How to capitalize specific letters in a string given certain rules - python

I am massaging strings so that the 1st letter of the string and the first letter following either a dash or a slash needs to be capitalized.
So the following string:
test/string - this is a test string
Should look look like so:
Test/String - This is a test string
So in trying to solve this problem my 1st idea seems like a bad idea - iterate the string and check every character and using indexing etc. determine if a character follows a dash or slash, if it does set it to upper and write out to my new string.
def correct_sentence_case(test_phrase):
corrected_test_phrase = ''
firstLetter = True
for char in test_phrase:
if firstLetter:
corrected_test_phrase += char.upper()
firstLetter = False
#elif char == '/':
corrected_test_phrase += char
This just seems VERY un-pythonic. What is a pythonic way to handle this?
Something along the lines of the following would be awesome but I can't pass in both a dash and a slash to the split:
corrected_test_phrase = ' - '.join(i.capitalize() for i in test_phrase.split(' - '))
Which I got from this SO:
Convert UPPERCASE string to sentence case in Python
Any help will be appreciated :)

I was able to accomplish the desired transformation with a regular expression:
import re
capitalized = re.sub(
'(^|[-/])\s*([A-Za-z])', lambda match: match[0].upper(), phrase)
The expression says "anywhere you match either the start of the string, ^, or a dash or slash followed by maybe some space and a word character, replace the word character with its uppercase."

If you don't want to go with a messy splitting-joining logic, go with a regex:
import re
string = 'test/string - this is a test string'
lambda match:, string))
# Test/String - This is a test string

Using double split
import re
' - '.join([i.strip().capitalize() for i in re.split(' - ','/'.join([i.capitalize() for i in re.split('/',test_phrase)]))])

I'm using that:
import string
last = 'pierre-GARCIA'
if last not in [None, '']:
last = last.strip()
if '-' in last:
last = string.capwords(last, sep='-')
last = string.capwords(last, sep=None)


Python return if statement

Unclear on how to frame the following function correctly:
Creating a function that will take in a string and return the string in camel case without spaces (or pascal case if the first letter was already capital), removing special characters
text = "This-is_my_test_string,to-capitalize"
def to_camel_case(text):
# Return 1st letter of text + all letters after
return text[:1] + text.title()[1:].replace(i" ") if not i.isdigit()
# Output should be "ThisIsMyTestStringToCapitalize"
the "if" statement at the end isn't working out, and I wrote this somewhat experimentally, but with a syntax fix, could the logic work?
Providing the input string does not contain any spaces then you could do this:
from re import sub
def to_camel_case(text, pascal=False):
r = sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', ' ', text).title().replace(' ', '')
return r if pascal else r[0].lower() + r[1:]
ts = 'This-is_my_test_string,to-capitalize'
print(to_camel_case(ts, pascal=True))
Here is a short solution using regex. First it uses title() as you did, then the regex finds non-alphanumeric-characters and removes them, and finally we take the first character to handle pascal / camel case.
import re
def to_camel_case(s):
s1 = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9]+', '', s.title())
return s[0] + s1[1:]
text = "this-is2_my_test_string,to-capitalize"
print(to_camel_case(text)) # ThisIsMyTestStringToCapitalize
The below should work for your example.
Splitting apart your example by anything that isn's alphanumeric or a space. Then capitalizing each word. Finally, returning the re-joined string.
import re
def to_camel_case(text):
words = re.split(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]', text)
return "".join([word.capitalize() for word in words])
text_to_camelcase = "This-is_my_test_string,to-capitalize"
use the split function to split between anything that is not a letter or a whitespace and the function .capitalize() to capitalize single words
import re
text_to_camelcase = "This-is_my_test_string,to-capitalize"
def to_camel_case(text):
split_text = re.split(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]', text)
cap_string = ''
for word in split_text:
cap_word = word.capitalize()
cap_string += cap_word
return cap_string

Is there a way to remove all letters from a string

I have a list of titles with combined dates and descriptions, but I have to reduce this to just a list of dates. Some examples of these titles are stuff like this:
1/16 Stories of Time
5/18 Cock'a'doodle'do
However, some people are really bad at typing and have forgotten the spaces between the dates and the rest of the title. I need to remove everything except for numbers and the slashes between them. Using any method, but preferably regex, is there a simple way to do this? For the record, I do understand how to split and recompile the list for any method that would work on a single string.
You're thinking about this backwards. If you want to extract the date at the start of a line, do that instead of trying to get rid of everything else.
You can use a regex like this: ^\d{1,2}/\d{1,2} which means:
^ start of line
\d digit
{1,2} repeated one or two times
For example:
import re
lines = [
'1/16 Stories of Time',
"5/18 Cock'a'doodle'do",
for line in lines:
match = re.match(r'^\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}', line)
if match:
(Note that re.match always starts matching from the start of the string, so the ^ is redundant here.)
This is more rigorous against titles containing numbers and slashes, like say, 4/5 The 39 Steps / The Thirty-Nine Steps -> 4/5.
However, you'll have a problem if someone forgot the space for a title starts with a number, like say, 7/8100 Years of Solitude -> 7/81.
You can import string to get easy access to a string of all digits, add the slash to it, and then compare your date string against that to drop any character from the date string that's not in there:
import string
string.digits += "/"
for character in date_string:
if not character in string.digits:
date_string = date_string.replace(character, "")
This will convert the date_string 5/18 Cock'a'doodle'do to just 5/18 without using regex at all.
Barmar on the comment of the original question had the best answer. To remove all but the numbers and a slash from the string you can use the one line of code,
string = re.sub(r'[^\d/]', '', string)
This removes all letters but ignores slashes. Thank you Barmar, if you want to post this as an answer I can take this down and flag that instead.
string = "rk3k3rr3kk____"
print("".join([letter for letter in string if not letter.isalpha()]))
But this is what you actually want, since your data seems to always have be a specific kind of format:
string.split(" ")[0]
okay,okay,okay ... this is what you want:
for completness sake:
string = " 2/24 4/12 333333 effee24/22"
for i, x in enumerate(string):
if len(string) <= i + 4:
if i > 0 and x != " " and not x.isalpha():
if not string[i+1].isnumeric():
if string[i+2] != "/":
if not string[i+3].isnumeric():
if not string[i+4].isnumeric():
if len(string) == i + 6 and string[i+5] != " " and not string[i+5].isalpha():

Print a string without any other characters except letters, and replace the space with an underscore

I need to print a string, using this rules:
The first letter should be capital and make all other letters are lowercase. Only the characters a-z A-Z are allowed in the name, any other letters have to be deleted(spaces and tabs are not allowed and use underscores are used instead) and string could not be longer then 80 characters.
It seems to me that it is possible to do it somehow like this:
name = "hello2 sjsjs- skskskSkD"
string = name[0].upper() + name[1:].lower()
lenght = len(string) - 1
answer = ""
for letter in string:
x = letter.isalpha()
if x == False:
answer = string.replace(letter,"")
return answer
I think it's better to use a for loop or isalpha () here, but I can't think of a better way to do it. Can someone tell me how to do this?
For one-to-one and one-to-None mappings of characters, you can use the .translate() method of strings. The string module provides lists (strings) of the various types of characters including one for all letters in upper and lowercase (string.ascii_letters) but you could also use your own constant string such as 'abcdef....xyzABC...XYZ'.
import string
def cleanLetters(S):
nonLetters = S.translate(str.maketrans('','',' '+string.ascii_letters))
return S.translate(str.maketrans(' ','_',nonLetters))
cleanLetters("hello2 sjsjs- skskskSkD")
One method to accomplish this is to use regular expressions (regex) via the built-in re library. This enables the capturing of only the valid characters, and ignoring the rest.
Then, using basic string tools for the replacement and capitalisation, then a slice at the end.
For example:
import re
name = 'hello2 sjsjs- skskskSkD'
trans = str.maketrans({' ': '_', '\t': '_'})
''.join(re.findall('[a-zA-Z\s\t]', name)).translate(trans).capitalize()[:80]
>>> 'Hello_sjsjs_skskskskd'
Strings are immutable, so every time you do string.replace() it needs to iterate over the entire string to find characters to replace, and a new string is created. Instead of doing this, you could simply iterate over the current string and create a new list of characters that are valid. When you're done iterating over the string, use str.join() to join them all.
answer_l = []
for letter in string:
if letter == " " or letter == "\t":
answer_l.append("_") # Replace spaces or tabs with _
elif letter.isalpha():
answer_l.append(letter) # Use alphabet characters as-is
# else do nothing
answer = "".join(answer_l)
With string = 'hello2 sjsjs- skskskSkD', we have answer = 'hello_sjsjs_skskskSkD';
Now you could also write this using a generator expression instead of creating the entire list and then joining it. First, we define a function that returns the letter or "_" for our first two conditions, and an empty string for the else condition
def translate(letter):
if letter == " " or letter == "\t":
return "_"
elif letter.isalpha():
return letter
return ""
answer = "".join(
translate(letter) for letter in string
To enforce the 80-character limit, just take answer[:80]. Because of the way slices work in python, this won't throw an error even when the length of answer is less than 80.

How can I replace part of a string with a pattern

for example is the string is "abbacdeffel" and the pattern being "xyyx" replaced with "1234"
so it would result from "abbacdeffel" to "1234cd1234l"
I have tried to think this out but I couldnt come up with anything. At first I thought maybe dictionary could help but still nothing came to mind.
What you're looking to do can be accomplished by using regex, or more commonly known as, Regular Expressions. Regular Expressions in programming enables you to extract what you want and just what you want from a string.
In your case, you want to match the string with the pattern abba so using the following regex:
You can match two word groups and use backreferences to make sure that the second group comes first, then the first group.
So implementing this in python code looks like this:
First, import the regex module in python
import re
Then, declare your variable
text = "abbacdeffel"
The re.finditer returns an iterable so you can iterate through all the groups
matches = re.finditer(r"(\w)(\w)\2\1", text)
Go through all the matches that the regexp found and replace the pattern with "1234"
for match in matches:
text = text.replace(, "1234")
For debugging:
Complete Code:
import re
text = "abbacdeffel"
matches = re.finditer(r"(\w)(\w)\2\1", text)
for match in matches:
text = text.replace(, "1234")
You can learn more about Regular Expressions here:
New version of code (there was a bug):
def replace_with_pattern(pattern, line, replace):
from collections import OrderedDict
set_of_chars_in_pattern = set(pattern)
indice_start_pattern = 0
output_line = ""
while indice_start_pattern < len(line):
potential_end_pattern = indice_start_pattern + len(pattern)
subline = line[indice_start_pattern:potential_end_pattern]
set_of_chars_in_subline = set(subline)
if len(set_of_chars_in_subline)!= len(set_of_chars_in_pattern):
output_line += line[indice_start_pattern]
indice_start_pattern +=1
map_of_chars = OrderedDict()
liste_of_chars_in_pattern = []
for char in pattern:
if char not in liste_of_chars_in_pattern:
for subline_char in subline:
if subline_char not in map_of_chars.values():
map_of_chars[liste_of_chars_in_pattern.pop(0)] =subline_char
wanted_subline = ""
for char_of_pattern in pattern:
wanted_subline += map_of_chars[char_of_pattern]
print("wanted_subline =" + wanted_subline)
if subline == wanted_subline:
output_line += replace
indice_start_pattern += len(pattern)
output_line += line[indice_start_pattern]
indice_start_pattern += 1
return output_line
some test :
test1 = replace_with_pattern("xyyx", "abbacdeffel", "1234")
test2 = replace_with_pattern("abbacdeffel", "abbacdeffel", "1234")
print(test1, test2)
=> 1234cd1234l 1234
Here goes my attempt:
Assuming you want to match letters only (if other ranges, change both [a-zA-Z] as appropriate, we have:
Find the first character, and note it so we can later refer to it with \1.
Check to see if the next character is not the same as the first, but without advancing the search pointer. This is to prevent aaaa being accepted. If aaaa is OK, just remove this subexpression.
Find the second character, and note it so we can later refer to it with \2.
Now find the second again, then the first again, so we match the full abba pattern.
And finally, to do a replace operation, the full command would be:
import re
The r at the start of the regex pattern is to prevent Python processing the backslashes. Without it, you would need to do:
import re
Now, I see the spec has expanded to a user-defined pattern; here is some code that will build that pattern:
import re
def make_re(pattern, charset):
result = ''
seen = []
for c in pattern:
# Is this a letter we've seen before?
if c in seen:
# Yes, so we want to match the captured pattern
result += '\\' + str(seen.index(c)+1)
# No, so match a new character from the charset,
# but first exclude already matched characters
for i in xrange(len(seen)):
result += '(?!\\' + str(i + 1) + ')'
result += '(' + charset + ')'
# Note we have seen this letter
return result
print re.sub(make_re('xzzx', '\\d'), 'abba', 'abba1221b99999889')
print re.sub(make_re('xyzxyz', '[a-z]'), '123123', 'abcabc zyxzyyx zyzzyz')
123123 zyxzyyx zyzzyz

Python: strip function definition using regex

I am a very beginner of programming and reading the book "Automate the boring stuff with Python'. In Chapter 7, there is a project practice: the regex version of strip(). My code below does not work (I use Python 3.6.1). Could anyone help?
import re
string = input("Enter a string to strip: ")
strip_chars = input("Enter the characters you want to be stripped: ")
def strip_fn(string, strip_chars):
if strip_chars == '':
blank_start_end_regex = re.compile(r'^(\s)+|(\s)+$')
stripped_string = blank_start_end_regex.sub('', string)
strip_chars_start_end_regex = re.compile(r'^(strip_chars)*|(strip_chars)*$')
stripped_string = strip_chars_start_end_regex.sub('', string)
You can also use re.sub to substitute the characters in the start or end.
Let us say if the char is 'x'
re.sub(r'^x+', "", string)
re.sub(r'x+$', "", string)
The first line as lstrip and the second as rstrip
This just looks simpler.
When using r'^(strip_chars)*|(strip_chars)*$' string literal, the strip_chars is not interpolated, i.e. it is treated as a part of the string. You need to pass it as a variable to the regex. However, just passing it in the current form would result in a "corrupt" regex because (...) in a regex is a grouping construct, while you want to match a single char from the define set of chars stored in the strip_chars variable.
You could just wrap the string with a pair of [ and ] to create a character class, but if the variable contains, say z-a, it would make the resulting pattern invalid. You also need to escape each char to play it safe.
r'^[{0}]+|[{0}]+$'.format("".join([re.escape(x) for x in strip_chars]))
I advise to replace * (zero or more occurrences) with + (one or more occurrences) quantifier because in most cases, when we want to remove something, we need to match at least 1 occurrence of the unnecessary string(s).
Also, you may replace r'^(\s)+|(\s)+$' with r'^\s+|\s+$' since the repeated capturing groups will keep on re-writing group values upon each iteration slightly hampering the regex execution.
#! python
# Regex Version of Strip()
import re
def RegexStrip(mainString,charsToBeRemoved=None):
regex=re.compile(r'[%s]'%charsToBeRemoved)#Interesting TO NOTE
return regex.sub('',mainString)
return newString
Str=' hello3123my43name is antony '
Maybe this could help, it can be further simplified of course.

