Could any one explain the flow of this program by giving an example?
id_ = lambda x:x
// would return the number (id_(1) would return 1)
zero=map(number,0)//should return number= lambda 0: lambda 0:f(0)
So I am not able to interpret:
number = lambda x: lambda f=id_: f(x)
plus = lambda x: lambda y: y + x
id_ = lambda x: x
number = lambda x: lambda f=id_: f(x)
zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine = map(number, range(10))
plus = lambda x: lambda y: y + x
minus = lambda x: lambda y: y - x
times = lambda x: lambda y: y * x
divided_by = lambda x: lambda y: y / x
Calculations using functions:
> 2
- expects a number "A"
- returns a function "F" that expects a single argument function (or if not provided it uses "id_" by default)
When both arguments are provided the function number() gets evaluated and applies the function F to the number A
# Example 1: returns only 3 (applies "id_" by default)
And when a function is provided:
def inc(x):
return x + 1
# Example 2: applies a single argument function to the number 3
Which returns:
So now the second function you are interested in:
- expects a number
- returns a function that accept another number
When both arguments are provided the function is evaluated and returns their sum.
# Example:
Using the example you used in the comments:
Starting from the innermost expression we get:
one() == 1 because one() == number(1)(f=id_) == _id(1)
Second call to plus(1) would return lambda y: y+1
Applied to the result from first step, plus(one()) == plus(1) == lambda y: y+1
So it means that plus(one()) is (in other words: "returns") itself a function and is equivalent to:
def plus_one(y):
return y + 1
Last step:
one(plus(one())) == one(plus_one) == number(1)(f=plus_one) == plus_one(1) == 1 + 1 == 2
If the lambda syntax bothers you, you can rewrite them for increased clarity (?) into full functions accordingly:
def id_(x):
return x
def number(x):
def inner(f=id_):
return f(x)
return inner
def one(f=id_):
return f(1)
def plus(x):
def add_to_x(y):
return y + x
return add_to_x
add_one = plus(one())
assert one() == number(1)(f=id_) == id_(1) == 1
assert add_one(2) == plus(1)(2) == 3
assert plus(one())(4) == plus(1)(4) == 5
assert one(plus(one())) == one(add_one) == 2
The assignment is to write a recursive function that receives 2 whole non-negative numbers b, x, and returns True if there's a natural integer n so that b**n=x and False if not. I'm not allowed to use any math operators or loops, except % to determine if a number is even or odd.
but i do have external functions that i can use. Which can add 2 numbers, multiply 2 numbers, and divides a number by 2. also i can write helper function that i can use in the main function.
this is what i got so far, but it only works if b is in the form of 2^y (2,4,8,16 etc)
def is_power(b, x):
if b == x:
return True
if b > x:
return False
return is_power(add(b, b), x) # the func 'add' just adds 2 numbers
Furthermore, the complexity needs to be O(logb * logx)
Thank you.
You can essentially keep multiplying b by b until you reach, or pass, n.
A recursive implementation of this, using a helper function, could look something like this:
def is_power(b, x):
if b == 1: # Check special case
return x == 1
return helper(1, b, x)
def helper(counter, b, x):
if counter == x:
return True
elif counter > x:
return False
return helper(mul(counter, b), b, x) # mul is our special multiplication function
Use the function you say you can use to multiply 2 numbers like:
power = False
result = b
while result < x:
result = yourMultiplyFunction(b,b)
if result == x:
power = True
Question was EDITTED (can't use loops):
def powerOf(x, b, b1=-1):
if b1 == -1:
b1 = b
if (b == 1) and (x == 1):
return True
elif ( b==1 ) or (x == 1):
return False
if b*b1 < x:
return powerOf(x, b*b1, b1)
elif b*b1 > x:
return False
return True
print(powerOf(625, 25))
A solution that is O(logb * logx) would be slower than a naive sequential search
You can get O(logx / logb) by simply doing this:
def is_power(b,x,bn=1):
if bn == x: return True
if bn > x: return False
return is_power(b,x,bn*b)
I suspect that the objective is to go faster than O(logx/logb) and that the complexity requirement should be something like O(log(logx/logb)^2) which is equivalent to O(log(n)*log(n)).
To get a O(log(n)*log(n)) solution, you can convert the problem into a binary search by implementing a helper function to raise a number to a given power in O(log(n)) time and use it in the O(log(n)) search logic.
def raise_power(b,n): # recursive b^n O(logN)
if not n: return 1 # b^0 = 1
if n%2: return b*raise_power(b*b,n//2) # binary decomposition
return raise_power(b*b,n//2) # of power over base
def find_power(b,x,minp,maxp): # binary search
if minp>maxp: return False # no matching power
n = (minp+maxp)//2 # middle of exponent range
bp = raise_power(b,n) # compute power
if bp == x: return True # match found
if bp > x: return find_power(b,x,minp,n-1) # look in lower sub-range
return find_power(b,x,n+1,maxp) # look in upper sub-range
def max_power(b,x):
return 2*max_power(b*b,x) if b<x else 1 # double n until b^n > x
def is_power(b,x):
maxp = max_power(b,x) # determine upper bound
return find_power(b,x,0,maxp) # use binary search
Note that you will need to convert the *, + and //2 operations to their equivalent external functions in order to meet the requirements of your assignment
I came across the following homework problem:
My code for this problem was marked wrong and when I viewed the suggested solution, I couldn't understand where I went wrong. I ran the codes of both functions in Python IDLE compiler only to see that both functions return the same output as seen below:
>>> def dual_function(f,g,n): #Suggested solution
def helper(x):
f1,g1 = f,g
if n%2==0:
for i in range(n):
return x
return helper
>>> def dual_function_two(f,g,n): #My solution
def helper(x):
if n%2==0:
for i in range (n):
if i%2==0:
x = g(x)
x = f(x)
for i in range(n):
if i%2==0:
x = f(x)
x = g(x)
return x
return helper
>>> add1 = lambda x: x+1
>>> add2 = lambda x: x+2
>>> dual_function(add1,add2,4)(3)
>>> dual_function_two(add1,add2,4)(3)
I would appreciate it if someone could identify the mistake in my solution. Thank you.
The suggested solution is needlessly complex. Countless reassignments of variables and a loop are a recipe for a headache. Here's a simplified alternative -
def dual (f, g, n):
if n == 0:
return lambda x: x
return lambda x: f(dual(g, f, n - 1)(x))
add1 = lambda x: 1 + x
add2 = lambda x: 2 + x
# 9
# (1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 3)
# 16
# (1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 3)
# 3
The reason this works is because in the recursive branch, we call dual with swapped arguments, dual(g,f,n-1). So f and g change places each time as n decrements down to 0, the base case, which returns the identity (no-op) function.
A slightly less readable version, but works identically -
def dual (f, g, n):
return lambda x: \
x if n == 0 else f(dual(g, f, n - 1)(x))
I need help writing a method that receives a function, and some number y and returns x such that f(x) = y. The function is differentiable using Newton's method:
from random import *
def diff_param(f,h=0.001):
return (lambda x: (f(x+h)-f(x))/h)
def NR(func, deriv, epsilon=10**(-8), n=100, x0=None):
""" returns a number such that f(number) == 0"""
if x0 is None:
x0 = uniform(-100.,100.)
x=x0; y=func(x)
for i in range(n):
if abs(y)<epsilon:
#print (x,y,"convergence in",i, "iterations")
return x
elif abs(deriv(x))<epsilon:
#print ("zero derivative, x0=",x0," i=",i, " xi=", x)
return None
x = x- func(x)/deriv(x)
y = func(x)
#print("no convergence, x0=",x0," i=",i, " xi=", x)
return None
I need to write a method source(f,y) that returns the x such that f(x) = y.
def source(f,y):
You need to find the zeros of g(x) = f(x)-y :
def source(f,y):
def g(x):
return f(x)-y
x = NR(g, diff_param(g))
return x
This returns a single x, but there may be others. To find them you need to try other initial values x0.
This was the question:
Write a function called sum_range that accepts 2 integer values as
parameters and returns the sum of all the integers between the two
values, including the first and last values. The parameters may be in
any order (i.e. the second parameter may be smaller than the first).
For example:
result = sum_range(1, 1)
print(result) 1
result = sum_range(2, 4) print(result) 9
result = sum_range(3, 2)
print(result) 5
my codes are as below, I dont know where it went wrong
but when I test the codes, it returned 'none' when (2,4) (3,2) were entered
def sum_range(x,y):
if x == y:
return x
if x<y:
if x>y:
You could do better (at least I think), here is my code for that:
def sum_range(a, b):
return sum(range(min(a,b),max(a,b)+1))
You were very close but forgot to return the actual value from the calculations. If you just type "return", you will return None and not the result from the sum.
You also did not include the last number in the range in the sum. See corrected code below:
def sum_range(x, y):
if x == y:
return x
if x < y:
return sum(range(x, y+1))
if x > y:
return sum(range(y, x+1))
You need to return the sum which you are not doing in the x<y and x>y cases. You should
return sum(range(x,y)) or return sum(range(y,x)) as appropriate.
Note also that there is a bug in your range() expressions - "including the first and last values". Hint: What does range(1,3) output?
def sum_range(x,y):
if x == y:
return x
elif x < y:
s = 0
for i in range(x,y):
s += x+(x+1)
return s
elif x > y:
s = 0
for i in range(y,x):
s += y+(y+1)
return s
This is done without using sum() function.
I'm stuck at higher-order functions in python. I need to write a repeat function repeat that applies the function f n times on a given argument x.
For example, repeat(f, 3, x) is f(f(f(x))).
This is what I have:
def repeat(f,n,x):
if n==0:
return f(x)
return repeat(f,n-1,x)
When I try to assert the following line:
plus = lambda x,y: repeat(lambda z:z+1,x,y)
assert plus(2,2) == 4
It gives me an AssertionError. I read about How to repeat a function n times but I need to have it done in this way and I can't figure it out...
You have two problems:
You are recursing the wrong number of times (if n == 1, the function should be called once); and
You aren't calling f on the returned value from the recursive call, so the function is only ever applied once.
def repeat(f, n, x):
if n == 1: # note 1, not 0
return f(x)
return f(repeat(f, n-1, x)) # call f with returned value
or, alternatively:
def repeat(f, n, x):
if n == 0:
return x # note x, not f(x)
return f(repeat(f, n-1, x)) # call f with returned value
(thanks to #Kevin for the latter, which supports n == 0).
>>> repeat(lambda z: z + 1, 2, 2)
>>> assert repeat(lambda z: z * 2, 4, 3) == 3 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2
You've got a very simple error there, in the else block you are just passing x along without doing anything to it. Also you are applying x when n == 0, don't do that.
def repeat(f,n,x):
>>> repeat(lambda x: x+1, 2, 0)
return repeat(f, n-1, f(x)) if n > 0 else x