batch size for LSTM - python

I've been trying to set up an LSTM model but I'm a bit confused about batch_size. I'm using the Keras module in Tensorflow.
I have 50,000 samples, each has 200 time steps and each time step has three features. So I've shaped my training data as (50000, 200, 3).
I set up my model with four LSTM layers, each having 100 units. For the first layer I specified the input shape as (200, 3). The first three layers have return_sequences=True, the last one doesn't. Then I do some softmax classification.
When I call with batch_size='some_number' do Tensorflow/Keras take care of feeding the model with batches of the specified size? Do I have to reshape my data somehow in advance? What happens if the number of samples is not evenly divisible by 'some_number'?
Thanks for your help!

If you provide your data as numpy arrays to then yes, Keras will take care of feeding the model with the batch size you specified. If your dataset size is not divisible by the batch size, Keras will have the final batch be smaller and equal to dataset_size mod batch_size.


How to use Multivariate time-series prediction with Keras, when multiple samples are used

As the title states, I am doing multivariate time-series prediction. I have some experience with this situation and was able to successfully setup and train a working model in TF Keras.
However, I did not know the 'proper' way to handle having multiple unrelated time-series samples. I have about 8000 unique sample 'blocks' with anywhere from 800 time steps to 30,000 time steps per sample. Of course I couldn't concatenate them all into one single time series because the first points of sample 2 are not related in time with the last points of sample 1.
Thus my solution was to fit each sample individually in a loop (at great inefficiency).
My new idea is can/should I pad the start of each sample with empty time-steps = to the amount of look back for the RNN and then concatenate the padded samples into one time-series? This will mean that the first time-step will have a look-back data of mostly 0's which sounds like another 'hack' for my problem and not the right way to do it.
The main challenge is in 800 vs. 30,000 timesteps, but nothing you can't do.
Model design: group sequences into chunks - for example, 30 sequences of 800-to-900 timesteps, padded, then 60 sequences of 900-to-1000, etc. - don't have to be contiguous (i.e. next can be 1200-to-1500)
Input shape: (samples, timesteps, channels) - or equivalently, (sequences, timesteps, features)
Layers: Conv1D and/or RNNs - e.g. GRU, LSTM. Each can handle variable timesteps
Concatenation: don't do it. If each of your sequences is independent, then each must be fed along dimension 0 in Keras - the batch or samples dimension. If they are dependent, e.g. multivariate timeseries, like many channels in a signal - then feed them along the channels dimension (dim 2). But never concatenate along timeseries dimension, as it implies causal continuity whrere none exists.
Stateful RNNs: can help in processing long sequences - info on how they work here
RNN capability: is limited w.r.t. long sequences, and 800 is already in danger zone even for LSTMs; I'd suggest dimensionality reduction via either autoencoders or CNNs w/ strides > 1 at input, then feeding their outputs to RNNs.
RNN training: is difficult. Long train times, hyperparameter sensitivity, vanishing gradients - but, with proper regularization, they can be powerful. More info here
Zero-padding: before/after/both - debatable, can read about it, but probably stay clear from "both" as learning to ignore paddings is easier with one locality; I personally use "before"
RNN variant: use CuDNNLSTM or CuDNNGRU whenever possible, as they are 10x faster
Note: "samples" above, and in machine learning, refers to independent examples / observations, rather than measured signal datapoints (which would be referred to as timesteps).
Below is a minimal code for what a timeseries-suited model would look like:
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Conv1D, LSTM, Dense
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam
import numpy as np
def make_data(batch_shape): # dummy data
return (np.random.randn(*batch_shape),
np.random.randint(0, 2, (batch_shape[0], 1)))
def make_model(batch_shape): # example model
ipt = Input(batch_shape=batch_shape)
x = Conv1D(filters=16, kernel_size=10, strides=2, padding='valid')(ipt)
x = LSTM(units=16)(x)
out = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(x) # assuming binary classification
model = Model(ipt, out)
model.compile(Adam(lr=1e-3), 'binary_crossentropy')
return model
batch_shape = (32, 100, 16) # 32 samples, 100 timesteps, 16 channels
x, y = make_data(batch_shape)
model = make_model(batch_shape)
model.train_on_batch(x, y)

Keras LSTM Batch Size and

I am training an LSTM in Keras. As per documentation, my training data and labels have shape (20, 20, 1) representing 20 samples with 20 time steps and one feature. When I use to train my model, do I need to specify batch size or will all 20 samples be sent as one batch by default?
According to Keras's fit documentation
batch_size Integer or NULL. Number of samples per gradient update. If unspecified, batch_size will default to 32.

Using noise_shape of the Dropout layer. Batch_size does not fit into provided samples. What to do?

I am using a dropout layer in my model. As I use temporal data, I want the noise_shape to be the same per timestep -> (batch_size, 1, features).
The problem is if I use a batch size that does not fit into the provided samples, I get an error message. Example: batch_size= 2, samples= 7. In the last iteration, the batch_size (2) is larger than the rest of the samples (1)
The other layers (my case: Masking, Dense, and LSTM) apparently don`t have a problem with that and just use a smaller batch for the last, not fitting, samples.
Training data shape is:[23, 300, 34]
InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): Incompatible shapes:
[2,300,34] vs. [3,1,34] [[Node: dropout_18/cond/dropout/mul =
Meaning that for the last batch [2,300,34], the batch_size cannot split up into [3,1,34]
As I am still in the parameter tuning phase (does that ever stop :-) ),
Lookback(using LSTMs),
split-percentage of train/val/test,
and batchsize
will still constantly change. All of the mentioned influence the actual length and shape of the Training data.
I could try to always find the next fitting int for batch_size by some calculations. Example, if batch_size=4 and samples=21, I could reduce batch_size to 3. But if the number of training samples are e.g. primes this again would not work. Also If I choose 4, I probably would like to have 4.
Do I think to complex? Is there a simple solution without a lot of exception programming?
Thank you
Thanks to nuric in this post, the answer is quite simple.
The current implementation does adjust the according to the runtime
batch size. From the Dropout layer implementation code:
symbolic_shape = K.shape(inputs) noise_shape = [symbolic_shape[axis]
if shape is None else shape
for axis, shape in enumerate(self.noise_shape)]
So if you give noise_shape=(None, 1, features) the shape will be
(runtime_batchsize, 1, features) following the code above.

Understanding Keras LSTMs: Role of Batch-size and Statefulness

There are several sources out there explaining stateful / stateless LSTMs and the role of batch_size which I've read already. I'll refer to them later in my post:
And also other SO threads like Understanding Keras LSTMs and Keras - stateful vs stateless LSTMs which didn't fully explain what I'm looking for however.
My Problem
I am still not sure what is the correct approach for my task regarding statefulness and determining batch_size.
I have about 1000 independent time series (samples) that have a length of about 600 days (timesteps) each (actually variable length, but I thought about trimming the data to a constant timeframe) with 8 features (or input_dim) for each timestep (some of the features are identical to every sample, some individual per sample).
Input shape = (1000, 600, 8)
One of the features is the one I want to predict, while the others are (supposed to be) supportive for the prediction of this one “master feature”. I will do that for each of the 1000 time series. What would be the best strategy to model this problem?
Output shape = (1000, 600, 1)
What is a Batch?
From [4]:
Keras uses fast symbolic mathematical libraries as a backend, such as TensorFlow and Theano.
A downside of using these libraries is that the shape and size of your data must be defined once up front and held constant regardless of whether you are training your network or making predictions.
This does become a problem when you wish to make fewer predictions than the batch size. For example, you may get the best results with a large batch size, but are required to make predictions for one observation at a time on something like a time series or sequence problem.
This sounds to me like a “batch” would be splitting the data along the timesteps-dimension.
However, [3] states that:
Said differently, whenever you train or test your LSTM, you first have to build your input matrix X of shape nb_samples, timesteps, input_dim where your batch size divides nb_samples. For instance, if nb_samples=1024 and batch_size=64, it means that your model will receive blocks of 64 samples, compute each output (whatever the number of timesteps is for every sample), average the gradients and propagate it to update the parameters vector.
When looking deeper into the examples of [1] and [4], Jason is always splitting his time series to several samples that only contain 1 timestep (the predecessor that in his example fully determines the next element in the sequence). So I think the batches are really split along the samples-axis. (However his approach of time series splitting doesn’t make sense to me for a long-term dependency problem.)
So let’s say I pick batch_size=10, that means during one epoch the weights are updated 1000 / 10 = 100 times with 10 randomly picked, complete time series containing 600 x 8 values, and when I later want to make predictions with the model, I’ll always have to feed it batches of 10 complete time series (or use solution 3 from [4], copying the weights to a new model with different batch_size).
Principles of batch_size understood – however still not knowing what would be a good value for batch_size. and how to determine it
The KERAS documentation tells us
You can set RNN layers to be 'stateful', which means that the states computed for the samples in one batch will be reused as initial states for the samples in the next batch.
If I’m splitting my time series into several samples (like in the examples of [1] and [4]) so that the dependencies I’d like to model span across several batches, or the batch-spanning samples are otherwise correlated with each other, I may need a stateful net, otherwise not. Is that a correct and complete conclusion?
So for my problem I suppose I won’t need a stateful net. I’d build my training data as a 3D array of the shape (samples, timesteps, features) and then call with a batch_size yet to determine. Sample code could look like:
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(32, input_shape=(600, 8))) # (timesteps, features)
model.add(Dense(1, activation='linear'))
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam'), y, epochs=500, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=2)
Let me explain it via an example:
So let's say you have the following series: 1,2,3,4,5,6,...,100. You have to decide how many timesteps your lstm will learn, and reshape your data as so. Like below:
if you decide time_steps = 5, you have to reshape your time series as a matrix of samples in this way:
1,2,3,4,5 -> sample1
2,3,4,5,6 -> sample2
3,4,5,6,7 -> sample3
By doing so, you will end with a matrix of shape (96 samples x 5 timesteps)
This matrix should be reshape as (96 x 5 x 1) indicating Keras that you have just 1 time series. If you have more time series in parallel (as in your case), you do the same operation on each time series, so you will end with n matrices (one for each time series) each of shape (96 sample x 5 timesteps).
For the sake of argument, let's say you 3 time series. You should concat all of three matrices into one single tensor of shape (96 samples x 5 timeSteps x 3 timeSeries). The first layer of your lstm for this example would be:
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(32, input_shape=(5, 3)))
The 32 as first parameter is totally up to you. It means that at each point in time, your 3 time series will become 32 different variables as output space. It is easier to think each time step as a fully conected layer with 3 inputs and 32 outputs but with a different computation than FC layers.
If you are about stacking multiple lstm layers, use return_sequences=True parameter, so the layer will output the whole predicted sequence rather than just the last value.
your target shoud be the next value in the series you want to predict.
Putting all together, let say you have the following time series:
Time series 1 (master): 1,2,3,4,5,6,..., 100
Time series 2 (support): 2,4,6,8,10,12,..., 200
Time series 3 (support): 3,6,9,12,15,18,..., 300
Create the input and target tensor
x -> y
1,2,3,4,5 -> 6
2,3,4,5,6 -> 7
3,4,5,6,7 -> 8
reformat the rest of time series, but forget about the target since you don't want to predict those series
Create your model
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(32, input_shape=(5, 3), return_sequences=True)) # Input is shape (5 timesteps x 3 timeseries), output is shape (5 timesteps x 32 variables) because return_sequences = True
model.add(LSTM(8)) # output is shape (1 timesteps x 8 variables) because return_sequences = False
model.add(Dense(1, activation='linear')) # output is (1 timestep x 1 output unit on dense layer). It is compare to target variable.
Compile it and train. A good batch size is 32. Batch size is the size your sample matrices are splited for faster computation. Just don't use statefull

what is the difference between Conventional 1D or 2D in keras layers

I'm discovering keras library and i can't tell what does the dimention mean in keras layers and how to choose them ? (model.add(Convolution2D(...)) or model.add(Convolution1D(...)) ).
For example i have a set of 9000 train traces and 1000 of test traces and each trace has 1000 samples, so i created the arrays X_train with a size of 9000*1000, X_test has a size of 1000*1000, Y_train has a size of 9000, and Y_test has a size of 1000.
my question is how can i choose the first layer dimension ?.
I tried using the same example implemented in MNIST such :
model.add(Convolution2D(9000, (1, 1), activation='relu', input_shape(1,9000000,1),dim_ordering='th'))
but it didn't work, i don't even know what should i put in each argument of Convolution function.
The choice of dimension (1D, 2D, etc.) depends on the dimensions of your input. For example, since you're using the MNIST dataset, you would use 2D layers since your input is an image with height and width (two dimensions). Alternatively, if you were using text data, you might use a 1D layer because sentences are linear lists of words (one dimension).
I would suggest looking at Francois Chollet's example of a convolutional neural net with MNIST: (Note: Conv2D is the same as Convolution2D.)

