create an Azure ManagementGroup - python

I am trying to use automation for the creation of Management groups. I will be using Python SDK, but I am having hard time understanding how we authenticate to Azure and generate some of these values.
I see the documentation shows how to create a group, but I can't find how to get the client value and then how to generate the credentials for this class. If there is a sample would be much appreciated

this shows how to authenticate against Azure using the Python SDK.

The way to authenticate to Azure, I suggest the Service Principal and it's easy to use.
And to create the Management groups, it's a little complex what you think. The Management groups are also the managed resources. So you just need to use the ResourceManagementClient in Python SDK azure.mgmt.resource, and the class ResourceGroupsOperations, the whole code here:
import os
from azure.common.credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials
from azure.mgmt.resource import ResourceManagementClient
TENANT_ID = "xxxx"
CLIENT_ID = "xxxx"
KEY = "xxxx"
credentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials(
client_id = CLIENT_ID,
secret = KEY,
tenant = TENANT_ID
subscription_id = "xxxx"
client = ResourceManagementClient(credentials, subscription_id)
resource_group_params = {'location': 'eastus'}
resource_group = client.resource_groups.create_or_update('groupName', resource_group_params)
print resource_group
You can more details from ResourceGroupsOperations. Good Luck!


Retrieving ID/email from an Azure credential

We are working on our dev environment around Azure ML and Python.
As part of this, we are using azure-identity (DefaultAzureCredential) for authorization. This is going to either match a CLI credential or a "VSCode-logged-in" credential.
We would programatically like to know which user (identified by email address or ID) is currently present. How would we do this?
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
token = credential.get_token("", scopes=[""])
current_user_id = ???
Update 1
As suggested by #xyan I can deconstruct the token to retrieve information about user accounts:
import json
import base64
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
token = credential.get_token("", scopes=[""])
base64_meta_data = token.token.split(".")[1].encode("utf-8") + b'=='
json_bytes = base64.decodebytes(base64_meta_data)
json_string = json_bytes.decode("utf-8")
json_dict = json.loads(json_string)
current_user_id = json_dict["upn"]
This works for user accounts, but not for service principals. In that case, it fails retrieving the token:
DefaultAzureCredential failed to retrieve a token from the included credentials.
Attempted credentials:
EnvironmentCredential: Authentication failed: ClientApplication.acquire_token_silent_with_error() got multiple values for argument 'scopes'
What would be a proper scope that could retrieve upn/oid for various types of clients?
You can try parse the token to get the client id, tenant id information.
Sample code:
(I work in the Azure SDK team in Microsoft)

Why do I get `secretmanager.versions.access` denied in GCP?

I am trying to access a secret stored in secrets manager.
I created a service account with owner role. I created a key from it. I run:
import os
os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = './keyfile.json'
from import secretmanager
secret_client = secretmanager.SecretManagerServiceClient()
secret_name = f'projects/{project_id}/secrets/{secret_id}/versions/{version_id}'
response = secret_client.access_secret_version(request={"name": secret_name})
but I get:
google.api_core.exceptions.PermissionDenied: 403 Permission 'secretmanager.versions.access'
denied for resource 'projects/myprojnumber/secrets/mysecret/versions/1' (or it may not exist).
I checked the secret_name was the same as the secret's value in secret manager.
I have tried adding Secret Manager Secret Accessor and Secret Manager Viewer roles.
Edit: running this from cloud shell.
I think the issue is that the code is taking the Default Credentials of the Cloud Shell instead of using your SA key.
You can specify the credentials when creating the client
from import secretmanager
from google.oauth2 import service_account
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file("./keyfile.json")
secret_client = secretmanager.SecretManagerServiceClient(credentials=credentials)
secret_name = f'projects/{project_id}/secrets/{secret_id}/versions/{version_id}'
response = secret_client.access_secret_version(request={"name": secret_name})
Another option using some of the methods found in the library docs:
from import secretmanager
secret_client = secretmanager.SecretManagerServiceClient.from_service_account_file("./keyfile.json")
secret_name = f'projects/{project_id}/secrets/{secret_id}/versions/{version_id}'
response = secret_client.access_secret_version(request={"name": secret_name})
Just as an advice, being newbie does not mean you cannot Google a little more to search for something like how to use a SA as credential for the client of the library you're using.
For example you could easily find this doc which shows a sample.
Anyway, good luck with GCP!

Azure Data Lake - Generate *Connection string* using the available credential keys

I am trying to connect to Azure data lake storage using connection_string with my personal account. Using which, I can make connection and work with blobs.
Now, I have received below 4 keys and want to see if there is function we can generate connection_string from it using python?
I know, I can use the keys and work with it. But wanted to explore if there is this option available.
Python code:
from import DataLakeServiceClient
from azure.identity import ClientSecretCredential
credential = ClientSecretCredential(TENANT_ID, CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET)
service_client = DataLakeServiceClient(account_url="{}://{}".format(
"https", STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME), credential=credential)
No, you cannot.
The connection string and the service principal(the keys you mentioned like CLIENT_ID / CLIENT_SECRET) are different authorization solution, you cannot convert one to another.
By the way, to authenticate the client you have a few options, and you cannot mix them:
1.Use a SAS token string
2.Use an account shared access key
3.Use a token credential from azure.identity(like using service principal)
4.Connection string

Get Access Token for client profile Azure in Python

I'm looking for a way to get access token from a client profile when working with Azure using Python.
from azure.common.client_factory import get_client_from_cli_profile
from azure.mgmt.compute import ComputeManagementClient
client = get_client_from_cli_profile(ComputeManagementClient)
From the code I get the client profile context but how can I get access token from it?
I could find the method to get the access token from a client profile, to get the access token, you could use the adal, use which method depends on your requirement.
For example, I get the access token of a service principal with the client credentials to access the Azure Management REST API, the given resource is
import adal
# Tenant ID for your Azure Subscription
TENANT_ID = 'xxxxxxx'
# Your Service Principal App ID
CLIENT = 'xxxxxxx'
# Your Service Principal Password
KEY = 'xxxxxxx'
subscription_id = 'xxxxxxx'
authority_url = ''+TENANT_ID
context = adal.AuthenticationContext(authority_url)
token = context.acquire_token_with_client_credentials(

Get Azure Security Center alerts via python SDK

I want to list azure security center alerts using the python SDK.
I found this package:
It must be included in the microsoft documentation:
but I can not find any reference or example.
Does anyone know where I can find this information?
Best regards.
I can just give a rough reference.
After install the package azure-mgmt-security, you should use List method in the package, source code is here.
Here is the the doc on how to authentication.
Here is doc on how to get tenantId / client_id / key.
Here is my code:
from import SecurityCenter
from azure.common.credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials
subscription_id = "xxxx"
# Tenant ID for your Azure subscription
TENANT_ID = '<Your tenant ID>'
# Your service principal App ID
CLIENT = '<Your service principal ID>'
# Your service principal password
KEY = '<Your service principal password>'
credentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials(
client_id = CLIENT,
secret = KEY,
tenant = TENANT_ID
client = SecurityCenter(credentials=credentials,subscription_id=subscription_id,asc_location="centralus")
Also, you can use List Alerts api with a http request in python.
As of today, February 2021, Microsoft again changed the way credentials are instantiated. Here is the current one:
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
# Acquire a credential object for the app identity. When running in the cloud,
# DefaultAzureCredential uses the app's managed identity (MSI) or user-assigned service principal.
# When run locally, DefaultAzureCredential relies on environment variables named
credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
And it also changed the SecurityCenter signature, the credentials parameter was renamed to credential without the "s".
Full documentation here.

