Compute change from baseline by id - python

I have some longitudinal data which is animal_id by study day, as shown below:
How would I create a column which computes the change from baseline by each animal_id? Here, baseline would be where ord = 0?

Using transform first , notice this assuming your df is sorted already

To achieve this, if you don't want to sort your data, you can use a surrogate data frame with the value of body weight for ord=0 and then merge it to the previous data frame.
df_ord = df.query("ord==0").rename(columns={'body_weight':'body_weight_base'})
df_ord = df_ord.drop('ord',axis=1)
df = df.merge(df_ord)
df['change'] = df['body_weight'] - df['body_weight_base']


Set column value as the mean of a group in pandas

I have a data frame with columns X Y temperature Label
label is an integer between 1 and 9
I want to add an additional column my_label_mean_temperature which will contain for each row the mean of the temperatures of the rows that has the same label.
I'm pretty sure i need to start with my_df.groupby('label') but not sure how to calculate the mean on temperature and propagate the values on all the rows of my original data frame
Your problem could be solved with the transform method of pandas.
You could try something like this :
df['my_label_mean_temperature'] = df.groupby(['label']).transform('mean')
Something like this?
df = pd.DataFrame(data={'x':np.random.rand(19),
'label': [1,2,3,4,2,3,9,3,2,9,2,3,9,4,1,2,9,7, 1]})
df['my_label_mean_temperature'] = df.groupby(['label'], sort=False)['temp'].transform('mean')
df['my_label_mean_temperature']= df.groupby('label', as_index=False)['temperature'].mean()

How can I group rows based on those that have the same value in a column, and then run my code on each subset?

I have a csv file which I created through some lines of code that includes the following:
A 'BatchID' column, in the format of DEFGH12-01, specifying which batch each unit is in, and a column of the units and their full ID numbers, 'UnitID', in the format of DEFGH12-01_x01_y01. Each unit (UnitID) falls under a specific batch (and thus the Unit ID number corresponds to the BatchID it is under.
I have a certain algorithm that I have been running on the entire dataset of unit IDs. I want to group the units based on having the same batchID value (as there are many unique units that fall under each batch), and then running the algorithm on each of these subsets of unit batches.
How can I do this?
The simplest way is to use pandas groupping.
here is an example:
creating data:
df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1,2,3,4,5], "B":[1,2,3,4,5], "C": ['GROUP_A', 'GROUP_A', 'GROUP_A', 'GROUP_B', 'GROUP_B']})
applying your funcion:
groups_list = []
for group_name, group_values in df.groupby("C"):
# applying a function on a column based on group
group_values = group_values.assign(A=group_values.A.apply(lambda x: x ** 2))
# for re-creating the df
# if there is only 1 group , else is needed
mod_df = pd.concat(groups_list, axis=0) if len(groups_list) > 1 else groups_list[0]

Finding euclidean distance from multiple mean vectors

This is what I am trying to do - I was able to do steps 1 to 4. Need help with steps 5 onward
Basically for each data point I would like to find euclidean distance from all mean vectors based upon column y
take data
separate out non numerical columns
find mean vectors by y column
save means
subtract each mean vector from each row based upon y value
square each column
add all columns
join back to numerical dataset and then join non numerical columns
import pandas as pd
data = [['Alex',10,5,0],['Bob',12,4,1],['Clarke',13,6,0],['brke',15,1,0]]
df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['Name','Age','weight','class'],dtype=float)
print (df)
df_numeric=df.select_dtypes(include='number')#, exclude=None)[source]
For each row of means, subtract that row from each row of df_numeric. then take square of each column in the output and then for each row add all columns. Then join this data back to df_numeric and df_non_numeric
added code as below. My questions have changed and updated questions are at the end.
def calculate_distance(row):
return (np.sum(np.square(row-means.head(1)),1))
def calculate_distance2(row):
return (np.sum(np.square(row-means.tail(1)),1))
df_numeric2['distance0']= df_numeric.apply(calculate_distance, axis=1)
df_numeric2['distance1']= df_numeric.apply(calculate_distance2, axis=1)
final = pd.concat([df_non_numeric, df_numeric2], axis=1)
could anyone confirm that these is a correct way to achieve the results? i am mainly concerned about the last two statements. Would the second last statement do a correct join? would the final statement assign the original class? i would like to confirm that python wont do the concat and class assignment in a random order and that python would maintain the order in which rows appear
final = pd.concat([df_non_numeric, df_numeric2], axis=1)
I think this is what you want
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = [['Alex',10,5,0],['Bob',12,4,1],['Clarke',13,6,0],['brke',15,1,0]]
df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['Name','Age','weight','class'],dtype=float)
print (df)
df_numeric=df.select_dtypes(include='number')#, exclude=None)[source]
# Make df_non_numeric a copy and not a view
# Subtract mean (calculated using the transform function which preserves the
# number of rows) for each class to create distance to mean
df_dist_to_mean = df_numeric[['Age', 'weight']] - df_numeric[['Age', 'weight', 'class']].groupby('class').transform('mean')
# Finally calculate the euclidean distance (hypotenuse)
df_non_numeric['euc_dist'] = np.hypot(df_dist_to_mean['Age'], df_dist_to_mean['weight'])
df_non_numeric['class'] = df_numeric['class']
# If you want a separate dataframe named 'final' with the end result
df_final = df_non_numeric.copy()
It is probably possible to write this even denser but this way you'll see whats going on.
I'm sure there is a better way to do this but I iterated through depending on the class and follow the exact steps.
Assigned the 'class' as the index.
Rotated so that the 'class' was in the columns.
Performed that operation of means that corresponded with df_numeric
Squared the values.
Summed the rows.
Concatenated the dataframes back together.
data = [['Alex',10,5,0],['Bob',12,4,1],['Clarke',13,6,0],['brke',15,1,0]]
df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['Name','Age','weight','class'],dtype=float)
#print (df)
df_numeric=df.select_dtypes(include='number')#, exclude=None)[source]
import numpy as np
# Changed index
df_numeric.index = df_numeric['class']
df_numeric.drop('class' , axis = 1 , inplace = True)
# Rotated the Numeric data sideways so the class was in the columns
df_numeric = df_numeric.T
#Iterated through the values in means and seen which df_Numeric values matched
store = [] # Assigned an empty array
for j in means:
sto = df_numeric[j]
if type(sto) == type(pd.Series()): # If there is a single value it comes out as a pd.Series type
sto = sto.to_frame() # Need to convert ot dataframe type
store.append(sto-j) # append the various values to the array
values = np.array(store)**2 # Squaring the values
# Summing the rows
summed = []
for i in values:
summed.append((i.sum(axis = 1)))
df_new = pd.concat(summed , axis = 1)

Pandas: Calculate the percentage between two rows and add the value as a column

I have a dataset structured like this:
This time series represent the values of a generic stock market.
I want to calculate the difference in percentage between two rows of the column "Close" (in fact, I want to know how much the value of the stock increased or decreased; each row represent a day).
I've done this with a for loop(that is terrible using pandas in a big data problem) and I create the right results but in a different DataFrame:
rows_number = df_stock.shape[0]
# The first row will be 1, because is calculated in percentage. If haven't any yesterday the value must be 1
percentage_df = percentage_df.append({'Date': df_stock.iloc[0]['Date'], 'Percentage': 1}, ignore_index=True)
# Foreach days, calculate the market trend in percentage
for index in range(1, rows_number):
# n_yesterday : 100 = (n_today - n_yesterday) : x
n_today = df_stock.iloc[index]['Close']
n_yesterday = self.df_stock.iloc[index-1]['Close']
difference = n_today - n_yesterday
percentage = (100 * difference ) / n_yesterday
percentage_df = percentage_df .append({'Date': df_stock.iloc[index]['Date'], 'Percentage': percentage}, ignore_index=True)
How could I refactor this taking advantage of dataFrame api, thus removing the for loop and creating a new column in place?
df['Change'] = df['Close'].pct_change()
or if you want to calucale change in reverse order:
df['Change'] = df['Close'].pct_change(-1)
I would suggest to first make the Date column as DateTime indexing for this you can use
df_stock = df_stock.set_index(['Date'])
df_stock.index = pd.to_datetime(df_stock.index, dayfirst=True)
Then simply access any row with specific column by using datetime indexing and do any kind of operations whatever you want for example to calculate difference in percentage between two rows of the column "Close"
df_stock['percentage'] = ((df_stock['15-07-2019']['Close'] - df_stock['14-07-2019']['Close'])/df_stock['14-07-2019']['Close']) * 100
You can also use for loop to do the operations for each date or row:
for Dt in df_stock.index:
Using diff

Adding goupby transform result to an existing pandas DataFrame with each row representing a group

TL;DR - I want to mimic the behaviour of functions such as DataFrameGroupBy.std()
I have a DataFrame which I group.
I want to take one row to represent each group, and then add extra statistics regarding these groups to the resulting DataFrame (such as the mean and std of these groups)
Here's an example of what I mean:
df = pandas.DataFrame({"Amount": [numpy.nan,0,numpy.nan,0,0,100,200,50,0,numpy.nan,numpy.nan,100,200,100,0],
"Id": [0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2],
"Date": pandas.to_datetime(["2011-11-02","NA","2011-11-03","2011-11-04",
g = df.groupby("Id")
f = g.first()
f["std"] = g.Amount.std()
Now, this works - but let's say I want a special std, which ignores 0, and regards each unique value only once:
def get_unique_std(group):
vals = group.unique()
vals = vals[vals>0]
return vals.std() if vals.shape[0] > 1 else 0
If I use
f["std"] = g.Amount.transform(get_unique_std)
I only get zeros... (Also for any other function such as max etc.)
But if I do it like this:
std = g.Amount.transform(get_unique_std)
I get the correct result, only not grouped anymore... I guess I can calculate all of these into columns of the original DataFrame (in this case df) before I take the representing row of the group:
df["std"] = g.Amount.transform(get_unique_std)
# regroup again the modified df
g = df.groupby("Id")
f = g.first()
But that would just be a waste of memory space since many rows corresponding to the same group would get the same value, and I'd also have to group df twice - once for calculating these statistics, and a second time to get the representing row...
So, as stated in the beginning, I wonder how I can mimic the behaviour of DataFrameGroupBy.std().
I think you may be looking for DataFrameGroupBy.agg()
You can pass your custom function like this and get a grouped result:
You can also pass a dictionary and get each key as a column:
g.Amount.agg({'my_std': get_unique_std, 'numpy_std':})

