Having issues with Teradatasql python - python

I would like to connect to the Teradata server and I am using the following code:
Import teradata
Import teradatasql
Con=teradata.connect( connection string)
I have downloaded the teradatasql whl file and used the following command to install it:
Pip install teradatasql-
I am getting the following error:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pycryptodome
I have also downloaded a pyroptosomeme but it is not installing
I appreciate your help

We recommend that you download and install from pypi directly:
pip install teradatasql
When you install directly from pypi then pip install automatically downloads and installs any required prerequisite packages such as pycryptodome.


How to install packages when Pip installation wont work

I am trying to install packages-openpyxl,textwrap,datetime etc. But it is showing error after 'Connecting ...'
I have tried following methods-
pip install package (this worked for some of the packages like pywin32)
unchecking and checking proxy server box
I have tried downloading .tar.gz files and then installing them
using (this worked for xlrd,xlsxwriter)
pip install file.tar.gz
Tried following commands-
pip install --proxy=user:pass#server:port openpyxl
pip install --proxy domain\user:password#proxyaddress:port openpyxl
I have been trying to find solutions to this for a while now but could not find any other solution to install rest of the packages which are openpyxl,Jinja2,textwrap and datetime. Is there any other way to get this done?

How to install jaydebeapi in python 2.7

I'm using python 2.7 on Window7. I need to install jaydebeapi. I tried
conda install JayDeBeApi
But I got following error
installation error
Also I tried the steps mentioned in
How to install JayDeBeApi in python 3.6
but import jaydebeapi is giving error message
ImportError: No module named jaydebeapi
in my anaconda with spyder 3.2.6
I also downloaded it from
and used following command in Anaconda promt
python setup.py install
It works in anaconda prompt. Please refer the screen shot
Running in conda
But import statement is still giving error in python
Can you please suggest how to import jaydebeapi
run pip install ModuleName on your CMD
pip install JayDeBeApi
Resultat :
Collecting JayDeBeApi
Using cached
Collecting JPype1 (from JayDeBeApi)
Using cached
Installing collected packages: JPype1, JayDeBeApi
Running setup.py install for JPype1 ... done
Successfully installed JPype1-0.6.3 JayDeBeApi-1.1.1
>>> import jaydebeapi

Properly install pyodbc

All I want to do is install pyodbc. I am using python 3.4.4 and I can verify the installation is not correct since running import pyodbc causes the error ImportError: No module named 'pyodbc'. In my /Python/Scripts directory I have tried multiple times running pip install pyodbc which gives Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): pyodbc in c:\python34\
lib\site-packages and after searching I believe that means it has already been installed.
Additionally I tried downloading the .whl file and installing it as pip install pyodbc-4.0.17-cp34-cp34m-win_amd64.whl which gives pyodbc-4.0.17-cp34-cp34m-win_amd64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.
What am I not doing that I need to do in order to get it installed properly?

PIP Install pyodbc Could not find a version

I am installing pyodbc using pip but system reply could not found a version.
I believe pyodbc still exist from pypi.python.org.
Please see the pic I attached for error.
I have pip 9.0.1 version and python 3.5 installed
Also, with the help menu, I don't see --allow-external and --allow-unverified available.
Try installing it from URL directly:
pip install https://storage.googleapis.com/google-code-archive-downloads/v2/code.google.com/pyodbc/pyodbc-3.0.7.zip
Latest version: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyodbc/4.0.15
Download the .whl file install using pip

Why I cannot install a module from PyPI using pip but I can install it using easy_install?

I am trying to install waferslim (A python port of the fitnesse slim server and protocols) into my python environment. Waferslim is in the Python package library PyPI, however when I try to install it using pip it doesn't work, I get a package not found error:
(test) C:\Python27\VirtualEnvs\test\Scripts>pip install waferslim
Downloading/unpacking waferslim
Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement waferslim
Cleaning up...
No distributions at all found for waferslim
But if I try installing it with easy_install, it is installed correctly. Why does this happen? Is there a way I can install it using Pip instead of easy_install? I wrote a requirements.txt file that holds all the dependencies for my project, but running pip install -r requirements.txt fails because of waferslim.

