Neural network has <0.001 validation and testing loss but 0% accuracy when doing a prediction - python

I've been training an MLP to predict the time remaining on an assembly sequence. The Training loss, Validation loss and MSE are all less 0.001, however, when I try to do a prediction with one of the datasets I trained the network with the it can't correctly identify any of the outputs from the set of inputs. What am I doing wrong that is producing this error?
I am also struggling to understand how, when the model is deployed, how do I perform the scaling of the result for one prediction? scaler.inverse_transform won't work because the data for that scaler used during training has been lost as the prediction would be done in a separate script to the training using the model the training produced. Is this information saved in the model builder?
I have tried to change the batch size during training, rounding the time column of the dataset to the nearest second (previously was 0.1 seconds), trained over 50, 100 and 200 epochs and I always end up with no correct predictions. I am also training an LSTM to see which is more accurate but that is also having the same issue. The dataset is split 70-30 training-testing and then training is then split 75-25 into training and validation.
Data scaling and model training code:
def scale_data(training_data, training_data_labels, testing_data, testing_data_labels):
# Create X and Y scalers between 0 and 1
x_scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1))
y_scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1))
# Scale training data
x_scaled_training = x_scaler.fit_transform(training_data)
y_scaled_training = y_scaler.fit_transform(training_data_labels)
# Scale testing data
x_scaled_testing = x_scaler.transform(testing_data)
y_scaled_testing = y_scaler.transform(testing_data_labels)
return x_scaled_training, y_scaled_training, x_scaled_testing, y_scaled_testing
def train_model(training_data, training_labels, testing_data, testing_labels, number_of_epochs, number_of_columns):
model_hidden_neuron_number_list = []
model_repeat_list = []
model_error_rate_list = []
for hidden_layer_1_units in range(int(np.floor(number_of_columns / 2)), int(np.ceil(number_of_columns * 2))):
print("Training starting, number of hidden units = %d" % hidden_layer_1_units)
for repeat in range(1, 6):
print("Repeat %d" % repeat)
model = k.Sequential()
model.add(Dense(hidden_layer_1_units, input_dim=number_of_columns,
activation='relu', name='hidden_layer_1'))
model.add(Dense(1, activation='linear', name='output_layer'))
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')
# Train Model
# Test Model
test_error_rate = model.evaluate(testing_data, testing_labels, verbose=0)
print("Error on testing data is %.3f" % test_error_rate)
# Save Model
model_builder = tf.saved_model.builder.SavedModelBuilder("MLP/models/{hidden_layer_1_units}/{repeat}".format(hidden_layer_1_units=hidden_layer_1_units, repeat=repeat))
inputs = {
'input': tf.saved_model.build_tensor_info(model.input)
outputs = { 'time_remaining':tf.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(model.output)
signature_def = tf.saved_model.signature_def_utils.build_signature_def(
outputs=outputs, method_name=tf.saved_model.signature_constants.PREDICT_METHOD_NAME
signature_def_map={tf.saved_model.signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY: signature_def
And then to do a prediction:
file_name = top_level_file_path + "./MLP/models/19/1/"
testing_dataset = pd.read_csv(file_path + os.listdir(file_path)[0])
number_of_rows = len(testing_dataset.index)
number_of_columns = len(testing_dataset.columns)
newcol = [number_of_rows]
max_time = testing_dataset['Time'].max()
for j in range(0, number_of_rows - 1):
newcol.append(max_time - testing_dataset.iloc[j].iloc[number_of_columns - 1])
x_scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1))
y_scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1))
# Scale training data
data_scaled = x_scaler.fit_transform(testing_dataset)
labels = pd.read_csv("Labels.csv")
labels_scaled = y_scaler.fit_transform(labels)
signature_key = tf.saved_model.signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY
input_key = 'input'
output_key = 'time_remaining'
with tf.Session(graph=tf.Graph()) as sess:
saved_model = tf.saved_model.loader.load(sess, [tf.saved_model.tag_constants.SERVING], file_name)
signature = saved_model.signature_def
x_tensor_name = signature[signature_key].inputs[input_key].name
y_tensor_name = signature[signature_key].outputs[output_key].name
x = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name(x_tensor_name)
y = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name(y_tensor_name)
#np.expand_dims(data_scaled[600], axis=0)
predictions =, {x: data_scaled})
predictions = y_scaler.inverse_transform(predictions)
#print(np.round(predictions, 2))
correct_result = 0
for i in range(0, number_of_rows):
correct_result = 0
print(np.round(predictions[i]), " ", np.round(newcol[i]))
if np.round(predictions[i]) == np.round(newcol[i]):
correct_result += 1
The output of the first row should 96.0 but it produces 110.0, the last should be 0.1 but is -40.0 when no negatives appear in the dataset.

You can't compute accuracy when you do regression. Compute the mean squared error on the test set as well.
Second, when it comes to the scalers, you always do scaler.fit_transform on the training date so the scaler will compute the parameters (in this case min and max if you use min-max scaler) on the training data. Then, when performing inference on the test set, you should only do scaler.transform prior to feeding the data to the model.


How to add BiLSTM on top of BERT from Huggingface + CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 16.00 MiB

I have the below code for a binary classification and it works fine but i would like to modify the nn.Sequential parameters and add an BiLSTM layer. I have the below code:
class BertClassifier(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, freeze_bert=False):
super(BertClassifier, self).__init__()
# Specify hidden size of BERT, hidden size of our classifier, and number of labels
D_in, H, D_out = 768, 50, 2
# Instantiate BERT model
self.bert = BertModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-multilingual-uncased')
# Instantiate an one-layer feed-forward classifier
self.classifier = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(D_in, H),nn.ReLU(),nn.Linear(H, D_out))
# Freeze the BERT model
if freeze_bert:
for param in self.bert.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
def forward(self, input_ids, attention_mask):
# Feed input to BERT
outputs = self.bert(input_ids=input_ids,attention_mask=attention_mask)
# Extract the last hidden state of the token `[CLS]` for classification task
last_hidden_state_cls = outputs[0][:, 0, :]
# Feed input to classifier to compute logits
logits = self.classifier(last_hidden_state_cls)
return logits
I have tried to modify the sequential like this self.classifier = nn.Sequential(nn.LSTM(D_in, H, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True),nn.ReLU(),nn.Linear(H, D_out)) but then it throws the error RuntimeError: input must have 3 dimensions, got 2 on line logits = self.classifier(last_hidden_state_cls). I found that I can use nn.ModuleDict instead of nn.Sequential and i made the below :
self.classifier = nn.ModuleDict({
'lstm': nn.LSTM(input_size=D_in, hidden_size=H,batch_first=True, bidirectional=True ),
'linear': nn.Linear(in_features=H,out_features=D_out)})
But now I'm having issues computing the forward function with this. Can someone advice how i can properly modify the forward function?
Update: I also installed CUDA and now when I run the code it returns the error CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 16.00 MiB and I tried to lower the batch size but that doesn't fix the problem. I also tried the below but didn't resolved either. Any advice, please?
import torch, gc
Update with the code:
MAX_LEN = 64
# For fine-tuning BERT, the authors recommend a batch size of 16 or 32.
batch_size = 32
file1 = open('MH.txt', 'r')
list_com = []
list_label = []
for line in file1:
possible_labels = 'positive|negative'
label = re.findall(possible_labels, line)
line = re.sub(possible_labels, ' ', line)
line = re.sub('\n', ' ', line)
list_tuples = list(zip(list_com, list_label))
labels = ['positive', 'negative']
df = pd.DataFrame(list_tuples, columns=['text', 'label'])
df['label'] = df['label'].map({'positive': 1, 'negative': 0})
for i in range(0,len(df['label'])):
list_label[i] = df['label'][i]
X = df.text.values
y = df.label.values
X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val =\
train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.1, random_state=2020)
def text_preprocessing(text):
# Remove '#name'
text = re.sub(r'(#.*?)[\s]', ' ', text)
# Replace '&' with '&'
text = re.sub(r'&', '&', text)
# Remove trailing whitespace
text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text).strip()
return text
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-multilingual-uncased', do_lower_case=True)
# Create a function to tokenize a set of texts
def preprocessing_for_bert(data):
input_ids = []
attention_masks = []
for sent in data:
encoded_sent = tokenizer.encode_plus(
text=text_preprocessing(sent), # Preprocess sentence
add_special_tokens=True, # Add `[CLS]` and `[SEP]`
max_length=MAX_LEN, # Max length to truncate/pad
pad_to_max_length=True, # Pad sentence to max length
# return_tensors='pt', # Return PyTorch tensor
return_attention_mask=True # Return attention mask
# Add the outputs to the lists
# Convert lists to tensors
input_ids = torch.tensor(input_ids)
attention_masks = torch.tensor(attention_masks)
return input_ids, attention_masks
train_inputs, train_masks = preprocessing_for_bert(X_train)
val_inputs, val_masks = preprocessing_for_bert(X_val)
# Convert other data types to torch.Tensor
train_labels = torch.tensor(y_train)
val_labels = torch.tensor(y_val)
# Create the DataLoader for our training set
train_data = TensorDataset(train_inputs, train_masks, train_labels)
train_sampler = RandomSampler(train_data)
train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_data, sampler=train_sampler, batch_size=batch_size)
# Create the DataLoader for our validation set
val_data = TensorDataset(val_inputs, val_masks, val_labels)
val_sampler = SequentialSampler(val_data)
val_dataloader = DataLoader(val_data, sampler=val_sampler, batch_size=batch_size)
# Create the BertClassfier class
class BertClassifier(nn.Module):
"""Bert Model for Classification Tasks."""
def __init__(self, freeze_bert=False):
#param bert: a BertModel object
#param classifier: a torch.nn.Module classifier
#param freeze_bert (bool): Set `False` to fine-tune the BERT model
super(BertClassifier, self).__init__()
# Specify hidden size of BERT, hidden size of our classifier, and number of labels
D_in, H, D_out = 768, 50, 2
# Instantiate BERT model
self.bert = BertModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-multilingual-uncased')
# Instantiate an one-layer feed-forward classifier
self.classifier = nn.ModuleDict({
'lstm': nn.LSTM(input_size=D_in, hidden_size=H, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True),
'linear': nn.Linear(in_features=H, out_features=D_out)})
# Freeze the BERT model
if freeze_bert:
for param in self.bert.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
def forward(self, input_ids, attention_mask):
outputs = self.bert(input_ids=input_ids,attention_mask=attention_mask)
sequence_output = outputs[0]
sequence_output, _ = self.lstm(sequence_output)
linear_output = self.linear(sequence_output[:, -1])
return linear_output
def initialize_model(epochs=4):
# Instantiate Bert Classifier
bert_classifier = BertClassifier(freeze_bert=False)
# Tell PyTorch to run the model on GPU
# Create the optimizer
optimizer = AdamW(bert_classifier.parameters(), lr=5e-5)
# Total number of training steps
total_steps = len(train_dataloader) * epochs
# Set up the learning rate scheduler
scheduler = get_linear_schedule_with_warmup(optimizer,num_warmup_steps=0,num_training_steps=total_steps)
return bert_classifier, optimizer, scheduler
# Specify loss function
loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
def set_seed(seed_value=42):
"""Set seed for reproducibility."""
def train(model, train_dataloader, val_dataloader=None, epochs=4, evaluation=False):
"""Train the BertClassifier model."""
# Start training loop
print("Start training...\n")
for epoch_i in range(epochs):
# Print the header of the result table
print(f"{'Epoch':^7} | {'Batch':^7} | {'Train Loss':^12} | {'Val Loss':^10} | {'Val Acc':^9} | {'Elapsed':^9}")
print("-" * 70)
# Measure the elapsed time of each epoch
t0_epoch, t0_batch = time.time(), time.time()
# Reset tracking variables at the beginning of each epoch
total_loss, batch_loss, batch_counts = 0, 0, 0
# Put the model into the training mode
# For each batch of training data...
for step, batch in enumerate(train_dataloader):
batch_counts += 1
# Load batch to GPU
b_input_ids, b_attn_mask, b_labels = tuple( for t in batch)
# Zero out any previously calculated gradients
# Perform a forward pass. This will return logits.
logits = model(b_input_ids, b_attn_mask)
# Compute loss and accumulate the loss values
loss = loss_fn(logits, b_labels)
batch_loss += loss.item()
total_loss += loss.item()
# Perform a backward pass to calculate gradients
# Clip the norm of the gradients to 1.0 to prevent "exploding gradients"
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), 1.0)
# Update parameters and the learning rate
# Print the loss values and time elapsed for every 20 batches
if (step % 20 == 0 and step != 0) or (step == len(train_dataloader) - 1):
# Calculate time elapsed for 20 batches
time_elapsed = time.time() - t0_batch
# Print training results
f"{epoch_i + 1:^7} | {step:^7} | {batch_loss / batch_counts:^12.6f} | {'-':^10} | {'-':^9} | {time_elapsed:^9.2f}")
# Reset batch tracking variables
batch_loss, batch_counts = 0, 0
t0_batch = time.time()
# Calculate the average loss over the entire training data
avg_train_loss = total_loss / len(train_dataloader)
print("-" * 70)
if evaluation == True:
# After the completion of each training epoch, measure the model's performance
# on our validation set.
val_loss, val_accuracy = evaluate(model, val_dataloader)
# Print performance over the entire training data
time_elapsed = time.time() - t0_epoch
f"{epoch_i + 1:^7} | {'-':^7} | {avg_train_loss:^12.6f} | {val_loss:^10.6f} | {val_accuracy:^9.2f} | {time_elapsed:^9.2f}")
print("-" * 70)
print("Training complete!")
def evaluate(model, val_dataloader):
"""After the completion of each training epoch, measure the model's performance
on our validation set.
# Put the model into the evaluation mode. The dropout layers are disabled during
# the test time.
# Tracking variables
val_accuracy = []
val_loss = []
# For each batch in our validation set...
for batch in val_dataloader:
# Load batch to GPU
b_input_ids, b_attn_mask, b_labels = tuple( for t in batch)
# Compute logits
with torch.no_grad():
logits = model(b_input_ids, b_attn_mask)
# Compute loss
loss = loss_fn(logits, b_labels)
# Get the predictions
preds = torch.argmax(logits, dim=1).flatten()
# Calculate the accuracy rate
accuracy = (preds == b_labels).cpu().numpy().mean() * 100
# Compute the average accuracy and loss over the validation set.
val_loss = np.mean(val_loss)
val_accuracy = np.mean(val_accuracy)
return val_loss, val_accuracy
def accuracy(probs, y_true):
- Print AUC and accuracy on the test set
#params probs (np.array): an array of predicted probabilities with shape (len(y_true), 2)
#params y_true (np.array): an array of the true values with shape (len(y_true),)
fpr, tpr, threshold = roc_curve(y_true, preds)
roc_auc = auc(fpr, tpr)
print(f'AUC: {roc_auc:.4f}')
preds = probs[:, 1]
# Get accuracy over the test set
y_pred = np.where(preds >= 0.5, 1, 0)
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred)
print(f'Accuracy: {accuracy * 100:.2f}%')
def bert_predict(model, test_dataloader):
"""Perform a forward pass on the trained BERT model to predict probabilities on the test set."""
# Put the model into the evaluation mode. The dropout layers are disabled during the test time.
all_logits = []
# For each batch in our test set...
for batch in test_dataloader:
# Load batch to GPU
b_input_ids, b_attn_mask = tuple( for t in batch)[:2]
# Compute logits
with torch.no_grad():
logits = model(b_input_ids, b_attn_mask)
# Concatenate logits from each batch
all_logits =, dim=0)
# Apply softmax to calculate probabilities
probs = F.softmax(all_logits, dim=1).cpu().numpy()
return probs
set_seed(42) # Set seed for reproducibility
bert_classifier, optimizer, scheduler = initialize_model(epochs=3)
# start training
train(bert_classifier, train_dataloader, val_dataloader, epochs=3, evaluation=True)
# Compute predicted probabilities on the test set
probs = bert_predict(bert_classifier, val_dataloader)
# Evaluate the Bert classifier
accuracy(probs, y_val)

How to store wrong predictions during evaluation on the CNN

During evaluation, I want to store unique ids that are wrongly predicted to do some more processing.
It is a multiclass prediction problem
Here is the code during the evaluation:
outputs = model(imgs)
loss = criterion(outputs, targets) # Prediction error
val_loss += loss.item()
predicted = torch.argmax(outputs, dim=1)
t_predicted +=predicted.cpu().tolist()
total += targets.size(0)
good_answers = (predicted == targets)
correct += good_answers.sum().item()
Knowing that ids is a list of the ids of the images, When I try to get the ids that are wrong:
wrong_ids += ids[~('cpu'))]
I get this error:
add(): argument 'other' (position 1) must be Tensor
The question contained a tensorflow tag, so I was preparing an answer. After completing my write up, I've found that this tag is removed. However, I believe my answer can give insight into this general question of whether they're using tf or pytorch.
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = tf.keras.datasets.cifar10.load_data()
# train set / data
x_train = x_train.astype('float32') / 255
# validation set / data
x_test = x_test.astype('float32') / 255
# train set / target
y_train = tf.keras.utils.to_categorical(y_train, num_classes=10)
# validation set / target
y_test = tf.keras.utils.to_categorical(y_test, num_classes=10)
print(x_train.shape, y_train.shape)
print(x_test.shape, y_test.shape)
import tensorflow as tf
# declare input shape
input = tf.keras.Input(shape=(32,32,3))
# Block 1
x = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32, 3, strides=2, activation="relu")(input)
x = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(3)(x)
# Now that we apply global max pooling.
gap = tf.keras.layers.GlobalMaxPooling2D()(x)
# Finally, we add a classification layer.
output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, activation='softmax')(gap)
# bind all
func_model = tf.keras.Model(input, output)
print('\nFunctional API')
loss = 'categorical_crossentropy',
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam()
), y_train)
Error Prediction
# Predict the values from the validation dataset
y_pred = func_model.predict(x_test)
# Convert predictions classes to one hot vectors
y_pred_classes = np.argmax(y_pred, axis = 1)
y_test = np.argmax(y_test, axis=1)
# Errors are difference between predicted labels and true labels
errors = (y_pred_classes - y_test != 0)
y_pred_classes_errors = y_pred_classes[errors]
y_pred_errors = y_pred[errors]
y_true_errors = y_test[errors]
x_test_errors = x_test[errors]
# Probabilities of the wrong predicted numbers
y_pred_errors_prob = np.max(y_pred_errors, axis = 1)
# Predicted probabilities of the true values in the error set
true_prob_errors = np.diagonal(np.take(y_pred_errors, y_true_errors, axis=1))
# Difference between the probability of the predicted label and the true label
delta_pred_true_errors = y_pred_errors_prob - true_prob_errors
# Sorted list of the delta prob errors
sorted_dela_errors = np.argsort(delta_pred_true_errors)
# Top 6 errors
most_important_errors = sorted_dela_errors[-6:]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def display_errors(errors_index,img_errors,pred_errors, obs_errors):
""" This function shows 6 images with their predicted and real labels"""
n = 0
nrows = 2
ncols = 3
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows,ncols,sharex=True,sharey=True)
for row in range(nrows):
for col in range(ncols):
error = errors_index[n]
ax[row,col].set_title("Predicted label :{}\nTrue label :{}".format(pred_errors[error],obs_errors[error]))
n += 1
# Show the top 6 errors
display_errors(most_important_errors, x_test_errors, y_pred_classes_errors, y_true_errors)
What worked for me is to declare empty list and then to fill them with the predictions
wrong_ids.append(ids[~(predicted == targets ).to('cpu')])
then after that to convert the resulting list of tensors to one list:
wrongs =[]
for i,j in enumerate(wrong_ids):
for k,l in enumerate(j):
# and so on for the other lists of tensors
To show all tested labels with the predictions and the true labels:
df = pd.DataFrame({'id': ids,
'predicted': pred_label,
'true_label': true_label})

Selecting Best Performing Model over Various iterations

I want to create a for loop in order to run my model various times and keep the best performing model for each run. This because I've noticed that each time I train my model it might perform better on one run and much worse on another. Thus I want to store possibly each model in a list or just select the best.
I have the current process but I'm not sure if this is the most adequate manner and also I'm not actually sure on how to select the best performing model through all these iterations. Here I am doing it only for 10 iterations, but I want to know if there is a better way of doing this.
My Code Implementation
def build_model(input1, input2):
Creates the a multi-channel ANN, capable of accepting multiple inputs.
:param: none
:return: the model of the ANN with a single output given
input1 = np.expand_dims(input1,1)
# Define Inputs for ANN
input1 = Input(shape = (input1.shape[1], ), name = "input1")
input2 = Input(shape = (input2.shape[1],), name = "input2")
# First Branch of ANN (Weight)
x = Dense(units = 1, activation = "relu")(input1)
x = BatchNormalization()(x)
# Second Branch of ANN (Word Embeddings)
y = Dense(units = 36, activation = "relu")(input2)
y = BatchNormalization()(y)
# Merge the input models into a single large vector
combined = Concatenate()([x, y])
#Apply Final Output Layer
outputs = Dense(1, name = "output")(combined)
# Create an Interpretation Model (Accepts the inputs from previous branches and has single output)
model = Model(inputs = [input1, input2], outputs = outputs)
# Compile the Model
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer = Adam(lr = 0.01), metrics = ['mse'])
# Summarize the Model Summary
return model
test_outcomes = [] # list of model scores
r2_outcomes = [] #list of r2 scores
stored_models = [] #list of stored_models
for i in range(10):
model = build_model(x_train['input1'], x_train['input2'])
print("Model Training")[x_train['input1'], x_train['input2']], y_train,
batch_size = 25, epochs = 60, verbose = 0 #, validation_split = 0.2
,validation_data = ([x_valid['input1'],x_valid['input2']], y_valid))
#Determine Model Predictions
print("Model Predictions")
y_pred = model.predict([x_valid['input1'], x_valid['input2']])
y_pred = y_pred.flatten()
#Evaluate the Model
print("Model Evaluations")
score = model.evaluate([x_valid['input1'], x_valid['input2']], y_valid, verbose=1)
test_loss = round(score[0], 3)
print ('Test loss:', test_loss)
#Calculate R_Squared
r_squared = r2_score(y_valid, y_pred)
#Store Final Model
print("Model Stored")
stored_models.append(model) #list of stored_models
mean_test= np.mean(test_outcomes)
r2_means = np.mean(r2_outcomes)
Output Example
You should use Callbacks
you can stop training using callback
Here an example of how you can create a custom callback in order stop training when certain accuracy threshold
acc_threshold =0.95
class myCallback(tf.keras.callbacks.Callback):
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs={}):
if(logs.get('acc') > acc_threshold):
print("\nReached %2.2f%% accuracy, so stopping training!!" %(acc_threshold))
self.model.stop_training = True
my_callback = myCallback()[x_train['input1'], x_train['input2']], y_train,
batch_size = 25, epochs = 60, verbose = 0 #, validation_split = 0.2
,validation_data = ([x_valid['input1'],x_valid['input2']], y_valid),
callbacks=my_callback )
You can also use EarlyStopping to monitor metrics (Like stopping when loss isnt improving)

Why my train and validation accuracy raising too slow

Here is my code.I dont know why my train and validation accuracy increase too slow.Is that normal? I’m new at deep learning.This is my homework.Train and validation values dont change nearly till loop 500.Is that normal? I changed learning rate and add weight_decay etc. but i didnt see difference
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import autograd, nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from torchvision import transforms, datasets
from torch.utils import data
Olivetti face dataset
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_olivetti_faces
# Olivetti dataset download
olivetti = fetch_olivetti_faces()
train = olivetti.images
label =
X = train
Y = label
print("\nDownload Ok")
Set for train
train_rate = 0.8
X_train = np.zeros([int(train_rate * X.shape[0]),64,64], dtype=float)
Y_train = np.zeros([int(train_rate * X.shape[0])], dtype=int)
X_val = np.zeros([int((1-train_rate) * X.shape[0]+1),64,64], dtype=float)
Y_val = np.zeros([int((1-train_rate) * X.shape[0]+1)], dtype=int)
#Split data for train and validation
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
if (i%10)/9 <= train_rate:
X_train[ie] = X[i]
Y_train[ie] = Y[i]
ie += 1
X_val[iv] = X[i]
Y_val[iv] = Y[i]
iv += 1
X_train = X_train.reshape(320,-1,64,64)
X_val = X_val.reshape(80,-1,64,64)
X_train = torch.Tensor(X_train)
Y_train = torch.Tensor(Y_train)
X_val = torch.Tensor(X_val)
Y_val = torch.Tensor(Y_val)
batch_size = 16
train_loader =,
val_loader =,
class CNNModule(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(CNNModule, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 6, 5)
self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(6, 16, 5)
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(16 * 13 * 13, 120)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(120, 84)
self.fc3 = nn.Linear(84, 40)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv1(x)))
x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv2(x)))
x = x.view(-1, 16 * 13 * 13)
x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
x = F.relu(self.fc2(x))
x = self.fc3(x)
return x
def make_train(model,dataset,n_iters,gpu):
# Organize data
X_train,Y_train,X_val,Y_val = dataset
kriter = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(),lr=0.03)
#Arrays to save loss and accuracy
tl=np.zeros(n_iters) #For train loss
ta=np.zeros(n_iters) #For train accuracy
vl=np.zeros(n_iters) #For validation loss
va=np.zeros(n_iters) #For validation accuracy
# Convert labels to long
Y_train = Y_train.long()
Y_val = Y_val.long()
# GPU control
if gpu:
X_train,Y_train = X_train.cuda(),Y_train.cuda()
X_val,Y_val = X_val.cuda(),Y_val.cuda()
model = model.cuda() # Parameters to GPU!
print("Using GPU")
print("Using CPU")
# print(X_train.shape)
# print(Y_train.shape)
for i in range(n_iters):
# train forward
train_out = model.forward(X_train)
train_loss = kriter(train_out,Y_train)
# Backward and optimization
# Compute train accuracy
train_predict = train_out.cpu().detach().argmax(dim=1)
train_accuracy = (train_predict.cpu().numpy()==Y_train.cpu().numpy()).mean()
# For validation
val_out = model.forward(X_val)
val_loss = kriter(val_out,Y_val)
# Compute validation accuracy
val_predict = val_out.cpu().detach().argmax(dim=1)
val_accuracy = (val_predict.cpu().numpy()==Y_val.cpu().numpy()).mean()
tl[i] = train_loss.cpu().detach().numpy()
ta[i] = train_accuracy
vl[i] = val_loss.cpu().detach().numpy()
va[i] = val_accuracy
# Show result each 5 loop
if i%5==0:
print("Loop --> ",i)
print("Train Loss :",train_loss.cpu().detach().numpy())
print("Train Accuracy :",train_accuracy)
print("Validation Loss :",val_loss.cpu().detach().numpy())
print("Validation Accuracy :",val_accuracy)
model = model.cpu()
#Print result
plt.plot(np.arange(n_iters), tl, 'r-')
plt.plot(np.arange(n_iters), ta, 'b--')
plt.plot(np.arange(n_iters), vl, 'r-')
plt.plot(np.arange(n_iters), va, 'b--')
dataset = X_train,Y_train,X_val,Y_val
gpu = True
gpu = gpu and torch.cuda.is_available()
model = CNNModule()
Loop --> 0
Train Loss : 3.6910985
Train Accuracy : 0.025
Validation Loss : 3.6908844
Validation Accuracy : 0.025
Loop --> 5
Loop --> 215
Train Loss : 3.6849258
Train Accuracy : 0.025
Validation Loss : 3.6850574
Validation Accuracy : 0.025
Loop --> 500
Train Loss : 3.4057992
Train Accuracy : 0.103125
Validation Loss : 3.5042462
Validation Accuracy : 0.0875
Loop --> 995
Train Loss : 0.007807272
Train Accuracy : 1.0
Validation Loss : 0.64222467
Validation Accuracy : 0.8375
I don't know if this is the only problem - but please note that you zero the gradient, then do forward pass over the validation data. which means that new gradients of the validation data are stored in the model before the next iteration. The common practice should be to create some evaluation method, and use it to make prediction over the validation set without saving the gradients. something like:
def eval_model(data, X_val, Y_val):
model.eval(); # this sets the model to be in inferrence mode (for example if you have batchNorm or droput layers)
with torch.no_grad(): # tells the model to not compute gradients.
val_out = model.forward(X_val)
val_loss = criterion(val_out,Y_val)
# here put some prints or whatever you want to do
model.train() # this returns the model to be in training mode

Out of sample prediction/forecasting for uni-variate time series in Keras

I am using this Kaggle guide to do time series forecasting (sample data attached).
Here's the code:
def create_dataset(dataset, window_size = 1):
data_X, data_Y = [], []
for i in range(len(dataset) - window_size - 1):
a = dataset[i:(i + window_size), 0]
data_Y.append(dataset[i + window_size, 0])
return(np.array(data_X), np.array(data_Y))
def fit_model(train_X, train_Y, window_size = 1):
model = Sequential()
input_shape = (1, window_size)))
model.compile(loss = "mean_squared_error",
optimizer = "adam"),
epochs = 100,
batch_size = 1,
verbose = 0)
def predict_and_score(model, X, Y):
# Make predictions on the original scale of the data.
pred = MinMaxScaler(feature_range = (0,1)).inverse_transform(model.predict(X))
# Prepare Y data to also be on the original scale for interpretability.
orig_data = MinMaxScaler(feature_range = (0,1)).inverse_transform([Y])
# Calculate RMSE.
score = math.sqrt(mean_squared_error(orig_data[0], pred[:, 0]))
return(score, pred)
This entire thing is being used in the following function:
def nnet(time_series, window_size=1, ):
cmi_total_raw = vstack((time_series.values.astype('float32')))
scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range = (0,1))
cmi_total_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(cmi_total_raw)
cmi_train_sc = (cmi_total_scaled[0:int(cmi_split*len(cmi_total_scaled))])
cmi_test_sc = cmi_total_scaled[int(cmi_split*len(cmi_total_scaled)) : len(cmi_total_scaled)]
# Create test and training sets for one-step-ahead regression.
window_size = 1
train_X, train_Y = create_dataset(cmi_train_sc, window_size)
test_X, test_Y = create_dataset(cmi_test_sc, window_size)
# Reshape the input data into appropriate form for Keras.
train_X = np.reshape(train_X, (train_X.shape[0], 1, train_X.shape[1]))
test_X = np.reshape(test_X, (test_X.shape[0], 1, test_X.shape[1]))
model = fit_model(train_X, train_Y, window_size)
rmse_train, train_predict = predict_and_score(nn_model, train_X, train_Y)
mape_test, test_predict = predict_and_score(model, test_X, test_Y)
return (mape_test, test_predict)
As far as I understand, it is creating a model based on training data and predicting on in-sample test set and finally calculates the error.
The input data has 209 rows and I want to predict the next row(s).
Here's what I tried:
Since the same thing is done in Auto-Arima using forecast(steps= n_steps) method, I looked for something similar in Keras.
From Keras documentation:
predict(x, batch_size=None, verbose=0, steps=None)
x: The input data, as a Numpy array (or list of Numpy arrays if the model has multiple inputs).
steps: Total number of steps (batches of samples) before declaring the prediction round finished. Ignored with the default value of None.
I tried changing step and it predicted very absurd values of the order of 100,000. Moreover, length of the test_predict was no way near the steps I gave. So I am assuming step means something else here.
- Can Keras even be used to forecast time series data (out of sample)
- If yes, is there a forecast method just as there the aforementioned predict method?
- If no, can the existing predict method be used in any way to get out of sample forecast?
Sample data (cmi_total):
2014-05-25 272.459887
2014-06-01 272.446022
2014-06-08 330.301260
2014-06-15 656.838394
2014-06-22 670.575110

