Why thread did not work on sniff() function on python scapy? - python

I have a code, i want to run the function cek_paket() and delete_paket() at the same time. My friend suggest me to use thread. So shortly, im using this to sniffing arp packet, and save the information (source, destination address,and the amount of packet arrived) into list in dictionary python. So sniff() function is the function by scapy that i use to sniff packet. After the packet arrive, it will return it to cek_paket() to save the information to jumlah_reply list. And i use delete_reply() to delete the first list(jumlah_reply[0]) every 3 second. I have no problem in cek_paket() function. The problem is, why the sniffing() function only works? But delete_reply function did not work?
from scapy.all import*
import thread
import time
jumlah_reply = []
def cek_paket(pkt):
if pkt[ARP].op ==2:
destinasi = str(pkt[ARP].pdst)
source = str(pkt[ARP].psrc)
dikirim = {'src':source,'dst':destinasi}
if len(jumlah_reply)==0:
found = True
for itung in jumlah_reply:
if itung['src']==dikirim['src'] and itung['dst']==dikirim['dst']:
found = True
if not found:
def delete_paket():
if len(jumlah_reply) > 0:
del jumlah_reply[0]
print (jumlah_reply)
def sniffing():
while 1:
I was expecting the output:
When there is a ARP reply packet, the information will be added into the list, and 3 second after it, the first item will be deleted. but the actual output is
As you can see the information packet have added into the list but i've run the code for a minute there is no action from delete_reply() function. Why this is happen? is the sniff() function from scapy lock all the process?


asterisk ari calling stuck in ringing with python

I'm quite new with ARI scripting for Asterisk, and I've been trying to make some script to handle a 1 to 1 communication with ari-py in python. I've been following the example that provided in the asterisk wiki and so far so good. But when I try to create a call, the recipient always keep ringing, even if I have answered it. Is there something wrong with how I handle the call? Here's my script
def stasis_start_cb(self, channel, ev):
"""Handler for StasisStart event"""
chan = channel.get('channel')
print "Channel %s has entered the application" % chan.json.get('name')
outgoing = client.channels.originate(endpoint="SIP/1002", extension='1002', callerId='Tes', app='channel-dump', appArgs='dialed')
I tried using OOP to simplify the function usage, are there anything wrong with that script? And here's another script trying to make a call by using a bridge:
def outgoing_call(self,channel):
outgoing = client.channels.originate(endpoint="SIP/1002", app='channel-dump', appArgs='dialed')
except requests.HTTPError:
def outgoing_start(self, bri, channel):
self.addChan(channel, bridge)
def stasis_start(self, channel, ev):
chan = channel.get('channel')
name = chan.json.get('name')
"""ars = ev.get('args')
if not ars:
print "Error: {} didn't provide any arguments!".format(name)
if ars and ars[0] != 'inbound':
if len(ars) != 2:
print "Error: {} didn't tell us who to dial".format(name)
print "Channel {} entered the application".format(name)
self.outgoing_start(bridge, chan)
Both the client is able to be added in the bridge, and I can make a call, but the problem still persist, the recipient keep saying they are ringing despite I have answered the call
Turns out, the problem is in here
def outgoing_call(self,channel):
outgoing = client.channels.originate(endpoint="SIP/1002", app='channel-dump', appArgs='dialed')
except requests.HTTPError:
As the dialed number answer the call, they uses the same script, so they ended up calling themselves again. A simple if condition to make the dialed number not call to itself again is all that is needed

BLE subscribe to notification using gatttool or bluepy

I am writing a program using bluepy that listen for a characteristic sent by a bluetooth device. I can also use any library or language, the only constraint is to run on Linux and not in mobile environment (it seems is widely used only in mobile devices, no one use BLE with desktop).
Using bluepy I register the delegate and after trying to register for notification calling write('\x01\x00') as described in the bluetooth rfc.
But it doesn't work, any notification for the characteristic is received.
Maybe I am wrong in writing the message for subscribing.
Is there an error in the small snippet I wrote? Thank you so much.
class MyDelegate(btle.DefaultDelegate):
def __init__(self, hndl):
def handleNotification(self, cHandle, data):
if (cHandle==self.hndl):
val = binascii.b2a_hex(data)
val = binascii.unhexlify(val)
val = struct.unpack('f', val)[0]
print str(val) + " deg C"
p = btle.Peripheral("xx:xx:xx:xx", "random")
srvs = (p.getServices());
# Setup to turn notifications on, e.g.
# Main loop --------
while True:
if p.waitForNotifications(1.0):
print "Waiting..."
I was struggling with this myself, and jgrant's comment really helped. I'd like to share my solution, if it could help anyone.
Note that I needed indication, hence the x02 rather than x01.
If it were possible to read the descriptors using bluepy, I would do that, but it doesn't seem to work (bluepy v 1.0.5). The method in the service class appears to be missing, and the method in the peripheral class gets stuck when I try to use it.
from bluepy import btle
class MyDelegate(btle.DefaultDelegate):
def __init__(self):
def handleNotification(self, cHandle, data):
print("A notification was received: %s" %data)
p = btle.Peripheral(<MAC ADDRESS>, btle.ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM)
p.setDelegate( MyDelegate() )
# Setup to turn notifications on, e.g.
svc = p.getServiceByUUID( <UUID> )
ch = svc.getCharacteristics()[0]
p.writeCharacteristic(ch.valHandle+1, "\x02\x00")
while True:
if p.waitForNotifications(1.0):
# handleNotification() was called
# Perhaps do something else here
It looks like the problem is that you're trying to write \x01\x00 to the characteristic itself. You need to write it to the Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor that proceeds it (0x2902). The handle is likely 1 greater than the characteristic (but you may want to confirm by reading the descriptors).
cccd = ch.valHandle + 1
What was confusing for me was that in https://ianharvey.github.io/bluepy-doc/notifications.html
the part that enabled the notifications was in comments, so it didn't look obligatory to me.
the bare minimum (given you know the MAC-adress already an you included everything and declared the Delegateclass) for me is
p1 = Peripheral(<MAC>)
ch1 = p1.getCharacteristics()[3]
p1.writeCharacteristic(ch1.valHandle + 1, b"\x01\x00")
Note that I already knew I wanted to get notifications from characteristic#3.
Also, without the 'b'-bytesprefix infront of "\x0\x00", it wouldn't work for me.
bluepy classes docs and samples are crazy, and not complete. To get more details, just checkout bluepy source (it is not big and easy to read)
But, as starting point you can use this notifications code sample, working with from Heart Rate Service (tested on bluepy 1.3.0)
Don't forget to replace device MAC to your own in Peripheral!
from bluepy import btle
from bluepy.btle import AssignedNumbers
import binascii
class MyDelegate(btle.DefaultDelegate):
def __init__(self, handle):
self.handle = handle
print "Created delegate for handle", self.handle
# ... more initialise here
def handleNotification(self, cHandle, data):
if(cHandle == self.handle):
print "handleNotification for handle: ", cHandle, "; Raw data: ", binascii.b2a_hex(data)
#Found somewhere. Not tested is this working, but leave here as decode example
#val = binascii.b2a_hex(data)
#val = binascii.unhexlify(val)
#val = struct.unpack('f', val)[0]
#print str(val) + " deg C"
print "Connecting..."
dev = btle.Peripheral("c8:2b:96:a3:d4:76")
print "Device services list:"
for svc in dev.services:
print str(svc)
HRService = dev.getServiceByUUID(AssignedNumbers.heartRate)
print "HRService", HRService
print "HRService characteristics list: "
for char in HRService.getCharacteristics():
print "HRService char[", char.getHandle(), "]: ", char
HRMeasurementChar = HRService.getCharacteristics(AssignedNumbers.heart_rate_measurement)[0] #Notice! Check is characteristic found before usage in production code!
print "HRMeasurementChar", HRMeasurementChar, HRMeasurementChar.propertiesToString();
# Assign delegate to target characteristic
# We need to write into org.bluetooth.descriptor.gatt.client_characteristic_configuration descriptor to enabe notifications
# to do so, we must get this descriptor from characteristic first
# more details you can find in bluepy source (def getDescriptors(self, forUUID=None, hndEnd=0xFFFF))
desc = HRMeasurementChar.getDescriptors(AssignedNumbers.client_characteristic_configuration);
print "desc", desc
print "Writing \"notification\" flag to descriptor with handle: ", desc[0].handle
dev.writeCharacteristic(desc[0].handle, b"\x01\x00")# Notice! Do not use [0] in production. Check is descriptor found first!
print "Waiting for notifications..."
while True:
if dev.waitForNotifications(1.0):
# handleNotification() was called

Using pyUSB to read data from ELM327 OBDII to USB device

I am having problems using the pyUSB library to read data from an ELM327 OBDII to USB device. I know that I need to write a command to the device on the write endpoint and read the received data back on the read endpoint. It doesn't seem to want to work for me though.
I wrote my own class obdusb for this:
import usb.core
class obdusb:
def __init__(self,_vend,_prod):
'''Handle to USB device'''
self.idVendor = _vend
self.idProduct = _prod
self._dev = usb.core.find(idVendor=_vend, idProduct=_prod)
return None
def GetDevice(self):
'''Must be called after constructor'''
return self._dev
def SetupEndpoint(self):
'''Must be called after constructor'''
except usb.core.USBError as e:
sys.exit("Could not set configuration")
self._endpointWrite = self._dev[0][(0,0)][1]
self._endpointRead = self._dev[0][(0,0)][0]
#Resetting device and setting vehicle protocol (Auto)
#20ms is required as a delay between each written command
#ATZ resets device
#ATSP 0 should set vehicle protocol automatically
self._dev.write(self._endpointWrite.bEndpointAddress,'ATSP 0',0)
return self._endpointRead
def GetData(self,strCommand):
data = []
data = self._dev.read(self._endpointRead.bEndpointAddress, self._endpointRead.wMaxPacketSize)
return data
So I then use this class and call the GetData method using this code:
import obdusb
#Setting up library,device and endpoint
lib = obdusb.obdusb(0x0403,0x6001)
myDev = lib.GetDevice()
endp = lib.SetupEndpoint()
#Testing GetData function with random OBD command
#0902 is VIN number of vehicle being requested
dataArr = lib.GetData('0902')
raw_input("Press any key")
def PrintResults(arr):
size = len(arr)
print "Data currently in buffer:"
for i in range(0,size):
print "[" + str(i) + "]: " + str(make[i])
This only ever prints the numbers 1 and 60 from [0] and [1] element in the array. No other data has been return from the command. This is the case whether the device is connected to a car or not. I don't know what these 2 pieces of information are. I am expecting it to return a string of hexadecimal numbers. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong here?
If you don't use ATST or ATAT, you have to expect a timeout of 200ms at start, between every write/read combination.
Are you sending a '\r' after each command? It looks like you don't, so it's forever waiting for a Carriage Return.
And a hint: test with 010D or 010C or something. 09xx might be difficult what to expect.
You can do that both ways. As long as you 'seperate' each command with a carriage return.
http://elmelectronics.com/DSheets/ELM327DS.pdf (Expanded list).
That command list was quite usefull to me.
ATAT can be used to the adjust the timeout.
When you send 010D, the ELM chip will wait normally 200 ms, to get all possible reactions. Sometimes you can get more returns, so it waits the 200 ms.
What you also can do, and it's a mystery as only scantools tend to implement this:
The 1 after the command, specifies the ELM should report back, when it has 1 reply from the bus. So it reduces the delay quite efficiently, at the cost of not able to get more values from the address '010D'. (Which is speed!)
Sorry for my english, I hope send you in the right direction.

python Queue not passing correct data

Just found the Queue module which is helping me adapt the pyftpdlib module. I'm running an very strict FTP server, and my goal is to restrict the filenames available to upload. This is to prevent people from uploading whatever they want (it's actually the backend of an upload client, not a complete FTP server).
I have this in the ftpserver Authorizer:
def fetch_worlds(queue, username):
while queue.empty():
worlds = models.World.objects.filter(is_synced=True, user__username=username)
print worlds
queue.put(worlds, timeout=1)
class FTPAuthorizer(ftpserver.DummyAuthorizer):
def __init__(self):
self.q = Queue.Queue()
self.t = None # Thread
self.world_item = None
def has_perm(self, username, perm, path=None):
print "Checking permission\n"
if perm not in ['r','w']:
return False
# Check world name
self.t = threading.Thread(target=fetch_worlds, args=(self.q, username))
self.t.daemon = True
self.world_item = self.q.get()
print "WORLDITEM: %s" % self.world_item
if path is not None:
path = os.path.basename(path)
for world in self.world_item:
test = "{0}_{1}.zip".format(username, world.name)
if path == test:
print "Match on %s" % test
return True
return False
My issue is, after the server starts, the first time I STOR a file, it does an initial db call and gets all the worlds properly. But when I then add another world (for example, set is_synced=True on one, it still returns the old data from self.q.get(). has_perm() is called every time a file is uploaded, and it needs to return live data (to check if a file is allowed).
For example, brand new server:
STOR file.zip, self.q.get() returns <World1, World2>
Update the database via other methods etc
STOR file2.zip, inside fetch_worlds, print worlds returns <World1, World2, World3> but self.q.get() returns <World1, World2>
Just found the Queue module and it seemed like it would be helpful but I can't get the implementation right.
(also couldn't add tag pyftpdlib)
i think this is what could be happening here:
when has_perm is called, you create a Thread that will query a database (?) to add elements to the queue
after calling start the call to the database will take some time
meanwhile in your main thread you entered q.get which will block.
the db call finishes and the result is added to the queue
and is immediately removed from the queue again by the blocking q.get
the queue is now empty, your thread enters the while-loop again and executes the same query again and puts the result onto the queue.
the next call to q.get will return that instead of what it expects.
you see, you could have a race condition here, that already is aparent from the fact that you're adding something to a queue in a loop while you don't have a loop when pulling.
also you assume the element you get from the queue is the result to what you have put onto it before. that doesn't have to be true. if you call has_perm two times this will result in two calls to fetch_worlds with the possibility that the queue.empty() check for one of the calls fails. so only one result will be put onto the queue. now you have two threads waiting on q.get, but only one will get a result, while the oter one waits until one becomes ready...
has_perm looks like it should be a blocking call anyway.

Python: Importing a variable inside of a infinite loop

I have two modules, a host and a scanner. Both loop indefinitely to communicate with the serial ports. I want to import the variable "bestchannel" from scanner into host but by importing it, the while loop inside scanner runs first and loops forever. I want each module to run separately but be able to send each other data in real time. Is this possible?
(outside of scanning ram)
Sample Code:
Host Loop----------------------------------------------
while True:
ser.write( assemble("20","FF","FF","64","B") )
sData = ser.read(100)
if len(sData)>0:
for i in range(0, len(sData)-17):
if sData[i]==chr(1) and sData[i+1]==chr(20) and sData[i+2]==chr(int("A1", 16)):
height = (ord(sData[i+16])*256+ord(sData[i+17]))/100
print "Sensor ", ord(sData[i+12]), " is returning height ",
height, "mm. The minnoisechan:",minchannel
Scanner Loop----------------------------------------------
while True:
ser.write( scan("FF", "FF", str(scanlength)) ) #Channel Mask, Length
sData = ser.read(100)
if len(sData)>0:
for i in range(0, len(sData)-16):
if sData[i]==chr(1) and sData[i+1]==chr(23) and sData[i+2]==chr(int("C5", 16)):
for j in range(0, 16):
chan[j] = sData[i+5+j]
print "channel: ",j+11,"=",ord(chan[j])
if ord(chan[j])<minvalue:
print "count",count,"minvalue:",minvalue,"minchannel:",minchannel
I want minchannel from scanner to be accessible to host.
sample code is in the link or down in the answer, sorry I had to use a different browser.
So again, if you haven't explored implementing your code using threads then I'd suggest that to get two loops to run at the same time. So something like this:
import threading
import Queue
def host(dataQueue):
Host code goes here.
# Check dataQueue for incoming data among other things...
def scanner(dataQueue):
Scanner code goes.
# Put data into dataQueue among other things...
if __name__ == 'main':
dataQ = Queue.queue()
hostThread = threading.Thread(target=host, name="Host", arg=(dataQ,))
scannerThread = threading.Thread(target=scanner, name="Scanner", arg=(dataQ,))
At the very least this will get you started running your two processes together. You still will need to figure out the thread management aspect of this.

