Python: E1136:Value '' is unsubscriptable - python

def get_portfolio(self):
contracts = settings.CONTRACTS
portfolio = {}
for symbol in contracts:
position = self.bitmex.position(symbol=symbol)
instrument = self.bitmex.instrument(symbol=symbol)
if instrument['isQuanto']:
future_type = "Quanto"
elif instrument['isInverse']:
future_type = "Inverse"
elif not instrument['isQuanto'] and not instrument['isInverse']:
future_type = "Linear"
raise NotImplementedError("Unknown future type; not quanto or inverse: %s" % instrument['symbol'])
if instrument['underlyingToSettleMultiplier'] is None:
multiplier = float(instrument['multiplier']) / float(instrument['quoteToSettleMultiplier'])
multiplier = float(instrument['multiplier']) / float(instrument['underlyingToSettleMultiplier'])
portfolio[symbol] = {
"currentQty": float(position['currentQty']),
"futureType": future_type,
"multiplier": multiplier,
"markPrice": float(instrument['markPrice']),
"spot": float(instrument['indicativeSettlePrice'])
return portfolio
qty =['currentQty']()
Does anybody know what I am doing wrong when I am calling the get_portfolio function because I keep getting this error message:
E1136:Value '' is unsubscriptable

You have a little mistake in the call: is a function, so you first have to call it and then you can reference the entries from the returned dict.
Oh I just saw, that you also have to insert your symbol before:
qty =[<YOUR_SYMBOL>]['currentQty']
If you don't know the symbols, you can use the keys function which lists all the keys of your dict:
port =
port_keys = port.keys()
qty = port[port_keys[<SOME KEY NUMBER>]]['currentQty']

You should do it as follows:
qty =
qty = qty[qty.keys()[0]]['currentQty']
or in a single row:
qty =[[0]]['currentQty']


binance api, i cant put an order with a price in dollar (not in quantity)

i try to put some orders at a specific price.
For example i would like to put 20 dollars to buy some ETHUSDT at 800 usdt but it gives me this error:
binance.exceptions.BinanceAPIException: APIError(code=-1106): Parameter 'quoteOrderQty' sent when not required.
there is my call function:
buy_order = client.create_order(
symbol = "ETHUSDT",
price = 800,
quoteOrderQty = 25,
side = client.SIDE_BUY,
type = client.ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT,
timeInForce = client.TIME_IN_FORCE_GTC)
but i dont have any error when i put this :
buy_order = client.create_test_order(symbol="ETHUSDT", side='BUY', type='MARKET', quoteOrderQty=10)
to be honnest actually i do that:
def putOrderBuy_at_price(self, symbol, amount, price):
monney_price = self.client.get_symbol_ticker(symbol=symbol)
# Calculate how much ETH $200 can buy
i = 10
while i != 0:
buy_quantity = round(amount / float(price), i)
print("-----------", buy_quantity)
buy_order = self.client.create_order(
symbol = symbol,
price = price,
quantity = buy_quantity,
side = self.client.SIDE_BUY,
type = self.client.ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT,
timeInForce = self.client.TIME_IN_FORCE_GTC)
except Exception:
i -= 1
And i think there is a better way for that.
Thanks for yours answers
quoteOrderQty is only for MARKET order.

Python Json value overwritten by last value

lista =
[{Identity: joe,
{distance: 1, time:2, status: idle},
{distance:2, time:5, status: moving}],
{unit: imperial}]
I can pull the data easily and put in pandas. The issue is, if an identity has multiple instances of, say idle, it takes the last value, instead of summing together.
my code...
zdrivershours = {}
zdistance = {}
zstophours = {}
For driver in resp:
driverid[driver['AssetID']] = driver['AssetName']
for value in [driver['SegmentSummary']]:
for value in value:
if value['SegmentType'] == 'Motion':
zdriverhours[driver['AssetID']] = round(value['Time']/3600,2)
if value['SegmentType'] == 'Stop':
zstophours[driver['AssetID']] = round(value['IdleTime']/3600,2)
zdistance[driver['AssetID']] = value['Distance']
To obtain the summatory of distance for every driver replace:
zdistance[driver['AssetID']] = value['Distance']
if driver['AssetID'] in zdistance:
zdistance[driver['AssetID']] = zdistance[driver['AssetID']] + value['Distance']
zdistance[driver['AssetID']] = value['Distance']

Django queryset .iterate(): not working. Only first item is taken into account, second is ignored

I have the following code. I know the queryset contains 2 items. However, Django only creates one entry. What am I overlooking?
I know "OrderItem.objects.filter(order=order)" returns two objects. However, in the order_lines.iterate() it only creates one entry. Do I overlook something?
order_lines = OrderItem.objects.filter(order=order)
inv_ref = (str(order.order_date.year) + "-" + str(
inv = Invoice.objects.create(invoice_ref=inv_ref,date=order.order_date, order=order, ship_to=order.order_ship_to, bill_to=order.order_bill_to)
value = 0
vat = 0
total = 0
commission = 0
## Looping not working properly: fix all items to be added to invoice.
for item in order_lines.iterator():
exvat = (item.price/((100+item.vat)/100))
val = item.quantity * exvat
ttl = (item.price*item.quantity)
comm = item.commission
vat_val = ttl-val
InvoiceItems.objects.create(invoice=inv, order_item=item, quantity=item.quantity, price=exvat, value=val, vat=item.vat,vat_val=vat_val,total=ttl)
value = value + val
vat = vat + vat_val
total = total + ttl
commission = commission + comm
Do not use .iterator() as django.models.Model.objects.filter() already returns an QuerySet which implements iterator protocol (Iterable[]).
for item in order_lines:
Try simplified loop:
for item in order_lines:
it should work like a charm because it's already QuerySet object.

How to create a function to tell whether a value is increasing or decreasing?

I want to create comments from a dataset that details the growth rate, market share, etc for various markets and products. The dataset is in the form of a pd.DataFrame(). I would like the comment to include keywords like increase/decrease based on the calculations, for example, if 2020 Jan has sale of 1000, and 2021 Jan has a sale of 1600, then it will necessary mean an increase of 60%.
I defined a function outside as such and I would like to seek if this method is too clumsy, if so, how should I improve on it.
GrowthIncDec = namedtuple('gr_tuple', ['annual_growth_rate', 'quarterly_growth_rate'])
def increase_decrease(annual_gr, quarter_gr):
if annual_gr > 0:
annual_growth_rate = 'increased'
elif annual_gr < 0:
annual_growth_rate = 'decreased'
annual_growth_rate = 'stayed the same'
if quarter_gr > 0:
quarterly_growth_rate = 'increased'
elif quarter_gr < 0:
quarterly_growth_rate = 'decreased'
quarterly_growth_rate = 'stayed the same'
gr_named_tuple = GrowthIncDec(annual_growth_rate=annual_growth_rate, quarterly_growth_rate=quarterly_growth_rate)
return gr_named_tuple
myfunc = increase_decrease(5, -1)
output: 'increased'
A snippet of my main code is as follows to illustrate the use of the above function:
def get_comments(grp, some_dict: Dict[str, List[str]]):
subdf = the dataframe
annual_gr = subdf['Annual_Growth'].values[0]
quarter_gr = subdf['Quarterly_Growth'].values[0]
inc_dec_named_tup = increase_decrease(annual_gr, quarter_gr)
inc_dec_annual_gr = inc_dec_named_tup.annual_growth_rate
inc_dec_quarterly_gr = inc_dec_named_tup.quarterly_growth_rate
comment = "The {} has {} by {:.1%} in {} {} compared to {} {}"\
.format(market, inc_dec_annual_gr, annual_gr, timeperiod, curr_date, timeperiod, prev_year)
comments_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Date','Comments'])
# comments_df['Date'] = [curr_date]
comments_df['Comments'] = [comment]
return comments_df
except (IndexError, KeyError) as e:
# this is for all those nan values which is empty
annual_gr = 0
quarter_gr = 0

python list of dictionaries only updating 1 attribute and skipping others

I have a list of lists containing company objects:
companies_list = [companies1, companies2]
I have the following function:
def get_fund_amount_by_year(companies_list):
companies_length = len(companies_list)
for idx, companies in enumerate(companies_list):
companies1 = companies.values_list('id', flat=True)
funding_rounds = FundingRound.objects.filter(company_id__in=companies1).order_by('announced_on')
amount_per_year_list = []
for fr in funding_rounds:
fr_year = fr.announced_on.year
fr_amount = fr.raised_amount_usd
if not any(d['year'] == fr_year for d in amount_per_year_list):
year_amount = {}
year_amount['year'] = fr_year
for companies_idx in range(companies_length):
year_amount['amount'+str(companies_idx)] = 0
if companies_idx == idx:
year_amount['amount'+str(companies_idx)] = fr_amount
for year_amount in amount_per_year_list:
if year_amount['year'] == fr_year:
year_amount['amount'+str(idx)] += fr_amount
return amount_per_year_list
The problem is the resulting list of dictionaries has only one amount attribute updated.
As you can see "amount0" contains all "0" amounts:
[{'amount1': 12100000L, 'amount0': 0, 'year': 1999}, {'amount1':
8900000L, 'amount0': 0, 'year': 2000}]
What am I doing wrong?
I put list of dictionaries being built in the loop and so when it iterated it overwrote the last input. I changed it to look like:
def get_fund_amount_by_year(companies_list):
companies_length = len(companies_list)
**amount_per_year_list = []**
for idx, companies in enumerate(companies_list):
companies1 = companies.values_list('id', flat=True)
funding_rounds = FundingRound.objects.filter(company_id__in=companies1).order_by('announced_on')

