Automatically update label from variable with formula - python

I'm trying to create a label which automatically shows the result from an inputed variable.
Basically I'm trying to combine these two programs :
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
var = StringVar()
l = Label(root, textvariable = var)
t = Entry(root, textvariable = var)
root.mainloop() # the window is now displayed
this one (source : Update Tkinter Label from variable) automatically updates the label, however it can only update it to what was inputed by the user.
and this one :
from tkinter import *
myWindow = Tk()
def MyCalculateFunction():
pressure, temprature = float(box_pressure.get()), float(box_temprature.get())
result = pressure + temperature
label_result.config(text="%f + %f = %f" % (pressure, temprature, result))
box_pressure = Entry(myWindow)
box_temprature = Entry(myWindow)
button_calculate = Button(myWindow, text="Calcuate", command=MyCalculateFunction)
label_result = Label(myWindow)
the problem I have with this one it that if the user changes the pressure or temperature, the result doesn't automatically change. (source : How to get value from entry (Tkinter), use it in formula and print the result it in label)
How can I make it so that when a user changes any variable, Python automatically calculates the new result and changes the label on its own?

Just a few things you missed out.
Tkinters widgets need variables to hold the values inputed into them, which you missed out on creating in your temperature and pressure widgets.
You are better served calculating your values and then set the widgets variable.
Hopefully this helps.
from tkinter import *
myWindow = Tk()
def MyCalculateFunction():
label_result= Label(myWindow, textvariable=label_variable)
pressure, temperature = float(pressure_variable.get()), float(temperature_variable.get())
result = pressure + temperature
label_variable.set("%f + %f = %f" % (pressure, temperature, result))
box_pressure = Entry(myWindow, textvariable=pressure_variable)
box_temprature = Entry(myWindow, textvariable=temperature_variable)
button_calculate = Button(myWindow, text="Calcuate", command=MyCalculateFunction)


Data in Tkinter not updating when running SQLite3 delete from

Alrighty, so I have 3 total functions defined in the project, but when I use the delete command, it will not refresh the other function to show the update to the rows, but when I use the submit command it does refresh. Any Advice? Main goal is that first my_delete(), I included the submit() as that one is correctly updating the show().
Little function to clearly pull information from the database for active trades, seperating the proper information to the columns and rows
def my_delete(self,id):
my_var=tkinter.messagebox.askyesnocancel("DELETE?", "Delete id:"+str(id),icon='warning',default="no")
if my_var:
r_set=c.execute("DELETE FROM openPositions WHERE s_id=" + str(id) )
tkinter.messagebox.showerror("Deleted ","No of records deleted=" +str(r_set.rowcount))
def show(self):
r_set=c.execute("SELECT * FROM openPositions")
for openPositions in r_set:
for j in range(len(openPositions)):
e = Label(self.master, width=10, text=(openPositions[j]), font=("Helvetica", 12))
e.grid(row=i, column = j + 1, padx=(70,0), pady=(5,0), columnspan=1)
### Close position button to populate for every trade ###
e = Button(self.master, text="Close Position", width=30, command=lambda d=openPositions[0] : self.my_delete(d))
e.grid(row=i, column = 6, padx=(10,0), pady=(5,0), columnspan=3)
i=i+1 # increments for each to next row
### Function for when Button is Pressed ###
def submit(self):
### convert string values to a new variable ##
stk = self.varStk.get()
typ = self.varType.get()
## changing quan and etrPr from string to integer and float values for multiplication ##
quan = int(self.varQuan.get())
entPr = float(self.varEnPr.get())
## multiplying quan and entPr to give us the Position Size for database and submitted text ##
posSize = quan * entPr
## Clearing entered data and resetting drop down menu to buy once button is clicked ##
self.txtStkTik.delete(0, END)
self.txtpos_quan.delete(0, END)
self.txtpos_price.delete(0, END)
## setting variables into an array for easy submitting to database ##
array1 = [stk,typ,quan,entPr,posSize]
## connecto to database and inserting array of variables into database ##
conn.executemany('INSERT INTO openPositions(stock_ticker, entryType, pos_quan, entryPrice, pos_size) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)', (array1,))
## pop up message displaying that commit of stock was completed ##
tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Trade Submitted.", "You submitted {} for {} order in amount of {} share at an entry price of ${} for a total Position Size of ${}".format(stk,typ,quan,entPr,posSize))
#### Copied over the function for writing the information on screen to auto populate info when clicking submit instead of refreshing the app ###

dynamically rename tkinter window

I have the following bits of code that creates a toplevel window and parses a dictionary into a Text widget:
def escrito(**kwargs):
write_window = Toplevel(root)
#write_window.title(kwargs) (problematic code)
writing_box = tk.Text(write_window, font = ("calibri", 20), width = 60, height = 15, wrap=WORD)
writing_box.pack(expand = tk.YES, fill = tk.X)
writing_box.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = 'nswe')
texto = '\n'.join(key + ":\n" + value for key, value in kwargs.items())
writing_box.insert("1.0", texto)
def septic_osteo():
Septic_arthritis = {
'Empirical Treatment':
'Flucloxacillin 2g IV 6-hourly',
'If non-severe penicillin allergy':
'Ceftriaxone IV 2g ONCE daily',
'If severe penicillin allergy OR if known to be colonised with
'Vancomycin infusion IV, Refer to Vancomycin Prescribing
'If systemic signs of sepsis': 'Discuss with Consultant
So when I run the code, the escrito functions parses the dictionary and writes its content onto a text widget contained on a Toplevel window. What I would like to know is how to dynamically rename the Toplevel window with the dicitonary's name. I do know that I can do this:
def septic_osteo():
but I do have like 100 functions like the one above, so, aside from labour intensive, I am not sure is the more pythonic way, so, is there a way that the window can be renamed with the dictionary name? (i.e. 'Septic_arthritis)
If your data is in an object named infections, with attributes such as Septic_arthritis, the most straight-forward solution is to pass the data and the attribute as separate arguments, and then use getattr to get the data for the particular infection.
It would look something like this:
def escrito(data, infection):
write_window = Toplevel(root)
writing_box = tk.Text(write_window, font = ("calibri", 20), width = 60, height = 15, wrap="word")
writing_box.pack(expand = tk.YES, fill = tk.X)
writing_box.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = 'nswe')
texto = '\n'.join(key + ":\n" + value for key, value in getattr(data, infection).items())
writing_box.insert("1.0", texto)
The important bit about the above code is that it uses getattr(data, infection) to get the data for the given infection.
If you want to create a button to call this function, it might look something like this:
button = tk.Button(..., command=lambda: escrito(infections, "Septic_arthritis"))
This will call the command escrito with two arguments: the object that contains all of the infections, and the key to the specific piece of information you want to display.

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'qn' referenced before assignment

I'm getting the error "UnboundLocalError: local variable 'qn' referenced before assignment" on running the code. Why is that? How can I correct it? I'm new to tkinter so please try to keep it simple. This is part of the code for a game I was writing. It would be a great help if I could get an answer soon
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
from io import StringIO
root = Tk()
qn = '''1$who are you?$char1$i am joe$3$i am ben$2
2$what are you?$char2$i am a person$1$i am nobody$3
3$how are you?$char3$i am fine$2$i'm alright$1'''
var = '''1$10$-35$20$15$-20
class Game :
def __init__(self):
self.m_cur = {1:["Military",50]}
self.c_cur = {1:["People's",50]}
self.r_cur = {1:["Research",50]}
self.i_cur = {1:["Industrial",50]}
self.p_cur = {1:["Research",50]}
#function to clear all widgets on screen when called
def clear(self):
for widget in root.winfo_children():
#function to quit the window
def exit(self):
msg = messagebox.askquestion("Thank you for playing","Are you sure you want to exit?")
if msg == "yes" :
#start function
def start(self):
Label(root,text="Hello, what should we call you?",font=("segoe print",20)).grid(row=0,column=0)
name = Entry(root,width=20)
Button(root,text="Enter",font=("segoe print",20),command=lambda: Game.main(self)).grid(row=1,column=1)
#main function
def main(self):
Label(root,text="Welcome to the game",font=("segoe print",20)).grid(row=0,column=0)
Label(root,text='What do you want to do?',font=("segoe print",20)).grid(row=1,column=0)
Button(root,text="Start Game",font=("segoe print",20),command=lambda: Game.qn_func(self,1)).grid(row=2,column=0)
Button(root,text="Exit Game",font=("segoe print",20),command=lambda: Game.exit(self)).grid(row=3,column=0)
#function to check variables and display game over
def game_over(self,x_cur):
if x_cur[1][1]<=0 or x_cur[1][1]>=100 : #condition to check game over
Label(root,text="GAME OVER",font=("ariel",20)).place(relx=0.5,rely=0.5,anchor=CENTER)
Button(root,text="Continue",font=("segoe print",20),command=lambda: Game.main(self)).place(relx=0.5,rely=0.6)
#function to display question and variables
def qn_func(self,qn_num) :
#accessing the questions
q_file = StringIO(qn)
#reading the question, options, next qn numbers and the character name from the file
qn_list = q_file.readlines()
qn = qn_list[qn_num-1].strip().split("$")[1]
char_name = qn_list[qn_num-1].strip().split("$")[2]
qn1 = qn_list[qn_num-1].strip().split("$")[3]
qn2 = qn_list[qn_num-1].strip().split("$")[5]
n_qn1 = int(qn_list[qn_num-1].strip().split("$")[4])
n_qn2 = int(qn_list[qn_num-1].strip().split("$")[6])
#displaying the character name and the question as a label frame widget with character name as parent
label_frame = LabelFrame(root,text = char_name,font = ("segoe print",20))
label = Label(label_frame,text = qn,font = ("segoe print",20)),rely=0.5,anchor=CENTER)
#accessing variables
v_file = StringIO(var)
#reading values of variables from file
v_list = v_file.readlines()
self.r_cur[1][1] += int(v_list[qn_num-1].strip().split("$")[1])
self.c_cur[1][1] += int(v_list[qn_num-1].strip().split("$")[2])
self.i_cur[1][1] += int(v_list[qn_num-1].strip().split("$")[3])
self.m_cur[1][1] += int(v_list[qn_num-1].strip().split("$")[4])
self.p_cur[1][1] += int(v_list[qn_num-1].strip().split("$")[5])
#running each variable through game_over to see if you are dead
#defining the Doublevar variables
s_var1 = DoubleVar()
s_var2 = DoubleVar()
s_var3 = DoubleVar()
s_var4 = DoubleVar()
s_var5 = DoubleVar()
#setting the values in the scales
#variables as scale widgets
scale1 = Scale(root,from_=100,to=0,orient=VERTICAL,sliderlength=10,variable=s_var1)
scale2 = Scale(root,from_=100,to=0,orient=VERTICAL,sliderlength=10,variable=s_var2)
scale3 = Scale(root,from_=100,to=0,orient=VERTICAL,sliderlength=10,variable=s_var3)
scale4 = Scale(root,from_=100,to=0,orient=VERTICAL,sliderlength=10,variable=s_var4)
scale5 = Scale(root,from_=100,to=0,orient=VERTICAL,sliderlength=10,variable=s_var5)
#displaying the scale widgets on the screen
#disabling the scales
#displaying the buttons on the screen
Button(root,text=qn1,command=lambda: Game.qn_func(self,n_qn1)).place(relx=0.2,rely=0.7,anchor=W,width=200,height=50)
Button(root,text=qn2,command=lambda: Game.qn_func(self,n_qn2)).place(relx=0.8,rely=0.7,anchor=E,width=200,height=50)
game = Game()
You can see in this particular section that you have called on 'qn' before it was even defined:
#function to display question and variables
def qn_func(self,qn_num) :
#accessing the questions
q_file = StringIO(qn)
#reading the question, options, next qn numbers and the character name from the file
qn_list = q_file.readlines()
qn = qn_list[qn_num-1].strip().split("$")[1]
The variable needs to be assigned a value before being used. Here, you call q_file = StringIO(qn) before you have defined qn = qn_list....

How do I define a floatSlider using python2.7 in maya?

very new to scripting with python in maya so excuse my limited knowledge.
I need help figuring out how to define the variable for a floatSlider. I need two float sliders for the assignment I'm doing. I need one that will change the size of the selected or specified objects, and I need another that will use MASH to change the count of that object.
I have script with those sliders and a Distribute button laid out. I'm not sure what I need to include to link the scale of the object to the slider I have.
This is the code I have so far:
from maya import cmds
if cmds.window('mainUI2', exists=True):
win = cmds.window("mainUI2", title="Bush Generator", widthHeight=(300, 300))
# Layout
cmds.text(label='Bush Generator')
cmds.button(label='Distribute', command='DistributeMesh()')
cmds.text(label=' ')
# need help defining Leaf_size
Leaf_size = cmds.floatSlider(min=0, max=100, value=0, step=1)
# I tried another type of slider
LeafScale = cmds.intSliderGrp(min=0, max=100, f=True)
cmds.text(label='Leaf Size')
# need defining Leaf_amount and linking to mash count
Leaf_amount = cmds.floatSlider(min=0, max=100, value=0, step=1)
cmds.text(label='Leaf Amount')
# Bush tool
def DistributeMesh():
cmds.loadPlugin("MASH", quiet=True)
import MASH.api as mapi
count = 3000
source_mesh = "pCube2"
scatter_mesh = "pSphere1"
source_shape = cmds.listRelatives(scatter_mesh, children=True)[0]
mash_network = mapi.Network()
mash_network.createNetwork(name="Test", geometry="Instancer")
# set to use meshes to scatter
cmds.setAttr(mash_network.distribute + ".arrangement", 4)
cmds.setAttr(mash_network.distribute + ".pointCount", count)
# connect mesh
source_shape + ".worldMesh[0]",
mash_network.distribute + ".inputMesh",
Scale is a float value so you can use cmds.floatSliderGrp to set the source mesh's scale. First you have to define a separate function that will be triggered when you change the value of floatSliderGrp, then in floatSliderGrp set its changeCommand parameter to that function:
from maya import cmds
# Define a function that will be called when the slider changes values.
def on_size_slider_changed(value):
source_mesh = "pCube2"
if cmds.objExists(source_mesh): # Check if it exists.
cmds.setAttr("{}.scale".format(source_mesh), value, value, value) # Set its scale.
if cmds.window('mainUI2', exists=True):
win = cmds.window("mainUI2", title="Bush Generator", widthHeight=(300, 300))
# Layout
cmds.text(label='Bush Generator')
cmds.button(label='Distribute', command='DistributeMesh()')
# Use `changeCommand` to define what function it should call.
leaf_size_slider = cmds.floatSliderGrp(label="Size", field=True, min=0, max=100, value=1, changeCommand=on_size_slider_changed)
# Bush tool
def DistributeMesh():
cmds.loadPlugin("MASH", quiet=True)
import MASH.api as mapi
count = 3000
source_mesh = "pCube2"
scatter_mesh = "pSphere1"
source_shape = cmds.listRelatives(scatter_mesh, children=True)[0]
mash_network = mapi.Network()
mash_network.createNetwork(name="Test", geometry="Instancer")
# set to use meshes to scatter
cmds.setAttr(mash_network.distribute + ".arrangement", 4)
cmds.setAttr(mash_network.distribute + ".pointCount", count)
# connect mesh
source_shape + ".worldMesh[0]",
mash_network.distribute + ".inputMesh",
Dragging the slider will now set the scale of the cube. Though to be honest the structure of the code here is very messy and a bit too hard-coded (think about how it would work with the current selection instead of explicitly using the object's names)

Python GUI EntryButtons

I'm making a small GUI application that deals with grades and whatnot and outputs the highest grades and etc.
Here's a part of the code:
root = Tk()
gradeList = []
def addGradeObject(name, percentage):
gradeList.append(Grade(name, percentage))
def undoAdd():
gradeList.pop(len(gradeList) - 1)
except Exception:
def updateOutput():
addButton = Button(text = "Add Grade", command = lambda: addGradeObject (entryA.get(), entryB.get())).grid(row = 1, column = 4)
undoButton = Button(text = "Undo", command = undoAdd).grid(row = 2, column = 4)
entryA = Entry()
entryA.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
entryB = Entry()
entryB.grid(row = 1, column = 2)
highestGrade = Entry()
highestGrade.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
lowestGrade = Entry()
lowestGrade.grid(row = 3, column = 1)
numFailed = Entry()
numFailed.grid(row = 4, column = 1)
root.title("Grade Checker")
The problem is I'm getting this error:
AttributeError: 'Entry' object has no attribute 'setText'
I don't understand. When you create an Entry box, doesn't the object of class "Entry" have an attribute/method that allows you to set text to it? I really don't know why it's not working
Entry methods can be found here. As far as I can tell, there is no setText method. There is however an insert method that you could use to set the text (though you might wand to delete the current text first).
def set_text(entry, text):
entry.delete(0, tkinter.END)
entry.insert(0 text)
Alternatively, you can hook the entry up to a StringVar and use it's .set() and .get() methods. e.g. (from the linked docs above):
v = StringVar()
e = Entry(master, textvariable=v)
v.set("a default value")
s = v.get()

