Dynamically creating properties of a class - python

Take a look at this code snippet:
class Face():
class Cube():
def __init__(self):
self.faces = {
'front': Face(1),
def front(self):
return self.faces['front']
def front(self, f):
I've created getters and setters for all the faces. Is there any way to make this code more compact, maybe by dynamically creating the getters and setters?

The following code assumes that you
have a reason to have the self.faces dict instead of setting attributes like front directly on the instance
and/or want to implement some meaningful getter and setter logic for the keys in self.faces.
Otherwise, this exercise is pretty pointless because as Corentin Limier noted you can simply set self.front = Face(1), and so on.
You can use descriptors, a class variable holding the face names and a class decorator. Think of descriptors as reusable properties.
In the following sample code I added a num instance variable to Face and the face 'side' just for demonstration purposes.
class FaceDescriptor:
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
# your custom getter logic
# dummy implementation
if instance is not None:
return instance.faces[self.face]
def __set__(self, instance, value):
# your custom setter logic
# dummy implementation
instance.faces[self.face] = value
def set_faces(cls):
for face in cls._faces:
desc = FaceDescriptor()
desc.face = face
setattr(cls, face, desc)
return cls
class Face():
def __init__(self, num):
self.num = num
class Cube():
_faces = ['front', 'side']
def __init__(self):
self.faces = {face:Face(i) for i, face in enumerate(self._faces, 1)}
In action:
>>> c = Cube()
>>> c.front.num
>>> c.side.num
>>> c.front = 'stuff'
>>> c.front
>>> c.faces
{'front': 'stuff', 'side': <__main__.Face at 0x7fd0978f37f0>}

Assuming that's all your class does, you could do something like
class Cube:
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self.faces[name]
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
self.faces[name] = value

if you really want to do that you could use __getattr__ and __setattr__:
class Cube:
def __getattr__(self, item):
return self.faces[item]
def __setattr__(self, item, value):
self.faces[item] = value
but as you set front in the __init__ methoud you could just as well make it a regular member...

Your code is redundant, since instance attributes are already stored in a dictionary which is the __dict__ property. I recognize that you are focused on writing your code in fewer lines. It is a good challenge to keep yourself growing, but in the long term you should be focused on the clarity of your code instead.
Here is a simpler way to write your code without using properties:
class Face():
class Cube():
def __init__(self):
self.front = Face()
self.rear = Face()
It is a tenet of encapsulation that you should hide your "attributes" behind "properties". Even though this isn't strongly enforced in python, it's not a bad idea to do that. Here's the proper way to do that:
class Face():
class Cube():
def __init__(self):
self._front = Face()
def front(self):
return self._front
def front(self, value):
self._front = value
To answer your question at the end, yes you can dynamically create properties.
But keep in mind that writing dynamic code should be reserved for special cases since it will make it more difficult for your IDE to follow the flow of your program. If you use the conventions as they are intended then your code becomes self-explanatory to people and to your IDE.


Return a custom value when a class method is accessed as an attribute, but still allow for it to perform a computation when called?

Specifically, I would want MyClass.my_method to be used for lookup of a value in the class dictionary, but MyClass.my_method() to be a method that accepts arguments and performs a computation to update an attribute in MyClass and then returns MyClass with all its attributes (including the updated one).
I am thinking that this might be doable with Python's descriptors (maybe overriding __get__ or __call__), but I can't figure out how this would look. I understand that the behavior might be confusing, but I am interested if it is possible (and if there are any other major caveats).
I have seen that you can do something similar for classes and functions by overriding __repr__, but I can't find a similar way for a method within a class. My returned value will also not always be a string, which seems to prohibit the __repr__-based approaches mentioned in these two questions:
Possible to change a function's repr in python?
How to create a custom string representation for a class object?
Thank you Joel for the minimal implementation. I found that the remaining problem is the lack of initialization of the parent, since I did not find a generic way of initializing it, I need to check for attributes in the case of list/dict, and add the initialization values to the parent accordingly.
This addition to the code should make it work for lists/dicts:
def classFactory(parent, init_val, target):
class modifierClass(parent):
def __init__(self, init_val):
dict_attr = getattr(parent, "update", None)
list_attr = getattr(parent, "extend", None)
if callable(dict_attr): # parent is dict
elif callable(list_attr): # parent is list
self.target = target
def __call__(self, *args):
return modifierClass(init_val)
class myClass:
def __init__(self, init_val=''):
self.method = classFactory(init_val.__class__, init_val, self)
Unfortunately, we need to add case by case, but this works as intended.
A slightly less verbose way to write the above is the following:
def classFactory(parent, init_val, target):
class modifierClass(parent):
def __init__(self, init_val):
if isinstance(init_val, list):
elif isinstance(init_val, dict):
self.target = target
def __call__(self, *args):
return modifierClass(init_val)
class myClass:
def __init__(self, init_val=''):
self.method = classFactory(init_val.__class__, init_val, self)
As jasonharper commented,
MyClass.my_method() works by looking up MyClass.my_method, and then attempting to call that object. So the result of MyClass.my_method cannot be a plain string, int, or other common data type [...]
The trouble comes specifically from reusing the same name for this two properties, which is very confusing just as you said. So, don't do it.
But for the sole interest of it you could try to proxy the value of the property with an object that would return the original MyClass instance when called, use an actual setter to perform any computation you wanted, and also forward arbitrary attributes to the proxied value.
class MyClass:
_my_method = whatever
def my_method(self):
my_class = self
class Proxy:
def __init__(self, value):
self.__proxied = value
def __call__(self, value):
my_class.my_method = value
return my_class
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.__proxied, name)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.__proxied)
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.__proxied)
return Proxy(self._my_method)
def my_method(self, value):
# your computations
self._my_method = value
a = MyClass()
b = a.my_method('do not do this at home')
a is b
# True
a.my_method.split(' ')
# ['do', 'not', 'do', 'this', 'at', 'home']
And today, duck typing will abuse you, forcing you to delegate all kinds of magic methods to the proxied value in the proxy class, until the poor codebase where you want to inject this is satisfied with how those values quack.
This is a minimal implementation of Guillherme's answer that updates the method instead of a separate modifiable parameter:
def classFactory(parent, init_val, target):
class modifierClass(parent):
def __init__(self, init_val):
self.target = target
def __call__(self, *args):
return modifierClass(init_val)
class myClass:
def __init__(self, init_val=''):
self.method = classFactory(init_val.__class__, init_val, self)
This and the original answer both work well for single values, but it seems like lists and dictionaries are returned as empty instead of with the expected values and I am not sure why so help is appreciated here:

Python: showing attributes assigned to a class object in the class code

One of my classes does a lot of aggregate calculating on a collection of objects, then assigns an attribute and value appropriate to the specific object: I.e.
class Team(object):
def __init__(self, name): # updated for typo in code, added self
self.name = name
class LeagueDetails(object):
def __init__(self): # added for clarity, corrected another typo
self.team_list = [Team('name'), ...]
self.calculate_league_standings() # added for clarity
def calculate_league_standings(self):
# calculate standings as a team_place_dict
for team in self.team_list:
team.place = team_place_dict[team.name] # a new team attribute
I know, as long as the calculate_league_standings has been run, every team has team.place. What I would like to be able to do is to scan the code for class Team(object) and read all the attributes, both created by class methods and also created by external methods which operate on class objects. I am getting a little sick of typing for p in dir(team): print p just to see what the attribute names are. I could define a bunch of blank attributes in the Team __init__. E.g.
class Team(object):
def __init__(self, name): # updated for typo in code, added self
self.name = name
self.place = None # dummy attribute, but recognizable when the code is scanned
It seems redundant to have calculate_league_standings return team._place and then add
def place(self): return self._place
I know I could comment a list of attributes at the top class Team, which is the obvious solution, but I feel like there has to be a best practice here, something pythonic and elegant here.
If I half understand your question, you want to keep track of which attributes of an instance have been added after initialization. If this is the case, you could use something like this:
#! /usr/bin/python3.2
def trackable (cls):
cls._tracked = {}
oSetter = cls.__setattr__
def setter (self, k, v):
try: self.initialized
except: return oSetter (self, k, v)
try: self.k
if not self in self.__class__._tracked:
self.__class__._tracked [self] = []
self.__class__._tracked [self].append (k)
return oSetter (self, k, v)
cls.__setattr__ = setter
oInit = cls.__init__
def init (self, *args, **kwargs):
o = oInit (self, *args, **kwargs)
self.initialized = 42
return o
cls.__init__ = init
oGetter = cls.__getattribute__
def getter (self, k):
if k == 'tracked': return self.__class__._tracked [self]
return oGetter (self, k)
cls.__getattribute__ = getter
return cls
class Team:
def __init__ (self, name, region):
self.name = name
self.region = region
#set name and region during initialization
t = Team ('A', 'EU')
#set rank and ELO outside (hence trackable)
#in your "aggregate" functions
t.rank = 4 # a new team attribute
t.ELO = 14 # a new team attribute
#see witch attributes have been created after initialization
print (t.tracked)
If I did not understand the question, please do specify which part I got wrong.
Due to Python's dynamic nature, I don't believe there is a general answer to your question. An attribute of an instance can be set in many ways, including pure assignment, setattr(), and writes to __dict__ . Writing a tool to statically analyze Python code and correctly determine all possible attributes of an class by analyzing all these methods would be very difficult.
In your specific case, as the programmer you know that class Team will have a place attribute in many instances, so you can decide to be explicit and write its constructor like so:
class Team(object):
def __init__(name ,place=None):
self.name = name
self.place = place
I would say there is no need to define a property of a simple attribute, unless you wanted side effects or derivations to happen at read or write time.

python - setting property of class on module loading

I'm working on a code dealing with dict data on python.
While implementing such class, I have to define a lot of properties. It's not that hard, but recently I thought it would be much better if I could use something like helper function.
For example, let's assume that I have a class like the following.
class MyClass(object):
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
def version(self):
return self.data["version"]
If I could write this class in something like the following.
class MyClass(object):
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
define_own_property("data", "version")
It looks trivial, but if I can do that, I think I can reuse a lot of validation/exception handling cases.
Any idea? :D
You can achieve something like that by just writing a function to return the accessor you want:
def define_own_property(attr, key):
def prop(self):
return getattr(self, attr)[key]
return property(prop)
class MyClass(object):
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
version = define_own_property("data", "version")
Note that you must do version = ... There is no way to make a simple function call define_own_property add a property to the class being defined, because that class doesn't yet exist so you can't reference it.
Another possibility is to give your class an attribute that is a list or dict or something containing the relevant parameters ("data", "version", etc.), then write a class decorator that reads these parameters and auto-creates the series of properties. This would remove the need to define the properties inside the class at all; you would just give a list of the things you wanted the properties to access, and use the decorator once on the class.
It seems like you could use a descriptor:
class Descr(object):
def __init__(self,attr,key):
self.attr = attr
self.key = key
def __get__(self,obj,type=None):
return getattr(obj,self.attr)[self.key]
def __set__(self,obj,value):
getattr(obj,self.attr)[self.key] = value
def __delete__(self,obj):
del getattr(obj,self.attr)[self.key]
class MyClass(object):
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
version = Descr("data","version")
foobar = Descr("data","foobar")
a = MyClass({})
a.version = 1
print a.version
a.foobar = 'string'
print a.data

Python "callable" attribute (pseudo-property)

In python, I can alter the state of an instance by directly assigning to attributes, or by making method calls which alter the state of the attributes:
foo.thing = 'baz'
Is there a nice way to create a class which would accept both of the above forms which scales to large numbers of attributes that behave this way? (Shortly, I'll show an example of an implementation that I don't particularly like.) If you're thinking that this is a stupid API, let me know, but perhaps a more concrete example is in order. Say I have a Document class. Document could have an attribute title. However, title may want to have some state as well (font,fontsize,justification,...), but the average user might be happy enough just setting the title to a string and being done with it ...
One way to accomplish this would be to:
class Title(object):
def __init__(self,text,font='times',size=12):
self.text = text
self.font = font
self.size = size
def __call__(self,*text,**kwargs):
self.text = text[0]
for k,v in kwargs.items():
def __str__(self):
return '<title font={font}, size={size}>{text}</title>'.format(text=self.text,size=self.size,font=self.font)
class Document(object):
_special_attr = set(['title'])
def __setattr__(self,k,v):
if k in self._special_attr and hasattr(self,k):
def __init__(self,text="",title=""):
self.title = Title(title)
self.text = text
def __str__(self):
return str(self.title)+'<body>'+self.text+'</body>'
Now I can use this as follows:
doc = Document()
doc.title = "Hello World"
print (str(doc))
doc.title("Goodbye World",font="Helvetica")
print (str(doc))
This implementation seems a little messy though (with __special_attr). Maybe that's because this is a messed up API. I'm not sure. Is there a better way to do this? Or did I leave the beaten path a little too far on this one?
I realize I could use #property for this as well, but that wouldn't scale well at all if I had more than just one attribute which is to behave this way -- I'd need to write a getter and setter for each, yuck.
It is a bit harder than the previous answers assume.
Any value stored in the descriptor will be shared between all instances, so it is not the right place to store per-instance data.
Also, obj.attrib(...) is performed in two steps:
tmp = obj.attrib
Python doesn't know in advance that the second step will follow, so you always have to return something that is callable and has a reference to its parent object.
In the following example that reference is implied in the set argument:
class CallableString(str):
def __new__(class_, set, value):
inst = str.__new__(class_, value)
inst._set = set
return inst
def __call__(self, value):
class A(object):
def __init__(self):
self._attrib = "foo"
def get_attrib(self):
return CallableString(self.set_attrib, self._attrib)
def set_attrib(self, value):
value = value._value
except AttributeError:
self._attrib = value
attrib = property(get_attrib, set_attrib)
a = A()
print a.attrib
a.attrib = "bar"
print a.attrib
print a.attrib
In short: what you want cannot be done transparently. You'll write better Python code if you don't insist hacking around this limitation
You can avoid having to use #property on potentially hundreds of attributes by simply creating a descriptor class that follows the appropriate rules:
# Warning: Untested code ahead
class DocAttribute(object):
tag_str = "<{tag}{attrs}>{text}</{tag}>"
def __init__(self, tag_name, default_attrs=None):
self._tag_name = tag_name
self._attrs = default_attrs if default_attrs is not None else {}
def __call__(self, *text, **attrs):
self._text = "".join(text)
return self
def __get__(self, instance, cls):
return self
def __set__(self, instance, value):
self._text = value
def __str__(self):
# Attrs left as an exercise for the reader
return self.tag_str.format(tag=self._tag_name, text=self._text)
Then you can use Document's __setattr__ method to add a descriptor based on this class if it is in a white list of approved names (or not in a black list of forbidden ones, depending on your domain):
class Document(object):
# prelude
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if self.is_allowed(name): # Again, left as an exercise for the reader
object.__setattr__(self, name, DocAttribute(name)(value))

What's an example use case for a Python classmethod?

I've read What are Class methods in Python for? but the examples in that post are complex. I am looking for a clear, simple, bare-bones example of a particular use case for classmethods in Python.
Can you name a small, specific example use case where a Python classmethod would be the right tool for the job?
Helper methods for initialization:
class MyStream(object):
def from_file(cls, filepath, ignore_comments=False):
with open(filepath, 'r') as fileobj:
for obj in cls(fileobj, ignore_comments):
yield obj
def from_socket(cls, socket, ignore_comments=False):
raise NotImplemented # Placeholder until implemented
def __init__(self, iterable, ignore_comments=False):
Well __new__ is a pretty important classmethod. It's where instances usually come from
so dict() calls dict.__new__ of course, but there is another handy way to make dicts sometimes which is the classmethod dict.fromkeys()
>>> dict.fromkeys("12345")
{'1': None, '3': None, '2': None, '5': None, '4': None}
I don't know, something like named constructor methods?
class UniqueIdentifier(object):
value = 0
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def produce(cls):
instance = cls(cls.value)
cls.value += 1
return instance
class FunkyUniqueIdentifier(UniqueIdentifier):
def produce(cls):
instance = super(FunkyUniqueIdentifier, cls).produce()
instance.name = "Funky %s" % instance.name
return instance
>>> x = UniqueIdentifier.produce()
>>> y = FunkyUniqueIdentifier.produce()
>>> x.name
>>> y.name
Funky 1
The biggest reason for using a #classmethod is in an alternate constructor that is intended to be inherited. This can be very useful in polymorphism. An example:
class Shape(object):
# this is an abstract class that is primarily used for inheritance defaults
# here is where you would define classmethods that can be overridden by inherited classes
def from_square(cls, square):
# return a default instance of cls
return cls()
Notice that Shape is an abstract class that defines a classmethod from_square, since Shape is not really defined, it does not really know how to derive itself from a Square so it simply returns a default instance of the class.
Inherited classes are then allowed to define their own versions of this method:
class Square(Shape):
def __init__(self, side=10):
self.side = side
def from_square(cls, square):
return cls(side=square.side)
class Rectangle(Shape):
def __init__(self, length=10, width=10):
self.length = length
self.width = width
def from_square(cls, square):
return cls(length=square.side, width=square.side)
class RightTriangle(Shape):
def __init__(self, a=10, b=10):
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.c = ((a*a) + (b*b))**(.5)
def from_square(cls, square):
return cls(a=square.length, b=square.width)
class Circle(Shape):
def __init__(self, radius=10):
self.radius = radius
def from_square(cls, square):
return cls(radius=square.length/2)
The usage allows you to treat all of these uninstantiated classes polymorphically
square = Square(3)
for polymorphic_class in (Square, Rectangle, RightTriangle, Circle):
this_shape = polymorphic_class.from_square(square)
This is all fine and dandy you might say, but why couldn't I just use as #staticmethod to accomplish this same polymorphic behavior:
class Circle(Shape):
def __init__(self, radius=10):
self.radius = radius
def from_square(square):
return Circle(radius=square.length/2)
The answer is that you could, but you do not get the benefits of inheritance because Circle has to be called out explicitly in the method. Meaning if I call it from an inherited class without overriding, I would still get Circle every time.
Notice what is gained when I define another shape class that does not really have any custom from_square logic:
class Hexagon(Shape):
def __init__(self, side=10):
self.side = side
# note the absence of classmethod here, this will use from_square it inherits from shape
Here you can leave the #classmethod undefined and it will use the logic from Shape.from_square while retaining who cls is and return the appropriate shape.
square = Square(3)
for polymorphic_class in (Square, Rectangle, RightTriangle, Circle, Hexagon):
this_shape = polymorphic_class.from_square(square)
I find that I most often use #classmethod to associate a piece of code with a class, to avoid creating a global function, for cases where I don't require an instance of the class to use the code.
For example, I might have a data structure which only considers a key valid if it conforms to some pattern. I may want to use this from inside and outside of the class. However, I don't want to create yet another global function:
def foo_key_is_valid(key):
# code for determining validity here
return valid
I'd much rather group this code with the class it's associated with:
class Foo(object):
def is_valid(cls, key):
# code for determining validity here
return valid
def add_key(self, key, val):
if not Foo.is_valid(key):
raise ValueError()
# lets me reuse that method without an instance, and signals that
# the code is closely-associated with the Foo class
Foo.is_valid('my key')
Another useful example of classmethod is in extending enumerated types. A classic Enum provides symbolic names which can be used later in the code for readability, grouping, type-safety, etc. This can be extended to add useful features using a classmethod. In the example below, Weekday is an enuerated type for the days of the week. It has been extended using classmethod so that instead of keeping track of the weekday ourselves, the enumerated type can extract the date and return the related enum member.
from enum import Enum
from datetime import date
class Weekday(Enum):
def from_date(cls, date):
return cls(date.isoweekday())
<Weekday.TUESDAY: 2>
Source: https://docs.python.org/3/howto/enum.html
in class MyClass(object):
def __init__(self):
if __name__:

