Get list of all routes defined in the Falcon app - python

I have RESTful routes in a Falcon app defined as below simplified codes.
My question is how to get list of all routes with their mapped handlers?
My google search results in little-helpful rpages - one similar issue resolved for Flask app here but no page talking about Falcon.
api = falcon.API(middleware=middleware)
api.add_route('/v1/model_names1', SomeHandlerMappingResource1())
api.add_route('/v1/model_names2', SomeHandlerMappingResource2())
class SomeHandlerMappingResource1:
def on_get(self, req, resp):
pass # some biz logic of GET method
def on_post(self, req, resp):
pass # some biz logic of POST method
# etc.
class SomeHandlerMappingResource2:
pass # similar to handler resource 1 above

The below code will return a list of tuple with URL and their respective Resources:
def get_all_routes(api):
routes_list = []
def get_children(node):
if len(node.children):
for child_node in node.children:
routes_list.append((node.uri_template, node.resource))
[get_children(node) for node in api._router._roots]
return routes_list
('/v1/things', <v1.v1_app.ThingsResource object at 0x7f555186de10>),
('/v2/things', <v2.v2_app.ThingsResource object at 0x7f5551871470>),
('/v3/things/{name}', <v3.v3_app.ThingsResource object at 0x7f5551871ba8>)
I have read the package and derived this, however, I don't know any builtin method that will return this result.
If you don't like the above function, You can achieve something similar by extending the API class.
I have made a Github repo for versioning the Falcon app, from which you can get an idea of separating the URLs and their relative resources. Github Link
You can have a list of routes and add them by Extended the API class
URLs and Resources will be like:
from v1.v1_app import things
urls = [
('/things', things),


class variable was caches in next request when use django-rest-framework renderer

I make use of uwsgi, django and django-rest-framework to develop one application.
I introduced one class variable in renderer class, this variable will be fill as one part of response.
the problem seems likes as following:
class xxxRenderer(xxxBase)
response_pb_msg = obj # it's one instance of protobuf message
def render():
if True:
self.response_pb_msg.items = []
self.response_pb_msg.retCode = 100
self.response_pb_msg.otherXXXX = xxxx
In django logger handler, I access this class variable again like following:
after the first response, this class variable 'response_pb_msg' only has one property "retCode"
but the second response, it has three properties "retCode", "otherXXXX " and "items "
it's strange, the second response contain all content which was exist in the first response.
after a time, I re-wrote this class like following:
class xxxBaserender(xxRender)
def __init__():
if self.response_pb_msg_cls is not None and isinstance(self.response_pb_msg_cls, GeneratedProtocolMessageType):
self.response_pb_message = self.response_pb_msg_cls()
class xxxRenderer(xxxBaserender)
response_pb_msg_cls = msgName # the class of protobuf message
theoretically, the second class is ok. I tested, didn't duplicate that question.
Let's return to where we started
Every request finisehd, all resoure should be clean.
but I'm very puzzled with that problem, it seems that class variable not been released in uwsgi progress after response return.
I read “PEP 3333”, didn't get any valuable information.
I think I didn't fully understand class variaable, wsgi and web processing flow in python.
anyone can help me to understand this problem?
thanks vey much.

Mock flask.request in python nosetests

I'm writing test cases for code that is called via a route under Flask. I don't want to test the code by setting up a test app and calling a URL that hits the route, I want to call the function directly. To make this work I need to mock flask.request and I can't seem to manage it. Google / stackoverflow searches lead to a lot of answers that show how to set up a test application which again is not what I want to do.
The code would look something like this.
from flask import request
def method_called_from_route():
data = request.values
# do something with data here
import unittest
import somefile
class SomefileTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_method_called_from_route(self, mock_request):
# want to mock the request.values here
I'm having two issues.
(1) Patching the request as I've sketched out above does not work. I get an error similar to "AttributeError: 'Blueprint' object has no attribute 'somefile'"
(2) I don't know how to exactly mock the request object if I could patch it. It doesn't really have a return_value since it isn't a function.
Again I can't find any examples on how to do this so I felt a new question was acceptable.
Try this
import unittest
import somefile
import mock
class SomefileTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_method_called_from_route(self):
m = mock.MagicMock()
m.values = "MyData"
with mock.patch("somefile.request", m):
from flask import request
def method_called_from_route():
data = request.values
assert(data == "MyData")
This is going to mock the entire request object.
If you want to mock only request.values while keeping all others intact, this would not work.
A few years after the question was asked, but this is how I solved this with python 3.9 (other proposed solutions stopped working with python 3.8 see here). I'm using pytest and pytest-mock, but the idea should be the same across testing frameworks, as long as you are using the native unittest.mock.patch in some capacity (pytest-mock essentially just wraps these methods in an easier to use api). Unfortunately, it does require that you set up a test app, however, you do not need to go through the process of using test_client, and can just invoke the function directly.
This can be easily handled by using the Application Factory Design Pattern, and injecting application config. Then, just use the created app's .test_request_context as a context manager to mock out the request object. using .test_request_context as a context manager, gives everything called within the context access to the request object. Here's an example below.
import pytest
from app import create_app
def request_context():
"""create the app and return the request context as a fixture
so that this process does not need to be repeated in each test
app = create_app('module.with.TestingConfig')
return app.test_request_context
def test_something_that_requires_global_request_object(mocker, request_context):
"""do the test thing"""
with request_context():
# mocker.patch is just pytest-mock's way of using unittest.mock.patch
mock_request = mocker.patch('')
# make your mocks and stubs
mock_request.headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
mock_request.get_json.return_value = {'some': 'json'}
# now you can do whatever you need, using mock_request, and you do not
# need to remain within the request_context context manager
assert 1 == 1
# etc.
pytest is great because it allows you to easily setup fixtures for your tests as described above, but you could do essentially the same thing with UnitTest's setUp instance methods. Happy to provide an example for the Application Factory design pattern, or more context, if necessary!
with help of Gabrielbertouinataa on this article:
def print_request_data():
flask_app = flask.Flask('test_flask_app')
with flask_app.test_request_context() as mock_context: = "request_data"
mock_context.request.path = "request_path"
Here is an example of how I dealt with it: module
import pytest
import flask
def test_user_name(mocker):
# GIVEN: user is provided in the request.headers
given_user_name = "Some_User"
request_mock = mocker.patch.object(flask, "request")
request_mock.headers.get.return_value = given_user_name
# WHEN: request.header.get method is called
result = common.user_name()
# THEN: user name should be returned
request_mock.headers.get.assert_called_once_with("USERNAME", "Invalid User")
assert result == given_user_name module
import flask
def user_name():
return flask.request.headers.get("USERNAME", "Invalid User")
What you're trying to do is counterproductive. Following the RFC 2616 a request is:
A request message from a client to a server includes, within the first line of that message, the method to be applied to the resource, the identifier of the resource, and the protocol version in use.
Mocking the Flask request you need to rebuild its structure, what certainly, you will not to want to do!
The best approach should be use something like Flask-Testing or use some recipes like this, and then, test your method.

Loop using app.route on Python

I'm trying to create several URLs on my serv thanks to a loop . The issue is that each function I create in a app.route can't have the same name than the others . And I don't know how to create different function names ...
Here is the code :
json_tweets = []
for line in open('C:\Users\Benjamin\Desktop\DashboardProject\last_rated_set.json',"r"):
cashtag_tab = []
for tweet in json_tweets:
if not(tweet['cashtag'] in cashtag_tab) :
for i in range(0,(len(cashtag_tab)-1)) :
def company(var) :
datas = finance.get_historical('2014-01-01', '2014-12-31')
datas = json.dumps(datas, default=json_util.default)
return datas
I'm getting the error AssertionError : View function mapping is overwritting an existing endpoint function : company
This fails because Flask derives the endpoint name from the function by default, but it would anyway fail later because the function company requires an argument var and the route is not parameterised. The simplest option would be just checking the value inside the handler:
def company(var):
if var not in cashtag_tab:
If you want all the routes to be in the routing map for any reason, I once needed a similar thing and came up with something like this:
def url_family(source, methods=('GET',)):
def decorator(f):
for entry in source:
# create a handler that delegates to your function
def view_func(entry=entry, **kwargs):
return f(entry, **kwargs)
endpoint = '{0}_{1}'.format(f.__name__, entry)
url = '/{0}'.format(entry)
return decorator
Then you register the handlers as:
def company(var):
Assuming that you are using flask now, you should consider Custom URL Converter. Check links below - url_map UrlConverter API - example url converter - RegexConverter by Philip Southam
Anyway, specifying more details on your question is always helpful to get accurate answer :)

Pyramid: How to get all app's routes within a view?

I want to see all the routes which my application has. Return them as a response like key=>value pair:
'route1' => '{foo:\w+}'
'route2' => '{baz:\w+\d+}'
... and so on
But I don't know how to get them within my view. For example, this is my view. I want it to return a map of routes. I do this:
def someView(request):
routes = request.registry.settings.getRoutes() ## what should I print here to get a map of routes?
r = ''
for k,v in sorted(routes.items()):
r += str(k) + "=>" + str(v) + "<br/>";
return Response(r)
There is a RoutesConfiguratorMixin class with get_routes_mapper method. I tried to import the class and called its method but got an error that no registry was in the instance of it:
from pyramid.config.routes import RoutesConfiguratorMixin as Router
r = Router();
routes = r.get_routes_mapper();
## ... and the same code as above
Doesn't work.
There are 2 ways, one is supported (public) and one is unsupported (private).
Option #1 is to use the introspector and is explained here.
Option #2 is to use the route mapper (which is not a public api), in the way that the pyramid debugtoolbar does in its routes panel.
Pyramid installs a bin script called proutes for that purpose.
Install pshell then
pshell to login to pshell with your app config.
then run
print("\n".join([r.path for r in app.routes_mapper.routelist]))

Get list of all routes defined in the Flask app

I have a complex Flask-based web app. There are lots of separate files with view functions. Their URLs are defined with the #app.route('/...') decorator. Is there a way to get a list of all the routes that have been declared throughout my app? Perhaps there is some method I can call on the app object?
All the routes for an application are stored on app.url_map which is an instance of werkzeug.routing.Map. You can iterate over the Rule instances by using the iter_rules method:
from flask import Flask, url_for
app = Flask(__name__)
def has_no_empty_params(rule):
defaults = rule.defaults if rule.defaults is not None else ()
arguments = rule.arguments if rule.arguments is not None else ()
return len(defaults) >= len(arguments)
def site_map():
links = []
for rule in app.url_map.iter_rules():
# Filter out rules we can't navigate to in a browser
# and rules that require parameters
if "GET" in rule.methods and has_no_empty_params(rule):
url = url_for(rule.endpoint, **(rule.defaults or {}))
links.append((url, rule.endpoint))
# links is now a list of url, endpoint tuples
See Display links to new webpages created for a bit more information.
I just met the same question. Those solutions above are too complex.
Just open a new shell under your project:
>>> from app import app
>>> app.url_map
The first 'app' is my project script:,
another is my web's name.
(this solution is for the tiny web with a little route)
I make a helper method on my
def list_routes():
import urllib
output = []
for rule in app.url_map.iter_rules():
options = {}
for arg in rule.arguments:
options[arg] = "[{0}]".format(arg)
methods = ','.join(rule.methods)
url = url_for(rule.endpoint, **options)
line = urllib.unquote("{:50s} {:20s} {}".format(rule.endpoint, methods, url))
for line in sorted(output):
print line
It solves the the missing argument by building a dummy set of options. The output looks like:
CampaignView:edit HEAD,OPTIONS,GET /account/[account_id]/campaigns/[campaign_id]/edit
CampaignView:get HEAD,OPTIONS,GET /account/[account_id]/campaign/[campaign_id]
CampaignView:new HEAD,OPTIONS,GET /account/[account_id]/new
Then to run it:
python list_routes
For more on checkout:
Apparently, since version 0.11, Flask has a built-in CLI. One of the built-in commands lists the routes:
FLASK_APP='' flask routes
Similar to Jonathan's answer I opted to do this instead. I don't see the point of using url_for as it will break if your arguments are not string e.g. float
def list_routes():
import urllib
output = []
for rule in app.url_map.iter_rules():
methods = ','.join(rule.methods)
line = urllib.unquote("{:50s} {:20s} {}".format(rule.endpoint, methods, rule))
for line in sorted(output):
Use cli command in Directory where your flask project is.
flask routes
Since you did not specify that it has to be run command-line, the following could easily be returned in json for a dashboard or other non-command-line interface. The result and the output really shouldn't be commingled from a design perspective anyhow. It's bad program design, even if it is a tiny program. The result below could then be used in a web application, command-line, or anything else that ingests json.
You also didn't specify that you needed to know the python function associated with each route, so this more precisely answers your original question.
I use below to add the output to a monitoring dashboard myself. If you want the available route methods (GET, POST, PUT, etc.), you would need to combine it with other answers above.
Rule's repr() takes care of converting the required arguments in the route.
def list_routes():
routes = []
for rule in app.url_map.iter_rules():
routes.append('%s' % rule)
return routes
The same thing using a list comprehension:
def list_routes():
return ['%s' % rule for rule in app.url_map.iter_rules()]
Sample output:
"routes": [
If you need to access the view functions themselves, then instead of app.url_map, use app.view_functions.
Example script:
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def route1():
def route2():
for name, func in app.view_functions.items():
Output from running the script above:
<bound method _PackageBoundObject.send_static_file of <Flask '__main__'>>
<function route1 at 0x128f1b9d8>
<function route2 at 0x128f1ba60>
(Note the inclusion of the "static" route, which is created automatically by Flask.)
You can view all the Routes via flask shell by running the following commands after exporting or setting FLASK_APP environment variable.
flask shell
inside your flask app do:
flask shell
>>> app.url_map
Map([<Rule '/' (OPTIONS, HEAD, GET) -> helloworld>,
<Rule '/static/<filename>' (OPTIONS, HEAD, GET) -> static>])
That, is, if your Flask application name is 'app'.
It's an attribute of the instance of the Flask App.

