Find the first fibonacci number above 1 million - python

Currently taking a programming course and got as an assignment to find the first fibonacci number above a million and I'm having a bit of trouble finding the specific number. I'm also supposed to be finding the index of the n:th number when it hits 1 million. I'm pretty new to coding but this is what I've come up with so far, just having a hard time to figure out how to actually calculate what the number is.
I guess you would switch out the for-with a while-loop but haven't figured out it how to get it all to work.
Thanks in beforehand :)
def fib_seq(n):
if n <= 2:
return 1
return fib_seq(n-1) + fib_seq(n-2)
lst = []
for i in range(1, 20):
print(fib_seq(i), lst)

Some points:
You don't need to build a list. You're only asked to return an index and the corresponding Fibonnacci number.
The recursive algorithm for Fibonnacci is not best practice, unless you would use some memoization. Otherwise the same numbers have to be recalculated over and over again. Use an iterative method instead.
Here is how that could look:
def fib(atleast):
a = 0
b = 1
i = 1
while b < atleast:
a, b = b, a+b
i += 1
return i, b
print(fib(1000000)) # (31, 1346269)

If you need to do this with some find of recursion, you should try to avoid calling the recursions twice with each iteration. This is a classic example where the complexity explodes. One way to do this is to memoize the already calculated results. Another is to maintain state with the function arguments. For example this will deliver the answer and only call the function 32 times:
def findIndex(v, prev = 0, current = 1, index = 0):
if v < prev:
return (prev, index)
return findIndex(v, current, prev+current, index + 1 )
findIndex(1000000) # (1346269, 31)


How to count number of times we can halve a number until it reaches 1?

I want to have a number that halves until it reaches 1, then it should return a count of how many times it halved.
since 4/2 = 2 and 2/2= 1, hence it halved twice before reaching 1, and this is what I want it to return but my code isn't working, why? Can a modification be made ?
Here's my code
def halve(n):
i = 0
for i in range(n,1):
if float(i/2) >=1:
return i
It seems to me you can employ some math and just write:
import math
def halve(n):
return math.floor(math.log(n, 2))
You attempt is wrong for three reasons.
You are returning from within the loop. Thus it will never execute more than once.
Your loop will never execute unless n is 0 because range needs a third parameter as a negative number to increment "backwards."
The i assigned by your loop is shadowing the i you have previously assigned. Let's just use a while loop.
def halve(n):
i = 0
while n/2 >= 1:
i += 1
n /= 2
return i
Since you wanted to know what is wrong with your code:
First, immediate problem is that you return on first loop iteration. You need to return only when the number is smaller than 1 (so if condition is not met):
return i
Now, there is another problem - you are iterating over range(n,1) which... doesn't really make sense. You need way less than n divisions to reach number smaller than 1. Use a while loop instead - this way you loop as long as you need. You're also using i as an iterator, but also seem to be dividing it to see if it's more than one - shouldn't you use n there? You're also not reducing n, so you'd actually never reach n < 1.
Taking all of those your code might look like this:
while True:
if float(n/2) >=1:
n /= 2
return i
We can improve it even further - as you want your code to end if the condition is not met, we can simply move that to while condition:
def halve(n):
i = 0
while float(n/2) >=1:
n /= 2
return i
As #Sembei Norimaki commented, a while loop is a more natural fit for this use case.
def halve(n):
halves = 0
while n > 1:
n /= 2
halves += 1
return halves
This loop can be summarized "As long as n is greater than one, cut it in half and add one to the number of halves we have performed."

How to add the last two elements in a list and add the sum to existing list

I am learning Python and using it to work thru a challenge found in Project Euler. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to get around this problem.
The problem:
Even Fibonacci numbers
Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the
previous two terms. By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 terms will
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ...
By considering the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not
exceed four million, find the sum of the even-valued terms.
I created a for loop that adds the second to last element and the last element from the list x:
x = [1,2]
for i in x:
second_to_last = x[-2]
running_sum = i + second_to_last
If you run the above, you get 3. I am looking to add this new element back to the original list, x, and repeat the process. However, each time I try to use the append() function, the program crashes and keeps on running without stopping. I tried to use a while loop to stop this, but that was a complete failure. Why am I not able to add or append() the new element (running_sum) back to the original list (x)?
I did arrive at the solution (4613732), but I the work to getting there did not seem efficient. Here is my solution:
while len(x) in range(1,32):
for i in x:
second_to_last = x[-2]
running_sum = i + second_to_last
new_x = []
for i in x:
if i%2 == 0:
I did have to check the range to see visually whether I did not exceed 4 million. But as I said, the process I took was not efficient.
If you keep adding elements to a list while iterating over that list, the iteration will never finish.
You will need some other criterion to abort the loop - for example, in this case
if running_sum > 4000000:
would work.
(Note that you don't strictly speaking need a list at all here; I'd suggest experimenting a bit with it.)
Here are two different ways to solve this. One of them builds the whole list, then sums the even elements. The other one only keeps the last two elements, without making the whole list.
fib = [1,2]
while fib[-1] < 4000000:
# Get rid of the last one, since it was over the limit.
print( sum(i for i in fib if i % 2 == 0) )
fib = (1,2)
sumx = 2
while True:
nxt = fib[0]+fib[1]
if nxt >= 4000000:
if nxt % 2 == 0:
sumx += nxt
fib = (fib[1],nxt)
I don't answer your question about list modification but the solution for your problem:
def sum_even_number_fibonacci(limit):
n0 = 0 # Since we don't care about index (n-th), we can use n0 = 0 or 1
n1 = 1
even_number_sum = 0
while n1 <= limit:
if n1 % 2 == 0:
even_number_sum += n1
n2 = n0 + n1
# Only store the last two number of the Fibonacci sequence to calculate the next one
n0 = n1
n1 = n2
return even_number_sum

Breaking an iterative function in Python before a condition turns False

This is for a school assignment.
I have been tasked to define a function determining the largest square pyramidal number up to a given integer(argument). For some background, these are square pyramidal numbers:
1 = 1^2
5 = 1^2+2^2
14 = 1^2+2^2+3^2
So for a function and parameter largest_square_pyramidal_num(15), the function should return 14, because that's the largest number within the domain of the argument.
I get the idea. And here's my code:
def largest_square_pyramidal_num(n):
sum = 0
i = 0
while sum < n:
sum += i**2
i += 1
return sum
Logically to me, it seemed nice and rosy until I realised it doesn't stop when it's supposed to. When n = 15, sum = 14, sum < n, so the code adds one more round of i**2, and n is exceeded. I've been cracking my head over how to stop the iteration before the condition sum < n turns false, including an attempt at break and continue:
def largest_square_pyramidal_num(n):
sum = 0
for i in range(n+1):
sum += i**2
if sum >= n:
return sum
Only to realise it doesn't make any difference.
Can someone give me any advice? Where is my logical lapse? Greatly appreciated!
You can do the following:
def largest_pyr(x):
pyr=[sum([i**2 for i in range(1,k+1)]) for k in range(int(x**0.5)+1)]
pyr=[i for i in pyr if i<=x]
return pyr[-1]
>>> largest_pyr(150)
>>> largest_pyr(1500)
>>> largest_pyr(15000)
>>> largest_pyr(150000)
Let me start by saying that continue in the second code piece is redundant. This instruction is used for scenario when you don't want the code in for loop to continue but rather to start a new iteration (in your case there are not more instructions in the loop body).
For example, let's print every number from 1 to 100, but skip those ending with 0:
for i in range(1, 100 + 1):
if i % 10 != 0:
for i in range(1, 100 + 1):
if i % 10 == 0:
# i don't want to continue executing the body of for loop,
# get me to the next iteration
The first example is to accept all "good" numbers while the second is rather to exclude the "bad" numbers. IMHO, continue is a good way to get rid of some "unnecessary" elements in the container rather than writing an if (your code inside if becomes extra-indented, which worsens readability for bigger functions).
As for your first piece, let's think about it for a while. You while loop terminates when the piramid number is greater or equal than n. And that is not what you really want (yes, you may end up with a piramid number which is equal to n, but it is not always the case).
What I like to suggest is to generate a pyramid number until in exceedes n and then take a step back by removing an extra term:
def largest_square_pyramidal_num(n):
result = 0
i = 0
while result <= n:
i += 1
result += i**2
result -= i ** 2
return result
2 things to note:
don't use sum as a name for the variable (it might confuse people with built-in sum() function)
I swapped increment and result updating in the loop body (such that i is up-to-date when the while loop terminates)
So the function reads like this: keep adding terms until we take too much and go 1 step back.
Hope that makes some sense.
Cheers :)

What would be the best answer for this Fibonacci excercise in Python?

What's the best answer for this Fibonacci exercise in Python?
Exercise: Fibonacci sequence
Write a function that displays the n first terms of the Fibonacci
sequence, defined by:
u0 = 1; u1 = 1
u(n+2) = u(n+1) + un
If this were simply asking a Fibonacci code, I would write like this:
def fibo_R(n):
if n == 1 or n == 2:
return 1
return fibo_R(n-1) + fibo_R(n-2)
... However, in this exercise, the initial conditions are both 1 and 1, and the calculation is going towards the positive direction (+). I don't know how to set the end condition. I've searched for an answer, but I couldn't find any. How would you answer this?
Note that u_(n+2) = u_(n+1) + u_n is equivalent to u_n = u_(n-1) + u_(n-2), i.e. your previous code will still apply. Fibonacci numbers are by definition defined in terms of their predecessors, no matter how you phrase the problem.
A good approach to solve this is to define a generator which produces the elements of the Fibonacci sequence on demand:
def fibonacci():
i = 1
j = 1
while True:
yield i
x = i + j
i = j
j = x
You can then take the first N items of the generator via e.g. itertools.islice, or you use enumerate to keep track of how many numbers you saw:
for i, x in enumerate(fibonacci()):
if i > n:
print x
Having a generator means that you can use the same code for solving many different problems (and quite efficiently though), such as:
getting the n'th fibonacci number
getting the first n fibonacci numbers
getting all fibonacci numbers satisfying some predicate (e.g. all fibonacci numbers lower than 100)
The best way to calculate a fibonacci sequence is by simply starting at the beginning and looping until you have calculated the n-th number. Recursion produces way too many method calls since you are calculating the same numbers over and over again.
This function calculates the first n fibonacci numbers, stores them in a list and then prints them out:
def fibonacci(n):
array = [1]
a = 1
b = 1
if n == 1:
print array
for i in range(n-1):
fib = a + b
a = b
b = fib
print array
If you want a super memory-efficient solution, use a generator that only produces the next number on demand:
def fib_generator():
e1, e2 = 0, 1
while True:
e1,e2 = e2, e1+e2
yield e1
f = fib_generator()
## dump the rest with a for-loop
for i in range(3, 50):
The recursive solution is the most elegant, but it is slow. Keiwan's loop is the fastest for a large number of elements.
Yes, definitely no globals as correctly observed by DSM. Thanks!
An alternative recursive just to show that things can be done in slightly different ways:
def fib2(n): return n if n < 2 else fib2( n - 1 ) + fib2( n - 2 )

Better python logic that prevent time out when comparing arrays in nested loops

I was attempting to solve a programing challenge and the program i wrote solved the small test data correctly for this question. But When they run it against the larger datasets, my program timed out on some of the occasions . I am mostly a self taught programmer, if there is a better algorithm/implementation than my logic can you guys tell me.thanks.
Given an array of integers, a, return the maximum difference of any
pair of numbers such that the larger integer in the pair occurs at a
higher index (in the array) than the smaller integer. Return -1 if you
cannot find a pair that satisfies this condition.
My Python Function
def maxDifference( a):
leng = len(a)
for x in range(0,leng-1):
for y in range(x+1,leng):
if find==1:
return diff
return -1
1 <= N <= 1,000,000
-1,000,000 <= a[i] <= 1,000,000 i belongs to [1,N]
Sample Input:
Array { 2,3,10,2,4,8,1}
Sample Output:
Well... since you don't care for anything else than finding the highest number following the lowest number, provided that difference is the highest so far, there's no reason to do several passes or using max() over a slice of the array:
def f1(a):
smallest = a[0]
result = 0
for b in a:
if b < smallest:
smallest = b
if b - smallest > result:
result = b - smallest
return result if result > 0 else -1
Thanks #Matthew for the testing code :)
This is very fast even on large sets:
The maximum difference is 99613 99613 99613
Time taken by Sojan's method: 0.0480000972748
Time taken by #Matthews's method: 0.0130000114441
Time taken by #GCord's method: 0.000999927520752
The reason your program takes too long is that your nested loop inherently means quadratic time.
The outer loop goes through N-1 indices. The inner loop goes through a different number of indices each time, but the average is obviously (N-1)/2 rounded up. So, the total number of times through the inner loop is (N-1) * (N-1)/2, which is O(N^2). For the maximum N=1000000, that means 499999000001 iterations. That's going to take a long time.
The trick is to find a way to do this in linear time.
Here's one solution (as a vague description, rather than actual code, so someone can't just copy and paste it when they face the same test as you):
Make a list of the smallest value before each index. Each one is just min(smallest_values[-1], arr[i]), and obviously you can do this in N steps.
Make a list of the largest value after each index. The simplest way to do this is to reverse the list, do the exact same loop as above (but with max instead of min), then reverse again. (Reversing a list takes N steps, of course.)
Now, for each element in the list, instead of comparing to every other element, you just have to compare to smallest_values[i] and largest_values[i]. Since you're only doing 2 comparisons for each of the N values, this takes 2N time.
So, even being lazy and naive, that's a total of N + 3N + 2N steps, which is O(N). If N=1000000, that means 6000000 steps, which is a whole lot faster than 499999000001.
You can obviously see how to remove the two reverses, and how to skip the first and last comparisons. If you're smart, you can see how to take the whole largest_values out of the equation entirely. Ultimately, I think you can get it down to 2N - 3 steps, or 1999997. But that's all just a small constant improvement; nowhere near as important as fixing the basic algorithmic problem. You'd probably get a bigger improvement than 3x (maybe 20x), for less work, by just running the naive code in PyPy instead of CPython, or by converting to NumPy—but you're not going to get the 83333x improvement in any way other than changing the algorithm.
Here's a linear time solution. It keeps a track of the minimum value before each index of the list. These minimum values are stored in a list min_lst. Finally, the difference between corresponding elements of the original and the min list is calculated into another list of differences by zipping the two. The maximum value in this differences list should be the required answer.
def get_max_diff(lst):
min_lst = []
running_min = lst[0]
for item in lst:
if item < running_min:
running_min = item
val = max(x-y for (x, y) in zip(lst, min_lst))
if not val:
return -1
return val
>>> get_max_diff([5, 6, 2, 12, 8, 15])
>>> get_max_diff([2, 3, 10, 2, 4, 8, 1])
>>> get_max_diff([5, 4, 3, 2, 1])
Well, I figure since someone in the same problem can copy your code and run with that, I won't lose any sleep over them copying some more optimized code:
import time
import random
def max_difference1(a):
# your function
def max_difference2(a):
diff = 0
for i in range(0, len(a)-1):
curr_diff = max(a[i+1:]) - a[i]
diff = max(curr_diff, diff)
return diff if diff != 0 else -1
my_randoms = random.sample(range(100000), 1000)
t01 = time.time()
max_dif1 = max_difference1(my_randoms)
dt1 = time.time() - t01
t02 = time.time()
max_dif2 = max_difference2(my_randoms)
dt2 = time.time() - t02
print("The maximum difference is", max_dif1)
print("Time taken by your method:", dt1)
print("Time taken by my method:", dt2)
print("My method is", dt1/dt2, "times faster.")
The maximum difference is 99895
Time taken by your method: 0.5533690452575684
Time taken by my method: 0.08005285263061523
My method is 6.912546237558299 times faster.
Similar to what #abarnert said (who always snipes me on these things I swear), you don't want to loop over the list twice. You can exploit the fact that you know that your larger value has to be in front of the smaller one. You also can exploit the fact that you don't care for anything except the largest number, that is, in the list [1,3,8,5,9], the maximum difference is 8 (9-1) and you don't care that 3, 8, and 5 are in there. Thus: max(a[i+1:]) - a[i] is the maximum difference for a given index.
Then you compare it with diff, and take the larger of the 2 with max, as calling default built-in python functions is somewhat faster than if curr_diff > diff: diff = curr_diff (or equivalent).
The return line is simply your (fixed) line in 1 line instead of 4
As you can see, in a sample of 1000, this method is ~6x faster (note: used python 3.4, but nothing here would break on python 2.x)
I think the expected answer for
1, 2, 4, 2, 3, 8, 5, 6, 10
will be 8 - 2 = 6 but instead Saksham Varma code will return 10 - 1 = 9.
Its max(arr) - min(arr).
Don't we have to reset the min value when there is a dip
. ie; 4 -> 2 will reset current_smallest = 2 and continue diff the calculation with value '2'.
def f2(a):
current_smallest = a[0]
large_diff = 0
for i in range(1, len(a)):
# Identify the dip
if a[i] < a[i-1]:
current_smallest = a[i]
if a[i] - current_smallest > large_diff:
large_diff = a[i] - current_smallest

