I have a dataset with 28000 records. The data is of an e-commerce store menu items. The challenge is the following:
Multiple stores have similar products but with different names. For example, 'HP laptop 1102' is present in different stores as 'HP laptop 1102', 'Hewlett-Packard laptop 1102', 'HP notebook 1102' and many other different names.
I have opted to convert the product list as a tfidf vector and use KMeans clustering to group similar products together. I am also using some other features like product category, sub category etc. (I have one hot encoded all the categorical features)
Now my challenge is to estimate the optimal n_clusters in KMeans algorithm. As the clustering should occur at product level, I'm assuming I need a high n_clusters value. Is there any upper limit for the n_clusters?
Also any suggestions and advice on the solution approach would be really helpful.
Thanks in advance.
You are optimising for k, so you could try an approach similar to this one here: how do I cluster a list of geographic points by distance?
As for max k, you can only every have as many clusters as you do datapoints, so try using that as your upper bound
The upper limit is the number of data points, but you almost surely want a number a good bit lower for clustering to provide any value. If you have 10,000 products I would think 5,000 clusters would be a rough maximum from a usefulness standpoint.
You can use the silhouette score and inertia metrics to help determine the optimal number of clusters.
The Silhouette Coefficient is calculated using the mean intra-cluster distance (a) and the mean nearest-cluster distance (b) for each sample. The Silhouette Coefficient for a sample is (b - a) / max(a, b). To clarify, b is the distance between a sample and the nearest cluster that the sample is not a part of....
The best value is 1 and the worst value is -1. Values near 0 indicate overlapping clusters. - from the scikit-learn docs
inertia_ is an attribute of a fitted clustering object in scikit-learn - not a separate evaluation metric.
It is the "Sum of squared distances of samples to their closest cluster center." - see the KMeans clustering docs in scikit-learn, for example.
Note that inertia increases as you add more clusters, so you may want to use an elbow plot to visualize where the change becomes minimal.
I've implemented a k-means algorithm and performance is highly dependent on how centroids were initialized. I'm finding random uniform initialization to give a good k-means about 5% of the time, whereas with k-means++, it's closer to 50%. Why is the yield for good k-means so low? I should disclaim I've only used a handful of data sets and my good/bad rates are indicative of only those, not broadly.
Here's an example using k-means++ where the end result was not great. The Dunn Index of this clustering is 0.16.
And an example where it worked perfectly with a Dunn Index of 0.67.
I was maybe under the naive impression k-means++ produced a good k-means every time. Is there perhaps something wrong with my code?
def initialize_centroids(points, k):
points : a list of Points.
k : how many centroids to place.
A list of centroids.
clusters = []
clusters.append(choice(points)) # first centroid is random point
for _ in range(k - 1): # for other centroids
distances = []
for p in points:
d = inf
for c in clusters: # find the minimal distance between p and c
d = min(d, distance(p, c))
# find maximum distance index from minimal distances
return clusters
This is adapted from the algorithm as found on Wikipedia:
Choose one center uniformly at random from among the data points.
For each data point x, compute D(x), the distance between x and the nearest center that has already been chosen.
Choose one new data point at random as a new center, using a weighted probability distribution where a point x is chosen with probability proportional to D(x)2.
Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until k centers have been chosen.
Now that the initial centers have been chosen, proceed using standard k-means clustering.
The difference is the centroids are chosen such that it is the furthest distance, not a probability to choose between furthest distances.
My intention is to compare the Dunn Index over different values of k, and empirically the Dunn Index being higher means better clustering. I can't collect (good) data if half of the time it doesn't work, so my results are skewed due to the faultiness of k-means++ or my implementation thereof.
What other initialization strategies can be employed to get a more consistent result?
This question is about creating a K-nearest neighbor graph [KNNG] from a dataset with an unknown number of centroids (which is not the same as K-means clustering).
Suppose that you have a dataset of observations stored in a data matrix X[n_samples, n_features] with each row being an observation or feature vector and each column being a feature. Now suppose you want to compute the (weighted) k-Neighbors graph for points in X using sklearn.neighbors.kneighbors_graph.
What are the basic methods to pick the number of neighbors to use for each sample? What algorithms scale well when you have lots of observations?
I have seen this brute force method below but it doesn't do well when the sample dataset size becomes large and you have to pick a good starting upper bound for n_neighbors_max. Does this algorithm have a name?
def autoselect_K(X, n_neighbors_max, threshold):
# get the pairwise euclidean distance between every observation
D = sklearn.metrics.pairwise.euclidean_distances(X, X)
chosen_k = n_neighbors_max
for k in range(2, n_neighbors_max):
k_avg = []
# loop over each row in the distance matrix
for row in D:
# sort the row from smallest distance to largest distance
sorted_row = numpy.sort(row)
# calculate the mean of the smallest k+1 distances
# find the median of the averages
kmedian_dist = numpy.median(k_avg)
if kmedian_dist >= threshold:
chosen_k = k
# return the number of nearest neighbors to use
return chosen_k
From your code, it appears that you are looking for a classification result based on the nearest neighbour.
In such a case your search over the distance matrix is akin to a brute force search and defeats the purpose of Nearest neighbour algorithms.
Perhaps what you are looking for is the NNClassifier. Here https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier.html
Regarding the choice of the number of nearest neighbours, this depends on the sparsity of your data. It helps to view Nearest Neighbour as a way to bound your search. Rather than look over all samples. It will allow you
to narrow the search to the top-N (nearest neighbour) samples. Afterward
you can apply a domain specific technique on these N samples to get the desired result.
I have a dataset of about 3 million samples (each with just 3 features). I'm using scikit's sklearn.neighbors module - specifically radius_neighbor_graph - to find which samples fall within a small radius of a specific sample.
This works fine, but unsurprisingly it's really, really slow to compute this graph.
It's also very wasteful, because I only ever need to know the neighbors for a small subset of my samples (~ 100,000 of them) - and I know this subset in advance.
So... is there any way of being more efficient by calculating the neighbours within a given radius for just this subset of samples? It seems like it should be simple, but I can't think of an easy way of doing it.
First of all, the task of creating a radius-neighborhood-graph involves reading the N by N distance-matrix associated to your dataset. Since distance matrices have nice properties you can save some time, but still complexity lies somewhere in O(N^2). Here N is the number of data points in your data set X.
So one could say, that only a small number of n < N points are of interest as the center of a neighborhood, but the majority of points are just interesting as neighbors. This would result in an n by N distance matrix, where row i contains the distances of data point i to each other data point j, 1 <= i <= n, 1 <= j <= N. But this "distance matrix" has none of the desirable properties of a normal distance matrix (it is not even a square matrix), that you could use to speed up the process of creating an epsilon-neighborhood-graph.
Therefore I don't think that you find a predefined function for your case. If you want to build one your own, the steps should be as follows: Let X be your data set and i be the data point of interest.
Create the distance matrix D associated to your data set, use scipy.spatial.distance_matrix and take as x the small subset of your data set and as y the whole data set.
Create a list, neighbors = []
Loop over the i'th row of the distance matrix. If D(i,j) < epsilon, then save j in neighbors. It is the index of a data point in the epsilon neighborhood of i.
Return neighbors
Of course the computation of the distance matrix should happen once at the beginning (maybe in init() if you wrap everything up in a class), and the function/method that returns all epsilon neighbors of a data point should only depend on the index of the data point in question.
Hope this helps!
I am trying to cluster the following data from a CSV file with K means clustering.
It is basically a graph where Samples are nodes and the numbers are the edges (weights).
I read the file as following:
fileopening = fopen('data.csv', 'rU')
reading = csv.reader(fileopening, delimiter=',')
L = list(reading)
I used this code: https://gist.github.com/betzerra/8744068
Here clusters are built based on the following:
num_points, dim, k, cutoff, lower, upper = 10, 2, 3, 0.5, 0, 200
points = map( lambda i: makeRandomPoint(dim, lower, upper), range(num_points) )
clusters = kmeans(points, k, cutoff)
for i,c in enumerate(clusters):
for p in c.points:
print " Cluster: ",i,"\t Point :", p
I replaced points with list L. But I got lots of errors: AttributeError, 'int' object has no attribute 'n', etc.
I need to perform K means clustering based on the third number column (edges) of my CSV file. This tutorial uses randomly creating points. But I am not sure, how to use this CSV data as an input to this k means function. How to perform k means (k=2) for my data? How can I send the CSV file data as input to this k means function?
In short "you can't".
Long answer:
K-means is defined for euclidean spaces only and it requires a valid points positions, while you only have distances between them, probably not in a strict mathematical sense but rather some kind of "similarity". K-means is not designed to work with similarity matrices.
What you can do?
You can use some other method to embeed your points in euclidean space in such a way, that they closely reasamble your distances, one of such tools is Multidimensional scaling (MDS): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multidimensional_scaling
Once point 1 is done you can run k-means
Alternatively you can also construct a kernel (valid in a Mercer's sense) by performing some kernel learning techniques to reasamble your data and then run kernel k-means on the resulting Gram matrix.
As lejlot said, only distances between points are not enough to run k-means in the classic sense. It's easy to understand if you understand the nature of k-means. On a high level, k-means works as follows:
1) Randomly assign points to cluster.
(Technically, there are more sophisticated ways of initial partitioning,
but that's not essential right now).
2) Compute centroids of the cluster.
(This is where you need the actual coordinates of the points.)
3) Reassign each point to a cluster with the closest centroid.
4) Repeat steps 2)-3) until stop condition is met.
So, as you can see, in the classic interpretation, k-means will not work, because it is unclear how to compute centroids. However, I have several suggestions of what you could do.
Suggestion 1.
Embed your points in N-dimensional space, where N is the number of points, so that the coordinates of each point are the distances to all the other points.
For example the data you showed:
Sample1: (0,45,69,12,...)
Sample2: (78,46,0,0,...)
Then you can legitimately use Euclidean distance. Note, that the actual distances between points will not be preserved, but this could be a simple and reasonable approximation to preserve relative distances between the points. Another disadvantage is that if you have a lot of points, than your memory (and running time) requirements will be order of N^2.
Suggestion 2.
Instead of k-means, try k-medoids. For this one, you do not need the actual coordinates of the points, because instead of centroid, you need to compute medoids. Medoid of a cluster is a points from this cluster, whish has the smallest average distance to all other points in this cluster. You could look for the implementations online. Or it's actually pretty easy to implement. The running time will be proportional to N^2 as well.
Final remark.
Why do you wan to use k-means at all? Seems like you have a weighted directed graph. There are clustering algorithms specially intended for graphs. This is beyond the scope of your question, but maybe this is something that could be worth considering?