Exercise 4 by Andrew Ng in Keras. - python

I am studying some machine learning on my own and I am practicing (in Python) with the assignments of the course held by Andrew Ng.
After completing the fourth exercise by hand, I tought to do it in Keras to practice with the library.
In the exercise we have 5000 images of hand written digits, going from 0 to 9. Each image is a 20x20 matrix. The dataset is stored in a matrix X of shape 5000x400 (each image has been 'unrolled') and the labels are stored in a matrix y of shape 5000x10. Each row of y is a hot-one vector.
The exercise asks to implement backpropagation to maximaze the log likelihood, for a simple neural network with one input layer, one hidden layer and one output layer. The hidden layer has 25 neurons and the output layer 10. We use sigmoid as activation for both layers.
My code in Keras is this
model.fit(X, y, batch_size=5000,epochs=100, verbose=1)
Since I want this to be as similar as possible to the assignment I have used the same initial weights as the assignment, the same regularization parameter, the same activations and gradient descent as a optimizer (actually the assignment uses the Truncated Newton Method but I don't think my problem lies here).
I thought I was doing everything correctly but when I train the network I get a 10% accuracy on the training dataset. Even playing a little bit with the parameters the accuracy doesn't change much. To try to understand better the problem I tested it with smaller pieces of the dataset. For instance if I select a subdataset of 100 elements containing x images of zero and 100-x images of one, I get a x% training accuracy. My guess is that the network is optimizing the parameters to recognise only the first digit.
Now my questions are: what I am missing? Why isn't this the right implementation of the neural network described above?

If you are practising on the MNIST dataset, to classify 10 digits, you have 10 classes to predict. Rather than sigmoid, you should use ReLU in the hidden layers ( in your case the first layer ) and use softmax activation on the output layer. Use categorical crossentropy loss function with adam or sgd optimizer.


Why does NN training loss flatten?

I implemented a deep learning neural network from scratch without using any python frameworks like tensorflow or keras.
The problem is no matter what i change in my code like adjusting learning rate or changing layers or changing no. of nodes or changing activation functions from sigmoid to relu to leaky relu, i end up with a training loss that starts with 6.98 but always converges to 3.24...
Why is that?
Please review my forward and back prop algorithms.Maybe there's something wrong in that which i couldn't identify.
My hidden layers use leaky relu and final layer uses sigmoid activation.
Im trying to classify the mnist handwritten digits.
for i in range(layers-1):
if j%10==0:
for i in range(layers):
if i<layers-1:
for i in range(layers):
param["w"+str(i+1)]=param["w"+str(i+1)] - alpha*grad["dw"+str(i+1)]
param["b"+str(i+1)]=param["b"+str(i+1)] - alpha*grad["db"+str(i+1)]
The implementation seems okay. While you could converge to the same value with different models/learning rate/hyper parameters, what's frightening is having the same starting value everytime, 6.98 in your case.
I suspect it has to do with your initialisation. If you're setting all your weights initially to zero, you're not gonna break symmetry. That is explained here and here in adequate detail.

How to train rebel neurons?

I'm training a pretty basic NN over mmnist fashion dataset. I'm using my own code, which is not important. I use a rather simplified algorith similar to ADAM and a cuadratic formula (train_value - real_value)**2 for training and error calculation. I apply a basic back propagation algorith for each weight, and I analyse 1/5 of the network weights for each trainning image. I use only a 128 layer as in the basic example for begginers in tensorflow, plus the input and output layers (the last with softmax and the first normalized to 0-1)
I'm not an expert at all, and I've only been able to train my network up to 77% accuracy over the test set.
As shown in the image bellow, I detected that the gradients of the weights for most of my neurons converge to cero after a few epochs. But there are few remarkable exceptions that just remain rebel (vertical lines at the first image divide the weights by neuron).
Could you recommend me some general techniques to train rogue neurons without affecting others?
You could add a constraint to the given kernel (the weight matrix in the Dense layer).
With one of those constraints, the weights can be normalized to a given, user-defined range.
See: TensorFlow.Keras Constraints
In addition you can try to use regularizers, to prevent overfitting of the mode, which may be indicated by some very large (absolute) weight values.
For that see for example L1 or L2 reguralizers: TensorFlow.Keras Regularizers

ML Model Overfits if input data is normalized

Please help me understand why my model overfits if my input data is normalized to [-0.5. 0.5] whereas it does not overfit otherwise.
I am solving a regression ML problem trying to detect location of 4 key points on images. To do that I import pretrained ResNet 50 and replace its top layer with the following architecture:
Flattening layer right after ResNet
Fully Connected (dense) layer with 256 nodes followed by LeakyRelu activation and Batch Normalization
Another Fully Connected layer with 128 nodes also followed by LeakyRelu and Batch Normalization
Last Fully connected layer (with 8 nodes) which give me 8 coordinates (4 Xs and 4 Ys) of 4 key points.
Since I stick with Keras framework, I use ImageDataGenerator to produce flow of data (images). Since output of my model (8 numbers: 2 coordinates for each out of 4 key points) normalized to [-0.5, 0.5] range, I decided that input to my model (images) should also be in this range and therefore normalized it to the same range using preprocessing_function in Keras' ImageDataGenerator.
Problem came out right after I started model training. I have frozen entire ResNet (training = False) with the goal in mind to first move gradients of the top layers to the proper degree and only then unfreeze a half of ResNet and finetune the model. When training with ResNet frozen, I noticed that my model suffers from overfitting right after a couple of epochs. Surprisingly, it happens even though my dataset is quite decent in size (25k images) and Batch Normalization is employed.
What's even more surprising, the problem completely disappears if I move away from input normalization to [-0.5, 0.5] and go with image preprocessing using tf.keras.applications.resnet50.preprocess_input. This preprocessing method DOES NOT normalize image data and surprisingly to me leads to proper model training without any overfitting.
I tried to use Dropout with different probabilities, L2 regularization. Also tried to reduce complexity of my model by reducing the number of top layers and the number of nodes in each top layer. I did play with learning rate and batch size. Nothing really helped if my input data is normalized and I have no idea why this happens.
IMPORTANT NOTE: when VGG is employed instead of ResNet everything seems to work well!
I really want to figure out why this happens.
UPD: the problem was caused by 2 reasons:
- batch normalization layers within ResNet didn't work properly when frozen
- image preprocessing for ResNet should be done using Z-score
After two fixes mentioned above, everything seems to work well!
Mentioning the Solution below for the benefit of the community.
Problem is resolved by making the changes mentioned below:
Batch Normalization layers within ResNet didn't work properly when frozen. So, Batch Normalization Layers within ResNet should be unfreezed, before Training the Model.
Image Preprocessing (Normalization) for ResNet should be done using Z-score, instead of preprocessing_function in Keras' ImageDataGenerator

In Tensorflow, a loss can be a tensor of more than one dimension. What does that mean?

A scalar loss makes perfect sense to me which is in general what is fed as Loss Function in standard NN architectures. However there is a provision to make your loss not scalar, for example I had input a loss of size ([batch_size,]) and it did not throw an error.
Does it summarize the loss as sum/mean internally? It is not coming out very clear to me from the source code.
Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks. :)
Imagine you are trying to classify the MNIST data set. In this case, you have 10 output neurons. Therefore, after propagating a training sample through it, you get 10 activations. These have to be compared to the desired output via a cost function for each neuron (something like cross-entropy).
What you are trying to do here, is to minimize these costs among all the neurons. In the MNIST example you have to do something like
xent = tf.reduce_mean(
tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=y), name="xent")
You see that the cost is calculated across all neurons as mean (reduce_mean).

Homemade deep learning library: numerical issue with relu activation

For the sake of learning the finer details of a deep learning neural network, I have coded my own library with everything (optimizer, layers, activations, cost function) homemade.
It seems to work fine when benchmarking in on the MNIST dataset, and using only sigmoid activation functions.
Unfortunately I seem to get issues when replacing these with relus.
This is what my learning curve looks like for 50 epochs on a training dataset of ~500 examples:
Everything is fine for the first ~8 epochs and then I get a complete collapse on the score of a dummy classifier (~0.1 accuracy). I checked the code of the relu and it seems fine. Here are my forward and backward passes:
def fprop(self, inputs):
return np.maximum( inputs, 0.)
def bprop(self, inputs, outputs, grads_wrt_outputs):
derivative = (outputs > 0).astype( float)
return derivative * grads_wrt_outputs
The culprit seems to be in the numerical stability of the relu. I tried different learning rates and many parameter initializers for the same result. Tanh and sigmoid work properly. Is this a known issue? Is it a consequence of non-continuous derivative of the relu function?
Yes, it's quite possible that the ReLU's are to blame. Most of the classic perceptron-based models, including ConvNet (the classic MNIST trainer), depend on both positive and negative weights for their training accuracy. ReLU ignores the negative characteristics, thus detracting from the model's capabilities.
ReLU is better-suited for convolution layers; it's a filter that says, "If the kernel isn't excited about this part of the input, I don't care how deep the boredom goes; just ignore it." MNIST training depends on counter-correction, allowing nodes to say "No, this isn't good, run the other way!"

