Keras Embedding ,where is the "weights" argument? - python

I have seen such kind of code as follow:
embed_word = Embedding(params['word_voc_size'], params['embed_dim'], weights=[word_embed_matrix], input_length = params['word_max_size']
, trainable=False, mask_zero=True)
When I look up the document in Keras website [][1]
I didnt see weights argument,
keras.layers.Embedding(input_dim, output_dim, embeddings_initializer='uniform', embeddings_regularizer=None, activity_regularizer=None, embeddings_constraint=None, mask_zero=False, input_length=None)
So I am confused,why we can use the argument weights which was not defined the in Keras document?
My keras version is 2.1.5. Hope someone can help me.

Keras' Embedding layer subclasses the Layer class (every Keras layer does this). The weights attribute is implemented in this base class, so every subclass will allow to set this attribute through a weights argument. This is also why you won't find it back in the documentation or the implementation of the Embedding layer itself.
You can check the base layer implementation here (Ctrl + F for 'weight').


How to load weights from Pytorch to Keras layer by layer?

I have tried tons of methods like onnx2keras, pytorch2keras and so on. But there would always be something wrong...
Since my model is not really complicated: just a ResNet18-encoder + Decoder with some skip-connections. I'm considering to simply transfer them one layer by another, from pytorch to Keras.
Before I try I'd like to ask if you have similar experience? I know there's set_weights method, but that's for keras-to-keras so nothing special. However, Keras is object-based model, so how can I assign name-based weights, e.g. 'encoder.bn1.bias', 'encoder.bn1.running_mean', 'encoder.bn1.running_var' to a BN? I don't want TF1.x solutions because all of my work is on TF2.x.
So In my opinion, it would be something like:
# 1. Save weights and names from pytorch model
weights_dict = torch_mode.static_dict()
# 2. Construct Keras model
keras_model = tf.keras.models.Model(...)
# 3. Now load weights for each layer in Keras model
for var_name, weight in weights_dict.items():
# Assign conv with weight with'encoder.conv1.weight'
# Assign BN with 'encoder.bn1.weight', 'encoder.bn1.bias', 'encoder.bn1.running_mean', 'encoder.bn1.running_var', 'encoder.bn1.num_batches_tracked'
But I don't know how... Look forward to your opinions!
Could you try pt2keras and see if it works?
To install pt2keras, type the following in the terminal:
pip install -U pt2keras
Below is a simple example for converting resnet18.
import tensorflow as tf
from torchvision.models.resnet import resnet18
from pt2keras import Pt2Keras
if __name__ == '__main__':
input_shape = (1, 3, 224, 224)
# Grab model
model = resnet18(pretrained=False).eval()
# Create pt2keras object
converter = Pt2Keras()
# convert model
keras_model: tf.keras.Model = converter.convert(model, input_shape, strict=True)
# Save the model'output_model.h5')
# Do whatever else that you want afterwards ...
I have attached the converted keras model visualized using netron:
Before I try I'd like to ask if you have similar experience? I know there's set_weights method, but that's for keras-to-keras so nothing special. However, Keras is object-based model, so how can I assign name-based weights, e.g. 'encoder.bn1.bias', 'encoder.bn1.running_mean', 'encoder.bn1.running_var' to a BN? I don't want TF1.x solutions because all of my work is on TF2.x.
Unfortunately, as far as I know, you cannot attach name-based weights to individual parameters in Keras like you can in PyTorch, since keras is layer-based. However, you can name the batch-norm layer, which I am guessing is not very useful to you.

Pytorch: use pretrained vectors to initialize nn.Embedding, but this embedding layer is not updated during the training

I initialized nn.Embedding with some pretrain parameters (they are 128 dim vectors), the following code demonstrates how I do this:
self.myvectors = gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(cfg.vec_dir)
self.vec_weights = torch.FloatTensor(self.myvectors.vectors)
self.embeds = torch.nn.Embedding.from_pretrained(self.vec_weights)
cfg.vec_dir is a json file where vec_dir indicates the path of the pretrained 128 dim vectors I used to initialize this layer.
After the model is trained, I print out this embedding layer, and I found that the parameters are exactly the same as I initialized them, so clearly the parameters are not updated during the training. Why is this happening? What should I do in order to update these vectors?
The torch.nn.Embedding.from_pretrained classmethod by default freezes the parameters. If you want to train the parameters, you need to set the freeze keyword argument to False. See the documentation.
So you might try this instead:
self.embeds = torch.nn.Embedding.from_pretrained(self.vec_weights, freeze=False)

How to update mirrored variable in tensorflow 2.0?

I am building a model in tensorflow version 2.0 (upgrading is not an option due to compatibility with my version of cuda, which I do not have permission to change). I am using tf.strategy.MirroredStrategy() to train my model on 2 GPUs. However, I am trying to instantiate a custom dense layer whose weights are the transpose of the weights of a different dense layer. My code involves this line to build the custom layer:
from tensorflow.keras import backend as K
class DenseTied(Layer):
# Really long class, full code can be found at link below
def build(self, input_shape):
self.kernel = K.transpose(self.tied_to.kernel)
I am then using this in a model as follows:
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Dense
def build_model(input_shape):
model_input = Input(shape=input_shape)
dense1 = Dense(6144, activation='relu')
dense_tied1 = DenseTied(49152, tied_to=dense1)
x = dense1(model_input)
model_output = dense_tied1(x)
model = Model(model_input, model_output)
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse')
return model
When trying to build this model I get an error: AttributeError: 'tensorflow.python.framework.ops.EagerTensor' object has no attribute '_distribute_strategy'.
I have been tracking this down for a while now and I pinpointed that the issue is in the line
self.kernel = K.transpose(self.tied_to.kernel)
It seems that self.tied_to.kernel is of type <class 'tensorflow.python.distribute.values.MirroredVariable'> but after calling K.transpose() on it the resulting output is of type <class 'tensorflow.python.framework.ops.EagerTensor'>. I tried following the instructions here but it did not work. I get AttributeError: 'MirroredStrategy' object has no attribute 'run' when in the docs it does. So I think maybe my version of Tensorflow is too old for that method.
How can I update a mirrored variable in Tensorflow 2.0?
Also if you want to see the full custom layer code, I am trying to implement the dense tied layer described here.
As of now, the documentation is for tensorflow 2.3. If you are using 2.0 it should be
strategy.experimental_run_v2 instead of

How to use layer normalization in tensorflow 1.12?

I am stuck with tensorflow 1.12, and I need to use layer normalization. I can't find some examples of this, and as I am new to tensorflow I am unable to figure out where I am going wrong.
tf.contrib.layers.layer_norm is the function that I want to include in my tf.keras.Sequential() like this -
self.module = K.Sequential([
K.layers.Dense(units=self.output_size, activation=None, kernel_initializer=self.initializer)
I also tried using
self.ln = tf.contrib.layers.layer_norm(trainable=True)
### and in call()
In all the cases, it throws the error at the line defining tf.contrib.layers.layer_norm(trainable=True)-
TypeError: layer_norm() missing 1 required positional argument: 'inputs'
I understand that the inputs need to be given as the argument to layernorm, but if I want it to trainable, it can only be defined in __init__(). Where am I going wrong?
I use mainly PyTorch, so it is quite obvious that I am not able to grasp the ideology of tf. Any suggestions will be very helpful!
Sequential needs to be initialized by a list of Layer instances, such as tf.keras.layers.Activation, tf.keras.layers.Dense. tf.contrib.layers.layer_norm is functional instead of Layer instance.
There is a third party implementation of layer normalization in keras style - keras-layer-normalization. But I haven't tested in tensorflow.

Neural Network classifier in python

Here I developed a neural network classifier to solve the titanic problem.
from sknn.mlp import Classifier, Layer
nn = Classifier(
Layer("Maxout", units=100, pieces=2),
n_iter=25), y_train)
I got this error, I have tried a lot to fix it but nothing works with me.
Please, help me
TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'pieces'
The signature of Layer does not define any argument called pieces. To create two layers with same parameters, you'll have to define the Layer object twice:
Layer("Sigmoid", units=100),
Layer("Sigmoid", units=100),
Layer("Softmax", units=1)] # The units parameter is not optional
More so, "Maxout" does not look like a Layer type. Not sure of where you found that.
Specifically, options are Rectifier, Sigmoid, Tanh, and ExpLin
for non-linear layers and Linear or Softmax for output layers

