everyone. I'm new to Python and trying to learn it as my future jobs will require me knowing it. I'm playing around with Tkinter, trying to get a pinging script to work. The result of this script will show a list of servers in column 0 and a list of whether it is up or down in column 1. I have it working except for one thing: the widgets overlap, causing this script to be a memory hog. For example, if the site "google.com" responds with "UP" and I take down my internet, it will show as "DOWN". However, as soon as a plug my internet back in, it will show as "UP" but I can see the remnants of the word "DOWN" behind the label. I've tried different ways to destroy the widget before every utilization but can not get it to work. I understand if my code is a little messy so I'm definitely open to criticism. Below is the code I have with a few example sites listed in the "host" variable:
import pyping
import Tkinter as tk
from Tkinter import *
import time
host = ["google.com", "yahoo.com", "espn.com"]
root = tk.Tk()
class PingTest:
result = []
resultfc = []
def __init__(self, hostname, inc):
self.hostname = hostname
self.inc = inc
def results(self, result1, resultfc1):
self.result = result1
self.resultfc = resultfc1
def ping(self, y):
self.y = y
q = ""
x = pyping.ping(self.y, count=1)
q = x.ret_code
except Exception:
if q == 0:
self.results("UP", "green")
self.results("DOWN", "red")
def window(self):
self.label1 = Label(root, text=self.hostname)
self.label2 = Label(root, text=self.result, fg=self.resultfc, bg="black")
a = Label(root, text=self.hostname)
b = Label(root, text=self.result, fg=self.resultfc, bg="black")
if b == TRUE:
b.grid_forget() # These two lines don't seem to help my cause
a.grid(row=self.inc, column=0)
b.grid(row=self.inc, column=1)
while TRUE:
i = 0
for h in host:
PingTest(h, i)
i += 1
I would update labels instead of destroying them.
We can use threading to check each site without having to block the mainloop().
By creating a list of labels you can use the index of the list to set up the labels on your GUI and at the same time we can start a thread per object in list to check on the site status and return if site is up or down. I chose to use urllib and threading to make this work.
import tkinter as tk
import urllib.request
import threading
import time
host = ["google.com", "yahoo.com", "espn.com"]
class CheckURL:
def __init__(self, host, widget):
self.host = host
self.widget = widget
def update_labels(self):
if urllib.request.urlopen("http://www." + self.host).getcode() == 200:
self.widget.config( text='UP', fg='green')
self.widget.config(text='DOWN', fg='red')
root = tk.Tk()
labels = []
for ndex, x in enumerate(host):
tk.Label(root, text=x).grid(row=ndex, column=0)
labels.append(tk.Label(root, text='DOWN', fg='red'))
labels[-1].grid(row=ndex, column=1)
threading._start_new_thread(CheckURL, (x, labels[-1]))
I've made a Python program which reads the file and then sends/receives the data towards/from the microcontroller and everything worked well until I added a menu to display short instructions.
Since the UART communication has to run in a separate thread I used threading and StringVar() to access the data from the main thread.
To demonstrate the problem I've made a short example which has nothing to do with microcontrollers.
The steps to reproduce the problem:
Click the Next screen radio button to open the second screen (at the initial screen the menu works well)
Click Help > Instructions
After (or sometimes even before) closing the message box the program will crash with:
TclStackFree: incorrect freePtr. Call out of sequence?
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
In the original program where there are more UI elements the program always crashes before showing the message box and after removing even more UI elements the program doesn't crash every time - that's why I've left some "redundant" labels. When some more labels are added the program will crash every time.
I have narrowed the cause of the crash to:
in checkForData() function. By removing that instruction everything works well.
Moreover, after removing displayVal.trace("w", displayVal_trace) the program will not crash anymore but opening the menu will still temporarily freeze the working thread.
I thought after displayVal.set() Tkinter is trying to update the label but can't because of showing the menu - however, the problem remained even after I removed label_data = Label(up2, textvariable = displayVal).
Here is the stripped down code tested with Python 2.7:
from Tkinter import *
import tkMessageBox
import threading
import time
threadRun = True
checkDelay = 0.5
def checkForData():
global threadRun, checkDelay
print "Simulating thread for receiving messages from UART"
while threadRun == True:
print time.time()
displayVal.set(time.time()) # <-- if removed the menu works OK (no crash)
print "No more receiving of messages"
def listenForData():
t = threading.Thread(target=checkForData)
t.daemon = False
def stopListening():
global threadRun, checkDelay
threadRun = False
time.sleep(checkDelay + 0.1)
def exit_handler():
print "Exiting..."
root = Tk()
right = int((root.winfo_screenwidth() - 600) / 2)
down = int(root.winfo_screenheight() / 3 - 400 / 2)
root.geometry("600x400+%d+%d" % (right, down))
root.resizable(width = False, height = False)
root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", exit_handler)
displayVal = StringVar()
def setupView():
global masterframe
masterframe = Frame()
masterframe.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True)
selectPort() # the 1st screen for selecting COM ports
def selectPort():
global masterframe, radioVar
# remove everything from the frame
for child in masterframe.winfo_children():
radioVar = StringVar()
l1 = Label(masterframe, text = "Select...")
l1.pack(pady=(50, 20))
# this would be a list of detected COM ports
lst = ["Next screen"]
if len(lst) > 0:
for n in lst:
r1 = Radiobutton(masterframe, text=n, variable=radioVar, value=n)
r1.config(command = next_screen)
def mainScreen():
global masterframe, term, status
# remove previous screen from the frame
for child in masterframe.winfo_children():
up1 = Frame(masterframe)
up2 = Frame(masterframe)
terminal = Frame(masterframe)
down = Frame(masterframe)
down.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH)
label_top = Label(up1, text="Something")
label_data = Label(up2, textvariable = displayVal)
label_data.pack(pady=(10, 0))
term = Text(terminal, height=10, width=35, bg="white")
term.tag_config("red", foreground="red")
term.tag_config("blue", foreground="blue")
term.insert(END, "The file has been read\n", "red")
term.insert(END, "File contents:\n")
term.insert(END, data)
status = Label(down, text="Status...", bd=1, relief=SUNKEN, anchor=W, bg="green")
displayVal.trace("w", displayVal_trace) # <-- if removed only temporary freeze but no crash
def displayVal_trace(name, index, mode):
global term
if(displayVal.get() != "NOTHING"):
term.insert(END, "\nReceived: ", "blue")
term.insert(END, displayVal.get())
def next_screen():
def stop():
def instructions():
tkMessageBox.showinfo("Help", "This is help")
main_menu = Menu(root)
root.config(menu = main_menu)
help_menu = Menu(main_menu)
main_menu.add_cascade(label="Help", menu=help_menu)
help_menu.add_command(label="Instructions", command=instructions)
data = [[1], [2], [3]] # this would be the data read from the file
b1 = data[0][0]
b2 = data[1][0]
b3 = data[2][0]
print "Read from file:", b1, b2, b3
I've cloned a class called ListBoxChoice found on the web found (adding some needed features) below:
from Tkinter import *
class ListBoxChoice(object):
def __init__(self, master=None, title=None, message=None,\
self.master = master
self.value = None
self.list = list[:]
self.modalPane = Toplevel(self.master)
self.modalPane.bind("<Return>", self._choose)
self.modalPane.bind("<Escape>", self._cancel)
if title:
if message:
Label(self.modalPane, text=message).pack(padx=5, pady=5)
listFrame = Frame(self.modalPane)
listFrame.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5)
scrollBar = Scrollbar(listFrame)
scrollBar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
# get the largest value of the 'list' to set the width
widthOfList = 0
for k in list:
if len(str(k)) > widthOfList:
widthOfList = len(str(k))
# now pad some space to back of the widthOfList
widthOfList = widthOfList + 2
self.listBox = Listbox(listFrame, selectmode=SINGLE,\
self.listBox.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y)
for item in self.list:
self.listBox.insert(END, item)
buttonFrame = Frame(self.modalPane)
chooseButton = Button(buttonFrame, text="Choose",\
cancelButton = Button(buttonFrame, text="Cancel",\
def _choose(self, event=None):
firstIndex = self.listBox.curselection()[0]
self.value = self.list[int(firstIndex)]
except IndexError:
self.value = None
def _cancel(self, event=None):
def returnValue(self):
return self.value
if __name__ == '__main__':
import random
root = Tk()
returnValue = True
list = [random.randint(1,100) for x in range(50)]
while returnValue:
returnValue = ListBoxChoice(root, "Number Picking",\
"Pick one of these crazy random numbers",\
print returnValue
Now this example says to do something like this:
results = ListBoxChoice(root, list=listOfItems).returnValue().
What I'm trying to do is provide a list of values from which the user selects a single value. The window should close before I use the results from the selected value. Here is that code:
from tkinter import Tk, Label
form ListBoxChoice import ListBoxChoice
eventList = ["20190120","20190127","20190203"]
root = Tk()
root.withdraw() # This causes the ListBoxChoice object not to appear
selectValue = ListBoxChoice(root, title="Event",\
message="Pick Event", list=eventList).returnValue()
root.wait_window() # Modal Pane/window closes but not the root
print("selectValue:", selectValue)
A root window is placed behind the modalPane (Toplevel). I have to close that window before the calling process continues. So there is a block in place.
I've tried to put a sleep(1.01) command above but had no impact.
How do I get the ListBoxChoice to close once the selection has been made
before my print statement of the selectValue? For it is at that point I want to use the results to plot data.
If I don't use root.wait_winow(), it is only when the plot is closed (end of the process) that the ListBoxChoice box close as well.
Slightly updated
Here's a version of the ListBoxChoice class which I think works the way you desire. I've updated my previous answer slightly so the class is now defined in a separate module named listboxchoice.py. This didn't change anything I could see when I tested—it other words it still seems to work—but I wanted to more closely simulate the way you said you're using it the comments.
It still uses wait_window() because doing so is required to give tkinter's mandatory event-processing-loop the opportunity to run (since mainloop() isn't called anywhere). There's some good background material in the article Dialog Windows about programming tkiner dialogs you might find useful. The added root.withdraw() call eliminates the issue of not being able to close it because it's not there. This is fine since there's no need to have the empty window being displayed anyway.
import random
import Tkinter as tk # Python 2
except ModuleNotFoundError:
import tkinter as tk # Python 3
from listboxchoice import ListBoxChoice
root = tk.Tk()
root.withdraw() # Hide root window.
values = [random.randint(1, 100) for _ in range(50)]
choice = None
while choice is None:
choice = ListBoxChoice(root, "Number Picking",
"Pick one of these crazy random numbers",
print('choice: {}'.format(choice))
""" ListBoxChoice widget to display a list of values and allow user to
choose one of them.
import Tkinter as tk # Python 2
except ModuleNotFoundError:
import tkinter as tk # Python 3
class ListBoxChoice(object):
def __init__(self, master=None, title=None, message=None, values=None):
self.master = master
self.value = None
if values is None: # Avoid use of mutable default argument value.
raise RuntimeError('No values argument provided.')
self.values = values[:] # Create copy.
self.modalPane = tk.Toplevel(self.master, takefocus=True)
self.modalPane.bind("<Return>", self._choose)
self.modalPane.bind("<Escape>", self._cancel)
if title:
if message:
tk.Label(self.modalPane, text=message).pack(padx=5, pady=5)
listFrame = tk.Frame(self.modalPane)
listFrame.pack(side=tk.TOP, padx=5, pady=5)
scrollBar = tk.Scrollbar(listFrame)
scrollBar.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.Y)
# Get length the largest value in 'values'.
widthOfList = max(len(str(value)) for value in values)
widthOfList += 2 # Add some padding.
self.listBox = tk.Listbox(listFrame, selectmode=tk.SINGLE, width=widthOfList)
self.listBox.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.Y)
for item in self.values:
self.listBox.insert(tk.END, item)
buttonFrame = tk.Frame(self.modalPane)
chooseButton = tk.Button(buttonFrame, text="Choose", command=self._choose)
cancelButton = tk.Button(buttonFrame, text="Cancel", command=self._cancel)
def _choose(self, event=None):
firstIndex = self.listBox.curselection()[0]
self.value = self.values[int(firstIndex)]
except IndexError:
self.value = None
def _cancel(self, event=None):
def returnValue(self):
return self.value
from Tkinter import *
import tkFileDialog
import tkMessageBox
import os
import ttk
import serial
import timeit
import time
class MyApp:
def __init__(self, parent):
#Setup Frames
self.MiddleFrame = Frame(parent) #Middle Frame
self.chip_number = 0 #number of chip testing
#Middle Frame setup
Label(self.MiddleFrame, text='Done').grid(row=8, column=1, sticky = E)
self.Done = Canvas(self.MiddleFrame, bg="yellow", width=10, height=10)
self.Done.grid(row=8, column=2)
Label(self.MiddleFrame, text='Chip Number:').grid(row=9, column=1, sticky = E)
#start button
self.button1 = Button(self.MiddleFrame,state=NORMAL, command= self.start_pre)
self.button1["text"]= "START"
self.button1.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky = E)
#Action of Start Button
def start_pre(self):
x = 0
while x<10000:
#Talking to Board
def start_button(self):
#increase chip count number and update
self.chip_number += 1
Label(self.MiddleFrame, text=str(self.chip_number)).grid(row=9, column=2, sticky = E)
print "Still Working", self.chip_number
#Color Boxes
def reset_color(self):
#Start Programs
root = Tk() #makes window
myapp = MyApp(root) #this really runs program
root.mainloop() #keep window open
With my program, i first push the start button.
I will print "still working" and the GUi will update chip number and blink done light over and over. The start button go to function that will execute 10000 times. However after 3000 iterations, the gui freeze, but the program is still print "still working". How do I keep the gui from crashing?
There are many problems with your code. For one, this is fundamentally flawed:
while self.stop == True:
You simply can't expect a GUI to behave properly with code like that. As a general rule of thumb you should never have the main thread of a GUI call sleep. Causing sleep prevents the event loop from processing any events, including low level events such as requests to refresh the screen.
The use of sleep has been asked and answered many times on stackoverflow. You might find some of those questions useful. For example,
windows thinks tkinter is not responding
Python Tkinter coords function not moving canvas objects inside loop
How do widgets update in Tkinter?
Tkinter multiple operations
Python Tkinter Stopwatch Error
You have another problem that falls into the category of a memory leak. From that while loop, you call self.start_button() indefinitely. This happens about once a second, due to sleep being called for half a second in the loop, and another half a second in start_button.
Each time you call start_button, you create another label widget that you stack on top of all previous widgets in row 9, column 2. Eventually this will cause your program to crash. I'm surprised that it causes your program to fail so quickly, but that's beside the point.
My recommendation is to start over with a simple example that does nothing but update a label every second. Get that working so that you understand the basic mechanism. Then, once it's working, you can add in your code that reads from the serial port.
May I suggest that you start over with the following code? You can port in back to Python 2 if needed, but your program has been rewritten to use Python 3 and has been designed to use tkinter's ability to schedule future events with the after methods. Hopefully, you will find the code easier to follow.
import collections
import timeit
import tkinter
def main():
root = Application()
class Application(tkinter.Tk):
def setup(self):
mf = self.__middle_frame = tkinter.Frame(self)
bf = self.__bot_frame = tkinter.Frame(self)
self.__port_set = False
self.__chip_number = 0
self.__chip_pass_num = 0
self.__chip_fail_num = 0
self.__chip_yield_num = 0
self.__stop = True
self.__widgets = collections.OrderedDict((
('COT', 'Continuity Test'), ('CHE', 'Chip Erase'),
('ERT', 'Erase Test'), ('WRT', 'Write Test'),
('WIRT', 'Wire Reading Test'), ('WIT', 'Wire Reading Test'),
('WRAT', 'Write All Test'), ('DO', 'Done')))
for row, (key, value) in enumerate(self.__widgets.items()):
label = tkinter.Label(mf, text=value+':')
label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=tkinter.E)
canvas = tkinter.Canvas(mf, bg='yellow', width=10, height=10)
canvas.grid(row=row, column=1)
self.__widgets[key] = label, canvas
self.__cn = tkinter.Label(mf, text='Chip Number:')
self.__cn.grid(row=8, column=0, sticky=tkinter.E)
self.__display = tkinter.Label(mf)
self.__display.grid(row=8, column=1, sticky=tkinter.E)
self.__button = tkinter.Button(bf, text='START',
def __start_pre(self):
self.__button['state'] = tkinter.DISABLED
def __start_button(self, count):
if count < 100:
self.__chip_number += 1
self.__display['text'] = str(self.__chip_number)
self.__widgets['DO'][1]['bg'] = 'yellow'
start_time = timeit.default_timer()
print('Still Working:', self.__chip_number)
self.after(500, self.__end_button, count)
self.__button['state'] = tkinter.NORMAL
def __end_button(self, count):
self.__widgets['DO'][1]['bg'] = 'green'
self.after(500, self.__start_button, count + 1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
I realize that the first suggestion will be to "stop using Tix", but I like some of the widgets even though they haven't been maintained since '08. One thing I've noticed is that some of the dialog boxes won't stay open. For instance I'm using a FileEntry Widget inside of a LabelFrame Widget inside of the notebook widget. The file dialog looks as follows.
And when you click on the file dialog button you get:
The red arrow shows the drop down to files in that filter, but nothing happens when I click it. You can see a brief flash (like in the milliseconds) like an event loop was checked or something but then nothing. The same with the other buttons on FileEntry.
For the full code to this, you can see here
I think the relevant parts are:
import os, os.path, sys, Tix
from Tkconstants import *
import tkFileDialog
import traceback, tkMessageBox
from Tkinter import *
class pyigblast_gui():
def __init__(self,root):
self.root = root
self.exit = -1
self.dir = None
self.argument_dict = {'query':''}
_program_name = sys.argv[0]
_directory_name = os.path.dirname(_program_name)
def MainMenu(self):
main_menu = Tix.Frame(self.root,bd=2,relief=RAISED)
return main_menu
def TabNotebook(self):
notebook_frame = self.root
notebook = Tix.NoteBook(notebook_frame, ipadx=5, ipady=5, bg='black')
notebook.add('f_and_d', label="Files and Databases", underline=0,
createcmd=lambda self=self,nb=notebook,name='f_and_d': self.files_and_directories(nb,name))
notebook.add('readme', label="Usage", underline=0,
createcmd=lambda self=self,nb=notebook,name='readme': self.readme(nb,name) )
return notebook
def files_and_directories(self,nb,name):
f_and_d_page = nb.page(name)
options = "label.padX4"
self.input_frame = Tix.LabelFrame(f_and_d_page,options=options)
def make_fasta_entry(self):
message = Tix.Message(self.input_frame,relief=Tix.FLAT, width=500, anchor=W,
text='Enter the entry FASTA file here',font=('Arial',16))
self.fasta_entry = Tix.FileEntry(self.input_frame, label="Select a FASTA file:",selectmode="normal")
def build(self):
window_info = self.root.winfo_toplevel()
window_info.wm_title('PyIgBLAST - GUI')
#if window_info <= 800:
frame1 = self.MainMenu()
frame1.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)
frame2 = self.TabNotebook()
window_info.wm_protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", lambda self=self:self.quitcmd())
def loop(self):
while self.exit < 0:
# There are 2 whiles here. The outer one lets you continue
# after a ^C interrupt.
# This is the replacement for _tkinter mainloop()
# It blocks waiting for the next Tcl event using select.
while self.exit < 0:
except SystemExit:
# Tkinter uses SystemExit to exit
self.exit = 1
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if tkMessageBox.askquestion ('Interrupt', 'Really Quit?') == 'yes':
# self.tk.eval('exit')
self.exit = 1
# Otherwise it's some other error - be nice and say why
t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
text = ""
for line in traceback.format_exception(t,v,tb):
text += line + '\n'
try: tkMessageBox.showerror ('Error', text)
except: pass
self.exit = 1
raise SystemExit, 1
def destroy(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Tix.Tk()
pyigblast_class = pyigblast_gui(root)
Also in a seperate but unrelated warning given by Tix, I get this output to the terminal.
(TixForm) Error:Trying to use more than one geometry
manager for the same master window.
Giving up after 50 iterations.
If anyone can tell me about what I need to change with Tix to keep the dialog open and/or why it says I'm using two geometry managers I would appreciate it!
Ok, shine that noise.
The ttk solution is so much cleaner and more customizable. Here is a very elegant solution recapitulating this exact file dialog, but is much cleaner using ttk.
I've been building an app to track stock prices. The user should see a window with an entry widget and a button that creates a new frame with a label and a button. The label is the stock price and symbol, the button is a delete button, and should hide that frame if clicked.
I've re-written this program 4 times now, and it's been a great learning experience, but what I've learned is that I can't have the "mini-frames" being called from methods part of the main GUI class - this funks up the delete buttons, and updates the value behind frame.pack_forget() so it only deletes the last item ever.
I've moved my mini-frame widgets down into the class for the actual stock values. I've packed them (what I assume to be correct) but they don't show up. They also don't error out, which isn't very helpful. Here's my code, although I've omitted a lot of the functional parts to show what is happening with my frames. Keep in mind I need to keep it so that I can call my updater (self.update_stock_value) with a .after method against myapp.myContainer.
Is there a better way to do this?? Thanks in advance, my head hurts.
import re
import time
import urllib
from Tkinter import *
import threading
from thread import *
runningThreads = 0
# each object will be added to the gui parent frame
class MyApp(object):
def __init__(self, parent):
self.myParent = parent
self.myContainer = Canvas(parent)
# METHOD initiates basic GUI widgets
def create_widgets(self):
self.widgetFrame = Frame(self.myContainer)
self.input = Entry(self.widgetFrame)
self.submitButton = Button(self.widgetFrame, command = self.onButtonClick)
self.submitButton.configure(text = "Add new stock")
self.submitButton.pack(fill = "x")
# METHOD called by each stock object
# returns the "symbol" in the entry widget
# clears the entry widget
def get_input_value(self):
var = self.input.get()
self.input.delete(0, END)
return var
# METHOD called when button is clicked
# starts new thread with instance of "Stock" class
def onButtonClick(self):
global runningThreads # shhhhhh im sorry just let it happen
runningThreads += 1 # count the threads open
threading.Thread(target = self.init_stock,).start() # force a tuple
if runningThreads == 1:
print runningThreads, "thread alive"
print runningThreads, "threads alive"
def init_stock(self):
new = Stock()
class Stock(object):
def __init__(self):
# variable for the stock symbol
symb = self.stock_symbol()
# lets make a GUI
self.frame = Frame(myapp.myContainer)
# give the frame a label to update
self.testLabel = Label(self.frame)
self.testLabel.configure(text = self.update_stock_label(symb))
self.testLabel.pack(side = LEFT)
# create delete button to kill entire thread
self.killButton = Button(self.frame, command = self.kill_thread)
self.killButton.configure(text = "Delete")
self.killButton.pack(side = RIGHT)
# create stock label
# call updater
def kill_thread(self):
global runningThreads
runningThreads -= 1
self.stockFrame.pack_forget() # hide the frame
self.thread.exit() # kill the thread
def update_stock_label(self, symb):
self.testLabel.configure(text = str(symb) + str(get_quote(symb)))
myapp.myContainer.after(10000, self.update_stock_label(symb))
def stock_symbol(self):
symb = myapp.get_input_value()
print symb
# The most important part!
def get_quote(symbol):
# go to google
base_url = "http://finance.google.com/finance?q="
# read the source code
content = urllib.urlopen(base_url + str(symbol)).read()
# set regex target
target = re.search('id="ref_\d*_l".*?>(.*?)<', content)
# if found, return.
if target:
print "found target"
quote = target.group(1)
print quote
quote = "Not Found: "
return quote
# handling if no network connection
except IOError:
print "no network detected"
root = Tk()
myapp = MyApp(root)
Your code won't run because of numerous errors, but this line is definitely not doing what you think it is doing:
For you to call the pack function you must include (), eg:
You ask if your code is the best way to do this. I think you're on the right track, but I would change a few things. Here's how I would structure the code. This just creates the "miniframes", it doesn't do anything else:
import Tkinter as tk
class Example(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
self.entry = tk.Entry(self)
self.submit = tk.Button(self, text="Submit", command=self.on_submit)
self.entry.pack(side="top", fill="x")
def on_submit(self):
symbol = self.entry.get()
stock = Stock(self, symbol)
stock.pack(side="top", fill="x")
class Stock(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, symbol):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
self.symbol = tk.Label(self, text=symbol + ":")
self.value = tk.Label(self, text="123.45")
self.symbol.pack(side="left", fill="both")
self.value.pack(side="left", fill="both")
root = tk.Tk()
Example(root).pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)