Python - Differences between two lists - python

for practicing purposes, I tried to implement a function that receives two lists as parameters and returns the difference of them. So basically the elements which are the lists have not in common.
I coded the following functions:
list1 = [4,2,5,3,9,11]
list2 = [7,9,2,3,5,1]
def difference(list1,list2):
return (list(set(list1) - set(list2)))
def difference_extra_credit(list1,list2):
return [value for value in list1 if value not in list2]
--> Basically both codes seem to work but I'm currently facing the problem that the lists need to have the same length in order for the functions to work. If the length is not the same, adding for instance an integer of 100 to list 1, it would not be shown as a difference between the lists if you print the functions.
I didn't manage to find a way to modify the code so that the length of the lists doesn't matter.. Does someone has an idea?

If you want symmetric difference, use the ^ operator instead of -
def difference(list1, list2):
return list(set(list1) ^ set(list2))
Here are the four set operators that combine two sets into one set.
| union : elements in one or both of the sets
& intersection : only elements common to both sets
- difference : elements in the left hand set that are not in the right hand set
^ symmetric difference : elements in either set but not in both.
I think this is a more readable way of writing the function
def symmetric_difference(a, b):
return {*a} ^ {*b}
(* unpacking in set literals requires python 3.5 or later)
Returning a set instead of a list makes it a bit more clear what the function does. The input arguments can be any iterable types, and since set is an unordered data type, returning a set makes it obvious that any ordering in the input data was not preserved.
>>> symmetric_difference(range(3, 8), [1,2,3,4])
{1, 2, 5, 6, 7}
>>> symmetric_difference('hello', 'world')
{'d', 'e', 'h', 'r', 'w'}

your both versions aren't symmetrical: if you exchange list1 and list2, the result won't be the same.
If you add a number in list2 (not in list1 as your question states), it's not seen as a difference, whereas it is one.
You want to perform a symmetric difference, so no matter the data in both lists (swapped or not) the result remains the same
def difference(list1,list2):
return list(set(list1).symmetric_difference(list2))
with your data:
[1, 4, 7, 11]

Trying out your code, it seemed to work fine with me regardless of the length of the lists - when I added 100 to list1, it showed up for both difference functions.
However, there appear to be a few issues with your code that could be causing the problems. Firstly, you accept arguments list1 and list2 for both functions, but these variables are the same name as your list variables. This seems not to cause an issue, but it means that the global variables are no longer accessible, and it is generally a better practice to avoid confusion by using different names for global variables and variables within functions.
Additionally, your function does not take the symmetric difference - it only loops over the variables in the first list, so unique variables in the second list will not be counted. To fix this easily, you could add a line combining your lists into a sum list, then looping over that entire list and checking if each value is in only one of the lists - this would use ^ to do an xor comparison of whether or not the variable is in the two lists, so that it returns true if it is in only one of the lists. This could be done like so:
def difference_extra_credit(l1,l2):
list = l1 + l2
return [value for value in list if (value in l1) ^ (value in l2)]
Testing this function on my own has resulted in the list [4, 11, 7, 1], and [4, 11, 100, 7, 1] if 100 is added to list1 or list2.


Python cross multiplication with an arbitrary number of lists

I'm not sure what the correct term is for the multiplication here but I need to multiply an element from List A for example by every element in List B and create a new list for the new elements, so that the total length of the new list is len(A)*len(B).
As an example
A = [1,3,5], B=[4,6,8]
I need to multiply the two together to get
C = [4,6,8,12,18,24,20,30,40]
I have researched this and I have found that itertools(product) have exactly what I needed, however it is for a specific number of lists and I need to generalise to any number of lists as requested by the user.
I don't have access to the full code right now but the code asks the user for some lists (can be any number of lists) and the lists can have any number of elements in the lists (but all lists contain the same number of elements). These lists are then stored in one big list.
For example (user input)
A = [2,5,8], B= [4,7,3]
The big list will be
C = [[2,5,8],[4,7,3]]
In this case there are two lists in the big list but in general it can be any number of lists.
Once the code has this I have
print([a*b for a,b in itertools.product(C[0],C[1])])
>> [8,14,6,20,35,15,32,56,24]
The output of this is exactly what I want, however in this case the code is written for exactly two lists and I need it generalised to n lists.
I've been thinking about creating a loop to somehow loop over it n times but so far I have not been successful in this. Since C could any of any length then the loop needs a way to know when it's reached the end of the list. I don't need it to compute the product with n lists at the same time
print([a0*a1*...*a(n-1) for a0,a1,...,a(n-1) in itertools.product(C[0],C[1],C[2],...C[n-1])])
The loop could multiply two lists at a time then use the result from that multiplication against the next list in C and so on until C[n-1].
I would appreciate any advice to see if I'm at least heading in the right direction.
p.s. I am using numpy and the lists are arrays.
You can pass variable number of arguments to itertools.product with *. * is the unpacking operator that unpacks the list and passes its values the values of list to the function as if they are separately passed.
import itertools
import math
A = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
result = list(map(, itertools.product(*A)))
[15, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36, 40, 48]
You can find many explanations on the internet about * operator. In short, if you call a function like f(*lst), it will be roughly equivalent to f(lst[0], lst[1], ..., lst[len(lst) - 1]). So, it will save you from the need to know the length of the list.
Edit: I just realized that is a 3.8+ feature. If you're running an older version of Python, you can replace it with its numpy equivalent,
You could use a reduce function that is intended exactly for these types of operations, which is based on recursion and accumulation. I am providing you an example with a primitive function so you can better understand its functionality:
lists = [
[4, 6, 8],
[1, 3, 5]
def reduce(function, iterable, initializer=None):
it = iter(iterable)
if initializer is None:
value = next(it)
value = initializer
for element in it:
value = function(value, element)
return value
def cmp(a, b):
for x in a:
for y in b:
yield x*y
summed = list(reduce(cmp, lists))
[4, 12, 20, 6, 18, 30, 8, 24, 40]
In case you need it sorted just make use of the sort() function.

Removing duplicates and preserving order when elements inside the list is list itself

I have a following problem while trying to do some nodal analysis:
For example:
I want to write a function that treats the element_list inside my_list in a following way:
-The number of occurrence of certain element inside the list of my_list is not important and, as long as the unique elements inside the list are same, they are identical.
Find the identical loop based on the above premises and only keep the
first one and ignore other identical lists of my_list while preserving
the order.
Thus, in above example the function should return just the first list which is [1,2,3,1] because all the lists inside my_list are equal based on above premises.
I wrote a function in python to do this but I think it can be shortened and I am not sure if this is an efficient way to do it. Here is my code:
def _remove_duplicate_loops(duplicate_loop):
for i in range(len(duplicate_loop)):
for j in range(len(duplicate_loop[i])):
if (duplicate_loop[i][j] not in unique_el_list):
loops_set=[set(x) for x in loops]
for k in range(len(loops_set)):
if (loops_set[k] not in list(unique_loop_dict.values())):
for l in range(len(unique_loop_pos)):
return unique_loops
from collections import OrderedDict
my_list = [[1, 2, 3, 1], [2, 3, 1, 2], [3, 2, 1, 3]]
seen_combos = OrderedDict()
for sublist in my_list:
unique_elements = frozenset(sublist)
if unique_elements not in seen_combos:
seen_combos[unique_elements] = sublist
my_list = seen_combos.values()
you could do it in a fairly straightforward way using dictionaries. but you'll need to use frozenset instead of set, as sets are mutable and therefore not hashable.
def _remove_duplicate_lists(duplicate_loop):
dupdict = OrderedDict((frozenset(x), x) for x in reversed(duplicate_loop))
return reversed(dupdict.values())
should do it. Note the double reversed() because normally the last item is the one that is preserved, where you want the first, and the double reverses accomplish that.
edit: correction, yes, per Steven's answer, it must be an OrderedDict(), or the values returned will not be correct. His version might be slightly faster too..
edit again: You need an ordered dict if the order of the lists is important. Say your list is
[[1,2,3,4], [4,3,2,1], [5,6,7,8]]
The ordered dict version will ALWAYS return
[[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8]]
However, the regular dict version may return the above, or may return
[[5,6,7,8], [1,2,3,4]]
If you don't care, a non-ordered dict version may be faster/use less memory.

Sorting based on one of the list among Nested list in python

I have a list as [[4,5,6],[2,3,1]]. Now I want to sort the list based on list[1] i.e. output should be [[6,4,5],[1,2,3]]. So basically I am sorting 2,3,1 and maintaining the order of list[0].
While searching I got a function which sorts based on first element of every list but not for this. Also I do not want to recreate list as [[4,2],[5,3],[6,1]] and then use the function.
Since [4, 5, 6] and [2, 3, 1] serves two different purposes I will make a function taking two arguments: the list to be reordered, and the list whose sorting will decide the order. I'll only return the reordered list.
This answer has timings of three different solutions for creating a permutation list for a sort. Using the fastest option gives this solution:
def pyargsort(seq):
return sorted(range(len(seq)), key=seq.__getitem__)
def using_pyargsort(a, b):
"Reorder the list a the same way as list b would be reordered by a normal sort"
return [a[i] for i in pyargsort(b)]
print using_pyargsort([4, 5, 6], [2, 3, 1]) # [6, 4, 5]
The pyargsort method is inspired by the numpy argsort method, which does the same thing much faster. Numpy also has advanced indexing operations whereby an array can be used as an index, making possible very quick reordering of an array.
So if your need for speed is great, one would assume that this numpy solution would be faster:
import numpy as np
def using_numpy(a, b):
"Reorder the list a the same way as list b would be reordered by a normal sort"
return np.array(a)[np.argsort(b)].tolist()
print using_numpy([4, 5, 6], [2, 3, 1]) # [6, 4, 5]
However, for short lists (length < 1000), this solution is in fact slower than the first. This is because we're first converting the a and b lists to array and then converting the result back to list before returning. If we instead assume you're using numpy arrays throughout your application so that we do not need to convert back and forth, we get this solution:
def all_numpy(a, b):
"Reorder array a the same way as array b would be reordered by a normal sort"
return a[np.argsort(b)]
print all_numpy(np.array([4, 5, 6]), np.array([2, 3, 1])) # array([6, 4, 5])
The all_numpy function executes up to 10 times faster than the using_pyargsort function.
The following logaritmic graph compares these three solutions with the two alternative solutions from the other answers. The arguments are two randomly shuffled ranges of equal length, and the functions all receive identically ordered lists. I'm timing only the time the function takes to execute. For illustrative purposes I've added in an extra graph line for each numpy solution where the 60 ms overhead for loading numpy is added to the time.
As we can see, the all-numpy solution beats the others by an order of magnitude. Converting from python list and back slows the using_numpy solution down considerably in comparison, but it still beats pure python for large lists.
For a list length of about 1'000'000, using_pyargsort takes 2.0 seconds, using_nympy + overhead is only 1.3 seconds, while all_numpy + overhead is 0.3 seconds.
The sorting you describe is not very easy to accomplish. The only way that I can think of to do it is to use zip to create the list you say you don't want to create:
lst = [[4,5,6],[2,3,1]]
# key = operator.itemgetter(1) works too, and may be slightly faster ...
transpose_sort = sorted(zip(*lst),key = lambda x: x[1])
lst = zip(*transpose_sort)
Is there a reason for this constraint?
(Also note that you could do this all in one line if you really want to:
lst = zip(*sorted(zip(*lst),key = lambda x: x[1]))
This also results in a list of tuples. If you really want a list of lists, you can map the result:
lst = map(list, lst)
Or a list comprehension would work as well:
lst = [ list(x) for x in lst ]
If the second list doesn't contain duplicates, you could just do this:
l = [[4,5,6],[2,3,1]] #the list
l1 = l[1][:] #a copy of the to-be-sorted sublist
l[1].sort() #sort the sublist
l[0] = [l[0][l1.index(x)] for x in l[1]] #order the first sublist accordingly
(As this saves the sublist l[1] it might be a bad idea if your input list is huge)
How about this one:
a = [[4,5,6],[2,3,1]]
[a[0][i] for i in sorted(range(len(a[1])), key=lambda x: a[1][x])]
It uses the principal way numpy does it without having to use numpy and without the zip stuff.
Neither using numpy nor the zipping around seems to be the cheapest way for giant structures. Unfortunately the .sort() method is built into the list type and uses hard-wired access to the elements in the list (overriding __getitem__() or similar does not have any effect here).
So you can implement your own sort() which sorts two or more lists according to the values in one; this is basically what numpy does.
Or you can create a list of values to sort, sort that, and recreate the sorted original list out of it.

Python - removing items from lists

# I have 3 lists:
L1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
L2 = [4, 7, 8]
L3 = [5, 2, 9]
# I want to create another that is L1 minus L2's memebers and L3's memebers, so:
L4 = (L1 - L2) - L3 # Of course this isn't going to work
I'm wondering, what is the "correct" way to do this. I can do it many different ways, but Python's style guide says there should be only 1 correct way of doing each thing. I've never known what this was.
Here are some tries:
L4 = [ n for n in L1 if (n not in L2) and (n not in L3) ] # parens for clarity
tmpset = set( L2 + L3 )
L4 = [ n for n in L1 if n not in tmpset ]
Now that I have had a moment to think, I realize that the L2 + L3 thing creates a temporary list that immediately gets thrown away. So an even better way is:
tmpset = set(L2)
L4 = [ n for n in L1 if n not in tmpset ]
Update: I see some extravagant claims being thrown around about performance, and I want to assert that my solution was already as fast as possible. Creating intermediate results, whether they be intermediate lists or intermediate iterators that then have to be called into repeatedly, will be slower, always, than simply giving L2 and L3 for the set to iterate over directly like I have done here.
$ python -m timeit \
-s 'L1=range(300);L2=range(30,70,2);L3=range(120,220,2)' \
'ts = set(L2); ts.update(L3); L4 = [ n for n in L1 if n not in ts ]'
10000 loops, best of 3: 39.7 usec per loop
All other alternatives (that I can think of) will necessarily be slower than this. Doing the loops ourselves, for example, rather than letting the set() constructor do them, adds expense:
$ python -m timeit \
-s 'L1=range(300);L2=range(30,70,2);L3=range(120,220,2)' \
'unwanted = frozenset(item for lst in (L2, L3) for item in lst); L4 = [ n for n in L1 if n not in unwanted ]'
10000 loops, best of 3: 46.4 usec per loop
Using iterators, will all of the state-saving and callbacks they involve, will obviously be even more expensive:
$ python -m timeit \
-s 'L1=range(300);L2=range(30,70,2);L3=range(120,220,2);from itertools import ifilterfalse, chain' \
'L4 = list(ifilterfalse(frozenset(chain(L2, L3)).__contains__, L1))'
10000 loops, best of 3: 47.1 usec per loop
So I believe that the answer I gave last night is still far and away (for values of "far and away" greater than around 5µsec, obviously) the best, unless the questioner will have duplicates in L1 and wants them removed once each for every time the duplicate appears in one of the other lists.
update::: post contains a reference to false allegations of inferior performance of sets compared to frozensets. I maintain that it's still sensible to use a frozenset in this instance, even though there's no need to hash the set itself, just because it's more correct semantically. Though, in practice, I might not bother typing the extra 6 characters. I'm not feeling motivated to go through and edit the post, so just be advised that the "allegations" link links to some incorrectly run tests. The gory details are hashed out in the comments. :::update
The second chunk of code posted by Brandon Craig Rhodes is quite good, but as he didn't respond to my suggestion about using a frozenset (well, not when I started writing this, anyway), I'm going to go ahead and post it myself.
The whole basis of the undertaking at hand is to check if each of a series of values (L1) are in another set of values; that set of values is the contents of L2 and L3. The use of the word "set" in that sentence is telling: even though L2 and L3 are lists, we don't really care about their list-like properties, like the order that their values are in or how many of each they contain. We just care about the set (there it is again) of values they collectively contain.
If that set of values is stored as a list, you have to go through the list elements one by one, checking each one. It's relatively time-consuming, and it's bad semantics: again, it's a "set" of values, not a list. So Python has these neat set types that hold a bunch of unique values, and can quickly tell you if some value is in them or not. This works in pretty much the same way that python's dict types work when you're looking up a key.
The difference between sets and frozensets is that sets are mutable, meaning that they can be modified after creation. Documentation on both types is here.
Since the set we need to create, the union of the values stored in L2 and L3, is not going to be modified once created, it's semantically appropriate to use an immutable data type. This also allegedly has some performance benefits. Well, it makes sense that it would have some advantage; otherwise, why would Python have frozenset as a builtin?
Brandon has answered this question: the real advantage of frozen sets is that their immutability makes it possible for them to be hashable, allowing them to be dictionary keys or members of other sets.
I ran some informal timing tests comparing the speed for creation of and lookup on relatively large (3000-element) frozen and mutable sets; there wasn't much difference. This conflicts with the above link, but supports what Brandon says about them being identical but for the aspect of mutability.
Now, because frozensets are immutable, they don't have an update method. Brandon used the set.update method to avoid creating and then discarding a temporary list en route to set creation; I'm going to take a different approach.
items = (item for lst in (L2, L3) for item in lst)
This generator expression makes items an iterator over, consecutively, the contents of L2 and L3. Not only that, but it does it without creating a whole list-full of intermediate objects. Using nested for expressions in generators is a bit confusing, but I manage to keep it sorted out by remembering that they nest in the same order that they would if you wrote actual for loops, e.g.
def get_items(lists):
for lst in lists:
for item in lst:
yield item
That generator function is equivalent to the generator expression that we assigned to items. Well, except that it's a parametrized function definition instead of a direct assignment to a variable.
Anyway, enough digression. The big deal with generators is that they don't actually do anything. Well, at least not right away: they just set up work to be done later, when the generator expression is iterated. This is formally referred to as being lazy. We're going to do that (well, I am, anyway) by passing items to the frozenset function, which iterates over it and returns a frosty cold frozenset.
unwanted = frozenset(items)
You could actually combine the last two lines, by putting the generator expression right inside the call to frozenset:
unwanted = frozenset(item for lst in (L2, L3) for item in lst)
This neat syntactical trick works as long as the iterator created by the generator expression is the only parameter to the function you're calling. Otherwise you have to write it in its usual separate set of parentheses, just like you were passing a tuple as an argument to the function.
Now we can build a new list in the same way that Brandon did, with a list comprehension. These use the same syntax as generator expressions, and do basically the same thing, except that they are eager instead of lazy (again, these are actual technical terms), so they get right to work iterating over the items and creating a list from them.
L4 = [item for item in L1 if item not in unwanted]
This is equivalent to passing a generator expression to list, e.g.
L4 = list(item for item in L1 if item not in unwanted)
but more idiomatic.
So this will create the list L4, containing the elements of L1 which weren't in either L2 or L3, maintaining the order that they were originally in and the number of them that there were.
If you just want to know which values are in L1 but not in L2 or L3, it's much easier: you just create that set:
L1_unique_values = set(L1) - unwanted
You can make a list out of it, as does st0le, but that might not really be what you want. If you really do want the set of values that are only found in L1, you might have a very good reason to keep that set as a set, or indeed a frozenset:
L1_unique_values = frozenset(L1) - unwanted
...Annnnd, now for something completely different:
from itertools import ifilterfalse, chain
L4 = list(ifilterfalse(frozenset(chain(L2, L3)).__contains__, L1))
Assuming your individual lists won't contain duplicates....Use Set and Difference
L1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
L2 = [4, 7, 8]
L3 = [5, 2, 9]
print(list(set(L1) - set(L2) - set(L3)))
This may be less pythonesque than the list-comprehension answer, but has a simpler look to it:
l1 = [ ... ]
l2 = [ ... ]
diff = list(l1) # this copies the list
for element in l2:
The advantage here is that we preserve order of the list, and if there are duplicate elements, we remove only one for each time it appears in l2.
Doing such operations in Lists can hamper your program's performance very soon. What happens is with each remove, List operations do a fresh malloc & move elements around. This can be expensive if you have a very huge list or otherwise. So I would suggest this -
I am assuming your list has unique elements. Otherwise you need to maintain a list in your dict having duplicate values. Anyway for the data your provided, here it is-
d = dict()
for x in L1: d[x] = True
# Check if L2 data is in 'd'
for x in L2:
if x in d:
d[x] = False
for x in L3:
if x in d:
d[x] = False
# Finally retrieve all keys with value as True.
final_list = [x for x in d if d[x]]
If all that looks like too much code. Then you could try using set. But this way your list will loose all duplicate elements.
final_set = set.difference(set(L1),set(L2),set(L3))
final_list = list(final_set)
I think intuited's answer is way too long for such a simple problem, and Python already has a builtin function to chain two lists as a generator.
The procedure is as follows:
Use itertools.chain to chain L2 and L3 without creating a memory-consuming copy
Create a set from that (in this case, a frozenset will do because we don't change it after creation)
Use list comprehension to filter out elements that are in L1 and also in L2 or L3. As set/frozenset lookup (x in someset) is O(1), this will be very fast.
And now the code:
L1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
L2 = [4, 7, 8]
L3 = [5, 2, 9]
from itertools import chain
tmp = frozenset(chain(L2, L3))
L4 = [x for x in L1 if x not in tmp] # [1, 3, 6]
This should be one of the fastest, simplest and least memory-consuming solution.

Python append() vs. + operator on lists, why do these give different results?

Why do these two operations (append() resp. +) give different results?
>>> c = [1, 2, 3]
>>> c
[1, 2, 3]
>>> c += c
>>> c
[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
>>> c = [1, 2, 3]
>>> c.append(c)
>>> c
[1, 2, 3, [...]]
In the last case there's actually an infinite recursion. c[-1] and c are the same. Why is it different with the + operation?
To explain "why":
The + operation adds the array elements to the original array. The array.append operation inserts the array (or any object) into the end of the original array, which results in a reference to self in that spot (hence the infinite recursion in your case with lists, though with arrays, you'd receive a type error).
The difference here is that the + operation acts specific when you add an array (it's overloaded like others, see this chapter on sequences) by concatenating the element. The append-method however does literally what you ask: append the object on the right-hand side that you give it (the array or any other object), instead of taking its elements.
An alternative
Use extend() if you want to use a function that acts similar to the + operator (as others have shown here as well). It's not wise to do the opposite: to try to mimic append with the + operator for lists (see my earlier link on why). More on lists below:
[edit] Several commenters have suggested that the question is about lists and not about arrays. The question has changed, though I should've included this earlier.
Most of the above about arrays also applies to lists:
The + operator concatenates two lists together. The operator will return a new list object.
List.append does not append one list with another, but appends a single object (which here is a list) at the end of your current list. Adding c to itself, therefore, leads to infinite recursion.
As with arrays, you can use List.extend to add extend a list with another list (or iterable). This will change your current list in situ, as opposed to +, which returns a new list.
Little history
For fun, a little history: the birth of the array module in Python in February 1993. it might surprise you, but arrays were added way after sequences and lists came into existence.
The concatenation operator + is a binary infix operator which, when applied to lists, returns a new list containing all the elements of each of its two operands. The list.append() method is a mutator on list which appends its single object argument (in your specific example the list c) to the subject list. In your example this results in c appending a reference to itself (hence the infinite recursion).
An alternative to '+' concatenation
The list.extend() method is also a mutator method which concatenates its sequence argument with the subject list. Specifically, it appends each of the elements of sequence in iteration order.
An aside
Being an operator, + returns the result of the expression as a new value. Being a non-chaining mutator method, list.extend() modifies the subject list in-place and returns nothing.
I've added this due to the potential confusion which the Abel's answer above may cause by mixing the discussion of lists, sequences and arrays.
Arrays were added to Python after sequences and lists, as a more efficient way of storing arrays of integral data types. Do not confuse arrays with lists. They are not the same.
From the array docs:
Arrays are sequence types and behave very much like lists, except that the type of objects stored in them is constrained. The type is specified at object creation time by using a type code, which is a single character.
append is appending an element to a list. if you want to extend the list with the new list you need to use extend.
>>> c = [1, 2, 3]
>>> c.extend(c)
>>> c
[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
Python lists are heterogeneous that is the elements in the same list can be any type of object. The expression: c.append(c) appends the object c what ever it may be to the list. In the case it makes the list itself a member of the list.
The expression c += c adds two lists together and assigns the result to the variable c. The overloaded + operator is defined on lists to create a new list whose contents are the elements in the first list and the elements in the second list.
So these are really just different expressions used to do different things by design.
The method you're looking for is extend(). From the Python documentation:
Add an item to the end of the list; equivalent to a[len(a):] = [x].
Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list; equivalent to a[len(a):] = L.
list.insert(i, x)
Insert an item at a given position. The first argument is the index of the element before which to insert, so a.insert(0, x) inserts at the front of the list, and a.insert(len(a), x) is equivalent to a.append(x).
you should use extend()
>>> c=[1,2,3]
>>> c.extend(c)
>>> c
[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
other info: append vs. extend
See the documentation:
Add an item to the end of the list; equivalent to a[len(a):] = [x].
- Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list;
equivalent to a[len(a):] = L.
c.append(c) "appends" c to itself as an element. Since a list is a reference type, this creates a recursive data structure.
c += c is equivalent to extend(c), which appends the elements of c to c.

