How to trigger a function after return statement in Flask - python

I have 2 functions.
1st function stores the data received in a list and 2nd function writes the data into a csv file.
I'm using Flask. Whenever a web service has been called it will store the data and send response to it, as soon as it sends response it triggers the 2nd function.
My Code:
from flask import Flask, flash, request, redirect, url_for, session
import json
app = Flask(__name__)
arr = []
#app.route("/test", methods=['GET','POST'])
def check():
res = {'Status': True}
return json.dumps(res)
def trigger():
df = pd.DataFrame({'x': arr})
df.to_csv("docs/xyz.csv", index=False)
Obviously the 2nd function is not called.
Is there a way to achieve this?
P.S: My real life problem is different where trigger function is time consuming and I don't want user to wait for it to finish execution.

One solution would be to have a background thread that will watch a queue. You put your csv data in the queue and the background thread will consume it. You can start such a thread before first request:
import threading
from multiprocessing import Queue
class CSVWriterThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
threading.Thread.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.input_queue = Queue()
def send(self, item):
def close(self):
def run(self):
while True:
csv_array = self.input_queue.get()
if csv_array is None:
# Do something here ...
df = pd.DataFrame({'x': csv_array})
df.to_csv("docs/xyz.csv", index=False)
# Done
def activate_job_monitor():
thread = CSVWriterThread()
app.csvwriter = thread
And in your code put the message in the queue before returning:
#app.route("/test", methods=['GET','POST'])
def check():
res = {'Status': True}
return json.dumps(res)

P.S: My real life problem is different where trigger function is time consuming and I don't want user to wait for it to finish execution.
Consider using celery which is made for the very problem you're trying to solve. From docs:
Celery is a simple, flexible, and reliable distributed system to process vast amounts of messages, while providing operations with the tools required to maintain such a system.
I recommend you integrate celery with your flask app as described here. your trigger method would then become a straightforward celery task that you can execute without having to worry about long response time.

Im actually working on another interesting case on my side where i pass the work off to a python worker that sends the job to a redis queue. There are some great blogs using redis with Flask , you basically need to ensure redis is running (able to connect on port 6379)
The worker would look something like this:
import os
import redis
from rq import Worker, Queue, Connection
listen = ['default']
redis_url = os.getenv('REDISTOGO_URL', 'redis://localhost:6379')
conn = redis.from_url(redis_url)
if __name__ == '__main__':
with Connection(conn):
worker = Worker(list(map(Queue, listen)))
In my example I have a function that queries a database for usage and since it might be a lengthy process i pass it off to the worker (running as a seperate script)
def post(self):
data = Task.parser.parse_args()
job = q.enqueue_call(
func=migrate_usage, args=(my_args),
print("Job ID is: {}".format(job.get_id()))
job_key = job.get_id()
print(str(Job.fetch(job_key, connection=conn).result))
if job:
return {"message": "Job : {} added to queue".format(job_key)}, 201
Credit due to the following article:

You can try use streaming. See next example:
import time
from flask import Flask, Response
app = Flask(__name__)
def main():
return '''<div>start</div>
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '/test', true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(e) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = '' + this.readyState + ':' + this.responseText;
def test():
def generate():'request started')
for i in range(5):
yield str(i)'request finished')
yield ''
return Response(generate(), mimetype='text/plain')
if __name__ == '__main__':'', 8080, True)
All magic in this example in genarator where you can start response data, after do some staff and yield empty data to end your stream.
For details look at

You can defer route specific actions with limited context by combining after_this_request and response.call_on_close. Note that request and response context won't be available but the route function context remains available. So you'll need to copy any request/response data you'll need into local variables for deferred access.
I moved your array to a local var to show how the function context is preserved. You could change your csv write function to an append so you're not pushing data endlessly into memory.
from flask import Flask, flash, request, redirect, url_for, session
import json
app = Flask(__name__)
#app.route("/test", methods=['GET','POST'])
def check():
arr = []
res = {'Status': True}
def add_close_action(response):
def process_after_request():
df = pd.DataFrame({'x': arr})
df.to_csv("docs/xyz.csv", index=False)
return response
return json.dumps(res)


Tornado 6.1 non-blocking request

Using Tornado, I have a POST request that takes a long time as it makes many requests to another API service and processes the data. This can take minutes to fully complete. I don't want this to block the entire web server from responding to other requests, which it currently does.
I looked at multiple threads here on SO, but they are often 8 years old and the code does not work anylonger as tornado removed the "engine" component from tornado.gen.
Is there an easy way to kick off this long get call and not have it block the entire web server in the process? Is there anything I can put in the code to say.. "submit the POST response and work on this one function without blocking any concurrent server requests from getting an immediate response"?
def make_app():
return tornado.web.Application([
(r"/v1", MainHandler),
(r"/v1/addfile", AddHandler, dict(folderpaths = folderpaths)),
(r"/v1/getfiles", GetHandler, dict(folderpaths = folderpaths)),
(r"/v1/getfile", GetFileHandler, dict(folderpaths = folderpaths)),
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = make_app()
sockets = tornado.netutil.bind_sockets(8888)
server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(app)
class AddHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def initialize(self, folderpaths):
self.folderpaths = folderpaths
def blockingFunction(self):
def post(self):
user = self.get_argument('user')
folderpath = self.get_argument('inpath')
outpath = self.get_argument('outpath')
workflow_value = self.get_argument('workflow')
status_code, status_text = validateInFolder(folderpath)
if (status_code == 200):"Status Code 200")
result = self.folderpaths.add_file(user, folderpath, outpath, workflow_value)
#At this point the path is validated.
#POST response should be send out. Internal process should continue, new
#requests should not be blocked
Idea is that if input-parameters are validated the POST response should be sent out.
Then internal process (blockingFunction()) should be started, that should not block the Tornado Server from processing another API POST request.
I tried defining the (blockingFunction()) as async, which allows me to process multiple concurrent user requests - however there was a warning about missing "await" with async method.
Any help welcome. Thank you
class AddHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def initialize(self, folderpaths):
self.folderpaths = folderpaths
def blockingFunction(self):
async def post(self):
user = self.get_argument('user')
folderpath = self.get_argument('inpath')
outpath = self.get_argument('outpath')
workflow_value = self.get_argument('workflow')
status_code, status_text = validateInFolder(folderpath)
if (status_code == 200):"Status Code 200")
result = self.folderpaths.add_file(user, folderpath, outpath, workflow_value)
#At this point the path is validated.
#POST response should be send out. Internal process should continue, new
#requests should not be blocked
await loop.run_in_executor(None, self.blockingFunction)
#if this had multiple parameters it would be
#await loop.run_in_executor(None, self.blockingFunction, param1, param2)
Thank you #xyres
Further read:

Flask Celery task locking

I am using Flask with Celery and I am trying to lock a specific task so that it can only be run one at a time. In the celery docs it gives a example of doing this Celery docs, Ensuring a task is only executed one at a time. This example that was given was for Django however I am using flask I have done my best to convert this to work with Flask however I still see myTask1 which has the lock can be run multiple times.
One thing that is not clear to me is if I am using the cache correctly, I have never used it before so all of it is new to me. One thing from the doc's that is mentioned but not explained is this
Doc Notes:
In order for this to work correctly you need to be using a cache backend where the .add operation is atomic. memcached is known to work well for this purpose.
Im not truly sure what that means, should i be using the cache in conjunction with a database and if so how would I do that? I am using mongodb. In my code I just have this setup for the cache cache = Cache(app, config={'CACHE_TYPE': 'simple'}) as that is what was mentioned in the Flask-Cache doc's Flask-Cache Docs
Another thing that is not clear to me is if there is anything different I need to do as I am calling my myTask1 from within my Flask route task1
Here is an example of my code that I am using.
from flask import (Flask, render_template, flash, redirect,
url_for, session, logging, request, g, render_template_string, jsonify)
from flask_caching import Cache
from contextlib import contextmanager
from celery import Celery
from Flask_celery import make_celery
from celery.result import AsyncResult
from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
from celery.five import monotonic
from flask_pymongo import PyMongo
from hashlib import md5
import pymongo
import time
app = Flask(__name__)
cache = Cache(app, config={'CACHE_TYPE': 'simple'})
app.config['SECRET_KEY']= 'super secret key for me123456789987654321'
app.config['MONGO_HOST'] = 'localhost'
app.config['MONGO_DBNAME'] = 'celery-test-db'
app.config["MONGO_URI"] = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/celery-test-db'
mongo = PyMongo(app)
app.config['CELERY_BROKER_URL'] = 'amqp://localhost//'
app.config['CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND'] = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/celery-test-db'
app.config['CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND'] = 'mongodb'
"host": "localhost",
"port": 27017,
"database": "celery-test-db",
"taskmeta_collection": "celery_jobs",
app.config['CELERY_TASK_SERIALIZER'] = 'json'
celery = Celery('task',broker='mongodb://localhost:27017/jobs')
celery = make_celery(app)
LOCK_EXPIRE = 60 * 2 # Lock expires in 2 minutes
def memcache_lock(lock_id, oid):
timeout_at = monotonic() + LOCK_EXPIRE - 3
# cache.add fails if the key already exists
status = cache.add(lock_id, oid, LOCK_EXPIRE)
yield status
# memcache delete is very slow, but we have to use it to take
# advantage of using add() for atomic locking
if monotonic() < timeout_at and status:
# don't release the lock if we exceeded the timeout
# to lessen the chance of releasing an expired lock
# owned by someone else
# also don't release the lock if we didn't acquire it
#celery.task(bind=True, name='app.myTask1')
def myTask1(self):
self.update_state(state='IN TASK')
lock_id =
with memcache_lock(lock_id, as acquired:
if acquired:
# do work if we got the lock
print('acquired is {}'.format(acquired))
self.update_state(state='DOING WORK')
return 'result'
# otherwise, the lock was already in use
raise self.retry(countdown=60) # redeliver message to the queue, so the work can be done later
#celery.task(bind=True, name='app.myTask2')
def myTask2(self):
print('you are in task2')
print('task2 done')
#app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def index():
return render_template('index.html')
#app.route('/task1', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def task1():
print('running task1')
result = myTask1.delay()
# get async task id
taskResult = AsyncResult(result.task_id)
# push async taskid into db collection job_task_id
mongo.db.job_task_id.insert({'taskid': str(taskResult), 'TaskName': 'task1'})
return render_template('task1.html')
#app.route('/task2', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def task2():
print('running task2')
result = myTask2.delay()
# get async task id
taskResult = AsyncResult(result.task_id)
# push async taskid into db collection job_task_id
mongo.db.job_task_id.insert({'taskid': str(taskResult), 'TaskName': 'task2'})
return render_template('task2.html')
#app.route('/status', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def status():
taskid_list = []
task_state_list = []
TaskName_list = []
allAsyncData = mongo.db.job_task_id.find()
for doc in allAsyncData:
print('error with db conneciton in asyncJobStatus')
for item in taskid_list:
return render_template('status.html', data_list=zip(task_state_list, TaskName_list))
Final Working Code
from flask import (Flask, render_template, flash, redirect,
url_for, session, logging, request, g, render_template_string, jsonify)
from flask_caching import Cache
from contextlib import contextmanager
from celery import Celery
from Flask_celery import make_celery
from celery.result import AsyncResult
from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
from celery.five import monotonic
from flask_pymongo import PyMongo
from hashlib import md5
import pymongo
import time
import redis
from flask_redis import FlaskRedis
app = Flask(__name__)
redis_store = FlaskRedis(app)
cache = Cache(app, config={'CACHE_TYPE': 'redis'})
app.config['SECRET_KEY']= 'super secret key for me123456789987654321'
app.config['MONGO_HOST'] = 'localhost'
app.config['MONGO_DBNAME'] = 'celery-test-db'
app.config["MONGO_URI"] = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/celery-test-db'
mongo = PyMongo(app)
app.config['CELERY_BROKER_URL'] = 'redis://localhost:6379/0'
app.config['CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND'] = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/celery-test-db'
app.config['CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND'] = 'mongodb'
"host": "localhost",
"port": 27017,
"database": "celery-test-db",
"taskmeta_collection": "celery_jobs",
app.config['CELERY_TASK_SERIALIZER'] = 'json'
celery = Celery('task',broker='mongodb://localhost:27017/jobs')
celery = make_celery(app)
LOCK_EXPIRE = 60 * 2 # Lock expires in 2 minutes
def memcache_lock(lock_id, oid):
timeout_at = monotonic() + LOCK_EXPIRE - 3
print('in memcache_lock and timeout_at is {}'.format(timeout_at))
# cache.add fails if the key already exists
status = cache.add(lock_id, oid, LOCK_EXPIRE)
yield status
print('memcache_lock and status is {}'.format(status))
# memcache delete is very slow, but we have to use it to take
# advantage of using add() for atomic locking
if monotonic() < timeout_at and status:
# don't release the lock if we exceeded the timeout
# to lessen the chance of releasing an expired lock
# owned by someone else
# also don't release the lock if we didn't acquire it
#celery.task(bind=True, name='app.myTask1')
def myTask1(self):
self.update_state(state='IN TASK')
print('dir is {} '.format(dir(self)))
lock_id =
print('lock_id is {}'.format(lock_id))
with memcache_lock(lock_id, as acquired:
print('in memcache_lock and lock_id is {} is {} and acquired is {}'.format(lock_id,, acquired))
if acquired:
# do work if we got the lock
print('acquired is {}'.format(acquired))
self.update_state(state='DOING WORK')
return 'result'
# otherwise, the lock was already in use
raise self.retry(countdown=60) # redeliver message to the queue, so the work can be done later
#celery.task(bind=True, name='app.myTask2')
def myTask2(self):
print('you are in task2')
print('task2 done')
#app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def index():
return render_template('index.html')
#app.route('/task1', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def task1():
print('running task1')
result = myTask1.delay()
# get async task id
taskResult = AsyncResult(result.task_id)
# push async taskid into db collection job_task_id
mongo.db.job_task_id.insert({'taskid': str(taskResult), 'TaskName': 'myTask1'})
return render_template('task1.html')
#app.route('/task2', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def task2():
print('running task2')
result = myTask2.delay()
# get async task id
taskResult = AsyncResult(result.task_id)
# push async taskid into db collection job_task_id
mongo.db.job_task_id.insert({'taskid': str(taskResult), 'TaskName': 'task2'})
return render_template('task2.html')
#app.route('/status', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def status():
taskid_list = []
task_state_list = []
TaskName_list = []
allAsyncData = mongo.db.job_task_id.find()
for doc in allAsyncData:
print('error with db conneciton in asyncJobStatus')
for item in taskid_list:
return render_template('status.html', data_list=zip(task_state_list, TaskName_list))
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.secret_key = 'super secret key for me123456789987654321', host='localhost')
Here is also a screen shot you can see that I ran myTask1 two times and myTask2 a single time. Now I have the expected behavior for myTask1. Now myTask1 will be run by a single worker if another worker attempt to pick it up it will just keep retrying based on whatever i define.
In your question, you point out this warning from the Celery example you used:
In order for this to work correctly you need to be using a cache backend where the .add operation is atomic. memcached is known to work well for this purpose.
And you mention that you don't really understand what this means. Indeed, the code you show demonstrates that you've not heeded that warning, because your code uses an inappropriate backend.
Consider this code:
with memcache_lock(lock_id, as acquired:
if acquired:
# do some work
What you want here is for acquired to be true only for one thread at a time. If two threads enter the with block at the same time, only one should "win" and have acquired be true. This thread that has acquired true can then proceed with its work, and the other thread has to skip doing the work and try again later to acquire the lock. In order to ensure that only one thread can have acquired true, .add must be atomic.
Here's some pseudo code of what .add(key, value) does:
1. if <key> is already in the cache:
2. return False
3. else:
4. set the cache so that <key> has the value <value>
5. return True
If the execution of .add is not atomic, this could happen if two threads A and B execute .add("foo", "bar"). Assume an empty cache at the start.
Thread A executes 1. if "foo" is already in the cache and finds that "foo" is not in the cache, and jumps to line 3 but the thread scheduler switches control to thread B.
Thread B also executes 1. if "foo" is already in the cache, and also finds that "foo" is not in the cache. So it jumps to line 3 and then executes line 4 and 5 which sets the key "foo" to the value "bar" and the call returns True.
Eventually, the scheduler gives control back to Thread A, which continues executing 3, 4, 5 and also sets the key "foo" to the value "bar" and also returns True.
What you have here is two .add calls that return True, if these .add calls are made within memcache_lock this entails that two threads can have acquired be true. So two threads could do work at the same time, and your memcache_lock is not doing what it should be doing, which is only allow one thread to work at a time.
You are not using a cache that ensures that .add is atomic. You initialize it like this:
cache = Cache(app, config={'CACHE_TYPE': 'simple'})
The simple backend is scoped to a single process, has no thread-safety, and has an .add operation which is not atomic. (This does not involve Mongo at all by the way. If you wanted your cache to be backed by Mongo, you'd have to specify a backed specifically made to send data to a Mongo database.)
So you have to switch to another backend, one that guarantees that .add is atomic. You could follow the lead of the Celery example and use the memcached backend, which does have an atomic .add operation. I don't use Flask, but I've does essentially what you are doing with Django and Celery, and used the Redis backend successfully to provide the kind of locking you're using here.
I also found this to be a surprisingly hard problem. Inspired mainly by Sebastian's work on implementing a distributed locking algorithm in redis I wrote up a decorator function.
A key point to bear in mind about this approach is that we lock tasks at the level of the task's argument space, e.g. we allow multiple game update/process order tasks to run concurrently, but only one per game. That's what argument_signature achieves in the code below. You can see documentation on how we use this in our stack at this gist:
import base64
from contextlib import contextmanager
import json
import pickle as pkl
import uuid
from backend.config import Config
from redis import StrictRedis
from redis_cache import RedisCache
from redlock import Redlock
rds = StrictRedis(Config.REDIS_HOST, decode_responses=True, charset="utf-8")
rds_cache = StrictRedis(Config.REDIS_HOST, decode_responses=False, charset="utf-8")
redis_cache = RedisCache(redis_client=rds_cache, prefix="rc", serializer=pkl.dumps, deserializer=pkl.loads)
dlm = Redlock([{"host": Config.REDIS_HOST}])
TASK_LOCK_MSG = "Task execution skipped -- another task already has the lock"
DEFAULT_ASSET_EXPIRATION = 8 * 24 * 60 * 60 # by default keep cached values around for 8 days
DEFAULT_CACHE_EXPIRATION = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 # we can keep cached values around for a shorter period of time
if"get",KEYS[1]) == ARGV[1] then
return 0
def redis_lock(lock_name, expires=60):
random_value = str(uuid.uuid4())
lock_acquired = bool(
rds.set(lock_name, random_value, ex=expires, nx=True)
yield lock_acquired
if lock_acquired:
rds.eval(REMOVE_ONLY_IF_OWNER_SCRIPT, 1, lock_name, random_value)
def argument_signature(*args, **kwargs):
arg_list = [str(x) for x in args]
kwarg_list = [f"{str(k)}:{str(v)}" for k, v in kwargs.items()]
return base64.b64encode(f"{'_'.join(arg_list)}-{'_'.join(kwarg_list)}".encode()).decode()
def task_lock(func=None, main_key="", timeout=None):
def _dec(run_func):
def _caller(*args, **kwargs):
with redis_lock(f"{main_key}_{argument_signature(*args, **kwargs)}", timeout) as acquired:
if not acquired:
return run_func(*args, **kwargs)
return _caller
return _dec(func) if func is not None else _dec
Implementation in our task definitions file:
#task_lock(main_key="async_test_task_lock", timeout=UPDATE_GAME_DATA_TIMEOUT)
def async_test_task_lock(game_id):
print(f"processing game_id {game_id}")
How we test against a local celery cluster:
from backend.tasks.definitions import async_test_task_lock, TASK_LOCK_TEST_SLEEP
from backend.tasks.redis_handlers import rds, TASK_LOCK_MSG
class TestTaskLocking(TestCase):
def test_task_locking(self):
res1 = async_test_task_lock.delay(3)
res2 = async_test_task_lock.delay(5)
res3 = async_test_task_lock.delay(5)
res4 = async_test_task_lock.delay(5)
self.assertEqual(res3.get(), TASK_LOCK_MSG)
self.assertEqual(res4.get(), TASK_LOCK_MSG)
res5 = async_test_task_lock.delay(3)
(as a goodie there's also a quick example of how to setup a redis_cache)
With this setup, you should still expect to see workers receiving the task, since the lock is checked inside of the task itself. The only difference will be that the work won't be performed if the lock is acquired by another worker.
In the example given in the docs, this is the desired behavior; if a lock already exists, the task will simply do nothing and finish as successful. What you want is slightly different; you want the work to be queued up instead of ignored.
In order to get the desired effect, you would need to make sure that the task will be picked up by a worker and performed some time in the future. One way to accomplish this would be with retrying.
#task(bind=True, name='my-task')
def my_task(self):
lock_id =
with memcache_lock(lock_id, as acquired:
if acquired:
# do work if we got the lock
print('acquired is {}'.format(acquired))
return 'result'
# otherwise, the lock was already in use
raise self.retry(countdown=60) # redeliver message to the queue, so the work can be done later

Popped wrong app context when using gevent.spawn

I am trying to run multiple concurrent downstream requests using gevent in my flask application.
I have:
import gevent
from gevent import monkey
from flask import Flask, request, g
app = Flask(__name__, static_folder='static')
and the following code:
def f1(self):
def _test(t):
r = requests.get(
'', params=dict(word='test')
return r.status_code
jobs = [gevent.spawn(_test, 5), gevent.spawn(_test, 10)]
results = [job.value for job in gevent.joinall(jobs)]
return None
If the second _test is taking longer than the first one I am getting a Popped wrong app context error.
If I add another method like:
def _test_bis(t):
from random import randint
r = requests.get(
'', params=dict(word='test')
return r.status_code
and use it like that:
jobs = [gevent.spawn(_test_bis, 5), gevent.spawn(_test, 10)]
I don't have any error.
Any idea how I could work around that issue?
Thi has to do with Flask's application context. When you spin up multiple greenlets using spawn, Flask doesn't know which app is the "current" app. You've made use of #copy_current_request_context decorator but, that only copy request context and gives a new app context to all bg threads.
To avoid this, you could create one to pass the current app context with closure:
def copy_current_app_context(f):
from flask.globals import _app_ctx_stack
appctx =
def _(*args, **kwargs):
with appctx:
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return _
Or you could choose to wrap your thread code in a test_request_context so you have access to context locals:
def f1(self):
with app.test_request_context():
def _test(t):
r = requests.get(
'', params=dict(word='test')
return r.status_code
jobs = [gevent.spawn(_test, 5), gevent.spawn(_test, 10)]
results = [job.value for job in gevent.joinall(jobs)]
return None
it's worth pointing out that the thread will have a different context than the original request. should you need any interesting request data, it's important to extract that before spawning the thread.

Using SSE to pass on data from other APIs in real time

I want to make a real time visualization in which I have a flask application sending SSE to the HTML which is then doing its stuff. Visualization works totally fine. I am confused with respect to the SSE. There is a system which pings my application at '/data' to handover the data. Which I then want to transfer to the vis in the event stream.
import time, json
from flask import Flask, request, Response, render_template
app =Flask(__name__)
def data_stream(data):
if data:
yield 'data: {}\n\n'.format(json.dumps(data))
yield 'data: {}\n\n'.format(json.dumps({'data': [{'lat':0, 'lg':0}]}))
#app.route('/data', methods =['GET','POST'])
def collect_data():
data = {"data": [request.get_json()]}
return 'asd'
#app.route('/my_event_source', methods =['GET', 'POST'])
def sse_request():
return Response(data_stream(None), mimetype='text/event-stream')
def page():
return render_template('map_vis.html')
if __name__ == '__main__':
data2 = []
app.debug =True'', 8081)
I am unable to figure out a way to pass the data_stream function to Response because as of now it is simply calling data_stream(None) only i.e. I am getting {'lat':0, 'lg':0} in response.
It seems like you're using SSE like long polling or another AJAX-derived technique ; SSE is more useful as a stream, so once the SSE connection is established you need to keep the data sending function 'alive' and to make
it sending data whenever you need it.
So, I would do that:
import Queue
data_queue = Queue.Queue()
def data_stream():
while True:
data = data_queue.get()
yield 'data: {}\n\n'.format(json.dumps(data))
When sending data through SSE, I would just put data in the queue:
def sse_request():
r = Response(data_stream(), mimetype='text/event-stream')
data_queue.put({'data': [{'lat':0, 'lg':0}]})
return r
def collect_data():
data_queue.put({"data": [request.get_json()]})
The only thing is that writing it this way will cause the while
loop to block the server. So you need to use something additional, like
gevent or Eventlet.
There are lots of examples how to combine Flask with those.

Access the response object in a bottlepy after_request hook

I have the following web app:
import bottle
app = bottle.Bottle()
def ping():
print 'pong'
return 'pong'
def after():
print 'foo'
print bottle.response.body
if __name__ == "__main__":'', port='9999', server='cherrypy')
Is there a way to access the response body before sending the response back?
If I start the app and I query /ping, I can see in the console that the ping() and the after() function run in the right sequence
$ python
Bottle v0.11.6 server starting up (using CherryPyServer())...
Listening on
Hit Ctrl-C to quit.
but when in after() I try to access response.body, I don't have anything.
In Flask the after_request decorated functions take in input the response object so it's easy to access it. How can I do the same in Bottle?
Is there something I'm missing?
Is there a way to access the response body before sending the response back?
You could write a simple plugin, which (depending on what you're actually trying to do with the response) might be all you need.
Here's an example from the Bottle plugin docs, which sets a request header. It could just as easily manipulate body.
from bottle import response, install
import time
def stopwatch(callback):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
start = time.time()
body = callback(*args, **kwargs)
end = time.time()
response.headers['X-Exec-Time'] = str(end - start)
return body
return wrapper
Hope that works for your purposes.
You can use plugin approach, this is what i did
from bottle import response
class BottlePlugin(object):
name = 'my_custom_plugin'
api = 2
def __init__(self, debug=False):
self.debug = debug = None
def setup(self, app):
"""Handle plugin install""" = app
def apply(self, callback):
"""Handle route callbacks"""
def wrapper(*a, **ka):
"""Encapsulate the result in the expected api structure"""
# Check if the client wants a different format
# output depends what you are returning from view
# in my case its dict with keys ("data")
output = callback(*a, **ka)
data = output["data"]
paging = output.get("paging", {})
response_data = {
data: data,
paging: paging
# in case if you want to update response
# e.g response code
response.status = 200
return response_data
return wrapper

