I am unable to retrieve tickets from service now by matching assignment_group. I am using pysnow and using table api to retrieve ticket from service now.
Below is my code :
import pysnow
c = pysnow.Client(instance='myinstance', user='username', password='password')
incident = c.resource(api_path='/table/incident')
#getting the assignment group of a ticket
print ("tickets are")
response = incident.get(query={'number': 'INC0010020'}, stream=True)
a = response['assignment_group']
print (a)
#using the same assigment group above to fetch more tickets
response = incident.get(query={'assignment_group' : a}, stream=True)
print (response.one())
I get the below result :
Try adding the following after line 2:
c.parameters.exclude_reference_link = True
your 'a' variable is a JSON object. Try using a.value
Also be mindful when using the responses. you may need to use JSON.parse if the response comes as a string
I'm currently writing a script to find emails based on the domain name using Hunter.io API
The thing is that my script returns me a JSON with a lot's a details and I only want the mail address in it.
Here's my code :
"""script to find emails based on the domain name using Hunter.io"""
import requests # To make get and post requests to APIs
import json # To deal with json responses to APIs
from pprint import pprint # To pretty print json info in a more readable format
from pyhunter import PyHunter # Using the hunter module
# Global variables
hunter_api_key = "API KEY" # API KEY
contacts = [] # list where we'll store our contacts
contact_info = {} # dictionary where we'll store each contact information
limit = 1 # Limit of emails adresses pulled by the request
value = "value" # <- seems to be the key in Hunter's API of the email adress founded
# TODO: Section A - Ask Hunter to find emails based on the domain name
def get_email_from_hunter(domain_name,limit):
url = "https://api.hunter.io/v2/domain-search"
params = {
"domain" : domain_name,
"limit" : 1,
"api_key" : hunter_api_key,
response = requests.get(url, params= params,)
json_data = response.json()
email_adress = json_data["data"]["emails"] # <- I have to find witch is the good key in order to return only the mail adress
contact_info["email_adress"] = email_adress
contact_info["domain_name"] = domain_name
return contact_info
and here's the JSON returned :
JSON exemple extracted from the documentation
Thanks per advance for the help provided :)
email_addresses = [item['value'] for item in json_data["data"]["emails"]]
note, not tested as you post image, not json data as text.
I have a list of domain names in txt file ('links.txt') and I want to check it's availability and write it in different txt file ('available_domains.txt') if it is available. I wrote the code like:
import requests
import time
import json
api_key = "3mM44UaguNL6GH_Kc3bKzig25G1mZtnA87nwS"
secret_key = "37ZnMbQkQrYJ5pF57ZhrEi"
headers = {"Authorization" : "sso-key {}:{}".format(api_key, secret_key)}
url = "https://api.godaddy.com/v1/domains/available"
appraisal = "https://api.godaddy.com/v1/appraisal/{}"
do_appraise = True
with open("links.txt") as f:
for domains in f:
availability_res = requests.post(url, json=domains, headers=headers)
for domain in json.loads(availability_res.text)['domains']:
if domain['available']:
with open("available_domains.txt", 'w', newline="", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
print("Not Available")
But I'm getting error like:
for domain in json.loads(availability_res.text)["domains"]:
KeyError: 'domains'
I'm new in it. And I don't think my code is that correct. If you have any idea can you help me with it??
I have found your issue.
You need to define the "domain" using the "params" flag of the get requests function.
Here is a little snippet that worked for me (you will need to incorporate it into your for loop)
api_key = "YOURKEYHERE"
secret_key = "YOURKEYHERE"
headers = {"Authorization": "sso-key {}:{}".format(api_key, secret_key)}
url = "https://api.godaddy.com/v1/domains/available"
test = get(url, params={'domain':'google.co.uk'}, headers=headers).text
I have been tasked to do the same thing in python.
Thanks to this blogGodaddy domain name API in Python I was able to complete this task.
Try it out
This error occur because of the limit of requests you can send per minute you have to add time.sleep(48) after every 20 request in this way yo will not get this error
I'm lost as to why this error keeps happening and how to solve it.
I'm trying to take data out of one of my firestore collections, using the ID (which is a stock ticker), and iterating that ID through a for loop to an API that returns a JSON array.
Every time I run this, about a third of the way through I'll get the following error, first showing up as Error: 404, then displays the following:
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
The script works for the first third of the data, but if I delete items in the collection around where the error is, it doesn't resolve the issue so I don't think it has to do with the item in the doc that it's landed on.
Am I missing something?
I tried putting an exception in for the 404 error, but either I implemented it badly, or it didn't solve the problem.
import requests
import json
import firebase_admin
from firebase_admin import credentials
from firebase_admin import firestore
import datetime
cred = credentials.Certificate("./serviceAccountKey.json")
db = firestore.client()
doc_ref1 = db.collection(u'Quiver').stream()
for doc in doc_ref1:
symbol = doc.id
api_url = "https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/{}/company".format(symbol)
query_url = api_url
r = requests.get(query_url)
if r.status_code != 200:
print("Error:", r.status_code)
if r.status_code == 404:
print("Error:", r.status_code)
json_stock = r.json()
symbol = json_stock['symbol']
companyName = json_stock['companyName']
exchange = json_stock['exchange']
industry = json_stock['industry']
website = json_stock['website']
description = json_stock['description']
CEO = json_stock['CEO']
issueType = json_stock['issueType']
sector = json_stock['sector']
tags = json_stock['tags']
updateTime = datetime.datetime.now()
doc_ref = db.collection(u'Quiver').document(u'{}'.format(symbol))
u'Company Name':u'{}'.format(companyName),
u'Issue Type':u'{}'.format(issueType),
u'Last Update Time':u'{}'.format(updateTime)
#docs = doc_ref.get({u'summary'})
A request for stocks for a company that doesn't exist in the service records returns a 404.
print-ing to stdout when this happens isn't enough to handle this since the response body for non 200 status code isn't valid JSON text.
Depending on your business, you have to either skip non 200 responses, fetch the stock information from another service or log this as a critical issue so that you can apply a policy for companies whose stock information are no longer being offered by the service.
This first option to skip on non 200 responses can be done in the following clause.
if r.status_code != 200:
print("Error:", r.status_code)
I am trying to learn Requests and practicing by connecting to the weather API. But for some reason I can't get it to work? It is clear the weather API is wanting the param in a certain way that I cannot seem to figure out how it translates to Requests.
Here is my code:
r = requests.get('http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather', q={'Anderson'})
Here is the link to the API page:
I see the weather pages wants the param in terms of q = city, but the error I get is:
TypeError: request() got an unexpected keyword argument 'q'
Also here the the Requests page that I am referring to: http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/
Thanks for the help!
Please review the requests user manual, at least the quickstart guide.
The RESTful API you are about to use expects GET request with q="City Name" parameter. Moreover you must have the appid and add it for every request.
Register you application and choose a pricing plan https://openweathermap.org/price
Pass both q="City Name" and APPID=xxx parameters
Here is corresponding request:
api_url = 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather'
appid = ...
r = requests.get(url=api_url, params=dict(q='Anderson', APPID=appid))
You need an appid for openweather, which for individual use is free (https://openweathermap.org/appid#get)
>>> import requests
>>> r = requests.get('http://samples.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=London,uk&appid=b1b15e88fa797225412429c1c50c122a1')
>>> loc_weather = r.content.strip()
>>> loc_weather
'{"coord":{"lon":-0.13,"lat":51.51},"weather":[{"id":300,"main":"Drizzle","description":"light intensity drizzle","icon":"09d"}],"base":"stations","main":{"temp":280.32,"pressure":1012,"humidity":81,"temp_min":279.15,"temp_max":281.15},"visibility":10000,"wind":{"speed":4.1,"deg":80},"clouds":{"all":90},"dt":1485789600,"sys":{"type":1,"id":5091,"message":0.0103,"country":"GB","sunrise":1485762037,"sunset":1485794875},"id":2643743,"name":"London","cod":200}'
Try changing your call to the one that follows (by adding the api key to the params):
r = requests.get('http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather', params={'q': 'Anderson', 'APPID': YOUR_API_KEY})
This worked for weatherbit.
The url:
url = "https://api.weatherbit.io/v2.0/history/daily"
Create a payload:
payload = {'key':'12345fcfa0hjde13a7896fbdae1ghjkjh',
'city_id': '1261481', # This is New Delhi
'start_date': '2021-03-13',
'end_date': '2021-03-14'}
Call it using GET (the website specifies that GET call is supported):
data = requests.get(url, params=payload)
assert data.status_code == 200
assert 'error' not in data.json().keys()
Your data:
data.json() # Or text or content
My sys specs: Python 3.8, Request 2.25.1
I am working a project, where in I am suppose to get some user input through web application, and send that data to cloudant DB. I am using python for the use case. Below is the sample code:
import requests
import json
dict_key ={}
key = frozenset(dict_key.items())
auth = ('uid', 'pwd')
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
post_url = "server_IP".format(auth[0])
req = requests.put(post_url, auth=auth,headers=headers, data=json.dumps(doc))
#req = requests.get(post_url, auth=auth)
print json.dumps(req.json(), indent=1)
When I am running the code, I am getting the below error:
TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'
I searched a bit, and found below stackflow link as a prospective resolution
TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'
It says that "To use a dict as a key you need to turn it into something that may be hashed first. If the dict you wish to use as key consists of only immutable values, you can create a hashable representation of it like this:
key = frozenset(dict_key.items())"
I have below queries:
1) I have tried using it in my code above,but I am not sure if I have used it correctly.
2) To put the data in the cloudant DB, I am using Python module "requests". In the code, I am using the below line to put the data in the DB:
req = requests.put(post_url, auth=auth,headers=headers, data=json.dumps(doc))
But I am getting below error:
"reason": "Only GET,HEAD,POST allowed"
I searched on that as well, and I found IBM BLuemix document about it as follows
As I referred the document, I can say that I am using the right option. But may be I am wrong.
If you are adding a document to the database and you know the the _id, then you need to do an HTTP POST. Here's some slightly modified code:
import requests
import json
auth = ('admin', 'admin')
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
post_url = 'http://localhost:5984/mydb'
req = requests.post(post_url, auth=auth,headers=headers, data=json.dumps(doc))
print json.dumps(req.json(), indent=1)
Notice that
the _id field is supplied in the doc and is lower case
the request call is a POST not a PUT
the post_url contains the name of the database being written to - in this case mydb
N.B in the above example I am writing to local CouchDB, but replacing the URL with your Cloudant URL and adding correct credentials should get this working for you.