I have a script which is supposed to login via imap, and scan my mailbox for email addresses i have sent mail to. It seems there is an error in the code below. Would it be best to just scan named boxes or is there another fix?
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# imap-email-address-collector
import sys
import re
import csv
import getpass
import imaplib
import argparse
from email.parser import HeaderParser
RE_EMAIL = re.compile(r'^[a-z0-9._%+-]+\#[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,}$')
RE_QUOTES = re.compile(r'[\'\"]')
RE_SPACES = re.compile(r'[\n\t\s]+')
results = {}
unmatched = set()
def matchAndAdd(email, name=''):
email = email.lower()
if RE_EMAIL.match(email):
if email not in results or len(name) > len(results[email]): # only overwrite with longer name
results[email] = name.strip()
def grabAddress(address):
address = str(address).strip()
address = RE_QUOTES.sub('', address)
address = RE_SPACES.sub(' ', address)
if address.startswith('<'): # No name, just an email address
address = address[1:]
if address.endswith('>'):
address = address[:-1]
else: # Name and email address
name, email = address.split('<')
except Exception:
matchAndAdd(email[:-1], name)
def listBoxes(imap):
boxes = imap.list()
if boxes[0] == 'OK' and len(boxes) > 1:
for box in boxes[1]:
box = re.split(r'\) \".\" ', box, maxsplit=1)
if len(box) == 2:
yield box[1]
print 'No folders found.'
def main(args):
if args.password:
password = args.password
password = getpass.getpass('Password: ')
if args.nossl:
print 'Connecting to %s:%s without SSL...' % (, args.port)
if not args.donotannoyme:
confirmation = raw_input('Please type %s:' % NOSSL_PROMT)
if not confirmation == NOSSL_PROMT:
print 'Good choice ;) (Disable with --donotannoyme)'
imap = imaplib.IMAP4(, args.port)
print 'Connecting to %s:%s over SSL...' % (, args.port)
imap = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(, args.port)
imap.login(args.user, password)
except imaplib.IMAP4.error:
print "Login failed."
print 'Logged in as %s' % args.user
print 'Collecting email addresses from all messages...'
for box in listBoxes(imap):
print 'Scanning %s' % box, readonly=True)
typ, data =, 'Inbox')
count = 0
for num in data[0].split():
typ, data = imap.fetch(num, '(BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (TO FROM)])')
headers = headerParser.parsestr(data[0][1])
for h in ('From', 'To'):
if headers[h]:
for address in headers[h].split(','):
count += 1
sys.stdout.write('\rScanned %s messages' % count)
if count > 0:
print ''
if len(results) > 0:
print 'Found %s addresses' % len(results)
if not args.csv:
toStdout = True
outFile = open(args.csv, 'wb')
except Exception:
toStdout = True
print 'Cannot write to %s, dumping out here.' % args.csv
toStdout = False
if toStdout:
outFile = sys.stdout
print '======================================================='
print 'Writing to %s' % args.csv
writer = csv.writer(outFile)
if toStdout:
print '======================================================='
if len(unmatched) > 0:
print 'Could not interpret %s address(es): %s' % (len(unmatched), "'"+("', '".join(unmatched))+"'")
print 'No addresses found'
if __name__ == '__main__':
headerParser = HeaderParser()
argParser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argParser.add_argument('--host', help='imap host address', required=True)
argParser.add_argument('--user', help='login username', required=True)
argParser.add_argument('--csv', help='(optional) output csv filepath')
argParser.add_argument('--nossl', help='(optional) do not use ssl', action='store_true')
argParser.add_argument('--donotannoyme', help='(optional) do not complain about non-ssl connections', action='store_true')
argParser.add_argument('--password', help='(optional) login password (will be prompted otherwise)')
argParser.add_argument('--port', help='(optional) imap host port, defaults to 993', type=int, default=993)
However, when i execute the script i get the error below. What may be the solution to this?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 169, in <module>
File "./", line 99, in main
typ, data =, 'Inbox')
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 640, in search
typ, dat = self._simple_command(name, *criteria)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 1083, in _simple_command
return self._command_complete(name, self._command(name, *args))
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 918, in _command_complete
raise self.error('%s command error: %s %s' % (name, typ, data))
imaplib.error: SEARCH command error: BAD ['Error in IMAP command SEARCH: Unknown argument INBOX (0.001 + 0.000 secs).']
I am parsing and checking command-lines parameters with usage.Options.
from twisted.python import usage
import sys
class Options(usage.Options):
Defines the default input parameters
optParameters = [
["param", "p", 1, "Int Parameter", int],
if __name__ == "__main__":
options = Options()
except Exception, e:
print '%s: %s' % (sys.argv[0], e)
print '%s: Try --help for usage details.' % (sys.argv[0])
if options['param'] < 0 or options['param'] > 10:
print "param out of the range [0,10]"
I don't know how to check that value of thi input param is a number. If a user accidentally inserts a letter he gets this:
Parameter type enforcement failed: invalid literal for int() with base
10: 'd'
Why don't use optparse?
from optparse import OptionParser
options, args = parser.parse_args()
def args():
parser = OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog [options]', version='%prog 1.0.0')
return parser
You can have something like this. Add and replace everything you want:
class Main:
def __init__(self):
parser = self.get_arg()
def set_arg(self, parser):
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print 'Error: Usage: python %s <options>' % sys.argv[0]
input_file = options.input_file
flag = options.flag
def get_arg(self):
parser = OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog [options]', version='%prog 1.1.0')
parser.add_option('-i', '--input-file', action='store', type='string', dest='input_file', default=None,
help='Input file.')
parser.add_option('-f', '--flag', action='store_true', dest='flag', default=False,
help='A flag in your app')
return parser
if __name__ == '__main__':
I found a Python script to list all Vcenter VM attributes, but now I need to register some of attributes into a Python list (or array, dict... ).
But it doesn't works.
My :
EDIT : the right file :
import argparse
import atexit
import itertools
import unicodedata
import pyVmomi
from pyVmomi import vmodl
from pyVmomi import vim
from pyVim.connect import SmartConnect, Disconnect
def GetArgs():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process args for retrieving all the Virtual Machines')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--host', required=True, action='store',help='Remote host to connect to')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--port', type=int, default=443, action='store',help='Port to connect on')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', required=True, action='store',help='User name to use when connecting to host')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', required=False, action='store',help='Password to use when connecting to host')
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def print_vm_info(virtual_machine):
Print information for a particular virtual machine or recurse into a
folder with depth protection
Ansible_Hosts = []
Ansible_Groups = []
Ansible_Names = []
summary = virtual_machine.summary
print("Name : ",
print("Template : ", summary.config.template)
#print("Path : ", summary.config.vmPathName)
print"Guest : ", str(unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', summary.config.guestFullName))
#print("Instance UUID : ", summary.config.instanceUuid)
#print("Bios UUID : ", summary.config.uuid)
print"State : ", summary.runtime.powerState
if summary.guest is not None:
ip_address = summary.guest.ipAddress
if ip_address:
print "Ansible_Hosts[1:15]", Ansible_Hosts[1:15]
def main():
args = GetArgs()
si = SmartConnect(,user=args.user,pwd=args.password,port=int(args.port))
if not si:
print("Could not connect to the specified host using specified "
"username and password")
return -1
atexit.register(Disconnect, si)
content = si.RetrieveContent() # get root folder
container = content.rootFolder # starting point to look into
viewType = [vim.VirtualMachine] # object types to look for
recursive = True # whether we should look into it recursively
containerView = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(
container, viewType, recursive)
children = containerView.view
for child in children:
except vmodl.MethodFault as error:
print("Caught vmodl fault : " + error.msg)
return -1
return 0
# Start program
if __name__ == "__main__":
Prints works like a charm, but always my lists (Ansible_Hosts, ...) are empty...
The lists initialization statements (Ansible_Hosts = [] etc.) should go to main()
I have a python script that have __main__ statement and took all values parametric.
I want to import and use it in my own script.
Actually I can import but don't know how to use it.
As you see below, __main__ is a bit complicated and rewriting it will take time because I even don't know what does most of code mean.
Want to know is there any way to import and use the code as a function?
import os
import sys
import time
import base64
from urllib2 import urlopen
from urllib2 import Request
from urllib2 import HTTPError
from urllib import urlencode
from urllib import quote
from exceptions import Exception
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication
from email.encoders import encode_noop
from api_util import json2python, python2json
class MalformedResponse(Exception):
class RequestError(Exception):
class Client(object):
default_url = ''
def __init__(self,
apiurl = default_url):
self.session = None
self.apiurl = apiurl
def get_url(self, service):
return self.apiurl + service
def send_request(self, service, args={}, file_args=None):
service: string
args: dict
if self.session is not None:
args.update({ 'session' : self.session })
print 'Python:', args
json = python2json(args)
print 'Sending json:', json
url = self.get_url(service)
print 'Sending to URL:', url
# If we're sending a file, format a multipart/form-data
if file_args is not None:
m1 = MIMEBase('text', 'plain')
m1.add_header('Content-disposition', 'form-data; name="request-json"')
m2 = MIMEApplication(file_args[1],'octet-stream',encode_noop)
'form-data; name="file"; filename="%s"' % file_args[0])
#msg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment',
# filename='bud.gif')
#msg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment',
# filename=('iso-8859-1', '', 'FuSballer.ppt'))
mp = MIMEMultipart('form-data', None, [m1, m2])
# Makie a custom generator to format it the way we need.
from cStringIO import StringIO
from email.generator import Generator
class MyGenerator(Generator):
def __init__(self, fp, root=True):
Generator.__init__(self, fp, mangle_from_=False,
self.root = root
def _write_headers(self, msg):
# We don't want to write the top-level headers;
# they go into Request(headers) instead.
if self.root:
# We need to use \r\n line-terminator, but Generator
# doesn't provide the flexibility to override, so we
# have to copy-n-paste-n-modify.
for h, v in msg.items():
print >> self._fp, ('%s: %s\r\n' % (h,v)),
# A blank line always separates headers from body
print >> self._fp, '\r\n',
# The _write_multipart method calls "clone" for the
# subparts. We hijack that, setting root=False
def clone(self, fp):
return MyGenerator(fp, root=False)
fp = StringIO()
g = MyGenerator(fp)
data = fp.getvalue()
headers = {'Content-type': mp.get('Content-type')}
if False:
print 'Sending headers:'
print ' ', headers
print 'Sending data:'
print data[:1024].replace('\n', '\\n\n').replace('\r', '\\r')
if len(data) > 1024:
print '...'
print data[-256:].replace('\n', '\\n\n').replace('\r', '\\r')
# Else send x-www-form-encoded
data = {'request-json': json}
print 'Sending form data:', data
data = urlencode(data)
print 'Sending data:', data
headers = {}
request = Request(url=url, headers=headers, data=data)
f = urlopen(request)
txt =
print 'Got json:', txt
result = json2python(txt)
print 'Got result:', result
stat = result.get('status')
print 'Got status:', stat
if stat == 'error':
errstr = result.get('errormessage', '(none)')
raise RequestError('server error message: ' + errstr)
return result
except HTTPError, e:
print 'HTTPError', e
txt =
open('err.html', 'wb').write(txt)
print 'Wrote error text to err.html'
def login(self, apikey):
args = { 'apikey' : apikey }
result = self.send_request('login', args)
sess = result.get('session')
print 'Got session:', sess
if not sess:
raise RequestError('no session in result')
self.session = sess
def _get_upload_args(self, **kwargs):
args = {}
for key,default,typ in [('allow_commercial_use', 'd', str),
('allow_modifications', 'd', str),
('publicly_visible', 'y', str),
('scale_units', None, str),
('scale_type', None, str),
('scale_lower', None, float),
('scale_upper', None, float),
('scale_est', None, float),
('scale_err', None, float),
('center_ra', None, float),
('center_dec', None, float),
('radius', None, float),
('downsample_factor', None, int),
('tweak_order', None, int),
('crpix_center', None, bool),
# image_width, image_height
if key in kwargs:
val = kwargs.pop(key)
val = typ(val)
args.update({key: val})
elif default is not None:
args.update({key: default})
print 'Upload args:', args
return args
def url_upload(self, url, **kwargs):
args = dict(url=url)
result = self.send_request('url_upload', args)
return result
def upload(self, fn, **kwargs):
args = self._get_upload_args(**kwargs)
f = open(fn, 'rb')
result = self.send_request('upload', args, (fn,
return result
except IOError:
print 'File %s does not exist' % fn
def submission_images(self, subid):
result = self.send_request('submission_images', {'subid':subid})
return result.get('image_ids')
def overlay_plot(self, service, outfn, wcsfn, wcsext=0):
from astrometry.util import util as anutil
wcs = anutil.Tan(wcsfn, wcsext)
params = dict(crval1 = wcs.crval[0], crval2 = wcs.crval[1],
crpix1 = wcs.crpix[0], crpix2 = wcs.crpix[1],
cd11 =[0], cd12 =[1],
cd21 =[2], cd22 =[3],
imagew = wcs.imagew, imageh = wcs.imageh)
result = self.send_request(service, {'wcs':params})
print 'Result status:', result['status']
plotdata = result['plot']
plotdata = base64.b64decode(plotdata)
open(outfn, 'wb').write(plotdata)
print 'Wrote', outfn
def sdss_plot(self, outfn, wcsfn, wcsext=0):
return self.overlay_plot('sdss_image_for_wcs', outfn,
wcsfn, wcsext)
def galex_plot(self, outfn, wcsfn, wcsext=0):
return self.overlay_plot('galex_image_for_wcs', outfn,
wcsfn, wcsext)
def myjobs(self):
result = self.send_request('myjobs/')
return result['jobs']
def job_status(self, job_id, justdict=False):
result = self.send_request('jobs/%s' % job_id)
if justdict:
return result
stat = result.get('status')
if stat == 'success':
result = self.send_request('jobs/%s/calibration' % job_id)
print 'Calibration:', result
result = self.send_request('jobs/%s/tags' % job_id)
print 'Tags:', result
result = self.send_request('jobs/%s/machine_tags' % job_id)
print 'Machine Tags:', result
result = self.send_request('jobs/%s/objects_in_field' % job_id)
print 'Objects in field:', result
result = self.send_request('jobs/%s/annotations' % job_id)
print 'Annotations:', result
result = self.send_request('jobs/%s/info' % job_id)
print 'Calibration:', result
return stat
def sub_status(self, sub_id, justdict=False):
result = self.send_request('submissions/%s' % sub_id)
if justdict:
return result
return result.get('status')
def jobs_by_tag(self, tag, exact):
exact_option = 'exact=yes' if exact else ''
result = self.send_request(
'jobs_by_tag?query=%s&%s' % (quote(tag.strip()), exact_option),
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
import optparse
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('--server', dest='server', default=Client.default_url,
help='Set server base URL (eg, %default)')
parser.add_option('--apikey', '-k', dest='apikey',
help='API key for web service; if not given will check AN_API_KEY environment variable')
parser.add_option('--upload', '-u', dest='upload', help='Upload a file')
parser.add_option('--wait', '-w', dest='wait', action='store_true', help='After submitting, monitor job status')
parser.add_option('--wcs', dest='wcs', help='Download resulting wcs.fits file, saving to given filename; implies --wait if --urlupload or --upload')
parser.add_option('--kmz', dest='kmz', help='Download resulting kmz file, saving to given filename; implies --wait if --urlupload or --upload')
parser.add_option('--urlupload', '-U', dest='upload_url', help='Upload a file at specified url')
parser.add_option('--scale-units', dest='scale_units',
choices=('arcsecperpix', 'arcminwidth', 'degwidth', 'focalmm'), help='Units for scale estimate')
#parser.add_option('--scale-type', dest='scale_type',
# choices=('ul', 'ev'), help='Scale bounds: lower/upper or estimate/error')
parser.add_option('--scale-lower', dest='scale_lower', type=float, help='Scale lower-bound')
parser.add_option('--scale-upper', dest='scale_upper', type=float, help='Scale upper-bound')
parser.add_option('--scale-est', dest='scale_est', type=float, help='Scale estimate')
parser.add_option('--scale-err', dest='scale_err', type=float, help='Scale estimate error (in PERCENT), eg "10" if you estimate can be off by 10%')
parser.add_option('--ra', dest='center_ra', type=float, help='RA center')
parser.add_option('--dec', dest='center_dec', type=float, help='Dec center')
parser.add_option('--radius', dest='radius', type=float, help='Search radius around RA,Dec center')
parser.add_option('--downsample', dest='downsample_factor', type=int, help='Downsample image by this factor')
parser.add_option('--parity', dest='parity', choices=('0','1'), help='Parity (flip) of image')
parser.add_option('--tweak-order', dest='tweak_order', type=int, help='SIP distortion order (default: 2)')
parser.add_option('--crpix-center', dest='crpix_center', action='store_true', default=None, help='Set reference point to center of image?')
parser.add_option('--sdss', dest='sdss_wcs', nargs=2, help='Plot SDSS image for the given WCS file; write plot to given PNG filename')
parser.add_option('--galex', dest='galex_wcs', nargs=2, help='Plot GALEX image for the given WCS file; write plot to given PNG filename')
parser.add_option('--substatus', '-s', dest='sub_id', help='Get status of a submission')
parser.add_option('--jobstatus', '-j', dest='job_id', help='Get status of a job')
parser.add_option('--jobs', '-J', dest='myjobs', action='store_true', help='Get all my jobs')
parser.add_option('--jobsbyexacttag', '-T', dest='jobs_by_exact_tag', help='Get a list of jobs associated with a given tag--exact match')
parser.add_option('--jobsbytag', '-t', dest='jobs_by_tag', help='Get a list of jobs associated with a given tag')
parser.add_option( '--private', '-p',
help='Hide this submission from other users')
help='Select license to allow derivative works of submission, but only if shared under same conditions of original license')
help='Select license to disallow derivative works of submission')
help='Select license to disallow commercial use of submission')
opt,args = parser.parse_args()
if opt.apikey is None:
# try the environment
opt.apikey = os.environ.get('AN_API_KEY', None)
if opt.apikey is None:
print 'You must either specify --apikey or set AN_API_KEY'
args = {}
args['apiurl'] = opt.server
c = Client(**args)
if opt.upload or opt.upload_url:
if opt.wcs or opt.kmz:
opt.wait = True
kwargs = dict(
if opt.scale_lower and opt.scale_upper:
elif opt.scale_est and opt.scale_err:
elif opt.scale_lower or opt.scale_upper:
if opt.scale_lower:
if opt.scale_upper:
for key in ['scale_units', 'center_ra', 'center_dec', 'radius',
'downsample_factor', 'tweak_order', 'crpix_center',]:
if getattr(opt, key) is not None:
kwargs[key] = getattr(opt, key)
if opt.parity is not None:
if opt.upload:
upres = c.upload(opt.upload, **kwargs)
if opt.upload_url:
upres = c.url_upload(opt.upload_url, **kwargs)
stat = upres['status']
if stat != 'success':
print 'Upload failed: status', stat
print upres
opt.sub_id = upres['subid']
if opt.wait:
if opt.job_id is None:
if opt.sub_id is None:
print "Can't --wait without a submission id or job id!"
while True:
stat = c.sub_status(opt.sub_id, justdict=True)
print 'Got status:', stat
jobs = stat.get('jobs', [])
if len(jobs):
for j in jobs:
if j is not None:
if j is not None:
print 'Selecting job id', j
opt.job_id = j
success = False
while True:
stat = c.job_status(opt.job_id, justdict=True)
print 'Got job status:', stat
if stat.get('status','') in ['success']:
success = (stat['status'] == 'success')
if success:
# result = c.send_request('jobs/%s/calibration' % opt.job_id)
# print 'Calibration:', result
# result = c.send_request('jobs/%s/tags' % opt.job_id)
# print 'Tags:', result
# result = c.send_request('jobs/%s/machine_tags' % opt.job_id)
# print 'Machine Tags:', result
# result = c.send_request('jobs/%s/objects_in_field' % opt.job_id)
# print 'Objects in field:', result
#result = c.send_request('jobs/%s/annotations' % opt.job_id)
#print 'Annotations:', result
retrieveurls = []
if opt.wcs:
# We don't need the API for this, just construct URL
url = opt.server.replace('/api/', '/wcs_file/%i' % opt.job_id)
retrieveurls.append((url, opt.wcs))
if opt.kmz:
url = opt.server.replace('/api/', '/kml_file/%i/' % opt.job_id)
retrieveurls.append((url, opt.kmz))
for url,fn in retrieveurls:
print 'Retrieving file from', url, 'to', fn
f = urlopen(url)
txt =
w = open(fn, 'wb')
print 'Wrote to', fn
opt.job_id = None
opt.sub_id = None
if opt.sdss_wcs:
(wcsfn, outfn) = opt.sdss_wcs
c.sdss_plot(outfn, wcsfn)
if opt.galex_wcs:
(wcsfn, outfn) = opt.galex_wcs
c.galex_plot(outfn, wcsfn)
if opt.sub_id:
print c.sub_status(opt.sub_id)
if opt.job_id:
print c.job_status(opt.job_id)
#result = c.send_request('jobs/%s/annotations' % opt.job_id)
#print 'Annotations:', result
if opt.jobs_by_tag:
tag = opt.jobs_by_tag
print c.jobs_by_tag(tag, None)
if opt.jobs_by_exact_tag:
tag = opt.jobs_by_exact_tag
print c.jobs_by_tag(tag, 'yes')
if opt.myjobs:
jobs = c.myjobs()
print jobs
#print c.submission_images(1)
No, there is no clean way to do so. When the module is being imported, it's code is executed and all global variables are set as attributes to the module object. So if part of the code is not executed at all (is guarded by __main__ condition) there is no clean way to get access to that code. You can however run code of this module with substituted __name__ but that's very hackish.
You should refactor this module and move whole __main__ part into a method and call it like this:
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
This way consumer apps will be able to run code without having to run it in a separate process.
Use the runpy module in the Python 3 Standard Library
See that data can be passed to and from the called script
import runpy
import sys
sys.argv += ["another parameter"]
module_globals_dict = runpy.run_path("",
init_globals = globals(), run_name="__main__")
# Note we did not load sys module, it gets passed to this script
script_name = sys.argv[0]
print(f"Script {script_name} loaded")
if __name__ == "__main__":
params = sys.argv[1:]
print(f"Script {script_name} run with params: {params}")
return_value = f"{script_name} Done"
by what your saying you want to call a function in the script that is importing the module so try:
import __main__
I'm fairly new to Python and I'm trying to write a plugin for a text editor.
I want to know if there is a way to launch default system E-Mail client from python code.
With pywin32:
import win32api
win32api.ShellExecute(0,'open','mailto:',None,None ,0)
Ah, I misread your question and presumed you're on Win platform.
A platform independent solution would be open mailto link in a browser, like
import webbrowser'mailto:', new=1)
Update 2
Some additional research (in fact, first two pages of google search) revealed this excellent snippet:
#!/usr/bin/env python
'''Utilities for opening files or URLs in the registered default application
and for sending e-mail using the user's preferred composer.
__version__ = '1.1'
__all__ = ['open', 'mailto']
import os
import sys
import webbrowser
import subprocess
from email.Utils import encode_rfc2231
_controllers = {}
_open = None
class BaseController(object):
'''Base class for open program controllers.'''
def __init__(self, name): = name
def open(self, filename):
raise NotImplementedError
class Controller(BaseController):
'''Controller for a generic open program.'''
def __init__(self, *args):
super(Controller, self).__init__(os.path.basename(args[0]))
self.args = list(args)
def _invoke(self, cmdline):
if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
closefds = False
startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
closefds = True
startupinfo = None
if (os.environ.get('DISPLAY') or sys.platform[:3] == 'win' or
sys.platform == 'darwin'):
inout = file(os.devnull, 'r+')
# for TTY programs, we need stdin/out
inout = None
# if possible, put the child precess in separate process group,
# so keyboard interrupts don't affect child precess as well as
# Python
setsid = getattr(os, 'setsid', None)
if not setsid:
setsid = getattr(os, 'setpgrp', None)
pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=inout, stdout=inout,
stderr=inout, close_fds=closefds,
preexec_fn=setsid, startupinfo=startupinfo)
# It is assumed that this kind of tools (gnome-open, kfmclient,
# exo-open, xdg-open and open for OSX) immediately exit after lauching
# the specific application
returncode = pipe.wait()
if hasattr(self, 'fixreturncode'):
returncode = self.fixreturncode(returncode)
return not returncode
def open(self, filename):
if isinstance(filename, basestring):
cmdline = self.args + [filename]
# assume it is a sequence
cmdline = self.args + filename
return self._invoke(cmdline)
except OSError:
return False
# Platform support for Windows
if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
class Start(BaseController):
'''Controller for the win32 start progam through os.startfile.'''
def open(self, filename):
except WindowsError:
# [Error 22] No application is associated with the specified
# file for this operation: '<URL>'
return False
return True
_controllers['windows-default'] = Start('start')
_open = _controllers['windows-default'].open
# Platform support for MacOS
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
_controllers['open']= Controller('open')
_open = _controllers['open'].open
# Platform support for Unix
import commands
# #WARNING: use the private API of the webbrowser module
from webbrowser import _iscommand
class KfmClient(Controller):
'''Controller for the KDE kfmclient program.'''
def __init__(self, kfmclient='kfmclient'):
super(KfmClient, self).__init__(kfmclient, 'exec')
self.kde_version = self.detect_kde_version()
def detect_kde_version(self):
kde_version = None
info = commands.getoutput('kde-config --version')
for line in info.splitlines():
if line.startswith('KDE'):
kde_version = line.split(':')[-1].strip()
except (OSError, RuntimeError):
return kde_version
def fixreturncode(self, returncode):
if returncode is not None and self.kde_version > '3.5.4':
return returncode
return os.EX_OK
def detect_desktop_environment():
'''Checks for known desktop environments
Return the desktop environments name, lowercase (kde, gnome, xfce)
or "generic"
desktop_environment = 'generic'
if os.environ.get('KDE_FULL_SESSION') == 'true':
desktop_environment = 'kde'
elif os.environ.get('GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID'):
desktop_environment = 'gnome'
info = commands.getoutput('xprop -root _DT_SAVE_MODE')
if ' = "xfce4"' in info:
desktop_environment = 'xfce'
except (OSError, RuntimeError):
return desktop_environment
def register_X_controllers():
if _iscommand('kfmclient'):
_controllers['kde-open'] = KfmClient()
for command in ('gnome-open', 'exo-open', 'xdg-open'):
if _iscommand(command):
_controllers[command] = Controller(command)
def get():
controllers_map = {
'gnome': 'gnome-open',
'kde': 'kde-open',
'xfce': 'exo-open',
desktop_environment = detect_desktop_environment()
controller_name = controllers_map[desktop_environment]
return _controllers[controller_name].open
except KeyError:
if _controllers.has_key('xdg-open'):
return _controllers['xdg-open'].open
if os.environ.get("DISPLAY"):
_open = get()
def open(filename):
'''Open a file or an URL in the registered default application.'''
return _open(filename)
def _fix_addersses(**kwargs):
for headername in ('address', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc'):
headervalue = kwargs[headername]
if not headervalue:
del kwargs[headername]
elif not isinstance(headervalue, basestring):
# assume it is a sequence
headervalue = ','.join(headervalue)
except KeyError:
except TypeError:
raise TypeError('string or sequence expected for "%s", '
'%s found' % (headername,
translation_map = {'%': '%25', '&': '%26', '?': '%3F'}
for char, replacement in translation_map.items():
headervalue = headervalue.replace(char, replacement)
kwargs[headername] = headervalue
return kwargs
def mailto_format(**kwargs):
# #TODO: implement utf8 option
kwargs = _fix_addersses(**kwargs)
parts = []
for headername in ('to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'subject', 'body', 'attach'):
if kwargs.has_key(headername):
headervalue = kwargs[headername]
if not headervalue:
if headername in ('address', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc'):
parts.append('%s=%s' % (headername, headervalue))
headervalue = encode_rfc2231(headervalue) # #TODO: check
parts.append('%s=%s' % (headername, headervalue))
mailto_string = 'mailto:%s' % kwargs.get('address', '')
if parts:
mailto_string = '%s?%s' % (mailto_string, '&'.join(parts))
return mailto_string
def mailto(address, to=None, cc=None, bcc=None, subject=None, body=None,
'''Send an e-mail using the user's preferred composer.
Open the user's preferred e-mail composer in order to send a mail to
address(es) that must follow the syntax of RFC822. Multiple addresses
may be provided (for address, cc and bcc parameters) as separate
All parameters provided are used to prefill corresponding fields in
the user's e-mail composer. The user will have the opportunity to
change any of this information before actually sending the e-mail.
address - specify the destination recipient
cc - specify a recipient to be copied on the e-mail
bcc - specify a recipient to be blindly copied on the e-mail
subject - specify a subject for the e-mail
body - specify a body for the e-mail. Since the user will be able
to make changes before actually sending the e-mail, this
can be used to provide the user with a template for the
e-mail text may contain linebreaks
attach - specify an attachment for the e-mail. file must point to
an existing file
mailto_string = mailto_format(**locals())
return open(mailto_string)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from optparse import OptionParser
version = '%%prog %s' % __version__
usage = (
'\n\n%prog FILENAME [FILENAME(s)] -- for opening files'
'\n\n%prog -m [OPTIONS] ADDRESS [ADDRESS(es)] -- for sending e-mails'
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version=version, description=__doc__)
parser.add_option('-m', '--mailto', dest='mailto_mode', default=False,
action='store_true', help='set mailto mode. '
'If not set any other option is ignored')
parser.add_option('--cc', dest='cc', help='specify a recipient to be '
'copied on the e-mail')
parser.add_option('--bcc', dest='bcc', help='specify a recipient to be '
'blindly copied on the e-mail')
parser.add_option('--subject', dest='subject',
help='specify a subject for the e-mail')
parser.add_option('--body', dest='body', help='specify a body for the '
'e-mail. Since the user will be able to make changes '
'before actually sending the e-mail, this can be used '
'to provide the user with a template for the e-mail '
'text may contain linebreaks')
parser.add_option('--attach', dest='attach', help='specify an attachment '
'for the e-mail. file must point to an existing file')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if not args:
if options.mailto_mode:
if not mailto(args, None,, options.bcc, options.subject,
options.body, options.attach):
sys.exit('Unable to open the e-mail client')
for name in ('cc', 'bcc', 'subject', 'body', 'attach'):
if getattr(options, name):
parser.error('The "cc", "bcc", "subject", "body" and "attach" '
'options are only accepten in mailto mode')
success = False
for arg in args:
if not open(arg):
print 'Unable to open "%s"' % arg
success = True
The above-mentioned code only works in Python 2.
I've modified it to work for Python 3. The "attach" parameter is no longer supported for security reasons.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
'''Utilities for opening files or URLs in the registered default application
and for sending e-mail using the user's preferred composer.
__version__ = '1.1'
__all__ = ['open', 'mailto']
import os
import sys
import webbrowser
import subprocess
from email.utils import encode_rfc2231
_controllers = {}
_open = None
fileopen = open
class BaseController(object):
'''Base class for open program controllers.'''
def __init__(self, name): = name
def open(self, filename):
raise NotImplementedError
class Controller(BaseController):
'''Controller for a generic open program.'''
def __init__(self, *args):
super(Controller, self).__init__(os.path.basename(args[0]))
self.args = list(args)
def _invoke(self, cmdline):
if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
closefds = False
startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
closefds = True
startupinfo = None
if (os.environ.get('DISPLAY') or sys.platform[:3] == 'win' or
sys.platform == 'darwin'):
inout = fileopen(os.devnull, 'r+')
# for TTY programs, we need stdin/out
inout = None
# if possible, put the child precess in separate process group,
# so keyboard interrupts don't affect child precess as well as
# Python
setsid = getattr(os, 'setsid', None)
if not setsid:
setsid = getattr(os, 'setpgrp', None)
pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=inout, stdout=inout,
stderr=inout, close_fds=closefds,
preexec_fn=setsid, startupinfo=startupinfo)
# It is assumed that this kind of tools (gnome-open, kfmclient,
# exo-open, xdg-open and open for OSX) immediately exit after lauching
# the specific application
returncode = pipe.wait()
if hasattr(self, 'fixreturncode'):
returncode = self.fixreturncode(returncode)
return not returncode
def open(self, filename):
if isinstance(filename, str):
cmdline = self.args + [filename]
# assume it is a sequence
cmdline = self.args + filename
return self._invoke(cmdline)
except OSError:
return False
# Platform support for Windows
if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
class Start(BaseController):
'''Controller for the win32 start progam through os.startfile.'''
def open(self, filename):
except WindowsError:
# [Error 22] No application is associated with the specified
# file for this operation: '<URL>'
return False
return True
_controllers['windows-default'] = Start('start')
_open = _controllers['windows-default'].open
# Platform support for MacOS
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
_controllers['open']= Controller('open')
_open = _controllers['open'].open
# Platform support for Unix
import subprocess, stat
# #WARNING: use the private API of the webbrowser module
# from webbrowser import _iscommand
def _isexecutable(cmd):
if os.path.isfile(cmd):
mode = os.stat(cmd)[stat.ST_MODE]
if mode & stat.S_IXUSR or mode & stat.S_IXGRP or mode & stat.S_IXOTH:
return True
return False
def _iscommand(cmd):
"""Return True if cmd is executable or can be found on the executable
search path."""
if _isexecutable(cmd):
return True
path = os.environ.get("PATH")
if not path:
return False
for d in path.split(os.pathsep):
exe = os.path.join(d, cmd)
if _isexecutable(exe):
return True
return False
class KfmClient(Controller):
'''Controller for the KDE kfmclient program.'''
def __init__(self, kfmclient='kfmclient'):
super(KfmClient, self).__init__(kfmclient, 'exec')
self.kde_version = self.detect_kde_version()
def detect_kde_version(self):
kde_version = None
info = subprocess.getoutput('kde-config --version')
for line in info.splitlines():
if line.startswith('KDE'):
kde_version = line.split(':')[-1].strip()
except (OSError, RuntimeError):
return kde_version
def fixreturncode(self, returncode):
if returncode is not None and self.kde_version > '3.5.4':
return returncode
return os.EX_OK
def detect_desktop_environment():
'''Checks for known desktop environments
Return the desktop environments name, lowercase (kde, gnome, xfce)
or "generic"
desktop_environment = 'generic'
if os.environ.get('KDE_FULL_SESSION') == 'true':
desktop_environment = 'kde'
elif os.environ.get('GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID'):
desktop_environment = 'gnome'
info = subprocess.getoutput('xprop -root _DT_SAVE_MODE')
if ' = "xfce4"' in info:
desktop_environment = 'xfce'
except (OSError, RuntimeError):
return desktop_environment
def register_X_controllers():
if _iscommand('kfmclient'):
_controllers['kde-open'] = KfmClient()
for command in ('gnome-open', 'exo-open', 'xdg-open'):
if _iscommand(command):
_controllers[command] = Controller(command)
def get():
controllers_map = {
'gnome': 'gnome-open',
'kde': 'kde-open',
'xfce': 'exo-open',
desktop_environment = detect_desktop_environment()
controller_name = controllers_map[desktop_environment]
return _controllers[controller_name].open
except KeyError:
if 'xdg-open' in _controllers:
return _controllers['xdg-open'].open
if os.environ.get("DISPLAY"):
_open = get()
def open(filename):
'''Open a file or an URL in the registered default application.'''
return _open(filename)
def _fix_addersses(**kwargs):
for headername in ('address', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc'):
headervalue = kwargs[headername]
if not headervalue:
del kwargs[headername]
elif not isinstance(headervalue, str):
# assume it is a sequence
headervalue = ','.join(headervalue)
except KeyError:
except TypeError:
raise TypeError('string or sequence expected for "%s", '
'%s found' % (headername,
translation_map = {'%': '%25', '&': '%26', '?': '%3F'}
for char, replacement in list(translation_map.items()):
headervalue = headervalue.replace(char, replacement)
kwargs[headername] = headervalue
return kwargs
def mailto_format(**kwargs):
# #TODO: implement utf8 option
kwargs = _fix_addersses(**kwargs)
parts = []
for headername in ('to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'subject', 'body'):
if headername in kwargs:
headervalue = kwargs[headername]
if not headervalue:
if headername in ('address', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc'):
parts.append('%s=%s' % (headername, headervalue))
headervalue = encode_rfc2231(headervalue, charset="utf-8")[7:] # #TODO: check
parts.append('%s=%s' % (headername, headervalue))
mailto_string = 'mailto:%s' % kwargs.get('address', '')
if parts:
mailto_string = '%s?%s' % (mailto_string, '&'.join(parts))
return mailto_string
def mailto(address, to=None, cc=None, bcc=None, subject=None, body=None):
'''Send an e-mail using the user's preferred composer.
Open the user's preferred e-mail composer in order to send a mail to
address(es) that must follow the syntax of RFC822. Multiple addresses
may be provided (for address, cc and bcc parameters) as separate
All parameters provided are used to prefill corresponding fields in
the user's e-mail composer. The user will have the opportunity to
change any of this information before actually sending the e-mail.
address - specify the destination recipient
cc - specify a recipient to be copied on the e-mail
bcc - specify a recipient to be blindly copied on the e-mail
subject - specify a subject for the e-mail
body - specify a body for the e-mail. Since the user will be able
to make changes before actually sending the e-mail, this
can be used to provide the user with a template for the
e-mail text may contain linebreaks
attach - specify an attachment for the e-mail. file must point to
an existing file (UNSUPPORTED)
mailto_string = mailto_format(**locals())
return open(mailto_string)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from optparse import OptionParser
version = '%%prog %s' % __version__
usage = (
'\n\n%prog FILENAME [FILENAME(s)] -- for opening files'
'\n\n%prog -m [OPTIONS] ADDRESS [ADDRESS(es)] -- for sending e-mails'
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version=version, description=__doc__)
parser.add_option('-m', '--mailto', dest='mailto_mode', default=False,
action='store_true', help='set mailto mode. '
'If not set any other option is ignored')
parser.add_option('--cc', dest='cc', help='specify a recipient to be '
'copied on the e-mail')
parser.add_option('--bcc', dest='bcc', help='specify a recipient to be '
'blindly copied on the e-mail')
parser.add_option('--subject', dest='subject',
help='specify a subject for the e-mail')
parser.add_option('--body', dest='body', help='specify a body for the '
'e-mail. Since the user will be able to make changes '
'before actually sending the e-mail, this can be used '
'to provide the user with a template for the e-mail '
'text may contain linebreaks')
parser.add_option('--attach', dest='attach', help='specify an attachment '
'for the e-mail. file must point to an existing file')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if not args:
if options.mailto_mode:
if not mailto(args, None,, options.bcc, options.subject,
options.body, options.attach):
sys.exit('Unable to open the e-mail client')
for name in ('cc', 'bcc', 'subject', 'body', 'attach'):
if getattr(options, name):
parser.error('The "cc", "bcc", "subject", "body" and "attach" '
'options are only accepten in mailto mode')
success = False
for arg in args:
if not open(arg):
print('Unable to open "%s"' % arg)
success = True