Refactor matrix permutations in numpy's style - python

I wrote the following code to do multiplication of matrix permutations and I was wondering if it can be written in a numpy style, such that I can get rid of the two for loops:
Z = np.empty([new_d, X.shape[1]])
Z = np.ndarray(shape=(new_d, X.shape[1]))
Z = np.concatenate((X, X**2))
res = []
for i in range(0, d):
for j in range(i+1, d):
res.append(np.array(X.T[:,i]* X.T[:,j]))
Z = np.concatenate((Z, res))
while: X shape is (7, 1000), d = 7, new_d=35
any suggestion ?

Approach #1
We could use np.triu_indices to get those pair-wise permutation-indices and then simply perform elementwise multiplicatons of row-indexed arrays -
r,c = np.triu_indices(d,1)
res = X[r]*X[c]
Approach #2
For memory efficiency and hence performance especially on large arrays, we are better off slicing the input array and run a single loop with each iteration working on chunks of data, like so -
n = d-1
idx = np.concatenate(( [0], np.arange(n,0,-1).cumsum() ))
start, stop = idx[:-1], idx[1:]
L = n*(n+1)//2
res_out = np.empty((L,X.shape[1]), dtype=X.dtype)
for i,(s0,s1) in enumerate(zip(start,stop)):
res_out[s0:s1] = X[i] * X[i+1:]
To get Z directly and thus avoid all those concatenations, we could modify the earlier posted approach, like so -
n = d-1
N = len(X)
idx = 2*N + np.concatenate(( [0], np.arange(n,0,-1).cumsum() ))
start, stop = idx[:-1], idx[1:]
L = n*(n+1)//2
Z_out = np.empty((2*N + L,X.shape[1]), dtype=X.dtype)
Z_out[:N] = X
Z_out[N:2*N] = X**2
for i,(s0,s1) in enumerate(zip(start,stop)):
Z_out[s0:s1] = X[i] * X[i+1:]


Efficient implementation of pairwise distances computation between observations for mixed numeric and categorical data

I am working on a data science project in which I have to compute the euclidian distance between every pair of observations in a dataset.
Since I am working with very large datasets, I have to use an efficient implementation of pairwise distances computation (both in terms of memory usage and computation time).
One solution is to use the pdist function from Scipy, which returns the result in a 1D array, without duplicate instances.
However, this function is not able to deal with categorical variables. For these, I want to set the distance to 0 when the values are the same and 1 otherwise.
I have tried to implement this variant in Python with Numba. The function takes as input the 2D Numpy array containing all the observations and a 1D array containing the types of the variables (either float64 or category).
Here is the code :
import numpy as np
from numba.decorators import autojit
def pairwise(X, types):
m = X.shape[0]
n = X.shape[1]
D = np.empty((int(m * (m - 1) / 2), 1), dtype=np.float)
ind = 0
for i in range(m):
for j in range(i+1, m):
d = 0.0
for k in range(n):
if types[k] == 'float64':
tmp = X[i, k] - X[j, k]
d += tmp * tmp
if X[i, k] != X[j, k]:
d += 1.
D[ind] = np.sqrt(d)
ind += 1
return D.reshape(1, -1)[0]
pairwise_numba = autojit(pairwise)
vectors = np.random.rand(20000, 100)
types = np.array(['float64']*100)
dists = pairwise_numba(vectors, types)
This implementation is very slow despite the use of Numba. Is it possible to improve my code to make it faster ?
In case you really want numba to perform fast you need to jit the function in nopython mode, otherwise numba may fall back to object mode which is slower (and can be quite slow).
However your function cannot be compiled (as of numba version 0.43.1) in nopython mode, that's because:
the dtype argument to np.empty. np.float is simply Pythons float and will be translated by NumPy (but not numba) to np.float_. If you use numba you have to use that.
String support in numba is lacking. So the types[k] == 'float64' line will not compile.
The first issue is trivially fixe. Regarding the second issue: instead of trying to make the string comparisons work just provide a boolean array. Using a boolean array and evaluating one boolean for thruthiness will also be significantly faster than comparing up to 7 characters. Especially if it's in the innermost loop!
So it might look like this:
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
def pairwise_numba(X, is_float_type):
m = X.shape[0]
n = X.shape[1]
D = np.empty((int(m * (m - 1) / 2), 1), dtype=np.float64) # corrected dtype
ind = 0
for i in range(m):
for j in range(i+1, m):
d = 0.0
for k in range(n):
if is_float_type[k]:
tmp = X[i, k] - X[j, k]
d += tmp * tmp
if X[i, k] != X[j, k]:
d += 1.
D[ind] = np.sqrt(d)
ind += 1
return D.reshape(1, -1)[0]
dists = pairwise_numba(vectors, types == 'float64') # pass in the boolean array
However you can simplify the logic if you combine scipy.spatial.distances.pdist on the float types with a numba logic to count the unequal categorials:
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
def categorial_sum(X):
m = X.shape[0]
n = X.shape[1]
D = np.zeros(int(m * (m - 1) / 2), dtype=np.float64) # corrected dtype
ind = 0
for i in range(m):
for j in range(i+1, m):
d = 0.0
for k in range(n):
if X[i, k] != X[j, k]:
d += 1.
D[ind] = d
ind += 1
return D
def pdist_with_categorial(vectors, types):
where_float_type = types == 'float64'
# calculate the squared distance of the float values
distances_squared = pdist(vectors[:, where_float_type], metric='sqeuclidean')
# sum the number of mismatched categorials and add that to the distances
# and then take the square root
return np.sqrt(distances_squared + categorial_sum(vectors[:, ~where_float_type]))
It won't be significantly faster, but it drastically simplified the logic in the numba function.
Then you can also avoid the additional array creations by passing in the squared distances to the numba function:
def add_categorial_sum_and_sqrt(X, D):
m = X.shape[0]
n = X.shape[1]
ind = 0
for i in range(m):
for j in range(i+1, m):
d = 0.0
for k in range(n):
if X[i, k] != X[j, k]:
d += 1.
D[ind] = np.sqrt(D[ind] + d)
ind += 1
return D
def pdist_with_categorial(vectors, types):
where_float_type = types == 'float64'
distances_squared = pdist(vectors[:, where_float_type], metric='sqeuclidean')
return add_categorial_sum_and_sqrt(vectors[:, ~where_float_type], distances_squared)
autojit is deprecated, it is recommended to use jit instead. And almost always you should be using jit(nopython=True) which will make numba fail if something can't be lowered out of python.
Using nopython on your code reveals two problems. One is an easy fix - this line needs to refer to a specific numpy type instead of float
- D = np.empty((int(m * (m - 1) / 2), 1), dtype=np.float)
+ D = np.empty((int(m * (m - 1) / 2), 1), dtype=np.float64)
The second is your use of strings to hold type information - numba has limited support for working with strings. You could instead encode the type information in a numeric array, e.g. 0 for numeric, 1 for categorical. So an implementation could be.
def pairwise_nopython(X, types):
m = X.shape[0]
n = X.shape[1]
D = np.empty((int(m * (m - 1) / 2), 1), dtype=np.float64)
ind = 0
for i in range(m):
for j in range(i+1, m):
d = 0.0
for k in range(n):
if types[k] == 0: #numeric
tmp = X[i, k] - X[j, k]
d += tmp * tmp
if X[i, k] != X[j, k]:
d += 1.
D[ind] = np.sqrt(d)
ind += 1
return D.reshape(1, -1)[0]

Numpy broadcasting elementwise product on all pairs of rows?

I have a 1d ndarray A of shape (n,) and a 2d ndarray E of shape (n,m). I am trying to preform the following calculation (the circle-dot denotes element wise multiplication):
I have written it using with a for loop, but this block of code is called thousands of times, and I was hoping there was a way to accomplish this with broadcasting or numpy functions. The following is my for loop solution I'm trying to rewrite:
def fun(E, A):
X = E * A[:,np.newaxis]
R = np.zeros(E.shape[-1])
for ii in xrange(len(E)-1):
for jj in xrange(ii+1, len(E)):
R += X[ii] * X[jj]
return R
Any help would be appreciated.
Current approach, but still not working:
def fun1(E, A):
X = E * A[:,np.newaxis]
R = np.zeros(E.shape[-1])
for ii in xrange(len(E)-1):
for jj in xrange(ii+1, len(E)):
R += X[ii] * X[jj]
return R
def fun2(E, A):
n = E.shape[0]
m = E.shape[1]
A_ = np.triu(A[1:] * A[:-1].reshape(-1,1))
E_ = E[1:] * E[:-1]
R = np.sum((A_.reshape(n-1, 1, n-1) * E_.T).transpose(0,2,1).reshape(n-1*n-1,m), axis=0)
return R
A = np.arange(4,9)
E = np.arange(20).reshape((5,4))
print fun1(E,A)
print fun2(E,A)
Now, this should work:
def fun3(E,A):
n,m = E.shape
n_ = n - 1
X = E * A[:, np.newaxis]
a = (X[:-1].reshape(n_, 1, m) * X[1:])
b = np.tril(np.ones((m, n_, n_))).T
R = np.sum((a*b).reshape(n_*n_, m), axis=0)
return R
Last function was only based on the given formula. This is instead based on fun and tested with your added test case.
Hope this works for you!

Vectorizing numpy loops

I've been trying to vectorize out the loops of the following code. (edited for comments)
M, N, F = 10, 50, 30
ts = np.linspace(0.001,3,M)
v = np.random.rand(N,1)
A = np.random.rand(N,N)
D = np.zeros(shape=(N,N,M))
for i, t in enumerate(ts):
for x in range(0,N):
for y in range(x,N):
D[x,y,i] = np.sum( np.exp(-t * v[0:F]) * A[x,0:F] * A[y,0:F] )
D[y,x,i] = D[x,y,i]
I've been reading other questions but can't figure out how to apply it here.
Here's a vectorized approach using a combination of broadcasting and matrix-multiplication with -
# Get r,c indices corresponding to indices along dim-0,1 for o/p
r,c = np.triu_indices(N)
vals = (A[r,:F] * A[c,:F]).dot(np.exp(v[:nf,None]*(-ts)))
# Initialize o/p array and assign values
out = np.empty(shape=(N,N,M))
out[r,c,:] = vals
out[c,r,:] = vals

Solving a 9x9 matric with gausian emlinination with pivoting in python

Im needing to solve a whole range of 8x8 and 9x9 matrices so thought I could build a python program to make the whole thing easier.
So far I have managed to create:
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
def solveEqns(A,v):
def lu( A ):
#Factor A into LU by Gaussian elimination with scaled partial pivoting
n, m = np.shape( A )
if n != m:
print "Error: input matrix is not square"
return None
# Generate initial index vector
p = range( n )
# Determine the largest (in magnitude) element in each row. These
# factors are used to scale the pivot elements for comparison purposes
# when deciding which row to use as a pivot row.
s = [0] * n
for i in xrange( n ):
smax = 0.0
for j in xrange( n ):
smax = max( smax, abs( A[i][j] ) )
s[i] = smax
# Begin Gaussian elimination.
for k in xrange( n - 1 ):
# Find the remaining row with the largest scaled pivot.
rmax = 0.0
for i in xrange( k, n ):
r = abs( A[p[i][k]] / s[p[i]] )
if r > rmax:
rmax = r
j = i
# Row j has the largest scaled pivot, so "swap" that row with the
# current row (row k). The swap is not actually done by copying rows,
# but by swaping two entries in an index vector.
p[j], p[k] = ( p[k], p[j] )
# Now carry out the next elimination step as usual, except for the
# added complication of the index vector.
for i in xrange( k + 1, n ):
xmult = A[p[i],k] / A[p[k],k]
A[p[i],k] = xmult
for j in xrange( k + 1, n ):
A[p[i],j] = A[p[i],j] - xmult * A[p[k],j]
# All done, return factored matrix A and permutation vector p
return ( A, p )
def solve( A, p, b ):
#Solves Ax = b given an LU factored matrix A and permuation vector p
n, m = np.shape( A )
if n != m:
print "Error: input matrix is not square"
return None
# Forward solve
x = np.zeros( n )
for k in xrange( n - 1 ):
for i in xrange( k + 1, n ):
b[p[i]] = b[p[i]] - A[p[i],k] * b[p[k]]
# Backward solve
for i in xrange( n - 1, -1, -1 ):
sum = b[p[i]]
for j in xrange( i + 1, n ):
sum = sum - A[p[i],j] * x[j]
x[i] = sum / A[p[i],i]
# All done, return solution vector
return x
return solve(A,p,v)
def circuit():
A = np.array([[1,0,0,0,0,8,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0,5,0,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0,5,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,1,-1,1,0,0,0],[0,0,1,0,0,0,1,-1,0],[0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,-1],[0,1,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1],[1,0,0,0,0,-1,0,1,0],[1,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0]])
v = np.array([9,-12,-0.5,0,0,0,0,0,0])
I = solveEqns(A,v)
return I
to solve the 9x9 matrix A at the end. This is one of the easier ones i need to solve so can solve it outside of python to check if the results coming through are accurate.
Im getting a traceback error on line 26 of:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<ipython-input-110-6daf773db1e3>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:/Users/SamMc/Documents/Python Scripts/q6u1510416", line 65, in solveEqns
File "C:/Users/SamMc/Documents/Python Scripts/q6u1510416", line 26, in lu
r = abs( A[p[i][k]] / s[p[i]] )
TypeError: 'int' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
which i cant figure out why its not pulling through a number from the matrix.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
you might use gauss elimination via scaled pivoting. the code is shown below.
import numpy as np
def gauss_pivot(a,b,tol=1.0e-12):
x = gaussPivot(a,b,tol=1.0e-12).
Solves [a]{x} = {b} by Gauss elimination with
scaled row pivoting
a = np.copy(a)
b = np.copy(b)
n = len(b)
assert (np.all(np.shape(a) ==(n,n))) # check if a is a square matrix
# Set up scale factors
s = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(n):
s[i] = max(np.abs(a[i,:])) # find the max of each row
for k in range(0, n-1): #pivot row
# Row interchange, if needed
p = np.argmax(np.abs(a[k:n,k])/s[k:n]) # find which row has max item for each col k, and scale by s
if abs(a[p,k]) < tol:
raise Exception("Matrix is singular")
if p != k: # swap rows if current row does not contain max item with the one contains max item within same col
a[[k,p+k],:] = a[[p+k, k],:]
b[k],b[p+k] = b[p+k],b[k]
s[k],s[p+k] = s[p+k],s[k]
# Elimination phase of matrix a
for i in range(k+1,n):
if a[i,k] != 0.0: # skip if a(i,k) is already zero
lam = a [i,k]/a[k,k]
a[i,k:n] = a[i,k:n] - lam*a[k,k:n]
b[i] = b[i] - lam*b[k]
if abs(a[n-1,n-1]) < tol:
raise Exception("Matrix is singular")
# Back substitution phase, solution is substituted by b
x = np.zeros_like(b)
x[n-1] = b[n-1]/a[n-1,n-1]
for k in range(n-2,-1,-1):
x[k] = (b[k] -[k,k+1:n],x[k+1:n]))/a[k,k]
return x
a = np.random.randn(100,100)*10
b = np.random.randn(100)*10
x = gauss_pivot(a,b)
if np.allclose(,x), b) == True:
print("x is the correct solution")
If you want the code to perform faster you might probably replace x by b, so upon function return b contains the solution.
you might also slightly modify elimination phase so elements of matrix a below diagonal are not zeroed, since there are irrelevant during back substitution phase. Therefore, the code becomes as shown below:
import numpy as np
def gauss_pivot(a,b,tol=1.0e-12):
x = gaussPivot(a,b,tol=1.0e-12).
Solves [a]{x} = {b} by Gauss elimination with
scaled row pivoting
a = np.copy(a)
b = np.copy(b)
n = len(b)
assert (np.all(np.shape(a) ==(n,n))) # check if a is a square matrix
# Set up scale factors
s = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(n):
s[i] = max(np.abs(a[i,:])) # find the max of each row
for k in range(0, n-1): #pivot row
# Row interchange, if needed
p = np.argmax(np.abs(a[k:n,k])/s[k:n]) # find which row has max item for each col k, and scale by s
if abs(a[p,k]) < tol:
raise Exception("Matrix is singular")
if p != k: # swap rows if current row does not contain max item with the one contains max item within same col
a[[k,p+k],:] = a[[p+k, k],:]
b[k],b[p+k] = b[p+k],b[k]
s[k],s[p+k] = s[p+k],s[k]
# Elimination phase of matrix a
for i in range(k+1,n):
if a[i,k] != 0.0: # skip if a(i,k) is already zero
lam = a [i,k]/a[k,k]
a[i,k+1:n] = a[i,k+1:n] - lam*a[k,k+1:n]
b[i] = b[i] - lam*b[k]
if abs(a[n-1,n-1]) < tol:
raise Exception("Matrix is singular")
# Back substitution phase, solution is substituted by b
b[n-1] = b[n-1]/a[n-1,n-1]
for k in range(n-2,-1,-1):
b[k] = (b[k] -[k,k+1:n],b[k+1:n]))/a[k,k]
return b
To use LU decomposition instead which is more ideal for b containing more than one column, the LU code is shown below
import numpy as np
def lu_decomp(a,tol=1.0e-9):
a = np.copy(a)
n = len(a)
assert (np.all(np.shape(a) ==(n,n))) # check if a is a square matrix
seq = np.arange(n, dtype=int)
s = np.zeros((n))
for i in range(n):
s[i] = max(abs(a[i,:]))
for k in range(0,n-1):
p = np.argmax(np.abs(a[k:n,k])/s[k:n])
if abs(a[p,k]) < tol:
raise Exception("Matrix is singular")
if p != k:
a[[k,p+k],:] = a[[p+k, k],:]
s[k],s[p+k] = s[p+k],s[k]
seq[k], seq[p+k] = seq[p+k],seq[k]
# Elimination
for i in range(k+1,n):
if a[i,k] != 0.0:
lam = a[i,k]/a[k,k]
a[i,k+1:n] = a[i,k+1:n] - lam*a[k,k+1:n]
a[i,k] = lam
return a,seq
def lu_solve(a,b,seq):
n = len(a)
x = b.copy()
for i in range(n):
x[i] = b[seq[i]]
# Solution
for k in range(1,n):
x[k] = x[k] -[k,0:k],x[0:k])
x[n-1] = x[n-1]/a[n-1,n-1]
for k in range(n-2,-1,-1):
x[k] = (x[k] -[k,k+1:n],x[k+1:n]))/a[k,k]
return x
a2 = np.random.randn(500,500)*100
b2 = np.random.randn(500,20)*100
a_decomposed, seq = lu_decomp(a2)
x2 = np.zeros_like(b2)
for col in range(b2.shape[1]):
x2[:,col] = lu_solve(a_decomposed, b2[:, col], seq)
if np.allclose(,x2), b2) == True:
print("x2 is the correct solution")
Both methods gives the the output,
Gauss Elimination
x is the correct solution
LU method
x2 is the correct solution
I recommend you use scipy linalg package, from scipy.linalg import solve, lu_factor, lu_solve.
They perform way faster for large matrix size. you can use the same code above but annotate them with numba jit so for large matrix the performance is way better.
from numba import jit
def gauss_pivot(a, b):
acknowledgement: codes inspired from the book numerical methods in science and engineering with Python by Prof. Jaan Kiusalaas

Fast math operations on an array in python

I have a fairly simple math operation I'd like to perform on a array. Let me write out the example:
A = numpy.ndarray((255, 255, 3), dtype=numpy.single)
# ..
for i in range(A.shape[0]):
for j in range(A.shape[1]):
x = simple_func1(i)
y = simple_func2(j)
A[i, j] = (alpha * x * y + beta * x**2 + gamma * y**2, 1, 0)
So basically, there's a mapping between (i, j) and the 3 values of that value (this is for visualization).
I'd like to roll this up and somehow vectorize this, but I'm not sure how to or if I can. Thanks.
Here is the vectorized version:
i = arange(255)
j = arange(255)
x = simple_func1(i)
y = simple_func2(j)
y = y.reshape(-1,1)
A = alpha * x * y + beta * x**2 + gamma * y**2 # broadcasting is your friend here
If you want to fill the last coordinates with 1 and 0:
B = empty(A.shape+(3,))
B[:,:,0] = A
B[:,:,1] = 1 # broadcasting again
B[:,:,2] = 0
You have to change simple_funcN so that they take arrays as input, and create arrays as output. After that, you could look into the numpy.meshgrid() or the cartesian() function here to build coordinate arrays. After that, you should be able to use the coordinate array(s) to fill A with a one-liner.

