I have created a proxy between QGC(Ground Control Station) and vehicle in Python. Here is the code:
gcs_conn = mavutil.mavlink_connection('tcpin:localhost:15795')
print("Heartbeat from system (system %u component %u)" %(gcs_conn.target_system, gcs_conn.target_system))
vehicle = mavutil.mavlink_connection('tcp:localhost:5760')
vehicle.wait_heartbeat() # recieving heartbeat from the vehicle
print("Heartbeat from system (system %u component %u)" %(vehicle.target_system, vehicle.target_system))
while True:
gcs_msg = gcs_conn.recv_match()
if gcs_msg == None:
vcl_msg = vehicle.recv_match()
if vcl_msg == None:
I need to receive the messages from the QGC and then forward them to the vehicle and also receive the messages from the vehicle and forward them to the QGC.
When I run the code I get this error.
is there any one who can help me?
If you print your message before sending you'll notice it always fails when you try to send a BAD_DATA message type.
So this should fix it (same for vcl_msg):
if gcs_msg and gcs_msg.get_type() != 'BAD_DATA':
PD: I noticed that you don't specify tcp as input or output, it defaults to input. Than means both connections are inputs. I recommend setting up the GCS connection as output:
gcs_conn = mavutil.mavlink_connection('tcp:localhost:15795', input=False)
For forwarding MAVLink successfully a few things need to happen. I'm assuming you need a usable connection to a GCS, like QGroundControl or MissionPlanner. I use QGC, and my design has basic testing with it.
Note that this is written with Python3. This snippet is not tested, but I have a (much more complex) version tested and working.
from pymavlink import mavutil
import time
# PyMAVLink has an issue that received messages which contain strings
# cannot be resent, because they become Python strings (not bytestrings)
# This converts those messages so your code doesn't crash when
# you try to send the message again.
def fixMAVLinkMessageForForward(msg):
msg_type = msg.get_type()
if type(msg.param_id) == str:
msg.param_id = msg.param_id.encode()
elif msg_type == 'STATUSTEXT':
if type(msg.text) == str:
msg.text = msg.text.encode()
return msg
# Modified from the snippet in your question
# UDP will work just as well or better
gcs_conn = mavutil.mavlink_connection('tcp:localhost:15795', input=False)
print(f'Heartbeat from system (system {gcs_conn.target_system} component {gcs_conn.target_system})')
vehicle = mavutil.mavlink_connection('tcp:localhost:5760')
print(f'Heartbeat from system (system {vehicle.target_system} component {vehicle.target_system})')
while True:
# Don't block for a GCS message - we have messages
# from the vehicle to get too
gcs_msg = gcs_conn.recv_match(blocking=False)
if gcs_msg is None:
elif gcs_msg.get_type() != 'BAD_DATA':
# We now have a message we want to forward. Now we need to
# make it safe to send
gcs_msg = fixMAVLinkMessageForForward(gcs_msg)
# Finally, in order to forward this, we actually need to
# hack PyMAVLink so the message has the right source
# information attached.
vehicle.mav.srcSystem = gcs_msg.get_srcSystem()
vehicle.mav.srcComponent = gcs_msg.get_srcComponent()
# Only now is it safe to send the message
vcl_msg = vehicle.recv_match(blocking=False)
if vcl_msg is None:
elif vcl_msg.get_type() != 'BAD_DATA':
# We now have a message we want to forward. Now we need to
# make it safe to send
vcl_msg = fixMAVLinkMessageForForward(vcl_msg)
# Finally, in order to forward this, we actually need to
# hack PyMAVLink so the message has the right source
# information attached.
gcs_conn.mav.srcSystem = vcl_msg.get_srcSystem()
gcs_conn.mav.srcComponent = vcl_msg.get_srcComponent()
# Don't abuse the CPU by running the loop at maximum speed
Make sure your loop isn't being blocked
The loop must quickly check if a message is available from one connection or the other, instead of waiting for a message to be available from a single connection. Otherwise a message on the other connection will not go through until the blocking connection has a message.
Check message validity
Check that you actually got a valid message, as opposed to a BAD_DATA message. Attempting to send BAD_DATA will crash
Make sure the recipient gets the correct information about the sender
By default PyMAVLink, when sending a message, will encode YOUR system and component IDs (usually left at zero), instead of the IDs from the message. A GCS receiving this may be confused (ie, QGC) and not properly connect to the vehicle (despite showing the messages in MAVLink inspector).
This is fixed by hacking PyMAVLink such that your system and component IDs match the forwarded message. This can be revered after the message is sent if necessary. See the example to see how I did it.
Loop update rate
It's important that the update rate is fast enough to handle high traffic conditions (especially, say, for downloading params), but it shouldn't peg out the CPU either. I find that a 1000hz update rate works well enough.
I'm trying to understand if grpc server using streams is able to wait for all client messages to be read in prior to sending responses.
I have a trivial application where I send in several numbers I'd like to add and return.
I've set up a basic proto file to test this:
syntax = "proto3";
message CalculateRequest{
int64 x = 1;
int64 y = 2;
message CalculateReply{
int64 result = 1;
service Svc {
rpc CalculateStream (stream CalculateRequest) returns (stream CalculateReply);
On my server-side I have implemented the following code which returns the answer message as the message is received:
class CalculatorServicer(contracts_pb2_grpc.SvcServicer):
def CalculateStream(self, request_iterator, context):
for request in request_iterator:
resultToOutput = request.x + request.y
yield contracts_pb2.CalculateReply(result=resultToOutput)
def serve():
server = grpc.server(futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10))
CalculatorServicer(), server)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print( "We're up")
I'd like to tweak this to first read in all the numbers and then send these out at a later stage - something like the following:
class CalculatorServicer(contracts_pb2_grpc.SvcServicer):
listToReturn = []
def CalculateStream(self, request_iterator, context):
for request in request_iterator:
listToReturn.append (request.x + request.y)
# ...
# do some other stuff first before returning
for item in listToReturn:
yield contracts_pb2.CalculateReply(result=resultToOutput)
Currently, my implementation to write out later doesn't work as the code at the bottom is never reached. Is this by design that the connection seems to "close" before reaching there?
The grpc.io website suggests that this should be possible with BiDirectional streaming:
for example, the server could wait to receive all the client messages before writing its responses, or it could alternately read a message then write a message, or some other combination of reads and writes.
Thanks in advance for any help :)
The issue here is the definition of "all client messages." At the transport level, the server has no way of knowing whether the client has finished independent of the client closing its connection.
You need to add some indication of the client's having finished sending requests to the protocol. Either add a bool field to the existing CalculateRequest or add a top-level oneof with one of the options being something like a StopSendingRequests
I am currently working on making a CAN tracer with Python. The connection as well as the received data from CAN work. My question now is: how can I change the PDO mapping and stop and start the transmission via CAN like it works with CANopen?
import canopen
# CAN Setting
can_interface = '0'
can_filters = [{"can_id":0x018A, "can_mask": 0xFFFF, "extended": True}]
bus = can.interface.Bus(can_interface, bustype='ixxat',can_filters=can_filters)
while True:
message = bus.recv()
You should be in pre operational mode and send SDO request to change PDO mapping.
You can get these information in the documentation or in the EDS file.
If doing modification do not forget to send the save SDO request at the end else the node will restart with its default value
Here's what I've tried so far:
from confluent_kafka import Consumer
c = Consumer({... several security/server settings skipped...
'auto.offset.reset': 'beginning',
'group.id': 'my-group'})
msg = poll(30.0) # msg is of None type.
msg almost always ends up being None though. I think the issue might be that 'my-group' has already consumed all the messages for 'my.topic'... but I don't care whether a message has already been consumed or not - I still need the latest message. Specifically, I need the timestamp from that latest message.
I tried a bit more, and from this it looks like there are probably 25 messages in the topic, but I have no idea how to get at them:
a = c.assignment()
print(a) # Outputs [TopicPartition{topic=my.topic,partition=0,offset=-1001,error=None}]
offsets = c.get_watermark_offsets(a[0])
print(offsets) # Outputs: (25, 25)
If there are no messages because the topic has never had anything written to it at all, how can I determine that? And if that's the case, how can I determine how long the topic has existed for? I'm looking to write a script that automatically deletes any topics that haven't been written to in the past X days (14 initially - will probably tweak it over time.)
I run into the same issue, and no example on this. In my case there is one partition, and I need to read the last message, to know the some info from that message to setup the consumer/producer component I have.
Logic is that start Consumer, subscribe to topic, poll for message -> this triggers on_assign, where the rewinding happens, by assigning the modified partitions back. After on_assign finishes, the poll for msg continues and reads the last message from topic.
settings = {
"bootstrap.servers": "my.kafka.server",
"group.id": "my-work-group",
"client.id": "my-work-client-1",
"enable.auto.commit": False,
"session.timeout.ms": 6000,
"default.topic.config": {"auto.offset.reset": "largest"},
consumer = Consumer(settings)
def on_assign(a_consumer, partitions):
# get offset tuple from the first partition
last_offset = a_consumer.get_watermark_offsets(partitions[0])
# position [1] being the last index
partitions[0].offset = last_offset[1] - 1
consumer.subscribe(["test-topic"], on_assign=on_assign)
msg = consumer.poll(6.0)
Now msg is having the last message inside.
If anyone still needs an example for case with multiple partitions; this is how I did it:
from confluent_kafka import OFFSET_END, Consumer
settings = {
'bootstrap.servers': "my.kafka.server",
'group.id': "my-work-group",
'auto.offset.reset': "latest"
def on_assign(consumer, partitions):
for partition in partitions:
partition.offset = OFFSET_END
consumer = Consumer(settings)
consumer.subscribe(["test-topic"], on_assign=on_assign)
msg = consumer.poll(1.0)
NOTICE Auth :*** Looking up your hostname...
433 * testbot:Nickname is already in use.
NOTICE Auth :*** Could not resolve your hostname: Request timed out; using your IP address () instead.
451 837AAAABB JOIN :You have not registered
The script works fine, the only issue I'm having is when another user has the same name and so the bot won't join, how can I fix this?
#IRC Info, Where the bot connects too
What I have tried:
Google, YouTube, Looking at other github IRC bot's and stackoverflow.
One idea I had was to use an random string generator, so if the name "testbot" was taken the script would generator something random and try again. I'm unsure how I would add this.
It is difficult to help you without seeing some code that you tried. Or any code at all.
The overall idea would be to detect when an incoming message is a 433 (aka ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE), and then send a new NICK command with a new nickname; and try again until you find a free nickname.
MAINNICK = 'testbot'
nick_suffix = 1
send_msg('NICK {}'.format(MAINNICK))
while True:
msg = recv_msg()
if msg.split(' ')[1] == '433':
send_msg('NICK {}{}'.format(MAINNICK, nick_suffix))
nick_suffix += 1
This answer assumes that the nick is registered by you.
When receiving ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE (433), send REGAIN to nickserv. Personally I also take care to not send REGAIN more than 3 times in 30 seconds, otherwise I disconnect and reconnect because something else is wrong.
REGAIN YourRegisteredNick YourPassword
Once in a while, NOTICE with a second argument containing can not regain your nickname is then received. This indicates a REGAIN failure. The only way I am aware of to handle this error is to disconnect, reconnect, and rejoin channels.
irc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
def ircwrite(message):
global irc
botnick = "ME_Number-1" # Nickname of the bot
InUse_alt = "Me2" # if Nickname: "('botnick')" is already in use, A.K.A. 433, uses this alternative option instead
while 1:
text = irc.recv(2048).decode('utf-8')
if "433" in text:
print("Bot's nick IN USE or has been regged by another; switching to: "+ (InUse_alt))
if text.find("433") != -1:
ircwrite("NICK "+ InUse_alt +" \r\n")
Something like that would work in most situations, but it can be set off by: someone saying: "433"; trying to work on that.
Send one nick but not both nick1 and nick2. To send new nick2
send_msg(f'NICK {}'.format(nick2_suffix))
In my case:
socket.socket.send(f'NICK {NICK2}')
Another way. In entry box.
I am using PyAPNs to send notifications to iOS devices. I am often sending groups of notifications at once. If any of the tokens is bad for any reason, the process will stop. As a result I am using the enhanced setup and the following method:
I use this to track which token was the problem and then I pick up from there sending the rest. The issue is that when sending the only way to trap these errors is to use a sleep timer between token sends. For example:
for x in self.retryAPNList:
apns.gateway_server.send_notification(x, payload, identifier = token)
If I don't use a sleep timer no errors are caught and thus my entire APN list is not sent to as the process stops when there is a bad token. However, this sleep timer is somewhat arbitrary. Sometimes the .5 seconds is enough while other times I have had to set it to 1. In no case has it worked without some sleep delay being added. Doing this slows down web calls and it feels less than bullet proof to enter random sleep times.
Any suggestions for how this can work without a delay between APN calls or is there a best practice for the delay needed?
Adding more code due to the request made below. Here are 3 methods inside of a class that I use to control this:
class PushAdmin(webapp2.RequestHandler):
channelName = ""
apns = APNs(use_sandbox=True,cert_file="mycert.pem", key_file="mykey.pem", enhanced=True)
def devChannelPush(self,channel,name,sendAlerts):
ucs = UsedChannelStore()
pus = PushUpdateStore()
channelName = ""
refreshApnList = pus.getAPN(channel)
if sendAlerts:
alertApnList,channelName = ucs.getAPN(channel)
if not alertApnList: alertApnList=[]
if not refreshApnList: refreshApnList=[]
pushApnList = list(set(alertApnList+refreshApnList))
elif refreshApnList:
pushApnList = refreshApnList
pushApnList = []
self.retryAPNList = pushApnList
self.channelID = channel
self.channelName = channelName
self.userName = name
def retryAPNPush(self):
token = -1
payload = Payload(alert="A message from " +self.userName+ " posted to "+self.channelName, sound="default", badge=1, custom={"channel":self.channelID})
if len(self.retryAPNList)>0:
token +=1
for x in self.retryAPNList:
self.apns.gateway_server.send_notification(x, payload, identifier = token)
Below is the calling class (abbreviate to reduce non-related items):
class ChannelStore(ndb.Model):
def writeMessage(self,ID,name,message,imageKey,fileKey):
notify = PushAdmin()
Below is the slight change I made to the placement of the sleep timer that seems to have resolved the issue. I am, however, still concerned for whether the time given will be the right amount in all circumstances.
def retryAPNPush(self):
identifier = 1
token = -1
payload = Payload(alert="A message from " +self.userName+ " posted to "+self.channelName, sound="default", badge=1, custom={"channel":self.channelID})
if len(self.retryAPNList)>0:
token +=1
for x in self.retryAPNList:
self.apns.gateway_server.send_notification(x, payload, identifier = token)
As noted in the comments at bottom, the resolution to this problem was to move the following statement to the module level outside the class. By doing this there is no need for any sleep statements.
apns = APNs(use_sandbox=True,cert_file="mycert.pem", key_file="mykey.pem", enhanced=True)
In fact, PyAPNS will auto resend dropped notifications for you, please see PyAPNS
So you don't have to retry by yourself, you can just record what notifications have bad tokens.
The behavior of your code might be result from APNS object kept in local scope (within if len(self.retryAPNList)>0:)
I suggest you to pull out APNS object to class or module level, so that it can complete its error handling procedure and reuse the TCP connection.
Please kindly let me know if it helps, thanks :)