How to efficiently mutate certain num of values in an array? - python

Given an initial 2-D array:
initial = [
[0.6711999773979187, 0.1949000060558319],
[-0.09300000220537186, 0.310699999332428],
[-0.03889999911189079, 0.2736999988555908],
[-0.6984000205993652, 0.6407999992370605],
[-0.43619999289512634, 0.5810999870300293],
[0.2825999855995178, 0.21310000121593475],
[0.5551999807357788, -0.18289999663829803],
[0.3447999954223633, 0.2071000039577484],
[-0.1995999962091446, -0.5139999985694885],
[-0.24400000274181366, 0.3154999911785126]]
The goal is to multiply some random values inside the array by a random percentage. Lets say only 3 random numbers get replaced by a random multipler, we should get something like this:
output = [
[0.6711999773979187, 0.52],
[-0.09300000220537186, 0.310699999332428],
[-0.03889999911189079, 0.2736999988555908],
[-0.6984000205993652, 0.6407999992370605],
[-0.43619999289512634, 0.5810999870300293],
[0.84, 0.21310000121593475],
[0.5551999807357788, -0.18289999663829803],
[0.3447999954223633, 0.2071000039577484],
[-0.1995999962091446, 0.21],
[-0.24400000274181366, 0.3154999911785126]]
I've tried doing this:
def mutate(array2d, num_changes):
for _ in range(num_changes):
row, col = initial.shape
rand_row = np.random.randint(row)
rand_col = np.random.randint(col)
cell_value = array2d[rand_row][rand_col]
array2d[rand_row][rand_col] = random.uniform(0, 1) * cell_value
return array2d
And that works for 2D arrays but there's chance that the same value is mutated more than once =(
And I don't think that's efficient and it only works on 2D array.
Is there a way to do such "mutation" for array of any shape and more efficiently?
There's no restriction of which value the "mutation" can choose from but the number of "mutation" should be kept strict to the user specified number.

One fairly simple way would be to work with a raveled view of the array. You can generate all your numbers at once that way, and make it easier to guarantee that you won't process the same index twice in one call:
def mutate(array_anyd, num_changes):
raveled = array_anyd.reshape(-1)
indices = np.random.choice(raveled.size, size=num_changes, replace=False)
values = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=num_changes)
raveled[indices] *= values
I use array_anyd.reshape(-1) in favor of array_anyd.ravel() because according to the docs, the former is less likely to make an inadvertent copy.
The is of course still such a possibility. You can add an extra check to write back if you need to. A more efficient way would be to use np.unravel_index to avoid creating a view to begin with:
def mutate(array_anyd, num_changes):
indices = np.random.choice(array_anyd.size, size=num_changes, replace=False)
indices = np.unravel_indices(indices, array_anyd.shape)
values = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=num_changes)
raveled[indices] *= values
There is no need to return anything because the modification is done in-place. Conventionally, such functions do not return anything. See for example list.sort vs sorted.

Using shuffle instead of random_choice, this would be a different solution. It works on an array of any shape.
def mutate(arrayIn, num_changes):
mult = np.zeros(arrayIn.ravel().shape[0])
mult[:num_changes] = np.random.uniform(0,1,num_changes)
mult = mult.reshape(arrayIn.shape)
arrayIn = arrayIn + mult*arrayIn
return arrayIn


What is the equivalent way of doing this type of pythonic vectorized assignment in MATLAB?

I'm trying to translate this line of code from Python to MATLAB:
new_img[M[0, :] - corners[0][0], M[1, :] - corners[1][0], :] = img[T[0, :], T[1, :], :]
So, naturally, I wrote something like this:
new_img(M(1,:)-corners(2,1),M(2,:)-corners(2,2),:) = img(T(1,:),T(2,:),:);
But it gives me the following error when it reaches that line:
Requested 106275x106275x3 (252.4GB) array exceeds maximum array size
preference. Creation of arrays greater than this limit may take a long
time and cause MATLAB to become unresponsive. See array size limit or
preference panel for more information.
This has made me believe that it is not assigning things correctly. Img is at most a 1000 × 1500 RGB image. The same code works in less than 5 seconds in Python. How can I do vector assignment like the code in the first line in MATLAB?
By the way, I didn't paste all lines of my code for this post not to get too long. If I need to add anything else, please let me know.
Here's an explanation of what I want my code to do (basically, this is what the Python code does):
Consider this line of code. It's not a real MATLAB code, I'm just trying to explain what I want to do:
A([2 3 5], [1 3 5]) = B([1 2 3], [2 4 6])
It is interpreted like this:
A(2,1) = B(1,2)
A(3,1) = B(2,2)
A(5,1) = B(3,2)
A(2,3) = B(1,4)
A(3,3) = B(2,4)
A(5,3) = B(3,4)
Instead, I want it to be interpreted like this:
A(2,1) = B(1,2)
A(3,3) = B(2,4)
A(5,5) = B(3,6)
When you do A[vector1, vector2] in Python, you index the set:
A[vector1[0], vector2[0]]
A[vector1[1], vector2[1]]
A[vector1[2], vector2[2]]
A[vector1[3], vector2[3]]
In MATLAB, the similar-looking A(vector1, vector2) instead indexes the set:
A(vector1(1), vector2(1))
A(vector1(1), vector2(2))
A(vector1(1), vector2(3))
A(vector1(1), vector2(4))
A(vector1(2), vector2(1))
A(vector1(2), vector2(2))
A(vector1(2), vector2(3))
A(vector1(2), vector2(4))
That is, you get each combination of indices. You should think of it as a sub-array composed of the rows and columns specified in the two vectors.
To accomplish the same as the Python code, you need to use linear indexing:
index = sub2ind(size(A), vector1, vector2);
Thus, your MATLAB code should do:
index1 = sub2ind(size(new_img), M(1,:)-corners(2,1), M(2,:)-corners(2,2));
index2 = sub2ind(size(img), T(1,:), T(2,:));
% these indices are for first 2 dims only, need to index in 3rd dim also:
offset1 = size(new_img,1) * size(new_img,2);
offset2 = size(img,1) * size(img,2);
index1 = index1.' + offset1 * (0:size(new_img,3)-1);
index2 = index2.' + offset2 * (0:size(new_img,3)-1);
new_img(index1) = img(index2);
What the middle block does here is add linear indexes for the same elements along the 3rd dimension. If ii is the linear index to an element in the first channel, then ii + offset1 is an index to the same element in the second channel, and ii + 2*offset1 is an index to the same element in the third channel, etc. So here we're generating indices to all those matrix elements. The + operation is doing implicit singleton expansion (what they call "broadcasting" in Python). If you have an older version of MATLAB this will fail, you need to replace that A+B with bsxfun(#plus,A,B).

Python - masking in a for loop?

I have three arrays, r_vals, Tgas_vals, and n_vals. They are all numpy arrays of the shape (9998.). The arrays have repeated values and I want to iterate over the unique values of r_vals and find the corresponding values of Tgas_vals, and n_vals so I can use the last two arrays to calculate the weighted average. This is what I have right now:
def calc_weighted_average (r_vals,Tgas_vals,n_vals):
for r in r_vals:
mask = r == r_vals
count = 0
count += 1
for t in Tgas_vals[mask]:
print (count, np.average(Tgas_vals[mask]*n_vals[mask]))
weighted_average = calc_weighted_average (r_vals,Tgas_vals,n_vals)
The problem I am running into is that the function is only looping through once. Did I implement mask incorrectly, or is the problem somewhere else in the for loop?
I'm not sure exactly what you plan to do with all the averages, so I'll toss this out there and see if it's helpful. The following code will calculate a bunch of weighted averages, one per unique value of r_vals and store them in a dictionary(which is then printed out).
def calc_weighted_average (r_vals, z_vals, Tgas_vals, n_vals):
weighted_vals = {} #new variable to store rval=>weighted ave.
for r in np.unique(r_vals):
mask = r_vals == r # I think yours was backwards
weighted_vals[r] = np.average(Tgas_vals[mask]*n_vals[mask])
return weighted_vals
weighted_averages = calc_weighted_average (r_vals, z_vals, Tgas_vals, n_vals)
for rval in weighted_averages:
print ('%i : %0.4f' % (rval, weighted_averages[rval])) #assuming rval is integer
alternatively, you may want to factor in "z_vals" in somehow. Your question was not clear in this.

Numpy (n, 1, m) to (n,m)

I am working on a problem which involves a batch of 19 tokens each with 400 features. I get the shape (19,1,400) when concatenating two vectors of size (1, 200) into the final feature vector. If I squeeze the 1 out I am left with (19,) but I am trying to get (19,400). I have tried converting to list, squeezing and raveling but nothing has worked.
Is there a way to convert this array to the correct shape?
def attn_output_concat(sample):
out_h, state_h = get_output_and_state_history(agent.model, sample)
attns = get_attentions(state_h)
inner_outputs = get_inner_outputs(state_h)
if len(attns) != len(inner_outputs):
print 'Length err'
tokens = [np.zeros((400))] * largest
for j, (attns_token, inner_token) in enumerate(zip(attns, inner_outputs)):
tokens[j] = np.concatenate([attns_token, inner_token], axis=1)
return tokens
The easiest way would be to declare tokens to be a numpy.shape=(19,400) array to start with. That's also more memory/time efficient. Here's the relevant portion of your code revised...
import numpy as np
attns_token = np.zeros(shape=(1,200))
inner_token = np.zeros(shape=(1,200))
largest = 19
tokens = np.zeros(shape=(largest,400))
for j in range(largest):
tokens[j] = np.concatenate([attns_token, inner_token], axis=1)
BTW... It makes it difficult for people to help you if you don't include a self-contained and runnable segment of code (which is probably why you haven't gotten a response on this yet). Something like the above snippet is preferred and will help you get better answers because there's less guessing at what your trying to accomplish.

Sum of elements of numpy array not same as total

I'm trying to count number of pairs and save them in two different histograms, one saves the pair in an array where the parent objects are split and the other one just saves the total, that means I have a loop that looks like this:
for k in range(N_parents):
pair_hist[k, bin] +=1
total_pair_hist[bin] +=1
where both pair_hist and total_pair as defined as,
pair_hist = np.zeros((N_parents, bins.shape[0]), dtype = np.uint64)
total_pair_hist = np.zeros(bins.shape[0], dtype = np.uint64)
I'd expect that summing the elements of pair_hist across all parents (axis=0), I'd get the total histogram. The funny thing is, if I take the sum of pair_hist:
onehalo_sum_ind = np.sum(pair_hist, axis = 0)
I don't get exactly total_pair_hist, but something slightly different:
total_pair_hist = [ 287248245 448773033 695820015 1070797576 1634146741 2466680801
3667159080 5334307986 7524739978 10206208064 13237161068 16466436715
19231751113 20949333183 21254336387 19497450101 16459529579 13038604111
9783826702 7006904025 4813946458 3207605915 2097437543 1355158303
869077173 555036759 353732683 225171870 143179912 0]
pair_hist = [ 287267022 448887401 696415932 1073435699 1644677789 2503693266
3784008845 5665555755 8380564635 12201977310 17382403650 23929909625
31103373709 36859534246 38146287402 33454446858 25689430007 18142721164
12224099624 8035266046 5211441720 3353187036 2147027818 1370663213
873519714 556182465 353995293 225224668 143189173 0]
Any idea of what's going on? Thank you in advance :)
Sorry for the late reply, but I didn't have time to work on it before. The problem was caused by numba. I was using it with the parallel=True flag to parallelise one of the loops and that caused the error.

Matrix View in Function Doesn't Have Side Effects

Edit: I've found what the problem boils down to:
If you run this code:
A = ones((10,4))
view = A[:,1]
A = ones((10,4))
view = A[:,1:3]
You'll see that the columns of A change
If you run this:
A = ones((10,4))
view = A[:,(1,2)]
There's no side effects on A. Is this behavior on purpose or a bug?
I have a function that calculates the amount I have to rotate certain columns of x,y points in a matrix. The function only takes one input - a matrix mat:
def rotate(mat):
In the function, I create views to make working with each section easier:
rot_mat = mat[:,(col,col+1)]
Then, I calculate a rotation angle and apply it back on the view that I had created before:
rot_mat[row,0] = cos(rot)*x - sin(rot)*y
rot_mat[row,1] = sin(rot)*x + cos(rot)*y
If I perform this in the main body of my program, the changes to my rot_mat view would propagate to the original matrix mat. When I turned it into a function, the views stopped having side effects on the original matrix. What's the reasoning for this and is there any way to get around it? I should also note that it isn't changing mat within the function itself. At the end, I just try to return mat but no changes have been made.
Full code for function:
def rotate(mat):
# Get a reference shape
ref_sh = 2*random.choice(range(len(filelist)))
print 'Reference shape is '
print (ref_sh/2)
# Create a copy of the reference point matrix
ref_mat = mat.take([ref_sh,ref_sh+1],axis=1)
# Calculate rotation for each set of points
for col in range(len(filelist)):
col = col * 2 # Account for the two point columns
rot_mat = mat[:,(col,col+1)]
# Numerator = sum of wi*yi - zi*xi
numer = inner(ref_mat[:,0],rot_mat[:,1]) - inner(ref_mat[:,1],rot_mat[:,0])
# Denominator = sum of wi*xi + zi*yi
denom = inner(ref_mat[:,0],rot_mat[:,0]) + inner(ref_mat[:,1],rot_mat[:,1])
rot = arctan(numer/denom)
# Rotate the points in rot_mat. As it's a view of mat, the effects are
# propagated.
for row in range(num_points):
x = rot_mat[row,0]
y = rot_mat[row,1]
rot_mat[row,0] = cos(rot)*x - sin(rot)*y
rot_mat[row,1] = sin(rot)*x + cos(rot)*y
return mat
When you do view = A[:,(1,2)] you are using advanced indexing (Numpy manual: Advanced Indexing), which means that the array returns a copy, not a view. It's advanced because your indexing object is a tuple "containing at least one sequence" (the sequence being the tuple (1,2)). The total explicit selection object obj in your case would equal (slice(None), (1,2)), i.e. A[(slice(None), (1,2))] returns the same thing as A[:,(1,2)].
As larsmans suggests above, it seems that __getitem__ and __setitem__ behave differently for advanced indexing, which makes sense, because assigning values to a copy would have no use (the copy would not be stored).

