Consider a NumPy array of shape (8, 8).
My Question: What is the index (x,y) of the 50th element?
Note: For counting the elements go row-wise.
Example, in array A, where A = [[1, 5, 9], [3, 0, 2]] the 5th element would be '0'.
Can someone explain how to find the general solution for this and, what would be the solution for this specific problem?
You can use unravel_index to find the coordinates corresponding to the index of the flattened array. Usually np.arrays start with index 0, you have to adjust for this.
import numpy as np
a = np.arange(64).reshape(8,8)
np.unravel_index(50-1, a.shape)
(6, 1)
In a NumPy array a of shape (r, c) (just like a list of lists), the n-th element is
a[(n-1) // c][(n-1) % c],
assuming that n starts from 1 as in your example.
It has nothing to do with r. Thus, when r = c = 8 and n = 50, the above formula is exactly
Let me show more using your example:
from numpy import *
a = array([[1, 5, 9], [3, 0, 2]])
r = len(a)
c = len(a[0])
print(f'(r, c) = ({r}, {c})')
print(f'Shape: {a.shape}')
for n in range(1, r * c + 1):
print(f'Element {n}: {a[(n-1) // c][(n-1) % c]}')
Below is the result:
(r, c) = (2, 3)
Shape: (2, 3)
Element 1: 1
Element 2: 5
Element 3: 9
Element 4: 3
Element 5: 0
Element 6: 2
numpy.ndarray.faltten(a) returns a copy of the array a collapsed into one dimension. And please note that the counting starts from 0, therefore, in your example 0 is the 4th element and 1 is the 0th.
import numpy as np
arr = np.array([[1, 5, 9], [3, 0, 2]])
fourth_element = np.ndarray.flatten(arr)[4]
fourth_element = arr.flatten()[4]
the same for 8x8 matrix.
First need to create a 88 order 2d numpy array using np.array and range.Reshape created array as 88
In the output you check index of 50th element is [6,1]
import numpy as np
arr = np.array(range(1,(8*8)+1)).reshape(8,8)
output will be 50
or you can do it in generic way as well by the help of numpy where method.
import numpy as np
def getElementIndex(array: np.array, element):
elementIndex = np.where(array==element)
return f'[{elementIndex[0][0]},{elementIndex[1][0]}]'
def getXYOrderNumberArray(x:int, y:int):
return np.array(range(1,(x*y)+1)).reshape(x,y)
arr = getXYOrderNumberArray(8,8)
I'm trying to implement a variation ratio, and I need T samples from an array C, but each sample has different weights p_t.
I'm using this:
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
batch_size = 1
T = 3
C = np.array(['A', 'B', 'C'])
# p_batch_T dimensions: (batch, sample, class)
p_batch_T = np.array([[[0.01, 0.98, 0.01],
[0.3, 0.15, 0.55],
[0.85, 0.1, 0.05]]])
def variation_ratio(C, p_T):
# This function works only with one sample from the batch.
Y_T = np.array([np.random.choice(C, size=1, p=p_t) for p_t in p_T]) # vectorize this
C_mode, frecuency = stats.mode(Y_T)
T = len(Y_T)
return 1.0 - (f/T)
def variation_ratio_batch(C, p_batch_T):
return np.array([variation_ratio(C, p_T) for p_T in p_batch_T]) # and vectorize this
Is there a way to implement these functions with any for?
In stead of sampling with the given distribution p_T, we can sample uniformly between [0,1] and compare that to the cumulative distribution:
Let's start with Y_T, say for p_T = p_batch_T[0]
cum_dist = p_batch_T.cumsum(axis=-1)
idx_T = (np.random.rand(len(C),1) < cum_dist[0]).argmax(-1)
Y_T = C[idx_T[...,None]]
_, f = stats.mode(Y_T) # here axis=0 is default
Now let take that to the variation_ratio_batch:
idx_T = (np.random.rand(len(p_batch_T), len(C),1) < cum_dist).argmax(-1)
Y = C[idx_T[...,None]]
f = stats.mode(Y, axis=1) # notice axis 0 is batch
out = 1 - (f/T)
You could do it this way:
First, create a 2D weights array of shape (T, len(C)) and take the cumulative sum:
n_rows = 5
n_cols = 3
weights = np.random.rand(n_rows, n_cols)
cum_weights = (weights / weights.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)).cumsum(axis=1)
cum_weights might look like this:
array([[0.09048919, 0.58962127, 1. ],
[0.36333997, 0.58380885, 1. ],
[0.28761923, 0.63413879, 1. ],
[0.39446498, 0.98760834, 1. ],
[0.27862476, 0.79715149, 1. ]])
Next, we can compare cum_weights to the appropriately sized output of np.random.rand. By taking argmin, we find the index in each row where the random number generated is greater than the cumulative weight:
indices = (cum_weights < np.random.rand(n_rows, 1)).argmin(axis=1)
We can then use indices to index an array of values of shape (n_cols,), which is len(C) in your original example.
np.vectorize should work:
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
#partial(np.vectorize, excluded=['rng'], signature='(),(k)->()')
def choice_batched(rng, probs):
return rng.choice(a=probs.shape[-1], p=probs)
num_classes = 3
batch_size = 5
alpha = .5 # Dirichlet prior hyperparameter.
rng = np.random.default_rng()
probs = np.random.dirichlet(alpha=np.full(fill_value=alpha, shape=num_classes), size=batch_size)
# Check each row sums to 1.
assert np.allclose(probs.sum(axis=-1), 1)
print(choice_batched(rng, probs))
print(choice_batched(rng, probs))
print(choice_batched(rng, probs))
print(choice_batched(rng, probs))
[2 0 0 0 1]
[1 0 0 0 1]
[2 0 2 0 1]
[1 0 0 0 0]
Here is my implementation of Quang's and gmds' solutions:
def sample(ws, k):
"""Weighted sample k elements along the last axis.
ws -- Tensor of probabilities, shape (*, n)
k -- Number of elements to sample.
Returns tensor of shape (*, k) with values in {0, ..., n-1}.
assert np.allclose(ws.sum(-1), 1)
cs = ws.cumsum(-1)
ps = np.random.random(ws.shape[:-1] + (k,))
return (cs[..., None, :] < ps[..., None]).sum(-1)
Say we have some stuff
>>> stuff = array([[0, 1, 2],
[3, 4, 5],
[6, 7, 8]])
And some weights / sampling probabilities.
>>> ws = array([[0.41296038, 0.36070229, 0.22633733],
[0.37576672, 0.14518771, 0.47904557],
[0.14742326, 0.29182459, 0.56075215]])
And we want to sample 2 elements along each row. Then we do
>>> ids = sample(ws, 2)
[[2, 0],
[1, 2],
[2, 2]]
And we can retrieve the sampled values from stuff using np.take_along_axis:
>>> np.take_along_axis(stuff, ids)
[[2, 0],
[4, 5],
[8, 8]]
The code could be generalized to sampling along an axis other than the last one, but I got confused about broadcasting, so somebody else should have a stab at it!
I have a matrix (2d numpy ndarray, to be precise):
A = np.array([[4, 0, 0],
[1, 2, 3],
[0, 0, 5]])
And I want to roll each row of A independently, according to roll values in another array:
r = np.array([2, 0, -1])
That is, I want to do this:
print np.array([np.roll(row, x) for row,x in zip(A, r)])
[[0 0 4]
[1 2 3]
[0 5 0]]
Is there a way to do this efficiently? Perhaps using fancy indexing tricks?
Sure you can do it using advanced indexing, whether it is the fastest way probably depends on your array size (if your rows are large it may not be):
rows, column_indices = np.ogrid[:A.shape[0], :A.shape[1]]
# Use always a negative shift, so that column_indices are valid.
# (could also use module operation)
r[r < 0] += A.shape[1]
column_indices = column_indices - r[:, np.newaxis]
result = A[rows, column_indices]
numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided stricks (abbrev pun intended) again!
Speaking of fancy indexing tricks, there's the infamous - np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided. The idea/trick would be to get a sliced portion starting from the first column until the second last one and concatenate at the end. This ensures that we can stride in the forward direction as needed to leverage np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided and thus avoid the need of actually rolling back. That's the whole idea!
Now, in terms of actual implementation we would use scikit-image's view_as_windows to elegantly use np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided under the hoods. Thus, the final implementation would be -
from skimage.util.shape import view_as_windows as viewW
def strided_indexing_roll(a, r):
# Concatenate with sliced to cover all rolls
a_ext = np.concatenate((a,a[:,:-1]),axis=1)
# Get sliding windows; use advanced-indexing to select appropriate ones
n = a.shape[1]
return viewW(a_ext,(1,n))[np.arange(len(r)), (n-r)%n,0]
Here's a sample run -
In [327]: A = np.array([[4, 0, 0],
...: [1, 2, 3],
...: [0, 0, 5]])
In [328]: r = np.array([2, 0, -1])
In [329]: strided_indexing_roll(A, r)
array([[0, 0, 4],
[1, 2, 3],
[0, 5, 0]])
# #seberg's solution
def advindexing_roll(A, r):
rows, column_indices = np.ogrid[:A.shape[0], :A.shape[1]]
r[r < 0] += A.shape[1]
column_indices = column_indices - r[:,np.newaxis]
return A[rows, column_indices]
Let's do some benchmarking on an array with large number of rows and columns -
In [324]: np.random.seed(0)
...: a = np.random.rand(10000,1000)
...: r = np.random.randint(-1000,1000,(10000))
# #seberg's solution
In [325]: %timeit advindexing_roll(a, r)
10 loops, best of 3: 71.3 ms per loop
# Solution from this post
In [326]: %timeit strided_indexing_roll(a, r)
10 loops, best of 3: 44 ms per loop
In case you want more general solution (dealing with any shape and with any axis), I modified #seberg's solution:
def indep_roll(arr, shifts, axis=1):
"""Apply an independent roll for each dimensions of a single axis.
arr : np.ndarray
Array of any shape.
shifts : np.ndarray
How many shifting to use for each dimension. Shape: `(arr.shape[axis],)`.
axis : int
Axis along which elements are shifted.
arr = np.swapaxes(arr,axis,-1)
all_idcs = np.ogrid[[slice(0,n) for n in arr.shape]]
# Convert to a positive shift
shifts[shifts < 0] += arr.shape[-1]
all_idcs[-1] = all_idcs[-1] - shifts[:, np.newaxis]
result = arr[tuple(all_idcs)]
arr = np.swapaxes(result,-1,axis)
return arr
I implement a pure numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided solution as follows
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
def custom_roll(arr, r_tup):
m = np.asarray(r_tup)
arr_roll = arr[:, [*range(arr.shape[1]),*range(arr.shape[1]-1)]].copy() #need `copy`
strd_0, strd_1 = arr_roll.strides
n = arr.shape[1]
result = as_strided(arr_roll, (*arr.shape, n), (strd_0 ,strd_1, strd_1))
return result[np.arange(arr.shape[0]), (n-m)%n]
A = np.array([[4, 0, 0],
[1, 2, 3],
[0, 0, 5]])
r = np.array([2, 0, -1])
out = custom_roll(A, r)
array([[0, 0, 4],
[1, 2, 3],
[0, 5, 0]])
By using a fast fourrier transform we can apply a transformation in the frequency domain and then use the inverse fast fourrier transform to obtain the row shift.
So this is a pure numpy solution that take only one line:
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft
# The row shift function using the fast fourrier transform
# rshift(A,r) where A is a 2D array, r the row shift vector
def rshift(A,r):
return np.real(ifft(fft(A,axis=1)*np.exp(2*1j*np.pi/A.shape[1]*r[:,None]*np.r_[0:A.shape[1]][None,:]),axis=1).round())
This will apply a left shift, but we can simply negate the exponential exponant to turn the function into a right shift function:
It can be used like that:
# Example:
A = np.array([[1,2,3,4],
r = np.array([1,-1,3])
Building on divakar's excellent answer, you can apply this logic to 3D array easily (which was the problematic that brought me here in the first place). Here's an example - basically flatten your data, roll it & reshape it after::
def applyroll_30(cube, threshold=25, offset=500):
flattened_cube = cube.copy().reshape(cube.shape[0]*cube.shape[1], cube.shape[2])
roll_matrix = calc_roll_matrix_flattened(flattened_cube, threshold, offset)
rolled_cube = strided_indexing_roll(flattened_cube, roll_matrix, cube_shape=cube.shape)
rolled_cube = triggered_cube.reshape(cube.shape[0], cube.shape[1], cube.shape[2])
return rolled_cube
def calc_roll_matrix_flattened(cube_flattened, threshold, offset):
""" Calculates the number of position along time axis we need to shift
elements in order to trig the data.
We return a 1D numpy array of shape (X*Y, time) elements
# armax(...) finds the position in the cube (3d) where we are above threshold
roll_matrix = np.argmax(cube_flattened > threshold, axis=1) + offset
# ensure we don't have index out of bound
roll_matrix[roll_matrix>cube_flattened.shape[1]] = cube_flattened.shape[1]
return roll_matrix
def strided_indexing_roll(cube_flattened, roll_matrix_flattened, cube_shape):
# Concatenate with sliced to cover all rolls
# otherwise we shift in the wrong direction for my application
roll_matrix_flattened = -1 * roll_matrix_flattened
a_ext = np.concatenate((cube_flattened, cube_flattened[:, :-1]), axis=1)
# Get sliding windows; use advanced-indexing to select appropriate ones
n = cube_flattened.shape[1]
result = viewW(a_ext,(1,n))[np.arange(len(roll_matrix_flattened)), (n - roll_matrix_flattened) % n, 0]
result = result.reshape(cube_shape)
return result
Divakar's answer doesn't do justice to how much more efficient this is on large cube of data. I've timed it on a 400x400x2000 data formatted as int8. An equivalent for-loop does ~5.5seconds, Seberg's answer ~3.0seconds and strided_indexing.... ~0.5second.
I try to convert code from Matlab to python
I have code in Matlab:
[value, iA, iB] = intersect(netA{i},netB{j});
I am looking for code in python that find the values common to both A and B, as well as the index vectors ia and ib (for each common element, its first index in A and its first index in B).
I try to use different solution, but I received vectors with different length. tried to use numpy.in1d/intersect1d , that returns bad not the same value.
Thing I try to do :
def FindoverlapIndx(self,a, b):
bool_a = np.in1d(a, b)
ind_a = np.arange(len(a))
ind_a = ind_a[bool_a]
ind_b = np.array([np.argwhere(b == a[x]) for x in ind_a]).flatten()
return ind_a, ind_b
IS=np.arange(IDs[i].shape[0])[np.in1d(IDs[i], R_IDs[j])]
IR = np.arange(R_IDs[j].shape[0])[np.in1d(R_IDs[j],IDs[i])]
I received indexes with different lengths. But both must be of the same length as in Matlab's intersect.
MATLAB's intersect(a, b) returns:
common values of a and b, sorted
the first position of each of them in a
the first position of each of them in b
NumPy's intersect1d does only the first part. So I read its source and modified it to return indices as well.
import numpy as np
def intersect_mtlb(a, b):
a1, ia = np.unique(a, return_index=True)
b1, ib = np.unique(b, return_index=True)
aux = np.concatenate((a1, b1))
c = aux[:-1][aux[1:] == aux[:-1]]
return c, ia[np.isin(a1, c)], ib[np.isin(b1, c)]
a = np.array([7, 1, 7, 7, 4]);
b = np.array([7, 0, 4, 4, 0]);
c, ia, ib = intersect_mtlb(a, b)
print(c, ia, ib)
This prints [4 7] [4 0] [2 0] which is consistent with the output on MATLAB documentation page, as I used the same example as they did. Of course, indices are 0-based in Python unlike MATLAB.
Explanation: the function takes unique elements from each array, puts them together, and concatenates: the result is [0 1 4 4 7 7]. Each number appears at most twice here; when it's repeated, that means it was in both arrays. This is what aux[1:] == aux[:-1] selects for.
The array ia contains the first index of each element of a1 in the original array a. Filtering it by isin(a1, c) leaves only the indices that were in c. Same is done for ib.
Since version 1.15.0, intersect1d does the second and third part if you pass return_indices=True:
x = np.array([1, 1, 2, 3, 4])
y = np.array([2, 1, 4, 6])
xy, x_ind, y_ind = np.intersect1d(x, y, return_indices=True)
Where you get xy = array([1, 2, 4]), x_ind = array([0, 2, 4]) and y_ind = array([1, 0, 2])
I have a large array of thousands of vals in numpy. I want to decrease its size by averaging adjacent values.
For example:
a = [2,3,4,8,9,10]
#average down to 2 values here
a = [3,9]
#it averaged 2,3,4 and 8,9,10 together
So, basically, I have n number of elements in array, and I want to tell it to average down to X number of values, and it averages like above.
Is there some way to do that with numpy (already using it for other things, so I'd like to stick with it).
Using reshape and mean, you can average every m adjacent values of an 1D-array of size N*m, with N being any positive integer number. For example:
import numpy as np
m = 3
a = np.array([2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10])
b = a.reshape(-1, m).mean(axis=1)
#array([3., 9.])
1)a.reshape(-1, m) will create a 2D image of the array without copying data:
array([[ 2, 3, 4],
[ 8, 9, 10]])
2)taking the mean in the second axis (axis=1) will then calculate the mean value of each row, resulting in:
array([3., 9.])
Try this:
n_averaged_elements = 3
averaged_array = []
a = np.array([ 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10])
for i in range(0, len(a), n_averaged_elements):
slice_from_index = i
slice_to_index = slice_from_index + n_averaged_elements
>>>> averaged_array
>>>> [3.0, 9.0]
Looks like a simple non-overlapping moving window average to me, how about:
In [3]:
import numpy as np
a = np.array([2,3,4,8,9,10])
window_sz = 3
#you want to be sure your array can be reshaped properly, so the [:len(a)/window_sz*window_sz] part
array([ 3., 9.])
In this example, I presume that a is the 1D numpy array that needs to be averaged. In the method that I give below, we first find the factors of the length of this array a. And, then we choose the an appropriate factor as the step size to average the array with.
Here is the code.
import numpy as np
from functools import reduce
''' Function to find factors of a given number 'n' '''
def factors(n):
return list(set(reduce(list.__add__,
([i, n//i] for i in range(1, int(n**0.5) + 1) if n % i == 0))))
a = [2,3,4,8,9,10] #Given array.
'''fac: list of factors of length of a.
In this example, len(a) = 6. So, fac = [1, 2, 3, 6] '''
fac = factors(len(a))
'''step: choose an appropriate step size from the list 'fac'.
In this example, we choose one of the middle numbers in fac
(3). '''
step = fac[int( len(fac)/3 )+1]
'''avg: initialize an empty array. '''
avg = np.array([])
for i in range(0, len(a), step):
avg = np.append( avg, np.mean(a[i:i+step]) ) #append averaged values to `avg`
print avg #Prints the final result
[3.0, 9.0]