Writing multiple lists into JSON file - python

I'm able to store a single list into a json file to be used later. How would you store multiple lists into a json file. Let's say that I wanted to add the username to the file and the username + '#gmail.com" as another list into the same file. How would you access these two lists from the json file later?
import json
username = johnsmith91
storelist = []
with open('username.json', 'a') as outfile:
json.dump(storelist, outfile)


Is there a way to iterate over a JSON file and write specific keys and values to a new JSON file?

I'm trying to iterate over specific keys and values from a JSON file and write them to a new JSON file. I'm not getting any errors and the second JSON file is being created successfully, though the data passed onto the second JSON file is a whole object of the first JSON file.
def get_keys_values():
json_file = open("get_failed_archives.json")
json_data = json.load(json_file)
for archive_data in json_data["data"]:
with open("new_json_file.json", "w") as file:
json.dump(archive_data, file)
Is there a way to write specific keys and values from one JSON file to another JSON file?
as stated by josh, the statement archive_data["latestEvent"]["objectName"] functionally does nothing.
if you want to create a new JSON object, in your case this would functionally be a list of dict items (I think), the approach below would match what (I think) you want it to do.
I've added a pprint statement to print out what the result is.
import json
from pprint import pprint
def get_keys_values():
with open("get_failed_archives.json") as json_file:
json_data = json.load(json_file)
new_data = []
for archive_data in json_data["data"]:
"objectName": archive_data["latestEvent"]["objectName"],
"time": archive_data["latestEvent"]["time"],
"eventType": archive_data["latestEvent"]["eventType"],
"eventStatus": archive_data["latestEvent"]["eventStatus"]
pprint(new_data, indent=4)
with open("new_json_file.json", "w") as file:
json.dump(new_data, file)

Writing JSON files in one txt file with each JSON data on its own line

So I am querying Twitter API with a list of tweet IDs. What I need to do is looping through the IDs in order to get the corresponding data from Twitter. Then I need to store those JSON files into a txt file where each tweet's JSON data is on its own line. Later I will have to read the txt file line by line to create a pandas df from it.
I try to give you some fake data to show you the structure.
0 000000000000000001
1 000000000000000002
2 000000000000000003
3 000000000000000004
4 000000000000000005
Name: tweet_id, dtype: int64
I don't know how to share the JSON files and I don't even know if I can. After calling tweet._json what I get is a JSON file.
drop_lst = [] # this is needed to collect the IDs which don't work
for i in twt.tweet_id: # twt.tweet_id is the pd.series with the IDs
tweet = api.get_status(i)
with open('tweet_json.txt', 'a') as f:
f.write(str(tweet._json)+'\n') # tweet._json is the JSON file I need
except tp.TweepError:
the above works but I think I have lost the JSON structure which I need later to create the dataframe
drop_lst = []
for i in twt.tweet_id:
tweet = api.get_status(i)
with open('data.txt', 'a') as outfile:
json.dump(tweet._json, outfile)
except tp.TweepError:
the above doesn't put each file on its own line.
I hope I was able to provide you with enough information to help me.
Thank you in advance for all your help.
Appending json to a file using json.dump doesn't include newlines, so they all wind up on the same line together. I'd recommend collecting all of your json records into a list, then use join and dump that to a file
tweets, drop_lst = [], []
for i in twt.tweet_id:
tweet = api.get_status(i)
except tp.TweepError:
with open('data.txt', 'a') as fh:
fh.write('\n') # to ensure that the json is on its own line to start
fh.write('\n'.join(json.dumps(tweet) for tweet in tweets)) # this will concatenate the tweets into a newline delimited string
Then, to create your dataframe, you can read that file and stitch everything back together
with open("data.txt") as fh:
tweets = [json.loads(line) for line in fh if line]
df = pd.DataFrame(tweets)
This assumes that the json itself doesn't have newlines, which tweets might contain, so be wary

Extracting an object among many, from JSON file in python

My JSON file (5000 in total) looks like this
I need to extract only one object named "1" with its contents and save these to a new JSON file with a new name say, "New file 1", "New file 2" ....
Or if deleting all contents except "1" and its contents, and leaving the file as it is with object "1".
You can use the json library to read the file contents into a python data structure (in this case, a nested dictionary). You can them dump specific parts of the JSON data out into new files.
import json
with open('input_json.json', 'r') as infile:
data = json.load(infile)
for k, v in data['part_candidates'][0].items():
with open('output_json_{}.json'.format(k), 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(v, outfile)
convert Json to Dictionary, using python library json
import json
data = json.loads(your json)
Than after you are done performing
Edit 1
You can access the element in a Dictionary by
sample_data = dict((k,data[k]) for k in ('key1','key2','key99') if k in data)

Read JSON file in python: ValueError

I have a .txt file with 70+k json object obtained by pulling data from twitter and dumping into file using:
with open("followers.txt", 'a') as f:
for follower in limit_handled(tweepy.Cursor(api.followers, screen_name=account_name).pages()):
for user_obj in follower:
json.dump(user_obj._json, f)
When I try to read this in python using the code below:
import json
with open('followers.txt') as json_data:
follower_data = json.load(json_data)
I get error:
ValueError: Extra data: line 2 column 1 - line 2801 column 1 (char 1489 - 8679498)
It worked when I read a test file with one json object copied from the original file using the same code above. Once I add a second json object to this file then using the same code above gives the error:
ValueError: Extra data: line 2 column 1 - line 2 column 2376 (char 1489 - 3864)
How do I read the file with more than one json object?
The issue comes when you write your JSON. You must write a single JSON object, so you may also load a single JSON object. Currently, you are writing multiple separate objects, causing the error.
Modify your write code a bit:
json_data = []
with open("followers.txt", 'a') as f:
for follower in limit_handled(tweepy.Cursor(api.followers, screen_name=account_name).pages()):
for user_obj in follower:
# outside the loops
json.dump(json_data, f)
Now, when reading, your existing code should work. You'll get a list of dictionaries.
Of course it is best to treat the problem from the root: write a single json and read it, as suggested by COLDSPEED.
However, if you already wrote multiple json objects into a single file, you can try the following code to use the already created file:
import json
follower_data = [] # a list of all objects
with open('followers.txt') as json_data:
for line in json_data:
follower_data.append( json.loads(line) )
Assuming you did not indent your json objects when you wrote them to 'flowers.txt', then each line in the file is a json object that can be parsed independantly.

Set up a crawler and downloaded tweets. Unable to parse JSON file

I have been trying to parse a JSON file and it keeps giving me additional data errors. Since I am new to Python, I have no idea how I can resolve this. It seems there are multiple objects within the file. How do I parse it without getting any errors?
Edit: (Not my code but I am trying to work on it)
import json
import csv
import io
creates a .csv file using a Twitter .json file
the fields have to be set manually
data_json = io.open('filename', mode='r', encoding='utf-8').read() #reads in
the JSON file
data_python = json.loads(data_json)
csv_out = io.open('filename', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') #opens csv file
fields = u'created_at,text,screen_name,followers,friends,rt,fav' #field
for line in data_python:
#writes a row and gets the fields from the json object
#screen_name and followers/friends are found on the second level hence two
get methods
row = [line.get('created_at'),
'"' + line.get('text').replace('"','""') + '"', #creates double
row_joined = u','.join(row)
Edit 2: I found another recipe to parse it but there is no way for me to save the output. Any recommendations?
import json
import re
json_as_string = open('filename.json', 'r')
# Call this as a recursive function if your json is highly nested
lines = [re.sub("[\[\{\]]*", "", one_object.rstrip()) for one_object in
json_as_list = "".join(lines).split('}')
for elem in json_as_list:
if len(elem) > 0:
print(json.loads(json.dumps("{" + elem[::1] + "}")))

