In REDHAWK IDE (v2.12), I am trying to use fcalc component for some math calculations. I tried to follow an example in the doc by putting math.sin(a+b)+random.random() in the equation field, but I got the following error:
CF.PropertySetPackage.InvalidConfiguration: Failure: . Properties: equation
I also tried other math functions, such as sqrt. However, none of them worked. It is very hard to add any modules in the import field as well.
Did I do anything wrong while using this fcalc component?
It appears that the property change listener is not being triggered for the initial property configuration when launched in the IDE sandbox. There are several workarounds:
Manually configure the import property after launching the component, which will trigger the property change listener. Adding time to the list of imports, for example, will then import math and random as well.
Use the Python sandbox instead of the IDE sandbox
>>> from ossie.utils import sb
>>> fcalc = sb.launch('rh.fcalc')
2019-01-04 11:55:44 WARNING rh_fcalc:176 - NOT overriding global namespace with random from random
>>> fcalc.equation = 'sin(a+b)+random.random()'
The warning is expected and just indicates that you can't use random() in the equation without the full namespace random.random() because it would conflict with the random library.
Launch rh.fcalc in a waveform in a domain
There is a package in R that I need to use on my data. All my data preprocessing has already been done in python and all the modelling as well. The package in R is 'PMA'. I have used r2py before using Rs PLS package as follows
import numpy as np
from rpy2.robjects.numpy2ri import numpy2ri
import rpy2.robjects as ro
def Rpcr(X_train,Y_train,X_test):
return yp_test,yp_train,ncomps
when I followed this format is gave an error that function numpy2ri does not exist.
So I have been working off of rpy2 manual and have tried a number of things with no success. The package I am working with in R is implemented like so:
cspa=CCA(X,Z,typex="standard", typez="standard", K=1, penaltyx=0.25, penaltyz=0.25)
# X and Z are dataframes with dimension ppm and pXq
# cspa returns an R object which I need two attributes u and v
So trying to implement something like I was seeing on the rpy2 tried to load the module in python and use it in python like so
import rpy2.robjects as ro
from rpy2.robjects.packages import SignatureTranslatedAnonymousPackage as STAP
from rpy2.robjects import numpy2ri
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
numpy2ri.activate() # To turn NumPy arrays X1 and X2 to r objects
out=scca.CCA(X1,X2,typex="standard",typez="standard", K=1, penaltyz=0.25,penaltyz=0.25)
and got the following error
OMP: Error #15: Initializing libomp.dylib, but found libiomp5.dylib already initialized.
OMP: Hint This means that multiple copies of the OpenMP runtime have been linked into the program. That is dangerous, since it can degrade performance or cause incorrect results. The best thing to do is to ensure that only a single OpenMP runtime is linked into the process, e.g. by avoiding static linking of the OpenMP runtime in any library. As an unsafe, unsupported, undocumented workaround you can set the environment variable KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK=TRUE to allow the program to continue to execute, but that may cause crashes or silently produce incorrect results. For more information, please see
Abort trap: 6
I also tried using R code directly using an example they had
scca<-CCA(X,Z,typex="standard",typez="standard",K=K penaltyx=alpha,penaltyz=alpha)
which as I understand can be used like an r function directly
this results in the same error as above.
So I do not know exactly how to fix it and have been unable to find anything similar.
The error for some reason is a mac-os issue.
Thus all you have to do
is modify it with this command and it works well
then the function is called by
I`m trying to learn the programming on quantum computers.
I have installed qiskit in VS Code (all qiskit extentions available in VS Code market) , python compilator (from Vs Code market "Python" and "Python for VSCode"). I have set up my qikit API for correct working
When I run the exemple I get erros: "Instance of 'QuantumCircuit' has no 'h' member"
What shoud I do?
The code:
from qiskit import ClassicalRegister, QuantumRegister
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, execute
q = QuantumRegister(2)
c = ClassicalRegister(2)
qc = QuantumCircuit(q)
qc.h(q[0])[0], q[1])
qc.measure(q, c)
job_sim = execute(qc, 'local_qasm_simulator')
sim_result = job_sim.result()
The same error after adding comment # pylint: disable=no-member
The errors in question are coming from pylint, a linter, not from python itself. While pylint is pretty clever, some constructs (particularly those involving dynamically-added properties) are beyond its ability to understand. When you encounter situations like this, the best course of action is twofold:
Check the docs, code, etc. to make absolutely sure the code that you've written is right (i.e. verify that the linter result is a false positive)
Tell the linter that you know what you're doing and it should ignore the false positive
user2357112 took care of the first step in the comments above, demonstrating that the property gets dynamically set by another part of the library.
The second step can be accomplished for pylint by adding a comment after each of the offending lines telling it to turn of that particular check for that particular line:
qc.h(q[0]) # pylint: disable=no-member
I am wondering if there is a way to create macros or aliases for functions in Python 2.7.
Example: I am trying to use the logging module and create aliases/macros for functions logging.debug,, logging.error, etc. If I use those functions as they are in the place where I want the log, everything works fine. But if I try to create an 'alias' function wrapper like this:
def debugLog(message):
... then the line number reporting no longer works as intended, the line reported always states the location of the wrapper and not the actual log, which isn't any real use.
I did find this solution:
import logging
from logging import info as infoLog
from logging import debug as debugLog
from logging import error as errorLog
... but it is not suitable for me since I also create my own logging severity:
logging.addLevelName(60, "NORMAL")
... and I'd like to create an alias/macro like normalLog(message)=logging.log(60, message) for it as well if it's possible? I couldn't find anything comprehensive in Python Docs or online.
You can use functools.partial:
import functools
import logging
normalLog = functools.partial(logging.log, 60)
It works pretty well:
Level 60:root:Hey!!
partial binds arguments to function calls and return a partial object (a callable object that holds the necesary information), so you can also use it in the addLevelName method:
activateLevel = functools.partial(logging.addLevelName, 60, "NORMAL")
Here you have a live working example, notice that the log line is properly reported.
You can use a frame object to get the line number. You can get a frame object in a number of ways, in the example below I use sys._getframe(), the parameter 1 gives the previous stack frame. sys._getframe() is not guaranteed to be present on all Python non-C implementations. Several other functions return frame objects, including the inspect module.
import sys
def debugLog(message):
line = sys._getframe(1).f_lineno
print line, ':', message
x = 42
print x
y = x + 1
print y
10 : A
13 : B
import rpy2.robjects as robjects
dffunc = sc.parallelize([(0,robjects.r.rnorm),(1,robjects.r.runif)])
[(0, <rpy2.rinterface.SexpClosure - Python:0x7f2ecfc28618 / R:0x26abd18>), (1, <rpy2.rinterface.SexpClosure - Python:0x7f2ecfc283d8 / R:0x26aad28>)]
While the partitioned version results in an error:
dffuncpart = dffunc.partitionBy(2)
RuntimeError: ('R cannot evaluate code before being initialized.', <built-in function unserialize>
It seems like this error is that R wasn't loaded on one of the partitions, which I assume implies that the first import step was not performed. Is there anyway around this?
EDIT 1 This second example causes me to think there's a bug in the timing of pyspark or rpy2.
dffunc = sc.parallelize([(0,robjects.r.rnorm), (1,robjects.r.runif)]).partitionBy(2)
def loadmodel(model):
import rpy2.robjects as robjects
return model[1](2)
Produces the same error R cannot evaluate code before being initialized.
dffuncpickle = sc.parallelize([(0,pickle.dumps(robjects.r.rnorm)),(1,pickle.dumps(robjects.r.runif))]).partitionBy(2)
def loadmodelpickle(model):
import rpy2.robjects as robjects
import pickle
return pickle.loads(model[1])(2)
Works just as expected.
I'd like to say that "this is not a bug in rpy2, this is a feature" but I'll realistically have to settle with "this is a limitation".
What is happening is that rpy2 has 2 interface levels. One is a low-level one (closer to R's C API) and available through rpy2.rinterface and the other one is a high-level interface with more bells and whistles, more "pythonic", and with classes for R objects inheriting from rinterface level-ones (that last part is important for the part about pickling below). Importing the high-level interface results in initializing (starting) the embedded R with default parameters if necessary. Importing the low-level interface rinterface does not have this side effect and the initialization of the embedded R must be performed explicitly (function initr). rpy2 was designed this way because the initialization of the embedded R can have parameters: importing first rpy2.rinterface, setting the initialization, then importing rpy2.robjects makes this possible.
In addition to that the serialization (pickling) of R objects wrapped by rpy2 is currently only defined at the rinterface level (see the documentation). Pickling robjects-level (high-level) rpy2 objects is using the rinterface-level code and when unpickling them they will remain at that lower-level (the Python pickle contains the module the class of the object is defined in and will import that module - here rinterface, which does not imply the initialization of the embedded R). The reason for things being this way are simply that it was "good enough for now": at the time this was implemented I had to simultaneously think of a good way to bridge two somewhat different languages and learn my way through Python C-API and pickling/unpickling Python objects. Given the ease with which one can write something like
import rpy2.robjects
import rpy2.rinterface
before unpickling, this was never revisited. The uses of rpy2's pickling I know about are using Python's multiprocessing (and adding something similar to the import statements in the code initializing a child process was a cheap and sufficient fix). May this is the time to look at this again. File a bug report for rpy2 if the case.
edit: this is undoubtedly an issue with rpy2. pickled robjects-level objects should unpickle back to robjects-level, not rinterface-level. I have opened an issue in the rpy2 tracker (and already pushed a rudimentary patch in the default/dev branch).
2nd edit: The patch is part of released rpy2 starting with version 2.7.7 (latest release at the time of writing is 2.7.8).
How can I see a warning again without restarting python. Now I see them only once.
Consider this code for example:
import pandas as pd
pd.Series([1]) / 0
I get
RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
But when I run it again it executes silently.
How can I see the warning again without restarting python?
I have tried to do
del __warningregistry__
but that doesn't help.
Seems like only some types of warnings are stored there.
For example if I do:
def f():
X = pd.DataFrame(dict(a=[1,2,3],b=[4,5,6]))
Y = X.iloc[:2]
Y['c'] = 8
then this will raise warning only first time when f() is called.
However, now when if do del __warningregistry__ I can see the warning again.
What is the difference between first and second warning? Why only the second one is stored in this __warningregistry__? Where is the first one stored?
How can I see the warning again without restarting python?
As long as you do the following at the beginning of your script, you will not need to restart.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import warnings
At this point every time you attempt to divide by zero, it will display
RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
We are setting up a couple warning filters. The first (np.seterr) is telling NumPy how it should handle warnings. I have set it to show warnings on all, but if you are only interested in seeing the Divide by zero warnings, change the parameter from all to divide.
Next we change how we want the warnings module to always display warnings. We do this by setting up a warning filter.
What is the difference between first and second warning? Why only the second one is stored in this __warningregistry__? Where is the first one stored?
This is described in the bug report reporting this issue:
If you didn't raise the warning before using the simple filter, this
would have worked. The undesired behavior is because of
__warningsregistry__. It is set the first time the warning is emitted.
When the second warning comes through, the filter isn't even looked at.
I think the best way to fix this is to invalidate __warningsregistry__
when a filter is used. It would probably be best to store warnings data
in a global then instead of on the module, so it is easy to invalidate.
Incidentally, the bug has been closed as fixed for versions 3.4 and 3.5.
warnings is a pretty awesome standard library module. You're going to enjoy getting to know it :)
A little background
The default behavior of warnings is to only show a particular warning, coming from a particular line, on its first occurrence. For instance, the following code will result in two warnings shown to the user:
import numpy as np
# 10 warnings, but only the first copy will be shown
for i in range(10):
np.true_divide(1, 0)
# This is on a separate line from the other "copies", so its warning will show
np.true_divide(1, 0)
You have a few options to change this behavior.
Option 1: Reset the warnings registry
when you want python to "forget" what warnings you've seen before, you can use resetwarnings:
# warns every time, because the warnings registry has been reset
for i in range(10):
np.true_divide(1, 0)
Note that this also resets any warning configuration changes you've made. Which brings me to...
Option 2: Change the warnings configuration
The warnings module documentation covers this in greater detail, but one straightforward option is just to use a simplefilter to change that default behavior.
import warnings
import numpy as np
# Show all warnings
for i in range(10):
# Now this will warn every loop
np.true_divide(1, 0)
Since this is a global configuration change, it has global effects which you'll likely want to avoid (all warnings anywhere in your application will show every time). A less drastic option is to use the context manager:
with warnings.catch_warnings():
for i in range(10):
# This will warn every loop
np.true_divide(1, 0)
# Back to normal behavior: only warn once
for i in range(10):
np.true_divide(1, 0)
There are also more granular options for changing the configuration on specific types of warnings. For that, check out the docs.