I am trying to implement the retry decorator on a serial query. A general idea of my code is shown below. I am struggling to get it to retry when the decorator is one method up in the hierarchy. How can I have the method be retried when it's one method up from the method that throws the exception?
One complication that is frustrating is my increment time per retry depends on the actual command. Some commands require more time than others. That's why I have the extra_time_per_retry passed in, and couldn't implement the retry decorator using the traditional #retry style.
FYI the _serial is created in the class on init via pySerial.
I got it to work with the retry decorator directly above the method that throws the exception. I would like it to be two above to keep my code clean.
I have tried feeding the retry decorator the exact exception type, but couldn't get it to work.
def _query_with_retries(self, cmd, extra_time_per_retry):
_retriable_query = retry(stop_max_attempt_number=5,
wait_incrementing_start=self._serial.timeout + extra_time_per_retry,
return _retriable_query(cmd)
def _query(self, cmd):
cmd_msg = cmd + '\r'
return self._readlines()
def _readlines(self):
response_str = self._serial.read_until('\r', 256) # Max 256 bytes
# Parse response here, if a bad one set bad_response = true
if bad_response:
raise ResponseError("Response had custom error xyz")
I guess you could pack your call to _readlines() into an exception handling block, reraising the error:
python 3.x
def _query(self, cmd):
cmd_msg = cmd + '\r'
answer = self._readlines()
except Exception as e:
raise e
return answer
python 2.x
def _query(self, cmd):
cmd_msg = cmd + '\r'
answer = self._readlines()
except Exception:
t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
raise t, v, tb
return answer
This way, you catch the exception directly when it occurs, and raise it inside the method which will be retried. I am not sure whether this declutters enough for you, however it should work.
Some might complain about using a blank except Exception, however since I am reraising it always immediately, I do not see any harm.
For example, my function call make look like the following:
def parse(self, text):
return self.parse_helper(text)
def parser_helper(text):
return normalize(text)
def normalize(text):
raise ValueError('normalize failed.')
If the 'parse' is the function to be provided to users to call, if an exception occurs in normalize(), the whole program terminates. To avoid this, to let users decide what to do when exception occurs, do I have to and try ... except blocks into both 'parser_helper' and 'parse', and let use to use try...except when 'parse' is called?
What's the normal practice of handling this? If there are a few more layers of function calls embedded other than 3 as shown below, do I have to use try ... except block in each layer of function, in order to transfer the handling of exception to the end users at the very top?
The practice to pass a parameter to decide wether to raise or be silent regarding an exception, is something that exists, for example in os.makedirs
You could do
def parse(self, text, error_silent=False):
return self.parse_helper(text)
except ValueError as e:
if error_silent:
return None
raise e
I'm new to Python. I need to unit test the except part of a try-except statement in python. I'm using pytest. The problem is that I don't know how to force the try part to raise an exception. Here is my code:
if master_bill_to is False:
except Exception as e:
raise Conflict(e.message)
The master.update method is called to make an update to the database. But how do I mock this code so that it somehow raises an exception in the try portion?
I'm trying to use monkeypatch with this code. The master object is an instance of the BillTo class so I'm thinking of putting that as the first parameter to monkeypatch.setattr.
def test_create_bill_to_fails_when_master_update_fails(dbsession, invoice_group1, company1,
def raise_flush_error():
raise FlushError
context = TestContext()
monkeypatch.setattr(BillTo, 'update', raise_flush_error)
with pytest.raises(FlushError):
But for some reason, the error is not raised.
Use mock library and side_effect to throw Exception during test case
Mock master and raise an exception in the update method.
Ok, I figured it out. I learned that you must pass parameters to the method called by monkeypatch. These parameters must match the signature of the method being replaced or mocked. Actually I also renamed the method with a prefix fake_ to denote the mocking. Here is what I did:
def fake_update_flush_error(dbsession, company_id=None, address_id=None, proportion=None,
company_name=None, receiver_name=None, invoice_delivery_method=None,
invoice_delivery_text=None, master_bill_to=False):
raise FlushError
def test_create_bill_to_fails_when_master_update_fails(dbsession, invoice_group1, company1,
bill_to1, monkeypatch):
context = TestContext()
monkeypatch.setattr(BillTo, 'update', fake_update_flush_error)
with pytest.raises(Conflict):
The BillTo.update method needed all those parameters.
I'm working on a project that involves connecting to a remote server, waiting for a response, and then performing actions based on that response. We catch a couple of different exceptions, and behave differently depending on which exception is caught. For example:
def myMethod(address, timeout=20):
response = requests.head(address, timeout=timeout)
except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
# do something special
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
# do something special
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
# do something special
if response.status_code != requests.codes.ok:
# do something special
return successfulConnection.SUCCESS
To test this, we've written a test like the following
class TestMyMethod(unittest.TestCase):
def test_good_connection(self):
config = {
'head.return_value': type('MockResponse', (), {'status_code': requests.codes.ok}),
'codes.ok': requests.codes.ok
with mock.patch('path.to.my.package.requests', **config):
def test_bad_connection(self):
config = {
'head.side_effect': requests.exceptions.ConnectionError,
'requests.exceptions.ConnectionError': requests.exceptions.ConnectionError
with mock.patch('path.to.my.package.requests', **config):
If I run the function directly, everything happens as expected. I even tested by adding raise requests.exceptions.ConnectionError to the try clause of the function. But when I run my unit tests, I get
ERROR: test_bad_connection (test.test_file.TestMyMethod)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "path/to/sourcefile", line ###, in myMethod
respone = requests.head(address, timeout=timeout)
File "path/to/unittest/mock", line 846, in __call__
return _mock_self.mock_call(*args, **kwargs)
File "path/to/unittest/mock", line 901, in _mock_call
raise effect
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Path/to/my/test", line ##, in test_bad_connection
File "Path/to/package", line ##, in myMethod
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
I tried to change the exception I was patching in to BaseException and I got a more or less identical error.
I've read https://stackoverflow.com/a/18163759/3076272 already, so I think it must be a bad __del__ hook somewhere, but I'm not sure where to look for it or what I can even do in the mean time. I'm also relatively new to unittest.mock.patch() so it's very possible that I'm doing something wrong there as well.
This is a Fusion360 add-in so it is using Fusion 360's packaged version of Python 3.3 - as far as I know it's a vanilla version (i.e. they don't roll their own) but I'm not positive of that.
I could reproduce the error with a minimal example:
class MyError(Exception):
class A:
def inner(self):
err = MyError("FOO")
raise err
def outer(self):
except MyError as err:
print ("catched ", err)
return "OK"
Test without mocking :
class FooTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_inner(self):
a = foo.A()
self.assertRaises(foo.MyError, a.inner)
def test_outer(self):
a = foo.A()
self.assertEquals("OK", a.outer())
Ok, all is fine, both test pass
The problem comes with the mocks. As soon as the class MyError is mocked, the expect clause cannot catch anything and I get same error as the example from the question :
class FooTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_inner(self):
a = foo.A()
self.assertRaises(foo.MyError, a.inner)
def test_outer(self):
with unittest.mock.patch('foo.MyError'):
a = exc2.A()
self.assertEquals("OK", a.outer())
Immediately gives :
ERROR: test_outer (__main__.FooTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "...\foo.py", line 11, in outer
File "...\foo.py", line 8, in inner
raise err
TypeError: exceptions must derive from BaseException
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#78>", line 8, in test_outer
File "...\foo.py", line 12, in outer
except MyError as err:
TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
Here I get a first TypeErrorthat you did not have, because I am raising a mock while you forced a true exception with 'requests.exceptions.ConnectionError': requests.exceptions.ConnectionError in config. But the problem remains that the except clause tries to catch a mock.
TL/DR: as you mock the full requests package, the except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError clause tries to catch a mock. As the mock is not really a BaseException, it causes the error.
The only solution I can imagine is not to mock the full requests but only the parts that are not exceptions. I must admit I could not find how to say to mock mock everything except this but in your example, you only need to patch requests.head. So I think that this should work :
def test_bad_connection(self):
with mock.patch('path.to.my.package.requests.head',
That is : only patch the head method with the exception as side effect.
I just ran into the same issue while trying to mock sqlite3 (and found this post while looking for solutions).
What Serge said is correct:
TL/DR: as you mock the full requests package, the except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError clause tries to catch a mock. As the mock is not really a BaseException, it causes the error.
The only solution I can imagine is not to mock the full requests but only the parts that are not exceptions. I must admit I could not find how to say to mock mock everything except this
My solution was to mock the entire module, then set the mock attribute for the exception to be equal to the exception in the real class, effectively "un-mocking" the exception. For example, in my case:
def test_connect_fail(self, mock_sqlite3):
mock_sqlite3.connect.side_effect = sqlite3.OperationalError()
mock_sqlite3.OperationalError = sqlite3.OperationalError
self.assertRaises(sqlite3.OperationalError, MyClass, self.db_filename)
For requests, you could assign exceptions individually like this:
mock_requests.exceptions.ConnectionError = requests.exceptions.ConnectionError
or do it for all of the requests exceptions like this:
mock_requests.exceptions = requests.exceptions
I don't know if this is the "right" way to do it, but so far it seems to work for me without any issue.
For those of us who need to mock an exception and can't do that by simply patching head, here is an easy solution that replaces the target exception with an empty one:
Say we have a generic unit to test with an exception we have to have mocked:
# app/foo_file.py
def test_me():
return "No foo error happened"
except CustomError: # <-- Mock me!
return "The foo error was caught"
We want to mock CustomError but because it is an exception we run into trouble if we try to patch it like everything else. Normally, a call to patch replaces the target with a MagicMock but that won't work here. Mocks are nifty, but they do not behave like exceptions do. Rather than patching with a mock, let's give it a stub exception instead. We'll do that in our test file.
# app/test_foo_file.py
from mock import patch
# A do-nothing exception we are going to replace CustomError with
class StubException(Exception):
# Now apply it to our test
#patch('app.foo_file.CustomError', new_callable=lambda: StubException)
def test_foo(stub_exception, mock_foo):
mock_foo.side_effect = stub_exception("Stub") # Raise our stub to be caught by CustomError
assert test_me() == "The error was caught"
# Success!
So what's with the lambda? The new_callable param calls whatever we give it and replaces the target with the return of that call. If we pass our StubException class straight, it will call the class's constructor and patch our target object with an exception instance rather than a class which isn't what we want. By wrapping it with lambda, it returns our class as we intend.
Once our patching is done, the stub_exception object (which is literally our StubException class) can be raised and caught as if it were the CustomError. Neat!
I faced a similar issue while trying to mock the sh package. While sh is very useful, the fact that all methods and exceptions are defined dynamically make it more difficult to mock them. So following the recommendation of the documentation:
import unittest
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
class MockSh(Mock):
# error codes are defined dynamically in sh
class ErrorReturnCode_32(BaseException):
# could be any sh command
def mount(self, *args):
raise self.ErrorReturnCode_32
class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
mock_sh = MockSh()
#patch('core.mount.sh', new=mock_sh)
def test_mount(self):
I just ran into the same problem when mocking struct.
I get the error:
TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
When trying to catch a struct.error raised from struct.unpack.
I found that the simplest way to get around this in my tests was to simply set the value of the error attribute in my mock to be Exception. For example
The method I want to test has this basic pattern:
def some_meth(self):
struct.unpack(fmt, data)
except struct.error:
return False
return True
The test has this basic pattern.
def test_some_meth(self, struct_mock):
'''Explain how some_func should work.'''
struct_mock.error = Exception
struct_mock.unpack.side_effect = struct_mock.error
This is similar to the approach taken by #BillB, but it is certainly simpler as I don't need to add imports to my tests and still get the same behavior. To me it would seem this is the logical conclusion to the general thread of reasoning in the answers here.
Use patch.object to partially mock a class.
My use case:
import unittest
from unittest import mock
import requests
def test_my_function(self):
response = mock.MagicMock()
response.raise_for_status.side_effect = requests.HTTPError
with mock.patch.object(requests, 'get', return_value=response):
I've been thinking about switching from nose to behave for testing (mocha/chai etc have spoiled me). So far so good, but I can't seem to figure out any way of testing for exceptions besides:
#then("It throws a KeyError exception")
def step_impl(context):
konfigure.load_env_mapping("baz", context.configs)
except KeyError, e:
assert (e.message == "No baz configuration found")
With nose I can annotate a test with
I can't find anything like this in behave (not in the source, not in the examples, not here). It sure would be grand to be able to specify exceptions that might be thrown in the scenario outlines.
Anyone been down this path?
I'm pretty new to BDD myself, but generally, the idea would be that the tests document what behaves the client can expect - not the step implementations. So I'd expect the canonical way to test this would be something like:
When I try to load config baz
Then it throws a KeyError with message "No baz configuration found"
With steps defined like:
def step(context):
# do some loading here
context.exc = None
except Exception, e:
context.exc = e
#then('it throws a {type} with message "{msg}"')
def step(context, type, msg):
assert isinstance(context.exc, eval(type)), "Invalid exception - expected " + type
assert context.exc.message == msg, "Invalid message - expected " + msg
If that's a common pattern, you could just write your own decorator:
def catch_all(func):
def wrapper(context, *args, **kwargs):
func(context, *args, **kwargs)
context.exc = None
except Exception, e:
context.exc = e
return wrapper
#when('... ...')
def step(context):
# do some loading here - same as before
This try/catch approach by Barry works, but I see some issues:
Adding a try/except to your steps means that errors will be hidden.
Adding an extra decorator is inelegant. I would like my decorator to be a modified #where
My suggestion is to
have the expect exception before the failing statement
in the try/catch, raise if the error was not expected
in the after_scenario, raise error if expected error not found.
use the modified given/when/then everywhere
def given(regexp):
return _wrapped_step(behave.given, regexp) #pylint: disable=no-member
def then(regexp):
return _wrapped_step(behave.then, regexp) #pylint: disable=no-member
def when(regexp):
return _wrapped_step(behave.when, regexp) #pylint: disable=no-member
def _wrapped_step(step_function, regexp):
def wrapper(func):
This corresponds to, for step_function=given
def a_given_step_function(context, ...
return step_function(regexp)(_accept_expected_exception(func))
return wrapper
def _accept_expected_exception(func):
If an error is expected, check if it matches the error.
Otherwise raise it again.
def wrapper(context, *args, **kwargs):
func(context, *args, **kwargs)
except Exception, e: #pylint: disable=W0703
expected_fail = context.expected_fail
# Reset expected fail, only try matching once.
context.expected_fail = None
if expected_fail:
return wrapper
class ErrorExpected(object):
def __init__(self, message):
self.message = message
def get_message_from_exception(self, exception):
return str(exception)
def assert_exception(self, exception):
actual_msg = self.get_message_from_exception(exception)
assert self.message == actual_msg, self.failmessage(exception)
def failmessage(self, exception):
msg = "Not getting expected error: {0}\nInstead got{1}"
msg = msg.format(self.message, self.get_message_from_exception(exception))
return msg
#given('the next step shall fail with')
def expect_fail(context):
if context.expected_fail:
msg = 'Already expecting failure:\n {0}'.format(context.expected_fail.message)
context.expected_fail = None
context.expected_fail = ErrorExpected(context.text)
I import my modified given/then/when instead of behave, and add to my environment.py initiating context.expected fail before scenario and checking it after:
def after_scenario(context, scenario):
if context.expected_fail:
msg = "Expected failure not found: %s" % (context.expected_fail.message)
The try / except approach you show is actually completely correct because it shows the way that you would actually use the code in real life. However, there's a reason that you don't completely like it. It leads to ugly problems with things like the following:
Scenario: correct password accepted
Given that I have a correct password
When I attempt to log in
Then I should get a prompt
Scenario: incorrect password rejected
Given that I have an incorrect password
When I attempt to log in
Then I should get an exception
If I write the step definition without try/except then the second scenario will fail. If I write it with try/except then the first scenario risks hiding an exception, especially if the exception happens after the prompt has already been printed.
Instead those scenarios should, IMHO, be written as something like
Scenario: correct password accepted
Given that I have a correct password
When I log in
Then I should get a prompt
Scenario: correct password accepted
Given that I have a correct password
When I try to log in
Then I should get an exception
The "I log in" step should not use try; The "I try to log in" matches neatly to try and gives away the fact that there might not be success.
Then there comes the question about code reuse between the two almost, but not quite identical steps. Probably we don't want to have two functions which both login. Apart from simply having a common other function you call, you could also do something like this near the end of your step file.
#when(u'{who} try to {what}')
def step_impl(context):
context.execute_steps("when" + who + " " + what)
except Exception as e:
This will automatically convert all steps containing the word "try to" into steps with the same name but with try to deleted and then protect them with a try/except.
There are some questions about when you actually should deal with exceptions in BDD since they aren't user visible. It's not part of the answer to this question though so I've put them in a separate posting.
Behave is not in the assertion matcher business. Therefore, it does not provide a solution for this. There are already enough Python packages that solve this problem.
SEE ALSO: behave.example: Select an assertion matcher library
This question already has answers here:
is there a pythonic way to try something up to a maximum number of times?
(10 answers)
Closed 7 months ago.
I am writing in Python 2.7 and encounter the following situation. I would like to try calling a function three times. If all three times raise errors, I will raise the last error I get. If any one of the calls succeed, I will quit trying and continue immediately.
Here is what I have right now:
output = None
error = None
for _e in range(3):
error = None
print 'trial %d!' % (_e + 1)
output = trial_function()
except Exception as e:
error = e
if error is None:
if error is not None:
raise error
Is there a better snippet that achieve the same use case?
use decorator
from functools import wraps
def retry(times):
def wrapper_fn(f):
def new_wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
for i in range(times):
print 'try %s' % (i + 1)
return f(*args,**kwargs)
except Exception as e:
error = e
raise error
return new_wrapper
return wrapper_fn
def foo():
return 1/0;
print foo()
Here is one possible approach:
def attempt(func, times=3):
for _ in range(times):
return func()
except Exception as err:
raise err
A demo with a print statement in:
>>> attempt(lambda: 1/0)
Attempt 1
Attempt 2
Attempt 3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#18>", line 1, in <module>
attempt(lambda: 1/0)
File "<pyshell#17>", line 8, in attempt
raise err
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
If you're using Python 3.x and get an UnboundLocalError, you can adapt as follows:
def attempt(func, times=3):
to_raise = None
for _ in range(times):
return func()
except Exception as err:
to_raise = err
raise to_raise
This is because the err is cleared at the end of the try statement; per the docs:
When an exception has been assigned using as target, it is cleared
at the end of the except clause.
Ignoring the debug output and the ancient Python dialect, this looks good. The only thing I would change is to put it into a function, you could then simply return the result of trial_function(). Also, the error = None then becomes unnecessary, including the associated checks. If the loop terminates, error must have been set, so you can just throw it. If you don't want a function, consider using else in combination with the for loop and breaking after the first result.
for i in range(3):
result = foo()
except Exception as error:
raise error
Of course, the suggestion to use a decorator for the function still holds. You can also apply this locally, the decorator syntax is only syntactic sugar after all:
# retry from powerfj's answer below
rfoo = retry(3)(foo)
result = rfoo()
Came across a clean way of doing the retries. There is a module called retry.
First install the module using
pip install retry
Then import the module in the code.
from retry import retry
Use #retry decorator above the method, We can pass the parameters to the decorator. Some of the parameters are tries , delay , Exception.
from retry import retry
#retry(AssertionError, tries=3, delay=2)
def retryfunc():
ret = False
assert ret, "Failed"
except Exception as ex:
raise ex
The above code asserts and fails everytime, but the retry decorator retries for 3 times with a delay of 2 seconds between retries. Also this only retries on Assertion failures since we have specified the error type as AssertionError on any other error the function wont retry.