\x1b[{};{}H".format(y+1,x+1))
move = 0 # 'rotate' the globe
for i in range(1000):
image = np.zeros(shape=[maximal+correction+1,maximal+correction+1]) #creating clean image
move -=1 # you need to rotate with negative values
# because negative one are by numpy understood. Positive one will end up with error
for i in countries: # VERY STRANGE,because parsing the json, some countries has different JSON structure
if len(i.shape)==2:
image[i[:,1],i[:,0]+move]=255 # indexes that once were geocoordinates now serves to position the countries in the image
if len(i.shape)==3:
cut = np.where(image==255) # Bounding box
if move == -1: # creating here bounding box - removing empty edges - from sides and top and bottom - we need space. This needs to be done only once
max_x,min_x = cut[0].max(),cut[0].min()
max_y,min_y = cut[1].max(),cut[1].min()
new_image = image[min_x:max_x,min_y:max_y] # the bounding box
new_image= new_image[::-1] # reverse, because map is upside down
new_image = cv2.resize(new_image,terminal_size) # resize so it fits inside terminal
ascii = np.chararray(shape = new_image.shape).astype('|S4') #create container for asci image
ascii[:,:]='' #chararray contains some random letters - dunno why... cleaning it
ascii[:,-1]='\n' #because I pring everything all at once, I am creating new lines at the end of the image
new_image[:,-1]=0 # at the end of the image can be country borders which would overwrite '\n' created one step above
ascii[np.where(new_image>0)]='*' # transforming image array to chararray. Better to say, anything that has pixel value higher than 0 will be star in chararray mask
move_cursor(0,0) # 'cleaning' the terminal for new animation
sys.stdout.buffer.write(ascii) # print into terminal
time.sleep(0.025) # FPS
Maybe it would be good to explain what is the main algorithm in the code. I like to use numpy whereever I can. The whole thing is that I pretend that coordinates in the image, or whatever it may be (in your case geo-coordinates) are matrix indexes. I have then 2 Matrixes - Real Image and Charray as Mask. I then take indexes of interesting pixels in Real image and for the same indexes in Charray Mask I assign any letter I want. Thanks to this, the whole algorithm doesnt need a single loop.
About Future posibilities
Imagine you will also have information about terrain(altitude). Let say you somehow create grayscale image of world map where gray shades expresses altitude. Such grayscale image would have shape x,y. You will prepare 3Dmatrix with shape = [x,y,256]. For each layer out of 256 in the 3D matrix, you assign one letter ' ....;;;;### and so on' that will express shade.
When you have this prepared, you can take your grayscale image where any pixel will actually have 3 coordinates: x,y and shade value. So you will have 3 arrays of indexes out of your grascale map image -> x,y,shade. Your new charray will simply be extraction of your 3Dmatrix with layer letters, because:
#Preparation phase
x,y = grayscale.shape
3Dmatrix = np.chararray(shape = [x,y,256])
table = ' ......;;;;;;;###### ...'
for i in range(256):
3Dmatrix[:,:,i] = table[i]
x_indexes = np.arange(x*y)
y_indexes = np.arange(x*y)
chararray_image = np.chararray(shape=[x,y])
# Ready to print
shades = grayscale.reshape(x*y)
chararray_image[:,:] = 3Dmatrix[(x_indexes ,y_indexes ,shades)].reshape(x,y)
Because there is no loop in this process and you can print chararray all at once, you can actually print movie into terminal with huge FPS
For example if you have footage of rotating earth, you can make something like this - (250*70 letters), render time 0.03658s
You can ofcourse take it into extreme and make super-resolution in your terminal, but resulting FPS is not that good: 0.23157s, that is approximately 4-5 FPS. Interesting to note is, that this attitude FPS is enourmous, but terminal simply cannot handle printing, so this low FPS is due to limitations of terminal and not of calculation as calculation of this high resolution took 0.00693s, that is 144 FPS.
BIG EDIT - contradicting some of above statements
I accidentaly opened raw json file and find out, there is CANADA and RUSSIA with full correct coordinates. I made mistake to rely on the fact that we both didnt have canada in the result, so I expected my code is ok. Inside JSON, the data has different NOT-UNIFIED structure. Russia and Canada has 'Multipolygon', so you need to iterate over it.
What does it mean? Dont rely on Shapely and pyproj. Obviously they cant extract some countries and if they cant do it reliably, you cant expect them to do anything more complicated.
After modifying the code, everything is allright
CODE: This is how to load the file correctly
with open('world-countries.json') as f:
countries = []
minimal = 0
maximal = 0
for feature in json.load(f)['features']: # getting data - I pretend here, that geo coordinates are actually indexes of my numpy array
for k in range((len(feature['geometry']['coordinates']))):
indexes = np.int64(np.array(feature['geometry']['coordinates'][k]))
if indexes.min()<minimal:
minimal = indexes.min()
if indexes.max()>maximal:
maximal = indexes.max()

Find indices of raster cells that intersect with a polygon

I want to get a list of indices (row,col) for all raster cells that fall within or are intersected by a polygon feature. Looking for a solution in python, ideally with gdal/ogr modules.
Other posts have suggested rasterizing the polygon, but I would rather have direct access to the cell indices if possible.
Since you don't provide a working example, it's bit unclear what your starting point is. I made a dataset with 1 polygon, if you have a dataset with multiple but only want to target a specific polygon you can add SQLStatement or where to the gdal.Rasterize call.
Sample polygon
geojson = """{"type":"FeatureCollection",
Rasterizing can be done with gdal.Rasterize. You need to specify the properties of the target grid. If there is no predefined grid these could be extracted from the polygon itself
ds = gdal.Rasterize('/vsimem/tmpfile', geojson, xRes=1, yRes=-1, allTouched=True,
outputBounds=[-120, 30, -100, 50], burnValues=1,
mask = ds.ReadAsArray()
ds = None
Converting to indices
Retrieving the indices from the rasterized polygon can be done with Numpy:
y_ind, x_ind = np.where(mask==1)
Clearly Rutger's solution above is the way to go with this, however I will leave my solution up. I developed a script that accomplished what I needed with the following:
Get the bounding box for each vector feature I want to check
Use the bounding box to limit the computational window (determine what portion of the raster could potentially have intersections)
Iterate over the cells within this part of the raster and construct a polygon geometry for each cell
Use ogr.Geometry.Intersects() to check if the cell intersects with the polygon feature
Note that I have only defined the methods, but I think implementation should be pretty clear -- just call match_cells with the appropriate arguments (ogr.Geometry object and geotransform matrix). Code below:
from osgeo import ogr
# Convert projected coordinates to raster cell indices
def parse_coords(x,y,gt):
row,col = None,None
if x:
col = int((x - gt[0]) // gt[1])
# If only x coordinate is provided, return column index
if not y:
return col
if y:
row = int((y - gt[3]) // gt[5])
# If only x coordinate is provided, return column index
if not x:
return row
return (row,col)
# Construct polygon geometry from raster cell
def build_cell((row,col),gt):
xres,yres = gt[1],gt[5]
x_0,y_0 = gt[0],gt[3]
top = (yres*row) + y_0
bottom = (yres*(row+1)) + y_0
right = (xres*col) + x_0
left = (xres*(col+1)) + x_0
# Create ring topology
ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing)
# Create polygon
box = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon)
return box
# Iterate over feature geometries & check for intersection
def match_cells(inputGeometry,gt):
matched_cells = []
for f,feature in enumerate(inputGeometry):
geom = feature.GetGeometryRef()
bbox = geom.GetEnvelope()
xmin,xmax = [parse_coords(x,None,gt) for x in bbox[:2]]
ymin,ymax = [parse_coords(None,y,gt) for y in bbox[2:]]
for cell_row in range(ymax,ymin+1):
for cell_col in range(xmin,xmax+1):
cell_box = build_cell((cell_row,cell_col),gt)
if cell_box.Intersects(geom):
matched_cells += [[(cell_row,cell_col)]]
return matched_cells
if you want to do this manually you'll need to test each cell for:
Square v Polygon intersection and
Square v Line intersection.
If you treat each square as a 2d point this becomes easier - it's now a Point v Polygon problem. Check in Game Dev forums for collision algorithms.
Good luck!

Loading .txt data into 10x256 3d numpy array

I'm trying to load some text files into numpy arrays. The .txt files represent pixels of an image where each pixel is given an arbitrary relative coordinate between -10 and +10 (for x) and 0 and 10 for y. In total, the image is 10x256 pixels. The catch is that each pixel isn't given an RGB values it is given a list of intensities that corresponds to the wavelength vales in the first /n separated "header". Each coordinate is given as the two first tab separated item and the first entry only has "0 0" because that The format of the text files is as follows:
Line 1: "0 0 625.15360 625.69449 626.23538 ..." (two coordinates followed by the wavelengths)
Line 2: "-10.00000 -10.00000 839 841 833 843 838 847 ..."
Line 3: "-10.00000 -9.92157 838 839 838 ..."
Where 839 and 838 represent the intensity of the wavelength 625.15360 for two different adjacent pixels one on top of another (with a small change in y). Furthermore, 841 and 839 would be the intensity of the 625.69449 wavelength, and so on and so forth.
My reasoning thus far has been to iterate through the file using np.genfromtxt() and adding to a new array 3D numpy array with variables (x,y, lambda) each being assigned one single intensity value. Also, I think it would make much more sense if x and y spanned from 0-9 and 0-255 respectively to represent the image instead of the arbitrary relative coordinates given in the data...
Problem: I don't know how to load the data into a 3x3 (stuck figuring out 2x2) and I can't seem to slice properly...
What I have so far:
intensity_array2 = np.zeros([len(unique_y),len(unique_x)], dtype= int)
for element in np.nditer(intensity_array2, op_flags=['readwrite']):
for i in range(len(unique_y)):
for j in range(len(unique_x)):
with open(os.path.join(path_name,right_file)) as rf:
intensity_array2[i,j] = np.genfromtxt(rf, skip_header = (i*j)+j, delimiter = " ")
Where len(unique_y) = 10 and len(unique_x) = 256 are found in a function above.
I'm not sure I entirely understand your file format, so forgive me if this does not make sense. However, if there is any way you can load all the data in at once I am sure it will run much faster. It appears to me that you can use this to get all the data into memory:
data = np.genfromtxt(rf, delimiter = " ")
Then create your 3D array:
intensity_array2 = np.zeros( (10, 256, num_wavlengths) )
Then fill in the values of the 3D array:
intensity_array2[ data[:,0], data[:,1], :] = data[:, 2:]
This will not work exactly because your x and y indices can go negative--you might need to add an offset in this case. Also, if your input file is in a predictable format, you may be able to simply call np.reshape() on the data matrix to get what you want.
Building on Lukeclh's answer, try:
data = np.genfromtxt(rf)
Then, cleave off the wavelength values
wavelengths = data[0]
intensities = data[1:]
We can now rearrange the data using reshape:
intensitiesshaped = np.reshape(intensities, (len(unique_x),len(unique_y),-1))
The "-1" value says 'the rest goes here'.
We still have the leading values (of on each of these arrays. To trim them, we can do:
wavelengths = wavelengths[2:]
intensitiesshaped = intensities[:,:,2:]
This just throws the information in the first two indices away. If you need to retain it you'll have to do something a bit more sophisticated.

What is the difference between mat and matND?

I am trying to extract data from a binary mask. All goes well but changing to python will cause the data to shift a few pixels. It is enough so I cannot find the center. However saving the image will oldly enough display the pixels at the correct location
Here is my code. I basically create a normal mat to use as output. However a matnd is outputed according to the docs
Am I extracting the data properly? If so tell me. I am trying to find the center given points along the center. I kidda dont want my data to be shifted.
import as cv
def main():
imgColor = cv.LoadImage(OPTICIMAGE, cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)
center, radius = centerandradus(imgColor)
def centerandradus(cvImg, ColorLower=None,ColorUpper=None):
lowerBound = cv.Scalar(130, 0, 130);
upperBound = cv.Scalar(171, 80, 171);
size = cv.GetSize(cvImg)
output = cv.CreateMat(size[0],size[1],cv.CV_8UC1)
cv.InRangeS(cvImg, lowerBound, upperBound,output)
mask = np.asarray( output[:,:] )
x,y = np.nonzero(mask)
x, y = np.array(x),np.array(y)
h,k = centerEstimate(x,y)
return np.array([h,k]), radius
def centerEstimate(xList,yList):
x_m = np.mean( np.r_[xList])
y_m = np.mean( np.r_[yList])
return x_m, y_m
Edit: I think it the problem with matND, since i notice the data is already shifted when I try to print out the data. If you need any more information please ask
Thank You for your time
It seems there is no more differences between Mat and MatND. MatND is now obsolete.
By looking at opencv2/core.hpp (version 2.4.8):
typedef Mat MatND;
I learn that the orientation of the data is different when I use findcontours or this matrix.
This matrix use height X width, while the contour put is as width X height. I hate reading apis.

