Message sent over socket missing the \n - python

I am generating a protocol for a tcpip socket between python and matlab. While trying to setup some sort of a protocol, I ran into a problem. It has to do with this set of code below
FPath = Path('c:/test/dogg.jpg')
HASH = Commons.get_file_md5_hash((FPath))
msg = ('IDINFO''HASH'+ HASH+'\n')
generates the message
I have in the message: IDINFO which will tell the server the name of the file and HASH which will tell the file details.
After this I open up the file using
f = open(FPath,"rb")
chunk =
and build a package with the tag DATA in front
msg = b`DATA` + chunk + b'\n'
Problem is that the b'\n' is not the same as in the first message. as Matlab cannot read the delimiter and won't continue grabbing data chunks.
Matlab code for Below reference. This isn't the entire object just the part that is potentially causing trouble.
To setup a callback.
set(gh.tcpipServer, 'BytesAvailableFcnMode','Terminator');
set(gh.tcpipServer, 'BytesAvailableFcn', #(h,e)gh.Serverpull(h,e));
The Function for looking at the bytes
function Serverpull(gh,h,e)
gh.msg = fread(gh.tcpipServer,gh.tcpipServer.BytesAvailable);
gh.msgdecode = char(transpose(gh.msg));
if strfind(gh.msgdecode,'IDINFO')
Hst = strfind(gh.msgdecode,'HASH');
gh.Fname = gh.msgdecode(7:Hst-1);
gh.HASH = gh.msgdecode(Hst+4:end);
elseif strfind(gh.msgdecode,'DATA')
elseif strfind(gh.msgdecode,'EOF')
display('File Transfer Complete')
function PrepareforDataAq(gh)
path = fullfile('c:\temp\',gh.Fname);
gh.fileID = fopen(path,'w');
For the TLDR,
How to make the string '\n' the same as b \n when building a tcp message from binary instead of strings before encoding?


Examining file on different node (different IP address), same network - possible?

I have a small group of Raspberry Pis, all on the same local network ( All are running Python 3.7.3, one (R Pi CM3) on Raspbian Buster, the other (R Pi 4B 8gig) on Raspberry Pi OS 64.
I have a file on one device (the Pi 4B), located at /tmp/speech.wav, that is generated on the fly, real-time: - /tmp/speech.wav
I have a script that works well on that device, that tells me the play duration time of the .wav file in seconds:
import wave
import contextlib
def getPlayTime():
fname = '/tmp/speech.wav'
with contextlib.closing(,'r')) as f:
frames = f.getnframes()
rate = f.getframerate()
duration = round(frames / float(rate), 2)
return duration
However - the node that needs to operate on that duration information is running on another node at I cannot simply move the various files all to the same node as there is a LOT going on, things are where they are for a reason.
So what I need to know is how to alter my approach such that I can change the script reference to something like this pseudocode:
fname = '/tmp/speech.wav #'
Is such a thing possible? Searching the web it seems that I am up against millions of people looking for how to obtain IP addresses, fix multiple IP address issues, fix duplicate ip address issues... but I can't seem yet to find how to simply examine a file on a different ip address as I have described here. I have no network security restrictions, so any setting is up for consideration. Help would be much appreciated.
There are lots of possibilities, and it probably comes down to how often you need to check the duration, from how many clients, and how often the file changes and whether you have other information that you want to share between the nodes.
Here are some options:
set up an SMB (Samba) server on the Pi that has the WAV file and let the other nodes mount the filesystem and access the file as if it was local
set up an NFS server on the Pi that has the WAV file and let the other nodes mount the filesystem and access the file as if it was local
let other nodes use ssh to login and extract the duration, or scp to retrieve the file - see paramiko in Python
set up Redis on one node and throw the WAV file in there so anyone can get it - this is potentially attractive if you have lots of lists, arrays, strings, integers, hashes, queues or sets that you want to share between Raspberry Pis very fast. Example here.
Here is a very simple example of writing a sound track into Redis from one node (say Redis is on and reading it back from any other. Of course, you may just want the writing node to write the duration in there rather than the whole track - which would be more efficient. Or you may want to store loads of other shared data or settings.
This is the writer:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import redis
from pathlib import Path
# Connect to Redis
r = redis.Redis(host)
# Load some music, or otherwise create it
music = Path('song.wav').read_bytes()
# Put music into Redis where others can see it
And this is the reader:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import redis
from pathlib import Path
# Connect to Redis
r = redis.Redis(host)
# Retrieve music track from Redis
music = r.get("music")
print(f'{len(music)} bytes read from Redis')
Then, during testing, you may want to manually push a track into Redis from the Terminal:
redis-cli -x -h set music < OtherTrack.wav
Or manually retrieve the track from Redis to a file:
redis-cli -h get music > RetrievedFromRedis.wav
OK, this is what I finally settled on - and it works great. Using ZeroMQ for message passing, I have the function to get the playtime of the wav, and another gathers data about the speech about to be spoken, then all that is sent to the motor core prior to sending the speech. The motor core handles the timing issues to sync the jaw to the speech. So, I'm not actually putting the code that generates the wav and also returns the length of the wav playback time onto the node that ultimately makes use of it, but it turns out that message passing is fast enough so there is plenty of time space to receive, process and implement the motion control to match the speech perfectly. Posting this here in case it's helpful for folks in the future working on similar issues.
import time
import zmq
import os
import re
import wave
import contextlib
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.REP)
socket.bind("tcp://*:5555") #Listens for speech to output
print("Connecting to Motor Control")
jawCmd = context.socket(zmq.PUB)
jawCmd.connect("tcp://") #Sends to MotorFunctions for Jaw Movement
def getPlayTime(): # Checks to see if current file duration has changed
fname = '/tmp/speech.wav' # and if yes, sends new duration
with contextlib.closing(,'r')) as f:
frames = f.getnframes()
rate = f.getframerate()
duration = round(frames / float(rate), 3)
speakTime = str(duration)
return speakTime
def set_voice(V,T):
T2 = '"' + T + '"'
audioFile = "/tmp/speech.wav" # /tmp set as tmpfs, or RAMDISK to reduce SD Card write ops
if V == "A":
voice = "Allison"
elif V == "B":
voice = "Belle"
elif V == "C":
voice = "Callie"
elif V == "D":
voice = "Dallas"
elif V == "V":
voice = "David"
voice = "Belle"
os.system("swift -n " + voice + " -o " + audioFile + " " +T2) # Record audio
tailTrim = .5 # Calculate Jaw Timing
speakTime = eval(getPlayTime()) # Start by getting playlength
speakTime = round((speakTime - tailTrim), 2) # Chop .5 s for trailing silence
wordList = T.split()
jawString = []
for index in range(len(wordList)):
wordLen = len(wordList[index])
jawString = str(jawString)
speakTime = str(speakTime)
jawString = speakTime + "|" + jawString # 3.456|[4, 2, 7, 4, 2, 9, 3, 4, 3, 6] - will split on "|"
jawCmd.send_string(jawString) # Send Jaw Operating Sequence
os.system("aplay " + audioFile) # Play audio
pronunciationDict = {'teh':'the','process':'prawcess','Maeve':'Mayve','Mariposa':'May-reeposah','Lila':'Lala','Trump':'Ass hole'}
def adjustResponse(response): # Adjusts spellings in output string to create better speech output.
for key, value in pronunciationDict.items():
if key in response or key.lower() in response:
response = re.sub(key, value, response, flags=re.I)
return response
SpeakText="Speech center connected and online."
set_voice(V,SpeakText) # Cepstral Voices: A = Allison; B = Belle; C = Callie; D = Dallas; V = David;
while True:
SpeakText = socket.recv().decode('utf-8') # .decode gets rid of the b' in front of the string
SpeakTextX = adjustResponse(SpeakText) # Run the string through the pronunciation dictionary
print("SpeakText = ",SpeakTextX)
print("Received request: %s" % SpeakTextX)
socket.send_string(str(SpeakTextX)) # Send data back to source for confirmation

Changing output of and speedtest-cli to include IP address in output .csv file

I added a line in the python code “” that I found at I hoped it would allow me to track the internet provider and IP address along with all the other speed information his code provides. But when I execute it, the code only grabs the next word after the find all call. I would also like it to return the IP address that appears after the provider. I have attached the code below. Can you help me modify it to return what I am looking for.
Here is an example what is returned by speedtest-cli
$ speedtest-cli
Retrieving configuration...
Testing from Biglobe (
Retrieving server list...
Selecting best server based on ping...
Hosted by GLBB Japan (Naha) [51.24 km]: 118.566 ms
Testing download speed................................................................................
Download: 4.00 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed......................................................................................................
Upload: 13.19 Mbit/s
And this is an example of what it is being returned by to my .csv file
Date,Time,Ping,Download (Mbit/s),Upload(Mbit/s),myip
This is what I want it to return.
Date,Time,Ping,Download (Mbit/s),Upload (Mbit/s),myip
Or may be,
Here is the code that I am using. And thank you for any help you can provide.
import os
import re
import subprocess
import time
response = subprocess.Popen(‘/usr/local/bin/speedtest-cli’, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)‘utf-8’)
ping = re.findall(‘km]:\s(.*?)\s’, response, re.MULTILINE)
download = re.findall(‘Download:\s(.*?)\s’, response, re.MULTILINE)
upload = re.findall(‘Upload:\s(.*?)\s’, response, re.MULTILINE)
myip = re.findall(‘from\s(.*?)\s’, response, re.MULTILINE)
ping = ping[0].replace(‘,’, ‘.’)
download = download[0].replace(‘,’, ‘.’)
upload = upload[0].replace(‘,’, ‘.’)
myip = myip[0]
f = open(‘/home/pi/speedtest/speedtestz.csv’, ‘a+’)
if os.stat(‘/home/pi/speedtest/speedtestz.csv’).st_size == 0:
f.write(‘Date,Time,Ping,Download (Mbit/s),Upload (Mbit/s),myip\r\n’)
f.write(‘{},{},{},{},{},{}\r\n’.format(time.strftime(‘%m/%d/%y’), time.strftime(‘%H:%M’), ping, download, upload, myip))
Let me know if this works for you, it should do everything you're looking for
#!/usr/local/env python
import os
import csv
import time
import subprocess
from decimal import *
file_path = '/home/pi/speedtest/speedtestz.csv'
def format_speed(bits_string):
""" changes string bit/s to megabits/s and rounds to two decimal places """
return (Decimal(bits_string) / 1000000).quantize(Decimal('.01'), rounding=ROUND_UP)
def write_csv(row):
""" writes a header row if one does not exist and test result row """
# straight from csv man page
# see:
with open(file_path, 'a+', newline='') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
if os.stat(file_path).st_size == 0:
writer.writerow(['Date','Time','Ping','Download (Mbit/s)','Upload (Mbit/s)','myip'])
response =['/usr/local/bin/speedtest-cli', '--csv'], capture_output=True, encoding='utf-8')
# if speedtest-cli exited with no errors / ran successfully
if response.returncode == 0:
# from the csv man page
# "And while the module doesn’t directly support parsing strings, it can easily be done"
# this will remove quotes and spaces vs doing a string split on ','
# csv.reader returns an iterator, so we turn that into a list
cols = list(csv.reader([response.stdout]))[0]
# turns 13.45 ping to 13
ping = Decimal(cols[5]).quantize(Decimal('1.'))
# speedtest-cli --csv returns speed in bits/s, convert to bytes
download = format_speed(cols[6])
upload = format_speed(cols[7])
ip = cols[9]
date = time.strftime('%m/%d/%y')
time = time.strftime('%H:%M')
print('speedtest-cli returned error: %s' % response.stderr)
$/usr/local/bin/speedtest-cli --csv-header > speedtestz.csv
$/usr/local/bin/speedtest-cli --csv >> speedtestz.csv
Server ID,Sponsor,Server Name,Timestamp,Distance,Ping,Download,Upload,Share,IP Address
Does that not get you what you're looking for? Run the first command once to create the csv with header row. Then subsequent runs are done with the append '>>` operator, and that'll add a test result row each time you run it
Doing all of those regexs will bite you if they or a library that they depend on decides to change their debugging output format
Plenty of ways to do it though. Hope this helps

Sending some lines from server in python to QT(C++) client

Ia have serwer in Python on my Raspberry Pi and Android application in QT (C++). I wan to send some data (lines) from my serwer (from csv file) to client application and save it in QListWidget. Client can connect by Bluetooth or TCP (I created 2 servers on RPi).
I tried to send line by line in loop, beacuse I don't know if it's any way to send whole list or something like that. I reade about pickle in Python, but I don't know if I can read this in QT.
Client in QT:
if(typ=="BT") line = sBT->readLine();
if(typ=="TCP") line = sTCP->readLine();
line = line.trimmed();
if(typ=="BT") line = sBT->readLine();
if(typ=="TCP") line = sTCP->readLine();
line = line.trimmed();
Server in Python:
print("Klient pyta o logi")
with open('/home/pi/Projekt/log.csv', 'rb') as logi:
csvreader = csv.reader(logi, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|')
for row in csvreader:
globalvar.conn.send(' - '.join(row)+"\n")
print('-'.join(row) +"\n")
print("Wyslalem wszystko")
I would like to get lines from file on RPi to my QListWidget (wflista), but unfortunatelly something is wrong.
When Itry to do it, server display every line from csv file and "Wysłałem wszystko", so it ended loop. on client side QListWidget is empty and it jams. I think that it is in infinite loop, beacuse it can't read "koniec" (argument of while loop.
If I change this argument from "koniec" to "" it sometimes does nothing, sometimes gets lines as it should or sometimes gets only a part of it and part is lost.
What should I do in this case?
Can you try something like this on the C++ side instead and see what happens? (This would be instead of the whole C++ example block you posted in the question.)
QIODevice *sock = (typ == "BT" ? qobject_cast<QIODevice*>(sBT) : qobject_cast<QIODevice*>(sTCP));
while (sock->canReadLine()) {
line = sock->readLine();
line = line.trimmed();
P.S. I assume this part is being triggered by a signal from the socket, like readyRead(), or is placed after a waitForReadyRead().
ADDED: Debug code:
QIODevice *sock = (typ == "BT" ? qobject_cast<QIODevice*>(sBT) : qobject_cast<QIODevice*>(sTCP));
while (sock->bytesAvailable()) {
const QByteArray data = sock->readAll();
qDebug() << data << '\n' << data.toHex(':');

About encode/decode in ftplib in python3

I have a request to handle with filename list on ftp server. But filename includes Asian character and other unknown characters. So I need to judge which filename can be decoded by gb2312, which can be decoded by iso-8859-1. That means if the filename list cannot be gotten using gb2312, then use iso-88591-1 to get. So I don't know how to write code in the following function which is in ftplib
def retrlines(self, cmd, callback = None):
"""Retrieve data in line mode. A new port is created for you.
cmd: A RETR, LIST, NLST, or MLSD command.
callback: An optional single parameter callable that is called
for each line with the trailing CRLF stripped.
[default: print_line()]
The response code.
if callback is None: callback = print_line
resp = self.sendcmd('TYPE A')
##################I need to update here############################
with self.transfercmd(cmd) as conn, \
conn.makefile('r', encoding='iso-8859-1') as fp:
while 1:
line = fp.readline()
if self.debugging > 2: print('*retr*', repr(line))
if not line:
if line[-2:] == CRLF:
line = line[:-2]
elif line[-1:] == '\n':
line = line[:-1]
return self.voidresp()
You aren't including much of the code, so it's hard to tell exactly what is going on. But as a general rule, if the data you are interacting with isn't consistent in it's usage of encodings, you will have to interact with it in binary mode.
So try not passing in an encoding at all. Hopefully that will give you bytes data back, and you can then encode/decode according to the needs of each file.

Trigger to automatically remove EOL whitespace?

Can one write a perforce trigger to automatically remove whitespace at submission time? Preferably in python? What would that look like? Or can you not modify files as they're being submitted?
To my knowledge this cannot be done, since you cannot put the modified file-content back to the server. The only two trigger types that allow you to see the file-content with p4 print are change-content and change-commit. For the latter, the files are already submitted on the server and for the former, while you can see the (unsubmitted) file content, there is no way to modify it and put it back on the server.
The only trigger that is possible is to reject files with EOL whitespace to be submitted, so that the submitters can fix the files on their own. Here is an excerpt of a similar one that checks for tabs in files, please read the docu on triggers and look at the Perforce site for examples:
def fail(sComment):
print sComment
sCmd = "p4 -G files //sw/...#=%s" % sChangeNr
stream = os.popen(sCmd, 'rb')
dictResult = []
while 1:
except EOFError:
failures = []
# check all files for tabs
for element in dictResult:
depotFile = element['depotFile']
sCmd = "p4 print -q %s#=%s" % (depotFile,sChangeNr)
content = os.popen(sCmd, 'rb').read()
if content.find('\t') != -1:
if len(failures) != 0:
error = "Files contain tabulators (instead of spaces):\n"
for i in failures:
error = error + str(i) + "\n"

