Removing mulitple key items with dict comprehension python - python

I want to remove multiple key from my json and I'm using dictionary comprehensions like this
remove_key = ['name', 'description']
data = {'full-workflow': {'task_defaults': {'retry': {'count': 3, 'delay': 2}}, 'tasks': {'t1': {'action': 'nn.postgres.export-db', 'description': 'Dump prod DB with default settings', 'input': {'database': 'prod', 'filepath': '/var/tmp/prod-dump.pgsql', 'host': 'postgres.local', 'password': 'mypass', 'username': 'myuser'}, 'name': 'db export', 'on-success': ['t2']}, 't2': {'action': '', 'description': 'Upload to S3 bucket for development', 'input': {'sourcepath': '{{ tasks(t1).result.filepath }}', 'targetpath': 's3://mybucket/prod-dump.pgsql'}, 'name': 'Upload to S3', 'on-success': ['t3'], 'retry': {'count': 5, 'delay': 5}}, 't3': {'action': '', 'description': 'Remove temp file from batch folder ', 'input': {'cmd': 'rm {{ tasks(t1).result.filepath }}'}, 'name': 'Remove temp file', 'on-complete': ['t4']}, 't4': {'action': 'nn.notify.send-mail', 'description': 'Send email to admin containing target path', 'input': {'from': '', 'message': 'DB Dump {{ tasks(t1).result.filepath }} was stored to S3', 'subject': 'Prod DB Backup', 'to': ''}, 'name': 'Send email', 'target': 'nn'}}}, 'version': '2'}
def remove_additional_key(data):
return {
key: data[key] for key in data if key not in remove_key
then just
new_data = remove_additional_key(data)
Because this is nested dict, I want to remove_key from tasks dict, so what am I doing wrong?

Your data are nested dictionaries. If you want to remove any data with a key contained in remove_key, then I suggest a recursive approach. This can be achieved, based on your exiting function remove_additional_key, with ease:
def remove_additional_key(data):
sub_data = {}
for key in data:
if key not in remove_key:
if isinstance(data[key], dict): # if is dictionary
sub_data[key] = remove_additional_key(data[key])
sub_data[key] = data[key]
return sub_data
new_data = remove_additional_key(data)
Note, if a entry is a dictionary can be checked by isinstance(data[key], dict). See How to check if a variable is a dictionary in Python?

You have a dictionary with a few nested dictionaries. If you know exactly which subdictionary you have those keys to remove, you can use:
Using the lookup approach (key: data[key]) in a dictionary comprehension is inefficient however, on such a small data amount you won't notice a difference.
If you don't know the exact path to your nested dictionary, you can use a function (posting another answer for your convenience)
def delete_keys_from_dict(d, lst_keys):
for k in lst_keys:
del dict_del[k]
except KeyError:
for v in dict_del.values():
if isinstance(v, dict):
delete_keys_from_dict(v, lst_keys)
return dict_del
Then you could call
delete_keys_from_dict(data, ['name', 'description'])
Needless to say, should you have name key in multiple nested dictionaries, all of them would be deleted, so be careful.


Append dict to list of dict

I'm getting members from a Google group using the directory API. This is what is returned:
{'etag': '"..."',
'kind': 'admin#directory#members',
'members': [{'email': '',
'etag': '"..."',
'id': '....',
'kind': 'admin#directory#member',
'role': 'MEMBER',
'type': 'USER'},
{'email': '',
'etag': '"..."',
'id': '...',
'kind': 'admin#directory#member',
'role': 'MEMBER',
'type': 'USER'},
'nextPageToken': '...'}
There are multiple pages being returned and I want to append the next set of members to the members key of this dictionary...I think.
Here is my code so far:
for group in groups_list:
members_service = service.members()
member_request = members_service.list(groupKey=group['email'], maxResults=200, roles='MEMBER')
memberEmails = {}
while member_request is not None:
member_results = member_request.execute()
member_request = members_service.list_next(member_request, member_results)
I don't think memberEmails.update(member_results) will work here because it overwrites and updates existing keys.
How can I accomplish this? or what are some alternatives?
I wonder if you want to treat memberEmails like a list and extend it with the value associated with the members key in the result. For example:
for group in groups_list:
members_service = service.members()
member_request = members_service.list(groupKey=group['email'], maxResults=200, roles='MEMBER')
member_emails = list()
while member_request is not None:
member_results = member_request.execute()
member_request = members_service.list_next(member_request, member_results)

Check if list as value(with atleast one element) exists in dictionary and return it

I have a following dictionary:
dict1 = {'Diacto Group': {'id': 7547,
'type': 'user',
'name': 'Diacto Group',
'filters': [{'column': 'Core Area',
'values': ['Missiles & Aviation Technology'],
'operator': 'EQUALS',
'not': False}],
'users': [],
'virtualUsers': [],
'groups': [360305499]},
'Diacto People': {'id': 7548,
'type': 'user',
'name': 'Diacto People',
'filters': [{'column': 'Core Area',
'values': ['Aircraft Company', 'Aviation Technology'],
'operator': 'EQUALS',
'not': False}],
'users': [326197441, 1293859642],
'virtualUsers': [],
'groups': []},
Basically I want to extract either one of the lists from 'users' or 'groups' if they have list containing atleast one value. I want the final output to look like this:
l1 = [# Extracted list as value from 'group' key from Diacto Group key as users key was blank
# list.
# Extracted list as value from 'users' key from Diacto People key as groups key was
# blank list.
[326197441, 1293859642]
List comprehension would be more preferable if possible.
Thank you for the efforts and time you put into this.
The simplest I can think of with comprehension, provided either 'users' or 'groups' is not empty:
[v['users']+v['groups'] for v in dict1.values()]
I think it would be possible to do with list comprehension, but extremely difficult to understand.
This would be my approach:
l1 = []
for k in dict1:
if len(dict1[k]['users']) > 0:
if len(dict1[k]['groups']) > 0:
Using list comprehension and filtering out cases where both "users" and "groups" are empty:
l1 = [v["users"]+v["groups"] for _, v in dict1.items() if v["users"]+v["groups"]]

How to get a nested response data from json python

I call an API and this my JSON response:
{'data': [{
'id': 'd-1225959',
'startTime': '2022-12-30T00:00:00.000Z',
'endTime': '2022-12-30T23:59:00.000Z',
'checkedInAt': None,
'checkedOutAt': None,
'status': 'PENDING',
'space': {
'id': 'd-4063963',
'name': '082',
'type': 'DESK',
'createdAt': '2021-07-06T11:48:57.000Z',
'updatedAt': '2021-07-06T11:48:57.000Z',
'isAvailable': False,
'assignedTo': None,
'locationId': '133778',
'floorId': '41681',
'floorName': 'Car Park',
'neighborhoodId': '92267',
'neighborhoodName': 'NEI1'}}
I'm struggling to get the 'space' 'id' and 'name' extracted out if I do a nested python loop like so it only returns the headers like 'id' and 'name' not the values held within.
for order in response['data']:
for doc in response['space']:
print(doc['id'], doc['name'])
Any help with this would be much appreciated!
for doc in response['space']: will iterate over the keys in response['space'] dict, i.e. doc will be str.
You want to do doc = response['space'] instead and then print(doc['id']). or directly print(response['space']['id']).
Note, you may want to use dict.get() method to avoid KeyError.
# if response dict has no 'space' key, return empty dict.
# if no 'id' key - return None
space_id = response.get('space', {}).get('id')

How to read and convert this json into a DF?

I want to convert this nested json into a df.
Tried different functions but none works correctly.
The encoding that worked for my was -
encoding = "utf-8-sig"
[{'replayableActionOperationState': 'SKIPPED',
'replayableActionOperationGuid': 'RAO_1037351',
'failedMessage': 'Cannot replay action: RAO_1037351:; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 7777212484705611612, local class serialVersionUID = -1785129380151507142',
'userMessage': 'Skip all mode',
'username': 'gfannon',
'sourceAuditData': [{'guid': '24696601-b73e-43e4-bce9-28bc741ac117',
'creationTimestamp': 1563439725240,
'auditCanvasInfo': {'id': '165059', 'name': '165059'},
'auditUserInfo': {'id': 1, 'name': 'gfannon'},
'externalId': None,
'comment': None,
'transactionId': '0f135909-66a7-46b1-98f6-baf1608ffd6a',
'data': {'entity': {'guid': 'CA_2511202',
'tagType': 'BOTH',
'description': None,
'name': 'Number of Shelves'},
'propertyChanges': [{'propertyName': 'EntityProperty',
'oldEntity': {'guid': 'CAP_35',
'name': 'DisableAsVariant',
'group': None,
'action': 'SET',
'value': 'true',
'tagType': 'SELLER'},
'newEntity': {'guid': 'CAP_35',
'name': 'DisableAsVariant',
'group': None,
'action': 'SET',
'value': 'false',
'tagType': 'SELLER'}}],
'entityChanges': None,
'primary': True}}],
'targetAuditData': None,
'conflictedGuids': None,
'fatal': False}]
This is what i tried so far, there are more tries but that got me as close as i can.
with open(r"Desktop\Ann's json parsing\report.tsv", encoding='utf-8-sig') as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
df = json_normalize(data)
print (df)
pd.DataFrame(df) ## The nested lists are shown as a whole column, im trying to parse those colums - 'failedMessage' and 'sourceAuditData'`I also tried json.loads/json(df) but the output isnt correct.
pd.DataFrame.from_dict(a['sourceAuditData'][0]['data']['propertyChanges'][0]) ##This line will retrive one of the outputs i need but i dont know how to perform it on the whole file.
The expected result should be a csv/xlsx file with a column and value for each row.
For your particular example:
def unroll_dict(d):
data = []
for k, v in d.items():
if isinstance(v, list):
data.append((k, ''))
elif isinstance(v, dict):
data.append((k, ''))
return data
And given the data in your question is stored in the variable example:
df = pd.DataFrame(unroll_dict(example[0])).set_index(0).transpose()

Convert Dict to dict with children and "unlimited" depth

I'm trying to convert dict for current view to format that I can use it in AngularJS object:
data = "{'root': {'host': {'hostname1': {'': {}}, 'hostname2': {'': {}}}, 'monitor': {'bandwidth': {'hostname1': {'': {'hostname1': {'': {'10': {}}}, 'hostname2': {'': {'10': {}}}}}, 'hostname2': {'': {'hostname1': {'': {'10': {}}}, 'hostname2': {'': {'10': {}}}}}}}}}"
to format with names and children values, like:
name: "Node 1",
children: [{
name: "Node 1.1",
children:[{name:"Node 1.1.1"},{name: "Node 1.1.2"}]
name: "Node 2",
children: [{name: "Node 2.1"},{name: "Node 2.2"}]
I tried few different approaches, but always received partial results. For example I tried to use recursion, it went till the depth value and then ignored all other tree.
def modifydict2(data):
for key, value in data.items():
return [{'name': key, 'children':modifydict2(value)}]
As a result I received only part of my dict back. I understood that my loop never worked cause I returned value before next iteration, but not sure how to fix that:
[{'name': 'root', 'children': [{'name': 'host', 'children': [{'name': 'ctest1.prod01.weave.local', 'children': [{'name': '', 'children': None}]}]}]}]
You need to append those individual values that you're currently returning to a list and then return that list. Or, using a list comprehension:
def modify_dict(d):
return [{'name': key, 'children': modify_dict(value)}
for key, value in d.items()]

