Return a Http Response In get_queryset - python

Im using get_queryset, in ListAPIView
I want to check the user's access token, before providing the list, I done the below but the issue is that get_query set does not return a Response, is there a way to return a response, or I should use an alternative :
this my class in the :
class ListProductsOfCategory(generics.ListAPIView):
serializer_class = ProductSerializer
lookup_url_kwarg = 'category_id'
def get_queryset(self):
# I get the token here from the headers
token = self.request.META.get("HTTP_TOKEN", "")
if not token:
return Response(
"message": "no token!"
if not UserAccess.objects.filter(accessToken=token).exists():
return Response(
"message": "invalid token!"
category_id = self.kwargs.get(self.lookup_url_kwarg)
return Product.objects.filter(category_id=category_id)
note that everything is working perfect If I removed the token related part.
thanks in advance.
after last update this is the repsonse :

I'd suggest you to move check token logic into dispatch() method. It's a better place than get_queryset. Or even better to write your own authentication class in order to share it between views.
With some fixes (see updated get_queryset()) it can be:
I think you can go with built-in restframework.exceptions.AuthenticationFailed.
If you are not satisfied with default DRF exceptions you can create your own custom exceptions. For example somewhere in
from rest_framework.exceptions import APIException
class MissingTokenException(APIException):
status_code = 400
default_detail = 'Your request does not contain token'
default_code = 'no_token'
class InvalidTokenException(APIException):
status_code = 400
default_detail = 'Your request contain invalid token'
default_code = 'invalid_token'
Then you can use them in
from rest_framework import serializers
from .exceptions import MissingTokenException, InvalidTokenException
class ListProductsOfCategory(generics.ListAPIView):
serializer_class = ProductSerializer
lookup_url_kwarg = 'category_id'
def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs):
token = self.request.META.get("HTTP_TOKEN", "")
if not token:
raise MissingTokenException
if not UserAccess.objects.filter(accessToken=token).exists():
raise InvalidTokenException
return super().dispatch(*args, **kwargs)
def get_queryset(self):
qs = super().get_queryset()
category_id = self.kwargs.get(self.lookup_url_kwarg)
return qs.filter(category_id=category_id)

I'm not 100% if I'm getting this right, but I believe you can just use the regular authentication mechanisms that DRF provides. In this particular example, I think this section of the DRF docs should show you how to do it the "DRF" way: Setting Authentication Scheme
If you add the TokenAuthentication scheme to your application, you don't need to verify the token in your get_queryset method, but you can just use decorators to restrict access for function-based views or permission_classes for class-based views:
I guess this is what you'd be most interested in.
class ListProductsOfCategory(generics.ListAPIView):
serializer_class = ProductSerializer
lookup_url_kwarg = 'category_id'
authentication_classes = (TokenAuthentication, ) # Add others if desired
permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)
If you only want to restrict access for some of your routes (e.g. only post or detail views), then you can write your own permission class. For example, see this question here: How to add django rest framework permissions on specific method only ?


Get user object from token string in DRF Token In Django using Knox Token

I have question related with Django .
I am using Knox Token Authentication to generate tokens for every user when he log in on the page.
Now I want to use that token for every request that will send so I can get the corresponding user for the token. Also I am using custom function example def dashboard(request) in Django for every URL route.
I have see on youtube that there are option to get user from token but is not with functions
class UserAPI(generics.RetrieveAPIView):
permission_classes = [
serializer_class = UserSerializer
def get_object(self):
return self.request.user
So is there a whey to get the corresponding user from a token within a custom function
Great, I figured out in hours that knox doesn't come with full token_key stored in database.
Real token we can get is something like:
In database token_key is stored by default a512529e. 8 digits.
Filter objects using this:
knox_object = AuthToken.objects.filter(token_key__startswith=token[:8]).first()
Then get user object
Or you can use this, faster
from knox.settings import CONSTANTS
knox_object = AuthToken.objects.filter(token_key=token[:CONSTANTS.TOKEN_KEY_LENGTH]).first()
From the knox source codes
Constants cannot be changed at runtime
def __setattr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise Exception('''
Constant values must NEVER be changed at runtime, as they are
integral to the structure of database tables
You can see TOKEN_KEY_LENGTH is of 8 digits.
I wrote a simple function to do that
from knox.models import AuthToken
from knox.settings import CONSTANTS
def get_user_from_token(token):
objs = AuthToken.objects.filter(token_key=token[:CONSTANTS.TOKEN_KEY_LENGTH])
if len(objs) == 0:
return None
return objs.first().user
Life be easier now. :)
Yes, I improved it and published it.
You may try my fork. If you just simply want to add #smart_token_user before any GET/POST/PUT/... methods.
Just git clone, and pip install ./
I wrote a decorator.
With this,
in our app
we can easily get user object by doing so,#smart_token_user will modify the request handler. We can have a request.user attr only once the token is valid. And all invalid attempts will be thrown out with HTTP 401 Unauthorized response.
Life can be easier with this decorator.
from knox.models import smart_token_user
class CheckUserEmail(generics.RetrieveAPIView):
permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)
def get(self, request):
return Response({
"username": request.user.username,
"password": request.user.password,
}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
Or use this like original if you want: authentication_classes = (TokenAuthentication,)
class CheckUserEmail(generics.RetrieveAPIView):
authentication_classes = (TokenAuthentication,)
permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)
def get(self, request):
return Response({
"username": request.user.username,
"password": request.user.password,
}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)

Why does `HyperlinkedRelatedField` in Django rest framework needs its view to return `request` paramater as context?

I'm new to DRF. While defining a HyperlinkedRelatedField in serializer class like this:
class JournalistSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
articles = serializers.HyperlinkedRelatedField(view_name="article-
im getting the following error:
`HyperlinkedRelatedField` requires the request in the serializer
context. Add `context={'request': request}` when instantiating the
when i add context={'request': request} in the related APIView class:
class JournalistListCreateAPIView(APIView):
def get(self,request):
journalist = Journalist.objects.all()
serializer = JournalistSerializer(journalist,many=True,context=
return Response(
the HyperLink in the APIView works fine. But i dont understand why request has to be sent while instantiating the serializer. Please help me understand.
It does require request in context as it builds absolute URL
to be more concrete it is used get_url serializer method
def get_url(self, obj, view_name, request, format):
return self.reverse(view_name, kwargs=kwargs, request=request, format=format)

How can I authenticate a user with a query parameter on any url?

Let's say the user lands on
What's the recommended way to authenticate and login a user with the query string?
I was thinking about creating some sort of catch-all view (I'd also like to know how to do this :D) that calls authenticate(). Then I would have in place a custom backend that would authenticate the user.
Is this the ideal way to achieve what I want?
To do this, you need to create a custom authentication backend that validates api keys.
In this example, the request is checked for a valid token automatically. You don't need to modify and of your views at all. This is because it includes custom middleware that authenticates the user.
For brevity, I'm assuming that the valid user tokens are stored in a model that is foreign keyed to the django auth.User model.
# my_project/
from django.contrib import auth
from django.contrib.auth.backends import ModelBackend
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.auth.middleware import AuthenticationMiddleware
class TokenMiddleware(AuthenticationMiddleware):
def process_request(self, request):
token = request.GET[TOKEN_QUERY_PARAM]
except KeyError:
# A token isn't included in the query params
if request.user.is_authenticated:
# Here you can check that the authenticated user has the same `token` value
# as the one in the request. Otherwise, logout the already authenticated
# user.
if request.user.token.key == token:
user = auth.authenticate(request, token=token)
if user:
# The token is valid. Save the user to the request and session.
request.user = user
auth.login(request, user)
class TokenBackend(ModelBackend):
def authenticate(self, request, token=None):
if not token:
return None
return User.objects.get(token__key=token)
except User.DoesNotExist:
# A user with that token does not exist
return None
def get_user(self, user_id):
return User.objects.get(pk=user_id)
except User.DoesNotExist:
return None
Now, you can add the paths to AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS and MIDDLEWARE in your in addition to any existing backends or middleware you may already have. If you're using the defaults, it would look like this:
# ...
# This is the dotted path to your backend class. For this example,
# I'm pretending that the class is in the file:
# my_project/
# ...
I assume you are using the Django REST Framework and also enabled the TokenAuthentication mechanism in your project. If so, go ahead with this,
from rest_framework.authentication import TokenAuthentication
class QueryParamAuthentication(TokenAuthentication):
query_param_name = 'token'
def authenticate(self, request):
token = request.query_params.get(self.query_param_name)
if token:
return self.authenticate_credentials(token)
return None
# rest of your DRF settings...
to do this without DRF, you have to write custom model backend (which is a bit lengthy topic)
Refer: Writing an authentication backend
So, start with a way of managing your tokens. Here's a basic model:
class Token(models.Model):
code = models.CharField(max_length=255)
user = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
expires = models.DateTimeField()
A custom authentication backend can be produced to check the validity of the tokens:
class TokenAuthenticationBackend(ModelBackend):
def authenticate(self, request, token=None):
token = Token.objects.get(code=token, expires__gte=now())
except Token.DoesNotExist:
return None
return token.user
If you're using class-based views, you could write a mixin that checks for the presence of the token then does your authentication logic:
class UrlTokenAuthenticationMixin:
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
if 'token' in request.GET:
user = authenticate(request, request.GET['token'])
if user:
login(request, user)
return super(UrlTokenAuthenticationMixin, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
To use this on a given view, just declare your views as follows:
class MyView(UrlTokenAuthenticationMixin, TemplateView):
# view code here
For example.
An alternative way to implement this as a blanket catch-all would be to use middleware rather than a mixin:
class TokenAuthMiddleware:
def __init__(self, get_response):
self.get_response = get_response
def __call__(self, request):
if 'token' in request.GET:
user = authenticate(request, request.GET['token'])
if user:
login(request, user)
return self.get_response(request)

Dynamically Change Authentication Classes Django Rest Framework

I understand that we can set up authentication classes in class based viewsets like this:
class ExampleViewSet(ModelViewSet):
authentication_classes = (SessionAuthentication, BasicAuthentication)
However, is there a way to dynamically change the authentication class based on the request method? I tried overriding this function in my ExampleViewSet:
def get_authenticators(self): # Found in
if self.request.method == "POST":
return authentication_classes
However, django rest does not have the request object setup at this point:
'ExampleViewSet' object has no attribute 'request'
Note: not real variable names - just for example purpose.
Based on the previous answer, it works on django 1.10
#detail_route(methods=['post', 'get'])
def get_authenticators(self):
if self.request.method == "GET":
self.authentication_classes = [CustomAuthenticationClass]
return [auth() for auth in self.authentication_classes]
You can use detail_route decorator from rest_framework like this for getting requests,
detail_route can be used to define post as well as get,options or delete options
So,the updated code should be like :
from rest_framework.decorators import detail_route
class ExampleViewSet(ModelViewSet):
authentication_classes = (SessionAuthentication, BasicAuthentication)
def get_authenticators(self, request, **kwargs): # Found in
if request.method == "POST":
return authentication_classes
For further reading,Read from here.

Override the authToken views in Django Rest

I am using the token based Authentication in Django and need to add User object in addition to token being returned.
How do I override this class view ? Where do I need add this class and make the changes ? Currently this is found in the rest_framework package and I don't want to modify the library .
from rest_framework import parsers, renderers
from rest_framework.authtoken.models import Token
from rest_framework.authtoken.serializers import AuthTokenSerializer
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.views import APIView
class ObtainAuthToken(APIView):
throttle_classes = ()
permission_classes = ()
parser_classes = (parsers.FormParser, parsers.MultiPartParser, parsers.JSONParser,)
renderer_classes = (renderers.JSONRenderer,)
serializer_class = AuthTokenSerializer
print "dasdsa"
def post(self, request):
serializer = self.serializer_class(
user = serializer.validated_data['user']
token, created = Token.objects.get_or_create(user=user)
return Response({'token': token.key})
obtain_auth_token = ObtainAuthToken.as_view()
From docs.
First that you need is to extend the ObtainAuthToken class.
from rest_framework.authtoken.views import ObtainAuthToken
from rest_framework.authtoken.models import Token
from rest_framework.response import Response
class CustomAuthToken(ObtainAuthToken):
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
serializer = self.serializer_class(,
context={'request': request})
user = serializer.validated_data['user']
token, created = Token.objects.get_or_create(user=user)
return Response({
'token': token.key,
And after this add the CustomAuthToken class to your like view
from django.urls import path
from . import views
urlpatterns += [
path(r'api-token-auth/', views.CustomAuthToken.as_view())
You should extend your CustomClass from AuthToken, the route default url to your CustomClass:
from rest_framework_jwt.views import ObtainJSONWebToken
class JSONWebTokenAPIOverride(ObtainJSONWebToken):
Override JWT
def post(self, request):
# Do whatever you want
Then in your
I hope it helps
I wanted to override some default CRSF functionality and used the following approach:
from rest_framework.authentication import SessionAuthentication
class SessionCsrfExemptAuthentication(SessionAuthentication):
def enforce_csrf(self, request):
# Do not perform a csrf check
return False
Then in my settings file I referenced it in the following way:
This allowed me to import the existing functionality, override it and reference it in the settings file. I think you can use a similar approach here.
In the response I include the token, expiration timestamp and the user.
In add:
Then in add the following
def custom_jwt_response(token, user=None, request=None):
import jwt
jwt = jwt.decode(token, verify=False)
return {
'token': token,
'token_exp': jwt['exp'],
'user': UserSerializer(user, context={'request': request}).data
The answers here are good but in my opinion they don't make full use of inheritance. When we inherit a class, we shouldn't just try to reinvent the wheel and instead make use of the super() keyword. Here is my code example, where I want to turn the username argument into lowercase before performing the authentication request:
class GetAuthToken(ObtainAuthToken):
Override Django's ObtainAuthToken to provide custom way of authenticating user for token
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
#-- turn username to lowercase
if ('username' in['username'] =['username'].lower()
#-- perform normal function
return super().post(request, *args, **kwargs)

