I'm using a simple RandomForestRegressor script to predict a target variable. I'm trying to write a new CSV based on my training / validation data to include the actual value and the predicted value. However, when I export the data, the "Predicted Values" column is missing about half the values, and the values that do show up don't correlate well with the features / actual values. It seems like the values are randomized and then assigned to the first half of the rows.
To test, I've tried not splitting the data between validation and training data in the first place. I'm still finding the same problem.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
#file path
My_File_Path = "//path.csv"
#read the file
My_Data = pd.read_csv(My_File_Path)
#drop the null values
My_Data = My_Data.dropna(axis=0)
#define the target variable
y = My_Data.Annualized_2018_Payments
my_features = ['feature1','feature2','feature3']
#define the features
x = My_Data[my_features]
#set the split data
train_x, val_x, train_y, val_y = train_test_split(x, y, random_state = 1)
forest_model = RandomForestRegressor(random_state = 1)
forest_model.fit(train_x, train_y)
WA_My_preds = forest_model.predict(val_x)
print("MAE for validation data is ", mean_absolute_error(val_y, WA_My_preds))
My_Data_Predicted = My_Data
#My_Data_Predicted.append(prediction_column, ignore_index = False, sort=None)
My_Data_Predicted['Predicted_Value'] = pd.DataFrame(data = forest_model.predict(My_Data_Predicted[my_features]))
print("The average predicted value is ", My_Data_Predicted['Predicted_Value'].mean())
print("The average true value is ", My_Data_Predicted['Annualized_2018_Payments'].mean())
#write to csv
I expect every row to have a column that reads "predicted values" with the values predicted by the random forest regressor. But the last half of the rows are missing that value.
For a short answer and resolution:
Based on testing your code, you should try this line instead:
My_Data_Predicted['Predicted_Value'] = forest_model.predict(My_Data_Predicted[my_features])
And now Here's why this is happening:
I tested this using my own dataset and it looks like the issue is this line:
My_Data_Predicted['Predicted_Value'] = pd.DataFrame(data = forest_model.predict(My_Data_Predicted[my_features]))
What is happening, it would seem, is that when you drop the null rows here:
My_Data = My_Data.dropna(axis=0)
you are also dropping the indexes along with the rows, which is not wrong, but important for your issue. To test this, try My_Data_Predicted.index.max() to get the highest index and compare that to My_Data_Predicted.shape and you will see that there are skipped indexes.
The reason this is a problem is that by making your predicted column a dataframe instead of a series, it is automatically trying to merge the new data based on indexes. The issue is that the original dataframe has a higher max index with some gaps, and this new one for predictions has sequential indexes, so some of your predictions are getting dropped in the process of merging.
Here is a dumbed down example of whats going on (pay attention to the indexes):
My_Data_Predicted predictions My_Data_Predicted (merged)
index a b c index d index a b c d
0 1 4 3 0 1 0 1 4 3 1
3 3 2 7 1 2 3 3 2 7 4
4 2 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 2 5
6 4 3 5 3 4 6 4 3 5 NaN
8 6 2 1 4 5 8 6 2 1 NaN
Notice that in the merged dataframe the last two are NaN because there is no index 6 or 8 in the predictions dataframe.
All of this should resolve by passing in the result if the predictions just like this:
My_Data_Predicted['Predicted_Value'] = forest_model.predict(My_Data_Predicted[my_features])
since the type is a numpy array and will not try to merge on the index.
I have a dataframe (df) with 2 columns:
0 1
0 1 2
1 4 5
2 3 6
3 10 12
4 1 2
5 4 5
6 3 6
7 10 12
I would like to use calculate for all the elements of df[0] a function of itself and df[1] column:
def custom_fct_2(x,y):
return res
I get the following error: TypeError:
("'numpy.float64' object is not callable", u'occurred at index 0')
Here is the full code:
from __future__ import division
import pandas as pd
import sys
from scipy import stats
def custom_fct_2(x,y):
return res
df= pd.DataFrame([[1,2],[4,5],[3,6],[10,12],[1,2],[4,5],[3,6],[10,12]])
Can someone help me on that? ( I am new in Python)
0 1
5 4 5
6 3 6
7 10 12
I want the percentile ranking of [10] in [12,6,5]
I want the percentile ranking of [3] in [6,5,2]
I want the percentile ranking of [4] in [5,2,12]
The problem here is that rolling().apply() function cannot give you a segment of 3 rows across all the columns. Instead, it gives you series for the column 0 first, then the column 1.
Maybe there are better solutions, but I would show my one which at least works.
df= pd.DataFrame([[1,2],[4,5],[3,6],[10,12],[1,2],[4,5],[3,6],[10,12]])
def custom_fct_2(s):
score = df[0][s.index.values[1]] # you may use .values[-1] if you want the last element
a = s.values
return stats.percentileofscore(a, score)
I'm using the same data you provided. But I modified your custom_fct_2() function. Here we get the s which is a series of 3 rolling values from the column 1. Fortunately, we have indexes in this series, so we can get the score from the column 0 via the "middle" index of the series. BTW, in Python [-1] means the last element of a collection, but from your explanation, I believe you actually want the middle one.
Then, apply the function.
# remove the shift() function if you want the value align to the last value of the rolling scores
df['prec'] = df[1].rolling(3).apply(custom_fct_2).shift(periods=-1)
The shift function is optional. It depends on your requirements whether your prec need to be aligned with column 0 (the middle score is using) or the rolling scores of column 1. I would assume you need it.
I have a dataset val_lab as follows:
[[ 52.85560436 -23.61958699 34.40273147]
[ 70.44462451 -2.74272277 80.32988099]
[ 38.32222473 -11.22753928 24.09593474]
[ 84.83470029 -7.73898094 28.03636332]
[ 76.48246093 0.13784934 76.23718213]
[ 61.21154496 2.24080039 9.38927616]
[ 39.88027333 37.32959609 -19.0592156 ]...]
I use K-means clustering from sklearn and got the prediction value:
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
y_pred = KMeans(n_clusters= 5 , random_state=0 ).fit_predict(val_lab)
>>>[3 0 1 3 0 3 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 0 3 1 0 3...]
now I want to get the value in every cluster, for example, if y_pred = 3
I get:
[[ 52.85560436 -23.61958699 34.40273147]
[ 84.83470029 -7.73898094 28.03636332]
... ]
(0 and 3 row)
Right now, my idea is:
val_lab_3 = []
for i in range(y_pred.shape[0]):
if y_pred[i] == 3:
Is there some better idea, because I want to get the subsets in all the clusters. It this too complicated, especially assuming more clusters?
So if I'm understanding this correctly, your rows above are being classified as 0,1,2,3,4 (5 clusters from what I see) and you want to get all of them together.
Pandas would be a good utility. You can use this cluster prediction and make it a new column, then just select those rows where your cluster label is 3
e.g. (assuming your call your new column preds and your original numpy array is called val_lab):
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(val_lab)
df['preds'] = y_pred
threes = df[df['preds'] == 3] # This is what you want
I assume val_lab is a numpy array. In that case,
val_lab[y_pred == 3, :]
Will work.
I am trying to integrate my own dataset in scikit learn. My dataset was categorical data and I encoded to numerical data, it has 3 columns and 100 rows. The current scikit learn dataset is created using make_circle().
X, Y = make_circles(n_samples=n, noise=0.07, factor=0.4)
What I did?
I read my dataset using pandas.
col_names = ['Relation', 'Entity1', 'Entity2']
# load dataset
pima = pd.read_csv("encode.csv", header=None, names=col_names)
Current Output:
Relation Entity1 Entity2
3 0 0
0 1 2
2 9 0
3 5 3
1 4 1
2 6 0
3 3 4
But I want to add this dataset based on make_circle() into 2 dimensional spaces.
You have to apply a dimensionality reduction and bring it down to 2 dimentions.
You can use something like PCA or UMAP.
Check this post. It should be very useful.
Using UMAP:
import umap
reduced = umap.UMAP().fit_transform(pima)
Using PCA:
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
pca = PCA(n_components=2)
reduced = pca.fit_tranform(pima)
Regression algorithms seem to be working on features represented as numbers.
For example:
This data set doesn't contain categorical features/variables. It's quite clear how to do regression on this data and predict price.
But now I want to do a regression analysis on data that contain categorical features:
There are 5 features: District, Condition, Material, Security, Type
How can I do a regression on this data? Do I have to transform all the string/categorical data to numbers manually? I mean if I have to create some encoding rules and according to that rules transform all data to numeric values.
Is there any simple way to transform string data to numbers without having to create my own encoding rules manually? Maybe there are some libraries in Python that can be used for that? Are there some risks that the regression model will be somehow incorrect due to "bad encoding"?
Yes, you will have to convert everything to numbers. That requires thinking about what these attributes represent.
Usually there are three possibilities:
One-Hot encoding for categorical data
Arbitrary numbers for ordinal data
Use something like group means for categorical data (e. g. mean prices for city districts).
You have to be carefull to not infuse information you do not have in the application case.
One hot encoding
If you have categorical data, you can create dummy variables with 0/1 values for each possible value.
E. g.
idx color
0 blue
1 green
2 green
3 red
idx blue green red
0 1 0 0
1 0 1 0
2 0 1 0
3 0 0 1
This can easily be done with pandas:
import pandas as pd
data = pd.DataFrame({'color': ['blue', 'green', 'green', 'red']})
will result in:
color_blue color_green color_red
0 1 0 0
1 0 1 0
2 0 1 0
3 0 0 1
Numbers for ordinal data
Create a mapping of your sortable categories, e. g.
old < renovated < new → 0, 1, 2
This is also possible with pandas:
data = pd.DataFrame({'q': ['old', 'new', 'new', 'ren']})
data['q'] = data['q'].astype('category')
data['q'] = data['q'].cat.reorder_categories(['old', 'ren', 'new'], ordered=True)
data['q'] = data['q'].cat.codes
0 0
1 2
2 2
3 1
Name: q, dtype: int8
Using categorical data for groupby operations
You could use the mean for each category over past (known events).
Say you have a DataFrame with the last known mean prices for cities:
prices = pd.DataFrame({
'city': ['A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C'],
'price': [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3],
mean_price = prices.groupby('city').mean()
data = pd.DataFrame({'city': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'A']})
print(data.merge(mean_price, on='city', how='left'))
city price
0 A 1
1 B 2
2 C 3
3 A 1
4 B 2
5 A 1
In linear regression with categorical variables you should be careful of the Dummy Variable Trap. The Dummy Variable trap is a scenario in which the independent variables are multicollinear - a scenario in which two or more variables are highly correlated; in simple terms one variable can be predicted from the others. This can produce singularity of a model, meaning your model just won't work. Read about it here
Idea is to use dummy variable encoding with drop_first=True, this will omit one column from each category after converting categorical variable into dummy/indicator variables. You WILL NOT lose any relevant information by doing that simply because your all point in dataset can fully be explained by rest of the features.
Here is complete code on how you can do it for your housing dataset
So you have categorical features:
District, Condition, Material, Security, Type
And one numerical features that you are trying to predict:
First you need to split your initial dataset on input variables and prediction, assuming its pandas dataframe it would look like this:
Input variables:
X = housing[['District','Condition','Material','Security','Type']]
Y = housing['Price']
Convert categorical variable into dummy/indicator variables and drop one in each category:
X = pd.get_dummies(data=X, drop_first=True)
So now if you check shape of X with drop_first=True you will see that it has 4 columns less - one for each of your categorical variables.
You can now continue to use them in your linear model. For scikit-learn implementation it could look like this:
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size = .20, random_state = 40)
regr = linear_model.LinearRegression() # Do not use fit_intercept = False if you have removed 1 column after dummy encoding
regr.fit(X_train, Y_train)
predicted = regr.predict(X_test)
You can use "Dummy Coding" in this case.
There are Python libraries to do dummy coding, you have a few options:
You may use scikit-learn library. Take a look at here.
Or, if you are working with pandas, it has a built-in function to create dummy variables.
An example with pandas is below:
import pandas as pd
sample_data = [[1,2,'a'],[3,4,'b'],[5,6,'c'],[7,8,'b']]
df = pd.DataFrame(sample_data, columns=['numeric1','numeric2','categorical'])
dummies = pd.get_dummies(df.categorical)
One way to achieve regression with categorical variables as independent variables is as mentioned above - Using encoding.
Another way of doing is by using R like statistical formula using statmodels library. Here is a code snippet
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")
model = ols('tip ~ total_bill + C(sex) + C(day) + C(day) + size', data=tips)
fitted_model = model.fit()
total_bill tip sex smoker day time size
0 16.99 1.01 Female No Sun Dinner 2
1 10.34 1.66 Male No Sun Dinner 3
2 21.01 3.50 Male No Sun Dinner 3
3 23.68 3.31 Male No Sun Dinner 2
4 24.59 3.61 Female No Sun Dinner 4
Summary of regression
I should start by saying that I am quite new to pandas and numpy (and machine learning in general).
I am trying to learn some basic machine learning algorithms and am doing linear regression. I have completed this problem using matlab, but wanted to try implementing it in python - as that is a more practically used language. I am having a very difficult time doing basic matrix operations with these libraries and I think it's down to a lack of understanding of how pandas is indexing the dataframe...
I have found several posts talking about the differences between iloc and ix and that ix is being deprecated so use iloc, but iloc is causing me loads of issues. I am simply trying to pull the first n-1 columns out of a dataframe into a new dataframe, then the final column into another dataframe to get my label values. Then I want to perform the cost function one time to see what my current cost is with theta = 0. Currently, my dataset has only one label - but I'd like to code as if I had more. Here is my code and my output:
path = os. getcwd() + '\\ex1data1.txt'
data = pd.read_csv(path, header=None)
numRows = data.shape[0]
numCols = data.shape[1]
X = data.iloc[:,0:numCols-1].copy()
theta = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((X.shape[1], 1)))
y = data.iloc[:,-1].copy()
#start computing cost sum((X-theta)-y).^2)
predictions = X.dot(theta)
print("predictions shape: {0}".format(predictions.shape))
print("y shape: {0}".format(y.shape))
errors = predictions.subtract(y)
print("errors shape: {0}".format(errors.shape))
predictions shape: (97, 1)
0 0.0
1 0.0
2 0.0
3 0.0
4 0.0
y shape: (97, 1)
0 17.5920
1 9.1302
2 13.6620
3 11.8540
4 6.8233
errors shape: (97, 2)
0 1
0 NaN NaN
1 NaN NaN
2 NaN NaN
3 NaN NaN
4 NaN NaN
I can see that y and X have the same shape, but for some reason when I display them - it seems that y is beginning its indexing at column 1 (it's original position in the first dataframe) and X has its original column of 0. As a result, pandas is properly doing the subtraction and replacing any missing values with NaN. As y has no column 0 values, they are all NaN, and as X has no column 1 values, they are all NaN, resulting in a 97x2 NaN matrix.
If I use y = data.ix[:,-1:0] - the above code does the correct calculations. Output:
errors shape: (97, 1)
0 -6.1101
1 -5.5277
2 -8.5186
3 -7.0032
4 -5.8598
But I am trying to stay away from ix as it has been said it is deprecating.
How to I tell pandas that the new matrix has a start column of 0 and why is this not the default behavior?
Looks like the calculation you actually want to do is on the series (individual columns). So you should be able to do:
To get the value you want. This looks kind of confusing because you have numbers as DataFrame columns, you are selecting the columns you want (0 and 1) and performing the subtraction between them.
Or using iloc as you originally suggested, which gives you more like matrix style indexing you could do this:
predictions.iloc[:, 0].subtract(y.iloc[:, 0])
Because in each DataFrame you want all the rows and the first column