Python in ArcGIS - python

I wrote the following code, which results in an error and I don't know how to fix it to work.
The code is:
# Name:
# Description: Take an input GDB, create a list, iterate through each
feature class, clipping it and writing it to a new GDB.
# Author: tuilbox
# Import system modules
import arcpy, os
from arcpy import env
# Set workspace
env.workspace = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
# Set local variables
fclist = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
clip_features = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
xy_tolerance = ""
outgdb=os.path.join(output_directory, arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3))
if not arcpy.Exists(outgdb):
# Execute Clip within for loop
for fc in fclist:
arcpy.Clip_analysis(fc, clip_features, os.path.join(outgdb, fc))
The error is: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "F:/GIS_Joseph/Lab10_Joseph/", line 17, in <module>
arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(output_directory, arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3))
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.5\ArcPy\arcpy\", line 18878, in CreateFileGDB
raise e
ExecuteError: Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid.
ERROR 000735: File GDB Location: Value is required
ERROR 000735: File GDB Name: Value is required
Failed to execute (CreateFileGDB).
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

With this type of question it would be helpful to let us know what parameters you are passing into your script. Have you passed a valid parameter in position 3? Use arcpy.AddMessage to double check what value you are attempting to pass to arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management.


how to use trigger.adddependencies in pyzabbix

i'm a newbie in python and coding,i'm trying to use pyzabbix to add trigger dependecies,but some error occusrs.
When i run
zapi.trigger.addDependencies(triggerid, dependsOnTriggerid)
an error occurs
pyzabbix.ZabbixAPIException: ('Error -32500: Application error., No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!', -32500)
i get the "triggerid" and "dependsOnTriggerid" by trigger.get:
triggerid_info = zapi.trigger.get(filter={'host': 'xx','description': 'xx'},output=['triggerid'], selectDependencies=['description'])
triggerid = triggerid_info[0]['triggerid']
dependsOnTriggerid = trigger_info[0]['dependencies'][0]['triggerid']
The results are as follws:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:/10.python/2019-03-07/", line 14, in zapi.trigger.addDependencies(triggerid, dependsOnTriggerid) File "D:\Program Files\Python37\lib\site-packages\", line 166, in fn args or kwargs File "D:\Program Files\Python37\lib\site-packages\", line 143, in do_request raise ZabbixAPIException(msg, response_json['error']['code']) pyzabbix.ZabbixAPIException: ('Error -32500: Application error., No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!', -32500)
Did i get the wrong triggerid? or the i use the method in a wrong way? Thanks so much
To add a dependancy means that you need to link two different triggers (from the same host or from another one) with a master-dependent logic.
You are trying to add the dependancy triggerid -> dependsOnTriggerid, which is obtained from a supposed existing dependancy (trigger_info[0]['dependencies'][0]['triggerid']), and this makes little sense and I suppose it's the cause of the error.
You need to get both trigger's triggerid and then add the dependancy:
masterTriggerObj = zapi.trigger.get( /* filter to get your master trigger here */ )
dependentTriggerObj = zapi.trigger.get( /* filter to get your dependent trigger here */)
result = zapi.trigger.adddependencies(triggerid=dependentTriggerObj[0]['triggerid'], dependsOnTriggerid=masterTriggerObj[0]['triggerid'])
The method "trigger.addDependencies" need only one parameter,and it should be a dict or some other object/array.The following code solves the problem.
trigger_info = zapi.trigger.get(filter={xx},output=['triggerid'])
trigger_depends_info_193 = zapi.trigger.get(filter={xx},output=['triggerid'])
trigger_dependson_193 = {"triggerid": trigger_info[0]['triggerid'], "dependsOnTriggerid": trigger_depends_info_193[0]['triggerid']}

P4Python run method does not work on empty folder

I want to search a Perforce depot for files.
I do this from a python script and use the p4python library command:
list ="files", "//mypath/myfolder/*")
This works fine as long as myfolder contains some files. I get a python list as a return value. But when there is no file in myfolder the program stops running and no error message is displayed. My goal is to get an empty python list, so that I can see that this folder doesn't contain any files.
Does anybody has some ideas? I could not find information in the p4 files documentation and on StackOverflow.
I'm going to guess you've got an exception handler around that command execution that's eating the exception and exiting. I wrote a very simple test script and got this:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 6, in <module>
print("files", "//depot/no such path/*"))
File "C:\users\samwise\AppData\local\programs\python\Python36-32\lib\site-packages\", line 611, in run
raise e
File "C:\users\samwise\AppData\local\programs\python\Python36-32\lib\site-packages\", line 605, in run
result =, *flatArgs)
P4.P4Exception: [P4#run] Errors during command execution( "p4 files //depot/no such path/*" )
[Error]: "//depot/no such path/* - must refer to client 'Samwise-dvcs-1509687817'."
Try something like this ?
import os
if len(os.listdir('//mypath/myfolder/') ) == 0: # Do not execute if directory is empty
list = []
list ="files", "//mypath/myfolder/*")

Python can't import WMI under special circumstance

I've created a standalone exe Windows service written in Python and built with pyInstaller. When I try to import wmi, an exception is thrown.
What's really baffling is that I can do it without a problem if running the code in a foreground exe, or a foreground python script, or a python script running as a background service via pythonservice.exe!
Why does it fail under this special circumstance of running as a service exe?
import wmi
Produces this error for me:
com_error: (-2147221020, 'Invalid syntax', None, None)
Here's the traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 43, in onRequest
File "C:\XXX\XXX\XXX.pyz", line 98, in XXX
File "C:\XXX\XXX\XXX.pyz", line 31, in XXX
File "C:\XXX\XXX\XXX.pyz", line 24, in XXX
File "C:\XXX\XXX\XXX.pyz", line 34, in XXX
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\PyInstaller-2.1\PyInstaller\loader\", line 270, in load_module
File "C:\XXX\XXX\out00-PYZ.pyz\wmi", line 157, in <module>
File "C:\XXX\XXX\out00-PYZ.pyz\win32com.client", line 72, in GetObject
File "C:\XXX\XXX\out00-PYZ.pyz\win32com.client", line 87, in Moniker line 157 has a global call to GetObject:
obj = GetObject ("winmgmts:")
win32com\client__init.py__ contains GetObject(), which ends up calling Moniker():
def GetObject(Pathname = None, Class = None, clsctx = None):
Mimic VB's GetObject() function.
ob = GetObject(Class = "ProgID") or GetObject(Class = clsid) will
connect to an already running instance of the COM object.
ob = GetObject(r"c:\blah\blah\foo.xls") (aka the COM moniker syntax)
will return a ready to use Python wrapping of the required COM object.
Note: You must specifiy one or the other of these arguments. I know
this isn't pretty, but it is what VB does. Blech. If you don't
I'll throw ValueError at you. :)
This will most likely throw pythoncom.com_error if anything fails.
if clsctx is None:
clsctx = pythoncom.CLSCTX_ALL
if (Pathname is None and Class is None) or \
(Pathname is not None and Class is not None):
raise ValueError("You must specify a value for Pathname or Class, but not both.")
if Class is not None:
return GetActiveObject(Class, clsctx)
return Moniker(Pathname, clsctx)
The first line in Moniker(), i.e. MkParseDisplayName() is where the exception is encountered:
def Moniker(Pathname, clsctx = pythoncom.CLSCTX_ALL):
Python friendly version of GetObject's moniker functionality.
moniker, i, bindCtx = pythoncom.MkParseDisplayName(Pathname)
dispatch = moniker.BindToObject(bindCtx, None, pythoncom.IID_IDispatch)
return __WrapDispatch(dispatch, Pathname, clsctx=clsctx)
Note: I tried using
which apparently solves this import problem within a thread, but that didn't work...
I also face the same issue and I figure out this issue finally,
import pythoncom and CoInitialize pythoncom.CoInitialize (). They import wmi
import pythoncom
pythoncom.CoInitialize ()
import wmi
I tried solving this countless ways. In the end, I threw in the towel and had to just find a different means of achieving the same goals I had with wmi.
Apparently that invalid syntax error is thrown when trying to create an object with an invalid "moniker name", which can simply mean the service, application, etc. doesn't exist on the system. Under this circumstance "winmgmts" just can't be found at all it seems! And yes, I tried numerous variations on that moniker with additional specs, and I tried running the service under a different user account, etc.
Honestly I didn't dig in order to understand why this occurs.
Anyway, the below imports solved my problem - which was occurring only when ran from a Flask instance:
import os
import pythoncom
from win32com.client import GetObject
import wmi
The error "com_error: (-2147221020, 'Invalid syntax', None, None)" is exactly what popped up in my case so I came here after a long time of searching the web and voila:
Under this circumstance "winmgmts" just can't be found at all it
This was the correct hint for because i had just a typo , used "winmgmt:" without trailing 's'. So invalid sythax refers to the first methods parameter, not the python code itself. o_0 Unfortunately I can't find any reference which objects we can get with win32com.client.GetObject()... So if anybody has a hint to which params are "allowed" / should work, please port it here. :-)
kind regards

How to interact with pynessus

I am using so that I can interact with nessus using python but I run into problems trying to connect to the server. I am not sure what I need to set pynessus too?
I try connecting to the server using the following syntax as directed by the documentation on the site but I receive the following error:
n = pynessus.NessusServer(localhost, 8834, root, password123)
root#bt:~/Desktop# ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 634, in
n = pynessus.NessusServer(localhost, 8834, root, password123)
NameError: name 'pynessus' is not defined
The problem is that you didn't import the pynessus module. To solve this problem, simply place the downloaded in the same folder as your Python script and add the line
import pynessus
at the top of that script. You can reference the pynessus library in your script only after that line.

Error when using astWCS trying to create WCS object

I'm running python2.5 and trying to use the astLib library to analyse WCS information in astronomical images. I try and get the object instanciated with the following skeleton code:
from astLib import astWCS
w = astWCS.WCS('file.fits') # error here
where file.fits is a string pointing to a valid fits file.
I have tried using the alternate method of passing a pyfits header object and this fails also:
import pyfits
from astLib import astWCS
f ='file.fits')
header = f[0].header
w = astWCS.WCS(header, mode='pyfits') # error here also
The error is this:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "/home/astro/phrfbf/build/lib/python2.6/site-packages/astLib/", line 79, in __init__
File "/home/astro/phrfbf/build/lib/python2.6/site-packages/astLib/", line 119, in updateFromHeader
File "/home/astro/phrfbf/build/lib/python2.6/site-packages/PyWCSTools/", line 70, in wcsinit
return _wcs.wcsinit(*args)
TypeError: in method 'wcsinit', argument 1 of type 'char *'
When I run in ipython, I get the full error here on the pastebin
I know the astWCS module is a wrapped version of WCStools but i'd prefer to use the Python module as the rest of my code is in Python
Can anyone help with this problem?
Just found out the updated version of this library has fixed the problem, thanks for everyone's help
Oh sorry, I should have seen. Looking at the pastebin in more detail, the only error I can think of is that, for some reason the header has unicode in it. It can't be converted to char *, and you get the error. I tried searching for something in the header, but everything looks okay. Can you do this and post the output in another pastebin?
import pyfits
f ='file.fits')
header = f[0].header
for x, i in enumerate(header.iteritems()):
if len(str(i[1])) >= 70:
print x, str(i[1])
cardlist = header.ascardlist()
cardstring = ""
for card in cardlist:
cardstring = cardstring + str(card)
print repr(cardstring)
Or, if you can check the header of your fits file for "funny" characters, getting rid of them should solve the issue.

