Most important features Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier python sklearn - python

I am trying to get the most important features for my GaussianNB model. The codes from here How to get most informative features for scikit-learn classifiers?
or here How to get most informative features for scikit-learn classifier for different class? only work when I use MultinomialNB. How can I calculate or retrieve the most important features for each of my two classes (Fault = 1 or Fault = 0) otherwise?
My code is: (not applied to text data)
df = df.toPandas()
X = X_df.values
Y = df['FAULT'].values.reshape(-1,1)
gnb = GaussianNB()
y_pred =, Y).predict(X)
print(confusion_matrix(Y, y_pred))
print(accuracy_score(Y, y_pred))
Where X_df is a dataframe with binary columns for each of my features.

This is how I tried to understand the important features of the Gaussian NB. SKlearn Gaussian NB models, contains the params theta and sigma which is the variance and mean of each feature per class (For ex: If it is binary classification problem, then model.sigma_ would return two array and mean value of each feature per class).
neg = model.theta_[0].argsort()
print(np.take(count_vect.get_feature_names(), neg[:10]))
neg = model.sigma_[0].argsort()
print(np.take(count_vect.get_feature_names(), neg[:10]))
This is how I tried to get the important features of the class using the Gaussian Naive Bayes in scikit-learn library.


Python Logistic regression with 2 features data X and label Y - Training accuracy

# import sklearn and necessary libraries
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
# Apply sklearn logistic regression on the given data X and labels Y
X_skl = np.vstack((df1,df2)) # 10000 x 2 array
Y_skl = Y # 10000 x 1 array
LogR = LogisticRegression(),Y_skl)
Y_skl_hat = LogR.predict(X_skl)
# Calculate the accuracy
# Check the number of points where Y_skl is not equal to Y_skl_hat
error_count_skl = 0 # Count the number of error points
for i in range(N):
if Y_skl[i] == Y_skl_hat[i]:
error_count_skl = error_count_skl
error_count_skl = error_count_skl + 1
# Calculate the accuracy
Accuracy = 100*(N - error_count_skl)/N
I'm trying to apply logistic regression model on array X (with size of 10000 x 2) and label Y (10000 x 1)
using sklearn library in Python. I'm completely lost cause I've never used this library before. Can anyone help me with the coding?
Sorry for the vague question, the goal is to find the training accuracy using the entire dataset of X. Above is what I came up with, can anyone take a look and see if it makes sense?
To calculate accuracy you can simply use this sklearn method.
sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred)
In your case
sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(Y_skl, Y_skl_hat)
If you want to take a look at
sklearn documentation for accuracy_score
And also you should train your model on some data and test it on others to check if the model can be generalized and to avoid overfitting.
To split your data in train and test datasets you could use:
If you want to take a look at
sklearn documentation for train_test_split

Why does LinearRegression with polynomial features with degree = 1 gives different results?

I have a dataset for regression: (X_train_scaled, y_train) and (X_val_scaled, y_val) for training and validation respectively. The inputs were scaled using StandardScaler.
I create a linear regression model using sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression like follows:
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
linear_reg = LinearRegression(), y_train)
y_pred_train = linear_reg.predict(X_train_scaled)
y_pred_val = linear_reg.predict(X_val_scaled)
r2_train = r2_score(y_train, y_pred_train)
r2_val = r2_score(y_val, y_pred_val)
print('r2_train', r2_train)
print('r2_val', r2_val)
After that I do the same but use polynomial features with degree = 1 (which are just the same as the original features but with an additional feature of ones, i.e. x^0, which I ignore).
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
pf = PolynomialFeatures(1)
X_train_poly = pf.fit_transform(X_train_scaled)[:, 1:] # ignore first col
X_val_poly = pf.transform(X_val_scaled)[:, 1:] # ignore first col
linear_reg = LinearRegression(), y_train)
y_pred_train = linear_reg.predict(X_train_poly)
y_pred_val = linear_reg.predict(X_val_poly)
r2_train = r2_score(y_train, y_pred_train)
r2_val = r2_score(y_val, y_pred_val)
print('r2_train', r2_train)
print('r2_val', r2_val)
However, I get different results. The first code gives me the following outputs:
r2_train 0.7409525513417043
r2_val 0.7239859358973735
whereas the second code gives this output:
r2_train 0.7410093370149977
r2_val 0.7241725658840452
Why are the outputs different although the dataset and model are the same?
To prove the datasets are the same, I tried the following code:
print(X_train_scaled.shape, X_train_poly.shape)
print(X_val_scaled.shape, X_val_poly.shape)
print((X_train_poly != X_train_scaled).sum())
print((X_val_poly != X_val_scaled).sum())
which has the output:
(802, 9) (802, 9)
(268, 9) (268, 9)
which indicates that the two datasets are identical.
Also, I use LinearRegession in the two cases which uses OLS algorithm and has no random operations at all. So, it's supposed to do the same calculations on the same data. However, I get different results.
Does anyone have an idea about the reason?
Sklearn LinearRegression uses ordinary least squares optimization to fit train data into a linear model while it is not clear what Sklearn PolynomialFeatures use. But based on its transform() function:
Prefer CSR over CSC for sparse input (for speed), but CSC is required
if the degree is 4 or higher. If the degree is less than 4 and the
input format is CSC, it will be converted to CSR, have its polynomial
features generated, then converted back to CSC.
Assuming PolynomialFeatures uses ordinary least squares optimization, you would still have same results but with slight difference (just like yours) because Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) method would compromise float values (in other words, truncation/approximation error).

decision tree algorithm on feature set

I'm trying to predict the no.of updates('sys_mod_count')based on the text description('eng')
I have predefined the 'sys_mod_count' into two classes if >=17 as 1; <17 as 0.
But I want to remove this condition as this value is not available at decision time in real world.
I'm thinking to do this in Decision tree/ Random forest method to train the classifier on feature set.
def train_model(classifier, feature_vector_train, label, feature_vector_valid, is_neural_net=False):
# fit the training dataset on the classifier, label)
# predict the labels on validation dataset
predictions = classifier.predict(feature_vector_valid)
# return metrics.accuracy_score(predictions, valid_y)
return predictions
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import model_selection, preprocessing, linear_model, naive_bayes, metrics, svm
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer, CountVectorizer
df_3 =pd.read_csv('processedData.csv', sep=";")
st_new = df_3[['sys_mod_count','eng','ger']]
st_new['updates_binary'] = st_new['sys_mod_count'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x >= 17 else 0)
st_org = st_new[['eng','updates_binary']]
st_org = st_org.dropna(axis=0, subset=['eng']) #Determine if column 'eng'contain missing values are removed
train_x, valid_x, train_y, valid_y = model_selection.train_test_split(st_org['eng'], st_org['updates_binary'],stratify=st_org['updates_binary'],test_size=0.20)
tfidf_vect = TfidfVectorizer(analyzer='word', token_pattern=r'\w{1,}', max_features=5000)['eng'])
xtrain_tfidf = tfidf_vect.transform(train_x)
xvalid_tfidf = tfidf_vect.transform(valid_x)
# Naive Bayes on Word Level TF IDF Vectors
accuracy = train_model(naive_bayes.MultinomialNB(), xtrain_tfidf, train_y, xvalid_tfidf)
print ("NB, WordLevel TF-IDF: ", metrics.accuracy_score(accuracy, valid_y))
This seems to be a threshold setting problem - you would like to set a threshold at which a certain classification is made. No supervised classifier can set the threshold for you because if it does not have any training data with binary classes, then you cannot train the cvlassifier, and to create training data, you need to set the threshold to begin with. It's a chicken and egg problem.
If you have some way of identifying which binary label is correct, then you can vary the threshold and measure errors similar to how it's suggested here. Then you can either run a Classifier on your binary labels based on the threshold or a Regressor on sys_mod_count and convert to binary based on the identified threshold.
The above approach does not work if you have no way to identify what the correct binary label should be. Then, the problem you are trying to solve is creating some boundary between points based on the value of your sys_mod_count variable. This is unsupervised learning. So, techniques like clustering will be helpful here. You can cluster your data into two clusters based on the distance of points from each other, and then label each cluster, which becomes your binary label.

How to remove the 10% most highly predictive features in sklearn's linear SVM

I'm using scikit-learn's (sklearn) linear SVM (LinearSVC) and I'm currently trying to remove the 10% most predictive features for doing sentiment analysis on 3 classes (positive, negative and neutral) in order to see if I can prevent overfitting while working on domain adaptation. I know that it's possible to access the feature weights by using svm.LinearSVC().coef_ but I'm not sure how to remove the 10% most predictive features. Does anyone know to proceed? In advance, thanks for your help. Here's my code:
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer as cv
# Using linear SVM classifier
clf = svm.LinearSVC()
# Count vectorizer used by the SVM classifier (select which ngrams to use here)
vec = cv(lowercase=True, ngram_range=(1,2))
# Fit count vectorizer with training text data
# X represents the text data from the respective datasets
# Transforms text into vectors for the training set
X_train = vec.transform(trainStringList)
#transforms text into vectors for the test set
X_test = vec.transform(testStringList)
# Y represents the labels from the respective datasets
# Converting labels from the respective data sets to integers (0="positive", 1= "neutral", 2= "negative")
Y_train = trainLabels
Y_test = testLabels
# Fitting the training data to the linear SVM classifier,Y_train)
for feature_vector in clf.coef_:
Coefficients with the highest weights will indicate highest importance when generating predictions. You can eliminate the features associated with these parameters. I do not advise this. If your goal is is to reduce overfitting, C is the regularization parameter in this model. Provide a higher C value when initiating the LinearSVC object (default is 1):
clf = svm.LinearSVC(C=10)
You should be doing some sort of cross-validation to determine the best values for hyperparameters, such as C.

Train scikit SVM, customize score assessment

I plan on using scikit svm for class prediction.
I have a two-class dataset consisting of about 100 experiments. Each experiment encapsulates my data-points (vectors) + classification.
Training of an SVM according to should straight forward.
I will have to put all vectors in an array and generate another array with the corresponding class labels, train SVM. However, in order to run leave-one-out error estimation, I need to leave out a specific subset of vectors - one experiment.
How do I achieve that with the available score function?
You could manually train on everything but the one observation, using numpy indexing to drop it out. Then you can use any of sklearn's helpers to evaluate the classification. For example:
import numpy as np
from sklearn import svm
clf = svm.SVC(...)
idx = np.arange(len(observations))
preds = np.zeros(len(observations))
for i in idx:
is_train = idx != i[is_train, :], labels[is_train])
preds[i] = clf.predict(observations[i, :])
Alternatively, scikit-learn has a helper to do leave-one-out, and another helper to get cross-validation scores:
from sklearn import svm, cross_validation
clf = svm.SVC(...)
loo = cross_validation.LeaveOneOut(len(observations))
was_right = cross_validation.cross_val_score(clf, observations, labels, cv=loo)
total_acc = np.mean(was_right)
See the user's guide for more. cross_val_score actually returns a score for each fold (which is a little strange IMO), but since we have one fold per observation, this will just be 0 if it was wrong and 1 if it was right.
Of course, leave-one-out is very slow and has terrible statistical properties to boot, so you should probably use KFold instead.

