Python class containing self-referencing array - python

I have a class like this...
class person:
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.carData = ""
self.HouseData = ""
#other assets
And I'm looping through it like this...
john = person('John');
for index, row in john.carData.iterrows():
#do something
for index, row in john.HouseData.iterrows():
#do something
But in this case "do something" is repetitive code - I want to do the same thing for carData, HouseData and all the other assets a person can own.
What's the best way to loop through these in a non-repetitive way? I was thinking of something like this in the class definition but I'm pretty sure it's at least inelegant and probably wrong...
class person:
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.carData = ""
self.HouseData = ""
#other assets
self.assets = [self.carData, self.HouseData etc]
john = person('John');
for asset in john.assets:
for index, row in asset.iterrows():
#do something
Is that bad practise to define a list of objects (in this case self.assets) that itself refers to the same objects stored in the class? Apologies if this is vague - I'm just trying to figure out the cleanest way to deal with this scenario.

If you plan on applying the same code to every attribute of your object, you can try john.__dict__:
john = person('John')
for attr, value in john.__dict__.items():
# e.g. attr == 'carData'
for index, row in value.iterrows():
# do something
See this question.
It's kind of hackish, but if (for example) you want to apply the code to every attribute except "name", do this:
john = person('John')
for attr, value in john.__dict__.items():
# e.g. attr == 'carData'
if attr != 'name':
for index, row in value.iterrows():
# do something


Python: how to utilize instances of a class

New to OOP and python, I am struggling enormously to grasp what good classes actually are for. I tried to ask help from a lecturer who said "oh, then you should read about general methods to classes". Been putting in a days work but get no where.
I get it that a class allow you to collect an instance structure and methods to it, like this:
class Items:
def __init__(self, item_id, item_name):
self.item_id = item_id
self.item_name = item_name
def show_list(self):
print(self.item_id, self.item_name)
idA = Items("idA", "A")
But what is even the point of a class if there were not MANY instances you would classify? If I have a method within the class, I must hard code the actual instance to call the class for. What if you want a user to search and select an instance, to then do operations to (e.g. print, compute or whatever)??
I thought of doing it like this:
class Items:
def __init__(self, item_id, item_name):
self.item_id = item_id
self.item_name = item_name
def show_list(self):
print(self.item_id, self.item_name)
idA = Items("idA", "A")
idB = Items("idB", "B")
select_item = input("enter item id")
Replacing hard coded variable with input variable doesn't work, probably logically. I then played with the idea of doing it like this:
class Items:
def __init__(self, item_id, item_name):
self.item_id = item_id
self.item_name = item_name
iL = [Items('idA', 'A'), Items('idB', 'B')]
selected_item = input("enter item id")
for selected_item in iL:
print(f'{selected_item.item_id} {selected_item.item_name}')
Now all are called thanks to making it a list instead of separate instances, but how do I actually apply code to filter and only use one instance in the list (dynamically, based on input)?
I would love the one who brought me sense to classes. You guys who work interactively with large data sets must do something what I today believe exist in another dimension.
See examples above^^
It seems you want to find all the instances of a certain element within a class.
This is as simple as:
print([x for x in iL if x.item_id == selected_item])
Now, you may ask why you can't just store the elements of iL as tuples instead of classes. The answer is, you can, but
("idA", "A")
is much less descriptive than:
item_id = "idA"
item_name = "A"
Any code you write with classes, you should in theory be able to write without classes. Classes are for the benefit of the coder, not the end-user of the program. They serve to make the program more readable, which I'm sure you'll find is a desirable property.
Your point here is to lookup for Items instances based on their item_id attribute.
That's a thing to create instances of a class.
It's a completely different thing to search for items objects stored in memory - that is not directly linked to the concept of OOP, classes and instances.
You could use dictionary to store references of your objects and then lookup in your dictionary.
class Items:
def __init__(self, item_id, item_name):
self.item_id = item_id
self.item_name = item_name
def show_list(self):
print(self.item_id, self.item_name)
idA = Items("idA", "A")
idB = Items("idB", "B")
lookup_dict = {"idA": idA, "idB": idB}
select_item = input("enter item id")
found_item = lookup_dict.get(select_item)
if found_item:
print(f"item {select_item} not found")

List Manipulation Based on Class Variables

Apologies if I explain something wrong or use the wrong wording, my programmer vocabulary isn't the best. If anyone understands my problem and has better ways of explaining it feel free to do so. I have a problem similar to a problem here. I want to remove items from a list that occur in another list. But one list will have strings that reference the variable "name" within class objects.
class sword:
name = 'swordName'
class bow:
name = 'bowName'
class axe:
name = 'axeName'
inventory = [sword, bow, sword, axe]
select = ['bowName', 'swordName']
I want to be able to create a list "selectedItems" with the class objects out of inventory based off of the strings in "select" that are equal to the "name" of the class objects. It also needs to work if "inventory" and "select" both have duplicates in them.
>> inventory = [bow, axe]
>> selectedItems = [bow, sword]
One other thing I would like the program to ignore if there are more "name"s in select than there are corresponding class objects in "inventory", and to ignore if a string in "select" has no corresponding class objects.
For example, if "inventory" is [sword, axe] and "select" is ['bowName', 'non-existent', 'axeName'], the result is that "inventory" is [sword] and "selectedItems" is [axe].
A simple way of explaining this is that select will take from inventory, but if select can't take from inventory nothing happens.
You may make base class with magic methods __eq__ and __hash__ which can allow you to manage comparing your objects as you want:
class BaseItem:
name = None
def __init__(self):
self.__name =
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__name == other
def __hash__(self):
return id(self.__name)
def __repr__(self):
return f"'{self.__name}'"
class Sword(BaseItem):
name = "swordName"
class Bow(BaseItem):
name = "bowName"
class Axe(BaseItem):
name = "axeName"
inventory = [Sword(), Bow()]
select = ["swordName", "bowName", "axeName", "swordName", "bowName"]
# casting lists into sets and getting difference between them
result = set(inventory) - set(select)
print(result) # output {'swordName', 'bowName'}
eq - actually is unused here but i added that you can compare your objects with strings, lists etc:
Sword() in ["swordName"] # true
Sword() in ["bowName"] # false
Sword() == "swordName" # true
Sword() == "bowName" # false
hash - need to comparing two objects, actually it use for getting difference between two sets
repr - it is not really required method, it needs just for pretty displaying of objects
selectedItems = list()
# make a new list of the names of the objects in the inventory
# inventory and inventory names have the same index for the same item
inventory_names = [ for x in inventory]
for s in select:
if s in inventory_names:
index = inventory_names.index(s)

Python - Assigning attributes to a class instance using a for loop and a list

Hi folks I am experimenting with Python (I found and wanted to play around) and I am trying to read some settings from a configuration file. I want to be able to change stats on the fly. (So if I wanted to change how hard a fighter hits or how fast a wizard runs then I'd be able to do that.) I was hoping to be able to read from a list and create an attribute for each instance in the list basically this:
for stat in Character.stats:
self.stat = parser.get(self.char_class, stat)
What ends up happening is there is an object with an attribute names 'stat' that contains the last value assigned. What I would LIKE to happen is to have an attribute created for each item in the list, and then get assigned the related value from the config file.
here is more code for context:
class Character(object):
stats = ["level_mod",
def __init__(self, name, rpg_id): = name
self.rpg_id = rpg_id
def __setStats(self):
parser = SafeConfigParser()'char_config.cfg')
for stat in Character.stats:
self.stat = parser.get(self.char_class, stat)
Thanks for your time!
You can use, setattr:
for stat in Character.stats:
setattr(self, stat, parser.get(self.char_class, stat))
Or manually access dict
for stat in Character.stats:
self.__dict__[stat] = parser.get(self.char_class, stat))
You want setattr(obj, attrname, value)
You better re-design that part of the game by adding a Stats class.
class Stats:
STATS = ["level_mod",
def __init__(self, conf_file=None):
self.__stats = {}
if conf_file is not None:
def load_stats_from_file(self, conf_file):
Here add the pairs <stat_name>:<value>
to the self.__stats dict. For that just parse the config
file like before.
def get_stat(self, stat_name):
return self.__stats[stat_name]
def set_stat(self, stat_name, value):
self.__stats[stat_name] = value
Then you can add a Stats instance to your Character.
class Character(object):
def __init__(self, name, rpg_id):
self.stats = Stats("char_config.cfg") = name
self.rpg_id = rpg_id
This way you improve usability and decouple the Stats and Character logics. And besides, your problem is reduced from "Adding attributes to an object" to "Adding items to a dictionary".

Instantiating a unique object every time when using object composition?

As an example, just a couple of dummy objects that will be used together. FWIW this is using Python 2.7.2.
class Student(object):
def __init__(self, tool):
self.tool = tool
def draw(self):
if self.tool.broken != True:
print "I used my tool. Sweet."
print "My tool is broken. Wah."
class Tool(object):
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.broken = False
def break(self):
print "The %s busted." %
self.broken = True
Hammer = Tool(hammer)
Billy = Student(Hammer)
Tommy = Student(Hammer)
That's probably enough code, you see where I'm going with this. If I call Hammer.break(), I'm calling it on the same instance of the object; if Billy's hammer is broken, so is Tommy's (it's really the same Hammer after all).
Now obviously if the program were limited to just Billy and Tommy as instances of Students, the fix would be obvious - instantiate more Hammers. But clearly I'm asking because it isn't that simple, heh. I would like to know if it's possible to create objects which show up as unique instances of themselves for every time they're called into being.
EDIT: The kind of answers I'm getting lead me to believe that I have a gaping hole in my understanding of instantiation. If I have something like this:
class Foo(object):
class Moo(Foo):
class Guy(object):
def __init__(self, thing):
self.thing = thing
Bill = Guy(Moo())
Steve = Guy(Moo())
Each time I use Moo(), is that a separate instance, or do they both reference the same object? If they're separate, then my whole question can be withdrawn, because it'll ahve to make way for my mind getting blown.
You have to create new instances of the Tool for each Student.
class Student(object):
def __init__(self, tool):
self.tool = tool
def draw(self):
if self.tool.broken != True:
print "I used my tool. Sweet."
print "My tool is broken. Wah."
class Tool(object):
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.broken = False
def break(self):
print "The %s busted." %
self.broken = True
# Instead of instance, make it a callable that returns a new one
def Hammer():
return Tool('hammer')
# Pass a new object, instead of the type
Billy = Student(Hammer())
Tommy = Student(Hammer())
I'll try to be brief. Well.. I always try to be brief, but my level of success is pretty much random.randint(0, never). So yeah.
Lol. You even failed to be brief about announcing that you will try to be brief.
First, we need to be clear about what "called into being" means. Presumably you want a new hammer every time self.tool = object happens. You don't want a new instance every time, for example, you access the tool attribute, or you'd always a get a new, presumably unbroken, hammer every time you check self.tool.broken.
A couple approaches.
One, give Tool a copy method that produces a new object that should equal the original object, but be a different instance. For example:
class Tool:
def __init__(self, kind):
self.kind = kind
self.broken = False
def copy(self):
result = Tool(self.kind)
result.broken = self.broken
return result
Then in Student's init you say
self.tool = tool.copy()
Option two, use a factory function.
def makehammer():
return Tool(hammer)
class Student:
def __init__(self, factory):
self.tool = factory()
Billy = Student(makehammer)
I can't think any way in Python that you can write the line self.tool = object and have object automagically make a copy, and I don't think you want to. One thing I like about Python is WYSIWYG. If you want magic use C++. I think it makes code hard to understand when you not only can't tell what a line of code is doing, you can't even tell it's doing anything special.
Note you can get even fancier with a factory object. For example:
class RealisticFactory:
def __init__(self, kind, failurerate):
self.kind = kind
self.failurerate = failurerate
def make(self):
result = Tool(self.kind)
if random.random() < self.failurerate:
result.broken = True
if (self.failurerate < 0.01):
self.failurerate += 0.0001
return result
factory = RealisticFactory(hammer, 0.0007)
Billy = Student(factory.make)
Tommy = Student(factory.make) # Tommy's tool is slightly more likely to be broken
You could change your lines like this:
Billy = Student(Tool('hammer'))
Tommy = Student(Tool('hammer'))
That'll produce a distinct instance of your Tool class for each instance of the Student class. the trouble with your posted example code is that you haven't "called the Tool into being" (to use your words) more than once.
Just call Tool('hammer') every time you want to create a new tool.
h1 = Tool('hammer')
h2 = Tool('hammer')
Billy = Student(h1)
Tommy = Student(h2)
Oh wait, I forgot, Python does have magic.
class Student:
def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
if attr == 'tool':
self.__dict__[attr] = value.copy()
self.__dict__[attr] = value
But I still say you should use magic sparingly.
After seeing the tenor of the answers here and remembering the Zen of Python, I'm going to answer my own dang question by saying, "I probably should have just thought harder about it."
I will restate my own question as the answer. Suppose I have this tiny program:
class Item(object):
def __init__(self):
self.broken = False
def smash(self):
print "This object broke."
self.broken = True
class Person(object):
def __init__(self, holding):
self.holding = holding
def using(self):
if self.holding.broken != True:
print "Pass."
print "Fail."
Foo = Person(Item())
Bar = Person(Item())
The program will return "Fail" for Foo.using() and "Pass" for Bar.using(). Upon actually thinking about what I'm doing, "Foo.holding = Item()" and "Bar.holding = Item()" are clearly different instances. I even ran this dumpy program to prove it worked as I surmised it did, and no surprises to you pros, it does. So I withdraw my question on the basis that I wasn't actually using my brain when I asked it. The funny thing is, with the program I've been working on, I was already doing it this way but assuming it was the wrong way to do it. So thanks for humoring me.

how to select an object from a list of objects by its attribute in python

Apologies if this question has already been asked but I do not think I know the correct terminology to search for an appropriate solution through google.
I would like to select an object from a list of objects by the value of it's attribute, for example:
class Example():
def __init__(self):
self.pList = []
def addPerson(self,name,number):
class Person():
def __init__(self,name,number):
self.nom = name
self.num = number
a = Example()
a.pList #.... somehow select dave by giving the value 123
in my case the number will always be unique
Thanks for the help
One option is to use the next() built-in:
dave = next(person for person in a.pList if person.num == 123)
This will throw StopIteration if nothing is found. You can use the two-argument form of next() to provide a default value for that case:
dave = next(
(person for person in a.pList if person.num == 123),
A slightly more verbose alternative is a for loop:
for person in a.pList:
if person.num == 123:
print "Not found."
person = None
dave = person
If those nom's are unique keys, and all you are ever going to do is access your persons using this unique key you should indeed rather use a dictionary.
However if you want to add more attributes over time and if you like to be able to retrieve one or more person by any of those attributes, you might want to go with a more complex solution:
class Example():
def __init__(self):
self.__pList = []
def addPerson(self,name,number):
def findPerson(self, **kwargs):
return next(self.__iterPerson(**kwargs))
def allPersons(self, **kwargs):
return list(self.__iterPerson(**kwargs))
def __iterPerson(self, **kwargs):
return (person for person in self.__pList if person.match(**kwargs))
class Person():
def __init__(self,name,number):
self.nom = name
self.num = number
def __repr__(self):
return "Person('%s', %d)" % (self.nom, self.num)
def match(self, **kwargs):
return all(getattr(self, key) == val for (key, val) in kwargs.items())
So let's assume we got one Mike and two Dave's
a = Example()
Now you can find persons by number:
>>> a.findPerson(num=345)
Person('mike', 345)
Or by name:
>>> a.allPersons(nom='dave')
[Person('dave', 123), Person('dave', 678)]
Or both:
>>> a.findPerson(nom='dave', num=123)
Person('dave', 123)
The terminology you need is 'map' or 'dictionnary' : this will lead you to the right page in the python doc.
Extremely basic example:
>>> a = {123:'dave', 345:'mike'}
>>> a[123]
The missing underscore makes plist a public property. I don't think that's what you want, since it does not encapsulate the functionality and you could call a.plist.append instead of a.addPerson.
class Example():
def filter(self, criteria):
for p in self.plist:
if criteria(p):
yield p
def getByNum(self, num):
return self.filter(lambda p: p.num == num)
dave = next(a.getByNum(123))
If the numbers are unique, you may also consider using a dictionary that maps from number to name or person instead of a list. But that's up to your implementation.

